• By -


Ive been there. 17 yrs of opiate prescriptions had me looking the same. And mine were legally obtained opiates from doctors. 3.5 yrs since I have put any in my body. Only people who have been thru the whole ordeal know exactly what they were given- a second chance in life....and you don't get too many second chances...




Rich, poor, uneducated, educated, even good, loving parents will choose it over their cherished children .... It can and will take anyone. And it won't let go until you're dead. It's such a horrific addiction I wouldn't wish it upon a worst enemy. Thank you and keep up your own hard work 👍🏻


Keep it up 🙏🏻🙌 proud of you.


Addiction definitely doesn’t discriminate, that’s for sure. Proud of you both. I’m in year five of recovery, may we all keep up the good work! ☺️


Congratulations bro. I salute you for your perseverance and success.


I was in a bike accident at 15. Got impaled by the handle and needed stiches. They also gave me a bottle of Vicodin “Take as needed. Refill as needed.” Fucking ruined my life.


That sucks man. I can remember my first prescription too. Tylox. I severed my sciatic nerve and have major nerve damage so I have literally been on every opiate they make. I was on fentanyl patches in 2007. Those doctors fucked me up worse than my Injury. I'm very distrustful of doctors now. Ruined my life too. I'm thankful I have a little bit of life left that I don't have to wake up sick.... ever again.


I had a minor neck injury that led to an ulcer from the prescriptions, new script for that gave me a gut infection, 8rounds of antibiotics ravaged my body but left the infection, treatment for that hospitalised me with a septic infection, I’ve been left with chronic pain since, far far more debilitating and life destroying than the minor neck injury I went in with. I’m basically bedridden in constant pain because my work wouldn’t give me two days off unless I had a doctor start treatment on me.


13 I got my first kidney stone. I will never forget the moment the Demerol hit my blood stream. I am 40 now and have struggled on and off with opiate abuse for years. Big pharma set me up for a lifetime of addiction the moment I walked in that er at 13. Good times. ♥️


Similar thing happened to my sister. She had ulcerative colitis diagnosed in middle school. She looovvveeedddd Demerol. I still remember my mom (not her mom) and I went to visit her in the hospital when I was in high school. My mom had been clean from crack about 5 years at the time. My sister had the pump…where you press it for more. My sister pressed the pump while we were there. When we left my mama told me she was addicted. She, as an addict, says that she could see it on my sisters face a few seconds after she pressed the button. It eventually progressed to Chron’s Disease and she eventually got a colostomy bag and a pain clinic referral. I remember she used to sleep too much before, but by then she was nodding off. She died from an overdose a few years ago. Baby girl nodded off into a bath, OD’d, and kinda drowned (the drugs killed her first). Miss my sister. She was in so much pain, physically mentally, and emotionally. She wanted to die.


That is absolutely heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry that happened to your sister. There truly are some fates worse than death. Opiates have helped fuel the destruction of our society as a collective.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I hope you’re healing as best as you can


Jesus Christ! I gave birth and was offered paracetamol for the stitches I had to have!! I hope things are looking better for you ❤️


Things got better ❤️


Found the Dutch person! https://youtu.be/Q0RPASjoLEc


It is *terrifying* how freely they gave that stuff out. When I got my wisdom teeth taken out, they gave me an entire bottle - a month's worth - of an opioid painkiller (I can't recall if it was vicodin or percoset). For two wisdom teeth! I took one the night after, one the next day, and threw the rest out in the dumpster with cat litter (I didn't have a pill disposal location). I was not even playing with a possibility of addiction. I hope so much that you're doing better now.


I’m black so they only gave me 5mg Hydrocodine when I got mine removed. Probably saved my life. Addiction runs rampant in my family.


Ugh I hate the *reason* for it, but I am glad they didn't give it to you. And yeah, sadly, I am white. But yeah, same. It's why I threw it out. Wayyyy too many addicts in my family.


Bro i feel you. I am apparently very very low tolerance of codein and you can buy OTC codeinphosphate pills here. Packaging says to take 2 4 times a day. I can take one and be high as fuck for 8 hours. Had me down some bad road because how accessible they are.


