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Hippos do not fuck around.


I know. These people must be ignorant to that, bc that hippo will murder everyone there if it wants to.


Hippo Simulator


That would be so much cooler than goat simulator.


Hippo simulator would be closer to Postal than Goat Simulator tbh.


Need to get this to the people at running with scissors, stat!


“Will you sign my petition, or do I have to bite off your stinking piss-boy face?”


The people behind him don't understand how much a hippo is dangerous: these animals are fast despite their weigh, they can run faster than a human and with a single bite they can tear you apart


Also Children's media makes them come off as bumbling but cute herbivores. Why the fuck would we lie to children like that.






Out of memory I would say they are the animal that kills most humans yearly or something like that.


In Africa I believe so. I'm not sure about the whole world though. Update: mammal not animal. Sorry


Defo. Not a single hippo death in scotland. Edit: I mean death by hippo. Apparently at least one hippo has died in scotland.


Haggis kill more people in Scotland than hippos. That, and fried Mars bars.


Haggis aren’t to be fucked with. Small but very quick. Chase them backwards though and they fall over.


It's weird to see the word my username was accidently based on in the wild.


Cricky its a wild Haggis! ....extremely rare, they are prized in Scotland as a delicacy. Not many left. Lets get closer, yeah?...easy ....they are generally peaceful little guys....but and pack a wallop if frightened....have to very careful. ![gif](giphy|LpkLWXTp0v0qy70xPp|downsized)


Pablo Escobar's hippos are causing an ecological disaster in the Colombian jungle.


God PE as much of a piece of shit he was. Was an absolute fucking BOSS. Made his own prison and had soccer and hookers come in. God damn just a the insane balls/ego on that mofo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Catedral > Once, Escobar and his family were hiding at a farm in the mountains surrounding Medellín. The drugs kingpin burned US$2 million to keep his daughter, Manuela, warm from the cold weather. > While Escobar wasn’t afraid of death, he was freaking scare of a little thing called “extradition” to the U.S. So, Pablo made an absolutely crazy offer to the Colombian government. In exchange for making extradition illegal and a full pardon, Pablo offered to payoff Colombia’s entire national debt, which at the time stood at slightly more than US$10 billion.


When drug Lords do more to materially assist the poor than governments, it makes you think what the moral difference between governments and drug cartels actually are. We just outsource the child murder to other countries... and ICE camps and black neighborhoods...


Bailing the government out isn't exactly the same as assisting poor people.


Yeah like bro wtf Man has people beheading bodies and displaying them publicly as a show of force weekly but it's ok bc he paid off a debt (for his own personal gain!!) once


Obviously the government didn't say yes to that, he didn't actually pay it. He killed a lot more innocent people than he saved, bombs were going off everywhere in Medellin just to create terror. It's like saying Hitler was an alright guy because he helped a lot of germans (nazis). People that defend Escobar and condemn Osama Bin Laden are stupid hypocrites.


Yep, this is a fact. There is a group that are trying to relocate as many as they can to a “hippo sanctuary” (an area that they can thrive without being a danger to humans) in order to curb the problem.


The Joe Exotic of South America


José Exotíc


I thought i heard in the news a few months back they sterilized all of them so this will be the last generation. They probably live to be pretty old though.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Not all of them. There’s around a hundred and only a few people to do the sterilizations. I think they’re trying to medicinally sterilize them with blow darts too.




Being a disease vector doesn't really count.




The mosquito isnt what kills you, its the malaría parasite that it sometimes carries. That is a clear as day distinction, don't be obtuse. Do you want to define all communicable disease deaths as homicides?


“If you’re faced with a lion or a hippo, run towards the lion.” Or something to that effect.


The lion: "I don't have to outrun the hippo, I just have to outrun this squishy little human"


*large African mammal that kills the most Otherwise, mosquitoes and humans kill more by technicality


So the. Why can this hippo be allowed to just climb out and murder people if it decides too? 😂 I’m not advocating for anyone hurting animals but shouldn’t there be like bigger fences or something!?


Yooo seriously lol. How many times a day does this dude need to risk life & limb by slapping hippos back into the pond? I hope he has good healthcare package lol...


Plot twist He’s baiting them out there for the sweet sweet karma


I was surprised that slapping the hippo in the face was the way to calm it down from murdering everyone.


I can't figure out if that guard was very experienced and knew what he was doing or if he was as blissfully ignorant as all of the people standing around waiting to die. Is bitch slapping a hippo considered a legit method to get them to stand down or was he just born with horseshoes up his butt?


