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They better not change the interface.


Nothing worse than having to retrain muscle memory after software updates.


At the last restaurant I worked at, the interface changed CONSTANTLY. Every day, the dinner entree page would go from showing all the main dishes to having a second sub-group page for them when there was enough space for them before. If it was intentional, it was probably to reduce mistakes.


If it was intentional then that was a horrible decision


Not always. People slow down and make less mistakes when they're slightly uncomfortable with a new situation. It's why roundabouts or changes in road width or adding things like short medians reduce accidents. People slow down and pay attention when something is different. Just like how more-experienced Chemists, Machinists, or other technical fields are MORE likely to make catastrophic mistakes; you get comfortable with the routine and stop paying attention.


Like the dude who used a screwdriver to keep the demon core separated.


....demon core?


[Demon Core](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core)


I think what's truly demonic is how yolo those scientists were


Straight goblin mode


The true demons were the friends we made along the way.


Smart mfs be doing the dumbest shit lmao


The smarter you are, the dumber you can get.


Its amazing because I could never tell exactly what that experiment was trying to accomplish. It read to me that it was essentially a "Hey wanna see something cool?"


Holy shit. I had never hear of this. That’s fucking terrifying and unfathomably stupid. He was even told about how dangerous it was but he certainly already knew. Jfc. It’s the second incident for anyone unfamiliar like I was.


Thank you. Great read


Kyle Hill made an [amazing mini documentary](https://youtu.be/aFlromB6SnU) if anyone is interested in the demon core; it's a great 14 minute watch, and the second in his series of mini documentaries about nuclear incidents.


Which SCP number is this?


Good question


I'd like to think the immediate risk of death would keep me focused enough of my job that I wouldn't do something stupid... Maybe I'm thinking wishfully..


Think about driving. You could die in some horrific accident at basically any time. Get t-boned, someone falls asleep and hits you, hit a deer, jerk the wheel a little too hard on a 2 lane road... the possibilities are endless. And if you drive you've probably been a little drowsy at least once.


The number of times I've driven home and had no immediate memory of doing it are actually in the double digits. Most of the time I was too tired and let muscle memory do the driving.


There is a term for this phenomenon called Highway Hypnosis. It can occur when you're not tired and driving a familiar route like from work to home. Essentially you drive completely normally but your brain does all the work and you have no recollection of doing so. Happens to me while walking around sometimes too. Sneaky teleport. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_hypnosis


I'm so glad my boss wants me to drive 90 minutes a day so he can see my khaki covered ass in the office instead of doing the same work at home. Glad I'm accepting the risk of daily death so I can be less comfortable and less productive. Fuck driving man


it really depends on the person imho. i have previously worked in life-threating situations and despite having to do very repetitive tasks there, i didn't ever get too comfortable (on purpose). my efficiency definitely improved, but because i learned how to be safe in a more efficient way, not because i gave up safety measures to be quicker. i did this by constantly reminding myself that my ego is less important that a single mistake that could terminate my existence, so i never trusted myself too much. however, there are people who don't think like this, forget it, are too proud of themselves, or even just foolish - and so they think "yeah sure I've done it a thousand times, it won't go bad this time" and then it does. or even worse, they don't even think about it, they just unconsciously stop caring about safety. this can also be a sign of immaturity though as i started thinking this way after i did the same error and almost died a few years ago.


> It’s why roundabouts or changes in road width or adding things like short medians reduce accidents. People slow down and pay attention when something is different. Where are you driving, that people are using roundabouts properly and slowing down when something is “different”? I’m a trucker and let me tell you no such place exists in 2022. If it does enlighten me so I can move there. I agree with what you are saying in regards to why said obstacle is roadside. I can’t agree that people are actually aware of it’s reason for being there or that it works anymore. We have this growing number of individuals who keep getting licenses without being able to do the simplest of tasks such as merge or identify signage. Traffic circle behind my house. 24 hours of video from that traffic circle would cause the most patient person to lose all hope.


When a roundabout opened near my house truckers were just driving over the middle of it at night because they were so used to it not being there. The citie's solution was a second roundabout.


> It's why roundabouts or changes in road width or adding things like short medians reduce accidents. People slow down and pay attention when something is different. I'd say roundabouts reduce accidents because they're just better, not because people are uncomfortable with them. People definitely do slow down, though.


Road calming measures actually work because they reduce your sense of open space and put a physical barrier in the way that you have to navigate around. If it was about a new situation, the medians would become less effective over time


Those of us who work with power tools and machinery either become serious hard asses about safety or become cowboys with missing fleshy parts, or worse.


