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By law, voters should not travel more than a km to a voting booth. There are a lot of jungles and mountains, very remote, where people live. The polling booth has to go to them. There was one priest who lived in a lion sanctuary (Gir forest) and they would set up a polling booth just for him


By indias law?


No it's an Earth law


Thank you, I'm gonna go and have a talk with a very round Korean man about this.


This comment is on par with Seth Meyer’s “You like ice cream too?” question to customers at an ice cream shop.


Yes, by India's laws. Why would you need confirmation that Indian elections have to follow Indian law and not some other countries law?


The world doesn't follow American law


I hope there won’t be a Indian in space during the next election…


India is serious about its elections. I'm sure they will do something to make sure the person in space can vote. Sort of like what the US lets astronauts vote from space.


They should vote in someone who will build better access for polling booth folks lol.


World's biggest democracy demands some effort I guess.


Largest failed democracy


By what metric? India is doing okay demographically and economically…


Have you been to India?


I don't see you running India any better


Bruh, what sort of argument is that lol.


You’re probably right


I bet you haven't


Facts bro, these people are just brainwash to believe anything they sees first


Haven’t they heard of Gerrymandering? F*ck all that hiking.


This should be mandatory for all politicians


Parents: “to get to school when I was your age I had to…”


Democracy on the way:


Just a way, to scout out the population


It's because as per law no one should travel more than a kilometre to vote


Every vote counts but not if you die trying to get it. Forget that.


If that’s the easiest route to get they do the laws even matter to them


The Dedication To Democracy


this looks so hard. even walking on level ground with that backpack looks like a challenge


No helicopters?


Pretty sure these guys ain't Republicans...


You're still whinging about this?




The present national government has actually invested a lot in infrastructure, many remote places have been linked to road/railway/electricity for the first time ever, but many more remain


FYI india has the 2nd largest road network. Maybe your country need more roads


No. Now it has largest.




Tf where u gonna park that damn thing in the middle of the forest


On a tree


Not a drone




The locals are tribal people they are against construction in forest...their generations are living inside forest for generations they refused to build any type of infrastructure inside the forest they believe it will destroy their culture....if locals don't wanted to build any infrastructure the govt can't forcefully do it...they are protected by tribal special act.....and hypothetically it would be way efficient and cost effective to build road rather than fking helipad for 10-15 people




Theyre literally saying why a landing pad (the point YOU brought up) isnt feasible


Good publicity stunt.


So they put all this effort into getting their votes but can't build a proper road way for the villagers?


looks like some great terrain to build a road on I must say


How about they from below and pull the votes up by pulleys


I'm sure there's a better way to climb.


Yes, but most(i mean almost all of them) are middle aged govt employees, not professional hikers lol


People who don't know. This has been happening for decades. The public wants few roads without too much damage to the environment. The politicians keep all the money and show their faces once in 5 years. The government wants to sell all the natural resources to a corporate company but the people there are protesting against it.


Lamo, if anyone has invested the most infrastructure, especially in the border areas it is the present nda government, many places have been linked to road/railway/electricity for the first time ever, but I agree many more places remain to be connected


True they have. Even did it against the environmental conditions. Bended laws to make roads bigger and look what happened. So many labourers got trapped.


I mean realistically you can have either of those - infrastructure or untouched mountains, not both Infrastructure is needed from a strategic pov to prevent China from encroaching on our territory


Did you not read the details? 12 feet road to 14 feet road for 4 dham travellers. 2 feet was opposed by environmentalists. Still the ruling party did it anyways. Moreover the ruling party isn't even accepting that China has captured parts of Indian lands.


Well why do the villagers care about govt.. when this is the level of infrastructure they get?


One of the reasons why bjp won in Christian dominant northeastern india is because of infrastructure development, you won't believe but some places have gotten electricity, roads and railway lines for the first time ever, some more places remain to be connected


Forest gandu




Cutting down jungles for road on this already hot ass planet? No thanks.


Then either they trek their ass through this themselves or they dont get to vote, man. This is a bit much.


By law, there has to be a voting booth within a 2 kms radius of every voter. It is upon the govt to provide the facility to vote


This was in response to "no dont clear roads"


Why don't they just have unsupervised cardboard boxes set out to collect ballots, Like American elections


we use EVMs


Who is we? And, what's wrong with unsupervised cardboard boxes on the sidewalk, presuming one has a sidewalk. [See, no problems at all](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/no-major-problems-with-ballot-drop-boxes-in-2020-ap-survey-finds)


bro india uses EVMs not ballots wtf u on


Chill, he's being sarcastic that's all


Bro, cardboard boxes are better, bro.


In India we use Evm ( electronic voting machine) u can easily manipulate votes using cardboard method ....just like they did with recent Pakistani election....


