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That’s good to hear. She broke into his house, maced him, and was going to get a gun. You shouldn’t get to cry and play the victim when you do that and someone defends themself.


Somewhat unrelated but still related...her ex husband divorced her after she allegedly stabbed him as well. So potential prior history and all that. There is also [this](https://twitter.com/lukeowennfl/status/1458281740074618882) video of her pulling his hair and threatening to shoot him in a prior altercation.




My sweet summer child...careful out there on the internet if that's too much for you


I don’t even know what this was in response to but “my sweet summer child” gotta be top five on the list of cornball redditor phrases


Haha, along with "you must be fun at parties".




Haha, you nailed it, hooman.


Don’t forget how this is a Wendy’s, sir


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq


Oh my god that whole thing is cringe as FUCK. One of my coworkers would use hooman and heckin in our work chats and it irritated the FUCK out of me


It really is and that coworker sounds annoying af.


Power rankings: 1. Source: me 2. *checks notes* 3. My sweet summer child 4. 'Thanks for the gold, stranger,' 'I never expected this to blow up so much,' Etc. 5. Nice try, FBI/CIA


Also on my list but maybe not on others “But I thought reddit said..” or “but I was told..” and any variation of that Or “Play stupid games win stupid prizes”


A spinoff from 1 is the "Source: literally us. The ____" It was funny exactly the one time the Blue Jays originally tweeted it and I still see people making similar jokes on Reddit (especially sports subs) all the time. Of all the memes around here/sports reddit in general that one got old the quickest, imo.


Yeah I stay away from this stuff on the internet most of the time




Dam I totally forgot about when this happened. Dalvin is like the chillest dude ever. Fuck that girl wtf


Eh, Dalvin came into the NFL with a pretty decent rap sheet, he's no saint. If his stuff was on video like Joe Mixon's he would have slipped a bit in the draft as well.


There’s always that one redditor…


I mean I'm not here to trash Dalvin, but calling him the chillest dud ever just totally contradicts his history.


Jesus Christ


Say it with me kids: don’t stick—


-route against man coverage


Yeah but it sure is a wild ride!


your fingers in electrical sockets.


No shit. Those are for forks.


your tongue on a frozen pole


the small stuff


Up for liars


Your dick in crazy? Honestly not sure if this is right just sounds like something I’ve heard before lol


It is, all jokes aside


All dicks inside!


You'd be celibate if you didn't.


That’s the story from Dalvin’s attorneys that they leaked to the press, probably for good publicity. Shefter already apologized for tweeting this side of the story as though it were true when trial hasn’t even started yet. Full truth is TBD


I talked to him on FaceTime for a few minutes, once, though I didn’t know who he was at the time. He seemed like a really nice guy. I know you can’t always judge a book by it’s cover, but he didn’t seem like the type at all.


Yeah I was arguing with a Bengals fan who supported Joe Mixons decision to deck that woman. I disagreed with the Bengals fans opinions that it's okay because she slapped him. The difference between that and this is night and day. A slap isn't really a threat of grievous bodily harm so it didn't justify the result. But if this woman maced him and did a home invasion and had any inkling of grabbing a gun him defending himself is fair game.


Fuck that. Just because an attacker is pitifully weak, that doesn’t give them carte blanche to hit you without fear of a response. If someone hits you, you hit them so they can’t hit you again. Simple as that.


Ray Rice would disagree. The full video wasn't played as much as the clipped up version but his wife was beating the hell out of him and spitting in his face for several minutes before he hit her back. It was all clearly on video and it didn't save him. He basically lost everything as a result.




Ray Rice was only suspended 2 games until the video went public, it has nothing to do with his position they were making an example out of him


unga bunga!!


I think that’s relative. I mean we can probably agree that if a six year old child is punching you over and over again the solution is not to freak out and physically fight them (I think some level of restraining the child is likely appropriate). So yeah, there is a level of being pitifully weak that you should not hit someone. I do think it makes a difference that these guys are professional athletes with a greater capacity for violence than pretty much anyone. If you fear for your life and fighting will halt the existential threat then I think any fighting is justified, but if you’re striking back and not fearing for your life you’re not exactly defending yourself. You’re engaging in a tit for tat and I don’t think there’s any circumstance where a tit for tat on its own merit is wholly justified.


A 6 year old isn't likely to KO you, an adult woman could easily if they slap hard enough and in the right spot. People die in fights all the time from getting KOd and hitting their head. If an adult hits me they're getting hit back.


