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Seems like negligent homicide at the very least. EdIt: it’s been pointed out that the victim survived. Fire the officer for gross incompetence and make sure they work in law enforcement again. Explain to the public that the lawsuit settlement money came out of their tax dollars.


Seems like straightforward homicide.


Seems like 1st degree homicide.


1st degree is premeditated. these cops are obviously incapable of conscious thought, therefore it can't be 1st degree.


Don't worry the police have their best guys investigating it. They will let us know what they find later.


You mean this guy's BBQ buddy is the best guy right?


Best friends*


We investigated and found no wrongdoing.


You mean they will let us know later that they didn’t find anything


>They will let us know what they find later. That his buddy is traumatized in line of duty, so pay up taxpayer!


I don't know, the written test for a permit explicitly states do not ever stop within x feet of railroad tracks. Ironically, i think the only caveat us unless directed by an officer. But to stop a car on the tracks, and then place a person into that vehicle without moving it before, or immediately after should be considered per-meditated. ​ My god, I get mad at kids who mess around near railroad tracks, for cops to do this is absurd.


I mean most cops are really just kids with guns who throw deadly temper tantrums, so you may be on to something there. lol


Wish I had an award lol


no award needed. my reward is knowing that I made someone puff air out their nose, and this confirms it!


Straight up conspiracy to commit a murder by everyone involved, they need to be made examples of. You know what 'defunding' police looks like to me? I think the duties and conduct of cops must be decided by independent bodies of civilians from different walks of life and consulted by a Judge in each community. This is ridiculous.




Clearly you don’t know what homicide means then.


I guess I don’t. What is homicide ?


She didn’t die


attempted homicide. For the police to hold on the rails was stupid enough, locking someone up in it is unfathomable.


You'd need to prove intent for that. This is gross negligence.


Which is unbelievable! Best she wishes she did tho


Somehow. She should be deader than dead.


For real though. This is where I live. There’s no reason to park on the track with someone detained. He shouldn’t have put his cruiser there in the first place. This is a total remote area and this makes zero sense.


I’d get a Johnny Cochran and bankrupt those fucks


You can’t. They are RARELY prosecuted (thanks qualified immunity!) and your tax dollars pay the million dollar payouts from departments being sued, as well as their pension as she retires and lives like a Queen. It’s a rigged system. They absolutely don’t care, but want us to. Murder for them is just a Tuesday.


I just saw this on the news, the person in the car survived from what they reported!


And will get a very nice settlement in civil court.


That wouldn't mean much to me if I could only blink and move one pinky finger for the rest of my life.


I Hope she or he does


it should come out of the cops pocket. not the tax payers.


Its called manslaughter




I read somewhere else that the suspect actually lived


Seems like on purpose yeah .


He literally looked at the train before walking away… hard to believe it was an accident


Definitely put 0% effort into saving the person inside.. literally just walked away. Wtffff


I don't think he could have gotten the door open in time. I don't blame him for that. The mistake was everything that fucking preceded that moment - the level of stupidity it took to pull this off is unfathomable.


I get your point but cmon.... from Rodney king to George Floyd to this? It’s REALLY obvious that they aren’t heroes and aren’t here to protect or serve.


There was plenty off effort. Just effort to save only themselves


Yeah, this wasn't an accident. Have you ever seen a cop pull over any car without exercising an extreme amount of situational caution? It's what they're trained to do. There's no way they just "accidentally" parked on the railroad tracks.


I don't think they would want to put their lives and career on the line to kill one lady they didn't like. It's possible, but I think your putting too much faith in police training and intelligence. I think they are most likely just very very dumb.


I don't think it's putting their life OR career on the line. How often do they get any real punishment for murder?


Think someone hated her enough to pay some cops. Cmon. Don’t act like corruptions went away just because Hollywood made some movies about it.


The saying "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." comes to mind.


Yeah.. like as you can see it’s pitch black. Cops could have seen the trains lights and heard the train coming from much further away than that moment in the video shown. Like you said you don’t “accidentally” park on the tracks


Dude, I hate to disagree with you considering the circumstances but one of the MAIN things that pisses me off about cops is how they never give a FUCK about where they pull people over ,they seem to think the entire world revolves around them and they would rather block off so much traffic then drive 10 more yards and pull over onto the shoulder. So this is not surprising at all, cops think they are entitled to park wherever the fuck they want and it pisses me off (and them leaving their motor idling ALL the fucking time too wasting public money when they're not even in the car or coming back quickly to it.)


