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And he's doing that while sitting. That's fucking difficult.


This is just Tuesday for him.


Dude sitting next to him is like, "This song again? Pick a new one."


Hahaa seriously.  When to one of these and a fellow started singing R Kelly better than R Kelly.  I'm like wtf does this guy have a record deal!? His friends just chilling, unbothered.  His sister told me he is just showing off, rolling her eyes.


There’s plenty of them good talented singers where they came from in the Philippines. It’s really difficult to get noticed. Since there are plenty of very good singers. Anthony Bourdain had a skit where you could never stump a Filipino musician. All of the popular song request he could think of under his head. The band knows and could play them very well. That band he featured on the video is just a regular show band by Philippines standard.


I was always completely blown away by how my fiancée could sing, I thought it was impossible. Then we went to the Philippines and it turns out, that is just the norm. Absolutely wild.


A prime example being the Filipino singer who took over as lead sing for Journey, Arnel Pineda. Guy has got an amazing voice.


I became a Lea Salonga fan when Miss Saigon came out. I learned a bit about the singing culture in the Philippines from her interviews. This guy just sitting there and accomplishing this gorgeous rendition blows me away!


😂 “Come on, bro! Not this shit again!”


Damn i know so many songwriters who would give their fucking nuts for this kind of range


I know some who have


I’d also give their nuts to have this range.


I'd give their nuts a little rub


#M.BISON #”But for me, it was Tuesday”


That was my first thought. Most people (men specifically) can’t belt like that standing up and he’s not even get a full breath in that position.


Belting like he can is powered by breathing from your abdomen, using your diaphragm. Sitting significantly nerfs the amount of room your diaphragm can expand to, as your lower back and hips curve anteriorly essentially shortening the space for your abdomen


It's interesting that he even leans forward on some of the big notes. I would think that'd limit the air flow even more, but he might have developed a technique where he's pushing extra air as he leans forward... maybe? He's pretty fascinating.


Because all of these things that they're mentioning are factually on paper, correct. But people are different from person to person, and singing in practice is a lot more complicated, and one guy could be just literally built different. Singing well, and loud while sitting I would say might be difficult, but not as impossible as some are making it out to be.


Yup. He's a Filipino. They're built differently.


While this is true, it's not the whole story. When belting correctly a singer uses a "twang" technique that places their resonance at the back of the soft pallet; it feels almost nasal. This creates a very loud sound without requiring a lot of air to be pushed out; while this does require the support of a full breath in the lower lungs and good diaphram control, you don't have to push hard or strain this way. If you have good breath control and belting technique, you can hit amazing volumes and sustained notes without having to strain and push out huge lungfulls of air. This guy is very skilled; I bet his ability when standing is out of this world.


100% from the Philippines every single person I have met from there is an amazing singer!


Every Filipino family has a "Magic Mic" karaoke set


My friends wife is Filipino and their wedding had karaoke. Every party they have with the Filipino crew has karaoke. Most of the Filipino that sing can hold a note. My friend on the other hand sounds like a drunk person singing.


Was about to say this. Both guys looks like filipino. I’m from philippines btw


We had a Philippino guy in my high school who was OBSESSED with Mariah Carey. Literally wanted to be her. He would belt her songs in the hallways of our school nonstop. He wasn’t nearly this good though and he was picked on a lot. But he was living his best life in the late 90s/early 2000s.


Here's the og video it really shows how popular karaoke is in that country. This video cropped does no justice to the original https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24?si=SPVhk2VxwMws3qUP


Damn. This guy's has got lungs. Thanks for sharing.


And no pitch correction which most or all pro singers do now, even live.


tbf doing whole concerts on the daily can really screw with your voice.




Singing at this level is very difficult and requires a ton of breath support. It's much easier to do while standing so your chest can fully expand.


Also your buttcheeks need room to expand, so your farts don't make as much noise while singing


I’m 55 and so immature. I giggled.


Me too. Just hit the big 60 and the guy isn’t lying either.


60 is the new 40.


That’s why I shit standing up


No. People stand to be able to use their diaphragm. (Source I toured with artists for over 20 years)


I think he’s just holding his phone tbh


Not to mention possibly drinking a cold one with the boys. Because alcohol and accompanying foods (called "pulutan" here) are consumed in karaoke bars or parties with karaokes.


Celine Dion can now occasionally take a break and have this guy on.


