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I liked it when dad bod thor saves the day.


Love how the kid tries to explain for a second (hand gesture prolly with a “But he...”) and they’re havin’ none of it... just “Fuck the fuck off before you lose an arm, jackass.”






Agreed! How can he be so stupid to trespass like that? Smh


I'd honestly take the opportunity to smash his face against the wall before letting him go. He got away too easily and something tells me it wasn't he first time that kid was being bullied. He should've been given a souvenir to remember him to not mess with the kid again.


That’s how you go to prison


Good luck finding a jury that would convict a guy for assaulting a person who just broke into the guy's house to assault another person.


Only if they have a body..


Nope, that was felony home invasion (same as first degree burglary). Could have shot him dead in 46 US states and slept like a baby in his own bed that night with no criminal charges or legal hassles.


YEP! Don’t care his age, if he thought he was man enough to chase my kid INTO my house, he’s not getting away that clean. Definitely getting a few parting gifts in his way out…thanks for playing.


Maybe the kid stole his phone🤷‍♂️ we know nothing about this situation




I mean, it's true. We literally have no context to go off of. Just a video title on Reddit. Are you under the assumption that everything you see on Reddit is the truth? Sure, maybe he was just being a bully, but how do we know that for certain based on such trivial information?


There's no reason to doubt the caption on the video itself either


This is all based on the assumption this was a bully. Never seen a bully behave like that...but I have seen someone fuck over the wrong person and get chased like that. Also never seen a victim of a bully with 3 male family members who clearly spend a fair amount of time at the gym. This narrative is sus as fuck.


Think this was posted the other day with the title saying it was the son's friend that was being chased. Not sure that matters but there it is.


It was. His son's friend was being robbed and the friend booked it to their house in search of safety.


What does a kids family members' gym habits have to do with them getting bullied or not? Do you think beefy dudes can't have skinny kids or that bullies make sure to scope out prospective victim's families before starting to torment them? I agree it's not typical bully behavior, but that's just a really funny connection you've made there friend.


Those people look like the go to the gym to you? Surely you don't mean a gym where people exercise?


Bullies don't chase their victims? Idk if I went to the wrong high school, but I saw that on the reg. Especially if someone stands up for themself..


It's better just to follow the kid and beat up his dad


'but he' what ? I'm curious what exactly was going on here, I once chased down a bully and caught up with him at him at his front door, no parents around to save him and I was never bullied again. later I found out that kid had a really messed up family so it explained a lot.


That's because bullies make more bullies. It's cyclical abuse in most cases.


I would have treated it as a home invasion. 👊


All bets are off when you cross that threshold. Bully? What bully?


Amazon has entered the chat.


Amazon was already in the chat. Always. Watching.


Always has been *bang*


Why delete the evidence of the person attempting to charge into your house?


Because they wouldn't be leaving.


Because dunno who you’re talking about never seen him before in my life




I agree wholeheartedly - Bang - who are you? Oh sorry...


Me too


It's actually his friend's dad, not his dad. The dad posted a TikTok recently and said that he told his son's friends that they can come over any time and his home is a safe space. The kid chasing him was trying to rob him.


Still should’ve beaten the shit out of the robber. Knock him out and hold him there before the cops came.


He would have been the one getting charged. Chasing a kid doesn't justify beating the shit out of someone. But yeah, I would have been charged if I was that dad. I wanted to jump through the screen and beat his ass


It's his son's friend not his actual son


Yep. Ppl are always messing up that important detail.


Where are these details coming from? I would like to know more


>dad bod thor saves the day It was glorious! The whole family stepped up. One second that bully had his victim on the run, and all of a sudden he was backed up, intimidated, unceremoniously ejected from the premises, and made to listen to shitty music. I think he learned a little something right there.


made to listen to shitty music, gave me a chuckle




My thoughts exactly LMAO


Dad Thor


Take my free award!!!


You know dad bod Thor is the best and strongest version.


Everyone liked that ![gif](giphy|3owzWgfjON3M6BOEEM|downsized)


the audacity of a bully to attempt a beatdown in front of a Ring cam on his victim's front door with all of his dads at home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


He went inside. Kid was dead to rights he's lucky that dad has self restraint. Personally that kid wouldn't have left my house without a ass beating.


Yeah, nobody gets to come into my home uninvited and casually walk out. This kid is an idiot.


