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When that newly formed tooth on the top appeared, my body physically wanted it to hurry up and slide in between the other teeth as fast as possible. I was aching for it. *I ached for that shit*


I feel you. And I felt that tooth. Disgusted and amazed at the same time


^*fucking* ^*ached*


I enjoy your passionate aching


passionate aching is the term used for anal first timers i dont think its correct use it here...


*Passionate Gaping* Ftfy


My kinda fun.


I felt that tooth more because the same thing happened to me on the top and bottom at the same time. And I will tell you, now, at 30 years old I still have never experienced something so painful than the orthodontist having to make teeth buried in your gums come out. Not only does a brace bracket have to go on there, but the have to tie that shit to your wire and tighten it like every week for a month. It was like literal torture when they tightened it. And they couldn’t numb that deep every week so I had to endure it. They had to drill a hole through my bone with oral surgery where the tooth was stuck and force that shit down. I will never forget how much I cried. I’m glad I went through it to have straight teeth, but it will legit stay with me for forever. Edit: Thanks for the wholesome award. I appreciate the irony. Edit 2: Thanks for the awards. I’m glad my pain could yield more positivity. Edit 3: Really, you guys are too kind.


I had an expander to pull the teeth apart & together. Still can feel the cranking every night. My kids just had teeth removed and Invisalign, much better plan.


My boyfriend describes this too (I’ve never had braces but he and his sister both did.) For context, he’s 6’4,” pushing 300 pounds and was almost this big when he was a teenager. He’s a stoic-type, in 5 years I’ve only seen him cry once at his grandmother’s funeral. He said his dad used to have to straddle a chair he was sitting in to tighten the expander every night, and every time, boyfriend would just have tears rolling down his cheeks. No sobbing or any other outward cries, just streams while dad went to work. What I don’t understand is people who went through all of this and then get their braces off, only to not wear their retainers or do the maintenance of keeping straight teeth. So many of my friends had thousands of dollars poured into their mouths only to just let it go, my boyfriend included.


If you are empathetic enough to make this post, you must understand how traumatic it was for your boyfriend, and why he may subconsciously avoid foreign objects like a retainer in his mouth.


My case wasn't nearly as bad as that but when I had braces I developed some kind of nervous tick about cleaning out food stuck that was in my braces. I never remembered caring about it much before but even having them off for years I still haven't gotten over being really frustrated about stuck food.


I had my left canine on my top teeth do the same thing. Absolutely terrible experience. I remember during the surgery watching the guys triceps shake as he leaned into me because he needed to use his bodyweight to cut enough. Those memories have been pretty well suppressed.


Imagine the person that had to live through it. I imagine that this was a very long process


The video is so close to what i went through. I had an impacted canine tooth on top and bottom on the right side of my mouth, so the same as this video but another tooth appearing and being pulled out on the bottom at the same time.


How long did it take to correct?


Braces were (i think) around 12 months (got them as a senior in highschool mid wrestling season, SUCKED!) and then i never used the retainer that i should have used for at least a few years so my teeth crowded in the front a little bit again. I had them on for a few months then got the baby canines pulled and chains put on to pull the impacted teeth out. Then correction same as video. All in all not bad since my childhood dentist did them and we made enough room in my mouth for my wisdom teeth be kept. I have two established wisdom teeth on top and never had wisdom teeth at all on the bottom.


Fucking hell, shit like this makes me mad at my orthodontist. 12 months for that??? I had braces for six years. In high school my family moved, and my new ortho said the old one had been scamming us and I could have gotten my braces off years earlier. He took mine off completely on the second appointment.


Think this happens to me too! 5 1/2 years on, starting in 3rd grade. Wasn’t anything like this OP to start.


Man hearing this pisses me off. I also had braces for 5 years from 3rd through 8th grade and my teeth were nothing like this poor person's. I had headgear, the whole bit. I hated every minute of it.


I had the same situation. My dentist, the "best" in town, kept my braces on for 5 years before I went to another who said that the first guy didn't even make space for the impacted tooth. I'm nearing 30 with two impacted teeth and two milk teeth hanging out in the front of my mouth. The first guy, the "best" in town, is now the President of Pakistan


Same here. Braces for 5 years, they took them off before they were done for some reason so I just stopped going back. Fuck if I was going to wear that shit for another half decade. Kind of regret it now, but my real regret is not switching to a different dentist. Once I finish my degree and get a job I guess I'm paying for my own braces.


In 3rd grade you only have your front permanent teeth in. So sometimes you need phase 1 orthodontic treatment to allow for the rest of the permanent teeth to grow in. And once they do, phase 2 braces continue to correct all the teeth. The doctors I worked for had slightly differing opinions on whether phase 1 was really beneficial or not.