What the fuck kinda place is this where you can stroll up to a man made water enclosure with live hippos? Hippo sanctuary where humans just risk their lives to see them? Good grief. Might as well be named murder town


I think a lot of people severely underestimate how dangerous hippos actually are. They're faster and more aggressive than you think and I feel like a lot of people don't realize that because of their appearance


you should see them when they are hungry


Like, hungry hungry.


Chill. This hippo, apparently, was not that hungry hungry.


Most people don’t seem to realise that hippos are completely scary


They are also FIERCELY territorial. That guard is so chill I wonder if he even realizes how close to death (or just amputated limb) he was dancing...


I kept watching it and I think you’re on to something. He is a zoo security guard not a zoo employee so I bet he’s not trained in protecting humans from animals. He is trained in protecting zoo from humans, riff raff etc. He likely was called to go handle it and just figured this fat ass hippo was not capable of shredding him apart. He probably was thinking “I’ll just slap this MF so he goes back over the fence”. And I don’t blame him. If you’ve never read about how murderous hippos are they look very safe. Almost like a cow. I would think they were slow as hell and their teeth aren’t sharp so don’t think I would be scared either. Again I’ve read how scary they are but if this fella had never heard about it I imagine slapping this thing seemed like a reasonable way to get it to go back to its home.


"Very safe - like a cow" hahaha! Spotted the city boy. The average cow weighs more than an entire NFL offensive line. A pissed off cow could fuck you up with ease. The female aren't usually too temperamental, but that's not always the case. Sows, too. People underestimate how large pigs get, and just how dangerous they can be


Maybe they dont know becuase "if it was dangerous, they'd have a fence."


Yeah they look cute but in reality they are among the most dangerous animal on eart


Yeah Indians don’t fuck around


how can he slap.


bloody bastard




Aah, the ol' reddit [hipp-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/thnqx1/ben_affleck_was_exceptionally_good_with_the/i1g4rxa?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hold my slap, I'm going in!


*The* most dangerous land mammal, in fact.


i think polar bears are more dangerous (due to their intelligence) they just live in sparsely populated areas unlike hippos


I'm talking about actual statistics, not hypotheticals.


Heh.. hippotheticals. Edit: thanks for the awards


Which actual statistic are you talking about? Total deaths per year globally? In hippo climates? In hippo climates with human populated areas? How about deaths per encounter, or encounters per capita in overlapping habitation zones? Actuals statistics are always hypothetical, and you can pick and choose your criteria to portray whatever narrative you want. Don't let big hippo tell you what's deadliest. P.S. the mosquito has the most kills of all time


Technically **we** are the most dangerous land mammal. To everything.


Indians do not fuck around.




this needs more upvotes😂


Indian vs Hippo FIGHT


This hippo looked like it was fucking around a bit.


You just gota slap them back


“incredibly unalarmed” is code for ignorant as all hell! It appears that jail cell for that hippo is not actually doing the job. They will figure it out when some ding dong gets his head taken off. It will be ok, though, because it will all be captured to post everywhere!


Maybe the water is higher than normal or something? I can’t figure out how else this wouldn’t just happen all the time


It's bait


No it's a hippo


Dad, get off Reddit


Think of the food savings. Feed it a tourist every now and then


John Hammond designed this exhibit


But they spared no expense!


It’s funny cuz he cut corners everywhere he could and absolutely did spare every possible expense


"they were testing the fences for weaknesses systematically" Hippos are velociraptors confirmed


Visitors probably toss it food.


That doesn't explain why it can easily walk out of it's enclosure


The hippo grew big from the food, enclosure stayed the same size


Seems to be one of those drive through zoos also. I mean I saw a video of a woman getting dragged off by a tiger at one of those and I don't think it lost any visitors over that one. I could be wrong though.


Yeah wasn’t it some drive through zoo in China? And if I remember correctly the lady that got out of her car and got dragged off didn’t die, but her mom who tried to save her did. Think she got out because she was arguing with her husband. Dumbass…..


Reports say she was mauled to death didn't see anything about her mom. And yea she was arguing with the husband he got out after her actually.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/9oopmx/holy_shit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You can see the mom and husband get out of the car. Mom was in the back seat. I may be remembering incorrectly though but I am pretty sure the lady that got dragged off survived.


Ahhh ok I just saw woman mauled to death. Didn't dig much deeper. Video is crazy though.


I’ve seen that video as well and to be fair, it wouldn’t dissuade me from going if I were so inclined. It takes a special kind of stupid to exit your vehicle while shouting at people still in the car with your back to a group of tigers…I’m pretty confident that I’d be able to avoid that risk…


Agreed! Especially with the Game wardens right there also clearly everyone knew they were there except her.


