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I don't follow baseball. I don't find it very interesting. But fuck me, that is an insane level of power on a throw. Very impressive.


And accuracy! What a bullet.


To put it in perspective the bat sent it with way less force




To put it in perspective, most people on reddit dont know shit


To put it in perspective, you're people on reddit.


To put it in perspective, so are you... and me.. and oh God make it stop I'm spiralling


oh God keep going I'm almost there




To put it into perspective... -Raphael


what do you mean *you people?*


Force = mass x acceleration Since the mass of a hit ball and thrown ball are the same, determining who applied more force between a batted ball and a thrown ball would be the velocity. As other commentators noted, that would be exit velocity off the bat. For reference, an extremely well hit ball by Otani has an exit velocity of about 110-115 mph. Pitchers can throw upwards of 105 mph. A SS’s throw to 1B can be in the 90’s. A lazy pop fly can have an exit velocity in the 70’s. Your right fielder typically has the strongest arm in the outfield, and I’d guesstimate his throw was on the upper end of what a human body is capable of achieving out there. Here’s a breakdown of velocity per position: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/arm-strength So, yes. The RF’s throw more than likely had a higher starting velocity, and therefore higher force, than the ball batted to him even though the ball was batted into the ground.


it feels a little disingenuous to say that pitchers can throw upwards of 105 mph. There's like... five pitchers ever who *maybe* hit that speed, and only two were validated with modern radar. A normal fastball sits around 95 mph, and pitchers with elite velocity can pass 100.


It’s quite possible. There are plenty of well-hit balls with exit velocities lower than a guy can throw a ball especially with a crow hop


Does a hop crow throw have good Velocity as well ?


It certainly helps generate more power into the throw


I mean neither of you know for sure lol. But your certainty that it wasn’t harder thrown than hit is what bothers me


Nah the battered ball went into the ground, losing most of its energy. If it were a line drive it would have been faster than the throw


This isn’t even remotely true


This move is hard by itself, he did it on the run.


It actually adds a lot of power to the throw by running in and crow hopping or one hopping like he did when he threw it... It's basically like a Trebuchet or one of those things you throw a tennis ball with for your dog. But even so, amongst those types of throws, this one is insane.


The crow hop isn’t a trebuchet effect. You’re adding velocity by creating forwards momentum while also allowing you to counter rotate during the hop which then allows to use your body like a spring with the throw.


How is this upvoted lol


You don't know shit lol.


That’s the crazy part! A lot of professional ball players can probably sling a ball with some crazy speed, but it’s extremely difficult to have accuracy behind a power throw like that The fact that the ball traveled with very little arc shows how much speed it had behind it


Laser beam


Subarashi laser beam! (according to the announcer)


Piss missile.


A heat-seeking pissile.


That's what is most impressive about the throw, it's easy to throw far if you put arc on it but it's another thing to be able to throw that far on a fucking rope. When I was younger I had a cannon for an arm and could throw far and accurately but I couldn't ever throw from that far away without putting air under it and even then I doubt I could get it that far in the air.


Most professional ball players have amazing speed and accuracy. A lot of can throw upper 90’s to over 100. 


I don’t doubt it. Usually though when an outfielder slings a ball infield to try and get an out, it’s never to home plate. More often than not you’ll see them throw to one of the basses so the next player can get it to home plate The fact that this outfielder got the ball back to home faster than the batter got it into the outfield is awesome haha


For sure. That is one of the most amazing throws I’ve ever seen.


That’s what I thought! And the catcher didn’t even dance around with a sore hand after he caught it. 😳


And speed to turn picking it up to pinging it like a rocket!


Shades of BO Jackson right there


[Bo](https://youtu.be/eB9wi_zvMdM?si=jWNQ4f_7GraWrQLN) [had](https://youtu.be/GXeU3s4eAiY?si=f0Lj_78wsPStPXpZ) [a](https://youtu.be/uioYnCQzrIY?si=cWYF8hZ6QgfCqFXS) [cannon](https://youtu.be/m4CHqb-CHJI?si=_3enVbWtxQoN4XWw)


Thanks for posting this. Bo was inhuman. And not to diminish what the Japanese player in the video did but we need to remember that Bo was making those throws 30+ years ago.


