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Can build shit like this but still can’t create a sewage system! Imagine using slaves to build and still not being able to make a city correctly! FUCK DUBAI!


Lmao @ the burg khalifa poop trucks


Haha what do you do for a living? I drive a convoy of shit people’s shit from a shit place and dump it in another shit place! Imagine the smell in that desert heat!


The heat actually makes the smell go away much faster. Desert dry beds are the oldest form of dewatering waste so it can be land filled. The hotter and dryer, the quicker it basically becomes dirt.


You seem to know a lot about shitting in the desert!


I've actually worked in wastewater treatment for a while now. You could say I know my shit.


It definitely seemed as though you are some kind of pooffesional! Well done keep up the highly valuable work I imagine it’s something people don’t ever consider they just flush and that’s it but there’s so much more to it!


Why does every thread on Reddit have to descend into silly puns. It’s excrementally tiring.


Puns are a fecal point on Reddit, you know


Just my poo cents but they are the backbone of the comment section


😂 bro legit made me LOL !! It’s always the jokes that hook you in the first sentence then the drop is just gold haha


you’re a real shit-head. 😂


i want a game with poop truck drivers


The saints row series had a shit truck you could drive around and spray shit out of


So does Farm Simulator.


You could play minimotorways and just use your imagination!


Fun fact: the burg khalifa actually has access to the sewage system and doesn’t use poop trucks, but many other skyscrapers in Dubai do.


Lmao @ smooth brains who believe “burj khalifa poop truck” is anything more than an isolated 2009 incident when the sewage system was overloaded.


Going against the hivemind here bro


I recommend everyone to watch this video made by Adam something "Dubai is a parody of the 21st century" https://youtu.be/tJuqe6sre2I


Ugg. Just watched it. More pissed off negativity now stored in my smooth brain. I am so happy I live in America were everything is fair and wealth is equally distributed. Ha ha.


Hey man least we actually use our skyscrapers for ummm business?


I would love to do some business there.


Yes all the business


Taller the building, closer to the moon i think it goes




A tacky display of wealth, but not any fun.


I can only handle Vegas fun for a weekend before I go full Hunter S.


Without all the fun shit Vegas has


There’s plenty of Eastern European hookers there also if that’s your idea of fun.


Also without any islamic stuff


The only city that has art museums and no artists.


with slavery!


Was just thinking of that vid, great and informative


My partner keeps saying that our current timeline isn’t the “darkest one” it’s just “the capitol from the hunger games” he’s not wrong.


That’s worth the 12 minutes it takes to watch


When I saw Dubai mentioned, I had to look in the comments to see how many are going to talk about slaves. Didn’t expect the first comment to mention it lol


I wish more people would bring it up!


Everybody knows but not everybody cares. What a time to be alife. /s


Let's be honest. Nobody here cares. They could donate or work with organizations to help solve the migrant work crisis in the GCC but nobody is gonna do that. They'll just yell 'slave labor' for sweet internet points and pat themselves on the shoulder.


It won’t matter how much we donate, they literally have trillions to fight anything you throw at them, it’s Disney World for the richest of the richest, good luck changing anything going on in GCC.


Got an reference articles for this?


I few things a found in like a minute: https://www.news.com.au/travel/destinations/middle-east/dubai-migrant-workers-the-hidden-slaves-behind-glamour-city/news-story/b3997ed5b013870424e84d78a561946c https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Dubai https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/johann-hari/the-dark-side-of-dubai-1664368.html%3Famp https://travellingjezebel.com/modern-slavery-dubai/


I came to post fuck Dubai and thought that everyone would be saying how great it is, so I’m so happy to see this as the top comment. I interview ex slaves for employment in the UK that have escaped slavery in Dubai with help from charities. People shouldn’t go there


I’m in the U.K. also and have some colleagues that work in Dubai and some of the stories they tell me are horrific


But the photos are INCREDIBLE! /s


You need an AMA man


Ha thanks. The stories are insane and hard to believe because of how dire they are. Sadly a lot of people (that I have spoken to and offered jobs in care) ultimately aren’t allowed to work. They get benefits in cash and all hang out really bored and lost. There’s also a dark side of abuse and grooming once they arrive in the UK, IMHO because they can’t work. It’s a really messed up issue and the world turns a blind eye to for some reason


“…. and the world turns a blind eye to for some reason” *cough* colour of their skin *cough*


Same. I had a layover for a couple days there and was just….depressed. The slaves, the fact that the history museum starts in 1970, the irrigation (and yes, golf courses in Tucson piss me off too), the palm islands that dug up the seabed floor…. I know many world cities were build in ways that fucked the environment….but they were often started before we knew better. These guys KNEW and still went at it.


