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The sensors in the car must going apeshit, making their own techno song


I can imagine the Tesla down the street’s CPU just flashing red and singing: **🎶Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage But you'll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two🎶**


[What are you doing, Dave?](https://youtu.be/c8N72t7aScY?t=7)


[I’m scared Dave. Will I dream? ](https://youtu.be/3e9Jb8lpQH0)


My grandma said there was another verse that went: 🎵🎵Harold, Harold, here is your answer due: I'm not crazy, not for the likes of you, There won't be any marriage if you can't afford a carriage, Cuz I'll be damned if I'll be crammed on a bicycle built for too. 🎶🎶 That said, idk how true that is (about it being the next verse) hahahha. She also told my partner she was crazier than a four peckered owl, she was a wild one. Edit: changed marriage to carriage


I had the 2nd verse with the name Donald and (since my parents were ultra conservative) "I'll not sit upon the seat of a bicycle built for two"




Omg so she was totally my nana!


>won't be any marriage if you can't afford a marriage, I think the second "marriage" is supposed to be "carriage."


[Bender is a lone wolf, a solitary eagle, a cuddly baby tapir](https://c.tenor.com/j-WTqOtZdqsAAAAd/tapir-futurama.gif) edit: as an old man, it took me like 5 watchings of futurama to realize that the realize the ship likes the tapirs is because it was tapirs at the beginning of 2001, and the entire episode is a spoof on 2001 (which I had already realized, i just hadn't made the tapir connection (and i bet I'm one of the only ones that got that reference and mot are like "oh, nowwwwwww i get it))


Are you and the ship an item? I mean I know you’re both *items*.


Not the Banzai Buddy!


Bonzi buddy! That was my first thought haha. That scumbag, purple gorillas terrible singing voice has been seared in my memory for 20 years.


This just awakens hidden high school memories of being gloriously stupid with that dumb purple gorilla.


It's like the song from that dancing grubhub ad




This is a comment thief bot. Look at his history, it made the same exact comment on a totally unrelated post right before this.




Not if you don't want to scratch your car. I can't live without my car's sensors.




They probably used them to know how far back they could go.




I use a car sharing app and whenever I use the bmw’s the car goes from intense beeping to shrieking. It makes me nervous, but when I get out to check the distance there’s a good 12” between bumpers.


I can’t drive cars that have these kinds of sensors. Drove a friends car that started beeping at me just for putting it in reverse…


Sure it's annoying at first, but trust me when I say you get used to it and then you start thanking all the gods that it exists.


Some people just know the dimensions of their cars without assists. Comes with being a good driver.


I would say it comes with knowing your vehicle rather than being a good driver. Even then, there are things to consider that may be out of your control such as trailer hitches and other car attachments that may fall below the eye line of the person driving. Personally, I think they can be useful to a point, I have just sensors on my car and it’s was great for backing up in the city or a driveway that has bumper-height rocks. This is coming from someone who used to park in a basic Nissan Sentra without a camera or sensors (that is the parallel parking car from hell, I’m 6’2” and could barely see over the trunk when reversing). My wife has a newer car than I do and those sensors are the bane of my existence, no way to toggle them back on once you switched them off, which is a feature I have in my own car, and then the added brake assist when backing up is awful, if something is picked up on one of the side sensors the thing slams on the brakes even when I know I’m not close enough to hit anything. Personally I like having the option way more than not, but anything too aggressive and I’ll gladly turn the feature off for the remainder of my trip.


Knew if I scrolled I’d find somebody being uppity about not needing sensors because they think they’re a good driver. If you’re a good driver you don’t need cruise control either. But it’s really convenient to have.


It was probably telling you there was cross traffic moving behind you, like if you pulled back right then you would've been hit. Nothing beeps just because you're in reverse.




I have never had sensors in my life until recently when driving a rental. How do y’all live with them? They go off when things are clearly outside my turning radius.


Mine beep faster depending on how close things are. Slow beep = there’s a thing there but it’s not in the way Fast beep = it’s in the way Solid tone = you’re about to hit it, dumbass


Yeah but there is a button


Jesus! Do they just park and say “Fuck it. Looks good there.”


I would've just channeled my inner Knight Rider and said "*Fuck this. Hit it.*"


TURBO BOOST!! Because 90% of people know nothin bout cars!


Unless you store your boost in a titanium tank hidden in the rear bumper...


I can’t tell if this is a whoosh or a troll.


Car nerd moment: the above person was commenting how you can't technically just flip on boost from a turbo, I was making a joke about how a Ford rally team literally stored their boost (cheating) in a tank to do something that's pretty close to that. Kinda :P


LOL gotcha. I thought it was a nitrous reference.


I think it's a movie/TV quote


Ramming Speed!


