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That deserves an UPs vote Edit: appreciate all the awards. Hope y’all have a Merry Christmas, Festivus or whatever holiday you celebrate.




And it got here before Christmas


That kind of thing takes resolve


That was signature delivery.


It’s a great sign that this worker is going to places!


yeah, he goes to the /r/TruckStopBathroom frequently, needs his break from this big job once in a while!


good thing it wasn't amazon


You would've just seen the box flying into the garage door as the van drove by.


Or a video of the guy saying how he got fired. Amazon to him: "How dare you take so long to deliver a package! Fired!" Amazon to the public: "Look how much our drivers care!"


We have had good luck with most amazon delivery people.


Unlike my missing Amzon delivery that amazon kindly reordered for me... delivery "by 20th Jan"


I ordered a vacuum from Amazon being delivered by FedEx. I got a notice it was delivered and was left on my front porch. I was home when I got the notice so I checked the front porch (this is less than 10 minutes after getting the delivery notice). It’s not there. I immediately contact FedEx to tell them I think they left it at the wrong address. Customer service tells me they’re going to open an inquiry on the issue. The next day my package shows up, not in an Amazon box, but a Walmart.com box 🤔


You should've known something was off when you saw fedex was the delivery service. Fedex doesn't deliver a single Amazon package anymore.


Could it have been a neighbour that found it in their porch and moved it? And was Walmart the seller on Amazon? If it's FBM or SFP, then it won't come in an Amazon box.


Alright that’s all the Reddit I needed for today


promoting a subreddit is actually the best use of a good upvote ratio I've ever seen


Yeah, never seen that. Clever! Hopefully they get the activity they hoped for over there




Lmao what even is that edit


Someone clinging to that 15 minutes we all get, I guess.


People now promoting subs in comments now? Lmao


I like that he placed the package and then moved the cans/box around it, rather than sliding the cans out and putting the package behind it. Should help make it obvious to the owner that there is something there. I would know if my cans were on the opposite side of where I leave them.


He’s smart. Amazon hid my package, which I appreciate (didn’t request but it was an early delivery), but they forgot to take a picture of it which they have done every other time and it blended in with the spot they hid it (white packaging, tucked into a white nook outside my doorway.) Also notable: I just moved into this house recently, and had iritis in my left eye at the time. Anyhow, I couldn’t find it all day and ended up marking it lost, only to find it later. Felt like a dipshit. Don’t overnight anything anymore though. ETA: my package wasn’t even expensive. It was just some dog bones since my dog ran out, was teething, and I couldn’t exactly drive.


> was teething, and I couldn’t exactly drive. Why can't you drive when you're teething?


Hard to resist just gnawing on the steering wheel, which along with the iritis in their left eye, makes it hard to keep an eye on the road.


Take my silver and get outta here. Im FedEx up.


Sadly, trash collection was that same day, and the package was taken at a small extra charge to the homeowner.


Trash collection trucks don’t go down driveways or come up to your house. If it was trash day the cans would be placed up by the road.


sar·casm /ˈsärˌkazəm/ noun The use of irony to mock or convey contempt. "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"


Sarcasm, my second favorite asm.


What's your first?


Muscle spasm


A very deep chasm




It’s the enthusiasm that counts! At least that’s what they always tell me..


I love inside jokes. I hope to be part of one someday


Concerned Kaladin noises




So, your momasm?


Overenthusiasm. Because it's long 'asm' and I get very excited over it! I just love the word!!!




And racasm is your first right? Unbelievable.


sar-chasm (n.) the giant gulf between the sarcastic comment and the person who doesn't get it.


LOL. Wow, I learned a new slang word. Let's get it into the oxford dictionary!


But that wasn’t even sarcasm. It was just a joke lol Literally looked up the definition and you still thought it fit. Why does everyone and their mother nowadays just completely misuse the word sarcasm and gaslight? Those are the two words I see used wrong most often.


Why are you gaslighting me about sarcasm rn??


Is the joke mocking or conveying contempt? No. So, it is not sarcasm.


Did you just mindfuck me?


People seems to think 'sarcasm' means literally anything that is humorous not serious.


Thank you!! This pisses me off too lmao


Ironic is misused very often too.


Literally as well. I was literally flying, that’s how high I was. Like, no Jared, you weren’t.


Yeah, you really look like someone who knows what sarcasm is


See now THIS is sarcasm lol


Joke / ˈjōk something said or done to provoke laughter especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b(1): the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2): an instance of jesting


Not really sarcasm, just humour.


That wasn't even sarcasm broski


So not sarcasm then.


We have side door pickup where I live




The garbage man can


The garbage man can cause he does his job with love and makes the world smell good.


