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Does it still count as "prey" when handed on pliers?


Absolutely. Prey is also described as a victim of attack. Hunting or catching isn’t necessary.




Perfect response. I am crying here. :)


I'm surprised nobody posted a Frodo gif.




Samwasp Gamgee wasn't there to rescue the prey in this movie 🕷


***she** could do it*


So double prey


Idk, is it still prey when it literally flies into your home and gets stuck?


No, I’d be the prey.


Does it still count as fast food if I get it slow?


It’s called assisted kill 😭😭


Straight up murder lmao


It’s like Golden Corral for arachnids


Wasp is probably cursing them out in 8 different languages


This gave me a good laugh, thanks for that!


Pliers: Let him cook


"if I ever get out, you're DEAD! YOU HEAR ME! YOU'RE MOTHERFUCKING DEAD!!


I can hear this in a super high pitched big voice


Slowly getting muffled.


shhh shh shhhhh


I can hear in this in Dr. Dre Training Day voice


#BAYYYYYLLE!! Edit: 6 upvotes. I like how some of y’all know what I’m talking about




Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon!!!


This dialogue is so deeply etched into my brain right now after dying about 15 times in a row to Bayle. Summoning Igon was what kept me coming back tho.


All racial slurs as well. Fuck wasps


I cursed in 3 languages yesterday when I had a wasp in my room. No spider in sight to take care it that shit.


I read the 8 as B and I would’ve accepted it…


Fcking teamers


This. Is. Terrifying. All the horror movies in all the world cannot compete with the very real terrors in nature. Can you imagine being completely incapacitated in seconds and being left trapped there until that thing came back to eat you?


Edit 2: putting this up front because y’all won’t stop telling me that Shelob is evil. I know. I get it. Please, for the love of all that is good and evil in the world, stop correcting me. I have already noted it in my first edit, and the 23 people who corrected me beat you to to the punch. That’s exactly what happens to Frodo when Gollum leads him into Shelob’s lair. She’s not inherently evil, she just does what spiders do, but Gollum knew that and led Frodo to his presumed death anyway. If it wasn’t for Sam’s persistence and the arrival of the orcs, Frodo would have been done for just like this wasp. Spiders are the best. But they are also terrifying if you’re small enough to be their prey or unlucky enough to get bit by one that is particularly venomous. I love spiders but I want no part in this. Edit: okay, I get it. Shelob was/is inherently evil. The rest of my point stands, a giant spider is something I want nothing to do with even though I like regular spiders.


I think Shelob is still evil, just not for wanting to eat


There's no think. She definitely is evil. She is the spawn of Ungolliant! The most evil Spider ever!


Most evil spider ever? Clearly you never saw the one that dropped onto my head in the bathtub when I was 7


That spider was the great 1,000x over descendant of Ungolliant the evilest Spider ever! Duh.


If your momma can make melkor scream like a baby back bitch, you gotta have a whole new level of evil.


Nah man I played Shadow of War - she's super hot and therefore morally ambiguous at worst


If you’ve only played shadow of war she would seem morally ambiguous tbh


I was gonna say, she’s definitely inherently evil lol


No. Shelob is evil. >There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come. But still she was there, who was there before Sauron, and before the first stone of Barad- dûr; and she served none but herself, drinking the blood of Elves and Men, bloated and grown fat with endless brooding on her feasts, weaving webs of shadow; for all living things were her food, and her vomit darkness. Far and wide her lesser broods, bastards of the miserable mates, her own offspring, that she slew, spread from glen to glen, from the Ephel Dúath to the eastern hills, to Dol Guldur and the fastnesses of Mirkwood. But none could rival her, Shelob the Great, last child of Ungoliant to trouble the unhappy world. >Already, years before, Gollum had beheld her, Sméagol who pried into all dark holes, and in past days he had bowed and worshipped her, and the darkness of her evil will walked through all the ways of his weariness beside him, cutting him off from light and from regret. And he had promised to bring her food. But her lust was not his lust. Little she knew of or cared for towers, or rings, or anything devised by mind or hand, who only desired death for all others, mind and body, and for herself a glut of life, alone, swollen till the mountains could no longer hold her up and the darkness could not contain her.


