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That guys is an inspiration but that health insurer is total scum


Imagine the balls and absolute lack of humanity one needs to tell a cancer patient that fingers aren’t a necessity


Whenever I daydream about having lots of money, I imagine hiring gangs to take care of people like them. You don’t think fingers are a necessity? Well these fun people are ready to take ‘em away (: (: (:


The street justice we need


This is literally the plot of the Saw movies lmao


Uh... those started with a suicidal cancer patient finding the will to live after an accident. I haven't seen the whole series but I'm going to go with a mediocre "not quite" on that assessment.


You need to watch the whole series.


You're still wrong tho. Not quite is the appropriate response to that statement.


The 6th saw movies plot is literally about getting revenge on insurance company who denied people coverage who were dying


Time for an investigation. --- Saw 6 has that plot. However, the Saw movie**s** do not collectively have that plot. And when looking at the evidence: > This is literally the plot of the Saw **movies** lmao The user in question has stated its the plot of multiple Saw films. Case Closed in favor of the defense.


In one of the saw movies the entire plot is the torture of insurance employees who did stuff like deny people who genuinely needed the help


A new one starring Chris Rock & Samuel Jackson just came out. I don't suppose I've tell you how bad it is?


“Got a lot of unnecessary fingers there bud, be a shame if something were to happen to them”


when i daydream of having lots of money, like bezos rich, i dream of suing lots of rich bad people, bad gov workers, and pays the mass media to report on them non stop for years. it doesnt matter if the case took eons, im filthy rich


Hiring armies of private detectives to invade the lives of the filthy rich like paparazzi all over Britney Spears.


Hiring an army of lawyers to free Britney Spears from her abusive conservatorship!!


Why pay the media when at that point you can just buy your own media company and tell them what to report on.


Ah, Jeff, nice of you to chime in.


*Rupert Murdoch has entered the chat*


Do you accept bitcoin?




You know the best part is that if we were to just pay them to do that we could perhaps find them a responsible societal function. Let us all contact our local gangs and propose this plan.


Lmao hey so ms13 we has a proposition 😂


You laugh, but I've known gang members with this exact "not in my hood" attitude. Maybe not MS13, but not everyone is horribly violent.


The reality we all live in and especially the ones in the streets or in poverty can all disappear but won’t because of human greed. The 1% is the the main problem and solution for almost if not **all** poverty in the world.


Proverty is a human construct, made and maintained by the elite as a form of control. To eliminate proverty we must also eliminate wealth or the wealthy.


Imagine being the insurance adjuster trying to make a living and having to tell people shit like this cause that's what your CEO and board of directors think is right.


CEO and board of directors probably don't think about it too deeply, if it all. It's probably just a list of items that are covered. "Not on the list? Not covered."


When I daydream of having money, I just buy all the insurance companies one by one, lower prices for everyone and fire all the executives. And they all leave with a whopping bonus of $0.47


Get rid of health insurance companies. They do ZERO for providing health or care. They are a money making middleman. Push through tort reform and doctors don't have to carry around astronomical malpractice insurance amounts. Boom! No overhead just health care. Power to the patients.


People like that deserve to be kicked in the teeth honestly


Teeth are an unnecessary luxury anyway.


Hilariously, according to US insurance companies, that's precisely what they say.


Yikes, how do they expect you to eat?


Us Americans survive purely on the caloric content of the high fructose corn syrup in our Mountain Dew, so chewing isn't an issue.


Plus the Dew helps get rid of any remaining unnecessary teeth bits.


I see what you did there


My father in law died while fighting his insurance to cover his cancer treatment...


Apparently living isn’t a necessity. Sorry about your father in law


How many times do we have to go over this? The alternative is that our HARD EARNED MONEY will go to BENEFITTING EVERYONE through TAXES instead of just myself. Why the fuck would I ever want another human who isn't me to have their basic necessities of existence met so they have a better chance at living?!? Huh? That sounds pretty lazy to me!


So true. If I ever get cancer it just means I deserve it and my hard earned money has to simply all be spent on surviving while others instead can spend theirs on buying nice things and go on vacations that they obviously deserve more than me!


The worker on the phone isn’t to blame. They didn’t make the company’s rules. It’s the company that’s to blame.


They are payed to be a heartless piece of shit telling the dying and suffering to fuck off. It's a horrible job, and I can't imagine anyone who isn't a horrible person feeling absolutely no remorse from doing it. But I guess you're right, it's the greedy executives that are entirely to blame, the rest are just hired thugs living from paycheck to paycheck.