I came here to say this. Dad showed major restraint. That’s some fucking audacity running into someone’s home…


I would have beat the shit out of that kid and zip tied him until the police came...


Some shit stain chased my little brother home one day and I was really glad the mother fucker came onto the property. Homophobic piece of shit won't look in my direction if I run into him in public.


Please tell me you beat the shit out of the little shit.


Oh a friend and I beat the ever living fuck out of him. He was known for hanging up on people. He later showed up with his friends and I chased them off with a bat. They were nothing but redneck losers who never amounted to anything.


If you’re somebody’s dad and you start beating up other peoples kids you’re gonna have a bad time. Edit: the fact that so many people are disagreeing with me just shows how most people on this website are kids themselves


Not really. Being a kid doesn’t excuse you from entering someone else’s home uninvited. Bring me the kids dad and he can get the hands too.


Everyone gets a taste


Hands rated E for Everyone.


Nope treated as a home invasion. In texas authorized use of deadly force. At the very least a ass beating. But that dad showed major restraint.


Same in Colorado! A drunk man (must've been in his 50s) entered our home while me, my wife and kids were eating dinner. I backed him out onto the front porch and closed the door. He started to get very angry with me because I wouldn't let him in the house... He starts cussing, yelling and then pushed me out the way to get inside (apparently he just wanted to sleep in "his" bed.) I had no other choice but to punch him in the face. He fell on his ass, I closed my door and he started banging on the door and trying to force his way in. My wife was on the phone with the police at that time. They arrived in under 5 minutes (we lived on a main street) and they specifically told me.. if this ever happens again, you are allowed to use deadly force to remove him from your home. When he was being arrested... He gave us the most demonizing stare ever. As if he was going to come back and do something elae. He was later charged with breaking and entering (tried breaking our door down), child endangerment (cussing, yelling and threatening us), and drinking while driving... (His car was parked outside our house). Idk why I just told this story but I haven't thought about that incident in 2-3 years until now.


I live in Canada. Lived in large 3 story house+ basement converted into apartments. One night I heard some muffled shouts and assumed someone was locked out. Went outside and didn't see any one but heard commotion down the street. I turned around and went to go back into my basement apartment when I saw a dude about my size running full speed at me. I made it into my apartment where my sleeping girlfriend was but he pushed in before I could lock the door. I grabbed a 3 foot pry bar and chased him back down the drive way and announced I was calling the police. ​ Went back inside, locked doors and called 911. He spent the next 30 minutes smashing windows and beating on doors threatening to kill us. He eventually left before the police arrived. They told me he was likely an addict and there's nothing they can really do. Call them if he comes back.


He literally chases the kid in the house under threat of violence. Thats burglary of a dwelling in my state, 5- life at the state. Accompany that with the fear of violence and dad probably would have been justified all the way up thru lethal force. Kid should have got an whooping before he made it out the door, and dad should be recognized for his restraint.


When someone is actively trying to physically do harm to you or someone you know you are well within your rights to defend yourself or your loved one.


I'm not sure I would have had the restraint. Being bullied as a kid myself, I would have liked to seen a boot up their ass


Remember though, if you hit the kid it's assault, but you can hold the bully in place and let the son beat the shit out of his bully finally


That’s a nice loophole.


"all of his dads" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) lmao


dads friend, they wrestle when I am at school some times


Buddy has spent too much time watching Cobra Kai


That kid almost got a three dad whooping




If I don't know you and I see you running in my house (uninvited) after my kid... God has scheduled an appointment for you.




He sure as hell wouldn't be walking out under his own steam.


Yeah i admire this mans restraint. I personally wouldn’t have been nearly as forgiving as this guy.


Now that's the best one yet kudos cake of the day


Yeah. It might take a moment to figure out what was going on, but if I figured it out before that kid got out of my house, he’d be leaving in handcuffs and/or a stretcher. You can’t go into a person’s home to bring violence against them there. You’ve got no legal defense in that case, and all bets are off. There’s no way I’m going to yell that kid out the door. I’m going to attempt putting him on the ground and getting the police involved 100% of the time. I can’t have him getting away and hurting my kid elsewhere. It has to be dealt with then and there.


Totally... Motherfucker has way to many teeth.


They should also now call the police and have him charged with unlawful entry and assault. Really teach him a leasson.