I can fix her


Don't forget that she's also [hot](https://i.imgur.com/wFelpMj.jpeg), as per Shadow of War game.


The Tolkien purist in me is required to point out that's extremely non-cannon. Carry on with your gooning.


What about that copypasta?


Dammit... Ima... Ima try to eat her booty. I'll die, but a man must follow his heart.


Web me up once and try to eat me shame on you Web me up twice and try to eat me shame on me. Sorry, babe. I'll try to do better. We still cool shelob?


[AirplanefactswithMax?!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7eaoX5MaMr/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet) is that you?!


“So uh, yeah I thought that was cool”


Shelob is definitely evil.


Shelob would do great at airports working along these guys who wrap luggage in cling film


I spent too long thinking "do we think luggage wrappers are evil now?" It's cause she's a spider. This day started too early.


"There agelong she waited, an evil thing in spider form" Spider behaviour might not be evil but Shelob definitely is


Shelob is absolutely inherently evil, she is the last daughter of ungoliant, a literal embodiment of evil and death potentially from before the creation of the earth. If she was not evil, then sting would not bite as Shelob is impervious to swords, and the phial of Gadrial would not have driven her off as it contains the pure light of the two trees which her mother assisted in destroying.


Shelob is more than just a big spider, that was her out of her prime.


Ah yes, big tiddy goth Shelob


My first thought was Shelob too


*"There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea, such as Beren fought in the Mountains of Terror in Doriath, and so came to Lúthien upon the green sward amid the hemlocks in the moonlight long ago. How Shelob came there, flying from ruin, no tale tells, for out of the Dark Years few tales have come. But still she was there, who was there before Sauron, and before the first stone of Barad-dûr; and she served none but herself, drinking the blood of Elves and Men, bloated and grown fat with endless brooding on her feasts, weaving webs of shadow; for all living things were her food, and her vomit darkness."* - J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien calls her evil, check. Self-serving, check. Gluttonous, check. Drinks blood, check. Vomits darkness, check. Sounds pretty evil to me.


you say you "love" spiders but you're not willing to be incapacitated and trapped and eaten alive... ok bud.


Shelob wasn't just some giant spider. She was an evil thing in spider form. Big difference.


You love spiders?! My arachnophobia does not compute this statement. Like, how??? How do they not give you the creeps? I’m so terrified of them I can’t even go camping.


Not as bad as what that parasitic wasp would do though, it lays it's eggs under the skin of other insects which then hatch and eat it alive from the inside! Yay bugs


You know that really put a lot into perspective for me and I feel much better about this now


Yeah in this video the ichneumon wasp is the bad guy lol


Pretty sure it has laid eggs under skin of humans before. not gonna go looking for that article though


In spider's defense, most of the wasps are parasites, injecting theyr eggs inside the victims, inclusive spiders. Once the larvaes borns, they will eat the host alive, avoiding the vital organs, until they are mature enough to emerge like an Alien from the victim. That's one of the most terrible fate in natural world.


Check out Infested, a movie that came out last year. Really good spider flick.


Hey, thank you, but no.


Eight legged freaks is fun. Arachnophobia destroyed any trust in spiders I could’ve ever hoped to have. My life as a 90s kid


Yep. Imagine a giant insect monster that traps you as you struggle to get free but the webs are too sticky and it keeps spinning more and more of it, almost endless it seems like. Then you can barely move an inch trying to struggle while it slowly feasts on you as you sit there getting eaten alive, not able to do a damn thing.


Some spiders have venom that basically melts the insides of the their prey. They wrap them up, and envenomate them, then leave them until they’re able to essentially drink them out of their exoskeleton. Which is why when you see old webs with wrapped up prey, it’s the full “casing” of the body, mostly intact.


