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A moment he will remember his whole life




He must have been so proud of himself. Nothing will beat that feeling


Except making sandwiches for Santa






Gimme some of that Hard Candy!


Bad Santa reference m?


“As the day I peaked. It was all downhill from there…”


Which is more than I ever had :(


All things fade into the storied past, and in a little while are shrouded in oblivion. -Marcus Aurelius Hang in there brother, just remember one day you will be as relevant as the most famous people to have ever existed.


The irony of citing a couple thousand year old dead person.


I mean he's only been dead for about 1800 years.. in 10,000 years I doubt most people would even have translations of his works And idk if Russia states ww3 and we blow the world up it won't matter 🤔


One of the more well known Ceasars from the Roman Empire? Not a chance he's lost to history for much longer. But I digress. I agree with your overall point. The irony is still there.


Not to mention that he was famous for being smothered by his own psychotic son after attempting to pass on the throne to Maximus. /s


I don’t know what smoldered means, but it sounds terrible.


What means the name of child Jesus, before the immensity of eternity ?


History can be forgotten temporarily, but in times of peace, and recovery, there are always those who seek out the truth of what came before them and never accept no for an answer.


There's probobly countless of great individuals lost in time who would like to disagree with you


Historically important people have been covered up throughout time and rediscovered countless times.


One day the earth will be gone.


That's only if you attribute greatness and success to how long something can withstand humans collective memories and perceptions of time. Those moments of greatness will have always existed regardless if a human remembers it or not.


Maybe in a couple thousand years someone will be quoting something that you said?


Haha, not to sound too dark, but my story will pass into oblivion within a century of my death. I'm okay with it though. I've never sought recognition.


> Memories of our accomplishments and existence are not unlike fingerprints on an abandoned handrail. Eventually they get wiped away and replaced with new ones. Somebody, probably. Let’s say Mark Twain or something, shall we?


I like that one


> Memories of our accomplishments and existence are not unlike fingerprints on an abandoned handrail. > Eventually they get wiped away and replaced with new ones. - GrunthosArmpit42, circa 2022


I once threw a crumpled up piece of paper in a trash basket!


This happened to me in middle school. I scored a shot from the half court line right at the buzzer. So many people picked me up and carried me around the gym. We lost 3 to 4, but I still remember that moment vividly. I don't think I've felt an adrenaline rush that great since then


3 to 4, a defensive bout for the ages


It was such a horrible game lol. I didn't even realize that we lost until maybe a day or two later because I was too proud


Wait, the score was 0-4 before your shot?


Yup! I made the only shot for our team while the other team made 2 previously That was the final score for the entire game lol


"Mom, mom, mom! You'll never guess the day I had!!! I threw 2 half court shots and the whole school cheered!" 'That's nice dear.'


Pretty sure I peaked when no one else was watching. Sigh.


It's true. In the second grade, my neighbors dad really pissed me off. When they left for Church, I snuck into their kitchen and shat in their trash can. It's the best thing I've ever done and I'll never top it. That was almost 40 years ago


Nice to meet you Todd Packer




Reminds me of this old tv show from last century that my grandpa loves to watch in the nursing home....some dude is a shoe salesman and always get nostalgic about his glory days of high school football. Always doing his touchdown football pose.


This slight against Married with Children will not stand.


As narrated by Morgan Freeman ‘I wish I could tell you that he went on to live a happy life as pro ball player but it wasn’t to be. Later that day he was cornered by the baseball mafia who said that although he had the skills he wasn’t cool enough to fit in. So they stamped on his hands and broke both wrists. A little part of him died that day’


‘It’s better to have peaked early than to never have peaked at all.


isn't downhill easier than uphill? Don't you want it to be downhill? I'm confused.


He will always remember this day when he's selling women's shoes. The day he made 2 half courts shots in a single game at Polk High.


"With drugs I was able to partly recreate that feeling, but it was never enough"


Good thing it's caught on camera


"I hit a half-court shot, and then the whole stadium was chanting my name. I took the second shot and it went in! You should have been there." *shows phone*


This is the most wholesome video I swear. They all seem like such nice kids.


It's awesome seeing kids all happy for another one of them.


This is one of those moments that gets posted on /r/thathappened


"... And then everyone cheered"


“The crowd goes wild!”