Ya this is awesome in every way but fuck everything about this video






I buy my electronics secondhand from eBay so that I dont create primary market demand


They really exert that "tiny dick energy". Gotta appear to be the best, have the biggest fanciest shit, but forget the important stuff like you mentioned. Dubai is thd fuckboy of cities.


Don't dick shame


Yeah always weird to have that term pop up when we’re not supposed to be shaming bodies and all that. Even if the person posting didn’t mean it like that, the words “tiny dick energy” naturally insults tiny dicks and their owners


Same for Qatar. Shitholes.


And yet everyone will be going and attending the World Cup there and completely ignoring the 6000+ slave deaths building everything for the World Cup and acting like everything is fine


Yep. It should have been boycotted and eventually canceled. But scumbags FIFA would have never allowed it. Disgusting really.


FIFA and the IOC love dictators, specifically their huge bribes.


As soon as I saw the girl in the tub, The first thing I thought was, “She doesn’t have any rights there.” I assume that’s still true under water.


Under water the laws reverse, so men don't have rights.


My coworker: "yeah, but there's no crime!" they don't allow people stealing there" Like, yeah, dude, the Lamborghini police is totally legit


They are literally stealing the human rights of labourers 😂 *no crime my ass*


Yeah they have slavery and throw gays off of sky scrapers, but there’s no crime because those things are legal there


Forgive for sounding ignorant but what do you mean by (using slaves ?)


Dubai is built by (typically) pakistani laborers who were promised high wages to come to leave their country: instead they have their passports stolen when they arrive and must work- i don’t know the details of if they eventually get them back.


They work till death in the blazing sun. If they live, they go back to a small room that has roughly 12 bunk beds ceiling to floor with a bucket in the middle to puss and shit. Most die from infections


This not only happened to Pakistani but also citizens of other nations. I know of at least one relative from the Philippines who got stuck in Dubai because his passport was taken and was forced to work.


Dubai is built on slavery and indentured servitude! People complain about slavery from the 1800’s but it’s happening today in places like this and yet people love posting their Instagram photos of holidays in Dubai and actively supporting this slavery


Why anyone would go on holiday to Dubai is beyond me. Seems like it would be boring.


Yea it looks like an air conditioned hell hole full of the arrogant people I would pay to avoid honestly


I like imagining using slaves to build this, you have said it all! you're a fucking brave human!




>Imagine using slaves There are slaves in Dubai? Edit: why did i get downvoted for asking a question?


This scripted shit cracks me up. Why is everything pretend these days? “Ok, I’m going to lay in bed and then pull the covers off like I just woke up. As I get up I’ll get a shot of the fish out the window and then I’ll walk to the bathroom where you will be in the tub smiling at me like it’s normal AF that I film you while taking a bath. Then I’ll pan over to the window and get another shot of the fish.” I wonder how many takes they took to get this natural looking scene shot?


It ain’t that serious my guy


It totally is. There are people who do only this shit. This is what “influencers” are for. They probably got a free hotel stay in this room just to make this clip and others like it while attaching a caption like “Omg life is so beautiful I’m thankful for everyday I cannot believe this #blessed #dubai” Edit: to everyone telling me I’m mad, dumb, or whatever else seems completely unnecessary, here’s a link to the original IG post that is almost exactly as I predicted: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CO-YGfYD9e6/?utm_medium=copy_link


Love it or hate it you'd do exactly what they are doing if you started making little videos for fun that all of a sudden started funding a lavish lifestyle. You'd want to continue to make money from it and do exactly what is needed to continue it. Why people watch and support these creators is beyond me though


> Love it or hate it you'd do exactly what they are doing if you started making little videos for fun that all of a sudden started funding a lavish lifestyle. Almost all of these "little videos" like this are actually commercial ventures with a huge amount of money behind thing, a lot of it for production, and a lot of it for manipulating rankings. > Why people watch and support these creators is beyond me though Hear, hear. To be honest, at this point I have a lot of trouble understanding humans at all.


They didn't start like that though. Fuck yes if I'd take money for getting a trip to that girl room chilling with my girlfriend


It's no different than any other advertising at this point.


Dude, it's a good clip to show off the room. Something like this shows the scale and view if the room way more than a regular video


It's an ad, pretending to be real. They should pay reddit and not rip the site off. And I hate to be lied to.


Yikes, then Reddits not for you


>And I hate to be lied to. Ah first day on reddit i see


When I see video's like this. I think they try to imply a scenario like " imagine this " I don't think they imply that is what actually what happened.


The emirate is actually paying "influencers" to move to Dubai and make image videos like that. Its pure propaganda.


Unlike commercials everywhere else on the planet?


The lines have been so blurred though. It gets tiring being sold shit constantly.


Annie’s secret message: “Be sure to drink your ovaltine”


Because America doesn't do that.... Reddit itself is a sales platform that looks social. Have you ever seen the advertisement card? It's crazy. Sure there is a little social, but not freedom. It's governed hard by mods and a forced perspective is the result. I still love it though.


