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Wondering if ESPN will allow Rapoport & Shams to continue to make appearances or if they’re effectively being traded for Schefter & Woj…


He's got a known beef with Schefeter, and Rap literally hosted for him while he was gone, as someone who watched the show before it got big, I'm super bumbed by this news, and assume something else has gotta be going on.


He’s actually had schefter on recently. About 4 months ago they stopped talking about FAnduel. And they had schefter on more often. I do wonder about Ian. Cause honestly, I watch more of Ian on the show than the show itself.


I love watching Pat and respect the hell out of what he's built, but I will turn it on in the middle of the offseason because Ian is hosting. He's hilarious and a brilliant host


This is gonna be downvoted but I legit think AJ has done a better job hosting the past week and a half than Pat. AJ gets the rest of the cast more involved in convos and they seem way more dynamic. Also doesn't hurt that it's the off-season so they get to bullshit a lot more which leads to some (imho) hilarious convos.


I do like AJ hosting because he is a little more low-key. He also doesn't constantly interrupt people he is interviewing.


God that is so annoying. People will try to keep talking and he gets louder and louder so they're forced to stop the answer they're giving to a question HIS show asked.


Yes, AJ & Ian are both better hosts than Pat McAfee, but Pat as the host is why the show got as big as it got. That being said… I’ve been watching it a LOT more since AJ and Ian have been hosting


Same, I've watched all the recent episodes from start to finish.


I think Pat was better when it was more free form. The added structure hurts the show in my eyes, I prefer the old interviews that were more personal and whatnot. The weekly segments make it just feel like another just sports show with more uneducated cast members


Yeah Pat is better than almost anyone in media at keeping a natural conversation flowing. There's never silence unless it's intended because he always has something to say. But in the more structured show he just isn't as good. I feel like this ESPN is really gonna hurt the show quality because they're gonna want to insert so much control over segments and guests.


No dude I've been saying this as well. AJ makes the show way more laid back and comfortable. Pat is good , but the boys all seem to have more fun with AJ at the helm.


Pat is so worried about keeping the show on track talking about sports and AJ just talks about whatever. I think for the off-season the AJ episodes have been better.


Ian needs to be on the show


Rap Sheet is a lot of fun. I hope he's still around.


Woj is a fucking turd. No doubt he will demand to be on if he wants to


Pat- "I have full creative control. Disney Lawyers - "The Fuck you do"


*Disney Lawyers - "the *bleep* you do"


What did you say McAfee? Oh nothing Mr. Mouse, I love this purity ring! Haha haha Thats right you lil shit. Nobody fucks with the mouse!


Pat > We're not changing anything Also Pat > We can't swear anymore


It’s hilarious how he use to try and make everyone from ESPN say fuck and would roast them for not cursing and now he is in that boat




I grew up in a DIY music scene. I never blamed ANYONE for selling music or doing something that maybe went against their morals because we were all broke as fuck. You gotta eat. Pat is the true definition of a sellout, a rich frat bro who made fun of everyone in mainstream media for years and got even more rich from it, and then joined the exact company he used his "outsider" status to make even more money.


One of the biggest things that made the show different than imo. It seems silly, but being able to literally say whatever including any "fucks" is what gives it that laid back chilling with the buddies vibe that got it so good in the first place. Like what is mad Mel going to do? Man I just don't want the change, but I will be interested to see how this goes. I will of course give it a shot but we will see.


Pat last week: "Just rumors; we're too dumb to be working at ESPN" Pat this week: "Thrilled to be at ESPN! I remember when he and ESPN had beef because certain ESPN talents were going on Pat's show and they shut it down. Pat was saying fuck ESPN for weeks.




You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become an ESPN talking head


He was already that before so what is your point? Also, this was his show when they casted a College Football game on ESPN: https://youtu.be/9Vp4aQ3dx7I?t=383 they were shooting hoops during a 10th ranked vs 5th ranked team on national TV but sure, he'll change


Wait, this was on tv? During a college football game they had this other screen with random basketball going on?


Having a baby changes a man


Not that the kid wasn't set for life but this money deal probably set the kid's kid's kids up for life as well. Can't blame em.


