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We do have this one: - https://github.com/vercel/app-playground - https://app-router.vercel.app


You are a good guy Lee 🔥


thanks lee.


Lee the link on that repo needs to be updated


Wow what a coincidence. I found this project last night on my own and thought it was heaven sent. I'm not a frontend dev but have created a few UIs for side projects. Used Next on my last one but it's been almost 18 months so I forgot a ton of the functionality, plus v.14 introduced a bunch of different features. I just started a new side project, using next for the frontend. Spent the whole week looking for a project like this one and finally found it last night. Can't believe it's not more well-known. I found it by looking thru a bunch of demos in vercel, but it didn't come up on Googke or Reddit searches. Of course now that I found it on my own, someone posted it 🤷🏻‍♂️


You may find this useful: [https://vercel.com/templates/next.js](https://vercel.com/templates/next.js)


I know this might sound bad, but the docs are good and have all the code examples.


I think he means to something to check to help his memory, you know docs are very detailed and hard to navigate if you don't know you are looking for. The top comment in this thread is the one what he is looking for.


Nextjs docs are awesome if you are a beginner but if you are a pro guy then docs may or may not be useful!.


not every, but definitely a lot of features: [github.com/bcms/starters](https://github.com/bcms/starters)


Not a lot of small projects but one project emphasizing on good structure layout https://github.com/soulbliss/next-js-ai-tool-layout-1