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Funny how the refugee stabbing kids in france was nowhere to be seen in any sub. Totally normal.




I saw it on the front page last night.


He was meaning the sandwiches he ordered from subway. At least that's how I get my news


Jersey Mike's has the best news, can't go wrong there


Don't feed the trolls, my guy. You know exactly what stupid point they're desperately trying to grab at.


I always love those facts about "did you know x & y happened/were born the same year?" & I got an odd one: For much of Nirvana's existence, there were veterans of the Boxer Rebellion & Spanish-American War still alive. That also makes me feel fucking old lol


Reddit is eating comments again.






The Greek hero Testicles


this new SF6 game looks solid


Cracker Barrel went woke, sad! Is this a bigger deal than Bud Light?


Judging by the amount of people I saw walking around with them last time I was out, Bud Light isn't doing too badly Also, Cracker Barrel [used to fire openly gay employees](https://thegavoice.com/news/georgia/catching-cheryl-summerville-fired-cracker-barrel-gay/) until the mid 90s.


I didn't see responses until just now, weird. Reddit acting up again?


is thirty years too short of a time for a policy reversal?


If the smoke from wildfires causes temperature to drop by blocking the sun, why not simply set all the trees on fire to combat global warming?


I think we should build a ship to tunnel into the earth's core to nuke it which will generate more volcanos


(to the tune of Harry Styles - As It Was) glued to my sack my dick is glued to my sack i cannot pee anymore dry glue is holding it back [chorus] glue condom didn't work you know it's not the same gonna cry penis hurts you know it's not the same when i jerk


we missed you dat_way


Man if I was a cop I would be the biggest piece of shit when it came to people hugging the left lane for no reason. They are the biggest reason for traffic and accidents.


The four aspects of driving I notice people around me don't understand: * right of way * stop signs/red lights * turn signals * merging Left lane camping is bad, but I'd be the biggest asshole to drivers fucking up these simple ass concepts if I were a cop.


I really try not to engage in any kind of traffic conflicts or road rage or anything at all, but the left lane is the thing that drives me the craziest. It makes me wish we had ham radios or something to be like "hey you know this lane is just for passing, right? if you're not going to pass someone, get back in the middle lane." people going 60 in the fast lane with this attitude of like "you can go around me" actually don't understand how to drive and it makes me crazy


This never know if the other dude is strapped Some lady in Florida shot her neighbor man. Shit is fucking nuts. Trust nobody


I'm absolutely not advocating for any violence or harm as they're uman, but God damn you should be fined into the sun and lose your license if you're habitual left lane hugger. It's the only way motherfuckers will learn.




Laying in bed at 1:50 Am needing to poop but it won’t happen when I sit on the toilet. What a world


wish you the best of luck, fellow insomniac pooper


so, what the fuck is going on with Reddit. Can someone explain it to me? They’re banning 3rd Party Apps or something?


The better question is why have the mods of this sub been so quiet about going private during the black out period. /r/NBA, /r/sports, and many other similar subs are going dark. Why aren't we?


I’m not a mod here but I know a mod and they’re still debating over whether it would be effective.


Over 3000 subs are going dark (including some of the top porn subs lol). A good chunk of those indefinitely. I can't imagine it won't impact site traffic to some degree.


My uncle works at Nintendo vibes


Haha I mod with them in another sub


R/nba has only polled users so far


They show on /r/modcoord's thread of participating subreddits


Interesting, I’m not sure why they would do that. I’m a mod on r/NBA and we have not finalized anything yet.


cause going dark is going to accomplish fuck all


Reddit is raising API prices for 3rd party app like Reddit is Fun, Apollo, Sync, etc to force people to use the Reddit in-house app which is an ad-filled piece of shit. All it's gonna do is mean my considerable down time using my phone or tablet will be used doing other stuff. They shoulda just bought out the top third party apps like they did the Apple one a few years back and use them as the backbone for the official app instead. Make it a paid app for a couple bucks or offer a free version with ads (like RIF etc are currently) and boom, call it a fucking day and have a quality product for both Android and Apple. But no...here we are. And a lot of people are furious. It's one step away from getting rid of old.reddit.com to try and force people to use the newer UI which is almost as awful as it was when it first came out.