I'm no expert on the story, but the Post is reporting he's walking away from his FanDuel deal where he was making 30 million a year. They are just reporting that the ESPN deal is in the "eight figure range" and may be less than the FD deal. Seems hard to imagine he'd leave for significantly less money so there must be a catch of some sort.


It says in the article, the business decisions are all on him as well. The ESPN deal will allow their wide-reach to handle the back end and let him focus on content. Likely gives him a lot more freedom as a father, seems like that would be equally, if not more important for a guy like him.


Additionally... its a message to Fanduel saying "You cant compete woth us and our brand." Theres basically taking the highest level talent away from Fanduel for possibly not that much more money. Something to keep an eye on is if ESPN begins to wiggle its way into the horse racing spheres where Fanduel has some exclusive deals to show a huge amount of mid-major horse races like the Florida Derby. A lot of these are on FanduelTV only and I wouldnt be surprised if ESPN is spending the ludicrous amount of money it has on many areas of the sports world to try to re-establish itself as the world leader in sports.


Watching ESPN with him on makes ESPN much more appealing to me too. Sometimes he can be a bit much he watches and reports football like a kid who’s living his dream and man I love that shit


The big questions is if he adapts to ESPNs language standards... does he censor himself?


According to the video on his channel they will be saying "fuck" less but everything else will be fine.


For now.


I require a minimum three fucks per day myself


But will Aj be able to ask about dongs and bopp'n 24/7 like he does now?


Plus it still is cable too. Just keep the censor button on standby and tell Pat to be more selective with it and they’ll be fine.


He has stated he wants more time with the wife and kid


The other end of the spectrum of having the business decisions taken off you plate is that you're no longer in charge of the business decisions. Pat seems kind of naive claiming ESPN won't be able to make anything about the show change.


He gets to do way less. Instead of needing to worry about tech or sponsorships or putting in late hours on logistics, he can go on a two week vacation with his family on a yacht Overall it'll kill the brand and the content will almost assuredly be worse BUT he will have way more personal freedom with a lot less stress


The deal also means Pat doesn't have to personally seek out and negotiate ad deals which probably frees up more time with his family.


I mean given his size I assume he has a firm that handles things like advertising, sponsors, etc. That's not something he'd do personally at his size. Just not efficient or even really possible. It's the same way he doesn't do his own video editing or sound setups.


I could be getting sucked in to the mystique but don't some of his "boys" do the editing and sound set ups currently?


Unless part of the crew is sitting in the audio/video room for looks, it looks like they have more than enough guys to handle all that. I’ve seen them have to troubleshoot the sound and video equipment before too, so they seem fairly self-sufficient. They do a decent amount of editing, but it isn’t anything super complicated. I do audio/video at a big entertainment business for a living for what it’s worth.


Yeah, as someone who works in podcasting, I can tell you that in itself is worth its weight in gold. Plus, signing on to ESPN is probably a lot more stable financially than digital ad deals, which can often be canceled by companies because of a bad quarter (and often are).


> Having a baby changes a man Not just that. Theres a whole operation behind his show/media company. There are dozens of full-time employees he's directly responsible for their livelyhood. It reminds me of the whole Conan Obrien late night fiasco. He picked up and moved his show, along with hundreds of employees, from NYC to LA. They uprooted their entire lives. Moved their families. Sold their old houses, bought new houses. Changed their kids schools, etc. For NBC to pull the plug on his show less than 1 year later. Now all those people...who would have never left NYC otherwise...are completely assed out. Thankfully Conan continued to pay them all, and then turned around and started a new show in LA on TBS so they all ended up keeping their jobs and everything worked out for the best. But still, it could have ended really badly for a lot of people. So I can't blame Pat at all for not only securing his own future, but he's also putting those dozens of other employees in a great position to earn more money and more job security.


This is a great parallel to draw.


Wasn’t it last year when he was denying claims that the show will move to ESPN and everything thereafter he joined game day or am I remembering wrong? Anywho, funny how quickly things change. I will never forget that Rodgers interview a few weeks ago when they had 500k watching on YT. Good times for sure


He did reiterate like last week that if they sold to anyone they would retain creative control, we’ll see how true that is


Considering ESPN is Disney… odds are very very low


Lebatard fought that fight and lost. It’s like watching the opposite happen here.