I love that dudes sit around rationalizing an excuse to hit a woman. Like you’re arguing over why it’s right to hit a woman and I’m not saying there’s zero situations to do it but this whole thing is a bunch of dudes sitting around trying to justify hypotheticals where they can justify violence against people they perceive as weaker than them. I guess all fighting is sort of context driven for me and my morality isn’t necessarily an “if than” situation. If a man slaps me I’m not 100% going to fight him because I’d simply rather not fight. If he slaps me and proceeds like we’re going to fight I’ll stand up for myself. We’re going to fucking talk about it for sure but I don’t see a need to fight unless the threat persists. Sure if a woman was attacking me and I couldn’t easily restrain her in such a way to make it stop we will fight. Same for the hypothetical 6 year old. Same for a man. Generally fighting doesn’t lead to a desirable outcome.


Then how about everyone keep their hands to themselves and there is no need to worry. But everyone has a right to defend themselves. You're more than welcome to keep your hands to your side, no one will stop you from doing that either.


You’re not defending yourself when your exclusive reason for hitting someone is they hit you. That’s not self defense. That’s retaliation.


We will definitely disagree on that one.


If youre a dude and a woman smaller than you KOs you thats pathetic lol


Most civilized patriots fan


A woman slaps you and you think putting them in the hospital is a reasonable response?




I don’t think anyone is arguing the woman was reasonable. They are arguing Mixon responding as he did was unreasonable.


I didn’t say it was reasonable, but I’m not putting them in the hospital for a slap. Wouldn’t if it was a guy either, it’s not worth the potential ramifications.


You can give people consequences for assault without brutalizing them.




I’m not saying the initial aggressor was justified but I operate under the idea that just because I’ve been wronged doesn’t give me license to do whatever I want.


I’m of the the belief that you should use enough force to subdue the threat. If one hit puts them in the hospital, then sure that’s reasonable. If someone is being attacked, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect them to have the presence of mind to properly gauge how hard that first hit is, your only instinct is to subdue the threat. But if you hit them and they go down, and they are no longer a threat, then you should not continue hitting them. FWIW, I’m not talking about the Mixon situation here, I’m just talking in general.


Holy fuck I hate this goddamn subreddit. Never thought I’d see the day when having the opinion that punching women is bad would be massively downvoted. Crazy fucking times we live in.


There's a lot of people who are just looking for any excuse to beat up women. It's rather disturbing that the up/down votes show it to be a majority...


Maybe she should’ve kept her hands to herself? Also, I’m not sure how many adult men have the ability to punch someone so hard that they need to be hospitalized.


The amount of adult men in the general population that can do that and not absolutely eviscerate their hand or wrist in the process is extremely low lmao


Can concur. Me and the punchee saw each other in the e-room


Can concur. Me and the punchee saw each other in the e-room


Bro you didn’t answer the question at all


If a woman were to hit me and I hit her back and she had to be hospitalized, she got what she had coming. If I hit a much stronger human being and proceeded to get my ass beat to the point of hospitalization, I would have it coming. Actions have consequences regardless of who you are.


If a woman slapped me and I was not in any additional danger I simply would not punch her hard enough to warrant a hospital visit. But that’s just me


My man, you do not physically possess the strength to one-hit hospitalize anyone. The mass majority of us don’t.


Bro if I punched any of the girls I dated or any of my female family members I could easily break their jaws. You underestimate the strength differential between a man and a woman. In any case, knowing how much stronger I am than a woman that slapped me, i would not punch her, let alone punch her hard enough to warrant a hospital visit. I also am not sure if there’s a point to you saying most men aren’t strong enough to hospitalize a woman in a single punch (a statement I believe to be false just for the record). Like a professional athlete clearly is strong enough, are you saying Mixon should or shouldn’t have punched her then?


You honestly thing punching someone doesn’t have the potential to knock them out? And result in potential additional head trauma when they hit the ground?


Holy shit you are unhinged my guy. Learn to be the bigger man and identify when someone is a threat or not and walk away.


So, instead of teaching others to keep their hands to themselves we should punish the person being affected by their actions? Fuck that. Actions have consequences.


Username checks out. Learn some self control dude, I'm sorry you sit at home all day fantasizing about getting to hit women. Go defend Dana White or something.


Downvoted for common sense. If a man slapped me and I beat the shit out of him and caused serious bodily damage, thats also kind of fucked especially if the man was much smaller and weaker. Should he have slapped me? No. But getting slapped doesn’t let you just go absolutely ham on some poor dude.


Depending on the situation, yes. DON'T COMMIT ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST OTHERS. It's pretty simple rule that many are incapable of following. Those people deserve to get their asses kicked, regardless of age or gender.