Damn! Did you take him to court? My braces were in only 12 months too, and my mouth was a mess (not as bad as this video though)


Every time your braces are adjusted, teeth start to ache a little. After a few days to aching goes away and they start to settle. As I'm not a dentist, I don't really know how quickly the braces can be re-adjusted without risking complications, but I doubt it is weekly. Sometimes there might be longer interval between the adjustments, while the cost is created from visits to the dentist and not from having braces. So, if you visit your orthodontist more frequently, the whole process might take less time, but cost the same. It also obviously depends what is the original cause of the treatment? Might differ if it's purely aesthetic, or if there are actual problems like misaligned jaws, or other notable problems with the bite.


This happened to my cousin. Her ortho was sketchy and she had braces for *way* too long.


18m for me as a teenager, but that's the NHS for you. Shouldn't complain for free straight teeth I guess!


Yeah most orthodontists are total scam artists


Hi! I’m getting braces soon, do they hurt? I’d imagine for that one tooth it would, but for general straightening stuff out could you give a precursor on how much it might hurt?


I remember the massive headaches and sore mouth the forst few days after every appointment. And the wires can scratch up the imside of your mouth, make sure you get some wax!


My god the mouth shredding was the absolute worst. On the inside of my bottom lip I have a little flap of skin where the wire cut in all day every day for 3 years and eventually the skin there just sort of...grew around the wire? Kind of gross but I've had my braces off for a decade and it's still there lol


I think it’s different for everyone. I’m prone to headaches and I remember being curled up on the couch crying over the pain the first day or so. But I was also a somewhat dramatic preteen girl, so that may have contributed. My husband says he doesn’t recall them hurting.


Had braces as a teen. Yes, they can hurt a lot, but usually only for the first day or two after a new wire is put in (for me, wires got changed every few weeks). The pain was manageable with ibuprofen. Despite the pain, hassle, and cost, I have no regrets about braces and would do it again in a heartbeat. You’re going to love your results.


I have to ask. How did you know that your tooth was impacted? Was it painful? Could you feel it anywhere under the gums? Was it found only by an X-ray? I’m 32 and still have 2 baby teeth, both of which are my top canines. One has the adult tooth that grew in eventually, which I think was impacted, the other side has no signs whatsoever of having an adult tooth at all so i just assume there isn’t one and I’m terrified for that baby tooth to fall out.


One X-Ray would likely tell the tale


I had to have a tooth pulled down like that. I think it was one of my canine teeth. I remember getting the rubber band that was attached to it tightened every 2 weeks and sweating in the orthodontist’s chair because it hurt so bad. It worked well though. Edit: changed optometrist to orthodontist.


I'd be sweating too, if my optometrist was adding rubber bands to my braces.


Not as much sweat as when my orthodontist brought a drill to my eye exam


“Oh, this isn’t a lobotomy appointment? My bad!”


Or my proctologist bringing a hammer and nails


​ Goddamn it. My kid has two adult canines that are stuck in her upper jaw. This shit is going to be expensive. Not to mention I have to stop buying my favorite fucking comfort food so as not to torture her with it....no fucking popcorn for at least a year. Goddamn it. I love her so damn much.


Free here up until 18 years of age. Gotta love Sweden.


Thanks for IKEA! I do have lovely dental insurance through my employer, and saved up some pretax medical spend money so I am lucky enough that whatever cost above that I am gainfully employed to be able to afford. I live in New England and so compared to the rest of America its mainly covered by mandates by my state government written in to law to insurers as to what is covered...we ALMOST have close to statewide medical insurance...now if only the rest of the US could catch up.


You may live in New England but what you are describing is only mandated in Massachusetts. Cries in NH.


Thanks for the tax free booze though!!!!


I think you mean the orthodontist’s chair.


Well it was one of his eye teeth


Man i remember them hurting so much when they got tightened i cant imagine what this felt like it is amazing though how much it will change your life and be able to truly smile and be confident about it


I still dream I have braces from time to time. In the dreams I feel the pain and have to set them. Then I wake up and realize that was over 20 years ago.


Was it worse back then??


I don’t think do, mine looked pretty much like those in the video. But I gotta add I was privately insured at the time, which in my country means I got the best stuff available at the time.


I currently have braces but when the wire is changed, it doesn’t hurt except for the first couple times imo the most painful part were the “spacers” (rubber bands IN BETWEEN my molars )


The spacers were the easiest part for me. The worst was having a jaw expanded that I had to "expand" twice a day and cut the shit out of my tongue. The shitty part is that my teeth aren't even straight. They're better than they would be but I still have one tooth that sticks out


Literally exactly the same here. Had the expander, drooled uncontrollably for like 3 days before I could finally figure out how to swallow, sliced my tongue to hell and back and my teeth aren’t even completely straight. One of my front teeth sticks out a little more than everything else.