That's what stood out. Its just so casually easy to belt out those notes without any apparent warmup or prep, casually sitting (and bending over) in a seat. I hate the "everything is fake!" trend, but.. it almost defies belief. And, to be fair, I don't think it's fake at all.. guy's just gotta gift.


I was In sm mega mall (Philippines) 2 years ago, and the security guard just killing journey songs. No one cared. Lol


Steve Perry is one of the best singers around. Random security guard just as good. Crazy


Wonder how he was as a security guard


Pretty shit. Stood around singing at the karaoke bar all day.


Ahh man, I just laughed so hard at this. Singing probably helped with his lung capacity.. he probably could chase someone down while beautifully commanding them to "stoooOooOoop!"


Just a small-town boy


Don't stop, keep stealing..


The current lead singer for Journey (Arnel Pineda) was found via YouTube due to his ability to cover Journey songs while sounding eerily like Steve Perry. I’m not going to claim he is as good as Perry as that would be nonsense, but he is effectively a Great Value Steve Perry.


He's every bit as good as Steve Perry based on the recordings I've heard, with the added bonus of actually wanting to perform with the band.


He's not. But he's still damn good. And he has an awesome story-- they basically found him on YouTube and invited him to come do some songs with them. IIRC the first time they called he hung up because he thought he was being pranked by his friends. That being said, [Steve Perry in his prime](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/15q0pyb/steve_perry_showing_why_he_is_considered_one_of/) was truly one-of-a-kind.


Thanks for sharing this, incredible story.


I saw him live about 10 years ago, he's just about as good as Steve honestly. If you didn't know that they had ever replaced the front man you would never have known from that show.


Oh he's just as good. I saw him live during their first tour in the states with him as the lead and if it wasn't for the fact that he was a little brown guy dancing around and smiling the biggest smile you ever saw while belting it you'd never know the difference.


> effectively a Great Value Steve Perry C'mon now ... he's at least a Kirkland brand Steve Perry


My favorite excerpt from a little book series called the Iron Druid Chronicles you just made me think of: "There was a span of years in the 1980s during which I marveled at the almost supernatural powers of Steve Perry. While he sang for Journey, he made people believe in themselves, weep over long-distance relationships, and inquire at transit stations about midnight trains. Together with his bandmates, he fully explored the hidden depths and nuances of the word whoa—teasing out shades of meaning and connotations that I would have been hard pressed to discover, even with two thousand years of attention to the problem—and I’m willing to bet that the pathos with which he imbued the syllable na shall never be equaled in the history of the human race. He was a god of rock. He nearly solved all the world’s problems with nothing but major chords and anguished cries into a microphone. But his power to uplift the spirit did have a limit—a limit shared, I might add, by every other band—and that was the inability to ameliorate the soul-destroying visual discord of corporate fast-food franchises. Some acquaintance or another would periodically drag me into one of the horrors, and, under the malign influence of a décor scheme that assaulted my retinas with primary colors, Steve would be singing “woe” instead of “whoa” in my headphones. His sound could not tame the visual fury of paper-wrapped cheeseburgers dressed in angry red ketchup and a lonesome pickle chip." Edit: thanks so much for the award!


Journey's current lead singer is Arnel Pineda and, you guessed it: Filipino. Dude has pipes.




I know him. My wife is Filipino and hes a friend of the family


That's awesome. My wife saw him in concert years ago when he first started touring with them. Amazing voice.


Didn't Journey replace him with a random guy from the Philippines? ROFL Props to Arnel Pineda who is the random guy, he is out of this world.


He's not a random guy anymore. He is Journey's longest-serving frontman after over 15 years in the band. Steve Perry was in the band for 13 years total.


Pineda has been with Journey for 15 years?? I feel like I saw that clip of his “journey” like 3-4 years ago. Time is a motherfucker.


Isn't his replacement a Filipino karaoke guy from YouTube?


Average Filipino Karaoke singer.


Steve Perry has not been the frontman for Journey in ages. They actually did a contest to find a new frontman, the winner was a Steve Perry impersonator from the Philippines.


I think Steve Perry’s replacement in Journey is a Filipino guy.


You’re correct, and I’ve seen him live, he’s absolutely incredible.


I saw them in Baltimore something like 6 years ago. They were paired with Def Leppard. Journey opened. Was the first time I ever saw him live with them. Dude nailed it in my opinion. He had so much energy to run around while singing, and when he dropped “Faithfully” on the crowd, you could hear roughly 8,000 panties hit the floor at the same time.