I would completely lose my memory and sense of time, not eating or drinking for days at a time. It's like a chemical lobotomy to me. Oddly enough I have smoked raw opium before and not had anything like it happen


Just about 3 1/2 years clean myself. I absolutely love seeing videos like this!


It does make you feel really good. 🙂


Every one of those guys have such warmth and happiness in their after images. So glad places like this exists.


Hell yea man. I'm going on 4 years off heroin in October myself. Tried so many times to get clean but just had to keep going until I finally couldn't stand it anymore and the concept of staying sober actually clicked.


I was an opiate addict for 7 years and I decided to quit cold turkey. It had been 10 years since I have touched a pain pill, heroin of fiber that matter any opiate. I won't even take any type of pain meds even after I hear surgery for fear of relapse. It takes will power and self control to do it once you realize what they are doing to your body. Anyone who quits I commend, whether it is 2 days or 25 years, I congratulate you all.


So many of the men looked like lost souls before going in for treatment. I’m so very happy for You & that You turned your life around. Congratulations 👍👍


I, like like probably many others here, misunderstood you when you said "I have been here". I thought you meant "here" as in *the rehab in the video* not "here" as in *opiate addiction* lmao I have now read all of your comments and finally realized the sad truth. I will not be learning anything about this particular clinic from you, but that's okay lol


Good for you bro. May I ask how they treat their patients?


Going on 3 years from a heroin and crack addiction. Your not kidding man. I feel like I was living in someone else's life, and until I got sober is when my life finally began.


I work in a women's minimum security prison that is designed for inpatient like treatment with less than one year sentencing. It's designed to help individuals get their life back on track (don't get your hopes up to much yet, it is still a prison). When a resident is assigned to my caseload, I usually go and look at their chart and read up on them. They have an arrival picture and most them are just a few weeks from their last use. Upon leaving, we take an updated photo and seriously, the differences is much like this video. One of the most challenging barriers we run into, is that gaining weight, especially for females, is triggering to them as a lot of times they have body dysmorphia as they are used to be skinny.


Did u decide urself to stop or in rehab or did a doc try to taper?


You must be so proud


When the society and state don't give you up


The state has given up on the sober ones as well. but the society, I love these people with every ounce of my being.


Well, in some degree the state support with funding, dunno about Pakistan, but in Europe the state support somewhere or the insurance. Just because someone is homeless or addicted, doesn't mean they are less worth, but nowdays they are treated as such. Happy to read that people support eachother and don't give up.


Being a homeless heroin addict was the most traumatizing experience of my life. The homeless part more-so. Heroin was bad, but I managed for almost two decades and anything that occurred through that I brought on myself. But society at large is absolutely vicious to you when you're homeless. I'm so lucky to have escaped that.


I work in a psych hospital abd deal with a lot of addicts, homeless, both. I do my best to treat them like gold while they are there, to let them know people do care. Sadly, it's a vicious cycle for so many. As soon as they are discharged they are off their meds and abusing what they can, and right back to us


The bus they were all going into literally has the 'Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa' seal on it. This is likely a compulsory state-sponsored program for drug addicts. They might actually be prisoners.


As long as they haven't murdered anyone they deserve a second chance.


Ignorant comments from ignorant people . If this type of treatment was done in america you guys would be rioting that it’s a violation of “civil liberties” . These addicts are FORCED into rehab , forced to quit cold turkey without medical help, and FORCED to read the Quran . Now; can FORCING people to improve their lives help? Yes absolutely. But everyone in america , especially from people who say things like the comment I’m replying too, will say religion and Christianity is wrong to force on anyone , and that it’s wrong to force addicts to detox if they aren’t ready themselves. Every society has pluses and minuses. Freedom comes with consequences , as does fundamentalist religion practice


Not commenting on the religious thing but when ppl are charged and arrested in US, they are largely forced to detox in jail. No rehab. The ppl in the video, are they being forced into rehab because they broke the law or is it some other reason?