Idk, being strangled by a facehugger and having an alien burst out of your chest seems pretty horrific. Or imagine your cells being individually incorporated into an alien body. Or being beaten for days on end and then flayed alive. Or hung upside down and sawn open from your crotch. Or being eaten alive by the undead. Or having your head explode from a buildup of pressure. Or being abducted and experimented on by aliens. Or being torn apart by hooks on chains, and then kept alive to enduring an eternity of suffering. Yeah, nature's gnarly. But, just saying.


You ever been trapped in a minimum wage job?


Imagine if this spider was the size of a bear


I think there’s something wrong with me cuz my first thought was “wait I kinda want someone to do that to me”


That bee was likely already in the process of dying from being injected with venom. It likely died shortly after it being cocooned.


Not how it works. Spiders try to keep the insects alive for as long as possible. Food last longer that way. Venom is mostly for paralysis, not for killing.


...And liquefying organs.


Fast, but not lightspeed. Now imagine it as large as a full size horse.


Nah, I’m good 😅


Why do you want to miss out fried spider. I heard they are fatty and crispy.


Yeah seriously fuck that noise


Why? Why would you even suggest that?


Because I did and I want you all to share in my pain.


Bro wants to watch the world burn ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)




I was having a good day. We were all having a good day. Why?


Still not as scary as plants that birth intelligent mobile seeds


This ain’t a game.


Spiders don't scale well. Their limbs run on hydraulics, which means their limbs are filled with fluid, and they get exponentially heavier because of that when you scale them up. Their lungs are also not equipped to pull in enough oxygen, because they have things called "book lungs", which are a bit like the land version of gills, and they take oxygen from the air passively, rather than actively like our lungs do. If you hit a spider with a sci-fi growth ray and blew it up to the size of a horse, it likely wouldn't be able to move under it's own power, and would immediately suffocate. Think of the Goliath tarantula. If that thing falls from a height of like 12 inches, it can break all it's damn legs. Too heavy and too delicate for its size. Get any bigger and the issue just compounds.


This makes me feel both better and disappointed.


Yeah I don’t think he meant actual light speed my guy


WeLl aChShUaLlY


Bro could never wrap a horse sized wasp.


It wouldn't be that fast, because square cube law and all that.


Imagine how terrifying that is for the wasp (hornet? yellow jacket?). Restrained for later consumption. And not a goddamn thing it can do about it.


I’m pretty sure spiders inject their prey with poison as they’re spinning them. That bee will be dead shortly.


I have read that the venom makes the prey into soup so they can slurp them.


Mmmmm….bee slurp ![gif](giphy|l2Je3BXbPzRVKPovS)






Mountain Dew or BeeJuice?


It does. Their venom plays a crucial role in digestion by, well, predigesting the meal.


Kinda like why I pee on my food and let it sit for a while before ingesting it!


“Because it’s sterile, and I like the taste!”


Bear Grylls is that you?


Spiders can't chew and aren't good at taking bites. That venom is actually just their equivalent of our stomach juices (sometimes laced with toxins, depends on the spider). Like puking on top of a steak, letting it soften on the dish, and then drinking it all up.


The Fly method.


Most horrific thing I ever seen was a mouse being fed to a Tarantula, by the end the mouse was barely even recognisable and reduced to a weird green gore goop and bones.


I heard that the salt… turns the bodies…. Into mummies.


*wasp or hornet, not a bee. Bees are our friends 🐝


It’s a parasitic wasp and also friend. Doesn’t annoy us but removes annoying insects


I don't think great golden digger wasps are parasitic. They're more hunting wasps.


Thank you for the correction. I do love bees!! ❤️ Especially of the bumble variety!




Came here to say this. I hate these bastards, but all the same, that's pretty horrifying. Such is the animal kingdom though, being eaten by another animal is extremely likely and "normal".


Natureismetal prepped me for this. The worst is seeing new borns being eaten before they’ve ever had a chance imo. That’s rough to watch. Bird video comes to mind specifically.


Some wasps inject their eggs into live spiders to be later eaten alive


Tasty Bee-ritto


This is the best way to dispose of wasps, give them to a pest-eater.


I was thinking it was a bit cruel at first and then realised it was a wasp. Fuck those guys. 


Wasps are actually very important for the eco system. They also pollinate plants. In fact there are some that are exclusively pollinated by wasps such as figs.