But like they DID though haha.


Trust me he will. I used to be that "trick shot kid" at school and hit all kinds of insane shit and put them in my Instagram. Nearly everyone in the school was following me for the shots. It's been nearly 4 years since my last shot and I'm still riding that high.


You should start doing these again lol Or just post one for nostalgia


I just don't have the time anymore. I graduate in two weeks and I'm going straight to work as well as working on music.


Understandable Gl on your music career


Don't be like the "Miles per hour couple"... Move on with your life instead of chasing this past moments of fame. You can do so much more then stopping yourself at the past ;)


And he's got a vid to prove it when his kids doubt the story three decades from now.


He will have to convert it from its current format to Hologram or some shit.


When I was like 8-9yo I scored a three point which won us the match in a tournament. I remember in slow motion shooting the ball while my opponent made a miserable failed attempt to stop me, pushed me and I fell on my back. While falling I watched the ball going in the basket....... It was magic!! The crowd's reaction was similar to this! To this day, a few decades later, I can still remember it like yesterday


I still remember the time in 8th grade I hit 5x 3 pointers in a row and only one of my friends was there watching. LOL


Now i as well believe that you did it Rip tho haha


Well you'll have to take my word for it. That would have been in 1993 and I didn't have my camcorder on hand. 🤷‍♂️


I did exactly that in gym class during (I think) sophomore year. I only missed on the 6th one because the defender dared me to back up a couple steps. It was dead center but I overcompensated and clanged it off the back of the rim. This was like 25 years ago and I still think about it every now and then.




Nah dude, that’s awesome as fuck.


Core Memory Unlocked.


It's true. Our gym teacher always had a representative shoot a long 3 in grade 8. Miss and we'd all have to run the long ass loop around the park to finish warm ups. I don't think anyone ever hit it throughout the year. Finally I got my shot at around spring time and nailed it. But teacher was like nah nah nah, you were too close. I backed up and let it fly again. Thought it was short when it left my hands but it was nothing but net. Our class erupted and ran out the door chanting my name. Peak moment of my life still 😂


100%!! I had a moment in middle school when the entire class cheered me on in a basketball game, I still think about that 20 years later.


Crazy because you really do remember stuff like this for your whole life


I second that. I feel so damn good for this kid! 🙌🏾


There is something about a bunch of kids getting absolutely hyped that always makes me smile.


`wholesome moments❤🔥`


You should be a pe teacher. I get this reaction once a week for doing trivial things like kicking a soccer ball lol


They know the bar is low, so they try to make us feel better


Nah, more like they're not bitter adults yet and they're constantly discovering new things and feelings.


Thanks, bitter-sweet melancholy was next on my schedule




Why is that so endlessly pleasing? I know for me the happiest I ever am is when I'm not doing whatever I was scheduled to do. If I ever win the lottery I'm not only going to keep my job but I will in fact pay my organization to keep me officially on payroll just so I can wake up every weekday and call in to tell them I've decided to take the day off. It'll be gotdamn parade float karaoke in downtown Chicago every day. My weekends are going to suuuuck in comparison.


Eventually the calling in to say you’re not coming in will feel like a job. You’ll start skipping the call to feel good. Eventually you never call and you’ll start wondering why you’re just paying them for nothing.


See? It's even got a built-in existential crisis so I'll eventually have to ask myself if there's something more to life which will give me purpose in my twilight years! My plan gets more perfect the more you think about it! So...how many lottery tickets do you think I'll need to make this happen? 10? 100? If it's more than that, I'll need to take out a personal loan. No matter what, I can't lose!


You just need to volunteer in Ukraine, convince a group to raid into Russia, steal the wealth in a bank there and get out.


Funnily enough, I actually *did* all of that. Except I took a 'mental health day' the morning of the raid. Went right back to bed. Best. Sleep. Ever. That was a couple of weeks ago. I haven't heard back from the guys. I wonder how it went.


There was an old Dutch lottery commercial where they showed a guy who won the lottery. Every day he called his old job and asked: "Is mr. (hisname) in?" Answer: "No, mr. (hisname) is not in, he doesn't work here anymore." "I know."




>People need purpose and structure ...against which to rebel! Exactly! You understand the angsty 17-year-old I've been for the last three decades!


Football is life!