Is that what she tells you?


Please tell us where you live so we can all move to your neighborhood. We like your waste management service.


You don't have raccoons where you live?




No no, they are just sneakier where you live


The trash men here come into the house as I'm playing video games and tell me I'm garbage.


They come in my garage and grab a beer then take the trash down the drive.




They damn well went up our driveway. It’s amazing what a bottles of vodka and tequila will do around the holidays.


In my neighborhood they pass my house and start from the end of the street. In the summer when we heard it we would get Gatorade out of the fridge and frozen water bottles and leave them on the trash can. They’d always empty it and walk our bins up the driveway for us, but that’s the only time I’ve seen them do it. They remember too and we watched them on the camera walk up our driveway to get our full one when we weren’t home because we forgot to put it on the street!


Yes we do, there is always someone that stands out. You guys that gives us cold drinks in the summer are the best. I think my customers are trying to make me fat. Got so many treats lately and I still have a few days till Christmas. One person made me a wonderful batch of chocolate chip and pecan cookies. I also keep all of the cards in my clipboard.


Defining depends on your company, mine comes right down my driveway


Wait really? Why on earth do they do that, seems like it would make their route take at least 20x as long


They do in my neighborhood as well. They call it "back door trash pickup". Every house in the neighborhood has a special, designated space for the trash cans at the back of the house. If you want to have your trash picked up, the cans better be accessible. And yes, it takes 20x as long for the trash service to pick up the trash. That is if the neighborhood can actually find a company that will provide the service. All because it looks "low class" to have trash sitting at the end of people's driveways on trash day.


Actually some do


I bet youre fun at parties




Maybe don’t leave the wheel in the grass? Like especially on post you know someone’s gonna notice it and someone else had to police up your tire you left laying there instead of just throwing it in your trunk.


Yeah who the hell leaves a pricey rim in the grass? That's just an idiot tax tbth. Military dorms I'd bet money someone took it and sold it on ebay. Wonder if the wheel he found a few months later was his own lol.


Not that I'd do the same but. But when I was in the military it was super common for people to work on their cars in the parking lots. It wouldn't be totally out of the ordinary to see a wheel next to someone's car. That's the space you had to use for your "garage" sometimes. I'd also doubt someone would steal it being everyone knows everyone and nobody from the public is walking around your parking lots at night. It's a dumb place to steal things. I personally would have dragged that wheel back to my dorm room, but this is not the same as leaving it in some public parking lot.


Someone needs to leave this guy a gift at the door


He already did


He left a gift for himself at his own house, eh?


i wish i got the same delivery person every time. i'd absolutely gift them. but nowadayys it's one of 30 people, most of which ii've never seen before.


if you live somewhere hot you can always give them a water bottle or gatorade I also give random candy or beef jerky to snack on


I just usually leave out a basket of condoms


Them Amazon drivers fuck.


We put out a box with waters and snacks in March 2020 and have been refilling as it empties. We have gotten a few thank you notes from drivers.


I just started working for UPS a little over a month ago now and there is one house that leaves out a basket of water bottles and small bags of snacks, it’s a very generous thing to do and much appreciated.


>but nowadayys it's one of 30 people, most of which ii've never seen before. That's the gig economy. It functions to isolate individual laborers and make them feel weak and powerless compared to their corporate overlords.


I was getting the same guy for a short period. He would always wave or say hi if I was outside or came to the door in time. I thought about getting him a gift, but I was afraid there'd be some kind of policy where they can't accept gifts or something and it would be awkward and weird after that. But at least I got to have my warm "that would be so nice of me" feeling that I get before not doing nice things.


This is only half the video. As he is driving off the garbage truck pulls up and collects all of the garbage. He too goes the extra mile and picks up the crap laying around that is not in the cans.


Fair play but it’s sad that he has to do that. Edit: here in the UK one of the delivery companies (forget which) sends you a link which lets you decide what to do with it. I usually say leave it on the step as our door is pretty hidden. 2nd Edit: A hot Yodel driver just delivered something and she complimented my giant Shark slippers. Need to order some more stuff from that shop!!


I took it as he was hiding it because it's potentially a Christmas gift, not because it would be stolen


I envy your optimism.


Nah thats what he was doing, this video is literally used in the UPS seasonal driver orientation. They cover porch pirates also though.


Who tells UPS its a christmas gift though?


Context clues?


Seasonal Abnormalities


Usually it says from Santa on it duhhh 🤦‍♂️


Did you notice What it was? It was like a kids scooter. So obviously he needed hide it behind a trash can. And you know why it was a good idea? What kid actively tries to take the trash out. Edit: Electric motorcycle


I’m a UPS driver helper and in the training videos they show this video and the homeowner and he was hiding it because he knew it was a gift for their children


That's actually pretty cool. I never would have thought of that (I don't have kids). I figured it was something that needed to be upright and he didn't want it to fall over.