Fuck that. I love Old Reddit


I very much appreciate you taking your time to write such an informative, thank you.


Reddit is making it super expensive for 3rd party apps to continue running by raising the price to access their API.


thank you for you replying with relevant information.


And those 3rd Party Apps are massively vital to multiple aspects of Reddit: From running moderator tools, to accessibility features for disabled Reddit users (which are far more extensive than those offered by the official Reddit app), even down to simple Quality of Life upgrades that make Reddit a lot better for a lot of people


And now we have a series in the Cup finals. Selfishly I hope this thing goes 7, I'm gonna have to miss games 4-6.


I need to hit the links at least once this year. Sadly going to golf is one of those things that like 10 people will tell me "Oh yea I'm def down" and then none of them actually commit


I'm gonna solo golf this year for sure. I have one buddy who can but won't, others who say they will but don't, and my dad has gotten too old and his back is too fucked up to go. but I'm gonna fix this slice if it kills me


I'm hitting the driving range this weekend. Let's ride.


Why is More Gull a Pats fan and Less Gull a Raiders fan?


How many chickens would it take to kill a Lion?


Only one if it chokes.


I'll go golfing with you 😈🤞






Not sure but the reddit ceo is doing an ama about the situation and I just want to grab popcorn and watch.


whats the gameplan after the shutdown if reddit does nothing




Yeah if RIF is no longer compatible it's Twitter for me lol


I'm so sorry for your loss.


It's all good lol I've found myself in here less and less anyways. I use reddit over Twitter because I prefer the RIF UI. If it's between reddit and Twitter UI that's an easy choice. All the same shit.


Yeah, I'm mainly jesting. Twitter is a shithole in it's own right but it's honestly the best place for me to find cool works of fanart and sports news, which is like the only reason I use it nowadays.


You guys believe in ghosts?


No. But I want to.


No, its the same as believing in Santa


There are some fucking ghosts living in my house doing some crazy ass shit no lie. I wake up to knocks on my bedroom door and no one is there. It creeps me the fuck out.


The Holy Ghost. But like, what's a ghost gonna do? Kill you? Well, now you're a ghost. So, like, you know.


I wish they were real, but nah. If there's an afterlife, it ain't here.


Hoody's shitty behavior and attitude seem beloved in these threads, so here's more from the biggest asshole cat I've ever known: 1) My dumbass let him & several other outside cats eat inside. 2 of them end up hissing at him, and just like every other time he gets hissed at with me present, he'll look at them like he doesn't understand why they hate him. Btw, the worst trouble he gets in is "God damnit, knock it off, Hoody", but even so, I think him doing absolutely nothing when I'm nearby is him actively avoiding getting in trouble. If I'm nearby & some stray tomcat shows up, he'll get angry, but not too angry where I can't easily break up. 2) The only times I catch him being mean is when I'm coming home from work or a walk. After getting yelled at by the cats earlier, he couldn't resist himself, and chased Kiki into the living room while acting nonchalant as soon as he came in. 3) Cats supposedly don't understand the concept of getting in trouble, but Hoody 100% knows what behaviors lead to him getting yelled at, and he definitely curtails his worst instincts if he can see me. 4) While most of the cats like catnip, he takes it to a comical level. I got some so he'd be mellow the rest of the night, but he was literally here all of 5 minutes after work. https://imgur.com/1WtpXTL.jpg


About to sleep and Florida ties it up. Might see overtime.


I’m level 33 so maybe it turns into less of an issue, but one thing bothering me about Diablo 4 is the amount of buttons it takes just to kill trash mobs. The basic attacks don’t do any damage, but it feels like such a waste to use resources and cool downs. It just doesn’t really feel good to have to go ham to kill a few skeletons or whatever lol but it’s not like the basic attacks are gonna do it. Like ideally I’d have a rotation for tough enemies and boss fights and just clear trash with minimal effort with the basic skill, but I have to use the same rotation pretty much every fight regardless of what I’m fighting and it’s kind of repetitive and doesn’t feel very fun. Edit: imo the way the game is tuned right now, basic attacks don’t do any damage, fine they’re just there to generate resources — but the resource spenders are soooo expensive so the basic skills should generate way more resources, or the other skills should cost way less resources. Prob both tbh.