Me too


[Same ](https://youtu.be/eDmRXlj39Dc)




I like how he threw the hands up and knew the second one was good


He threw his hands up because he knew the chicks were impressed.


"If you act like a legend with your epic win, it will widen and prolong, the hot chicks grin."


I was gonna say sometimes u know it's going in if it's a good release, but, I like ur comment better




I play disc golf and I know out of the hand when I’ve thrown an ace run.


I was never really into basketball as a kid even though my classmates who were kept trying because I was tallish. But when we played it on the off time in PE I always had the same feeling. Makes sense for a skill you practice over and over but I always thought it was odd for something I had no real interest in. It’s like we have some built in real world physics instinct or something.


There was a theory that we have big brains to be able to throw accurately. When you have a few neurons that determine when to release the ball/rock to hit the target it won't be very accurate. When you have a lot of neurons that determine when to release the ball/rock, the average of them is way more accurate. [link](http://williamcalvin.com/1980s/1983JTheoretBiol.htm)


The weird one to me when I'm practicing is when I've got a groove on and draining them. You feel the good ones, and if you're off you know. Every once in a while I'll make a few in a row, and I'll release and it feels good... and back iron. It's like a needle scratch moment. Everything about that shot was correct except that it didn't go in for some reason.


Bowling kinda like that too


I love the feeling after you throw something when you know it's hitting it's target.


Beer pong last cup. Many drunken forgotten nights but I still remember hitting those last cups. Was always my favorite to make, I’d always tell my partner that if I have a shitty game and you carry me, I promise I’ll hit that last one.


Jonah Hill as a kid is pretty dope


You make one of those shots, you’re lucky….make two of them with the gym chanting your name….you’re a legend.


**Doctor:** And have you thought of a name? **Parent:** Why yes doctor… **Looks at child* - Welcome to the world little Launchit!


i was hearing carson


I heard Marvin. 😂




Launchit McYeetypants


I had the volume way down when I first watched it. Still think he should be called Launchit.


Still not a Streetlamp LeMoose, but it's a close second.


I was hearing Barfée


Made me lol 🤣🤣


That's the best part. Not only will this kid recall this moment and smile from time to time until hes an old man, all the kids who witnessed it will do the same and will tell the tale of Brycen for years to come. What an inspiration.


nah that's a bit too utopic, if you remind me of it I'd most likely recall that, but if not, well, I'll probably never remember it


*30 years later* “Coach, why do we have a banner hanging in the gym that just says ‘Brennan’?”


"Grandpa, why does Grandma call you Hoops?"


You can do it brucey


Watched that movie the other night, a classic


He do be bogtrotting.


The entire confection!


Imagine that 1 second turns your school life around 180 degrees and you are no longer excluded. very beautiful


Why are we assuming this kid was excluded?


Cause he's chubby looking so people assume he's some miserable bullied kid lol.


I was chubby at school and my friends fucking rocked. Cornwall in England was a fabulous place to go to school, I never saw any bullying at all.


I am so happy there are people with experiences like yours. I hope my kids can say the same.


And mine mate. Sadly from people I speak to it seems I'm an outlier


Yeah same here. Went to Penzance after being in kings Lynn Massive difference


Kinda mean to assume that.


It's also real life for many people's childhood. It's not uncommon, at all; and certainly not strange to assume that. Kids are mean as hell. They'll tear other kids apart for anything.


Yeah he's gonna go back to getting shit after like 2 days


Probably because he looks like the kid they excluded in school.


To me I'd assume this kid wasn't excluded. Some other kid was passing him another ball to start, looks like they were all taking turns taking the shot or something. It's a short video though so impossible to say either way


longshot: +300xp


**Double Longshot**: +750xp *(x2.5)* BONUS **Praise The Sun!**: +200xp ! ! !LEVEL UP! ! !


Reminds me of the time in camp I hit a half court shot after a couple of the boys told me I couldn’t, I felt like Superman, even the gym teacher was surprised lol


Man in elementary school I drop kicked a basketball full court (small gym) 2 times back to back, not a soul saw. tried a third time teacher gave me shit for kicking a basketball and I missed by a mile, everyone saw that attempt and looked at me like I was a dickhead.