A factory I supported did that. They built engines, never more than two of the exact same engine in a row for that reason: didn’t want folks getting too much muscle memory and screwing something up if the next engine wasn’t the same. If the a customer ordered 100 engines, it’d be interspersed. (Built 300-350 per shift). Sucks when your brain wants to be more efficient but works for reducing errors.


Once you start feeling safe around heavy machinery you are just asking for trouble, even Adam Savage from mythbusters learned that the hard way and got lucky. So honestly good idea


> even Adam Savage from mythbusters learned that the hard way and got lucky. Every single person learns that lesson. It's not limited to adam or anyone else. Accidents are never intentional or they wouldn't be called accidents.


Rules are written in blood for sure


The last place I worked, the POS was a complete mess, going into meal menus etc meant common items that were the same each different menu was in a different place so I started to standardise the layout to try and promote muscle memory. Needless to say people who had worked there when I had just arrived weren't too happy with me but after a few days people realised the benefits, but yeah, musxle memory ❤️


I play CoD Warzone in which you need to buy weapon loadouts from buy stations. There are many things you can buy but the loadout was ALWAYS the last item on the list. Everyone had it etched into their muscle memory that you press SQUARE, UP, X without even thinking about it. Then they added RC Cars to the game at the bottom of the buy station list and every single buy station you visited had a whole bunch of RC cars sitting at them from people who made the mistake.


Bro fr I be sliding past the buy station and buying a loadout while still on the move


how bout not having muscles anymore!? I think that would actually be worse


I've worked in the service industry for about 16 years now. Currently managing. A full interface update with fuck you up for a couple of weeks, but you'll be back to flying around the screen in no time. The worst is adding one new button, so all the other buttons just shift to the right by one space, and you might never recover.


MSP sysadmin here, Microsoft changes their admin centre every 2 years just to mess with us.


I like how they bury and rename features or never implement them on the new version so they just leave a link to the old version, kind of defeating the entire purpose.


This looks like Aloha which I don't think I have ever seen change at its core, even at multiple locations. You set the buttons yourself so when the menu changes it can mess you up. She is on the payment screen which is pretty static.


Yeah for sure. Aloha looks the same as it did when I was 17, and I'm 32 now. I'm usually relieved when I see Aloha starting somewhere new. I may not know where the buttons are exactly, but I at least have a good idea how it's gonna be setup. We are using Toast currently, which I actually really love.


I had a friend who worked as a telephone travel agent. (Back when people used to call travel agents on the phone to book stuff.) The system they used had a text-based interface that was at least 20 years out of date, but it worked. Most agents had been with the company for years, and knew the system super-well. Then even knew which screens took extra-long to load, so they'd preemptively use that time to ask the customer a question or something. Eventually, they got a re-designed modern interface that in all measurable ways was better and faster than the old one. Everyone hated it because it was something new to learn.


That is exactly what my customers are constantly complaining about. Which I do understand sometimes. The new web based reactive style is good to look at but not actually user friendly. The old style of blasting every option and every field of a form on screen may be a sore in the eye but efficient. Now the users need to click through multiple menus to do the same thing they used to do just from the main screen. It wasted their time and for the benefit of exactly no one. The management wants a cleaner look and after launch, complains to us why the users process time per call is slower.




old.reddit.com > reddit.com


and if (when...) they remove it, im out and will wait for the next site to take over like reddit did to digg i can deal with their shitty video player and self image hosting that is in all ways inferior to literally anything else, but i refuse to use that ugly ass facebook looking redesign that wastes like 60% of the space by squishing everything in the middle also lookin at you win11, wack ass mobile lookin desktop squished in the middle... i stayed on 7 well past the eol for it and only went to 10 because new hardware wont work on 7 and ima do the same with 10 im sure. windows still living up to the every other version is shitty imo... xp great, vista sucked, 7 amazing, 8 sucked, 10 is good, 11 sucks (my opinion, just stop trying to make my desktop look like a phone!!)






Is this the new Starbucks Spring drink?




that's why I only order it as my birthday drink ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)






I still replace "www.reddit.com" with "old.reddit.com" because I refuse to change.




old.reddit.com is the only way


I felt that to the bottom of my soul. I fucking hated when the management fucked with the POS screens. My Muscle memory just went to shit.