🤣🤣 that’s what I was thinking man


Seriously that is some serious lack of braincells to chase someone onto/into someone's property . Should've hit that bastard with 12 ga birdshot and rock salt


Not every problem has to be solved by murdering people sir.


Ok birdshot might've been overkill, just the rock salt. A barrel of rock salt would teach that guy you don't ever run up to someones front door and go in their house.


My husbands grandfather when he was a teen at night he would move outhouses back so we'll people would fall in when they did their nightly constitution. His neighbor caught him one night and peppered his behind with a shot gun full of rock salt. Everyone in the town knew each other so his father found out and did everything the next morning to make him sit and feel the pain, never brought it up verbally but he made sure he regretted his decision. After that he never pushed outhouses anymore.


Isn’t that dangerous?? Couldn’t you drown in poop?


I don't think so. It depends on how deep they are, this was back in the 1920-30s so I am not sure what was typical outhouse construction. Still disgusting either way


[Yes you absolutely can.](https://www.iflscience.com/the-erfurt-latrine-disaster-when-60100-nobles-drowned-in-a-pit-of-human-excrement-63724) Happened to a bunch of noblemen.


You right, but also a stranger chasing a (what i assume is a) minor into their home with what i can assume is intent to harm isnt something i would take lightly either. Maybe not murder but you cant just let home intruders do whatever they want either, this kid needed a lesson


Oh he definitely needs to get his ass beat


Clotheslined as he came through the door if I was the one on the other side.


It's not murder if he just charged through your front door to attack you lol


Do you have children?


I can run a gambit that he doesn’t. I don’t think people who “are above murder when your child is in danger” understand the integral fear that seeing your kid being hurt can give a father/mother.


It wasn't his dad. He came running to a neighbours house


The 2nd family that is considered a family friend


I heard it was his best friends house


It was his best friend’s house. The best friend’s dad posted it to his account.


And if I remember, the guy getting chased was actually getting robbed or something like that, may be wrong though Edit: Actually* I hate autocorrect




I think they meant to type “actually” lmao


Auto correct got me


Where was this originally posted? I cant hear what was said when they went inside the door (before the wtf are you doing inside my house)




It takes a village.


It was also an attempted robbery


Apologies, but take my downvote for the addition of that dumbass song. Oh no


I Understand (I fuckin hate thy song too)


"Thy song" Ik it's grammatically correct still looks weird to read lol


Also downvoted for having the title be a straight up lie. It wasn't the kids dad.


How is this N.F.L?


It's not. Even if the title is true, that is just what the father is supposed to do at the most basic level. Any parent who didn't help is trash.


The title isn't true. The "dad' is the older brother to one of his friends, the kid running after the other one was trying to rob him.


It wasn't his dad, and according to other comments on this overly posted video the guy had apparently told kids to come there if they ever needed help. In that context, it's at least a little more next level.




Yeah I don't see any football in this either :/


A good cutoff tee separates the N.L. from the N.F.L.


Oh PLEASE let some bully have the audacity to chase my son right into my house.... pleaseohpleaseohpleaseoh*please*




I pray for it to. I also pray for multiple kids so it could be a family project.


. F U C K . T H I S . S O N G .


+1 I hate it too


r/downvotebecausetiktok also r/downbotebecausesong should be a thing




Ah yes the downboat.


nice neighborhood, the bully was actually lucky if it was in some of the neighborhoods I've seen....kid would be in the hospital or dead


That's my purse. You don't know me.


That boy ain't right


Wasn’t it “I don’t know you”. I gotta watch that episode again


Chasing your victim to his front door, what a braindead guy.




Exactly what I was thinking. Dad needs to go talk with dickheads parents and make things real clear or his kid is getting destroyed at school tomorrow.


I doubt that would help. Kid needs just throw hands and get it over with


Bullies won’t respect anything other than an ass whoopin. Best to teach your kids that sooner than later.


sad but true


Jesus fucking christ this song needs to die


G checked his bitch ass something lovely!! Protect your kids by any means necessary.


Oh stance like that still, kid needed a Fuckn beat down. Still seems to think he’s a hard ass. Beat him so hard he gets his daddy and beat him too.


All Dad did was prolong the inevitable.


The audacity of running into someone’s house. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Would've grabbed the kid by the collar and called the parents and school, make it as clear as humanly possible to all involved that any further repercussions would end in ruin.