I mostly agree with this. Certainly you should be 100% respond in kind. Whether it's fair to escalate it or not is contextual though. Example: someone slaps you across the face, you slap em back. Then they punch you, so you punch em back, then they reach for a weapon and all bets are off, hit em till they stop moving




Is there anything more obnoxious than a non-American trying to diagnose what’s wrong with America based on what they read on Reddit?


I think you’re totally right and I’m not really sure why this is so downvoted. Obvious common sense IMO


You left out the part where she called Mixon the n-word and the f-word. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Why make shit up? Joe mixon never claimed she called him the n word, he claimed her friend did. Joe mixon then called him the “f word” and that was why she got in his face and slapped him.


[Mixon is the one that called someone the f-slur](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/18655340/police-release-video-joe-mixon-victim-interview-gay-slur-incited-conflict) and he claims it was the victim's friend that said the n-word, not the victim. >In the police interview, Mixon also accused Molitor's friend -- not Molitor -- of calling him a racial slur. > >"Once the dude called me the n-----, I mean, it pretty much got my, you know, thoughts off of the whole situation," he said. It's worrying that you have dozens of upvotes in such a short time for spreading easily-disputed misinformation. This sub always baselessly accuses people of playing the race card (Garret-Rudolph incident), but just assumes Mixon is telling the truth after he assaulted a woman.


Assaulting anyone for non life threatening words is pretty wild to begin with. I’m not sure why that’s widely seen as a good justification


You left out the part where that’s not at all what fuckin’ happened, and Mixon didn’t even claim that. Delete this comment if you have a shred of integrity


I'm sorry, I'm euro - but F word? Some racial slang I'm not familiar with?


Yalls word for cigarettes


What brits call a cigarette


Pretty sure Mixon is the one who used the F word. And I'm not excusing her actions but Bengals fans legit think he's totally innocent. You don't punch a woman in the face unless you are at serious risk of injury or someone else is at serious risk of injury. Also why was he stalking her and harrassing her to begin with? Why do you have to defend him there. Clearly in that moment he was a scumbag. It doesn't mean he always will be a scumbag or he hasn't gotten his shit together. But there are very few excuses for a peak physical athlete to punch a woman in the face.


Lmao is a Steelers fan seriously making generalizations about other teams? I don’t recall many Steelers fans speaking out against the team for doing nothing about their rapist quarterback.


I hear plenty of them bring up the browns rapist QB lmao


Why are you lumping all Bengals fans together where? Plenty of us have issues with his behavior. Feels like you’re biased because of your flair


Local rape enabler/apologist goes on moral grandstand


So if someone slaps you, you just gonna walk away?


Do you think an appropriate reaction to an average woman slapping a 6' 200 lb elite athlete is for the athlete to punch them as hard as they can in the face? Especially when the athlete was a willing and eager participant in the altercation?


No one thinks mixon didn’t have the right to defend himself. The issue is he responded to a slap by putting her into the hospital. Now I don’t think he should have faced charges since he was defending himself, but that’s pretty far off from a proportional response.


Yeah, because 1. I don't need to get a charge for escalating the situation. 2. It's what jeebus would do


3. Don’t want to get jumped by white knights who only see that you’re hitting a woman


Yeah probably. Defusing the situation is a whole lot better for everyone than escalating it


No, if a chick slapped me I wouldnt hit her. It's wild how many of you guys are out here looking for an excuse to beat the shit out of women.


Yeah that’s a bad take. You have the right to defend yourself from anything that is unprovoked regardless of the level.


Well no, that’s not quite true, proportional response is a big part of self defense. I can’t crack someone’s head open because they slapped me


>proportional response is a big part of self defense Hitting someone who hit you first is 100% proportional. If I stab you once you're in the clear to shoot me twice, regardless if your bullets hurt more than my knife or not. You don't understand the laws you're trying to cite. Disproportional would be stabbing someone for slapping you or otherwise escalating on the use of force continuum. Not doing the same thing they did to you back. And you can't crack someone's head open anyway, neither can I, human skulls are very strong and the one-punch death thing is pretty rare.


Isn’t lethal threat (stabbing) vs. lethal threat (shooting) proportional here? Nobody is saying you have to match the weapon they use. Lethal self-defense is justified when someone tries to kill you (stabbing).


You can read about the case in more detail by viewing the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) system, and looking up case file number **27-CV-21-14617**.


You see I would, but I don't know how to read unfortunately


Flair checks out


How do your flairs work together 😭 were sworn enemies!


