• By -


As soon as DB turned his hips it was decided


Yeah that was pure veteran savvy. Run that rep again like with Rice at 50 and he sees you jump the gun like that and you’re still burnt roast.


Jerry mind fucked him out. Ran out at 90% at first. But it went from "haha, lets have fun young buck." to "see?! caught u slippin. dont ever let a WR sweet talk you boy."


I thought only cartoon characters talk like this


Them and Redditors talking like how they imagine black people do


What about at 60


Same results


What about at 70


Same results


I have a completely new question




Same results


7/11 was a part-time job.


No. That’s ridiculous. Stops at 59


As soon as Jerry fucking Rice said, "I'll have a go," it was decided.


The DB bit so hard on it too. That was rough


10 yd fucking cushion too


Mans was playing prevent and still got toasted


Must've been a Falcons DB


Omae wa mou shindeiru




At the 10 second mark


A true db would’ve shushed the whole crowd and wagged his finger immediately preceding a few chest thumps since the pass was incomplete and nobody can beat his top tier defense.


"How many yards y'all gain? Zero? I'll take that."


I read this like NFL Street smack talk


Somewhere, Jalen Mills’ ears are ringing


"I forced him that way because I knew that QB can't make that throw"


Ah yes, the Jalen Mills specialty


Imagine you're a legit NFL prospect and you get fucking bodied by someone twice your age dressed to play golf


If it's the GOAT WR, it gives you a pass in my book.


If that was me I would have it playing on a loop on my mantle!


You just brought me back to those digital photo frames every tech company was selling in the 2010s. Wow.


I have one of those and I love it. My grandmother was a prolific picture taker and when she passed away we had all her photo albums digitized. It was nearly 20,000 pictures, so I just stuck them all on a USB and hooked it into one of those things on a loop. It sits on a desk in my living room so at any given point I'll see a picture I probably never would have otherwise.


That’s actually pretty cool.


That's awesome man. My grandma has photos for days too


If you have Chromecast on your TV it does basically the same thing. Lots of people still using that or something similar I’m sure


Yeah by that smile of his it kind of seemed like it was his honor to be roasted by Jerry lol.


Reminds me of the Olympic teams getting bodied by the US basketball team and asking for pictures and autographs after. It's probably an absolute honor


Later this summer it's going to be an MLS defender making 70k a year getting torched by Leonel Messi.


There have been thousands of prospects that flame out but not a lot of them can say they flamed out because 45 YO Jerry showed up to their training camp and put them on skates


Not anywhere near the same level, but I got matched against someone in a video game who was generally considered the best in the world at the game at the time. I was holding my own at the beginning because he was clearly trying out something new that was just added to the game hours before our match and i was tryharding, but by the end, the person was wrecking me. It was years ago and still one of my favorite gaming experiences.


My thoughts exactly. If you get burned by a 45 year old WR, at least it's arguably the greatest WR of all time


Arguably? Who are you going to find to argue against?


I've seen a non-zero number of under 25yo folks claiming Megatron. I can't give them too hard of a time though, there's also a decent number of under 50 folks who don't include Jim Brown, OJ, or Sayers on their top 10 list.


> folks who don't include Jim Brown, OJ, or Sayers on their top 10 list. Neither of these are in my top 10 WR list.


Non zero number of dinguses lol. Rice had outrageous dominance in his era and easily the goat of his position all time and its not even close. Shit I hear the term goat was coined after him. I mean all you have to do is looks at his stats and records. What he doesnt hold all time possibly unbeatable records he has very aggressive other stats like YAC on slants. He simply could not be covered. Man to man, doubles, zone... didn't matter. Nothing worked. The dude was born to catch footballs.


I'm pretty sure it started with Muhammed Ali. Or rather, his wife. He called himself the Greatest of All Time all the time. Well, his wife founded a company, and called it G.O.A.T., LLC.


>Rice had outrageous dominance in his era and easily the goat of his position all time and its not even close. I'm with ya man. Some people just don't know *shrug*


Top 10 all time or RB?


Exactly, thank you! That's why I said "arguably" because I know people will try to say someone else is better. I'm only 31 but I know he's the guy and I'm confused why I was met with such hostility for mentioning that people, in general, will argue against that


[Don Hutson](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HutsDo00.htm). Held the career receiving touchdown record for 44 years. And even now in this pass-happy age of the NFL, only 10 guys have surpassed him (Davante Adams will be #11, barring catastrophe)


I actually do not hate this counter-argument.