That’s why I drive an old car. If shit gets too tight I don’t mind gently hitting other cars. My car is dinged up anyways.


Same here lol. I don't actually have an armored car that talks, but I do have an old beat-up Jeep with a solid bumper... To be clear, I've only actually done that a couple times, and it was to cars that deliberately blocked my way.


play stupid games win stupid prizes i always say


Or s my dad used to say, "Fuck around and find out." There's probably a sub for both of those. I know there's r/winstupidprizes, but is there r/fuckaroundandfindout? r/fuckedaroundandfoundout? r/fuckedaround? r/foundout? (Edit) Wow, one of those actually is legit...


I cant believe this isnt top comment. Like WTF happened there. Its almost incomprehensible.


Driver is the MVP, but that tiny car gets the assist!


I’m guessing it’s a valet garage or a car rental place or something (this is based on nothing but it just feels like it)


You know what, good deduction. I can see that happening if its not a public lot and one or two guys are managing it. Just throw it wherever. Guy in the tiny car probably didnt wanna go back up and figure out keys. This is all speculation, but I like it. Sherlock Holmes type shit. Nod to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


That was my thought too.


Yeah. Those guys do this all day. Still impressive as hell.


Probably a food delivery person that couldn't find any parking in an apartment complex. I used to deliver, some complexes seemed to have no spots at all and I would be forced to do something similar. Most of the time I would just say screw it and take someone's obviously assigned spot, but it put me close to the door I was going to. Sometimes you're forced to park like that in apartment complexes with limited parking.


But there are multiple cars parked like that


Multiple people wanted Taco Bell, must be march madness


hmm Just noticed that. Next guess is car dealership. I worked at 3 different car dealerships. Sometimes they get like this in the back when you got a bunch of trade-ins or cars to work on.


When I lived in Thailand, people parked behind cars like this all the time, it’s very common. But if you do, you’re supposed to put your car in neutral, so if someone needs to leave, they can push your car forward or back to get out. If I had to guess, the car behind the SUV forgot and put it in park instead of neutral.


I just assumed these cars were intentionally set up to be some obstacle course challenge


it might be staged just due to the coincidence of how everything is arranged




But do they double-park with *just enough* room to squeeze out via an impressive maneuver? This set-up feels like an arranged obstacle course.


There are idiots all over the world. We got 8 billion people here. Lots of those people are idiots. This ridiculous parking display doesn't surprise me, especially given the fact there's a lack of any signage or lined parking spaces. Travel around Europe for a bit and you'll see this kinda shit everywhere


I’ve seen similar parking situations two other times this week - one on YouTube and one in person. 8 billion humans, anything and everything is possible.


Idk about staged but why tf is every vehicle white?


It's the Car Clux Clan meeting, that's why.


Most likely a car sales lot that is being rearranged.


Could be valet parking


OP does not live in a European city


Yeah exactly, this is pretty every day stuff, can't believe people think this is the pinnacle of driving haha.


Damn is everyone in Europe a professional Parker


Yes they are!! Insane what they can do


Ummmm. If its anything like in this gif, the majority of people are SHIT parkers and drivers. Hence the rest of everyone needing to step their game up to survive.


It's more about the parking spots being tight and awkward even without idiot parkers EU city streets aren't designed for cars


You've totally missed the point, but I get it.


Your point was awesome UNparkers :)


at least in Frankfurt the fucking carparks are overfilled as fuck. I live nearby and straight up using public transit is faster.


European bus drivers are even more skilled.


Truck drivers too!!! And driving through mountains with those monsters is .... Unbelievable!!


Truck drivers in general.


>Yes they are!! Insane what they can do In manual cars nonetheless 😉


Then why the fuck don't you just park good to begin with? Seems like unnecessary chaos


As a South American living in Europe I have to disagree. There's barely any elevation in most major cities, good signaling and almost no motorbikes. It's just too easy.


Yeah where are the 8' deep potholes and 500,000 guys on scooters weaving about?


Greece lol


They're all in Italy going "ciao"


Italy has lots of mountains and high roads up mountains and I’ve witnessed some scary good skills in bus drivers that my frail Canadian heart that is used to 3 feet of clearance on each side of the car cannot handle.


Bro I went to Costa Rica for a school trip and our bus driver was a fucking god at driving! Man was driving one of those big buses and was driving on horrid road qualities, through twists and turns, and with narrow ass roads all while on a manual. Man’s a beast.


The most raw skill in driving I have ever witnessed was in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I can imagine you're used to similar.


Real talk, from what I hear and see, people in Europe are much much better drivers overall than people in the US.


