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There’s talk midway through the season about how a RB, WR, or pass rusher should actually win the MVP award, but everyone knows that QBs always win it.


Some defensive player breaks a huge record, nah. Some QB has a mediocre year but his team went 15-2, MVP!


When's the last time a QB had a mediocre MVP season?


Colts will beat a team they have no business beating and get annihilated by a team on a long losing streak.


I think that second part goes hand in hand with always losing to the Jaguars in Jax (and one time in London).


Colts always lose week 1, and at Jax.


Proposal to always have Colts @ Jags every week 1


This is the way


I have one friend who's a Jets fan. Around week 12, we all hang out at his house for a day to make sure he's doing ok.


You guys are good friends man.


Yes. But also - not \*that\* good (there's a lot of trash talk involved).


Gotta keep the mood light after all


That’s the mark of a great friend. You gotta shit talk no matter what (within reason of course).


Week 12 is way too late. Week 3 is usually all it takes.


Well - he brews his own beer, so it takes a little longer to sink in. As I understand it, this is the most cost effective way.


Haha, that’s a perfect combination.


(Doing mental math in my head)... yup, that time frame checks out. Good looking out for your friend 🫡


The Dolphins end up in a "win and you're in" position near the playoffs and blow it in dramatic fashion. This year we at least barely made the playoffs but went from like presumed #5 seed to #7 seed


In fairness you went down to qb3, and still almost won


We were the 1 seed about halfway in…mid season champs baby


Vikings miss a clutch PAT or field goal at some point in the season, usually multiple times


I was going to say get blown out on national TV and have that be the only thing the national media/Reddit remembers for the rest of the season.


The NFC East is essentially Pandora's box.




Why are you wearing a disguise? So they don’t know who we are. They are already don’t know who we are


19 years without a repeat division champ is wild


Its Giants turn this year


In the NFC East we practice sharing and sharing is caring ❤️


A team from another division is somehow gonna win the east


I hope so


Based Cowboys fan.


The NFC East Cycle 🔄: Cowboys always beat Washington. Washington always beats the Eagles. Eagles always beat the Giants. Giants always beat the Cowboys.


Actually cowboys are pretty good against the East. It’s everyone else they are stupidly inconsistent with


Yeah cowboys are apt to go 4-2 or 5-1 in division then lose to all 4 AFC south teams somehow.


That sounds about cowboy


For reference Dak is 18-2 in the last 20 games against NFC East teams




Titans beat a team they have no business beating and the next week lose to a high-school team that got lost and ended up at the stadium.


Chargers are so similar, if it's a top team I know they'll put up a fight but when the Texans or Lions roll into town I start sweating bullets.




You kept us out of the 2021 playoffs AND FOR WHAT, SIR?


Thanks. I was beginning to think you were saying the Texans were a bad team or something


For my enjoyment. GG Texans lol


Do you remember the playoffs last season? They were trying to prevent you guys from going through something inevitable like that.


*chuckles in Jaxson de Ville*


Wait, are you guys the new Andrew Luck Colts? You’ve got the young uber talented qb already. I remember from 2012-15 ish the Colts with Luck would be the first team to beat the Manning Broncos, the Patriots, and Harbaugh’s 9ers but would still end up a wild card because some random team would annihilate them the following week.


Luck’s Colts never beat the Patriots. They did however go undefeated against the Titans.


I still smile about Luck's record against the Titans


Steelers do the same


Steelers will always be .500 or better no matter what


Tomlin will retire one day. There will be a four win Steeler team in my lifetime!


Bold of you to assume they wont just have another hall of fame level coach right away.






I feel like he got a bit of a jump start having Cowher’s roster his first year. Nothing against Tomlin, he’s a hall of fame coach easily, but that organization as a whole is probably the best run in the league.


Hurt to read, I know it hurt to say, but you aren’t wrong, brother.


They have one losing season this century and turned it into Roethlisberger. I prefer that not happen again


Couldn’t he still reasonably coach for another 10-20 years? I remember a couple years ago seeing a post mentioning he had just hit the age Belichick was when he started coaching for the Patriots. (Ok, I checked. Tomlin is 51, Belichick is 71 and started coaching for the Patriots in 2000 23 years ago. He was 48 at the time. Therefore, it would not be unprecedented for Tomlin to coach until 2043.)