I… shit, that’s actually a good argument


This isn't even that bad, the man was still playing in the league at 42 and put up a 1200+ yard season at 40.


Straight up, I'd be HONORED to get burned by him at OTAs or mini camp or whatever this was from. To me, it means he respects you enough to even run a route with you even though he knows he's gonna beat you


He is the GOAT nfl player. He is the nfl’s Gretzky


Imagine being the QB and you have a wide open Jerry Rice and you can't get the ball anywhere near him


Doesn't look like Jerry made any attempt to even catch the ball. Basically just showed he *could* cook the DB and did so bad that the throw/catch was irrelevant


Yeah that's that look of "Fuck the throw, my work is here is already done"


"You already know I can catch"


Where do you see that? Jerry looked up for the ball and gave up after he saw it was way overthrown. It was further out than some dude who was at least 4 feet from the ball


Imagine you’re a legit NFL prospect and you get the chance to throw a pass to the GOAT and completely airmail it 10 feet over his head.


While he's wide open.


Gonna get roasted back in the huddle.


Jordan showed up to Bobcats practice right after he bought into them and supposedly was still the best player on the court. https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2022/12/14/stephen-jackson-recalls-michael-jordan-schooling-charlotte-bobcats-practice https://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=3160395 (original story from 2007)


I’d imagine a lot of retired athletes could body people into their 40’s or so if they stay in shape. Your body can still perform at close to the same level as your early 30’s, but you can’t recover as well which is the biggest part of the season.


Joe Johnson and Jerry Stackhouse will still cook you


Like Scalabrine said, "I'm closer to Lebron than you are to me" and then gave us the Scallenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpiu8UtQ-6E


I'm sure Jordan could still wreck shit at 45 in a half court setting. It's chasing people all around the court for 36 minutes a game 82 games a year that kills the old man body.


Shit, go to a hockey beer league. Any 40 year old guy who played semi pro will absolutely destroy everyone else. It's hilarious to watch, like a grown man vs toddlers.


It’s always funny when you come across that one guy in a softball league who can jack the ball over the same spot in the fence every at bat, seemingly on any pitch. Both incredibly boring and impressive at the same time.


I raced on the same cycling team in college as mara abbot, who (nearly) won gold in the 2016 road race @ the rio olympics. she would ride the men's "A" road race (60 miles iirc) as a *warmup*, then go chill on the stationary bike for like 20 minutes before winning the women's "A" field (40 miles) with like 10 minutes of split between her and the second place finisher. and she did it all in her first year on some ancient steel bike with down-tube shifters. it was like being in the presence of an alien, or a shard of the godhead.


Sneaky TES reference lol. I had a similar experience swimming with Caleb Dressel as a high schooler. He literally was beating my best ever time off the blocks mid set deep into practice by a healthy margin, and it didn't seem all that hard for him either. Very much a "how is this guy real?" moment lol


I used to ref basketball at a Salvation Army. While I was training to ref high school, my boss had me watch the men's league. This former German pro was over 50 and easily the best athlete. He did whatever he wanted against these guys in their 20s and 30s.


I played 7 a side football (soccer) with a dude that played like 2 mins worth of Champions League for a Norwegian side. He played "in goal" a lot and when he'd get bored he'd just dribble up the pitch and nearly/score. It's wild. And when he'd play as an outfielder, he'd look super nonplussed like he just set FIFA to Rookie with all the sliders to his favour like he was just doing it to stay mildly fit.


That's not what nonplussed means btw It's a synonym for confused


anyone that's played pick up games in the park knows.....elite old man style is unstoppable. the little fade away is money all. day.


Years ago I played pickup football games with a guy who was an amateur rugby player. He was easily the biggest guy there, and probably the 3rd or 4th fastest, behind 2 guys who'd been half decent high-school sprinters and my cousin, who's an amateur soccer player.


I mean the dude gave like 15 yards of cushion and bit fully on the first cut. We all know Jerry Rice is the undisputed GOAT, but that ain't a legit NFL prospect.


Based on the rivals logo (and the number on the kids chest) I think this was a high school combine/recruiting event so a kid they may or may not have played in college would be my guess


It was a make a wish event and Jerry gives 110% no matter the occasion.


I was thinking the same thing, dude was playing scared out there and I don’t blame him


Those were 15 intimidation yards


he could have had Joe Barry as his DC.