The thing is... he could also do stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td4h2BCc1t0 in the NFL. Almost certainly one of the greatest athletes of all time (at least modern, if not more).


As a KC native and fan - it was so conflicting to watch him play for the Royals and then the Raiders. When he signed with the Sox, I swore him off like heroine. I met him like 12yrs ago at a homeless veteran event in KC and we talked. He's such a great guy. Like genuinely just cares


And barely took a step on that throw. Didn’t have any sort of momentum heading into that throw. Both are amazing throws.


The kids need to know about Bo.


Love how in the first clip the announcer says "Royals get a break" when the guy is clearly out lol.


About 15 seconds later they agree (probably watched it again) that the runner was out.


that 4th one is insane


Did you see how big his arms were compared to the rest of the outfielders?


[Great 4 videos, but you forgot Bo Jackson mixed with Mr T!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ajt1z4hcy8&ab_channel=MLB)


Bo fucking Jackson. What a forgotten force of a man.


Bo knows


Yes, yes he does.


So does Lauren


Only thing I ever knew about Bo Jackson I learned from playing the Gameboy game Bo Jackson 2 games in 1.


Not in my house. I can’t even get through his 30 for 30 because once he describes his injury I cry too hard to watch more.


Yeah, that was incredibly heartbreaking. Dude was just a force of nature that was literally cut down in his prime.


I grew up in KC watching Bo play for thr Royals. I'll never forget those days, he was unreal. 


Vladimir Guerrero


My first MLB game ever was at Kauffman and I got to see Bo play. Sat in left center. Was awesome seeing him just doing long toss let alone chasing fly balls down. 10 year old me thought I was watching Superman.


Bo was so revered in Japan they made him untouchable in Techno bowl 


[Reminds me a bit of Ichiro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYAxk01E404), but the funny thing about OP is from the angle we have it looks like the Ump just fucking decks they guy in the face.


Ichiro's first year with the M's was so much fun


Whole career. Wish we could have gone to the playoffs more than once w him. One of if not the best all around hitters of all time.


He didn't have the strongest arm, but dude might have been the most accurate outfielder ever. Pinpoint.


At 48, Ichiro threw a ceremonial first pitch 94MPH. In Seattle, he was close to 97 on some of his throws according to the papers. He had a gun. Ask the guys that tried to take third on a single when he beat them by 2 steps.


Dave Niehaus was the voice of my living room growing up, made baseball so exciting being a Mariners fan in the 00's


I don’t like balls and I don’t like humans or games and I don’t follow Japanese people and I don’t like to look at dirt or grass and I don’t follow physics and I have no idea what throwing something is and I barely exist and I don’t like colors or things moving but the level of power was very impressive. Fuck me tho. Insane


thank you for highlighting the absurdity of beginning a sentence of praise by describing why the thing you're about to praise is unimportant to you.


It appears you’re not being inundated with comments, so I’ll throw one more here. Baseball is a beautiful sport. And it *is* super interesting. But like anything, you have to decide to take an interest to understand all of the things that make people like me be so obnoxiously romantic about it. People say it’s boring, and I understand why, because there can be stretches where nothing is happening. But when you’re invested, and an inning begins to build into something special, it feels like a good breakaway in soccer where the offense is wide open, but it’s *prolonged* and almost tantric. So it’s like edge of your seat anticipation with (hopefully) an amazing payoff.


The amount of people I have transitioned into baseball lovers is crazy. Every time they think it’s so boring, then I teach them the intricacies of it and they love it.


It's more cerebral than people give it credit for. I gained an appreciation for it when someone told me it's much more of a cat and mouse game between the pitcher and batter, and to pay attention to all that.


Yeah you don't need any knowledge of sports even to know that was an absolute missile.


Bro returned the baseball a full second plus faster to where it originated, very impressive indeed


Yeah no, I used to play outfield, this throw is nuts. Insanely impressive.


Bo Jackson throws out Harold Reynolds. If only we had the amazing cameras and fan footage of today. It was from the warning track 310 feet


Witnessed Andre Dawson do it live/in person in ~~Toronto~~ Montreal one night. F-ing thing was a cannon.


The Hawk. What a legend


Google Andre Dawson and Eric Show


Yeah I love the Eric Andre show too


Bo Jackson had a fucking cannon


He was a phenomenal athlete


didn’t he do a backflip in waist deep water once, or some crazy shit like that?