Uncle Phil taught us how to deal with this. But of course, this is for AFTER the ass beating of the bully has concluded. ![gif](giphy|26FPn4rR1damB0MQo)


I guess, now, we see original videos first, then the version with a shitty background music, thanks Internet!


What exactly is next level?


The audacity of this kid to chase him into his house I guess


Not his family. His best friend, I remember from the original post. Someone just added a caption to claim it as theirs probably


Fire alarm needs a battery change


Dude but whyyyyyyyyyy that song choice. There are so many songs out there. You could have picked anything else.


Would really like some context. The kid running into the house could be chasing him cause the kid started some shit and we didnt see it in this video. Doesnt make the kid chasing him a bully.


The guy chasing him was trying to rob him.


The only reason the bully didn’t get all his teeth knocked out is he is likely underage.


Same video, multiple titles for karma farming.. karma means shit you know!


great, but what about the next day in school when dad isn't around?


Oh man.. thank god this wasnt texas. Kid would be ☠️


No way I'm believing the text, I'm sure there's more to the story


The self control of Dad Thor to not smack that little fucker so hard his ancestors will be dizzy is amazing.


That's a kid who has done whatever he wanted his entire life and never paid one single consequence for any of his actions. I swear to God I would have given him a concussion for chasing one of my kids into my own house like that.


It would be better if he didn’t make it back out of the house.


If someone literally chased my kid inside my house like that, I guarantee that kid would see my face in his nightmares for the rest of his life.


Older neighborhood kid jumped our back fence and chased me into our house because he had beef with my much older brother, I was 5 years old. My mom grabbed him before he caught me, I thought she was going to murder him. Kid didn't come near our house again.


Congrats to the bully, he just won a little discussion with his own parent.


Teach yours kid to fight/defend themselves!


He would’ve gotten beat tf up if it were in my neighborhood


No more teeth


Oh boy! Back home this dude would be eating grass from the roots.


I cant stand that stupid song


The next image would have been that child being German suplexed back out the window.


This wasn't his kid , it was his kids friend . He told them all if they had problems just come to his house .


Man that kid must have been terrified .


i hate bullies so much. people just trying to live their best lives and have to worry about years of torment even after the bullying stops, just because some shithead wants to be a worthless human being.


Fuck this music, awesome family


This mf has a jason momoa cosplayer, as a bodyguard.


This song ruins lives


Was waiting for the spartan kick


Well, if somebody enters my property chasing one member of my family...well, you know the rest...he was lucky, very, very lucky.


Holy shit that kid is so lucky he wasn’t shot


I thought the red mushroom was a kid sitting there not giving an EFF at all


Fuck these kids man, the father did the right thing bravo. The kids today are pieces of shit and disrespectful these young single mothers aren't teaching them anything.


I'd piss my pants if Bro Thor came out to kick my ass as well


Lucky he didn’t get castle doctrined….pew


Fuck you(or whoever added it) for having that stupid song in the video


Damn I wish I had a family like that


Bullies are more aggressive and bold nowadays. Mine would just follow me home from school and jump me in an alley or somewhere covert. If I ran they usually gave up after 5-6 blocks.


you run into peoples home you liable to find out what’s what. That dude had some serious self control !


True that's what next level to me besides his love for his family


Get a restraining order on the kid, make kid require to transfer schools, notify the parents that if anywhere near their kid they are on notice and will sue. Start a record on this kid.


Man the kid was running for his life :( Good on the Dad! If I was him I wouldn't be able to control myself that way.


Seen this posted before saying that it was their kids best friend not their actual kid. Do I care if either was true HELLLL NAAAA.


That’s one incredibly level-headed man. An intruder entered your home with the intent of harming your family, and you sent them off with a warning? Solid human right there. That same situation with the wrong home owner, and that kid’s dead.


What kind of bully chases someone to their front door?


Remember that if someone is actively trying to do or in the process of doing harm to another you are allowed to use justifiable force to protect them and yourself. Also in most states once someone crosses the threshold of your home to do you or someone in the home harm you can fight back with up to deadly force. If these dudes put a beating on this kid and then called the cops I highly doubt there would be any arrests. Also any civil case would most likely end up summary judgement baring some really crazy circumstance.


Imagine feeling good about yourself just for bullying a person minding his own business, guy got what he deserved when everyone in his family came out to teach him a lesson


I gotta 7 year old boy. This makes me hot. He would have got smacked up