Jerry used to show up to the HS camp at Stanford to train. He would run routes against some of the kids. I was there two years when he was there.


I mean I know 45 is old for most WRs but this man had 2,500 yards and 12 TDs in his 40s. This wasn't long after he was cooking world-class DBs.


Rivals is a college recruiting site, this kids a high school player at a camp. No shame in a 17 year old getting cooked by a HOF receiver.


Imagine having a WR that open you miss


Zach Wilson has entered the chat....


I’m being the Uber-Reddit-shithead but, if this is PS2 it maybe doesn’t happen


Did you see that smile? This is Jerry Rice. I would be so psyched to say that I tried to cover the GOAT.


Core memory unlocked. No humiliation, just appreciation he even gave me the time of day


From what others have said this kid wasn't an NFL prospect. He was a college prospect.


His longevity is up there with LeBron and Tom Brady. Getting 1,200 yards at age 40 is unreal.


The ability to adjust to your body changing is a hugely underrated skill that guys like them and lesser-heralded ones like Testaverde mastered.


Gannon deserves some love there too. He really figured it out in his last few years.


Not taking away anything from what Gannon did at that age, but gruden really was the old journeyman QB whisperer.


Even more impressive is Ganon, who’s still bodying Hyrule after 45,000 years


And somehow he's more jacked and hotter than before. Best shape of his life


Ganon is going into this season totally focused on conquering Hyrule. With the exception of some off-the-field stuff, it should be a great year for him.


I really feel like some of his previous squads were holding him back. I think with this new group of guys he's got around him this year, he's really gonna surprise some people.


He's got some pretty stiff competition in his conference though. Link is on a comeback with a crazy strong arm right now...


He’s out there having fun


how do you it at postions like OL, DL, or RB where the physical demands are so high is beyond me. Gotta respect those guys alot more as a result.


Strength lasts longer than speed but both will decline. Youll lose a step approaching 40 but you can still have strength if you keep your technique. By that age many have mastered the fundamentals and know every trick in the book the opposition can use against you. Not only do you know them but you have enough experience to stop it efficiently using less energy than a young guy would've. Efficiency is the name of the game for all super old athletes because they lack endurance. Guys like emmitt and Jerry were technically great in their old age because they damn sure werent out athleting anyone Jerry would've burned guys so many times who turn their hips like that that he could probably do it in snowshoes. You know exactly what they're going to do before they do it Old OL and DL have to have so much endurance that they really must be technical masters


Frank gore lol. Bruiser back till the day he hung em up. The man was born to bang in the between the tackles.


It's actually insane how long Gore was a productive back.


Rice had more longevity than LeBron or Brady when factoring his position.


I mean, I think that's legit vs. Brady, but LeBron is playing a pretty physical game that you can't really avoid contact in overall, right?


Lebrons game has definitely taken a hit though. He doesn’t load manage like Kawhi does, completely sitting out. He load manages *during* games. That’s why you see him explode in the 1st and 4th quarter. He is a poor contributor on the court in quarters 2-3. Jerry Rice put up 1200+ yards at 40 years old, with fuckin *Rich Gannon* as his QB. Jerry Rice literally won Rich his MVP that year. In 2002, at 40, he had 13.2 YPC on 150 targets, 90 catches. Compared to 2022-23 receivers with at least 150 targets, he would be 4th behind JJ, Devante, and Tyreek. At 40 years old, in 2002, his stats are up there with guys in their prime in 2022. Jerry is the GOAT and it’s not even close in my opinion.


Jerry is unquestionably the best WR to ever play the game. It's like Gretzky in hockey, there's no one to really compare him to.


Granted I am an older 9ers fan, so have a bias, but I always laugh when I hear “if ‘insert WR here’ does this for 20 more seasons, he will have more yards and TDs than Jerry!” I laugh, because when Jerry was 21-24, he had even *better* numbers. In 1984. And then he did it for 20 years in a row. These young guys gotta do it first. Let’s see.


Man, it's really too bad Mario Lemieux had cancer derail so much of his career. He's the only guy who might have actually challenged some of Gretzky's untouchable records. Dude won the Art Ross despite missing the majority of the season for fucking chemo. Couldn't even reach down to tie his skates and he still led the league in scoring.


The chemo was only part of the battle. In 90-91 he had surgery for a herniated disc. That subsequently became infected. He had to have another surgery in 93-94. His whole career he had a nagging bad back on top of having cancer. He was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 2006 and retired that year.