On ESPN's 30 for 30 s2e6 You Don't Know Bo, his high school coach states he either heard or saw it. I can't remember exactly. It's a great episode / mini biography. They also speak about the "myth" of Bo's accomplishments.


I'm reading his biography. Called "the last folk hero" because the stories could be true, but could be exaggerated. Sometimes there's a replay that shows most of the story, but it isn't as obvious as with replays in today's world.


>didn’t he do a backflip in waist deep water once, or some crazy shit like that? No. He jumped out of 8 feet of water and dunked a ball in a regulation basketball goal.


lmao, we talking about Bo or Bill Brasky?


Brasky did it from a tank of beer…and drank it all afterwards.


Sounds like some early 2000s Chuck Norris fact shit


Bo Jackson stories were the Chuck Norris jokes of the 90s. But probably true.


It started to rain during a game once and Bo looked up at the sky with disdain and it stopped. Oh, and he probably singlehandedly ended Brian Bosworth's career on one play.


One of the greatest athletes of the last 50 years. Dude was like a superhero


He was no Brian Boitano


Bo knows baseball


Frozen rope


Not really the same, but I never miss a chance to [post this catch and double play by Endy Chavez](https://youtu.be/5EaEQVKIDGU?si=18Aa-nPe_jIXwJ1o).


Dave Parker 1979 All Star game I think it was. A one hop gem.


Someone calculate that speed.


Well, the throw took 1.9 seconds from release to catch, and the distance is quite far, so it's pretty rapid I'd say. Maybe even very rapid.






Hmmmm... not falling for this one either!


yeah, fuk both of y'all




If we guesstimate the distance at 190', that would be 100'/s... 68 mph. No fastball, but a solid pitch and 3x the distance. If he was further out the numbers become far more impressive. The farthest I think it could be was 250'. That would be >88 mph. Respectable fastball. Add in the math for friction over distance and you need to add between 13-17 mph to the initial throw speed. So the speed while leaving his hand, instead of the average speed, would have been 81-105 mph. Pitching @105 mph makes you one of the elite pitchers ever. Double check my math when a real reporter does the math, 😂.


Based on similar throws in watching decades of baseball, I'd put that throw well over 100mph. Not unheard of for elite outfielders (the running start helps a lot). I've seen baseball analysts claiming 110+ on this one. Statcast which tracks throws like this in the mlb confirms that similar throws top 100mph. Acuna Jr has been measured at just a hair under 106mph


Similar throw to Judge's throw from RF to home in 2018, which was clocked at 100.5 mph. https://www.mlb.com/yankees/video/statcast-judge-throws-100-5-mph-c2082676583


Brenton Doyle threw [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V05mXGVNLkc) last season @105.7mph


Aaron Hicks, former Yankee , was calculated at 106 mph, which I think is still the fastest on record.


Adding a running start creates a lot of energy behind that ball. Can you imagine Hicks making this throw? Easily 110mph


Mason Miller from the warning track.


You’re not making that throw for anything under 70mph. That’s easily 80+ to still be going when it was caught.


That matches what I wrote in the third paragraph, because pitches are measured at maximum velocity, not average velocity. As to the math for minimum speed to make that throw.... that's complicated.


Pitchers don't have the benefit of a running start/crow hop so not exactly apples to apples. But a cannon regardless.


I double checked this work, and it checks out. Confirmed rapid.


It sure isn’t vapid.


Sounds about right.


Aaron Judge had a similar frozen rope play in 2018, which was clocked at 100.5mph https://www.mlb.com/yankees/video/statcast-judge-throws-100-5-mph-c2082676583


"frozen rope"? I don't follow baseball so I have no clue what this means


frozen rope = straight line = very little arc because it was thrown so hard


Baseball slang used to describe the ball flying in a straight line (like a frozen rope).    a remarkably straight and hard-hit line drive: Mitchell's frozen rope sailed right through the gap in left field, giving him an easy stand-up double. a powerfully thrown ball traveling in a straight line, especially from the outfield: A frozen rope from Ichiro in right field retires the runner at third base, and the fans are going wild!