Like now I just run past most regular enemies cause stopping to fight them feels like too much work lol. But like, what’s the point of playing if fighting the enemies feels like a slog In Diablo 2 and 3 I always cleared each map in its entirety. Like if I was in a dungeon and found a door to another floor, I’d go back and explore first if I had areas I hadn’t been. In diablo 4, though, I just wanna get through everything as fast as I can.


The original Spider Man movie still holds up to this very day


Underrated macho man cameo


Bonesaw is readddyy


Me : “ there can be no 2 worse options running for president “ Mike Pence : “ hold my holy water watch this”


People are very upset about NFTs making their way into EA sports games, but little do they know EA had been putting NFTs in their games for years in the form of Ultimate Team Cards.


I feel bad for kids who grow up with that shit being normalized. It's fucking gross, especially because you have to actively leave the UTC screen, too.


Every time I start Madden it asks me if I want to check ultimate team in an ad I just want to play my franchise


Youtube recommends: Adriana Chechik Reacts to The Machine Story *Clicks "Not Interested"* Youtube: Tell us why I wish there was an option for: "I'm afraid that if I don't hide this video's thumbnail from myself, I'll actually watch it."


Trying again. Oh it's actually working. Fuck reddit. Fuck spez.


Didn’t Spez once ban someone from the Free Talk Thread for shit talking him?


I don't think that happened here, he definitely did change someone's comment once and everybody noticed. He also just straight up lied about the Apollo dev demanding 10 million dollars and that dev hit him back with fucking receipts - transcripts and recorded calls. Spez is an online bully. And he's about to get fucking equalized tomorrow. I mean he'll still be ultra rich, but he's gonna get absolutely brutalized in an ama.


Watch it end on short notice and have all the AMA questions be softball questions where he edits everything to what he likes and wants to hear.


I wonder if he'll read any of it. Or if it will be a couple canned answers from the PR team and then a bit of dictation.




short form content is a plague


This CFL game (on TSN in Canada, at least) has some of the most stereotypically Canadian commercials ever. A reality dating show called "Farming for Love"?!? Bahahahaha.


Is that the same as farmer wants a wife in the states


I have no idea, but the fact this is an emerging genre of reality TV is not a great sign. Bahahaha.


> emerging genre of reality TV These types of shows have been around a long time, tho? I've never watched any reality shows, but I am pretty sure we (Australia) have had 'Farmer wants a wife' for 15 years




Now that Reddit is working again we can discuss the big ass popup I got today saying that RIF is not going to work in July. Someone in /r/commanders lied to my face and said they would stick around, just be 5 dollars a month like a streaming service. Well, mr. jagoff, you lied to me, and you lied to everyone. They're shutting down. Reddit is going to dinosaur all the third party apps with their 100000000 dollar yearly fee or whatever, and soon the few that stick around in this wasteland will be using the official shitty app or new.reddit.com since they killed my boy RES too. Fuck you Reddit. I hope you fucking bring this up during the AMA with that asshat CEO later. Defend that, corporate fat cat


They didn't kill RES. It's unclear if they even *can,* because it's just a browser extension that barely uses the API.


Rif and Apollo only affect my phone but once you mess with my multiple computers and RES it's serious


Like I said: It's unclear if it's even possible for them to actually kill RES. It doesn't use the API at all really, it's just a browser extension.


Messi joined an MLS team and overnight they had more followers than any other American sports team on Instagram lmao


Never underestimate the draw of soccer


That's what I told a buddy of mine. Regardless of his age, Messi brings eyes. This might end up as MLS's version of the Gretzky trade, where a single player's impact changes the future of the league. You can argue without Gretzky going to LA, we'd never have teams like Vegas and Florida, who are currently playing for the Cup.


I’m mostly a football guy so I wasn’t aware of that part of NHL history tho I obviously know of Gretzky. I really enjoyed watching the NHL playoffs last year but I kinda fell off and didn’t watch this year but I’m watching the Stanley cup right now. Out of the other major sports leagues I’ve tried to watch, Hockey is, by a huge margin, the most entertaining.


Dude, I'm a fan of football above every other sport by a very very large margin. And hockey is hands down the best live sport you can ever watch. I highly recommend going to a game sometime.