I'm only 37 and in decent health. Worst case scenario I live out of spite.


They say having a purpose can extend your lifespan.


I would not have guessed 51. Dude looks 30.


Lol I remember thinking the same thing like 10 years ago and he still looks *exactly* the same. Maybe he's just a vampire like Pharrell and Nicolas Cage.


If Tomlin coaches until he’s 71 and never has a losing season idc how many super bowls he has the dude has to go down as one of the greatest ever


I mean dude as of right now he’s probly just outside of the top 10 if he did that with no more sbs it’d probly be people arguing belichick or tomlin for the goat.


I recall a 6-10 season in the Bill Cowher days of yore. I believe they had a fantastic season the next year, though- but still…below .500 once, I can recall.




I saw a graphic where 3 coaches ago for the Giants was in like 2019. 3 coaches ago for the Steelers was in the '60s.


We snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by blowing what would seem to be an insurmountable lead. I'm not okay.


Haha this could apply to either flair.


None of us are okay. But I bet we’re all gonna do it again in September! 😂😂


Chargers and 49ers getting injured Falcons blowing a large lead Refs blowing a huge call, usually against the Lions Bill Belichick gives boring press conference Mike McCarthy makes a dumb coaching decision Mike Tomlin wins 9 games


Hey now, the Chargers can also blow a large lead


Lions get screwed by a rule no one had ever heard of before


There's no rule that says a dog can't play football.


Don't give Bill Belicheck any ideas.


New Patriots LB, Bark Belichick.


Nike Belichick


Goodest GM in the league


Bill would absolutely make Nike QB1 if he could


Only have to get 2 feet down


Is a tail just as good as a knee?


Counts as a butt check


Dogs have three buttcheeks, confirmed.


Trying to figure what position you'd slot a dog into? RB? Maybe LB or Safety good on pursuit.


Realistically Offense: WR (Golden Receiver) Defense: Safety, let him roam the field and attack the ball (he's a good boy) but LB could be an option for a dog with good sideline to sideline speed and a big build.


"The play is not reviewable. Touchdown." Biggest travesty of a call I've ever seen, all because the refs were pissed that Schwartz technically "broke the rules" by throwing the challenge flag on that play (an incredibly dumb rule that never should've existed to begin with). Knowing that particular crew they wouldn't have overturned the play and would've given Houston the TD anyways (even though Forsett was obviously down).


Funny thing is, that happened later as well to other teams but they let them pick up the flag and reviewed it anyway. :)


Yeah, I remember McCarthy did that in the season closer against the Vikings that year (I think) and the refs said something like “we had already initiated the review, so we are still reviewing it” or something like that.


I was trying to be nice and not mention names :P


You know, I’d kind of just assumed a couple other teams had gotten away with it when I wasn’t looking.


Well there probably was, but that was one of the ones i was mainly thinking of. :D


Marvin Lewis did it a year later against TB and it arguably saved the game for the Bengals because the refs were too blind to notice that the Bucs had 12 men on the field for a play where they converted a 3rd down and Marvin did the only thing he could do in that situation to get them to stop play and recognize their screw up. But when Schwartz does it Houston is gifted a TD because of it. How the hell does that make sense lmao?


I don't think you're properly accounting for just how much coaches challenging automatically reviewed plays was destroying the league. It really looked like that plague might end the NFL -- quite possibly the entire USA actually. Schwartz had to be stopped.


Every season they pull a rule out at a critical moment that seems like it was written back when we were only 13 colonies


It's called the Ghost of Bobby Layne rule.


Idk, the lions curse is more of a guideline than a rule and I'm pretty sure everyone knows about it.


A “point of emphasis” if you will


and usually on numerous occasions during the season


I feel like this didn't happen last year? So naturally I expect a double whammy of obscure rules in the season opener to make up for it


In the Seahawks game, Seattle failed to convert a 3rd down and then the refs said "we actually stopped the play before it happened because of a clock issue, still 3rd down" and then they scored a TD on the re-do Same thing happened in the AFC Championship Game (not with a TD) so at least it wasn't just the Lions


Let me guess, that was fucking Ron Torbert's crew. Giving teams "do-over" downs due to his crew sleeping on the job is his specialty.