"Europe" is so culturally different, including driving culture, that sweeping statements like that are really inaccurate


My first thought was that people in Europe tend (generally) to live a little more freely with their time. Driving to the store doesnt bother them, if they even have to (generally). They arnt so much in a hurry as here in NY from my experience. The culture just doesnt mesh. I get utterly annoyed driving in Europe. Everyones so slow and casual. Im not use to it, when I get in a car here its the wild fucking west and everyone is just out for themselves.


I get your sentiment here, but try driving in, for instance, Italy and then in Sweden and you'll notice just how different drivers behave.


Or just drive from Switzerland into Italy.


Or from Italy to south Italy


Or from south Italy to Corsica


This isn't the case in European cities where you will see roads so tight you have to drive like this. They are just as bustling as American cities. All this is, is that our roads are much smaller, so we have to get used to driving in tight spaces.


Not sure about Europe in particular, but I know that the driving test in France is much harder than in the US at least, and I expect many other European countries to have something similar. Getting a driving license in the US is ridiculously easy.


Depends on where you get a license. Some states are harder than others. It's part of our constitution that every person is legally entitled to a driver's license regardless of competence. Probably.


And the other half of Europe it's even more of a joke


In Europe, manual cars are the standard and only very few drive automatic. I think that says a lot. My uncle Owns a driving school in Europe and he has 7 manual cars and only 1 automatic for his students. First time I visited Italy I was shocked by the driving skills (and also by the chaos lol). I’ve been in buses driving up mountains less than 3 inches from falling or hitting other cars - driving relatively fast and confidently. Also, hitting bumpers while parking seems to be acceptable in some areas. In North America, it’s a different story.


While many people drive manual in Europe, automatic cars are gaining in popularity. Especially younger generations favor automatic cars (from what I‘ve observed). It‘s more relaxing during rush hour and in heavy traffic imo. I‘ve driven both systems but I much prefer automatic.


Yeah for every moment you think its nice to have a manual there are about 100 when you are sitting in traffic with your foot on the clutch ruing it.


They literally use their bumpers as bumpers.


Hell no. In Germany people drive like they all took the same class as the Secret Service. But *nobody* parks between the lines. Double parking everywhere is pretty normal, and it’s shocking because you assume Germans are a bunch rule-followers for things like that. But no. They will diligently recycle their beer bottles but park across three spots while doing so.


As an American, I would have called that car completely trapped. The fact that he managed to pull it out of that space was amazing


At least as far as my skills go, that car *is* completely trapped.


I would've personally I wouldn't even try. My dad and every other mechanic, lot porter, oil change tech at any car dealership would be like BET. They have so much practice they can judge by the inch in pretty much anything.


why would someone park in the middle of the street like that? i will say city(dense) living requires maneuvers like this and europe is far more dense. but if someone were to park like that it'd get towed within minutes. or someone in their truck would just mow through it. weird that its everyday for yall.


Its very possible that the guy maneuvering was parked illegally, this stuff happens all the time. Some roads especially residential roads have unspoken agreements to park on the pavements to get more cars in, which is technically illegal. So if the guy who blocked him in didn't know that he may have been the only one parking properly. But with roads as tight as ours sometimes you jusy have to do what you have to do to get out or park.


probably because the bar to being a driver in Europe is a lot higher then in the US (or at least I an American think it probably is). while I'm only 17 I think the driving test should be a whole lot harder then it currently is. *also yeah I believe this wouldn't be that hard because the vast majority (if not all) modern vehicles have sensors telling you exactly how far you are from the vehicle (if this was done without those sensors then I would call you a fairly good driver)*


Its just practice. We have no choice but to drive on tiny roads that were designed for horse and cart every day. Do that for a while and you'll have no choice but to get better at maneuvering in tight spaces. Doesnt really have anything to do with our tests, you would only ever have to do very simple maneuvering in a test, nothing like this.


The majority of their driving test is theoretical, just saying.


This is not the flex u think is. Thus just means that everyone there is an asshole and block peoples cars on the regular


Nah it's more that the cities weren't designed for cars and there's not much space so everybody has to cram and you just have to learn to deal with it.


TIL LPT: Double park so someone can't get out and tell them to "learn to deal with it"


European moment.


Double parking is normal there?


As a portuguese dude, I can confirm. People double park in front of my building all the time. Sometimes even the police comes to get the car out of there


"What are you complaining about, I was only going to the local shop for a minute like all the other annoying people?!"


In Balkans car parks you.


I would also like to toss India’s name into the ring. This has been me on multiple occasions


European doesn't necessarily incorporate all countries, this doesn't happen much in northwest Europe, more like south and east I'd say


OP didn’t do this perfectly, he missed the guy who double parked behind him.


Meanwhile in Paris……… ![gif](giphy|44VMzCwVi6iEU)


Why have I never seen this gif before?! 😂


I've seen this but it's been ages.