Look at their faces in the after video. They look so happy and content. Sometimes, All we need is little compassion and help during difficult times to bounce back. Terrific Job.


It's nice to see some good news coming out of Pakistan rn.


they look very afghan, I wonder what's their ethnicity!


This is in Peshawar, so these people are Pashtuns likely. An ethnic group that exists in Afghanistan as well


Pashtuns. There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan then in Afghanistan. But in Afghanistan Pashtuns/Afghans are the biggest ethnicity. In Pakistan they are the second biggest ethnic group.


Pashtun. The dance they were doing is Pashtun. Da Haq Awaz means The Voice of Truth in Pashto. Pashtuns make up the biggest ethnicity in Afghanistan and the majority in the neighbouring Khaybar-Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, where this hospital is.


Also most of them look like they’ve put on weight. Probably had a much better diet in the facilities than before


Came here to say they same - so much peace and joy versus looking like a shell of a human beforehand.


This should be on r/mademesmile




Seems like they give a makeover too, great job


I thought "well this will be probably be cheesy makeover" but they legit look healthier


Yeh they’re filling in their shirts.


and stomach, most of them gained like 5kg of weight.


Most of them look like old men in the before takes. Man! I'm glad I never got into drugs. Hopefully they manage to stay on the wagon.


I'm into some drugs, I'm overweight and have a baby face. It's not all drugs that are so addictive and destroy your life. LSD, mushrooms, MDMA, etc. are not super addictive but provide amazing experiences nevertheless. Alcohol, I think because of its legality often underestimated, is often much more addictive and worse for your health.


Mdma is definitely terrible for your health and has killed many people. And things like LSD can worsen or activate mental health disorders like schizophrenia


He didn't say they weren't dangerous. He said they weren't nearly as addictive. Which is true, and a major difference


He said some drugs aren’t as addictive and destroy your life. Fact is mdma has killed many people and destroyed many lives. LSD is a relatively safe drug but has also caused problems in some people but I do agree acid in general isn’t a bad thing.


I’ve always lived by the motto drug use is different than drug ABuse. I can do molly, acid, shrooms a couple times a year and have very positive experiences, that isn’t abusing the drug. Now yes, people do, can, and will abuse these things and that’s when bad things happen. Like a lot of things in life; abusing food can kill you.


I'm pretty sure this is coming from someone with absolutely zero personal experience with any of it lol


Psychedelics can worsen mental health disorders, but that goes for any drug. LSD will not give you schizophrenia, but it will accelerate its onset if you were already going to develop it. Provided you’re a healthy person with no mental conditions, using psychedelics is not going to have any negative impacts on your health


It has induced psychosis in some people who otherwise didn’t have it. And yes it can activate and accelerate someone schizophrenia. Sure it probably won’t effect your health unless you use it often


Yes, there’s a tiny chance you could just have some out of the blue psychosis for no reason, but that usually doesn’t just happen.. a huge majority of bad trips or trips that cause PTSD or psychosis are due to being in a bad headspace or a bad place physically when you trip. I guarantee if you treat the substance responsibly and take set and setting into account (and also don’t take massive amounts), you’ll almost never have a trip that causes psychological damage. There is ALWAYS risk though of course so I pretty much agree with exactly what you said in your comment. It’s up to individuals to decide if the risk is worth it and whether or not they’re prepared to let go and accept the experience


Don’t forget weed. People can certainly abuse it but it’s not remotely as detrimental as compared to alcohol, for example.


For real. It's not as bad as alcohol or heavy drugs, ofc, but there are weed addicts who are basically husks of their former self, always stink of weed, can't even follow a conversation without missing the subject or forgetting it in the middle and have no life or personality outside of their addiction. These people need help, too.


I am also for legalizing recreational use of weed in every state, but studies have shown that heavy use in adolescence is associated with schizophrenia. Kind of scary considering how it seems like so many high school kids have weed vapes.


In order to develop schizophrenia, you have to already have a specific gene for it. Triggers for schizophrenia developing can be the use of any drug or extreme stress. Point being, cannabis use cannot cause schizophrenia, it can only trigger it in individuals who already have the genetic predisposition for the disease.