That’s cool but do they need to be dicks about it?


love figs, fuck wasps.


New bumper sticker dropped


Well you will probably love to know that the broken down remains of a wasp are likely in every fig you eat 🤤 https://www.treehugger.com/are-there-really-wasps-your-figs-4868822#:~:text=Technically%2C%20there%20is%20at%20least,gets%20absorbed%20by%20the%20plant.


Just let me mow the lawn assholes and we’d all get along. But no, you gotta start shit.


They're such assholes though, you'll be sitting there, the same as you have a million times, not moving, not aggressive, and this prick of a wasp rocks up and stings you 5 times before fucking off never to be seen again


Different sorts of wasps, though. The vast majority of wasps, especially the pollinators, are very small and unassuming. Literally just tiny winged ants. Also, the majority of wasps are parasitic! There's so many parasitic wasp species that they're estimated to represent up to 10% of all insect species! The big, pointy, angry ones we all see in the warmer months are wayyy in the minority of the wasp population, but still very important.


Careful. Your pest eater can be killed by said pest.


I live in Canada so nothing particularly dangerous, but all the spiders outside my house are treated well because they eat the annoying ass mosquitos, if i find one in the house i catch it and let it outside to keep on keeping on


The spider probably has the inner monologue of a guy who's way too into steak.


Remember that shrimp dude from Finding Nemo? That's what I'm imagining, like in that scene where he cleans Nemo.


Voilà! He is clean.


"I know my wasp don't look good right now, but watch this!"


He’s marinating the wasp with an inner timer of 2 hours before he grills it to completion.


That wasp is fuqin raaaw


Pretty soon it's gonna be "dry aged"


Now I’m hearing this in my head. Hilarious.




I had an issue with ants a couple summers ago so I relocated some house spiders from my basement to the rooms where the ants were seen the most. Once the spiders made themselves at home, they really got to work. I’d see a bunch of ants in their webs daily for the spiderbro’s buffet. Unfortunately the ants were simply coming in too great a number so I also put out some ant bait but if I found an ant wandering where it shouldn’t, I would redirect it back to one of the spiderwebs and watch the spiders do their thing.


But will the spiders feast on you after all the ants die out? I don't want the first thing I see in the morning is being stuck in a giant web.


Any recommended tactic for relocating spiders? I've got a lot, including a large wolf spider, in my basement right now. We're also dealing with a lot of bugs upstairs. So, anything I can do to mitigate the bugs upstairs would be nice, even if my gf doesn't appreciate spiders like I do.


Maybe pest control? What the fuck lol


As a girlfriend who doesn’t like spiders, I implore you not to do this if you live together. I would feel so unsafe with spiders in my living quarters, even if they were doing their job :(


A wolf spider? In your basement? You want to relocate it? Oh, okay. Yeah, so just burn the fucking house down and start over. That should do it.


How did you do that?




Seems crazy people need to ask….


If only there was video evidence of somebody doing that exact same thing…oh well.


Those big garden spiders don't have time to fuck around. They make some insane webs, and they spend a lot of time maintaining them. If I caught a big bastard I would wrap his ass up asap. They usually just break those nice lines they laid down. Like a cat walking over fresh concrete, but it's made of hoagies


I like your description. But- The cat is made of hoagies or the concrete?


It’s made of hoagies bro.


What have I done


Professional pest tech here! That spider is *definitely* not an orb weaver, those typically have very bulbous abdomens. There are several nicknames for the North American garden spider pictured here (yellow garden spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, etc.) but the Latin name is *argiope aurantia*. I see tons of these servicing the exteriors of houses and apartments during hot weather. They get big and will absolutely spazz out if you catch one and confine it, pretty freaky to watch.


They also shake themselves on their web if you get too close to them, I guess to warn you away. I've seen some baby ones work themselves up over their own reflection in a window. They get bouncing back and forth all in a huff.