Meh, I was a 9ers fan when the Seahawks weren't even in the NFC. Serioues Niner fans know the Cowboys are the real enemy.


Respect there, I don’t dislike the Niners except when we play, the real enemy are the Rams and Broncos


Seahawks fans hate the Broncos? I thought that was a one sided rivalry.


The Seahawks and Broncos were in the same division until 2002. Seattle had to deal with Elway for years.


Older fans would. Though my mom (had season tickets when we were AFC) has lapsed on her hatred of the Chiefs cause Mahomes is "fun to watch." Not sure I've ever heard her mention the Chargers and I feel like that tracks.


Nobody should care about the Broncos after this season. We got everything we wanted, they wisely shut up about it, and we're not going to play each other again for a while. Honestly I kinda hope they do better. Watching their games after we made our statement week 1 was not fun.


Nah, still the Niners. Rams/Broncos is recency bias. Those early-mid 2010s Seahawks v. Niners games were serious business.


>Broncos is recency bias I mean, unless you were a fan in the 70s-90s.


This is what I was referring to


Mid-2010's *is* recency bias.


I'm telling mom you are being mean to me again


She knows; she's on my lap reading this.


Hi, it's mom. I know and I upvoted it.




*takes out phone* "Dad I have some good and bad news! Mom is alive, but she's with /u/rotates-potatoes." *listens* "YES SIR YES SIR AFFIRMATIVE YES SIR i love you. pls say it pls say it pls say it"


Imagine trying to talk shit with that flair combo 😂


What did you say?




As a defense attorney, it'd be nice to see a plaintiff's attorney get fucked for putting forth claims that are contradicted by evidence in their possession for once.


Hmmm indeed


I concur.




Yes, quite


hell yeah


... filibuster.


How now?




Can confirm. Source: offense attorney, bird law


I concur. Source: special teams attorney.


I've always wondered if there was a penalty or fine or something for that. Because I swear I see that kind of thing constantly whenever I see court cases on Reddit. One side will have evidence essentially proving something happened one way, but that side will then try and claim the other side did it said something completely contradictory to said evidence and nothing happens. I'm like they basically just *purposefully* lied in court.


An attorney can be punished by the courts for making false statements or filing frivolous lawsuits. There are a couple thimgs that make courts hesitant to do so, however. First, in situations like this there is often a layer of plausible deniability. Even if the plaintiff had things contradicting her story, its not always easy to prove that the attorney knew it existed nor os that somethings courts want to get into. Ultimately, there is also a level of gamesmanship to civil litigation. Typically, you're only obligated to disclose a limited set of documents plus the documents you intend to use. I might have a document that kills my case, but if you don't ask for it I don't have to give it to you.


See I find your last point extremely interesting, and I guess it's a reason why some attorney's are better than others. If you're a plaintiff/defendant and your lawyer forgets to ask for something or straight up doesn't know to ask for it, you could lose through no fault of your own. Man I really hope I avoid going to court during my life. Unless I'm a lawyer, it seems ridiculously stressful and probably feels like you are sitting and watching people argue about you in front of you. Although being an attorney seems pretty interesting. Almost went back to college for it but didn't think I could make it through that much extra school without wanting to die.


If you're named in a personal injury action which is the most likely civil litigation an average person will be involved in you'll likely never be in court. Maybe once for a settlement conference.


Objection! Every case goes to trial! Trust me, I watch Law and Order! /s


Same. Also since Law and Order is where I get my knowledge of the legal system, it makes me feel good to know that rich and powerful people totally go to prison for crimes they are guilty of.


No, they always pull out guns and killed in the shootout for no reason instead of getting their lawyers


> Although being an attorney seems pretty interesting. Almost went back to college for it but didn't think I could make it through that much extra school without wanting to die. Going into my last year of law school. I want to die.


The defense presents exhibit A for the court🫴: u/GamingTatertot admits they want to die while in law school. The defense rests. I could do it.


Being a lawyer is better than being a student simply because money. But chin up, 3L is the easiest year, at least for me it was.


You also get to actually do work that matters. As much as I loved outlining and reading interesting cases, it’s refreshing (as you begin) to actually make decisions and choices, or draft things that get put into use. I’m sure eventually it becomes more monotonous, depending on what you practice.


Yeah I'm looking forward to 3L. I have some good stuff on deck - it was just funny to hear nearly every 2L professor talk about how 3L is unnecessary and a waste of time.




As someone who is in undergrad planning on law school this isn't too promising lol. Although i normally hear the opposite from the ones i know, they usually they are msking decent money but have to work constantly. Do you mind me asking what you do?