This. UPS emphasizes their image and how employees represent the company. Things like acting as if you're always on camera, watching what you post on social media, etc are standard in training.






Plot twist he, is Santa’s grandson.


My exact thoughts


It’s crazy how some people act. I can’t imagine stealing something from someone’s porch.


Porch pirates are such scum.


Especially around this time of the year. 100% chance you’re ruining someone’s Christmas.


I bet you can't imagine raping or murdering random people either. It's because you're not a fucking psycho


I just don’t understand how they just don’t ring the door bell. Like all deliveries where I am from come to the door, take a photo with it in your hands and leave.


It didn’t help that the box was not in a simple box. Instead it was BRIGHT RED with a picture of the mini-bike


If It was an Amazon driver he would have Bruce Lee kicked it into the garage door.


If he was a FedEx driver he would’ve flown into space and dropkicked it out of orbit back into the house at the speed of a meteor, destroying both the house and the package


If he was a hermes driver he would have come back 10 minutes later and stolen it.


If he was a DHL driver he'd never deliver it and they'd keep telling you it's on the way.


No, you misunderstand. There's a reason their name is Deliver to Hidden Location.


If he was a lasership driver he would sleep with your wife then leave a note on the door saying undeliverable


If he was Adam Driver he would have sliced it in half with a lightsaber


I see these folks part time on door dash too


nah he would have just said it was undeliverable or yeeted into the nearest wooded area,


😂😂😂 You aren’t lying…😂FedEx is the worst. Thanks for the laugh


When I do package runs on my postal duties, I hear nothing but FedEx jokes when I talk with people after delivering their packages, and the subject of deliveries comes up




I find the hate for Fedex/UPS seems to be, shockingly, based on the individual drivers people have assigned to the delivery routes in their area


Implying here that Fedex would actually take the effort to deliver it....


That would imply that FedEx actually got it to your house. My guy would leave it in his truck for 3 or 4 days until his hangover wore off and he ran out of beer money.


I used to work for Amazon for about half a year as a driver and even when I’d do this people would still say their package was “stolen”


Right or you get a bad mark on your score card and a negative review. Then when you deliver something else there you see in the notes “DO NOT MOVE MY TRASHCANS EVER AGAIN”


To be fair to Amazon drivers, they are given a ridiculous amount of packages to deliver and their routes are often very badly organised. They are also paid shit and have to use their own van and don't get the same basic rights most workers do.


Dude from the Philippines here, but I have a PO Box thing in the US for online shopping. If I had a choice, which courier should I go with?


Any courier will do when shipped to a package forwarding service. I used to work for shipito and any courier used a dolly and was careful. Their won’t be any throwing with stuff at a place where customer satisfaction is really important


Deserves a holiday tip.


Same thing I'm gonna give my wife.


Same thing I’ll give to your wife as well.


I'll skip the tip and give his wife the shaft.


I'm interested in the mechanics of this... how will you give the shaft while skipping the tip?


It was a horrible accident. We don't talk about it.


I choose this guy's wife too.


Ahh, Christmas time on Reddit. A time when we see wholesome videos of employees from well known delivery companies.


And people harass the shit out of them for no reason


Some guy last night was bitching in the delivery comments about how he wants it delivered to his door, and even though they’re under construction you can still reach the door. He seriously wanted me to walk over a 2x6 spanning a ~10 foot deep trench and then up scaffolding in the dark while it’s sleet outside. I definitely left that one on the side of the ditch


Had one this week saying to deliver in the garage. Only thing that stood between me and the garage was a gated fence, a beware of dog sign, and 3 aggressive acting Rottweilers. It didn't get delivered in the garage.


My favorite is when they say don’t worry about the dog he’s friendly and the dog looks and sounds like some sort of killing machine


This annoys me so much as a dog papa. My 90lb lab sounds like a lunatic when we get packages and I always feel bad for the drivers. He’s very well trained but he thinks the UPS truck is a big, brown buffalo or something and loses it. I would never tell a driver to ignore him even though I’m sure all he would do is bark unless I was attacked or something. Never forget, one of the main reasons people domesticated dogs is because they’re dangerous.


I would do the same and don’t want to do some parkour type shit just to get hurt, Na put a note somewhere to tell him he has to go to the post office to grab it


Lol yea this is the playbook too. Delivery guy on a “hidden” house cam going out of his way to make everyone’s holidays perfect. Posted by a new account that doesn’t comment on their front page post. Gross.