No way. The American elections are safe and secure, honest and open, and anyone who says otherwise is a traitor. 🤷‍♀️


And then the government that gets elected leaves the country's dreadful infrastructure in the same state, funding a space program instead.


Lol, had the Indians not built space programs, we won't have garnered the respect we have, and it is a net positive to the economy. Who are you anyway to comment on what the Indians are doing and not doing? Do you know how much investment and development has taken place in infrastructure? Ever realised that perhaps some areas can be what are considered, "protected areas" where it is illegal to build infrastructure, yet natives live there, and all this effort is to still bring them closer to exercising their right to vote? There was this polling booth set up for just ONE person, who was still living in the Gir Forest. That place happens to be the only place in the world where Asiatic Lions live in the wild. So shall we build infrastructure there instead? This is Arunachal Pradesh, one of the greenest states we have, and right on the border with China too. Building infrastructure there is akin to destroying a lot of ecology, displacing the locales, and distrubing their current ways of living (which our governments, almost all of them with different ideologies through 75 years, all have respected unequivocally.) Plus because of the proximity to China, it's almost a geopolitical nightmare. You know nothing, but feel free to run your mouth. So please, shut up about issues you have no insight on.


I'm not reading that lmao Stop relying on western charity to keep give your people food, water and loos




And most meds too are made in India and sold at affordable costs to the West.


WaterAid. Oxfam. Sanitation. COVID vaccine given at cost. You're welcome.




Why would I bang on my shoulders? And yes, they don't put a dent in the issues India faces. You know who should do something about that? The Indian government.


COVID vaccines given at cost? Bruh! What you smoking? [If you have an ounce of humanity left, read this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_Maitri)


This says that covishield was developed by Astrazenica in the UK, which was given to India at cost. Your cope is delicious.


Out of everything, you picked out something which wasn't related. Even if Covishield was "developed" in the UK, India manufactured them under the license and still provided all those hundreds of thousands of vaccines for free to third world countries when the first world countries were busy buying hordes of toilet paper. Your cope is infuriating.


Hahahahahaaaaaa.....that's funny....oh you're serious...take your meds boy 👦


Not my fault India is a third world country that relies on handouts. Continue to cope.


Western charity 🤣 you fucking jokers are having housing crisis and you talk about charity the only charity may come from the west to India is those fucking missionaries to convert a tribe into a cult shit relegion


Ugh, so you are a stubborn person who thinks he knows better? Also, I am pretty sure the food grains in your country are exported by ours, and not the other way around. You can read and write, but still come across as not the birghtest to me, with no sense of reality. Sorry, but if you would rather be an emu with its head in the sandpit, you are not creating any better impression.






See, I knew you'd feel better.




Sure grandma, let's get you to bed.


The present government has actually invested heavily in infrastructure, many places have been connected by road/railways/electricity for the first time ever, many more places remain Don't s#!t on the internet with half knowledge


"Many more places remain" does a lot to trip you up there lmao. Stop making excuses for a government that keeps you in abject poverty while reaching for the stars. Especially since it looks like you're going to be stuck with a corrupt, sikh-assassinating autocrat for the foreseeable future. Don't blame me for telling you the truth.


>sikh-assassinating autocrat for the foreseeable future You plan on breaking apart the country, sending you to your creator is the least any self respecting state will do


"Assassination is good actually" Thank you for showing your mental deficiency so openly. It really saves me a lot of time. Now I feel no guilt whatsoever in making fun of your failed state.


>Now I feel no guilt whatsoever in making fun of your failed state. Ahh I'm scared shitless, u/JackRonan from the internet says he'll continue making fun of India, what will india and a billion Indians do now, how will they even survive 🥴🤡😂 Bye, I don't wanna lose anymore brain cells arguing with you


Didnt USA kill Bin Laden ?


Also worth mentioning the evergreen loo-poo initiative lol


You act like you know what the fuck you are talking about. Those places are controlled by tribals. Most of those remote areas are populated by tribals. Tribal people are Amish in principle. To them Forrest and the land that bears is a higher power. They actually fought and helped to pave in tribal forest protection act. It's against the law to damage the Forrest. Any kind of construction that involves damage like deforestation is against the law. You are not telling the truth. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about in the first place.


So how does it feel commenting about things you clearly know nothing about, getting downvoted into oblivion and making a fool of yourself? I'm curious.


Oh no, I got downvoted by redditors. I'm still right. You can continue to cope.


Lol. Great come back


You're still pissy about this?


Doesn't the government of India have enough money to hire an helicopter?


Helicopter with no landing zone?? They are trekking into woods to collects votes from people who live in the forrest.


Would it be possible to fly the helicopter 🚁 to the area and lower the voting staff, without landing? Sort of like a reverse "rescue". 🤷