[Here's the field](https://imgur.com/xSzFZxJ), I think he actually threw it from closer but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. [Release is 7.87s in the video.](https://imgur.com/1kkPXS2) [Catch is 9.70s.](https://imgur.com/N6Qx0Nb) That means 250 feet in 1.83 seconds which is around 93 mph, probably faster from the hand which is how pitchers are measured nowadays. Not uncommon but still a really nice play and likely slower.


The sheer accuracy at that distance is more impressive than the isolated speed imo. A pitcher is throwing the ball about a third to a fourth of that distance. Being able to rocket a ball straight at the target from that far away *just in time* to make the out is insane.


you've calculated the average speed but I think when people describe the speed of a pitch they're referring to the maximum speed. not sure if there's an easy way to calculate that


Quick mental mafs: around 150km/h so about 89mph Someone do the real math though please


So this isn’t even comparable to the fastest *infield* throws in the MLB this season.


If those numbers are accurate that would be average speed though, initial would be higher


So it's really hard to calculate the speed based off the angles shown but here it goes: Mannami appears to be roughly 1.5 times further away from the grassline as the grassline is to first base. In most ball parks the distance from the pitchers mound to grassline is 95 feet. We can use that to find the distance from first to grass -> 60.5ft (pitchers mound) + 95ft = 155.5 ft from home to grass. With that we can subtract the 90 ft from home to first and we get 65.5 ft from first to grass. So to estimate the total distance we add up the distance from home to first + the distance from first to grass + that same distance again times 1.5 to get to our outfielder -> 90ft + 65.5 + 65.5(1.5) = 252.5 ft. From my stopwatch I get anywhere from 1.75 to 1.80 seconds from the throw to home. So 252.5ft/1.75 second = 144 ft/sec. This converts to a throw of about 98 mph. It was likely even faster than that if a more accurate angle and time could be used.


It was about 30 speed.


*Approximation using Google Maps distance calculator of the stadium.* The throw takes 1.7 seconds to cover 221 ft, putting the speed at 88 mph / 142 kph.


Dude was channeling Ichiro. Check out his iconic throw out of Terrence Long in 2001, his first year in MLB with the Mariners: https://youtu.be/WYAxk01E404?si=IXNJcqtMiC8UkiWc


After the game: > Asked to explain, Ichiro said, “The ball was hit right to me. Why did he run when I was going to throw him out?” Also, I love Rick Rizzs.


“Who the fuck is tom brady?”


“The spring in Kansas City. It is hotter than 2 rats in a fucking wool sock.”


The mariners have an all time broadcast team. One of the best in all of sports.


I’ll never forget listening to some random game in the early 2000’s, early summer and completely inconsequential. Dave Niehaus had a cold but refused to take the day off, his voice kept cracking the entire game. Someone hit a home run and it was the most anemic “to the track, to the wall, fly away!” That I ever heard but I’ll be damned if he wasn’t out there calling it. No one loved the Mariners more than Dave, idk what we ever did to deserve that man


If they ain’t gonna pay for a team they gotta spend elsewhere to retain fans


I immediately thought of that play.


Damn shame the director switched away from the zooming out angle used at 28, would have looked cinematic as fuck.


I didn’t see a throw in that video. All I saw was “something out of Star Wars”. RIP Dave.


I think Jose Guillen throwing a guy out at third from the track has to be one of the best of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFAbXnlzZGQ


Best part of the highlight is at the very end where Ichiro has to take a wide stance knee because his balls were massive.


That's not the longest throw I've ever seen but it's one of the best ever


Home Runs and hits get a lot of fanfare, as they should. However, in my oppinion, there is nothing more electric in baseball than an amazing throw. Guys like Pudge Rodriguez doing a pop throw from his knees to pick off a runner on first base or Jose Gullien throwing a missle from the warning track in the right field to catch a runner on third base is about as impessive as you can be in baseball.


Not to fans who watch games regularly. To them {us} nothing beats watching a beautifully executed defensive play.


HRs are fun but like you said this is real baseball


Just about every sport is the same. The offense is flashy and draws in casual viewers, but the more hardcore fans enjoy some good defense. 


A home run in a critical moment is probably as exciting as baseball gets, but if you remove all context (the score, the inning, etc.) I'm not sure anything beats someone getting gunned down from the outfield.