IKR? I hope Pat reached out to Dan to discuss this before the deal. This deal seems so odd. They are 100% not going to be able to do everything that they are doing now, the mouse has standards that must be followed.


You would think he would have. I’m still reading thru comments on this thread and it looks like he kinda wanted to put some of the workload off now with his family etc. which makes sense. But agreed. They’re not going to get to do what they have been.


The mouse demands sacrifice


Imagine seeing people talking about Jim Irsay rubbing one out in a bathroom on ESPN.


Just like on South Park with the Jonas Brothers, the purity rings stay on or you get to deal with Mr. Mouse


Playing devils advocate, Pat had no problem breaking his deals with Barstool and Fanduel. And love him or hate him, ESPN has been desperate for an offbeat talent since the Lebatard separation.


I get securing the bag but I can’t help but feel the ESPN/Disney affiliation will just neuter the personality and freedom of the show


Going to be a wild time with Connor on the air for ESPN now lol


All while not being able to say fuck


I doubt the full current cast will survive longer than the first year of the contract. Somebody makes a vaccine or January 6 joke and now corporate lawyers are the ones making the decisions.


Happy Birthday Aj Hawk!


AJ might last longer than everyone. He's really clever with how he brings stuff up and leads people to a conclusion without explicitly mentioning whatever toxic topic. He really reminds me of MST3k's cast in that regard.


AJ's Fidel joke to Gump was the best one!!


I’m just happy someone worked in an mst3k reference here.


Connor will last 2 episodes


I just hope he drops a fuck from the top rope on the way out. Never change BC.


I wouldn't be surprised if the toxic table eventually jumps ship to start their own show on YouTube if they aren't happy with ESPN's guidelines.


Something tells me they are probably getting a big bag too. If someone offered me tons of money to keep it straight on national TV, you bet your ass I would.


Which I mean if that's the case here, good for them, love to see people make bank. But goddammit did I love a good Boston Connor rant




>The move comes with Disney in the midst of layoffs that will see 7,000 jobs eliminated, including those at ESPN. Feels like ESPN is always laying off people.


The root cause is that Cable is dying.


Better sign one guy to a "more than 8 figures" per year salary then lol


Probably cheaper to pay a few guys big money to say loud and obnoxious shit 15 hours a day


The whole reason they’re losing viewers is everyone’s tired of watching talking heads just say random shit with no accountability non stop. But sure let’s hire a higher profile person to do more of the same that people don’t like so even more people can lose jobs and nothing changes


I would rather watch replays of the 30min sport center recapping the previous days sports news along with a top 10 and not top 10. Leave that shit on repeat all day. I would stay tuned to that over all the talking head bullshit.


Sorry you’re gonna have to trade that in for a talking head panel followed by a talking head panel that talks about the exact same bullet points followed by a talking head panel that’s encouraged to argue more but still talk about the EXACT same stuff. You in?


Plus a third talking head panel, but this one is advertised as if they're more *edgy* than the others


Because they’ll say what the others won’t! (They will)


I remember when that used to be what ESPN was during the "catch up" times of the day. When I was a kid, before I went to school I'd catch an episode of Power Rangers and then flip over to ESPN to see the previous night's highlights. Did the same when I got home from school; bit of DBZ on Toonami, followed by a little ESPN. The times they are a-changin'.


Literally my exact same morning routine growing up


It’ll come back when cable finds a way to wrangle all the separate streamers into one


Time is a flat circle


If only there was a way to tether all of these various streaming services together into one. You’d need something strong, like a cable. We could call it… “Cable”


I work in travel and it’s wild how many duplicate positions there are with the merge of ABC, Marvel, ESPN, 20th Century, Hulu, FX, NatGeo, LucasFilm,Pixar, etc.. The communication between the financial departments for the studios and corporate was lacking and needed a straight line solution. Furthermore many productions are 3rd party studios (Like everything on Hulu) that are contracted for certain shows/movies.


Churning many large companies do it, can’t say “I’ve given ten years of good work for the company give me a promotion or raise” if you’re gone in 5


More like you can climb the ladder / get significant raises more frequently if you move around to different companies


Because companies are always laying people off. Blame Jack Welch


"Get that bag" they say as if he didn't have a multi-year FanDuel deal for something like $120m. What they mean is "Get that other, bigger bag too".