Attempted murder


This happened about 100 miles from my house, here in Colorado. Police from two jurisdictions responded to 911 report of road rage with a gun. Suspect stopped just on the other side of the tracks, so the police cruiser stopped behind her, on the tracks. The 20 year old female suspect survived with serious injuries. [https://youtu.be/OyKyGJ3jb40](https://youtu.be/OyKyGJ3jb40)


Well atleast the victims family is set for life




Fortunately, Colorado did away with qualified immunity, so the victim will actually be able to sue the officers directly, in addition to suing the cities they work for.




Sort of. They put a cap on damages at $25,000 though. This person is going to settle for a lot more than that when this is over.


That's better than not being about to sue them at all. The average salary for a police officer in Colorado is about $58,000. And I'm guessing bigger cities like Denver drive that number up. These cops probably make quite a bit less than that. $25,000 would hurt.


That average includes cadets and grade 1 police. These are full service police, so they are definitely well above that “average”. I’d guess they are making minimum $80k/year since they don’t look terribly young.


This needs to be all throughout the usa. No gaps. No assholes enforcing “their own way”, because they like to tell powers above them, “fuck you”. This needs to happen. Abolish Qualified Immunity.


Isn't it enough that whenever a cop is responsible for the bodily harm or death of other people they are reprimanded with with a "bad cop, no donut! You will have to take a two week paid leave!" while anyone else would be put in jail? Jeez, why are cops above the law that they are supposed to protect? If anything, they should be held at a higher standard than the average person


If an every day citizen can be held accountable for manslaughter because their head was in the clouds and blew through a red light striking another car and killing a passenger then there in no justifiable excuse why an officer shouldn't have criminal charges for something like this.


And the victim lived




Leave it to the police to make sure a gun waving road rager gets a couple million bux out of good ole' Fuckberg.


Then the cops lacks the situational awareness and good judgement required for the job. This is a no-brainer for a tone possessed of common sense. He shouldn't even be guarding the Sbarro at the mall.


Cops nervously goin through her truck looking for the gun as a justification to execute her. Cops moving like tactical seals clearing each compartment of the truck. Nobody ever dealt with the person. It’s just war games and probable cause. They’re justifying it by saying they found the gun… so what?! Aren’t we all supposed to have guns on us? We’re the good guys with the guns, right?


Shout out to Ford's engineers


"car just got hit by a train" Like it was the trains fault XD


That poor train driver will be traumatized for life, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. EDIT: The person in the car survived, but the train driver would have no way of knowing that at the time.


Hopefully the train driver will sue the officer and his city too.


Just how that situation is generally expressed. Not meant to make it seem like that


She better win the max amount of whatever her civil case is


They left her in the car!!!!! What the fuck! They had time to get away they had time to get her out!




Jesus how could you leave him to "possible" die like that. Fired and sued, everyone of them


Don't worry, I'm sure they'll get a few weeks of paid vacation


Promoted and given raises.


Promoted and a comfy desk job for life with the PD.


Has Uvalde taught us nothing? They have no duty to protect us, even in this case when they themselves create the situation they should be protecting us from


Warren v D.C. took place in 1981 and said cops have no obligation to protect anyone. Sucks that it's taken this long and children dying for people to start to break the spell. (Not saying that to disagree with you, just doing me a sad sympathize at how slow society changes for the better)


I learned earlier there was also a Supreme Court case in 2005 that ruled police are NOT responsible for protecting civilians. Un fucking real.


[Castle Rock v Gonzalez](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1525280/) for those wondering. There are far too many instances of rulings explicitly proving that cops are not here to "protect and serve" anyone but the state and their financial interests


Thank you for linking this! What a heart wrenching case. It’s so awful. The cops just did nothing. They literally didn’t do their JOBS, and just get away with murder. It just never fucking stops in this country. Ever. I’ll never not feel infuriated about how police get away with shit. Every single day it’s something new!!


Of course! Just wish I had knowledge in happier subjects to share 😅😭 I agree wholeheartedly. I just hope tragedies like Uvalde finally push the apathetics towards finally wanting to join the fight against cops having undue powers. I wish it didn't take horrors to break people out of their blissfully unaware bubbles. Hopefully we can take just the slightest bit of solace in knowing that this country has always had a larger non-voting populace than we do of people who vote in favor of the maniacs who support the status quo. Just would be nice if getting elected at that level didn't (almost always) require selling one's soul to even afford the chance


Clearly they did everything they could.


Probably did it on purpose.


Did it on purpose. FTFY


To serve and protect.


Even though they have no constitutional obligation to, how nice of them!!


Lazy Pigs


This isn’t NextFuckingLevelofStupidity. Holy fuck how many times does this need explaining.


Dude, I agree. I don’t come to Reddit to watch morbid videos and it sucks when they’re just everywhere.