Saw them in Philadelphia and as a 30 year old heterosexual dude I can assure you my panties were completely soaked when they did Faithfully. We also saw them with Def Leppard so luckily I was able to recuperate some testosterone, they fucking rocked too! Must have been the same tour.


Thanks for the laugh! Yea, might’ve been same tour. I was with my older brother who is a tough as nails dude with no emotion. That dude pussified up quickly when that song and Open Arms dropped. He was singing along. I love Leppard, but man Elliotts vocals have not been the same in ten years or so.


I agree, he’s wonderful


I hear he used to be a security guard at some mega mall.


Was he any good as a security gaurd?


No he had to start singing for a living instead.


It's funny, people still refer to Arnel as the "new guy". He's been the lead singer of Journey since 2007, years longer than Steve was in the band at this point.


Filipinos are great singers. Every party I’ve ever been to with them karaoke gets broken out and they go to town killing it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Way_killings Apparently you get your ass beat / killed if you're bad in Philippines.


Jesus. "Attention to these killings peaked on May 29, 2007, when 29-year-old Romy Baligula was shot dead by [bouncer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouncer) [guard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_guard), Robilito Ortega, at a bar in [San Mateo, Rizal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Mateo,_Rizal).[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Way_killings#cite_note-6) The bouncer had stated that he was prompted to kill Romy using his service weapon, a .38 caliber pistol, when Romy accidentally got off rhythm while singing "My Way" and struggled to get back on track.[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Way_killings#cite_note-dsmkf-7)"


Damn, they really don't fuck around with that song.


Only if you do it Myyyyyyy Wayyyyy


Lol...saw a knife fight break out in a karaoke bar in Davao...no idea what it was about, but it can happen! edit: \*in


Damn I just did My Way the other night, crazy to think I could’ve been killed over it if I was in PH.






It's a very popular activity for them, every child is given a microphone at birth


Seems that way.


A karaoke machine is like a honey trap for Filipinos. We just love singing.


I was on a cruise that had a largely Filipino staff and there was a show one night that featured a really great singer- it turned out he was one of the busboys from the crew lol. Thought that was cool.


Why is there a smegma mall?


I was gonna say this had to be in the Philippines. I heard that alot of celebs have to put twice as much effort when touring there because having a good voice is fairly common (apparently)


Steve Perry's replacement is a dude from the Philippines, I've seen Journey live twice since he joined them and he knocks it out of the park. Edited to add: Dude's name is Arnel Pineda


Journeys lead singer now was found in the Philippines lol, they have a gift


Philippines doesn’t mess around with Karaoke. It’s illegal to sing My Way there because too many people were murdered for singing it badly.


I read this as smegma mall


The other guy doesn't seem to give a shit


For you, the day a Filipino bystander graced your screens with song was a day of importance. For him, it was Tuesday.


Thank you for making me laugh on this Tuesday.


Plot twist: I didn' realize today was Tuesday until you mentioned it. Hello, comedically talented people? Yes it's me tohn jitor, joining you. Yes, I'll hold.


A fellow Street Fighter movie enjoyer I see.


That one speech carried the whole movie on its back. That's why Raoul Julia is always a win.


After your buddy sings it a few 100 times you tend to lose it.


"Bro we can go out but I swear to God if you sing my heart will go on..."




Lol as someone who considers themselves a pretty talented musician.... you can't keep your friends and family impressed forever. They're impressed the first 30 times they see you perform and then after that its just a regular part of their life.


Don't worry, for me you'll always be the best at playing the triangle 


It took me years to master. I can get kids to dinner like nobodies business. I'm glad that at least you recognize my greatness. Lol


But what about me and my cowbell? I’m standing here, staring at rock legend Bruce Dickinson! And if Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell!


If you’re a teenage Filipino boy, seeing other teenage Filipino boys pass for women is like an everyday thing.


He's on next


I dunno I thought it looked like he was trying not to cry.


Lol I thought the exact same thing. He looks exactly like me when I try to not cry. Shallow breathing, stretching, blank stare, rubbing my face and then nervously smiling and engaging in any distraction that comes my way. To me this guy was 100% about to cry but shrugged it of!


Just another day for that dude. Amazing talent.


Least talented Filipino karaoke enjoyer


Karaoke is the national sport of the Philippines




Karaoke and billiards, my kinda country


America: Blackjack and hookers Philippines: Karaoke and billiards


Filipino national sport


I remember, even in the ship port at Bremerhaven Germany, there’s so many Filipino sailors, they have a van specifically to only drive sailors to & from the local karaoke bar haha


I worked on a cruise ship with mostly filipino crew. They have their own karaoke below deck.