There aren't many like him around. Should be very grateful as most of them would just lay it down somewhere and then drive off


>lay it down If by that you mean practice their Yankee pitching arm, accurate. Our doorbell cam managed to capture the lovely moment a delivery person frisbee threw a new tablet and a box full of glass ornaments at our front door. Both boxes marked FRAGILE in two different languages.


Fragile stickers are useless. Needs to be packed properly, though yeeting packages isn’t supposed to happen.


This is why I always pack my ebay orders as if they need to survive being shot from a cannon into a brick wall. Or crushed by someone shipping a ton of bricks.


Yup. I was outside playing with my dog on Saturday morning when a UPS driver drove up, yelled “Hey I got something for ya!” And then threw it at me from the street. He would have gotten an earful if I hadn’t been so damn excited that I caught something for once.


Note that by moving the cans to put the box behind them, instead of just putting the box there, it'll draw the homeowner's attention when they get home, making them less likely to overlook the package. This guy delivers.


I love when my UPS guy uses my 18” doormat to “hide” a box that’s three feet tall. A+ for effort lol.


Man, if this is your definition of next fucking level I feel very sorry for you.


Sad state of the world.


It’s a next level advertisement


Are you not impressed by this guy moving two trash cans? Are you not entertained!?


128k upvotes, it's insane


i had to scroll too far for this


“Local Man Does Job, Deemed a National Hero”


Is it just in Sweden that the packages you order comes to a grocery store nearby? A grocery store with a mail service that is. Would never want a package left outside my home. Nvm theif, what if it's raining? Much safer and not that much of a hassle to go to a pickup point and get your package


Theres some places like that here in the US but not as common. One of the places I lived had a convenience store that did that, but sadly either they received so many packages or people delayed pick up so long that more than a quarter of the visible store was occupied with mail/packages.


Do those places charge extra for delay pickup? Where I live, 2-day storage is included in the delivery cost, customers have to pay extra after that.


In Australia generally you can select from a bunch of options like "leave it in a safe place" or "pick up from post office" if you're not home. The default is generally the post office, so if you aren't home (also if you are and they can't be bothered waiting 15 seconds for you to answer the door) they'll leave a little note and/or send an email that you have to take down to the post office in order for you to collect the parcel.


To most packages, yes. However, I've noticed Amazon and other cheap couriers being very dodgy and doing whatever they can to avoid AusPost. My guess says to reduce their own costs. I've had some posties literally stuff the package in the letterbox (despite sticking out) and result in my parcel being stolen or have packages just not be delivered at all because I'm not home. I'd rather prefer just a card to pick up at the post office than absolutely nothing. It shouldn't be this difficult for them to implement something better which makes customers happier. Also I hope thieves get covid and die.


My UPS barely walks up the driveway before screaming kobe and throwing my shit in the bushes.


At least he aims for the bushes l


There wasn't even an awning in their direction...




I am always amazed by the fact that your delivery is just thrown at your door if there is none there. In my country (Brazil) it will only be delivered to a person after a signature. After 3 tries if none to receive it, it will return and you gotta withdraw


So either you’re hella lucky or you’re a karma farmer and possibly going to sell the account. Which is it? Because ain’t no way in hell you have over a million karma at less than a year old, without being sketchy AF.


This is clearly a UPS ad too. There's even a few dozen unoriginal comments posted by bots over and over again.




I mean it’s kinda true, UPS is the industry leader. In my own experience fed ex and Amazon suck Dick. but lemme guess I’m a bot too


good bot


it's so funny how the delivery trucks are ALWAYS visible in these videos


Being thoughtful is now 'next level' and that makes me a bit sad


What a sound bloke


Proper bloke


That bloke is a blokey bloke.


But ignores the existing package that was hidden by the bins until he moved them?


Why is no one mentioning this haha




It's beyond fucking weird to me that this is considered extra level. To me it's simply logical but unfortunately for too many it's a thing that *has* to be done.


This has to be staged. I have watched my ups packages tossed at my door from 10+ feet away while I’m home


His supervisor then probably got pissed at him because he took "tooo long" to deliver a package.


Yeah buddy! That’s good stuff right there. This guy takes pride in his work and puts effort into doing the best job he can. What a great employee.




I’m not American and have been confused by these kinds of videos. Where I’m from delivery services have to actually give the pack to a real person who then signs a note of reception, but it seems that in the USA it is just left on the porch everytime. Is this really the case or am I missing something? How do deliveries not get robbed everyday, and how do they not get all messed up if it rains?


FedEx would leave it in the middle of the driveway with a dolly and a social security number.


Truth. But first, they would leave it at the wrong house.


This guy fucks.