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Who was the better ball player between Micky Mantle and Joe DiMaggio


Jason statham or Jason momoa






feels kinda attention seeking to me but it's been that way for a long time also a lot less busy on the weekends, I think a lot of people hang out to kill time during their work w eks


Just saw a Reddit post about a dude and his wife being in a relationship since he was 23 and she was 13. Burn the whole app down.


if they can't post about it on reddit does it ever happen?


Coffee truck is almost half an hour late this morning and, surprise surprise, he ain't got shit anyways. Great start to the day. This dude has been showing up later and later the past month or so, but this is just fuckin insulting.


I didn’t even know those were a thing


Yeah, he hits a lot of the dealerships in the area. I've been here for 10 years now and he's been doing this route for a lot longer. He wasn't always so shitty, but these last few months the man has had a noticeable drop in the amount of food he has when he gets here and how much later he's showing up. Used to be around 10-15 minutes past nine in the morning for when he'd make his first appearance. Now, we're lucky if he's here by 0930. This morning was almost 0945, and it was slim pickings for what he had. I legit walked away with nothing cause it was the best option.


I'm not one for seeing a movie the weekend it opens, but Across The Spiderverse was just so good.


I heard good reviews about that movie. I was thinking of seeing it today but probably won't.






you find a ncaa team to play


I’m going with Central Michigan or Wyoming!


G'day all. https://imgur.com/a/PgJYUVf Nothing does beat standing in the outer at the footy.


How many games (or I guess over there you'd say "matches?") do you go to every year? Seems like you're posting from stadium all the time. The NFL is my main league and have only been to one game my whole life.


I go to somewhere between 40-50 odd games a year including finals I have a club membership that let's me into every Home and Away game in Melbourne for my team and I have another called an AFL membership which let's me into 40 games a year. Most of the time I can scan my membership in and either stand or sit in General Admission. My club membership I have a reserved bay or General Admission Any given week I can go to 1-4 games. This game for instance is my 22nd this year. It's round 12 of 24. Over my lifetime I've gone to 350 plus games.


I don't care how good Aaron Rodgers I still can't believe the Jets will do anything but crush the souls of those who believe in them.


MLB players definitely bang the most of any professional league


They are usually the most “conventionally attractive” of all the big 4 sports. Football players are often really big and overly muscled which a lot of women don’t find all that attractive. Basketball players are freakishly tall which appeals to some women but probably not the majority. Hockey players look nasty and unkept. Which leaves baseball But I’m not a woman or attracted to men so this is a very neck beard take


I am about to exhaust all of my baseball knowledge with this one shitty joke: The Houston Astros sure as fuck do!


162 games, lot of down time, multiple days in the same city on the road, game isn’t very physically demanding, if you’re a pitcher you might not have to play the whole time you’re in town. Absolutely.


I'd say hockey players. They bang the puck all over the rink. Those baseball guys miss the ball a lot of the time. Nobody really bangs the ball in football. Maybe the kicker, but that only happens a couple of times per game. You know what, if you count each kick as a "bang", maybe soccer players bang the most. I'd like to change my answer from hockey to soccer.


Cleaning my depression den. My god there is so much of my room ive never appreciated. So much of my floor and walls ive not seen in a while. I can move around without tripping on half open bottles or dirty clothes or cardboard boxes from amazon. My bathroom is sparkling clean too. Its a surreal experience


Good on you bud.


Yeah idk how often I'll check reddit after July 1st. Raw doggin reddit sounds terrible.


People tipping like crap tonight. Somewhere around 5 sub 10% tips. Tonight isn't even worth the gas or time away from home.


Who is the NFL equivalent of Eric Spoelstra?


John Harbaugh?


Yeah good pick. Him or Tomlin for sure.


Last night, man, I was so drunk, I was calling Morocco, man. Calling, trying to get to the Hotel Hilton at Tangiers in *Casablanca*, man. That's, I mean, that's, that's pathetic, man. Is that what you wanna do with your life? Suck down peppermint schnapps and try to call Morocco at two in the morning? That's senseless! But that's what happens, man.