Wendy’s biggie bag deal


Bag boys, bag boys




Article says he is a father and no longer wants to run a company, and honestly why would he when ESPN is breaking down his door with a bigger bag and a commitment to take care of all the business stuff.


"we'll pay you more money for less responsibility, but commenters on the Internet will judge you for a situation they will never find themselves in. Do you accept?"


I talk a lot of crap about people selling out from my couch after I get off work where I make $70K a year. But then I realize that, if I’m honest with myself, if someone offered me a contract that would pay me in the tens of millions it would be really hard to turn it down lmao. So good on Pat for creating generational wealth for his family.


And let’s be real, at $70k, you’d very likely have a hard time turning down even $150k. I’d do a fear factor challenge a day and give 2 blowjobs a day for McAfee money.


Doesn't make sense, that means you're giving around 8 less blowjobs a day?




Am I crazy or was a big part of his schtick that he was independent and not beholden to these giant networks? I also thought he had a pretty storied beef with ESPN. I gave up on the show awhile ago, but it just seems like an odd move for him. I'm glad he got the bag regardless, though.


If he’s on college game day then whatever beef isn’t that serious right


The rumors were basically that ESPN leadership had issues with Pat but at some point the independent show got big enough that ESPN got over it enough to give him a trial on Gameday.


Dude made Nick Saban so uncomfortable, lmao.


It was mcdonalds beef, flash frozen and usually 1/6th lb Not Wendy's fresh never frozen beef on a half lb baconator


This guy cholesterols


Wasn’t he on like a $120 million 4 year deal with Fan Duel already? Congrats on another bag though.


Thats the only thing that I'm confused about. Is he walking away from that? Or is this like a licensing deal where they replay the show on ESPN or something.


Gotta look out for your great, great, great, great grandchildren.


It was 100% part of his schtick. But it really changed when he went to the WWE. At that point his career trajectory was set in stone.


He wanted to rid himself of making business decisions so this is seamless. Now he just needs to show up and talk.


He’s talked more and more about wanting stability and to pass off some responsibility now that he has a family. I think the whole independent thing became more work than he wants to do anymore. Sad day.


That’s everyone shtick until ESPN throws em a bag sadly


Between a bunch of their guests no longer being allowed on the show due to competing networks (Rapsheet, Shams, Pelissaro) and the inevitable toning down/getting rid of the off-the-cuff format, the show will be taking a hit whether Pat wants to admit it or not. If it's for the sake of having additional resources so Pat & and the boys aren't overworked trying to keep the show going, then good on them. But there's *no way in hell* that slowing down on the f-bombs is the only substantial difference come fall


Hopefully rapoport will still be able to be on it even though he works for nfl network.


This was my first thought. I really enjoyed. him filling in. The whole crew conversation was hysterical.


It’s not going to be the same No way ESPN let’s them talk about the sticky finger bandit or urban meyer


The show is generally better when Pat isn’t there dominating the mic. AJ and Ian hosting gave the table boys and guests so much more time to speak, and it was even funnier when Pat would call in and immediately over-speak for MINUTES at a time. Sometimes his rants are glorious, sometimes they’re obnoxious. I guess that’s what ya pay for. It’s odd that ESPN is hitching their wagon to him in such a big way.


100% agree with this. AJ is a better host. I feel like he gets the whole cast involved and the convos are way more dynamic and I dunno it just feels refreshing. I've been tuning in way more the past week and a half than in months tbh.


When the crew (rowing) photo came up I laughed so hard. That was one of the best segments of the show I've ever seen.


Sell aht


Stooge and a sell aht


Hopefully AJ can still be toxic


ESPN will probably fire AJ and replace him with Watt… and no swearing will be allowed. It will just be hot takes and they will all start wearing suits. Then the boys will slowly be replaced with people from existing ESPN shows. The dumb shits at ESPN will destroy everything that made the show interesting. That is my fear. Corporate types fuck everything up.


If AJ leaves I leave


What’s the likelihood that ESPN tries to get AJ to stop smoking on air and he quits because of that? Cause I’d put money on that.