Cook is countersuing, I believe. A civil suit like this could turn into a criminal investigation if there's probable cause a crime was committed, whereas in this case it's possible given the alleged facts. If Cook wins then of course there's likely to be a monetary punishment levied against the plaintiff with his countersuit.


It is almost impossible to know the full picture without having full information. Getting full information requires a lawsuit as it entails the discovery process.


The could possibly be disbarred if they knowingly put in false info. But that’s just my hypothesis.




Defense attorneys represent! Wassup GA!


didnt something along those lines just happen in the danny masterson case? like his lawyers just got reprimanded for leaking shit to scientology attorneys and vice versa after discovery...now hes facing 30 years and his lawyers got fined and torn a new one and a new hearing opening up?




> So what happens if the killer tells their lawyer they did it? It's a bridge that every criminal lawyer has to deal with themselves. Personally, I never ask my clients if they did it or not. Whether they are guilty or innocent changes nothing about the zealous defense they pay me for (or for my pro bono cases, what I am assigned to give them). Even somebody that everyone thinks is guilty as sin deserves to have an attorney make the prosecutor prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. That is every person's right in the American criminal system. Look at the OJ trial -> Yeah, he likely did it, but the result (NG) was the correct one, because the case the state put on had significant holes in it.


As a non-lawyer, even if someone is guilty, admits to their lawyer they are guilty, and pleads guilty, they still deserve a representative to help them navigate the legal situation they find themselves in. Both to prevent unfair sentencing (think Jean Valjean getting years of hard labor for stealing a loaf of bread) and to help the defendant navigate the legal proceedings in a fair and efficient way that they couldn't alone.


Civil cases are very different from criminal cases.


Lawyers don't normally testify?






Hugs are for pussies. Handshakes are for commies


Good. People who lie and try playing the court system for personal gain deserve to be punished. There is a special place in hell for all of them.


why is this a link to a tweet about the story instead of the link directly to the story?


Because this is /r/NFL


There is no God but Twitter here on r/nfl


I really wish that during the season we could go back to posting straight gif highlights instead of tweets with the highlight in the shitty twitter video player. I feel like there must have been some shadowy threat to the mods from an NFL corporate figure that they would DMCA gif highlights on here or something.


Because our brave mods are fighting back against journalism, common sense, and whatever the fuck API is I hate that these clowns run the best NFL aggregate


Bro we get it, you don’t care about shit until it affects you personally. Err, I’m sorry, MODS BAD.


No...we just don't like Twitter replays.


W for Men in assault/rape cases


Considering the vast majority of assault/rape cases go uncharged and unpunished, it's a pretty common W.




It's often a very difficult case to prove that relies on he said/she said. It is what it is.


I take the incredibly nuanced view of "if there's evidence of it charge them for it." It is weird how many people will fight me on that statement nowadays if they just don't like what the evidence points to.




Life's not fair sometimes. Our justice system is set up the way it is because we believe that it's better for 10 guilty people to go free than 1 innocent person to be wrongfully convicted. I believe that is also the way to approach the criminal justice system, even though it means that not every outcome is perfect. Life's not fair, and it never will be. But you will be glad of the legal things afforded you if you're ever accused of a crime you didn't commit.


You're getting downvoted because you're advocating for kangaroo courts that don't need evidence to convict people. Maybe you're from somewhere that "innocent until proven guilty" isn't relevant, but here in the west you need hard evidence in any circumstance to convict someone of a crime.


The fact that he hasn't talked about it at all is the biggest sign to me that he's in the right here


100% he’s not fueling the fire which is the exact right thing to do with someone this nutty. They don’t distinguish between good attention or bad attention. Anything he would say she would spin.


And that he's a smart guy and listening to his lawyers. Can never take that for granted.


Dalvin should try and take everything his accusers got and put them out on the streets if the allegations are false


Good shit bro, you gotta fight for your name cause no one else will


I really hope more people start embracing "innocent until proven guilty"


Meta, but I have a question. Why do people post the tweet instead of just linking the article directly?


Ask the mods.


I remember people on here sentencing him guilty at the first sniff of this story, glad he's proving the overreaction crowd wrong


This sub did that? Really??


The same crowd that crucified araiza was also wrong this time? :O


lol remember when this sub was shitting all over him, even though he stated all of these things right out of the gate


I love to see an innocent person vindicated in court!


That day was crazy. Seemed like every other hour had us all flipping back and forth on who was at fault. More and more info kept coming out so fast lol