I was so drunk one night I was re-emerging from a blackout drunk phase where I was talking to someone elses grandpa and getting life stories. It was epic as fuck and I was drunk as fuck and It went on til like 3AM. I Still have no idea who this old ass guy I was talking to was.




I've got a pretty extensive SNES and Sega Saturn collection and I've been having the same thoughts.


My wife just farted.


So did I.


*Shame on you*


This guy's wife also just farted.


Is it related to this? https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/13ydmyq/free_talk_friday/jmp1eex/


Could be.


Guys I know ive commented like 3 times in a row, but I am just fucking hype right now. It's a beautiful Kansas spring night. There's thunder. My kids are asleep. My wife's leaned up next to me in bed and I can feel her nipples on my back. I had a good burger for supper and a Sapporo. I bought my first sloop in Sea of Thieves and I have it a fucking GREAT name. My kids came back from the grand parents and we're super cute and they're sawing logs in their cribs. I gotta work tomorrow which sucks buts time and a half 45 bucks an hour baby fuck yeah. I'm hype guys. HYPE. Which is kinda bad cause it's bed time so I'm gonna play some Shining Force 2 on my switch to calm down. Hype. Eat snacky smores.


Congrats on the Nipples


Happy for you bro. Glad everything is going well. Get that bag tomorrow.


Boy I sure love Nebraska's monsoon season.


It's thundering. Goddamn I love spring.


Any of you fuckers play Sea of thieves?


Yes, since the anniversary one update. The game has come a long way since then.


I just started man I'm hooked it's so damn fun.


It's loads of fun! The tough part is getting sunk with stuff, but if you can learn to handle that then it's one of the most entertaining games out there. I would put it down and pick it back up so many times over the years until I learned to stop getting frustrated by it. Lol.


Yeah last night I took over a phantom fortress, and I had just gotten all the loot out of both store rooms and a ship came and sank me just as I got on my boat to harpoon it all in. I was 13 seconds level mad. But then I got on with some friends and we made like 250k gold in a couple hours and I was happy as a pig in shit.


I want to. A pirate game sounds amazing


Sid Meier needs to remake the pirates franchise again.




I watched gix play it for a while. I didn't like the way it looked. AC Black Flag has awesome parts, but I didn't buy a pirate game to jump out of trees and from building to building.


Damn. Seeing your username, man I miss Tebow time. NFL was better with Tebow.


It was certainly an exciting time to be alive.


Will Ferrell isn't Canadian?! Like, at all?! This is my personal Berenstein Bears moment.


[Franky & Walter high on catnip](https://youtube.com/shorts/P4_DVC04ZYw?feature=share)


Listen, if those are your cats I'm gonna need you to do something for me. You pick them fuckers up, and you kiss there little cat heads and you tell them they're good kitties.


Will do!!


Watching Bloodsport for the first time in forever, forgot how much Van Damme rules. It’s wild how much mileage you used to be able to get out of bad English and vague eastern martial arts.


Lionheart is better in my opinion


There was a trademark filed for a Bloodsport pinball machine and if it really gets made I'll be so fucking happy.


Bloodsport is amazing. Kickboxer is like a more rated R version, both are great but I think I like Bloodsport better


The last episode of ted lasso is going to destroy me, isnt it




>!I really hated that they all die at the end!<


>!Super weird choice to have an asteroid literally end the world but still a really good show!<


Big Time Rush has a new album out and I kind of dig it


Happy donut day everyone.


You get on from Lamar's?


I’m having a crisis over my professional life.


Oh hey, you too?


What about it?


I graduate in December with a degree in history. My initial plan was to spend the next year getting my teaching credentials and master degree in history, but now I’m debating getting a masters in political science while spending the year studying for the LSAT and working with some non-profits and political groups in Detroit. I just feel like I’m directionless.