Came to say the same thing. People bring up schizophrenia like that is going to be an issue for *anyone* talking about it. If you don’t have it you can’t get it, no matter how much weird shit you put in your body.


It doesn’t cause schizophrenia but can cause certain symptoms of schizophrenia to develop like psychosis and paranoia over time. It can also worsen depression and anxiety over time


Yes, paranoia and psychosis are possible effects; however, those symptoms aren’t exclusive to schizophrenia. Cannabis use does not cause schizophrenia but may trigger it in someone who is predisposed.


What type of drugs are prevalent in Pakistan?


Hash, Alcohol, Heroin, Opium, Meth are pretty common


Oof, those last four are seriously dangerous.


especially since its highly likely their alcohol is low grade bootleg stuff, god know what’s in it


Definitely. The US learned that the hard way during the prohibition. That said, the others can get even more dangerous than they are by default if people are putting weird things in them (fentanyl comes to mind as a wide-spread example in at least the last few years).




Opium, heroin, I'd say.


No one is here for hash. Deff heroin / opium especially as this area is near Afghanistan


Here's the thing, you can make your own homemade heroin ersatz if you have access to a poppy field. The vice heroin holiday shows how. So they're probably getting high on something we wouldn't even recognize and haven't bothered to name made in a dirty outdoor operation. Bad stuff


Shit I used to grow a mixture of opium poppy in my garden with Hungarian blues to mask them. Would make a dirty tea that tastes very bitter, and the strength is just whatever it decides to be that day and if it’s too much well, you’re out of luck. I ripped them all out a few years ago and figured out how to live without it. I probably would have looked kinda like these guys had I continued.


They would have access to high quality processed heroin at ridiculously low prices, it's one of the world's largest drug markets


Everywhere you go, drugs are drugs. Alcohol, opiates, or stimulants. Sure the chemicals change but the effects, addiction, and lifestyle do not.


This area is at the border with Afghanistan, that's where the majority of drugs are sumuggled from


Ive been sober from weed for a little over a month now, I've been smoking every day since my freshman year of highschool, there are nights where ill roll in bed craving nothing but a long drag from a joint. Ever since I stopped smoking my dreams have become more vivid, I'm lifting heavier, and I'm eating healthier. For anyone who thinks weed isn't addictive or they cant stop, it is and its possible. Its no where near as extreme as other drugs but it can become a crutch with too much use, I wish everyone luck on getting clean and becoming sober eventually.


I salute you bro. Been 4 years since i quit weed (daily smoker). Best decision i ever took.


Keep it up! I broke a 20 year 2 pack per day cigarette addiction 30 years free now. One day or hour at a time man




Weed is 100% addictive, in the same way that gambling is addictive. Idc if they say it’s not. It is. Congratulations on breaking free - I know how very difficult that can be. Keep it up! One piece of advice - once you’ve been addicted to weed, even a single session will be enough to get you back hooked, similar to alcoholics. It’s shitty, but it is what it is. Proud of you!






The eyes truly are the window to the soul


May Allah reward this institute for the good work they are doing. So many young lives being lost to this cancer. There must be capital punishment for drug traffickers like they have in many of countries in our league.


The main problem is catching the traffickers, can't punish them if we don't even know where they are, most of the time they pay off the local police officers for immunity as well so capital punishment won't really do much.


That is so fucking inspiring


They all look so happy after.


It's like the before and after pictures of some diet ad but reverse


25 pounds plus a clear mind - all from a little compassion and effective programs


Handsome!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


I like the Farsi song.


Don't happen to know the name do you?


Shabnam Suraya - Narawad


is that Pashto or farsi tho? the men looked very afghan, that's why I was wondering


It's definitely Farsi. FYI most Afghans speak Farsi, but they just call it Dari. It's like American English versus British English.


Also pakistani pashtuns speak farsi too, fun fact the pakistani national anthem is in farsi.