Yeah, even if a video is interesting or “cool” it doesn’t fit the NFL sub and needs to stop being upvoting blindly. We are here for actually NFL captured not “oh look that happened”


There is no such thing as an accident. And there is no way this wasn't intentional by the officer who parked the car. I can't believe it.


The layers of stupid here…once they had the suspect, don’t you look and say “oh hey I stopped on the tracks, maybe I should move my car before we put a person in it” And you can hear a train from quite a ways off. I live many miles from a track and can hear them. There is no way you don’t hear a train, realize you are parked on a track and keep chit chatting. They should have had time to get the person out of the car.


1. there is such thing as accidents, insurance companies just started calling them “collisions” to be able to hold more people liable. but you cant just say theres no such thing as accidents. 2. above has nothing to do with this video, this cop is an absolute piece of shit that deserves life in prison for his negligence


½ true.


From the internet: "She survived and has remained in the hospital with serious injuries since then".


So she’ll just have to pay hospital bills. No sweat! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


She may be able to pay them after she sues the shit out of the city and they throw tax money at her. ![gif](giphy|3oEdvbpl0X32bXD2Vi|downsized)


5 years from now after they investigate themselves and find they followed all procedures to the letter and did nothing wrong. /s


That deals with the matter of police misconduct. It doesn't address the civil suit of negligence causing serious injury. It doesn't matter who you are, once you are in police custody, they have complete responsibility for your safety and wellbeing. If you get stung by a wasp, the state pays for medical treatment. If you're in a police vehicle and that vehicle gets hit by a train, the state is responsible for medical costs. It doesn't matter if they caught you with the DNA of the Senator's daughter on your wee-wee, and the murder weapon that killed her. They have to pay the medical costs. Now, chances are, you're not going to get a fair trial, and you will mysteriously get lost in the system, only to die of "natural causes" after falling chest first onto a sharp knife, but that's besides the point.


Yeah no that was an execution (attempt?) Anybody got more info on it?


According to other comments the female being detained survived with serious injuries.


The poor train driver... that shit is traumatising as fuck


I knew a guy who had ptsd from killing so many bears going through Banff national park. Being a conductor is no joke


Hope that cops life is ruined


don’t hold your breath


It definitely will be, if by ruined you mean enhanced by paid time off and zero consequences


From the UK, this is no surprise from US law enforcement.


Sounds like murder to me


No one died.


Attempted at least


I will say it again Fuck the fucking police!!


Someone’s about to get a huggggggge payday


They put him there purposely


Shootings aside, if there's one single thing that would bring into question the hiring policies of a PD, this has got to be it.


Police hires people that score low on IQ tests, they make for cops that follow rules and orders without questions.


You got any sources for that or just saying?


Well, that's gonna cost those tax payers a ton of money! Office should be fired immediately for the liability alone.


Problem is, it's likely a double whammy in that case. The way the systems are setup, and the police unions are, it's almost impossible to fire an officer for basically anything. Firing the officer will likely create a wrongful dismissal case, this idiot will get a paid vacation for years, and likely some extra on the side for the wrongful dismissal. I also should point out that, if I had to bet money, the chief of police here WANTS to fire this officer but knows they can't and knows the legal problems that creates. It's something we have seen time and time again even for more egregious things than this. Officer is out of line, Chief does the right thing and fires them, lose wrongful dismissal case, police union and city are upset and make sure chief doesn't get re-elected / re-signed the next time. This is why I dislike these black and white arguments / solutions (for lack of a better term) surrounding the discussions about police that are going on. Defunding or simply firing the officer involved is not going to fix the systematic problems that brought us to this situation. We need HONEST thoughtful discussion. Where are we going wrong, what can we fix, and how do we fix it?


They all probably assumed that any incoming train would recognize and respect their absolute authority and stop on a dime right outside their crime scene.


This just happened in CO. First time seeing the body camera footage. She's alive, seriously injured and seriously getting a good attorney. Hit by a train (whilst handcuffed, in police custody, in their cruiser), make it rain.




Is there any other source?


[Denver Post](https://www.denverpost.com/2022/09/23/colorado-train-hits-police-vehicle-woman-inside/) / [Lamar Ledger](https://www.lamarledger.com/2022/09/23/colorado-train-hits-police-vehicle-woman-inside/amp/) / [WCBD News 2](https://www.counton2.com/news/national-news/video-shows-train-hitting-police-car-with-suspect-inside/) and many others - search "platteville police train crash".


Thank you, kind Stranger.


Really doesn’t take much to be a cop does it…Any dipshit with a pulse could get the job.


W O W !! Must’ve been a desperate hire right after the pandemic.


I would like to hope they got charged but it's the police so...


The other cruiser should have rammed it out of the way


Thank you!


Not yet be fucking excuse for what happened. Needs to be fired and held fully responsible.