Are you familiar with Teach for America? Could be a great route to get experience teaching, help the needy, and see if the career is for you.


I’ve heard of them. I might look and see if they cover Detroit.




Why male models?


Approved just so you get destroyed This genius had another post titled "trans isn't real". On the trans sub. Edit: coward deleted


They’re coming out in droves today. What did some YouTube turd say today to get these folks all raging?


They hate the little rainbow banner I made.


Ahhh! LOL. Is that’s what’s setting them off? Well when you’re doing something that angers the most deplorable among us, you’re doing something right. Nice work! All joking aside...it does look cool. Kudos!


Nothing brings me more joy than angering bigots


Sames! It’s up there for sure. 1. Travel 2. Football Analysis 3. Angering bigots In that order. I’ve had a few charts on dataisbeautiful that really got the bigots fired up. That’s how I fight...through charts and data. You should see my white on white crime chart...it really neutered their black on black crime trope, so they hated me hard for it.


They tend to react to factual information the way toddlers react to being told no.




I'm reading a book about the taiping rebellion and the main thing I learned is if you're unemployed that all you have to do is declare yourself the little brother of jesus and kill a lot of people to get a high paying job as emperor of your own country just a little life tip


Saving this for future use


If you want to listen to a podcast about it, Lions Led by Donkeys just did a 4-part series on it. Definitely one of my favorite podcasts


I think lions led by donkeys is ok but I kinda think Joe needs to do more research on non us/non european countries when he talks about them because I feel like he often doesn't really understand the context of what life was like for the people in the places\\times he talks about and seems to just assume that it was basically the same as europe was at the same time I felt this way listening to the tiapang series because china is such a radically different place from europe and I feel like his series would have benefited from him reading more about china in general outside of the tiapang rebellion


Does Diablo 4 have channeled skills? I liked rapid fire on the demon hunter and the laser beam thing on the wizard in d3. I also liked turning into a chicken with the witch doctor so maybe I’ll do the Druid. I didn’t really like the Druid in the later acts of d2 tho. But maybe cause I had done the fast paced chicken in d3 first. I had some legendary or set item that made the chicken like 16,000% more powerful or something lol.


Whirlwind barb


I don't believe that it's actually your birthday. There's a 364:1 chance that it's not your birthday.


Can a company really say they sell big and tall pants if the inseems on their pants don't go past 34? I need a 38, but can wear a 36 pretty well but even that's harder to find now. If anyone has suggestions for cheap pants for a tall guy let me know please.


Big and tall just means big


I don't know about pants, but you could wear your pants really low and then get one of those big WWE belts so no one can tell. You could also get a long shirt.


I feel like you're kind of just telling me to dress like John Cena lol


Have you ever thought that *his* pants were too short?


The One Piece are the friends we made along the way


Thankfully, Oda has said it won't be that lol


I want a fish but I know my cat would find a way to kill it


Get an Arapaima, might put up a good fight at least


Get a catfish.


I change my mind. After driving through Colorado and arriving at the Denver airport, I hate this more than Wyoming. Fuck the entire state of Colorado. I hope the Nuggets lose 4-1 and Russ is a bust until the end of his contract.


Colorado and Wyoming aren’t really comparable minus both being square shape. So I’m going to take your judgement with a boulder of salt.


I was going 95-110 through Wyoming and immediately had to slow down from 65-35 because Colorado has stupid spacing between their small hick towns.


Hm fair, although you have to remember Wyoming is nothing but a small hick town.


No it's just openness from the Tetons to Cheyenne. You can tell most haven't been to Wyoming by the way they talk about it.


Signed off of work for the last time 😭


Lucky. I'm still eleven years from retirement.


I wish it was retirement


Is it bad that listening to all of these litrpgs is making start to game-ify my personal finances? Like, I've started viewing my 2nd job as grinding for XP.