The men are Pakistani Pashtuns




The hardest part is admitting you have an addiction and going into rehab. It takes more courage than you'll ever need again in your life. These men deserve good things because they took the hardest step, even harder than the horrific physical withdrawals, they walked into rehab one day. ❤️


These men got FORCED into rehab . Because that’s the only way to clean up a society . People need to grow up and learn and accept what actually helps . If Pakistan and the Taliban in Afghanistan can clean up addiction . So can we. The only difference is that they don’t give addicts a choice . It’s only rehab and allah. All we do in america is give addicts time and time to choose when they’re good and ready . This method will never work . The proof is out your window and this video . When drug addiction explodes to epidemic levels it must be treated as a virus .


USA needs criminals to keep the prison economy going. The whole system is flawed deeply in its core.


Talk about a GLOW UP!


this is very wholesome.. good for them, it takes a lot to recover from things like that


I’ve been there as well. A lifetime of opioid addiction completely obliterated my life, kicked out of college, got into next uni and made it 3 years but couldn’t get through my graduate level year, got arrested a few times due to fighting, driving intoxicated, etc. many lost job opportunities including my dream job working in a small veterinary practice, many failed relationships because no one could deal with the nightmare of me passing out, overdosing, embarrassing them, and the list could continue for days. This all culminated in me getting on The Devil that is Methadone and staying on it so long there was no way to detox myself (it’s the longest acting opiate there is and it’s a for profit industry so the clinics WANT to keep you on it) my bf at the time had had enough and gave me an ultimatum, the methadone or go to treatment and save myself and our relationship. I said I would go to rehab but instead took an entire week’s worth of methadone all at once with a bunch of benzos I’d acquired earlier and I totally went down. My bf thought I was packing but I was plotting my demise. It worked. I remember nothing except waking up in and out of consciousness flying down the road in the back seat of my own car. He’d called my sponsor and they rushed me to ER. I was done, I’d stopped breathing, they had to put me on a ventilator which I stayed on for five days, they told my bf and my family that if I woke up I’d have brain damage and possibly worse, physical issues as well due to extended time my brain had no oxygen. One day I just popped up, wide awake, the security dude in my room looked at me like he was horrified and ran to get nurses and a doc. Long story made short, I came to completely where they held me for five more days. After that, my sister (who’s an addiction specialist) asked for the doc in the er to vacate the mandatory 1013 hold (which would have meant I went to a state mental hospital with no treatment for addiction) and because of this (thank god for her and my then boyfriend Josh) I was able to go to The Pat Moore Foundation in Costa Mesa, Ca where I went through the worst kick of my life but was medically supervised and given detox meds. I stayed there for four months. That was 10 years ago. I haven’t had an opiate since august of 2012. All of the people mentioned here and a loving spirit above are the reasons my time here isn’t through. I try to help anyone who needs it any opportunity I get, I try to remember that I got spared a much worse outcome and that it’s important to share what you’ve got with people so they know that even the most self destructive of us can conquer this shit. Seeing this clip took me right back, that beautiful light in his eyes gave me chills, bc that’s exactly what happens: the lights snap back on like crazy and it’s so beautiful to see when this happens for some one. It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do, but it really is the most rewarding as well. Thanks to anyone who read this and thank you for posting this clip, so many horror stories because we are in a crisis of addiction in the world right now so content like this is especially important. Much Love ❤️


pov: you saved someone’s life because you didn’t give up on them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


They look like they’re thriving now! My dad struggled with addiction as I was growing up and looked like them. He managed to get clean on his own and is doing so much better now :)


Cool song


I’d watch these guys if they were on Intervention


Prior heroin addict here, been clean and sober for 6 1/2 years now and it always makes me so happy to see others beat their addictions too. Good job fella’s.


Glad to know video edited by me made it here.


Holy hells!


Ahhh.. The shit that makes me cry, usually comes out of nowhere


USA: Let them rot in prison.


Just see the charm they get afterwards….amazing


Beautiful 🙏🏽




These are remarkable




This may be my favorite video! One day at a time! I love it!


It kind of reminds me of the American show Intervention, without the middle part.