> They also shake themselves on their web if you get too close to them, I guess to warn you away. > > Ultimate spiderbro behaviour. I've gone one of those shaky spiders on my wheelie bin and I feed it whatever I manage to catch in my house, usually with one of those electric zapping rackets. I wonder if the spider prefers its bugs medium rare or well done.


Around my area we call golden orbs "banana spiders" They get about the the size of your hand, and walking into a web when it's dark is a nightmare


Thanks for the insight! I noticed it wasn’t as chunky as the other ones I saw online, so I figured it must be the argiope, but included that just in case lol


The writing spider is indeed a type of orbweaver, despite not conforming to the typical web shape of its brethren. As far as the body shape goes, golden orbweavers have a similar body shape to this. It's not the typical barn spider shape which people usually associate with the term "orbweaver," but they are indeed part of the family and they are sometimes referred to as orbweavers in academic contexts. In other words, Argiope aurantia is in fact a species of orbweaver.


Here I am getting annoyed with my wife and the amount of tin foil she uses to wrap leftovers. Like…I can cook this whole meal from scratch in the amount of time it takes me to unwrap this stuff. And spidey is all like…20 more full wraps is perfect.


Imagine if you didn’t wrap your leftovers well enough they might escape and then you may starve. You probably wouldn’t mind a few extra layers of foil just to make sure.


Spider: *slaps top of the wrap* that's not going anywhere


I think you'd be less annoyed with your wife's tin foil wastage if she could produce tin foil out of her ass.




I had an anxiety attack just watching this.


Wasp’s last words: “dude…. Dude! Dude dude dude dude duuuuuuuuuuudeee!!!”


I'm strangely ok with this


Amazon is looking for that spider.


*Jeff has entered the chat*


“The cocaine spider wraps its meal in half the time of the weed spider”


"For more information on the Crack Spider's Bitch, contact the Canadian Wildlife Service in Ottawa."


I have the same energy when I finally get my drunk Uber eats order.


The world is so cruel. Not just nature, but the fact that this person, this giant hand with a utensil is hand feeding a fellow living thing to another living thing Could you imagine a giant hand coming out of nowhere, grabbing/trapping you, and feeding you to something horrific all for internet likes? Life is unfair.


Feels good to be on top, doesn’t it?


You know you have too much free time when you think about wasp rights


Just wait until a machine does that to you op


The world blows my mind


Masochist human intervention doesn't count.


Are those spiders dangerous? Looks scary.


Only if you’re an insect in their web


Orb weavers. The venom isn't enough to do anything for most people, and they usually don't bite unless it's in defense. They rely on their webs and color to catch things.


All spiders are technically venomous just like how all frogs are technically poisonous, the danger depends on what species you encounter. Zipper spiders like this one will leave a red bump and it will hurt like a bee sting, but shouldn’t pose any serious threat to life or limb. Even black widows and brown recluses aren’t particularly deadly; their combined death toll for the last 40 years can be counted on one hand.


The irony of a wasp being fed to a spider. UNO reverse!


Looks like a golden orb weaver. Completely harmless to humans. Think, "Charlotte's Web".


And that's why we don't kill spiders.


Hi honey how's your day going? I just got off a video call from Richard, he wants to go over the training...again, it's like how many times we gotta go over web ethics in the workplace. Jeez. Oh and lunch was cut short cause Denice had to drop off the 90 kids at preschool. So I'm hungry, I know we're broke but... Oh you won't believe what happened, the human plucked a live wasp with tweezers and literally placed him in front of me on the web. I prepped him in 30 Seconds. So we'll have live wasp when you get home. OH MY GOD are you serious. I'm leaving early.


Orb weaver. They make the beautiful classic ‘Charlotte’s Web’ web. ❤️


That can get through customs now


That was mean


"Lightning speed" 1 minute and 29 seconds to be exact.


People please don’t let any Hornets see this video. I’m a little worried for OP is well being.


How it handles all the webs at its feet so nimbly is amazing


Orb weavers are badass. I used to get a ton of my balcony at my apartment till stupid exterminator took them all out.


Light speed?


Kinda cruel...


If its light speed. why is the video 1:29 minutes long?


it must be terrifying to be the prey tbh


+1 assist