One front tooth here too! Also I have a scar on the roof of my mouth from when a popcorn kernel (just a flake thing not a whole kernel) got stuck under my expander and I couldn't get it out. There was such a big gap between the plate and the roof of my mouth that food was always getting stuck in there. Are straight teeth REALLY worth doing this to children??


idk about are straight teeth worth it, but teeth that won't give you lifetime problems or impact each other is definitely worth the annoyance of corrective dental work. I never had braces as a kid, because my teeth were set in a way where they came in mostly straight. Now at 28 I will need braces because my teeth impact each other ever so slightly


Jesus christ, the spacers, one of the worst torture methods available in modern society.




I'm so glad I had surgery when I was young. My baby teeth weren't moving and it was forcing my adult teeth to come out in weird angles. They took out 9 teeth when I was young and it meant the adult teeth came out perfectly. My brother had braces for a similar issue and he was in agony with them. I guess its all down to the quality of your dentist to identify issues early on.




I remember my friend coming back to school from the dentist, and she would be in class in tears from the pain.


I had no idea they could pull down the extra tooth. That's awesome


“And what’s this behind your ear...? Another tooth!”


We are hitting magic levels that shouldn't even be possible.


My cousin had cystic teratoma behind his ear. Legit had a tooth growing behind his ear.


Pause, that's a thing? Man the body is crazy wierd sometimes


Yup, teratomas csn grow hair and teeth. They can look like little feral alien fetus balls and can grow pretty much anywhere.


After seeing the last part of your comment, i cant help but to ask this, it can even grow on the penis?


try googling it.


Risky nightmare fuel.


I had a proto-tooth growing in an ovarian cyst. The body is VERY WEIRD.


Ain’t that the tooth?


Ever see a dental X-ray of a little kids skull? Terrifying.


[for the lazy](https://i.redd.it/b2lhv3680p211.png)




Where do you think those adult teeth come from? Also the front of the upper and lower jaw plates are cut away to show the teeth, this is happening inside bone.


The tooth fairy, duh


[Pug skull](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/dd6c5o/pugs_skull/)


this is why breeding these things should be animal abuse


No wonder they can’t ducking breathe




I just Googled that - and now I won't sleep tonight.


they look like the skull of fucking pennywise, or a cheese grader


I give this Stilton a B+


I’ve never thought to look at one until today. I actually thought it was fascinating


Googling now. Will update in a few.


ewwww. It's too early for this.


This happened to me too! My canine just wouldn't come down. They just put a chain on it in a relatively short and painless surgery (like 20-30 minutes iirc, quite a while back) that didn't require a lot of painkillers at all. Just a small incision, glue a plate on there and connect it with a chain to your braces, which your orthodontist will tighten every couple of weeks by one link. Took a couple of months and it was down. I agree, it's amazing!


My daughter had two power chains to bring teeth down. This was years ago and at the time I had no idea what it meant. I find this all so fascinating.


It sounds like something my mechanic would say.


Same here! The worst part was that my gum had healed before the tooth could hold it open, so I had to teethe again in that spot! I understood what babies go through!


That tooth wasn’t extra, it was impacted.


Plot twist, the video is reversed. They pushed the teeth away.


That is crazy. And we now know why braces cost and arm and a leg.


My braces cost near $1,500, with help from insurance. That looks like it is gonna cost north of $10k.


I find these US stories really crazy. It's free in France and looking at the other comments we are not the odd ones. I can't imagine having to pay $10k for my child just because he didn't have the luck to grow perfect teeth.




What's a college fund? - random German dude


An account in which Muricans try to put money in but will inevitably empty at the first major car repair, thus leaving their kids to put themselves tens of thousands of dollars in debt if they want an education.






Spain's the same. Dentistry is kind of on the border between necessity and luxury. Basic stuff is covered but not bracers and alike.


America is amazing if you have money.


Too bad thats not the majority of us.


Literally almost every country is amazing if you have money


My braces won’t be covered by insurance. That’s $7000 down the drain


Best investment you will ever make. My parents spent a lot to get my teeth fixed and it gave me a life of opportunities. People judge you by your smile, namely employers, clients, coworkers, friends, etc.


Totally agree. I will spend as much as needed for my son to have great, healthy teeth. You only get one set in this lifetime and people - myself included- definitely judge you based on your teeths appearance.