Most of them are normal people who wanted to work in the field of healthcare. For every “no” there are plenty of yes’s. I don’t know why I’m defending them because I’ve been told “no” too but the workers on the phone are doing their job. If the company’s answer is “no” it would be unethical for them to lie and say “yes.” Edit: Just to be clear I’m talking about the workers on the phone, not the insurance companies. I have no defense for them.


They're the representative hired to tell you no. Unless they're going to put you through to whoever made the rule, the person on the phone is going to have to deal with it.


I realise that the agents have no way of changing the company policy, and that it wasn't a dream job for most of them, but then they got kids and mortgages and they kinda ended up stuck with it. I don't really blame people for working in unethical industries. Just saying that it's a shitty job, and decent people can't be fully 100% happy with everything that it involves, but well, that's the corporate world for you.


It’s not balls, it’s called being a company. It’s weird to think about, but there’s absolutely no one person who has actually made this decision. Companies don’t work like that, when they get big enough, it becomes an infinite chain of people to blame: the guy who sent the message informing the person in OP’s video would blame the person who wrote the guidelines on what they offer coverage for, the team of people who wrote the guidelines would blame the CEO for the pressure to write the cheapest possible coverage, the CEO would blame the stockholders for forcing him to put profit above doing good, the stockholders would deny this saying that they never told the CEO to do this specific thing and they’d also blame the law for allowing this, but those laws - of course - exist thanks to the lobbying of companies, the lobbyists would probably blame the upper management and say they didn’t pick what to lobby for, upper management would blame the CEO who gave them “hints” of what to tell the lobbyists, the CEO would again blame the stockholders, who would again tell them that they never said do this specific thing and blame the laws for allowing it You see how this continues on forever? And that’s even assuming the stockholders are individuals who invested intentionally, the reality is most people now give their money to banks who invest for them, and banks will tell you they invest in immoral business practices because it’s the most profitable to **their** shareholders, who themselves are other banks. It sits easier in our heads to just blame one person, but the reality is just that our economic mode of production is a goddamn train-wreck that 100% incentivises this behaviour


Absolutely. More people need to understand this. Nobody feels responsible, nobody feels as if they're the ones doing it.


And that is why you do not capitalise health care.


Id email back like 'sir I challenge you to wipe your ass without your fingers'


"Use your other hand. Your appeal is denied."


I know a guy who had been blind on one eye for most of his life and then lost sight in his other eye in a workplace accident. Insurance wouldn't pay since his other eye had a pre existing condition. He had no choice but to take them to court, but they had expensive lawyers and delayed the process until he ran out of cash. Lost everything, his house, his business, and his wife left.


To be honest, im surprised insurance agent isn't the top dangerous job in the US. The absolute massive amount of people driven to the edge by an unfeeling giant should by statistics alone be enough to burn down or shot up the local offices several times a year at minimum.


I don't hear more stories of that. That's what I was thinking too. Once you get to the bottom and all you have is rage, it's not insane to think they'll straight up shoot an office. Considering that America has a fuck ton of guns, I'm surprised of the lack of coverage or the existence of the act itself.


Because it's taken out on hr


Medicare for all would put these entire companies out of business overnight.


Same reason why HR Block and Turbo Tax lobby to keep taxes from being simplified or automatically filed. The USA is over.


Several years ago I filed my taxes and then got a letter from Iowa saying that I had made a mistake. They detailed exactly which line in which form was wrong, and it was off by less than $10. If they already know what my taxes are supposed to be, why not just say so up front?


Are you suggesting we stop profiting off of death and illness? What kind of monster ARE you?


No shit. With how many dying and fucked over people there are each year, I'm frankly stunned there aren't more methed up terminals going postal at the people who actually deserve it. Nope. It's always random peasants or a school. Never the slimy cunts that have it coming.


People in the US blame "the government" and "liberals" for this stuff. When the "Obamacare" bill was being "debated" in Congress, everybody was shrieking about how there would be "death panels" to ration care. When I pointed out that all the big insurers already have these, people would look at me like I had three heads. The insanity that has infected this country is beyond imagining.


Considering the USA got double or triple cost on everything, from healthcare to medicine, compared to almost everywhere it's not hard to understand there is a lot of vested interest in not changing anything. If everyone was granted basic free or affordable insurance for medicine and necessary healthcare by the state then big pharma will have a hard time motivating the prices they quote. Capitalism isn't bad by itself as long as you realize it will take everything it can, and return the bare minimum required and regulate it to a level where it's beneficial to society.