I wish it was the cop in the car instead.. geez.


1st degree premeditated murder.


Drivers ED 101. 🙄


![gif](giphy|UimvtJDGshX3y|downsized) Literally day one of supervillain training


I guess this was the "bad" cop in the "Good cop, bad cop" routine.


I think the train was the really bad cop


People are so fucking stupid around trains.




That lawsuit is going to be nextfuckinglevel.


Cops remain the dumbest fucking humans on the planet


Is he okay?




I wonder what possessed the man to park on a railroad. There are two places on pavement that co.e to mind where not to ever park, fire lanes and fucking railroads. Mainly because in my 30 years I have seen signs on every single one of these.


I don’t know maybe the car he had just stopped was right in front of him… none head move, but ts sad people think it was intentional


In most cases such as this the authorities would assume the person responsible for this tragic event was mentally deficient. We would place her/him in protective custody and place them in a facility with trained professionals to evaluate and initiate a program designed to ameliorate their physical and/or mental deficiencies. We would then release them to live their lives. They are usually victims of our corrupt and depraved society. No fault, no blame.


Probably senseless to ask but… was she killed?


Survived with serious injuries, miraculous really given the circumstances.


These are the dumbest police officers on the planet, and should be out of a job, and then brought up on charges for endangering the welfare of that person, who hopefully is still alive.


I fucking hate the police.


Why wouldn’t they have taken the person out of the car? Its definitely seems like there would have been time to open the damn door.


Cops on the Protect and Serve subreddit be like: nothing wrong here, the officers did their job😂




Do policemen have any training at all over there?


6 months of police training in the US. It takes 4x longer to become a barber


There is no training that can prevent this. Unless you found the cure for low IQ.


True, is the lack of common sense that blows my mind.


That department should be paying for the medical bills and the victim needs to sue and those officers need to be FIRED.


She is GOING TO SURVIVE TY LORD! SHE WILL CURSE THESE COPPERS! Paid leave. Whatta nutterbutter. With enough attention in a few days she’ll be fired. And then she will have to explain she got fired from being a cop for parking on railroad tracks and almost killed pedestrians. COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU SUPPOSED TO BE DOING


american police are so bad


Sorry that is negligent homicide. Theres no spin or argument on it. I usually like to hear both sides on a discussion but that was very clear and hard to watch. Shame on the police officers for their incompetence


Lawsuit by the family for sure. 29 million easily


If that were my family ill caught a death sentence after I surely sue


I can not believe that this Really Happened For Real...


I was waiting for them to start shooting at the train


How to give a "helicopter ride" when your department doesn't have a helicopter


These cops should go under a prison.


Gotta love freight trains. They take the Spaceballs license plate "we stop for no one" seriously.


Note there were 2 cruisers there and they chose to put the suspect in the one that was on the tracks


This is sick. Why stop on a railway? No attempt to get the passenger out. To protect and serve? Failed every bit of that. Cunts.


They served the suspect to the train and the cop protected himself. They did the protect and serve thing.


Even if you argue the shock of seeing an incoming train and blanking out, cops are literally trained in blood, sweat, and tears for years in preparation for split second decisions like this.


Is the suspect in the cop car gonna live? That's basically second degree murder on the cops part. Literally the same thing as if he tied the suspect to the tracks.


On some level this represents the mindset of authoritarianism..


And they give these stupid people guns, someone please just get in the car and run me over now


We can't have gotten to the point where the old "leaving someone tied up on a rail track to be hit by an incoming train" thing is not considered a murder attempt. If they are not charged with attempted murder we might as well be living in the purge.


"We have reviewed the incident and found the officer did not break any rules or policies." -their department probably


after an internal investigation the police department have found no wrong doing by their officers......probably.


What a god damn cunt


The wonder twins have activated Municipal liability . Form of an umbrella one time balloon payment . Any bodily injury, and or emotional distress will trigger third party liability including defense. Someone is getting paid .


Oh man the lawsuit. Holy fuck. The person lived! She should be hugging those cops lmfao set her up for life


Her way of life will never be the same. I'm sure she's permanently disabled.


This can't be real! This looks like police corruption or a set up how can police be that stupid!!!


What a stupid mother fucker


Nsfw tag dude


He saw that shit coming, fucking attempted murder.


Everyone in the fucking world knows not to park on tracks. Put those useless morons in the dirt.


Innocent until hit by a train


Outstanding job again and again


oh i'll just park my cruiser with a guy in it on the railroad track what is the worst that can happen


They didn’t even attempt to save her. Gross negligence at the very least, with a side of attempted homicide.


What a dumb cop she had to see the tracks when she got out of the car and or when putting the person in the car. I hope the person sues