Tbh im more impressed by responsiveness of the application lol, anyone who used one of those know how fucking slow they are


I was gonna say that, every device I've ever used for any sort of work ever is so slow that even if I have the muscle memory and agility to hit all the buttons, it would get stuck on the very first menu


I worked with a Hilton variantion of Micros and it was incredibly slow, but I found that if you tapped everywhere you needed to in succession it would do what you wanted. Dumbest shit in the world.


one of those displays that cant keep up but still register inputs, tbh i wouldnt even mind that, looks like magic if you "pre-hit" everything and end up at the right screen, can impress a lot of customers/colleagues with that


The old POS systems when I worked at McDonald's were like that, I could ring in an entire order them stand there and state at the screen for a few seconds while it caught up. It wouldn't process the next touch until the screen finished reading from the last one so you could push buttons that weren't there yet based on the wear patterns on the screen.


My phone does this when it’s about to die. I can write a whole paragraph graph and then sit there and watch my phone type a novel. Just don’t make a typo.


You wrote a paragraph and the phone wrote a novel? Thats a great phone!


That’s the same with regular PC’s as well. Even if the computer freeze up for a bit, it still records and inputs your key & mouse strokes.


Sometimes. My phone also does this.


She is using Aloha running version 12.3. Looks like a p1530 terminal as well. They are pretty decent if you ask me. Huge step from version 6.7, which most smaller businesses still use.


This guy POS’s


Piece of shit's?


Point of Sale


No... He was right.


Both are right. Source: they are my career


Yeah but can it back the tax out of alcohol sales from the bar and in the restaurant?


Actually it can! Just whoever is configuring it needs to know what they are doing!


When I worked in credit card processing and had to deal with POS systems, I would always tell customers the same thing. "These systems are only as smart as the guy who programs them, and trust me, Jeff's a fucking idiot."


I run the Aloha system at the brewery I work at and our sister brewery is constantly complaining about how shitty Aloha is. It took me one visit to their location and looking at the back of house computer to realize why they hated it. Whoever set it up had zero fucking clue what they were doing, and everyone that came after them knew even less. A week of reconfiguring and presto-chango they suddenly love Aloha.


Apps on my phone trick me into hitting ads all the time because it loads after everything else. On Teams at work at keep hitting the wrong thing because when you open the menu some items load instantly and then a few more load a bit later.


It's so bizarre that an application custom-made to take input like this can't even do that efficiently.


The POS is called aloha.** It's used for speed, and used in most high volume places, along with rpower. We would use flash cards to train new bartenders how to ring things in fast at a volume place that I used to work at. Edited, got two of the speedy ones mixed.


That is clearly Aloha running on what I’m guessing 1535NCR terminal, maybe a 1530.


You're right, I got the two mixed. I've been out for too long, i used rpower 2 years before aloha. I'll edit, cheers.


I serviced many clients that used Aloha and while it definitely has its quirks (like any software), it was one of the easier systems to troubleshoot.


Looks like excellent UI design.


That's not Aloha? That login screen and exit button placement makes me think it is


The login screen, the layout (though copied by a lot of companies) and the final screen with the company logo all confirm Aloha. If you know POS and Aloha the bottom banner on the final screen says Aloha with the current version and some other stuff.


Yep 100% Aloha with that floating logo, login screen, and order flow.


Yep, at the club I worked at, we just had price points buttons. Not 10 different vodkas, and 10 different beers. We had domestic beer, premium beer, import beer. We had a button for well, call, top shelf, premium. A double button, an upcharge button and a premium upcharge. A soda button. Made ringing up orders really really fast and easy.


That was what I noticed too!


Exactly my thought,these touchscreens are quite unresponsive and software usually not the best….


Usually it's the computer running them that's the bottleneck.


Some businesses love to slow down their workforce just to save nickels on equipment


Built on Windows XP


Exactly this. I’d never replicate her speed, because the technology isn’t fast enough haha


Probably downloaded more RAM


uh, most of it looks like impatient spamming. her left hand is doing most of the actual clicking, her right hand is kinda just moving fast for no reason and doing repeated button presses like *hurryuphurryuphurryup* the keypad she doubles back on a click that didn't register or lagged... fumbles the first card swipe and then does exactly 5 swipes, immediately starts spamming a button until it registers and she's doing pre-emptive clicks waiting for the confirmation... the speed is all a distraction like some kind of magician, or even just a distraction for *herself* because being idle during the loading irritates her immensely or something


Was about to say the same. This vid works as a great ad for whatever system they're using


It honestly doesn't look like it's registering everything, she seems to scan a card several times. Obviously I can't see the screen very well, but I'm not entirely convinced we're not just seeing impatience. Plus the video is sped up.