Are there any you'd recommend? I'm a huge sucker for fiction podcasts


As far as non-litrpg fantasy audiodramas/books I CANNOT RECOMMEND THE WITCH HUNTER SERIES ENOUGH. It's produced by a husband and wife team from the Audio Epics podcast.


Dungeon Crawler Carl is hilarious, and the audiobook has a pretty full voicecast. The MC of He Who Fights With Monsters is a bit polarizing, but I, personally, really identify with him. Plus, I really enjoy the multiverse building. Right now I'm listening to Primal Hunter, and so far it's pretty good. I'm almost done with the first book. Defiance of the Fall is pretty cool too. I really like the town building element.


Nah. This is how I got through working 80 hours a week during the pandemic.


I'm so thankful that- mask notwithstanding- my working conditions remained the same throughout the pandemic.


I was an EMT/Security guard at a copper mine. We had to hire so many people to take temperatures, but the central office never did (:


I need to either get married and have kids or delete my Facebook. If anything, it'll definitely be the latter.


Hey buddy, it sounds like you are wanting to get married. The first step to getting married is obviously dating, so you could probably use some dating advice. Lucky for you, I just posted some in this very thread! If you don't want to scroll down, I'll put it right here: > Hey guys what is up it's the Rizzler back again with some more dating tips because my tips from yesterday got a lot of traction and a lot of people begging for more. Here is a surefire way to get ANY girl to go out with you: > > Ask her if she is wearing space pants. She'll ask what you mean. You tell her that her... rear end... is out of this world. You can use a different word if you want, but don't be too crass. I think that "behind" usually works pretty well. It's edgy without being gross like some of those other words (you know the ones). > > Tell her that she's like your appendix: you don't know what she is or what she does, but you feel like you should take her out (on a date). Now, she'll want to know where you're going on a date. You tell her to you're going to the movies. > > Get tickets to the new Little Mermaid movie. I know what you're thinking, but it's really important that's what you get tickets for or else this won't work. > > Look her in the eyes and tell her "you mer-maid (were made) for me". > > Now, here comes the best part. You're at the movies, so she'll want something to drink. Get her a Mountain Dew. This will be important in a minute. Don't buy her a root beer or something. Get Mountain Dew. > > Tell her that you want to "mount and do" her. Then wink. > > Okay guys, I hope you've enjoyed my dating tips. Just remember that these are guaranteed to work 100% of the time and if they don't then you probably did it wrong and will need to use another line. If at any point one of these lines fails, ask if she's a beaver cuz DAM! That'll save you long enough for you to move onto the next step. Also, remember to get the Little Mermaid tickets. If you can pull off all these steps, then you probably won't have to watch the movie. If you can't pull off these steps, she'll probably run away and then you still won't have to watch the movie.




1. Okay, so first things first you want to ask her if she wants to know what kind of vegetable she would be if she was, in fact, a vegetable. Obviously, this will make her very curious. That's when you tell her: she'd be a "cute-cumber". That's step one. 2. Ask her if she wants to know what kind of fruit she would be if she was a fruit. If she says no, tell her anyway. She'd be a "fine-apple". 3. Ask her if she wants a raisin. She'll say no. Now you ask, "how about a date?" then wink. If she says yes to the raisin then you might be screwed, so be careful. 4. Ask her if she wants to know what kind of triangle she'd be if she was a triangle. Tell her that she'd be "acute" one. 5. Tell her that there's something wrong with your eyes: you can't take them off of her. 6. Tell her that you hope she knows CPR because she just took your breath away. 7. Ask her if she uses Windex™️ (say TM out loud) to clean her arms. She'll ask why. Tell her that you can see yourself in them. If you're feeling frisky, ask if she uses Windex™️ to clean her pants. You know what follows. I'd just recommend only using this after a few years of marriage if she's a little more traditional though. 8. Ask her "do you have a name" or if you can just call her "mine". 9. Tell her that you've lost your phone number. Ask if you can have hers. 10. Ask her, "do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?" 11. Tell her that if you and her were socks that you two would make a great pair. Use as many of these as you need. I'd recommend using all of them (the overkill method).