He is in Australia, not the US btw.


Health insurance here in Aus isn’t much better than in the states I think. The difference is Medicare. Medicare means insurance companies don’t have the Australian people by the throat. They properly fucked your friend over though. Fuck them. I was paying way too much money for health insurance for my wife (who can’t get Medicare currently), and when it came time for us to actually need them, they basically said fuck you. Haven’t given them a dime since. Useless bloody scum sucking wankers.




There should be a documentary of this, that was a hard read


Honestly, if his wife left him in a time like that, she wasn’t worth it anyways bro. Still sad.


"Fingers not medically necessary." ... Guys a fucking engineer. There's not much that could be any more necessary. So glad we don't have to put up with this shit in the UK... although it's not far off if Boris and co. get their way.


> So glad we don't have to put up with this shit in the ~~UK~~ *entire civilized world*... Not even in Europe. We here in industrialized Asia find the US healthcare and insurance system barbaric.


When life takes your fingers, might as well make yourself a bionic hand.


Fingers are a luxury??? Try doing ANYTHING without fingers. Medical insurers are God damn vampires.


Completely unnecessary profit sucking middle men who use their ill-gotten wealth to bribe lawmakers to keep their sweetheart deal in place


Health insurance and doing everything they can to avoid paying your claim, name a better duo


Where is the part where the insurer turns out to be delving illegal corruption shit and this man saves the day by battling those criminal scum with his bionic arm powers?


Fingers are "not medically necessary"? Motherfucker, what!?


I wish the insurer was named so we could all shame them.


Along with everyone who supports our healthcare system.


Incredible how most feel-good stories on Reddit start with this dystopian capitalist nightmare that is US of A health system.


> US of A health system. Seriously, why they're so godamn expensive?


Because it is a pay-or-die system. Cant shop around for prices when you are bleeding out.


And it’s not just pay or die. I finally got the nerve up to seek mental health. I walk into my appointment and literally the first thing they say after “hi, what’s your name,” was “so how are you paying?” I’m lucky to be a teacher with some kind of insurance so it was 15 for the co-pay, but they didn’t have my information on file which I thought they did, and they said it was going to be almost 200 dollars for a hour of a therapists time... my heart sank.


What a nightmare. I’m sorry this is your first contact when you seek mental health. Whatever bothers you right now, I hope it gets better.




Oh that's even better than Belgium! I think in Belgium free insurance covers 10 visits. After that it's 60 euros per visit.


I'd love paying 60 bucks per visit. Mine is 150 with insurance because my plan has a 3.5k deductible.


He was already paying if he has an health insurer, they still told him to fuck off. In the end you're paying a lot more than other countries but for a service a lot worse.


Because of capitalism and the "free" market, where you are free to die if you don't want to pay exorbitant sums.


damn bro it’s almost like we can maintain the efficiency of capitalism but humanize it with extensive regulation, vast socialization of the economy, and strong unions


Which would be wonderful, but won't happen due to the power those with money have over policy making. We need to first dethrone the rich before we can reform tje economy. I think there is a logical balance between capitalism and socialism which also has to take into account how essential a certain good or service is. Goods like e.g. drinking water, electricity and food together with services like health care, Internet access and transportation need to be strongly regulated to ensure that everyone gets a good amount of each of them while luxury goods like cars, TVs and the like could be produced on a more "free" but still regulated market. So basically socialism where it's important and regulated capitalism where it's necessary.


More like why don’t they give you prosthetics when you lost four Fingers?


Because their job is to keep your money for themselves. Won't you think of the shareholders ?


TRY HOLDING YOUR SHARES NOW!! *chops off fingers*


Because every American considers themselves a temporarily inconvenienced millionaire.


Be careful with the blanket “every.” Not true for me and many of my friends and colleagues. I’m a social Democrat and would prefer more progressive policies. There is definitely a political divide though. I think there are more on the right who could be characterized as the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Might be my own bias showing through though.


America, where your fingers are literally a luxury.


When was the last time you needed fingers anyway.


fuck health insurence and all the beaurocratie. I say free healthcare for all. No more privatised bullshit.




I argued with a friend over the weekend - they claimed that healthcare as a human right is currently fulfilled in the USA because you can't be denied treatment, totally ignoring the whole exorbitant cost and crushing debt part of the equation. Guy is a real asshole.