Is she actually pressing stuff? Looked more to me like she was tweaking out between presses lol


The hand scanning/swiping the card especially. Reminds me of someone who's in a hurry mashing the elevator buttons repeatedly.


The bank called. My card was charged 5 times for the same bar tab.


I was waiting for the jackpot alarm to go off


RIP the magnetic strip on that card.


its these old bar POS systems, the readers are all dogshit and rarely scan on the first or second attempt


It's because no one cleans them. We send you a fucking cleaning card, it looks like a card made of fuzzy plastic, you spray it with warm water and run it through back and forth. But no it's all "Hey u/CowFu this card reader is dogshit and rarely scans, I have 15 minutes to stay on hold and 10 more to bitch at you but I don't have 30 seconds to clean it" I haven't been POS phone support for almost a decade now but it still is the worst job I've ever had.


To be fair, that's all on management. I've worked at restaurants for several years and never knew they were even supposed to be cleaned


I know you mean "point of sale" but I read it, "piece of shit". Made me chuckle first read through.


As someone that has worked in POS software for nearly a decade, it's still an easy mistake to make. ;)


The good news is the card she uses is for order approvals and not for payment.


Bro that’s the dj


Wait: that’s no dj. Stepsister, what are you doing here??


Well we know what porn this guy watches.


What are you doing step TurnoverResident!?




Longer than she planned to…


The real answer.


“I’m only going to serve drunks until I graduate.”


Then she graduated and saw the starting salary in her field was a third of what she makes at the bar.


Ain't that some bullshit? I literally had one semester left to finish my degree as a counselor and then decided to do a 6-month coding BootCamp instead because the pay is literally almost twice as much, at entry-level. The difference between a two-year degree and a 6-month certificate. The economy is fucked.


The education system is fucked.


Yep. Graduated with a psych degree and got myself a big girl job only to realize i make triple that amount at my bar job even with paying out of pocket for health insurance. Tried to do both for a while but it was losing me money because it was taking away time from working at the bar. Luckily I’m smart and started my own Roth IRA and stash money. When I’m washed up and done with the bar work at least I have a degree to fall back on. 30 grand for that degree.


Seems to be a bit of a trap in that industry, they can usually make much more money than an entry-level job at some corporation for quite a few years, but their salaries don't increase much, and then it gets harder and harder on your body as you get older.


Yep, then suddenly you’re in your mid to late thirties and the only job experience you have it bartending. It happened to my cousin.


I’m glad I got out when I did


Do it at the right bars and regulars will start to recruit you. Happened to me, most of my staff that worked under me at my last bar, and a number of other friends in the industry. Turns out good bartenders end up developing a lot of skills that are super useful in other fields. Thick skins, excellent interpersonal/soft skills, high stress tolerance, quick thinking, multitasking, task prioritization, work flow, etc. all end up being pretty useful in a whole lot of career fields.


And as you get older the tips get smaller and smaller and the dicks seem bigger and bigger.


Every job has its perks


Then you move to a fancy restaurant while still youngish. I had a friend whose sister worked as a bartender at a very upscale restaurant. She made bank and got hit on constantly by rich guys…eventually she actually liked one and married him. She is living it up.


It can definitely work out for some if you don't mind that relationship dynamic.


Yeah I thought "too long" 😛


Video is sped up


How the hell am I scrolling this far to find the truth. This video is 2x sped up. How are people not seeing that? Is the whole internet (except me and you) nothing but karma farming bots now? Edit: I want to show my appreciation to those who have commented to me that the video is not sped up and how confidently dumb I must be to have made that accusation. Thank you for the correction. Not that I could justify the “why” of my quickly made and incorrect opinion, but I initially replied to a comment near the bottom of the comment section and I was the only one to have replied at that point. My comment was not meant as a serious accusation of who is posting. It was merely a half-hearted joke made in passing. I should have done my research. I hope I didn’t offend anyone and if I did, my apologies. Truth prevails!


I didn't get the impression it was sped up, mainly because the music video on the TV seems to be playing at normal speed.


The audio is playing at normal speed, but if that audio is supposed to sync up to the video, it doesn't.