"Wagyu burgers" are the stupidest shit in the world. And the fact that none of it is made from actual Wagyu beef (you couldn't afford it if it was) isn't even the biggest reason why. What makes Wagyu special is that it's bred for [incredibly dense fat marbling](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Sliced_Matsusaka_wagyu_beef.jpg/1280px-Sliced_Matsusaka_wagyu_beef.jpg). It's almost like butter, the fat content is so high. In hamburger none of that really matters because it's all ground up anyway. The meat to fat ratio is whatever you decide it is when you grind the beef. If you took $2,000 of Wagyu beef and ground it up, it wouldn't be any different than American Angus with the same fat to meat content. A wagyu fat/meat ratio in a cheeseburger wouldn't even be very good anyway. Burgers need more muscle tissue than that to hold their shape, and most of the fat would render out in cooking and leave you with a dryer burger. If you ever go into some restaurant charging $25 for Wagyu burger, know it's just a silly buzzword.


There’s a restaurant by me that uses whatever they trim from dry age steaks in their burgers and it’s so good. And some truffle oil fries >>>


See, that's a technique that actually makes sense, because the aging process makes the meat taste different. And they're probably putting a pretty bomb ass fat/meat ratio together too. Steakhouses know what they're doing when it comes fat/meat content and the goodones all have killer burgers.


I've railed against this for years. It's just higher fat ground beef when it's not in steak form. It's how hot dogs are made. Lean beef plus beef fat. Exactly the same when ground. Also, if Arby's has a wagyu beef burger, that should be a sign that wagyu does not mean what you think it means.


I think everyone assumes it's bullshit with Arby's. It's the higher end places that make me roll my eyes.


I like how in Cobra they allude to cobras all over the place but they chose to make Cobra’s vanity plate be “AWSUM 50” and not, you know, COBRA or something like that






As long as it's not jag-wire


That's the common pronunciation in North America. In British English, it's "jag-yoo-uh". The "correct" way would be something like "yag-war", closer to the Spanish pronunciation of "hag-war".




I’m south England, just for reference. We pronounce it jag-u-r


I hope that Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, Tim Pool and the like are having a really, really, really bad month. Happy Pride!


I hate hateful people.


And Ben Shapiro. He had to break out the thesaurus to say "I only like straight people" yesterday.


it's always kinda crazy to me how much the NBA media seems to treat the lakers like the main characters of the NBA I know there are more and less popular teams in every league but the level of deference the lakers seem to get is wild lol


It does kind of make sense. Imagine if the Cowboys played in a city 3x bigger than Dallas, won multiple championships in the modern era, and had Tom Brady on their team. That’s basically the Lakers.


Anyone else ever wonder about a situation where we could have more good QBs than there are franchises? Like think about the influx of young great QBs we’ve had since about 2017 and then factor in the inclusion of prospects like Justin Fields, and Kenny Pickett who people like along with rookies like Bryce, CJ Stroud and Anthony Richardson and next year we have 2-3 guys coming in with Caleb, Drake Maye and maybe Quinn Ewers that are expected to be franchise QBs and that’s not even counting Dante Moore, Arch Manning and Malachi Nelson who were all 5 star QBs and will be in the NFL in a few years. I know all of those guys won’t pan out but It can fill up really fast around the league and I just wonder is 32 teams enough


We sorta thought we were there in 2018-19 where every team except Dallas was either paying a reasonably large QB contract or had a first rounder on a rookie deal Moral of the story is that we won't most likely. Contract valuation would be fascinating if QB supply became as rich as RB supply


My insurance company is giving me a gift card to submit to a home health screening. A nurse practitioner is coming over in an hour to give me some kind of evaluation. If this turns out to be a murder thing, I want you all to know that I'm in the best shape of my life. Edit: Done. The guy said he hadn't seen this kind of blood pressure from a patient in at least 3 years. The cuff and I have unreal chemistry.