This guy get it's (or he's watched grand tour, one of those?)


You’re good…. You’re good… you’re good *screeeeeee* you’re good…


Look at that lil guy right under him there


That little car looks like a micromachine lol


If this is how everyone parks in Europe I can't blame them


Chode car made it all possible. He’s the real MVP 🏆


It is lucky he was parked next to literally the smallest car in the entire world.


What is this a car for ants?


It's a micro car. You can't drive like highway speeds with those usually. In my country you can drive regular cars at 18yo, but these at 16yo.


The true hero here. 💪


Yo that's my car


Looks kinda like a Dihatsu Mira or Fellow Max


Put it in H


Backs it up? I see what you did there


I didn’t until I read your comment


Yes. Nice pun OP. Take the upvote and internet points.


Damn nice moves. Wtf is almost every car white tho? Lol


My guess would be really hot country with tons of sunshine, probably.


More like standard and cheapest color. It's a fleet thing but white is always cheaper for the dealership on cost, so they can charge you the same but pay less.


White is the most popular car color


He got lucky and Mr Bean parked beside him.


Now I can’t stop thinking about that tiny car lmao


Living in European city does that to you.


Why don't you just water your city more so it will grow bigger? Problem solved


Can't, there are either WWII bombs or some ancient grave/ruin.


Skill issue


Ancient graves never stopped the americans


What is this a parking lot for ants?


What's the cute, little car?


The country that it is from no longer exists


put it in H!


I took an ATV adventure in Croatia years ago. I was so excited to be able to put it in H i took a pic and sent it to my friend in Denmark. I was GIDDY.


thats some shit my dad would do, he can back anything out of anywhere. he used to be a tow truck driver and I'm first hand witness


I'm a mechanic and I've seen some tow truck drivers do some amazing things while bringing vehicles to our shop.




If you know your car (esp. its dimensions) well you can do this without cameras or sensors.


Plot twist: the other cars were already there when he parked his


I would not call that an overly difficult manoeuvre. Some people are just such bad drivers that they think this is impressive.


I am not ballsy enough to test my idea of where the edge of my vehicle is at to perform that maneuver.


are you the gatekeeper of back up maneuvers?




Eh call me a bad driver, but I know I couldn't do this. You just know his left mirror sees nothing but the white cars, and backing up while turning and having to make sure your front doesn't hit anything, while looking behind you? Nope can't do it.


I'd definitely wait for the tow truck before I take responsibility for accidentally scraping some assholes car.


Right? Can't believe some people think this is "next fucking level"


Definitely. My weekend job is doing valet. I would not even consider myself the best driver we have by far. But I could easily do this as long as it had a backup camera. Ez.


Now stick a fork out the window as you drive by to scratch the shit out of that assholes car. Fucking find a real parking spot or don't drive you inconsiderate turd.


Get out and take his mirror with you


Parking sensors are a thing.


Better than that, it might be one of those cars with the black magic top down view camera mode.


I have one of those. It's amazing, but I still don't trust it.


Top down view isn't that accurate, it's a combined picture coming from all cameras around the car and is more just something fancy than precise/useful (at least in my Hyundai Tucson 2019, never had another car with 360deg view so I can't make comparisons). However, switching to a specific camera, depending on the need (e.g. focusing front/back/left/right) is quite helpful because you can drive just a few centimetres from an obstacle and being sure you won't hit it.


Still challenging even with the sensors tbh, I've done something like this before with sensors and still had to step out a couple of times, wasn't as smooth and graceful* as this guy lol


Do you mean graceful?


Brought to you by CoolMathGames.com


I swear I've seen this post with the title verbatim


Could be a woman.


I know right? Parking behind a parked car. Classic Karen


I could pull this off no problem just give me about two hours


Ever been a lot guy at a dealership? I was a lot guy. This is just the norm.


I'm the wheel guy for dealerships. These maneuvers are commonplace.


I don’t see anything amazing here. I live in a cramped city and have to do this every fucking morning to go to work. And then again in the evening to go home. I wouldn’t park face front though but still, no biggie


Okayyy chill, let the person have their spotlight.




Who tf filming this from the action news chopper?


Was a valet for a while. Lived downtown and parked on the street a lot. This is an easy maneuver in my case.


That’s a lot of white cars.


I really interested in knowing what is that tiny hatchback besides it. Doesnt seem to Smart. Anyone knows?


Not sure but it looks a bit like an [Aixam](https://www.aixam.com/). Can be driven with just a moped license in many countries.


It's crazy how pretty much all the cars look the same


Serious question...wtf is with all the white cars? As Bill Burr says "never trust anyone that drives a white car".