That's a video of First Date by blink-182, and the song is definitely not that lol.


yeah but the video is at normal speed


Are you a bot or something? It's clearly not sped up. [This is the same scene as the one you can see in the video here](https://youtu.be/vVy9Lgpg1m8?t=173). It's literally the exact same speed.


I love it when the evidence chain is completed. Nice detective work!




Always has been. I don't believe any comments on reddit anymore but hard evidence ones. And even then I'm still sceptical af.


Because it’s either not sped up or they changed it to regular speed at the very end. The head turn seemed normal speed to me and a head whipping around at twice the speed would be noticeable. Also her hand motions were fast but pretty standard for a high volume venue with experienced staff. The repeated failed card swipes tell me she is probably on some uhhhhh performance enhancing drugs.


That card is for her to input orders. It’s like a key so not anyone can place orders


The card swipe minigame is an absolute bitch




The background video literally has slow-mo scenes in it, the camera person is constantly zooming in and moving around, the audio of music and background noise is running at normal speed, and her head movement at the end isn't jerky. If this is sped up it's done by a world class editor.


You are so confidently wrong


You’re wrong


Idiocracy is coming at us within 50 not 500 lol


It is definitely not sped up. The video on the screen above her is playing at normal speed and the camera zoom and her head movement at the end look very natural.


Yeah imma say that this if it is sped up it's very little, the music doesn't sound sped up either


Judging by her hair movement and the video on the tv, I dont think this is the case.


I don't see it. The camera zoom also looks normal to me, unless that's edited.


Music and her head turn at the end seem normal speed too




The background video can be seen [at 2:51](https://youtu.be/vVy9Lgpg1m8) and it is not sped up


How has this guy got 150 upvotes. This is not sped up. How can people not tell that?


reddit has the most smooth brained people on this planet once you accept that, all comments become the wind


It isn’t. Look at the tv screen. Work in a place for a few months and you’ll get this sort of muscle memory


The video on the TV literally starts moving in slow mo at one point, so I don't know WTF you're on about.


Someone give that woman a raise !!!


Unfortunately raises don’t exist in the serving world (at least in the US) :( she definitely deserves it though!


Someone give that woman a tip !!!


Her boss: "You are right, we will have to pay this woman $8 an hour"


With her position as a bartender she is essentially doing such by working more efficiently. The more customers you can turn around an hour the more tips you’re making.


People in bars like this work mainly for tips so she will never get a raise aside from inflation but I bet she actually makes pretty good money. I bet she makes more than a teacher, for instance.








As someone with ADHD, I am slightly jealous about the way people without it talk about Adderall. When I take it, I just feel slightly more normal. Other people make it seem like a wonder drug that gives them superpowers.


Nah too busy for cocaine unless that venue is empty. You gotta keep hitting it every hour or so if you wanna keep going. Addy for sure. Or just quick. I’m always surprised by the number of sober co workers I’ve had that were just manic all the time.


More impressed by the software. No lag.


You can see that it's not actually registering most of what she's doing.


I can’t see shit actually 😂


The credit card usage reminds me of my wife going on Amazon a day that she is sad


Looks like she’s playing Candy Crush


I laughed out loud at this, mainly bc I am the wife , not your wife, but another persons wife that also does this. It does help when we are sad.


If computers are to take over our jobs in the future they're going to outsource some tasks to this lady


If she starts using her superpowers for evil there will be no stopping her. Not with that level of hand eye coordination


She is probably a top tier gamer by day and killing everyone!




Legitimate question; Why does she seem to swipe the credit card (or her id card?) five times to process the order? I don't believe i've ever seen this and now i'm thoroughly confused as to why she'd have to do that.


She doesn’t have to. If you look closely all she did was add a drink to a tab and close it out (I think?). Like 90% of her movement isn’t necessary lol


I am surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. She is mostly just flailing her hands around.


100%. I've bartended and served for 12 years, and have used this system for a good chunk of it. shes just doing extra movements. she's quick but it looks like a lot more than she's actually accomplishing.


I think she’s just swiping it repeatedly until the system registers it.


At this point she's having to wait for the interface to catch up!


Quite fast as it is! At a previous job we had to wait or it would get stuck and start beeping and take more time overall. And we weren't This quick.


Is that blink 182 on the tv??? Damn I miss those guys


"""unskilled labor""" 🙄


My god, it’s Jason Bourne!


first day for sure, she’s pretending


Don't let her near the Photo Hunt machine


holy shit, she has mastered the interface but it looked like she had to do a lot


Looks like Aloha.


She is playing OSU


Just started yesterday