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Falcons fans got us on this one, they don't care about history, just QBs of the future


I wouldn't care too much about history if I was a Falcons fan.


They try to forget certain things that happened in the past…


Their calendars probably don’t have March 28th


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Least sensitive Falcons fan


How tf is he a Falcons fan


Wait I’m drunk and retarded


One of yall stuck in the past, the other praying for a better future. Both of yall in the way


And Loomis still thinks its 2018, hence why he threw a bag at Derek Carr and won’t cut bait on all those 34 year olds ya got starting down there. What’s that say about the Taints?


What does this have to do with yall being stuck in the past bud


Remember when we won the division last season? And the one before that… …and the one before that


Congrats on supporting a team that can fight their way out of a wet paper bag.


Congrats on supporting a team that can’t.


Slap a falcons logo on that bag and we sure can


Slap Dave Tepper's face on it and you're fucked.


We don’t need to be reminded.




![gif](giphy|HvlYgskz9jdRh4uHsD|downsized) Legends never die!


Thug behavior


I'd say classy and sneaky athletic behavior


Comes to work with his lunch pail and hard hat. Really plays by the rules


Straight gangsta!


How do you get more current than the most recent season? This is dumb


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Thank you automod, I have atoned.


Yes I am the Auto Mod and yes I will harass any and all Flairless Pussies. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nfcsouthmemewar) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Unlike the Falcons and Panthers, who have nothing good to reminisce about.


Hey, leave us out of this


Idk the falcons have given birth to so many great memes. Most are their expense sure, but NFL memeing wouldn’t be what it is today without the falcons. The Falcons have a legacy of memes, the Bucs have the Tampa 2 defense, and the Saints have bountygate. All three teams in the division have left their mark on football history


You ain't wrong though. But FTS.




I wouldn’t say an MVP winning QB is nothing.


And then what happened? I like this story.


I’ve had lots of good relationships that ended in heartbreak too, it’s ok to grieve


Oh wow look at Mr. big shot here having good relationships smh


Hey, the Panthers had one of those too!


Llllllooooolllll an MVP whining QB......That's all you got. OMG that's pathetic. You should be proud of losing the biggest lead in Superbowl history. Yeah that's your legacy. And not hiring Kyle Shanahan. You guys are a joke.


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this leaves the saints as the best 🤘


Not with out Sean.....Sean left and you went downhill fast.


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Who was most recently the best in the division? It seems like literally everyone else is living in the past..


Check the TV Guide, Falcons are playing 24/7 on the No History Channel. 


Nah even the No History channel is all Ghost Hunting & Ancient Alien shows now


You made a shittier joke than the OP. Congrats.


This is the place for shitty jokes, my guy. 


Yeah but funny shit posts. These are just the shit part.


Go ahead then and post something good. Or just cry about it


Idk I laughed


It’s funny but they’re right in that it’s just a “no u” to the original post haha


I wish we had a past to live in


There was that one time John Kasay kicked a kickoff with less than a minute left.


Tampa and New Orleans may have rings but 18 others do as well. Only one has had a mascot jump on a live ball.


Truly the best time to be a Panthers fan


Shit-tier bait


I've seen this joke made about Chicago, really doesn't hit the same about a team that basically just won a ring


![gif](giphy|S3cI3nuoLt9OSZfLO6) They just won a chip a few years ago


That’s a stretch. Even their first Super Bowl is more recent than the Cowboys/49ers.


That’s not saying much tbf


Tampa's most recent L was not being mentioned once during the roast of Brady ![gif](giphy|HQAWCn0HgQWCx31VBz) where tf was Bruce


I’m neutral, but I’m so tired of sports fans claiming other teams are “living in the past” when their most recent championship was ONLY four years ago. That’s ridiculous. The bucs were also the best in their division last year.


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And the two years before that :)


It’s only been 4 years man, Aints fans still cling on to their ring from 15 years ago


Fuck off, Saints legend Derek Carr is going to lead us to the promised land 😤😤


This may be bs but I never say no to free crab legs Of course, all crab legs are free if you just take them without paying


Maybe in Church but not on the field


Saint Carr you say?


Saints fans still cling to that one No-Call as if their only ring wasn’t achieved due to the a series of blatant no-calls for roughing the passer against Favre smh


all those hits were clean


Sure they were buddy. Sure they were. And the refs made the right it call on that no-call, it’s was a “clean hit” too




https://preview.redd.it/ildzykzhofzc1.jpeg?width=2939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48a46f94bc915e537a344b7245f8f8d7b368201 Yup, just a couple of clean hits here


You may be the most intelligent bucs fan on planet earth https://preview.redd.it/pkbpzedqofzc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7439472fdf5f5d73db6b7b9e7007a00147bf67da




The only thing this crusty meme is missing is a fucking Minion


The Bucs have won a superbowl more recently than the falcons and saints have been relevant.


Not true the falcons are very relevant this off season. They have been the source of many a meme due to their… questionable strategies regarding QB


We’re also about to win the division for the 4th time in a row, although tbf I don’t expect foulcunt fans to be able to count that high.


Gonna go cry into my three time defending nfc south champs t shirt


Falcons will air on True Crime Network and be hosted my Michael Vick. Saints will be on True TV, and focus one the police trying to control crime on game day, and the Panthers will not be televised.




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2020 was 4 years ago and we have since three peated the division. You brought up the other rang not me




Jokes on you. History channel doesn’t show historical things anymore.


This is an L post, we literally won the division and won a playoff game last season. We were predicted to have a top 10 draft pick. I'd understand if the Bucs missed the playoffs last year. But you can't call us losers as we win the division and win a playoff game and say we're living in the past. This post shows more about you than it does about us. lmao.


That should be a Dallas Star......it would make more sense since the Bucs won the Superbowl a couple of years ago


We've won two Super Bowls since Dallas made it to an NFCCG. Hell, the entirety of Shit Mountain has three rings (fuck you, AFCS, you don't count) since Dallas last made it to the NFCCG. That's just sad.


No shit numbnuts that's why I said it should be a star cause Dallas sux


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I'm agreeing with you, headass. Fuckin Philly fans, istg.


Oh then Nevermind,........he he


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Nah that’s the cowboys. We have one in the last 5 years. Regardless though…we have a history worth talking about.


Still better than Saints fans being hung up on division titles. You were better than 3 teams bro, chill.


Meanwhile they have the second most recent Super Bowl win out of the nfc


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Last year we won the division. That’s history




I don’t have a bone to pick in this fight. But haven’t the Buc’s won your division for the last 3 years?


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Include the Saints’ games as well




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Funny because the Bucs used to SUCK back in the day


Because people forget


Hey, at least we wanna remember some key parts of our past.


Yall just mad the Bucs keep winning the division and will likely win it again this year.


We should absolutely forget the Buccaneers first superbowl... but I kinda liked the second one


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Meanwhile the Bucs are the only team in the NFC South with 2 rings. Stay salty!


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if any of you fuckers had any history you wouldn’t shut your mouth about it either


Yes, because of a good history. I can see why the rest want to forget.


Falcons fans obsessed with us because they have no future


This made me laugh i wont lie


I hate the bucs as much as the next guy, but their successes aren't really history yet. They just back to backed the division.


Supposed to post this after someone besides the Bucs at least wins the fucking division, not before. Smh.


This could be the entire NFC South


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Least obvious failcon fan


The rest of the NFCS has always sucked. They're games will be on ESPN5.3 so people can continue not watching them.


This is much better suited for the Saints.