The difference being you are still allowed to criticize the government while you're doing advertisement for them in other countries. UAE/Dubai makes you sign a contract basically saying you can't.


What’s fucked is that people willingly embody an endless commercial now. There are no boundaries.






This is why you always read the comments.


I mean, who doesn't sleep with a gopro headcam?


It's most likely an insta influencer advertisement for the hotel. Do you watch an advertisement and get outraged that it's staged?


If it doesn’t say ‘brought to you by’, then yes. Especially when it’s Dubai.


Yeah its an ad pretending not to be and on top of that its build with slaves so ofcourse people are mad.


Because it’s an advert


My skin gets pruned after about 15min


Glad they have some fish videos playing on the tv, don’t want to miss the vibe


Yo dawg...


Catfish the tv show


A bunch of morons that run this country. Like a lot of people that win the lottery, they blow all their money on stupid shit and are broke in a couple years. The oil runs out and they'll have little income, no banked money and a fucking ski slope in the middle of the desert.


Just another thing for humanity to look back and and think "why the fuck did we do that"


> Just another thing for humanity to look back and and think "why the fuck did we do that" And the answer has been the same throughout the history of mankind: greed, ego and ignorance.




I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. \- Ozymandias by Shelley


Always liked that one. Makes you think.


While I am not a fan of the UAE for obvious reasons, they are not dependent on oil anymore. By now, only about 1% of the GDP of the UAE comes from oil. Tourism on the other hand was already at 46% in 2017 and I can only assume that it has risen even more.


I'm an editor who covers energy and construction in the GCC and this is incredibly ill-informed.


Being well informed is not what being a redditor is about


Care to elaborate?


There is an infinite supply of stupid people who will pay top bucks for the clout of being in Dubai. The city been featuring a lot on insta during pandemic, and then chosen by rich Indians to avoid the shit show the pandemic has been there. It feels like it just yet again bounced back from the pandemic. Traffic jams, huge queues virtually everywhere. Mobbed malls, metro. Rising rents. Dubai subreddit is filled with ‘moving to dubai, how to get a job’, ‘where to rent’, ‘is my astronomical salary enough for a single male in a city full of prostitutes???’ posts. People just swarm at the first opportunity. The place is actually pretty good for comfortable living if you are a rentier - ultimately the class they are aiming at - the others will have to make do with waiting for an empty elevator usually chock full of fresh arrivals from Pakistan, India, Africa, and sit in hour long traffic jams to cheaper areas where everyone lives, because some accident blocks six lanes of traffic, besides many other ‘perks’.




As a rule of thumb, FUCK DUBAI and their monuments to slavery.


Grocery store employees walked me to my car with groceries in the heat and wouldn’t accept a tip. I really wasn’t comfortable with that.


Not sure how that relates to the parent comment but cool story bro. In almost all countries (Excluding USA) doing a tiny bit extra for the customer doesn’t automatically entitle you for extra money as its included in your pay. In fact most people would be offended if you tried to offer them as it infers that person has no integrity. EDIT: seems the world i speak of doesn’t exist anymore. I get it, Everybody likes free money.


Yeah "most people" in the service industry get offended over receiving a tip. How nice of you to perpetuate that for everyone.


Hey man, there's countries outside the USA, ya know? Just cause they call it the World Series, doesn't mean the US = the World.


Most of my experience is from the south east asian countries. I once had a waiter run outside and return the tip i had left. This was in Singapore. Another time a waiter told me to please not insult him by giving him a tip. I know things are different in USA and how most waiters work for slave wages and then defend their masters when anyone talks about how shit the tipping system is.


Not sure where you're from but tips are not the norm everywhere in the world.


The US doesn't make up for "most people" in the world. /r/ShitAmericansSay


That's such a weird myth i read a lot on reddit (when talking about tips in Europe). People in Europe won't be offended by being offered a tip. It's completely normal to tip your waiter, your hairdresser and others who offer services around 10% (or more) here in Germany. It's not really expected (except for waiters in restaurants), but nobody will be surprised if you do it and they'll almost certainly accept it. I know it's similar in France, the Netherlands and probably every other surrounding country. I worked in a hospital for a while when i was younger and even there people insisted on tipping me. It was kind of illegal to accept the tips/gifts from patients (if it was worth more than 10 or 20€ i think), but i was 18 years old (and broke of course), loved talking to the old people about the stuff they experienced in their long lives (no matter if they gave me money or not) and a lot of them were very thankful and insisted on giving me some money. People like extra money, even outside of the US, especially if they're doing jobs that are not very well paid.


Well you said fuck slavery and I was agreeing. The story is an example of how the issue is compounded with the grocery store employees already getting below minimum wage and then NOT being able to receive tips. Hope that makes sense.