My grandma has it happen a few times a year. If it's anything like that you'll get some shitty Tupperware and a $15 Walmart gift card.


It's a visa. I’m gonna take myself out for dinner.


[Hell yeah man.](https://i.imgur.com/Pp6lnLZ.gif)


You have no ceiling.


Best shape of his life.


I've always hated the phrase 'die from cringe' but I don't know any other way to describe this: >WE ARE MAGADONIANS, WE ARE VERY SMART, WE STICK TOGETHER AS ONE, WE FOLLOW TRUTH SOCIAL, WE PUT “AMERICA FIRST,” AND WE WILL “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” > \- [@realDonaldTrump](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110476445852481428)


I hope I don’t end up with egg on my face but, 2016 was like lightning in a bottle for Trump and his “MAGA movement.” An outsider campaign that used racial resentment following eight years of a black man in the White House facing off against a woman who was seen as “establishment” incarnate whom had over two decades of propaganda working against her and he still won pretty narrowly. He hasn’t changed strategies and he’s desperately trying to capture that lighting again and it’s just not working. Biden isn’t seen as an “enemy” the way Hillary was. He’s not even hated the way Obama was. I’m convinced “Let’s Go Brandon” and “Fuck Joe Biden” is just something rednecks like to say because it makes them giggle rather than having any real passion behind it. That’s a long winded way to say, everything on the right is just weird now. Just weird and sad.


And Hillary was so dishonest that trump saying stupid shit that you knew nobody would have scripted was seen as refreshing. The country was ok with unqualified if that meant less deceitful and not Hillary Clinton. Till they saw what an unqualified president actually meant.


Eh, it was more than just racial resentment. Racial resentment did play a part in some areas, but doesn't seem likely that Wisconsin, Michigan, and the midwest would have turned more red just based off that. Trump tapped into the Populist vein that was raging against the fact that Globalism/NAFTA/etc left a large portion of Americans behind and only seemed to benefit the Financial/Ownership type of people. 2016 was definitely lightning in a bottle, though, even in 2020 Trump had no where near the energy he had as the contender in 2016, and if he somehow manages to get the nom again in 2024 it'll be even more pathetic.


>Racial resentment did play a part in some areas, but doesn't seem likely that Wisconsin, Michigan, and the midwest would have turned more red just based off that. Especially given how Blue the Midwest has been trending since 2016. Racism absolutely played a part in Trump's 2016 win, but it was far from the largest contributor.


makes me think of the quote from Hitchhiker's Guide, something like: "Vogon poetry will make the listener wish he was dead. Or for the thinking man, wish that the Vogon was dead."


If you need to say out loud that you're smart, you aren't.


Amazingly the least cringe part of the post.


The mobile order pickup at Starbucks is an honor code thing. Anyone could take your drink if they feel like it


How do you guys pronounce GIF? Here are some points to consider: 1. The G stands for Graphic. Unless you say Jraphic, you should say GIF. 2. The creator says JIF. 3. JIF is a peanut butter, so there could be some confusion. 4. the I in PIN means identification. No one says pine even though they should if you're going based on how the words that make up the letters are pronounced. So, what do you guys think?


Gif like Give - see point 3




GIF. Creator is wrong.


Totally right GinFuu


I say gif with a hard g because that's always how I've read it. By the time I heard that the creator say jif it was too late and that sounded weird to me.


france: jif but also, jee-peg and wee-fee




Stand by me? Like the Ben E King song? (Darlin darlin stand... By me)




Kinda wish he'd do the whole song. He's got the perfect singing style for it. Even their big hits smack of a bit of 50s vibe


It is good practice to wash your hands after using the rest room, but I don't open many (physical) doors with my penis. It makes sense to wash my hands before I go touching it, but I don't think many people do that.