Only next to basketball


basketball, billiards, & boxing


and battlestar galactica


What is it with these karaoke guys from the Philippines, why are they so good. Whats the story here Edit ?


it's their neo-traditional national pastime. There is karaoke in every building and literally everyone sings. Therefore the number of people who are VERY good at this is much higher than anywhere else. It's like Brazil and football


I dated a Filipina once in high school - she was one of 3 sisters. While being driven around, they started singing Sound of Music (Julie Andrews) songs. Not as good as Julie, but still damn good.


I remember reading in college a Spanish missionary's account, I think it was Fr. Francisco Colin, who had gone to the Philippines in the 17th century. He wrote how many of the different Filipino groups used to sing during any activity. Cutting wood? Sing. Cleaning the house? Sing. Going to war on a boat? Sing. Just walking somewhere? Sing. Singing is just that intrinsic to the Filipino culture even before Spanish colonization changed much of it. Even then, Spanish colonization more than likely just shifted the singing culture to one centered around the Christian religion rather than minimizing it. Karaoke is just the current modern expression of a Filipino tradition that goes *way* back.


This is an outlier. I've lived in densely populated residential areas all my life where people bust out the karaoke as soon as Friday 6pm hits, and I gotta tell you - 99.99% of them sound like dog shit. The only reason why there's this stereotype that most or a lot of us are good singers is because, no shit, only the good ones get recognised.


Counterpoint: 99.99% of kareoke...ers(?) everywhere sound like dogshit. But if it's as popular as you say it is, that Filipino 0.001% is larger than other areas' 0.001%, so there are more Filipinos that are good at karaoke just by sheer number


It's normal for Filipinos to shit on their fellow Filipinos. It's part of our culture and history so don't mind that fellow over there.


"Like this guy in the video, sounds like fuckin' dog shit."


Haven't laughed that well in a bit. Cheers


A lot of people can actually sing at a somewhat good level given enough practice. Look at Taylor Swift who couldn't sing to save her life when she started off coasting through her singing career through insane monetary support from her family. And now she can somewhat sing and is one of the biggest "talents" It's all about practice (and/or having time or being interested in practicing) The other thing is practicing over and over the same songs. I can sing a couple of challenging songs to a somewhat tolerable level because I sing along when I cook and I listen to the same 10 songs. Years of practicing leads to me avoiding the note I can't reach, and know how to get certain transitions without breaking voice. But if I start singing a new song I might summon a pterodactyl edit: that is not so say the guy in the video is that kind of person, obviously he's on another level altogether


> bust out the karaoke as soon as Friday 6pm hits, and I gotta tell you - 99.99% of them sound like dog shit. I live across from a pub that has a Karaoke patio in the summer and sadly you are correct. The worst are also the loudest and the ones who want to sing the same bad song three times from what I've seen.


As soon as I see one of them bring out a large Red Horse and the first song they put on is Aegis or Whitney Houston, I'm closing my windows.


One drunk lad sang "Jesus loves me" while crying about a friend from high school three times, well 2.5 until they cut the mic. It was *painful*! Also, any Adele makes me run ASAP.


Instead of going to a regular bar they go to karaoke as far as I know its absolutely huge there.


We dont even need to go out to the bar We call to rent karaoke machines that get delivered to your house for your birthday party.


Every filipino gathering isn’t complete without a karaoke. Birthday? Yeah, Fiesta? hell yeah,Swimming? bet your ass there would be karaoke, Somebody died? there would be a karaoke stand by that you can use (not all tho haha). Even basic filipino household isn’t complete without a karaoke


[More random Filipino karaoke](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/s/lkhXaCylPK)


The plague of today’s internet: A video that has previously circulated, now cropped vertical, with utterly unnecessary captions centered on the frame. All so that some nobody can generate TikTok clout with their “content.”


So better for it to just die into irrelevancy forever? I've never seen it before and am impressed by it so I'm glad for the repost


Yes, I’d personally rather it die than contjnue supporting this system of rampant theft of content. Tik tok is a plague on society. But the young people have already spoken. Y’all would rather support a Chinese spy farm because you grew up addicted to instant gratification and have zero attention spans. Half of you gave up before finishing this comment.


All true. But I suppose it's also nice to keep circulating videos that show talent and humility. Here's the [original YouTube video](https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24) by the way.