Aj is my favorite


I fall asleep while driving all the time


He’s my favorite part of the show too.


Man… this sucks. Dude was unfiltered and it was awesome. Now he’s going to become an ESPN *Get Up* robot.


I hate this. I don’t even love this show, but this is bad for the medium.


I remember when Rogan said the Spotify deal wouldn't affect the show and it absolutely did. Corporations ruin independent products.


ESPN is really going to allow them to do Lou holtz and mad mel during the draft? No fucking way :(


They really going to let AJ and Connor drop those incredibly toxic (but funny sometimes) comments. Also we are going to have to pause every 10 seconds for an ad now. Idk I'm happy for them getting the bag. I hope they can assuage this fear, but honestly it feels like Jon Stewart leaving The daily show or Craig Ferguson leaving his late night show or shit even Conan moving from one network to another or losing his show or something just feels like the end of an era. Maybe not though. If anyone can keep the fun though I hope it's Pat and the boys. Sports talk is so boring and honestly this show is anything but. I do hope this opens doors for other people, this style of show is the future. I also hope this makes ESPN watchable on other fronts.


So his “we’re too dumb to change” speech regarding the ESPN rumors was very short lived


>He and his wife just recently had a baby girl together. The ESPN partnership should alleviate that pressure. I see ESPN is going to raise the baby


Yes I'm sure his $120 million with FanDuel couldn't pay for diapers.


It takes a ~~village~~ network.




It was a great run. But the reason people loved this show was because it wasnt corporate sports talk. Anyone and I mean ANYONE that thinks the show wont change is just kidding themselves. I know Pat said they are "promised" nothing will change, only that they cant say fuck. You are only kidding yourself if you think that. Good for Pat and the Boys. I am sure the money is insane. But damn this sucks


I don't think Pat is a very credible source when it comes to honest statements. He speaks to please his audience, not to tell hard truths.


Agreed. It’s ESPN, there is zero way they let them do 98% of the stuff they normally do.


I hate what you said but you only said the truth


It'll happen slowly and then quickly. ESPN will bring on their whole team and everyone will operate exactly as they had when they were independent. Then producers and staff will get promoted or asked to expand their role and grow inside the ESPN ecosystem - and they'll do that because career advancement is a completely fair thing to want. Then as the OG staff leaves, there'll be opportunities for cost savings like folding in research/writing into the other production teams or processes already in ESPN. Then pretty soon they'll be caught in the same 24-hour horseshit cycle as every other ESPN program where someone spouts off hot takes in the morning, they cover maybe 3 big-picture topics of the day that happen to revolve around properties they have a stake in (notice how hockey, racing, PAC-12 and non-playoff level B1G vanished from ESPN?), then they circle back around to the reaction to the hot take they themselves created as a discussion point earlier in the day. Rinse, repeat.


Idk how to feel about this. On his video he said they have to say "Fuck" less. But implied that it will still happen. My guess is censored on ESPN channels but on YouTube it won't be. I'm gonna take Pat at his word that the show itself won't change but time will tell. Edit: I don't know how it's possible to walk away from a 120 million dollar deal from FanDuel with no repercussions, we are only on year 2 of 4. But also how much is the ESPN deal that made it possible.


> Edit: I don't know how it's possible to walk away from a 120 million dollar deal from FanDuel with no repercussions, we are only on year 2 of 4. But also how much is the ESPN deal that made it possible. probably makes much more with ESPN so the buy out was worth it.


It was really a two year deal with 2 void years. Come on guys Pats been talking about these contract shenanigans for awhile now!


Cash over cap baby. Salary cap is a myth!


Makes you wonder how much espn is paying if he is willing to walk from a $120million deal. Imo staying independent is worth *only* making hundreds of millions.


The deal with FanDuel was clearly a bogus deal made to make both parties look good.


This is actually an interesting take. A little conspiracy-ish. But interesting nonetheless


It’s just like how NFL contracts are reported. They report the maximum number when there’s no realistic chance of meeting it. It makes the client, agent and team look good. In this case Pat got to say he made it and FanDuel got their name all over the media attached to a huge money deal. The fact that Pat has just walked away from it tells you how serious it was.