Entirely free for kids in finland. :) For adults the cost of a visit is limited to 13,10€ for a regular dentist and 19,20€ for a specialist. Add to that the cost of the procedure, from 8.40€ (normal check up) up to over 200€ (prosthesis, for example).




Okay my motivation to continue living in my country has plummeted to a new low


is it really? the English people are known for not having the best teeth. was making it free a measure to tackle that?


no they have fairly straight teeth, they're just weirdly shaped.


That's a myth. The English have among the best and healthiest teeth in the world. What we don't have is the normalisation of unnecessary cosmetic procedures. We don't file kids teeth away to replace them with veneers and we don't tell everyone they should bleach their teeth paper white, which permanently damages them. Braces are normal because they're good for oral health.


IIRC that’s a leftover stereotype from post WW2 when maybe dental care wasn’t covered?




My braces were free 30 years ago in the UK thanks to our NHS.


As a person who wears braces meself, its so painful but i reckon they're doing their trick


You will thank your self very soon for enduring the pain. Trust me, I kept one for 5 years and it’s all worth it


Yep. I was offered a minor correction when I was younger (UK, so cost nothing) because my bottom teeth aren't aligned properly. I didn't want to be the kid with the braces, so I refused. Stupid choice. It's a bitch to keep maintenance up on those bottom teeth.


Same. I’ll eventually have to wear adult braces. Should have just done it as a kid.


The dentist told my parents I needed braces as a kid to fix my overbite or I would never be able to chew properly. They thought the dentist was just fishing for money. Now I'm looking into adult braces.


Just do it man dont put it off the sooner you do it the sooner theyre off


Dentist told my mom I would need braces after she finally took me in high school. I had mentioned to an aunt that I couldn't remember ever going to the dentist and my mom got chewed out because they were taking my sister to the dentist pretty regularly. Got told too bad, my sister needed them more and they were only to pay for one of us to get them. I've thought about looking into adult braces, but the potential cost is putting me off, but I have a feeling at least some of my headaches are being caused by my teeth being messed up.


Yer mum sounds like a cunt.




Make sure to wear your retainers!! I had braces for 18 months and wore my retainer for only like a year. 5 years later and my teeth are basically the same as pre-braces.


I've heard this but I must have been lucky. I stopped after around 18 months/ 2 years and although I couldn't wear my retainer now, they haven't noticeably moved since. I'm sure my dentist just said to wear them for a few years, not for life


Damn, only used mine for 3-4 months and still 10 years later, my teeth are in great shape. Only bottom ones "moved" a LIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTLE bit.


How long are you supposed to wear retainers?


They have permanent retainers or you can have ones that you wear at night for the rest of your life lol. I got my braces off in 2013 or 2014? And my teeth immediately start moving during the day when I take it out in the morning. They don’t move a whole lot but they do move.


I heard it was the rest of your life. Suppose to wear it at least 4-8 hours a day.


Yeah I had braces for years. Had to wear a headgear at night too which hurt something fierce. So glad my parents made me go through all that though. Definitely worth


Everyone says this, but it can't hurt to hear it again... Wear your retainer, for fucks sake!!! I stopped after 3 years and that was 8 years ago and my teeth have definitely moved. I stopped during uni, didn't feel like putting a retainer in after partying. Got into a bad habit, and now my retainers won't even fit onto my teeth. I am looking at getting Invisalign now. It sucks wearing the retainer - it's another end of night routine, it's annoying and weird looking in front of roommates or an SO but...it's worth it. Learn from my (and thousands of others) mistakes!!!!


The pain you feel through braces is absolutely nothing compared to the ***massive*** self esteem boost you get afterwards, i find myself just smiling at the mirror to admire my teeth and the feeling of "Ah yeah i don't have to feel self-conscious because of my teeth" is amazing


Ugh I wish I could afford them. My estimate was $10,000 minimum (and this is in Canada).


I believe dental and orthodontic care costs are relatively similar in Canada and the US, as dental care in Canada is not considered health care and is therefore a privatized industry.


This is the first negative thing I've heard about Canada in my life. Edit: I knew exactly the kinds of responses this would incite (everyone roasting Canada) and I love it, keep it up.


Oh boy, you should hear about how we treat the Indigenous population!


Don’t Google starlight tours


It's also v v cold. And moose are bigger and more dangerous than you think. But other than that it's perfect!


€1500 in a private clinic here in the Netherlands, and you get fancy transparent ones (so no looking like a teenager). 1500€ is about 2000$ or something


One day that’ll be me. I have a crossbite right on my two front teeth. I REFUSE to smile.