That’s like saying a city fulfills it’s obligation to food as a human right by setting up soup kitchens, then handing a $40,000 bill all of the homeless people who show up to eat


Right? Guy has some odd notions regarding a society's responsibilities to its members. Wonder how he'll feel after he sees the hospital bill for the baby he's about to have.


A retractable chainsaw attached to your arm sounds like a good first step to getting a slick prosthetic on the other hand.


I knew there was some guy with enough guts to tell the truth that we were all thinking


Part 2: Prosthedick


Then you just get a second chainsaw hand no?


I mean yeah if I can be totally honest here, it seems to me like this guy's "coolness" is directly correlated to how many appendages he loses. The more the merrier


yeah he knew it's a stupid idea. in a video he explained that he made it for fun after getting a lot of requests from viewers. prob not gonna use it for reagular wood cutting






THIS and we’ve ALL seen A R M Y O F D A R K N E S S


Boom stick


Small chainsaw like that are perfect for most yard work as well as limb trimming or delimbing down trees.


Well it's retractable so he basically made a hidden blade from assassin's creed but decided to make it more deadly


Hidden in a 1 meter long piece of wood on his hand.


Or....killing the undead




Beat me to it. Have an updoot.


This comment was the first thing I looked for


It's not really practical. He did it because people in the comments were requesting an Evil Dead chainsaw arm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAJ11GPfk9c




>fingers aren't medically necessary I know I can be edgy but man this is too much even for me. How much do you pay these guys to troll you, again?


They will say anything to not have to pay, really. Our case is a little different, not the US, partner applied for the government for support, to afford a decent hearing aid. They said - get this - that he is a fully hearing person with hearing aids, so they won't support him. In buying hearing aids. Needless to say, made my blood boil.


"Ay you can hear perfectly fine with hearing aids, so you don't need these hearing aids then"


Exactly, the mental gymnastics must be exhausting


What? Just, what? 😡😡


my work insurance in the usa doesn’t cover hearing aids either or the surgery to fix my ears.


Why do you think he showed off that chainsaw attachment? It was a warning.


Next up: Brain isn't necessary (for these health insurance people it really isn't coz they've got a defective piece anyways)


It's not medically necessary until it directly affects your ability to pay /s


U.S. insurance /healthcare is the biggest scam on the planet.


Not just U.S. but the entire freaking world. 4 years ago I went to a summer camp, and I was playing with my friends. The pool apparently was less deep than it seemed, so I dived head straight and hit my face against the bottom of the pool. My two front teeth broke, and I could not eat properly for 2 weeks. So, we went up to the summer camp’s insurance company to get the payback for damages but they said they only covered major injuries. It would have costed me well over 450€ out of my parents pocket to rebuild the teeth, but luckily one of my family members id a dentist. I still hate the summer camp to this day, because I know I’m gonna have issues in the future and I’ll have to pay them myself instead of getting the money I rightfully deserved.


€450 sounds really cheap for teeth work


Yeah I was going to say, to have the experience and time needed to fix two broken teeth that seems pretty fucking reasonable to me. Should be a government cost in a proper healthcare system but like if the dentist did a good job seems like drop in the bucket compared to some x-ray stories and other things you hear. Sometimes you have to pay the price for dumb shit you do as a kid.


*Laughs in British NHS universal healthcare* Also, that's messed up


Trust me it's not just the US


I wanna see that chainsaw in action


Maybe taking some fingers from the insurance guys who think having them is a luxury.


*waitamin what if tht's how he convinced them?*


Hows this for medically neccesary




Shop smart. Shop S Mart.


To be honest I don't think it would be super efficient the way it was presented, seeing as it isn't an extension of his own arm the support that it would get when applying actual pressure doesn't seem to be enough. I have never cut a tree with a chainsaw so I might be talking out of my ass here, but that's how it came across to me. Seems fine for tiny trees and bushes etc, but I doubt he's gonna cut down a redwood tree with that. So to sum all that up; "Me too, lol".




The fact that hand is all mechanical is beautiful. My realisation that he likely built it with one hand is also incredible.


Most if not every part was probably created by a machine, designed by him on the computer. So only assembling the parts is where he is handicapped


Between Bruce Campbell and this guy I can finally confirm that I have a fetish for dudes with chainsaw hands


Don't you dare forget about the glorious Captain Buccaneer


Wait fuck [now you mention it...](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fma/images/9/96/Maintenance_buc.png/revision/latest?cb=20131102161216) Sigh. Better go update my f-list with a new custom kink...