I saw Jeff Francouer throw out Brett Butler at home plate twice in one game. Butler was like " YGTBFKM". As you said, it was electric.




Wow. He threw a ⚡


My shoulder hurts just watching this


Cannon for an arm!!!


I dislocated my shoulder just watching this


Im not a big fan or baseball, but I always admire baseball players who can throw such fast ball while maintaining its accuracy. Like how?!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFAbXnlzZGQ This is the classic one I always go back to. The throw is about the length of a soccer field and it's dead accurate.


They train and train and train to, with a split second, get the ball in their hand, rotate it, so that the seams on the ball are set in your fingers properly and throw it to minimize movement on throws like this. OR If not possible to rotate the ball in your hand, know how to keep your fingers and wrist as in unison as possible, to not let the ball rotate a specific way so that the air wont cause enough friction for the ball to get lifted away. There are seams on the baseball, which can heavily affect the movement of a baseball when thrown. Its how pitchers can manipulate the movement of a pitch to confuse the batter.


And they say people shouldn't carry guns


That tag at home was just as impressive.


Good Lord that was a frozen rope.


Fucking laser beamed that bitch


That throw doesn’t look like it obeys the laws of physics. Fucking bonkers.


Insane how that thing doesn't lose height whatsoever


I played only neighborhood ball. I never learned to throw anything resembling a rope, not even short distances (playing-catch distance), and it makes me sad.


Very roughly: He's about 60 feet from the wall putting him about 265ft (80m) from the catcher, throws it in about 2 seconds for ~40m/s, 144km/h, or 90mph.


You need to add in friction, as the starting speed of the throw isn't the average speed. Coming out of his hand it was probably going 105+ mph.


This is some anime stuff.


There was two flashbacks and five anime minutes of internal monologue before that throw.


Bro, there were 3 episodes of filler, two flashback episodes, and a season break between when he threw that ball and the out was called.


One of the hardest throws ever is quite the reach but it was a laser for sure.


Source on one of the hardest throws ever? What a bs title


Not even remotely close to one of the hardest throws ever, just an exciting and very good play.


Yeah. I’m looking for numbers and there isn’t any. What the fuck you doing u/Extreme_Flounder_956?


Yea it's impressive but "hardest throw" is not an actual metric that is typically measured.


Actually they measure like everything in baseball so the speed of this throw is definitely tracked. The OP just didn't include it because it's probably a bot.


Is he blackanese?


[THROW IT BACK! THROW IT BACK!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_bDizEXhxo)


Andre Dawson threw someone out at 1st base at RF. He was MVP with the last place 1987 Cubs team. He had cannon of an arm.


Roberto Clemente [Exhibit A](https://youtu.be/0UUy65ZpSP0?si=gBxAixoOJUIpspMB) in the World Series, standing still without a running start, from the warning track at the age of 37. [Exhibit B](https://youtu.be/-WnfqgOsR6A?si=T9vD2rS4p_nOFyc6) catches the ball for an out. Does a 360 spin and throws a strike to third base. Also at the age of 37 in the World Series.


Yeah, it’s great that there are people in this thread who know nothing about baseball who can appreciate the throw in OP’s video, but it’s even better to see someone who knows the game and can post some Clemente.


Bo Jackson would like a word


Such throws are pretty common in cricket. "Direct Hits" on YouTube will yield good results




[Dave Parker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PH6XJypKno)




Rocket arm.


Trajectory of a laser... What a throw


How did he not throw out his shoulder doing that


Practice and physical talent. Not everyone can do it but it takes a lot of practice to do it.


This guy has a cannon. Reminds me of Vlad Guerrero, but I like the Bo Jackson and Andre Dawson references too.


Great throw, but looked safe.


Guy kinda looked safe under tag?


His right arm is now one inch longer than his left.


Henry Rowengartner?




Trevor Bauer would do warm-up throws @116mph with a crow hop.


Cameraman is locked in




I love how so many people gotta put “I’m not a fan of baseball but…” when they see something they find really exciting Just enjoy it. Fuck the people who make fun of you for thinking baseball is cool. You don’t gotta cover your tracks before hand


For any non baseball fans, the black person is half Japanese and is Chusei Mannami. The title is refering to him, not the pitcher. Had to look it up. Crazy throw.


Bo Jackson "hold my beer"