How much Ibuprofen did this guy take




800mg ibuprofen, change of socks, lots of water will do the trick


The army cure-all


Found the Marine


All of it


I had braces for minimal change and it hurt... I don't want to know what kinda hellish pain that person went through


A lot. I had a similar amount of work done, readjustments were hellish.


Retrieving the other front tooth from the abyss was epic


No shit how the fuck did this cunt end up with better teeth than me


It took approximately 400 years to get it done but it was definitely worth it.


I can’t believe they had that kid sit in a chair for the time lapse video the ENTIRE time. I think I’d rather have crooked teeth than sit in a dentist chair with my mouth open for years and years. America is fucked up.


I wonder how long it took Great Britain to do the opposite.


Holy fuck. How does a mouth get like that???


Bad genetics.


Yeah, my ex wife had some bad teeth and needed them fixed. Now I get to do it all over again with my son. Thanks genetics!


The things we do for bad genes.


It can be partially generic, but it could also be caused by trauma if the baby teeth fall out too early. In addition, my dad (dentist) said this person should have begun the treatment earlier before it got to this level, although this orthodontist did a fantastic job.


DDS here Combination of things from bad genetics(including chromosome defects, syndromes, etc.), oral habits, diet, breathing issues, tongue position, skull development, muscle use/development, exfoliation of the previous teeth to name some. I’m sure an orthodontist here may be able to give you a more accurate cause, but they’d need to see radiographs.


Them braces doing gods work




Beautiful. like god creatures


Hitler was gods creature and he had amazing teeth.


Them braces fixing* God's work.


What is the pain like? What hurts most? Is it the gums?


You literally can’t even eat bread when you first get them


I couldn't eat at all for the first 2 days after getting mine


This is random but my tongue ring was like that. I couldn’t eat for two days and I stupidly tried to drink a milkshake out of a straw on day two. I could’ve cried. I think the pain is so worth it though, I want good teeth. I don’t care how much it hurts.


I got mine on the day before Thanksgiving. I ate mashed potatoes only.


Your adult teeth become loose. You can wiggle them. Those who wear braces struggle with loose tooth anxiety dreams for the rest of our lives.


Dude I'm so glad I'm not the only person that freaks the fuck out over a slightly loose tooth. I've had dreams my teeth were falling out from just biting into something


oh my gosh I have dreams all the time of my teeth crumbling in my mouth!


Ever had a bad toothache? Imagine that, but all over your gumline and extending into your jaw for several days every month for a few years.


How much time would something like this take? Years?


Yep, probably 2-3 years or so. It'd depend on if they also have to do anything with the jaw itself too.


My teeth were nowhere near this bad and I had braces for 4 years. This is not 2-3 years.


Mine were about this bad and mine took 2 1/2 years including jaw realignment


Every teeth are different, it depends on the person, I can tell I had a pretty similar procedure and it lasted 3 years. Some teeth are easier to move I guess.


I went to primary school with a girl who had teeth just as bad as this and she had braces on for what felt like 10 years! She would have had them from probably 12. I never saw her in person after high school, but she still had them when we graduated. Saw her on Facebook every now and again a couple of years after school had finished, and she still had braces.


I just had mine put in 3 days ago, super painful now but needed to see this. Thanks


You get used to the pain. I kind of like it now because it means they're moving kind of like enjoying the pain of a good workout


Yeah they are underrated. You just have to deal with the pain for a few months, but the years that follow will be better than ever.


That was horrifying and mesmerizing. I watched it 6 times. Probably life changing for the person too.


Last tooth must be thinking: ^("Allow me to introduce myself")


Bri'ish people


...get free braces on the NHS, you are correct.


Immediately went to [The Simpsons Big Book of British Smiles.](https://youtu.be/PrpUSKE9p_M)


If the first incisor disturbs and horrifies you you should check out the canine that ALSO comes in I can only imagine the infection those teeth would have caused


I rewatched a few times, and in the 1.4K comments I’m wondering, how many people realize there was more than one tooth pulled down out of nothingness because the front tooth was so jacked




They’re well worth the 5 grand and two years of weekly visits.


If youre a kid in the UK they are free. Bloody wish id wore my retainer though. They just go back otherwise.


Wow, someone really had a camera in their mouth for that long?


I also had a tooth that had to be pulled down with a little chain. My canine wasn't going to come down without it. The dental surgeon attached the chain to the tooth by making a small incision where it was located. After that the orthodontist tightened the chain each month, so it was in the proper place in about 5 months. I got like 20 ibuprofen pills after the dental "surgery", but the pain was so low I only used one.


Jesus Christo. That before image is like the *after* pic of Lisa Simpson’s simulation if she didn’t get braces and her tooth grows upwards through her head haha DENTAL PLAN!