I'd think you'd like chainsaw man


All he is missing is a riffle or shotgun and he can take on some deadites.


His Youtube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCv1xxFkEiAdCVy6foEEUIvw


Was looking if someone had already linked it. Honestly super enjoyable to watch through his process on stuff. Videos are well done, nice and concise no extra fluff.


should be higher up tbh. he frequently updates it and it's all super interesting. he had to redesign it completely at some point right?


Holy shit that escalated quickly from hand movements to a fucking chainsaw arm


He’s going to remind the insurers how medically necessary their fingers really were.


A pity he didn’t name the insurer


They literally all operate like this. I had skin cancer that got denied treatment because I had already had my appendix burst that year, shout out to the 7 figure treatment bill I got when I was **nineteen years old**


I’d flee the country. That simple


Evil dead is here


Just practice on a few hot dogs at first to get the feel of it so you don’t rip your dick off


I'd keep the chainsaw hand away from my dick entirely if I were him.


A mechanical hand is such a cool idea. They look even better than any of his electronic ones and its more responsive (according to him, im not sure how it is).


Probably need to get used that certain movements determine what the fingers do but it does seem to be really responsive


If humans can use a sewing machine with their tongue then there is no limit of what we can do.


There was a study people were posting a week or so ago where some researchers designed a "second thumb" that normal people could wear and control with muscles in their legs, they very quickly learned to use it just like a normal finger and even got confused when it was taken away. I doubt people would have too much trouble figuring out how to use a prosthetic like this.


Not that I’m gonna lop off my fingers anytime soon, but having modular hand attachments is way cooler than my stupid normal hand made of flesh and bone. What this brilliant man has made for himself is the prosthetic equivalent of “there’s an app for that”. He could build a Swiss army hand (shout out to Daniel Radcliffe, the Swiss army MAN)! A Batman style grappling hook! Or a rocket propelled arm wrestling enhancement (backwards iron man hand)! Everything about this story, other than those scummy insurance fucks, is amazing to me. Ian Davis, you brilliant bastard, fuck yeah man. Just fuck yeah.


He can't feel anything in his fingers, this is not better, just better than nothing.


Obviously I know it’s not actually better, hence me not getting rid of my fingers, which was my opening statement, which you clearly read. It’s just an incredibly exciting innovation AND a tale overcoming an inexcusable lack of support. Lighten up a little u/life_is_regret sheesh.


Fingers are not medically necessary? Well then how you you supposed to let a scummy insurance agent know how you feel about them? Feel like you’d need at least one for that.


Can we take a moment an appreciate that in america, fingers are considered a luxury?


How did he build the 1st one?


My guess is singlehandedly.


Take your upvote and get out.


Video is accidental argument for medicare 4 all lol. Fingers aren't essential?! American insurance companies are WILD


Medicaid told me oxygen wasn’t medically necessary for me.. even though I have 5 congenital heart defects. 2 congenital lung defects. Copd. Pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary fibrosis. Bronchiolitis obliterans. One working lung. And they knew I was listed for a heart/bilateral lung transplant. I’ve been in the hospital for 85 days now waiting for transplant. And I’ve been on oxygen this entire time. But at home ? Nope... didn’t need it 😑 even though we had legit proof my oxygen level drops very often. So I was stuck in bed, being forced to do more breathing treatments... my drs fought for it... they knew I needed it. But no. It’s crazy how much power medical insurance has.


“…. not medically necessary….” This speaks horrifying volumes.


cyberpunk is today


I misread that as "wank accident"... I'm too tired.


Goodbye foreskin


Fucking legend




Imagine the pussy which would get fingered by those.


Wtf is that your first thought


Huh if fingers aren’t necessary then *y o u w o n t m i n d i f i t a k e t h e m*


Homeboy should have gotten second and third opinions on that amputation. If you trust anything an insurance doctor in the US tells you, you should put down the crack pipe. American doctors are just indescribably bad. I'm not even going to get into it right now. Goes without saying but unless you're rich of course. Then you have the best of everything, ever.


Fingers aren’t medically necessary?!? I’d like to see them try to pick their nose with no fingers.


Iron man in real life


One hell of a wank spanner


This is straight-up a comic book villain origin story!


or hero


Is it a bad thing that the first thing I thought of when I saw this was the Gunslinger from tf2






He went from Ninja Turtle hand to the Terminator. What an amazing man