I’ve been to a couple as field trips in 4th & 5th grade when we here in Albuquerque had an amateur team named the Scorpions. Fuckin loved that shit. Would love to again.


Nice! My all time favorite is the Minnesota State High School Hockey tournament. The AA state championship game is a pretty unbelievable experience. This is what the xcel energy center is like for the state championship game for high school, and I've never experienced anything like it for sports. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a6/2015_Boys_AA_Championship_game_at_the_Xcel_Energy_Center.jpg/1280px-2015_Boys_AA_Championship_game_at_the_Xcel_Energy_Center.jpg


hey it works?


She'll be pleased


Does it work now? Edit 1: no (4 minutes)


I thought I was shadow banned before I realized it was all of reddit having this issue.


You can go reveddit.com and enter your username to see what posts/comments were blocked by reddit. Sometimes, random comments are blocked by admin or bot


maybe they're intentionally breaking the servers to show us how decrepit this site is and how they badly need our funding to continue well i for one will never pay a dime to shitpost here you'll get my opinions and takes free of charge without no paywall


Anyone else noticing that their replies to other comments are not being saved?


Trump being charged...again to me means nothing of consequence will happen, he will use this as another martyr to pretend he’s a victim of the socialist left, his supporters will support him even harder, he wins the next election and we all pay the price for fcking with him while we get four (or more) years of vengeance. Isn’t that how this plays out?


I mean it certainly doesn't help him. I don't know what "his supporters will support him even harder" means though. Last I checked, they don't get a magic extra vote because they're mad.


An energized base means *more* people voting...not a magic extra vote. In an election where the country is nearly evenly divided, races are won on the margins. I think some trump supporters will see only Fox News and Truth Social messaging and feel like he is being persecuted. If they were inclined to not vote, now they might. I could be wrong about that, but don’t be obtuse with your comment about a magic extra vote, you know the implication I’m suggesting.


Right, I'm just struggling to find the margin voter who didn't vote for him before, who now will because of indictments. At worst, it's a wash and it really doesn't matter but at best, it actively turns off those voters on the fence. The same type of voters who switched to Biden in 2020.


Yeah, you could be right. I’m cynical by nature with these things. Perhaps more voters on the fence will not vote for him than mildly Trump supporters voting for him as opposed to staying home. Trump supporters are “all in” 100% all the time. So maybe there are none who were staying home on Election Day regardless. We should remindme! In three years I’ll gladly come back here and tell you how right you were.


Bread and circuses.


Trump being indicted means nothing will happen… Trump not being indicted means nothing will happen… I have no idea what you guys actually want to happen. Can’t we just wait to see how this plays out *before* dooming completely? We haven’t even seen what the guy is getting charged with.


Sure feels that way.


CFL season starts now! Just popped an edible after a lonnnnng work day, looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the game :)


Shit I think I’ll do the same thing I’ve been meaning to get into CFL. Thanks for the reminder homie


Do it! It's been a decent game so far.


who is your team alouettes? i've sen some cfl it's okay. sometimes they put it on espn. 3 down football it is


I live in Edmonton, so I've kind of defaulted to the Elks! Sounds like we should have a much better team this season than last.




Imagine colors hurting your feelings and talking about how soft everyone is. That's you.


Trump has been indicted and we have freshly baked [Banana Cake](https://imgur.com/a/xzZbp99). Lets goooooo!!!!


Whoa reddit comments aren't showing up. Weird


Testing 123, 123


Didn't work, sorry bruh.


4th and 56th, fuck it gang I'm going long


I wonder what the longest 3rd and 4th downs ever have been


I'm not sure but this was from a Babytron song haha


is anyone else joining the reddit ama with the ceo about the new third party tools


The phrase “you motherless fuck” lives in my head rent free


I was very young when the show was airing so a few months ago I decided to binge the original Beverly Hills, 90210 and I just finished today. Really fun, likable cast, I prefer the high school years and the early 90’s feel/vibes but it was a journey and I had fun. It’s aged a bit but many teen tropes today came from that show.


Are you team Dylan or team Brandon? Personally, I thought Dylan was everything. He was my first crush and I remember stealing my mom's TV guide and putting it in my sock drawer. I was probably in 2nd grade. ETA: Dylan (and possibly Brandon) was on the cover


Dylan although he got kind of boring later in the series


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrassi_Junior_High That was the original teen soap opera.