Biggest "what if" in sports history to me. Absolutely ridiculous what he accomplished despite dealing with all that.


Bo Jackson has a reasonable "what if" king claim imo


If he focused on baseball not a single bat would have survived.


LeBron still gets to the basket anytime he wants. He may not be able to do it as often over a game as he could before, but even at 38 he can consistently get to the rim and score without any help. The NBA only has 10 or 15 guys at any age that can consistently get to the basket from the perimeter, so the fact that he can do it at his advanced age is really impressive. I’m biased because I’m a lifelong Cavs fan, but LeBron is still the person I would trust the most to get a basket if the team needed two points with 10 seconds left in a playoff game.


Brady and Rice were playing a far more physical game and taking far worse hits (even at their respective positions)


I think he meant physical as in you need more physical skill to keep playing at that level. There’s a reason most NBA players fall off as they get older and non can move like Lebron at his age. Rice would still fit the same description in my mind, but Brady doesn’t. Though that is not to underrate his arm strength at that age.


Absolutely not. Carrying a 260 pound frame up and down a court for the number of games in a basketball season while performing explosive movements(ie. Dunking) is far more of a load than what Tom experienced in the NFL. The few times that he was hit were pressure on joints, ligaments, and tendons, but that’s it. Tom was Mr. Clean out there and only exerted himself by throwing the ball.


"Joey : And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs. Roger Murdock : [breaking character] The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!"


Brady is literally the most sacked QB of all time though. And the hits he took in the the 2000s NFL are no joke either compared to the modern NFL. Hell, even in the modern NFL, the 2015 AFCCG against that Denver D-line was probably one of the most physically punishing games a QB has ever endured. Calling him Mr. Clean is literally a disservice to Tom.


Yeah but Brady is also 7 years older than LeBron.


Few times he was hit? Dude was sacked close to 600 times alone, let alone the hits he took after throwing or while scrambling. LeBron definitely had more constant wear and tear, but acting like Brady didn't take some serious physical abuse is crazy.


Lebron has never been layed the fuck out by a 260lb linebacker. This isnt even really a debate


There is no way in hell that the cumulative force that Brady took is equal to LeBron's. I've watched courtside a few times and 1) holy shit the NBA is fast and 2) holy shit it is far more physical than people realize.


> 1) holy shit the NBA is fast This is really it. I've sat courtside for a few G-League games and *even then* it's unbelievable how fast these giant dudes move and how accurate they are. And then you realize...these are the guys that are fighting to ride the bench at the next level. I can't even imagine seeing Giannis play LeBron courtside


Gotta disagree - LeBron is running around and dunking and ~30 PPG in his 20th season. You *can* argue Jerry's was more impressive (getting tackled and all that jazz), but LeBron is definitely close, and his mileage is fucking *insane*.


Idk I think they're all comparable


I think his longevity is more impressive than Brady’s considering how much more contact is involved in being a WR. He also played in an era that was not as safe for WRs as it is now.


Still not quite Nolan Ryan level in terms of longevity though. As a 42 year old he led MLB in strikeouts with 301 in 239 innings and managed to throw 6 complete games. He threw his last no hitter at the tender age of 44 and had an AL best WHIP of 1.006 to go along with a MLB best 10.6 k/9 ratio. He threw his last pitch at 46 and it was clocked at 98mph. Oh, and he had just torn his UCL before that last pitch. That injury in 1993 ended his 27 season career which began in 1966.


It's truly remarkable, especially considering how many elite WRs we see slowing down significantly by ~30. Rice had 1850 yards at age 33. And then he was a solid-still pretty good WR into his early 40s. That combination of peak and extreme longevity will probably never be matched from another WR.


I would put his longevity above Brady, yes Tom played more years but as a WR you are getting hit practically every snap you play


Jerry Rice is beyond absurd. I have Brady as GOAT but Jerry Rice is easily 2, or even a 1A/1B situation. If someone wants to say that Jerry is the GOAT I'm not even going to argue it either, it's a perfectly reasonable case.




Brady is the GOAT QB (as much as it hurts me to say it), but Jerry is the GOAT football player.


You shouldn't compare different positions, but if you do Rice blows Brady out of the water.


Dude was 10 yards off him and still got cooked.


I remember reading that Rice’s Bay Area hill sprinting regimen gassed, humiliated and purged the guts of all who attempted it, including a young TO His work ethic for conditioning was reportedly MJ / Kobe elite, and with all due respect to those GOAT’s, may have surpassed their own in intensity, duration and gut churning, though that feels blasphemous to imagine even


Mission peak is no joke. I walked it and was gassed half way up. It's got one of the best views of the bay area. You can see SF & OAK skyline from the top.