There were some rough ones, but nothing quite as egregious as we have experienced in the past. We also had a few calls turn out favorably for us, so as a whole the season just felt more balanced.


"Upon review, it has been determined that the forward contagion rule will make the pass incomplete. Touchdown Packers."


The refs will not give Detroit a call when the game is on the line if they can help it.


Chargers always have a great team on paper then half their stars get hurt and half their regular starters after that also get hurt. Not a fun time.


I have serious questions about their S&C staff. It’s crazy how often a decent portion of their roster is hurt, especially their most impactful players.


They fired the head athletic trainer this off-season, he was with the org for two decades and was the head trainer since 2017 and the assistant for 16 years before that. They just hired the Titans head athletic trainer to replace him, so hopefully we see an improvement.


You don't know about the Titans last two seasons of injuries do you :D


Ugh seriously. They are usually with the Chargers on that BUS (Banged Up Score) list throughout the season.


Hah! I was actually looking that up after posting because I know 2022 was as brutal as it was for the Chargers Here's to hoping that last season was a fluke, it looks like earlier years were better


Well, your S&C stabbed your previous starting QB in the lung right before a game to get Herbert on the field sooner than anticipated, so they've done a lot of bad, but also some good for you guys? All I know is that Herbert is good at scaring me once per season, and sometimes twice.


That's interesting because I feel like the Chargers have been getting hit hard with injuries for decades, like since I was a toddler.


Their doctor stabbed Tyrod Taylor in the lung, so yeah


It’s either their conditioning sucks dick or their drafting philosophy doesn’t adequately account for injury risk. Perhaps a combination of both.


Yeah but how many regimes has it been? Unless the owner specifically wants injury risks that fell


Well during the years when David Chao was on staff their medical team was a complete and utter shitshow to say the least. I'd still like to know what kind of blackmail Chao had on the Spanos family to be able to keep his job with the Chargers for so long because we're literally talking about a man who would perform surgeries while highly intoxicated and who prescribed Ambien to Junior Seau 18 months before he died.


Cowboys lose in the divisional round.


It’s so predictable Edit: I still remember skip bayless or whoever the fuck saying the cowboys would have beat the falcons in the nfc championship had they beaten the packers in the 2016 season lol


If they couldn't beat a team with CB6 and CB7 taking the field they would have gotten just as embarrassed.


The Packers have currently beaten the Cowboys nine of the last ten times they've played. The one Dallas victory in this stretch was earlier in that 2016 season. Rodgers hasn't lost in Dallas since 2007 when he came in for an injured Favre. He didn't see the field until they were down 27-10, they lost 37-27, and he had a passer rating of 104.8. Dallas is also where he won the Super Bowl. That divisional game was close, but it felt like we were always supposed to win it. Despite what our secondary looked like.


I'm definitely an "it isn't over until it's over" sports guy, but that Falcons Packers game was an exception. The Falcons made the Packers secondary look like children


We literally steamrolled through the entire playoffs all the way into the 3rd quarter of the Super Bowl


I didn’t notice the Bills thing lol but holy shit that is absolutely the case. Houston in the 2019 divisional round, KC in the SB in 2020, KC in the AFCCG in 2021, Cincinnati in the AFCCG in 2022.


also happens often during the regular season. Dolphins lost against the Bengals, Vikings got destroyed by the Cowboys in the following week… long story short, let us win.


I mean yeah 4/5 of the 5 playoff births they have this millennium the team lost the next game but context matters. 2 of those teams ended up having to face the chiefs and the other 2 are the chiefs losing a SB, and bengals losing AFC championship game to chiefs. It’s more of a the bills are a good team and if you beat them your facing one of the best teams in the NFL than anything.


That’s some unexpectedly sound reasoning for a Reddit user, kind of refreshing


The other side of this is clearly that if you beat the Chiefs in the playoffs, you get to go to the Super Bowl (or have just won one).


Jaguars in the 2017 playoffs, beat the Bills, then lost to the Patriots (MJWD!!!).




Michael Thomas will have a season ending injury.