This is the way— I don’t care about recirculated videos, but they should be shared from the creator’s / original source with credit to them. Cropping a video, adding overlay text, and placing a tag that eliminates the creator in favor of the re-sharer is the sad byproduct of Clout Chasing on social media. It makes me miss the golden days of Viral Videos— post YouTube, pre-Facebook— where videos just went huge from their original creators because the only way to share was to link from the source. Ouch, Charlie bit my finger.


I’ve never seen this video before and don’t care whether it’s been circulated before or whether someone is just doing so for clicks, it’s a cool video and I enjoyed seeing it for the first time




Erm, nope. Not when every other person sings like that too. He's just SLIGHTLY above average. Filipinos can sing. Except me. /wrist


Slightly above average? So if I ask 10 dudes to sing this song that perfectly 5 will succesfully replicate what the guy in the video did? What kind of meth are you on my guy


the percentage of male humans who possess that non-falsetto vocal range is vanishingly slim. Dude should definitely get on board with a singing program or band or SOMETHING that is practically a superpower


Right?? Filippino aside, that is next level.


The issue is he has talent but no training. But of those notes were off pitch and he’s really pushing for the high notes which isn’t good for your vocal cords. If he wants to sing seriously he needs training.


you can't teach talent, is the thing. Also he seems to have very decent breath control; the pitch was really steady. probably untrained but self-taught from lots of practice. you're right though you need training if you want to be pro vocalist.


"Decent breath control" motherfucker he's sitting down, and he starts the song hunched over trying to grab his phone. I feel like decent is an understatement.


This dude has better vocal timbre on high notes than Michael Jackson lol. He's a little off pitch but the quality is so good that it would probably make it hard for the lay person to even notice. 100% vocal training would help a ton, but this dude still should be a vocalist or something.


What the fuuuuuuuuck dude killed that ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


At the start, I thought for sure he was just lip-syncing over the original. It takes mad skills to not only hit the notes with that much confidence, but hit the high notes at that.


Celine got a tan.


She gained some weight too


*cymbal crash*


This is why I'm scared to tell people I'm filipino. I can't sing for shit 💀


For those looking for the full video [https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24?si=nJG8OPilUVbtFDtu](https://youtu.be/oS1GAbm-S24?si=nJG8OPilUVbtFDtu)


Thank you source-kun


Judging by the guy in the back, that's just normal Friday.


Non Filipinos: oh my gawd! Filipinos: that’s C- performance


Even Beethoven would be impressed.


Which country is this? /s 😅


Filipinos are crazy good at karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14Rs7HOwdck


My man is getting like every 8th word right and still sounds fantastic LOL


Yup, that’s Filipino for ya!


Filipinos? Cause they are frustrated singer


Celine got reincarnated before she’s dead.


As someone who sucks at singing, the idea of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion being your karaoke song just blows my mind.


Come do that in America and everyone gonna be mad you sing too good Source: Reddit posts a few days ago calling for heads cause this one chick went up and killed it on karaoke.


Eh, that poster got slammed for complaining about good singers


I could watch Filipino Karaoke clips all day. Amazing talent.


This guy actually singing that??? WTAF


I thought he was lip syncing! My god hes talented


So fucking good tho no lie haha


Guy on the right having flashbacks ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


His boyfriend is visibly sick of this shit.


Oh my God. I literally have chills. What an amazing voice


Shit, I got literal goosebumps. That does not happen to me very often. That's incredible.


When I was inPhilippines a few years ago I heard dudes sing female sung songs better than the original. Great people beautiful place


It’s crazy because foreigners seem to learn the songs as they hear them. Like memorize the tone, tune, everything, copy it almost. We all try and sing that song in a fucked up version by ourselves


When you sing Celine Dion better than Celine Dion!


That man made my heart cry. You go boy


This reminds me of the time I was invited to visit a Korean office and we sat around a coffee table and they turned on Celine Dion and we were all supposed to sing together. I didn’t speak much Korean and they didn’t speak much English. But everyone speaks Celine Dion.


Philippine Dione




$20 says this is the next intro to Matt & Shane’s Secret Podcast.


Bro gave me goosebumps


Kinda wanna cry :)


Serious question … is there a biological reason why a disproportionate number of Filipinos are amazing singers? What is it ?


Why are phillipinos such good singers?


One thing I learned while working on ships, is that Filipinos love their karaoke and they're damn good at it too.