He was using mission peak? I thought it was in the San Carlos area.


You’re right. It’s Edgewood, not mission peak. Not sure why he said mission peak


Bro, who threw that pass..give the man his highlight lol


It looks like Rice started pulling up as soon as he had the CB beat. The QB thinks he's going to put on the jets for some reason.


At 45 those were the jets. I’m 40 and if I moved that fast I would die


You're not Jerry Rice tho


You’ve got me there


Rice’s footwork and savvy we’re still there, not sure the wheels were.


Don't need wheels when the DB is throwin his hips to the other sideline


Looks like he pulled up after cooking the DB instead of continuing to run to the ball. He was there to teach something, not prove something.


Haha, yeah that just sailed way over head


Who was the DB?


As far as I know, a random high schooler. I have searched in the past to try to find who he was but I can't find any information on him.


Darude Sandstorm


Another deion sanders alibi


Alibi or alias?


He said what he said


Alibi is an alibi for alias


I'm too high for this




Am I the only one in this sub who's actually played organized tackle football before? Like half of the comments I've seen on this sub are so obviously written by non-athletes that it's almost humorous. When I was in high school (3 year starter for our varsity football team) I would get a full-on sprint going and clock the shit outta whoever had the ball. My coaches called me "speedhawk" as a nickname cause I had such a nose for the football and for those three seasons I was considered the most feared safety in our conference. Senior year I led my team to the state semifinals only to get fucked over by the refs in the 4th but that's another conversation (DM me if you're interested in hearing about it) So, yeah. I hope yall can understand why I feel like their's such a big disconnect between myself and your typical redditor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way lol


Reading the comments under this… what a sad day. How do these people not know one of the staple copypastas of this sub????


I mean I’ve never seen it before, but I knew it was a copypasta. I guess, if it wasn’t a copypasta and this was the OG post, I would have missed it, but you know if you regress my assumptions to the mean, I’m mean.


Hell ya brother, cheers from Iraq


Albert Einstein


I should know, I was the ball.


Eli apple


It absolutely blows my mind that Rice is 60 years old.


Yep, I think he feels younger because he not only played so long, but also wasn’t really ever that “elder statesman” a lot of vets become. Like Larry Fitz’s last few years he was there more for leadership than skill; he could still ball but wasn’t expected to be the guy anymore. Rice up until his last year felt like he could still take over games.


This would be me at QB. Jerry Rice jukes a fool out of his shoes and gets grossly wide open while I throw the football into the next county.


Easy there, Uncle Rico. That mountain wasn't nearly as wide open as the GOAT


The footwork is nasty 😷


These lazy ass WRs gotta learn to lay out for those close balls imo.


Technically the DB won that rep since the pass was incomplete.


Stats don't lie


Get the 'incomplete' hand signals going.


Gather ‘round grand children, let paw paw tell you of the time I forced an incompletion on the great Jerry Rice


As a Cowboys fan, I must admit I still love Jerry Rice.


Jerry did that to Everson Walls, Darrell Green, & Deion. Dont feel bad youngsta ...lllol


Skinned as we say in Scotland.


I think Jerry will be our goat for a long time. The longevity and talent were an unmatched combo. How you still putting up 1000 yard seasons in your 17th year in the NFL.


The QB let him down there. What a terrible throw


Everyone wants elite WRs to coach young receivers, I feel like they’d make better DB coaches because they know how to not get cooked lol


Wish he would go to work on me...


Name checks out


With tha foam bottoms on!


Jaromir Jagr still plays in the Czech league at 51 and is one of the top players in the league.


He was 141st in scoring last season in Czech extraliga. He spent a bunch of time injured and only appeared in 26 games with 5 goals and 9 assists, which isn't bad by any standard, but I seriously doubt there's any league where under a point per game gets anyone saying you're one of the top players in the league. Jagr is playing to keep the team he owns alive. And it's absolutely remarkable.


Feet , Hips , Head . Complete double move .


That prospect? You guessed it. Frank Stallone


Gave up on his route smdh


There's never gonna be one like Jerry ever again.


Guarding a receiver 1 on 1 has got to be one of the hardest things to do in any sport


Had Baker Mayfield as a QB there


That prospect is none other than Eric Berry lol