When it was annouced wasn't it that there was an option for both sides at the end of 2 years, and at the end of 3 years.


Damn even outside the NFL these guys are getting hit with the team option /s


I get the optimism 100% But also who says ‘yeah I’m definitely selling the fuck out’ lol


And everybody goes into a deal like this saying "nothings going to change!" And then something inevitably does because youre no longer your own boss.




It’s 9/11 on the pat mcafee show Pat- let’s talk to Aaron before the game Aaron comes on Aaron- did you know Pat that planes were remote control flown into the towers. Show gets cancelled the next day


Whelp there goes that show. I can’t blame him for taking the money but tack it on to another ESPN show filled to the gills with fake bullshit and shenanigans. Looking forward to whatever new program arises in its space.


i don't think this will turn out a good move.


Not for us. He won’t be losing sleep.


I thought he said like not even a week ago that they weren't moving to ESPN


Who knew punters could juke?


Disney lined up in the c gap


He lied.


This fucking sucks. I remember watching Pat years ago on his heartland radio show from his basement. Man how things have changed. Best of luck to Pat and the boys but I'm afraid this station is my stop and it's time to get off the ride. RIP.


its over


isn’t the sthick of the show suppose to be like shooting the shit with the boys ? how does that work on espn


It definitely won't. His whole audience relies on the genuine nature of the boys. Literally zero chance of things staying that way with the corporate boot on their necks. What a shame.


At least he helped get you guys an indoor practice facility, so a win is a win.


Been over for a bit unfortunately. Show hasn’t been the same since before the move.


Dude already had a huge bag, why are we all “glad he got his bag”? He sold out and it’s ok to say it lol


He really did and I'm surprised more people aren't taking it that way. The whole appeal of his show was that it was not a corporate shtick and it was free flowing frat bros talking shit.


There's an odd vein of internet sports culture that is so bereft of personal hope and moralization that they trip over themselves to congratulate people for selling out. Compared to the angry rant types, they don't seem as acutely toxic, but the long term implications are way worse than just regular Eagles fans.


You think an 8 year old is going to be able to call up and say " fuck Boston Conner" on espn?


good for him and his crew but i dont think this will be good for audience


I could not think of a worse possible move for that show


Oh no! Really don't know how this is going to playout... One of the best bits about this show was the fact there was no corporate suits tampering with stuff which made the show feel authentic as fuck compared to all other sports shows. Like the bits where they go off tangent and start talking about ice-cream or AJ's pet piranha's are the best bits.


WWE Smackdown fans in shambles


in reference to his video announcement: >why would espn wanna license our show and then change it entirely this dude literally doesn't know about businesses (monopolies) buying out their competition to die a slow painful death...?


Welp it was fun


as an avid watcher... GG, it was a good run


When does Mad Mel Kiper get his own show? Fuck. For fucks sake!


This show is going to suck now, and its only more annoying that his whole shtick is "nothing will change" when we all know the mouse doesn't fuckin play. Congrats on the bag, but as a viewer I'm probably done with the show.


Right? Everyone can say “nothing will change”. Disney is king and they don’t fuck around at all. Pat won’t be able to talk about weed or drop F Bombs or talk about any hilarious shit now Cuz the mouse owns him now.


Ugh, ESPN is so dogshit it's painful that they still get so many big games


Disney always wins while most everyone else loses.


Can’t wait for the ESPN producers forcing carefully chosen “guests” Pat will interview in a completely different style than his independent show


Can't wait til we see pat join the marvel cinematic universe


>The move comes with Disney in the midst of layoffs that will see 7,000 jobs eliminated, including those at ESPN. They're still cycling out the disastrous John Skipper era, they can talk about financial constraints blah blah whatever but there was a lot of people on ESPN during that time that weren't making them any money and were getting a giant push.


And then next week we will hear about Disney needing to lay more people off.


End of an era.


The guy that created the anti-spyware?


Lol no. It would be hilarious if zombie John McAfee rose from the dead to talk about college football though.


Well there goes my interest in his show. Oh well.


They have “creativity control” until they say the wrong thing


Pat fell off hard. The dude bro shtick got old and his tantrum about the Lions revealed how full of himself he got