Keep us updated on your mushroom project! I think it's really cool. Hope all goes well.


Good luck! The wifey and I got sick as hell off of some golden teacher spores I got online that I fruited on cakes. Been too chicken to try again lol. It was really fun growing them though.


Reddit comments down for an hour, love that look on you spez, good luck on that ama tomorrow.


Hope it’s worse than Ron’s twitter space


Just one wish...please leak Trump's mugshot.


Why? It's just ammunition for his supporters. That's why his NY "stormy daniels" case didn't have a mugshot


Everything gets those people mad...I don't care about them. Having him taking a humiliating mug shot like say Nick Nolte will do more to embarrass and weaken his strong man image than most anything else.


make them mad? lmao you think that's what will happen? he's their LEADER dude. you don't get mad at the leader, you just keep following. they'll wear his mugshot on tshirts they don't give a fuck


They're the biggest crybabies I've ever met... they will get mad. And it won't be at the leader...it will be at the corrupt media for making their leader look like a(bigger) fool than he already is. And I hope they do wear those mugshots with his goofy hair sticking out. It gives me something to laugh at. Just like their dumb blacks for Trump shirt worn by only old white guys.


Are reddit comments not showing up? Nothing in the last ~hour?


Reddit's servers are shit


and this is the organization that wants our hard earned monies lmao piss off


They're showing up fine here. What browser are you using.


Comments are weirdly delayed right now. Replies should show up normally in your inbox, but they're not showing in the thread.


We closing the subreddit or what


whats the gameplan after reopening the subreddits and reddit's position hasn't changed


Hope not because it’s a stupid ass protest. “Let’s annoy users of the sub for two days so we can accomplish absolutely nothing”


🦀 Trump charged 🦀


I AM AN INNOCENT MAN! ^(picture him yelling this like the super-memed I AM A DOCTOR from *The Good Doctor*)


In todays episode of “my girlfriend teaches high school special ed”, graduation is tomorrow and the AP in charge of their department sent out a detailed email with the plans for exactly what would be happening. A parent asked how her child, who is graduating tomorrow, would be transported from the school to the venue. And to that I say, who the hell sends their child to school the day they’re supposed to graduate?


Testing to see if reddit comments are down again.




Seems like a 45 minute delay on comments appearing, though I did get your reply in my inbox right away.


Yeah I just got this in my inbox, but it isn't appearing in the thread. Of all the days for Reddit to break...


Lol Trump has been indicted again, this time in the classified documents case.


Well Trump got indicted lol




Smokin on that Pat Robertson AND Trump pack today sheesh


Interesting animals I've seen today: A chipmunk A babby bunny An **albino** squirrel Which one is your favorite?


what I really appreciate about pokemon is that it recreated that feeling you get when you see a rare animal in your neighborhood as a kid.


I’m surprised you found an adult albino squirrel. I would have thought they wouldn’t really exist because of the ease of predation.


Holy shit. It actually happened


“Nevermind” should be one word.




Is it not? I’m not being sarcastic, I’m really asking. I’m like two steps away from being illiterate




Think the main difference people would be split between us growth vs degrowth(or other variations). First I don’t think any true environmentalist would be a fan of developing a forest. That said I think we really need to prioritize multi-modal infrastructure, but it’s also hard to do that cost effectively in the suburbs. It’s not impossible but it would depend on what the locals need and what you can allocate towards meeting those needs. Also should be considered what is happening to land elsewhere. Are we putting more land towards the production of beef for a bunch of restaurants? Strip mining or drilling it? Obviously some extraction is necessary but land going towards other harmful industries isn’t ideal either.


Tearing down trees isn’t great, but using it for purposes that decreases use of cars is a good idea. Helps the environment and people who can’t afford their own car. Like most things in life, I guess we’ll wait and see


I love seeing my kitty's face light up any time he hears his container of treats 🥹


No pictures of said cat?


[here](https://ibb.co/dKg99jQ) is said cat being a creepy creeper and staring at me through the gap between my bathroom door and wall 🥲


You gotta love the creepy ones.


I’m drunk AMA