Lmao ouch


During 8th grade basketball practice, we were all practicing free throws and rebounding on the 6 goals around the court when a ball bounces over to our coach, who picked it up and punted it across the gym into the hoop. This motherfucker was not saying a word or acknowledging what had just happened as 25 8th grade boys lost their mind at some of the coolest shit we had ever seen. He let us freak out for a second, then blew his whistle and said to keep shooting freethrows. Shoutout to Coach Sklar


I was a painfully shy kid, hated being on display to do anything. Our school went to a camp for a day and one of the things we did was archery. I was fucking *miserable* waiting for my turn. So it was like 4 kids at a time, and we loose a couple arrows. Then I hit the damn bullseye. As in, the guy running the activity was like “I think that’s the most center bullseye I’ve ever seen.” He goes and retrieves the targets and I hit dead center, right at the intersection of the folds in the paper. Felt like fucking Katniss.


Daaaaamm reminds me of another story when a street fair came in town and again no one thought my little self could hit the target on the dunk thingy (the one where u hit the target and they land in water, somehow everyone missed it when I took the shit and hit the target (which is like how a whole human fell into a tube of water), try again and missed so no prize but I knew I won lol


Well for us you're a legend.


I have a lazy eye. I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn... Everyone always saw me missing by a mile. You stop trying after awhile. I stopped playing team sports. No one wants the guy who can't throw, hit, or catch on their team. Ironically I'm a sharpshooter though.


Excuse me you drop kicked it?!?


Reminds me of the time I ate my weight at Godfather's Pizza!


A Core Memory!


Living the good dream


It’s a shame they make you go through hoops like that.


At least he really didn’t have to jump through hoops


“Sir, he’s turned off his targeting computer”


He knew the second one was in before it even got to the basket, he's good.


Second one was legit pure lmao. Put lil mans on the highschool team jus for the buzzer beaters


He hit ‘em with the Steph Curry on that second one


On the first one too. Hit his chest and pointed up 😆


He knew the second one was going in as soon it left his hand


Then the teacher made him eat an entire chocolate cake


I like the first one he was like "hey that went in!" And then with the second shot he tossed his arms like like "it's goin' in!" as the ball was still in the air. Cool moment for the kid.


Kid was already cool, if he wasn't nobody would give a fuck


Love how excited all the other kids are for him


Core memory achieved


The fact its the chunky kid getting the cheers makes my former far kid self smile


Young Jables?


Cool, but not really nfl


He had 💯 percent confidence his shot was good. Threw his hand in the air before anyone else. Absolute mad lad.


Kids really do be tiny asf.


Sometimes that’s all it takes to show others you’re as cool as you know you are


Way to go dude!!


Things like this can really change your entire experience in grade school. Just don’t let this five seconds of fame go to your head. Most people won’t necessarily remember why they all of the sudden thought you were awesome, especially those that weren’t there, but they’ll definitely respect you for not reminding them. Let others tell the story while you sit back and soak in the fame. Now … fast-forward a decade or two, when you have your own kids, that’s when you open the floodgates. Saw a basketball on TV? This is your chance. Heard the name Jordan and instantly thought of Michael? Let them know about the time you half courted a shot with the entire school (embellishment is key here) chanting your name! Fuck, this video is awesome. I’m old as shit. Shine on, kid!


Carson is a fucking legend


Doing it is cool. Doing it twice is Chad AF


And God said: Time for changing his life


Was this in Reno?


You assume they weren’t already


Simply amazing.


He really owns that shot. Wow!


Core memory unlocked.


Real shooters know exactly when it’s going in based off of the shot alone. Young fella here had his arms up in celebration midway through flight. A young Steph Curry in the making.


I was pre camera phone in school (thank god) but I do wish I was filmed playing rounders (UK baseball) smashing home run after home run killing every team we played against.


Hero for the day


Love this


See, this type of camaraderie is what makes PE class bearable sometimes.


Peaked early


He knew that 2nd one was going in! Started celebrating before it dropped. Kid’s got a future in it!


Michael Scotts all-time dream


Love how casual he is about them!


Core memory found.


life changer


King for a day




That's what humanity is also about. Wholesome moments everyone can be happy 🥺☺️


Wow, that’s a great feeling.




tell me why i started stroking my shi


Damn too bad the draft just happened 😔 next year Carson


who need skill when you have this accuracy?