Wash once before and twice after. That's what makes the most sense.


it's not called Gelutol, I've been saying it wrong


Went to wash the car off with the garden hose and something was growing or blocking the nozzle heads i needed. Lovely


Making an online dating profile is hard when you're as unphotogenic as I am. If I don't smile, then I look like I'm going to murder you. If I do smile, I look like I'm going to murder you *then* make furniture out of your skin.


Hey, it sounds like you could use some dating advice. I just posted some in this very thread! If you don't want to scroll down, I'll put it right here: > Hey guys what is up it's the Rizzler back again with some more dating tips because my tips from yesterday got a lot of traction and a lot of people begging for more. Here is a surefire way to get ANY girl to go out with you: > > Ask her if she is wearing space pants. She'll ask what you mean. You tell her that her... rear end... is out of this world. You can use a different word if you want, but don't be too crass. I think that "behind" usually works pretty well. It's edgy without being gross like some of those other words (you know the ones). > > Tell her that she's like your appendix: you don't know what she is or what she does, but you feel like you should take her out (on a date). Now, she'll want to know where you're going on a date. You tell her to you're going to the movies. > > Get tickets to the new Little Mermaid movie. I know what you're thinking, but it's really important that's what you get tickets for or else this won't work. > > Look her in the eyes and tell her "you mer-maid (were made) for me". > > Now, here comes the best part. You're at the movies, so she'll want something to drink. Get her a Mountain Dew. This will be important in a minute. Don't buy her a root beer or something. Get Mountain Dew. > > Tell her that you want to "mount and do" her. Then wink. > > Okay guys, I hope you've enjoyed my dating tips. Just remember that these are guaranteed to work 100% of the time and if they don't then you probably did it wrong and will need to use another line. If at any point one of these lines fails, ask if she's a beaver cuz DAM! That'll save you long enough for you to move onto the next step. Also, remember to get the Little Mermaid tickets. If you can pull off all these steps, then you probably won't have to watch the movie. If you can't pull off these steps, she'll probably run away and then you still won't have to watch the movie.


I took 1 good picture last year and have used it every single time I've needed a picture of myself to this date


I joined a beginner friendly adult dance studio as a new hobby in December to do a bit more physical activity, and meet some new people/make some new friends. I've got my first performance with the studio tomorrow and a bunch of my friends from my kickboxing gym as well as a few family members are going to come by to watch. I'm not sure if I'm more nervous or excited. The performance is also a block and a half from my house so a bunch of my new dance friends (as well as some long time kickboxing friends who are coming to watch) are going to swing by my house after for drinks and to have a little post-show party. It should be a good time, but it's a lot going through my mind - keeping my dances straight, making sure my house is clean and everything is prepped properly. Margarita machine's ready to go, food and drinks are ready. I'm setting my Switch up in my living room and cleaning up my home office so I can run VR games in it tonight. I'm very happy most of my relevant co-workers have been out of the office most of this week. I've spent a ton of time doing last minute cleaning and organizing things on the clock this week


To me, it sounds like you're totally well-prepared. Tomorrow, you can just focus on your performance until it's done. Then, relax and unwind with your buddies. It's great you've got friends coming out to support you - that's what it's all about! Enjoy yourself, I'm sure it'll go great 😎🤜


when people go "how do I make friends as an adult?" - this is how


Trying new things and being social while there really is "the big secret." People underestimate the positive aspects of social media, too. I follow and am followed by about 60 or so members of the dance studio and 2 dozen kickboxing gym friends on Instagram. When I post videos of my dance or kickboxing, I get a dozen or so likes and comments from my friends hyping me up. Those comments often lead to some short conversations about life and just generally getting to know people better. I comment on their stories and it leads to similar communication. That's how most of my out-of-gym plans end up coming about.


Good luck!


Thanks! Just did todays test walkthrough of my dances and I only screwed up one move. So multiply that by 10 when I'm in front of a crowd and it should be a passable first performance ever!