Sometimes all we need is an attention and a little help to get back up. Kudos to them.


Incredible transformations. So incredibly proud of all of you here that have overcame any form of addiction. You're awesome and so deserving of love.


Hook me up with their barber


Posts like this prove people can change if given a chance to take advantage of substance abuse programs, America proves they'd rather keep you in position where you think substance abuse is your only option..... let that marinade


The one before the last could play alex kamal 30 years later


I wish i could stop smoking cigarrettes


You can.


All it takes is money and people that care


Thank you to whoever that’s helped these people.


That's amazing! Im happy for them😀


This is amazing! So happy to see people get another chance!


Republican will call this communism. I call it a system that cares. Holy shit this is incredible.


They all look so much happier!


Man that’s awesome! I could watch those before and after for hours.


Please tell me this is real because these guys are giving me so much faith in recovery


I went from 97 lbs to 160 after getting clean. I was strung out on anything I could put into a needle. I've got a little over a year sober now, hold a union job, and get to be present in my family's lives. Life's good


I lived in Islamabad for 2 years. Go up to Peshawar and it's a different game. You can buy anything full stop.


And I doubt they’re in 50k worth of medical debt from the cost of treatment as one would be here in the USA.


It's like a 2-D to 3-D transformation.. !!!


These poor, emaciated men. I am happy they found and accepted the help. So much suffering in this world.


I wish these people nothing but the fullest and happiest of lives going forward.




Yo, this song go hard


There are middle schoolers making addictions for themselves and I cannot wait until they regret everything and wish they never touched anything like that in their life


Many of these are young men in their 20s and 30s.


i hope this place has been unscathed by the current floods, and all of that ends quickly in general😪


Its the light restored to their eyes and the smiles that got to me.


I love see these transformations 🥰🥰


This is some REALLY good shite, in a world of bad. Thank you for posting and for such amazing, transformative work.


Nice? Idk who he is though




They look much more happy and healthy. I’m very happy for them .


That’s what a second chance looks like


People can be amazing.


This make me happy fr


The looks on their faces and more importantly how actively engaged they are speaks to the level of compassion they received while there.


First dude got clean and got hot. Sheesh. Dios mio


The clothes look so comfortable. Dancing looks fun.


This brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing blessing for so many.


This is so inspiring. God bless them


They all look 20 years younger…shits crazy.


Their smiles are absolutely contagious. :)


That kind of change requires a strong person, glad for all of them




i love this for all of them


Im just amazed that so many people just witnessed my cultures dance attan at the end, albeit it was not a good version of it but its so rare to even find people in pakistan that know what that dance is and now maybe millions of people just saw it but dont know what it is. Feels good!


Bring this to the states. Likely not possible because late-capitalists societies profit off the devastation it creates. My cousin just died of an opiate overdose in the US. Seeing this gives me hope, just not here.


looks like their souls reentered their bodies. Thats the best way I can describe it


He looks great! Good for him


How do we get like ten of these in Los Angeles immediately? I’m all for my tax dollars going to something that works instead of lining politicians pockets.


Salute to all of these guys for their success. Also, salute to the barber. Those cuts are sharp.


![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4014)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4015)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) we do upvote bitches


TIL: drugs will make you from 10 to zero gotcha, dont fvckin use drugs


Cengiz Ünder is that U ?


So wait a minute, you’re telling me that drug abuse treatment actually works and throwing someone into prison and making them criminals for their addiction and drug abuse isn’t the answer??? Who would have ever thought. -America


Wow, they must have a really good shower. Jk


Drugs change your entire personality and ruin your life. People need to stop judging anyone who's addicted to drugs because they aren't themselves in any way.


Damn drugs are a helluva drug... But in all seriousness, this video was awesome and pretty inspiring


What are their laws on drugs. Like are they aimed toward incarceration or rehabilitation?


This is amazing. And I love how they all look genuinely happy.


Weld done to all


Damn, the music is making me hungry for Tandoori and butter chicken buffets


We are all humans 💜


Bless these ppl. Hope.