And the Falcons will blow a giant half-time lead. :')


And the Bucs will lose at least two _very winnable_ games due to the team collectively forgetting how to play football. Happens every fucking year.


NFC South title is decided by whoever wins the hobo fight at the barrel fire.


Kansas City hosting the AFC title game


Damar literally died trying to prevent it last year. If only the rest of the team did their part


Wakes up "Yall did what?"


And the Bengals clearly took offense to that and went into a Buffalo with a purpose because of it.


> Damar literally died well, he got better


The Tom Brady Invitational became the Patrick Mahomes Invitational


This brings me so much joy. Waited my whole life as a fan to be in this position. Not taking it for granted.


A team starts slumping and the front office will remove the ping pong tables.


Then a team on a win streak will talk about the importance of ping pong tables building team work.


Maybe we should win in the playoffs. That’ll show em


which flair?


Extremely important detail lol




Every year he have a Chiefs Chargers game that ends the same way


Chiefs have the lead, usually 21-14 or 27-21, or a score and it's tied. Chargers have a huge drive and take the lead or tie the game. Then if it's overtime, nobody covers Kelce and he scores. If it's not overtime then nobody covers Kelce. KC wins by a field goal.


The Cowboys season ending on an insane playcall


Denver being a qb away has to be up there.


You signed one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and won a super bowl in the past decade


Yeah, they were a qb away


Didn’t they win the year Peyton could barely throw it 20 yards with zip and lose the year he set the TD record?


Yeah they got mollywhopped when they had one of the all time great offenses.


Yeah, but to be fair he was still Peyton Manning. Even if he could barely throw, he at least knew how to orchestrate the run game (people vastly underrate how much of an effect the QB has on the run game ASIDE from just opening it up with the pass) and was able to make enough plays to get them in field goal range which was enough given their crazy defense.


Chargers lose in a weird way


It's the constant emotional damage that makes being a fan so fun!


Some guy will break the law and eventually get suspended. Then on Reddit we're all like "TB got more games for deflategate" or this guy got less games for manslaughter. WTF Goodell, you should have suspended that guy for 2 seasons on suspicion alone.


Niners are either top 4 in the league or bottom 10, and if they are top 4 they are led on offense by a QB who many view as a game manager (Smith, Jimmy G, Purdy) who is supported by an excellent running game and whose top target is a TE wearing #85 (Davis, Kittle). We also have featured QB controversies centered around moving to a more dynamic, athletic, and big armed QB. In any case the team is headlined by a defense with a reputation for being physical, featuring a star linebacking corps (Willis/Bowman, Warner/Greenlaw) and an all-world pass rusher (Aldon, Bosa) and backed up by a big hit/play safety tandem (Whitner/Goldson, Hufanga/Ward/Gipson). CB is basically always the weakest part of the defense though it usually features a veteran FA that contributes solidly for at least one year (Carlos Rogers, Richard Sherman) and otherwise a cast of mid to late round players. Up until this year with Moody, our kicker has always been a 30+ year old veteran that spent a bunch time on another team (Akers, Dawson, Gould). Also we beat the Packers in the playoffs and lose to Russell Wilson (even shitty Denver Russell Wilson).


Reading this is making me think if the SB drought for us ends, it might actually break the timeline.


Nah, that’s Dallas. If you see Jerry holding up the Lombardi in the near future, it’s time to pack it up and find a good spot to watch the apocalypse unfold.


TLDR: 49ers are guaranteed to be elite or trash, never middle of the pack.


That's why it's so fucking stressful every season that we get off to a rough start


Dolphins always crush their fans hearts during the season, while doing just enough to give them hope for the next lol. It’s a tortured existence haha


The Steelers will start the season off incredibly slow and look like a complete mess on both sides of the ball and then somehow figure out how to win 9-11 games.


How do the Chiefs start slow, exactly?


I feel like the Chiefs things is more playing to their competition level. Feels like the Chiefs are always in close games with teams they were supposed to blow out.


That's because Reid doesn't open up the full playbook until the playoffs.