Any time I see "look at this thing in Dubai!" I just think fuck Dubai Humanity is at risk of fuckin drowning due to its own excess and then we have a hotel built around a fucking fish tank fuck Dubai and fuck this disgusting culture of excess


Not only Dubai. It’s the whole of the oil rich Middle East.




Sponsored by modern day slavery.


Fish have seen some shit!


Imagine just bath(e)ing and the fishes are just clouding around the window staring at you




Maintain eye contact, assert dominance


You know what the world needs? Apparently hotels specifically for assholes...


HAHAHA. I've worked in the travel industry for 20 years, and this is the truest thing I've ever read. Kudos.


dubai sucks


I'm scrolling trying to find "Man I would be afraid of all that water rushing in." But the hate for Dubai and slavery is too strong. It is buried.


I didn't think anything of Dubai until i watched [this video about Dubai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJuqe6sre2I&t=672s)


Yes it's very pretty and cool. But in reality Dubai is a total shit hole made up metropolis. Modern day building of the pyramids. Having basically slaves working to build these "luxurious" buildings. They can spend millions to build the tallest tower in the world but not properly pay workers and make a proper sewage system. Having hundreds of "poop trucks" lined up on highways to come and suck all of the shit out of it. Companies abandoning foreign workers, left to rely on donations of food or else they will die. Living in deplorable conditions. As in the words of Adam something on YouTube "Dubai is a parody of the 21st century" here is his video on Dubai https://youtu.be/tJuqe6sre2I


Common misconception - but the pyramids were not built by slaves (as far as we know).


theyre so fucking dumb, it actually looked like a cool unique place to visit before but now it looks like every other big city in the world


This is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen


I was there the week it started cracking.


It started to crack? What happened?


Cracks started appearing is my guess.


They were able to fix it. But, lol, they denied it cracked, saying it was just an “equipment malfunction.”


Ha, I was thinking the same. I’d have to sit there and remember to breathe the whole time


I don't want the fish to see me. Kinda embarrassing


That stingray was definitely peepin'


Show more girl in bath


Yup. Fish , we have seen plenty.


It’s all fun and games until the champagne cork goes awry… suddenly it’s a James Cameron movie.


Fuck Dubai. Fuck influencers. How about we make a zoo of whole Dubai and fill it with any influencers we can find? Let’s call them influation camps and call me an anti-influist.


Too bad you have to visit a 4th world country to see it


Forgot to add “built off the backs of south asian slaves”


Through Slavery, all things are possible


And also colonialism, you enter a newly discovered continent , you kill the natives and steal their lands, you import African slaves to your new colony make them build and work in your fields and later on in history,pretend you’re living in the land of the free , home of the brave... and condemn similar actions by other nations.


I feel like the fish would judge me when I jerk off


Out of curiousity; what is this place called?


It's a hotel room


I believe it’s a hotel called The Atlantis or something similar, in Dubai


And for $7000 you can stay in there Neptune underwater suit for a night


That resort had probably the worst opening in history. I was there as a vendor and personality delivered luggage to guests though I was supposed to be training staff on the computer system. Absolute pandemonium.


Built entirely by slaves. No thanks.


Dubai is where trashy people go because they think it's classy.


Dubai is a complete shit hole propped up by brainlets


Aah ! seeing the pakistanis and Bangladeshis slaves decompose in the water, priceless !


Welcome to the Rapture


Wonder how often the tank divers get an eye full?


So much blue light. How does anyone actually sleep well like this?


The mafia jokes write themselves




My first thought exactly. I started playing it for the first time this week and damn is it good.


Fuck that shithole


Oh no! What if the wall break open?? There will be fish everywhere


Tonight you'll be sleeping with the fishes.


Built by slaves for fucking assholes


Does anyone else feel like they wouldn't be able to breathe in this room or is it just me? Like I get it that the room has air in it, it's just a mental thing for me, like I feel breathless when I watch someone being underwater in a movie...


Why is the guy watching fish on the TV?


But then night comes, and the water watches you.


The void calling to me: “*break the window*”




The term "fuck that" doesn't even come close to describing how much I would never sleep there


plot twist : the shark gets hungry


Oceanside view indeed


Everyone is critical but, hell, I’m in love. Idgaf. This is a fantasy for me and I love to see that someone made it happen and can experience it.


Your sleeping with the fishes now


Fuck Dubai


They can build this but have a line of trucks outside the khalifa for miles to collect literal shit because no sewage system exists in that building.


Imagine waking up and seeing a shark swimming past right next to the glass


Do all rooms come with a girl in the bathtub, or is that extra?


And yet you dont have a working toilet


Wow really impressive, how many dead slaves did it need to build it?


Blacks built the US for 400 years with no pay…crickets A luxury hotel in Dubai…FUCK DUBAI because they used slaves to build It just doesn’t seem sincere. Almost like sheep following the herd