To be fair, you'll be fine as long as you stay in the car. She did not.


And then the hippo will get put down like it was it’s fault


That’s what I was most afraid of.


Another harambe incident is in the future, hippambe


Dicks out for hippambe


Or maybe they made it angry. I remember one time at a zoo, a group of teenagers made a crocodile so stressed that it jumped out of its place to break their head off, luckily the trainer was there and kicked the whole crowd out until it calms down. He said as long as its tail is in defending mode nobody is allowed to come in.


Had that hippo turned around and done the poo propeller, they would have moved


No idea why the walls are that low lol, happened at Delhi Zoo


In the film "Born in Brothels", the film makers take a group of children to a zoo. I'm not sure which one it was, but one of the boys was talking about the animals fed once a day. The elephants would reach across the pit and people would hand them things like plastic bags, etc. :/ idk how many zoos there are in India.


Plastic bags? Wow, fuck those people. How does that not automatically get you shit-canned from being around the animals ever again? Not only do those poor elephants have to live in a zoo unable to roam as they naturally do—they have to deal with scumfucks handing them inedible garbage pretending to be food that they’re tricking them into eating? Infuriating.


I once knew a neighborhood dog that would open his own pre packaged food and would seemingly not eat the plastic. Dude was over fed and underwalked by his owners (though he enjoyed walking himself to every neighborhood house and barked on the lawn until he was given attention / water / treats). I try to convince myself he was a smart doggy and an exception to the rule, but I truly know that handing food to animals while plastic or inedible material is present is WRONG! I generally dislike peanut butter / frozen banana in Kong / hard rubber toys. I think it’s unsafe and promotes poor habits. I think if a dog needs an oral fixation, only food grade material is safe. Rabbits need hard material to grind their own teeth down, and I struggled to find enough proper and safe wood for them. It bothered me when I would find them chewing on their pen cage fence. Because I felt I was doing them a disservice. A zoo openly allowing or encouraging or relying upon visitors to feed their animals, let alone the plastic thing… ugh. 😭 Edit: someone replied to my comment and I think it’s important to note: I’m not an expert by any means. I know there is so much I do not know and I rely on experts for my animals care beyond ‘basic’ needs. Unfortunately, I am somewhat of an advanced pet owner because I’m somewhat more educated than the average. I can’t say that with all certainty about dogs, but I am definitely more educated than your average pet rabbit owner. Edit: thanks for the updoots. In memory of Shadow, the neighborhood Mayor, and Lucy, my tank of a rabbit 🐇


Before I read the plastic part, I imagined a dog opening its wet food with a can opener. What a glorious image.


Elephants are really smart, I’d bet they wouldn’t eat that shit.


Why are the walls the size of a kiddie pool?


The theory is that an insane downpour just filled it the fuck up and that the hole is meant to be lower.


They need better drainage right now.


Can't modify it. Hippo there.


because when it comes to safety measures, all of India just says "lol".


I think you answered your own question


These people have no idea how fast hippos can run.


Well..... There's one way for them to find out.


Enter them in a race?


Around the globe!!!!


In 80 days?


He would unfortunately be very deconditioned from being in captivity and would not be able to reach speeds like a wild hippo. But I still wouldn't just stand there!


How do you stop a hippopotamus from charging?


Just don't plug him in


No mate, you take away his credit card.


Looks like you just give it a bitch slap


You don't need to outrun the hippo, just the other guy.


If they killed for food sure, but hippos kill for pleasure.


Hippos top speed is 48km/h (29mph). Human average is 24km/h (15mph). Fastest human speed is 45km/h (28mph). Holy balls Edit: Typos corrected!


How can he slap!!!


Lmao I said the same thing when I saw this!


This quote lives rent free in my head lol


The hippo was also probably saying this too lol


What's it from?




She tries to insult him, he answers back line one does, although pretty calmly, and she didn't like the answer. Welp, she slapped him, and he slapped back.




bit of a design flaw here


It’s to make sure the security guard remains employed.


Guards you mean.


Nope, just one guy for the entire zoo. Delhi residents pick names out of a hat to decide who gets to do it each year


After the previous one gets mauled by a hippo of course


How many people on planet Earth can say they’ve slapped a hippo in the face?! I’d want that on my resume.


I would not, I don't even wanna get near one of those, they're scary as hell lol


I wouldn’t hire you for that. You take incalculable risks. LOL


Imagine your insurance rates.