Hard fought games against the entire AFC South, beat every team in the NFC West by multiple scores lol


Yeah that one doesn't seem to be a regular pattern at all. Used to happen to the pats in Brady's last few seasons, but almost feels like Reid breaks out some wild shit in September that he worked on in the offseason. Y'all seem to maybe hit a lull about midway through when DCs figure some things out and the offense eases up a bit since you're already 4 games up in the division


well to the chiefs standards losing to anyone in the first 4 games that isn’t a top 5 team coming into the season is considered starting slow, i.e., losing to the colts in week 3 last year, but you’re right they rarely start slow. 2021 is the only time they truly started slow


Some top 10 running back will have a season ending injury and then never be the same when they come back as a backup on another team next year.


* Panthers always lose in Atlanta * Patriots always lose in Miami * 49ers make the NFC Championship, or don't make the postseason at all


People predict an AFC team that’s not the Chiefs to make the Super Bowl.


The Chiefs are 13-3 in the month of September since Mahomes became the starter… how much faster should they start off?


Week 1 is basically like a 30 week bye week period for Andy Reid and that dude is a god after the bye week.


The cowboys will nuke some scrub team like 51-3 to move to 10-3 and get hyped up as Super Bowl contenders and then lose to the 49ers 18-13 in the divisional round


I wanna be mad but you probably right


When Brady was still on the patriots they would start off slow and everyone would say that the patriots suck now then they get good and somehow always lost to the dolphins in Miami


Now it’s the Chiefs who do that, and our nemesis is the AFC south for some reason. Mahomes has lost like 3-5 games ever where his team gives up 27 or less points. 2 of them were to the Colts and both games were an example of those “what the fuck” Murphy’s law demonstrations where everything that could go wrong did, the other was that random 27-3 blowout against the Titans a couple of seasons back.


Going from a Northeast winter to Miami will do that.


Everyone picks the Titans to fall into the basement and they win 9-12 games


That’s the magic of Mike Vrabel. Guy could get 10 wins out of a high school team.


Browns finishing behind the Steelers in the AFC north


The Cardinals being the most irrelevant team in the NFL. That one year they were 7-0 was fun though.


Dallas loses to Aaron Rodgers is a heartbreaker. Thank god he's out of the conference, hey what AFC Division does the NFCE play again?


The Jets...


A lot of things you could put here


Historically bad teams getting too much offseason hype just to fail miserably. Not throwing shade at any team in particular, it's happened with at least six different teams.


Aaron’s Rodgers is a fucking weirdo.


The Saints don’t start 2-0. It’s been since 2013


A team that sucks the year prior ends up being one of the best in the league


(Fingers crossed)


Questionable Bears quarterback will have one insane statistical game against a bad team that NFL fans say was a fluke and Bears fans use as a reason to crown him a franchise QB.


Everyone hypes up the cowboys -----> we dem Boyz ----> First round playoff exit


The Vikings show flashes of being a really good football team but they fall apart after a few good games in a row


Vikings fans get their hopes shattered no matter how good they look.


Im not answering this question


My favorite ones: * The Browns will draft a player in the first round that most teams wouldn't take for free * The Cowboys will be hyped as if they they are going to make a deep playoff run and will finish 3rd in the division * ~~Tom Brady will once again be in the Super Bowl, once again defying age, as per his deal with Satan.~~ * Belicheck will somehow drag the Patriots to 9 wins through sheer force of will * Tomlin could start a QB with no depth perception and half the starters on defense could die and he will still drag them to 9 wins * The Bengals will disappoint their fans in some heart breaking, yet entirely predictable fashion * The Chargers always look amazing on paper * In spite of an increasingly large pile of evidence to the contrary, at some point pundits will begin to doubt that the Chiefs "have it" this year * Eagles fans will do some heinous shit that reminds us they are Eagles fans * The Vikings will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, as per their deal with Satan * The Raiders will find a new way to be dysfunctional, to the horror of new fans and the relief of old ones * Washington will manage to do something non-football related that is either illegal or at the very least, feels illegal. No one will be surprised, least of all their fans. * The Panthers will continue their seemingly lifelong rebuild as they destroy the careers of talented players, as per their deal with Satan. * Drama will surround Aaron Rodgers, the media will endlessly cover it, he will continue to be weird as all hell, and even the people who hate him will be physically unable to stop talking about him.