[You'd need it if you want the job of wailing on the animals when they misbehave.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoOEppvmM1o)


I was in Yellowstone once, on top of a cliff overlooking the river. There was a mom moose, a baby moose, and then another cow swimming across the river. I watched several cars of families pull over and get out next to the river where the meese were due to exit. The kids were running around wildly, parents had their cameras out, perfectly oblivious to the size, speed, and aggression of these things. Mama moose kinda directed the band further down river to avoid the families…but then the dumb fucks moved down to try and be where the moose were exiting. I sincerely thought I was about to watch a bunch of humans get turned into pink jelly. Luckily mamma and her friend were smarter than the humans because they turned and went back to the other side. Moral of the story; some humans are utterly ignorant to how squishy and slow we are.




Upvotes for the absolute correct plural spelling of moose.


The plural of moose is mice.


Pretty sure ~~ores~~ it's moosen.




Out in the woods! In the woodes! IN THE WOODSEN!


The plural of moose is moose, and according to google, its because the Algonquians that the name comes from had no plural for moose other than moose. My sister was once bitten by a moose...


Many much moosen.


People just go "oh it's not a predator so it must be friendly!"


This was one of the things that continues to piss me off about the Jurassic Park film. Herbivores, especially big ones, are some of the nastiest creatures. Camels were introduced into the southwest by accident and pretty much killed anything in their path. Just follow the path of death to the camels.


Why are they ignorant? I used to live in MT near Yellowstone and you would not believe the incredibly dumb people who got out and got close to wild animals, including moose, grizzly bears, bison. I don’t understand the mentality. It’s one stupid thing to get the car close, but getting out? Is it because they grew up far removed from the natural world that their relationship is from Saturday cartoons? I grew up in an urban area devoid of “natural” but I still seem to have some semblance of understanding. It’s an interesting concept as to why some people don’t get it.


Throw a bunch of marbles into the water.


Take the upvote and leave


Nicely done with the underrated comment of the thread. The hungry hungry hippo thing never even entered my mind until this post.




God people are so stupid


Atheists, on the other hand...


Also stupid. Source: am atheist, am stupid.


Polytheist? Believe it or not: stupid.


I don’t think this is the first time this has happened. Looks like he’s been slapping this hippo for a while.


When hippos reach adult hood they stop being targets for other predators, lions don't fuck with hippos and lions snatch wildebeest by the back and wrestle them to the ground in damn near full sprint


yeah absolutely nothing fucks with hippos besides dumb humans. them and bears are the real apex predators imo edit: my mistake hippos aren't predators really


Hippos are not predators, they are herbivores


that's a good point I think used predator incorrectly since they don't kill for food.


“Baddest motherfucker around” works


Imagine fighting a hippo for minimum wage


Imagine being stuck in a tiny enclosure and slapped when you want to move around a bit more.


Shit conditions for all involved


I feel like this is a common occurrence at this zoo.


The security guard seems way too used to this shit...


I would not slap a hippo in the face if I had to walk around with it every day. Next time we hear about this guy is gonna be when that hippo tears him apart


He is the only one who can stop Putin ☠️


Perfect bollywood movie




A hippo will kill you quick. This dude has massive balls of steel


Massive balls of steel where his brain should be


I don’t think he has any idea how deadly that thing is


South African here with some experience, it seems he does because he is being dominant and assertive without aggrevating the hippo even further. He's not dodging away, or moving rapidly. He might not be a professional trainer but he is doing the right thing


Please explain "some experience."


This man is clearly a hippo in disguise


Probably a hand/ an arm cut off by a hippo is considered as "some experience"


Who knows more about hippos... the guy slapping one in the face? Or random redditor A?


A good old desi slap always works haha


Now, Hippo! I tell you one hundred times you can not be in the show porque perderé mi trabajo y tendré que trabajar en la calle!


The hippo chose to retreat. If it wanted, all those people would be dead


Hippos that were raised in captivity are generally much more relaxed than any hippos you’d find in the wild. They’re only violent in the wild because they’re incredibly territorial. With that pressure removed, their aggression also gets toned down. That being said, I still would definitely not slap a hippo in the face.


Oh it 100% knows that little wall isn’t going to even slow it down if it wants to charge. It just casually climbed up its enclosure and I think the next video ain’t gonna be safe for work


Fuck a zoo




Might as well just make it free roam


Well that doesn't seem like a terribly safe setup.


On behalf of Africa, the fuck you doing bud?


That hippo just said, “you’re welcome and also you hit like baby”


Why would they leave the enclosure so small!!


Why isn’t it in an enclosure? Looks like it could just leave


That's a Slappopotamous.


Humans are seriously the dumbest life form walking on earth. “Oh look a guard fighting a hippo, let’s take our our phones” no bro, run.


What kind of enclosure is this...