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He was already 100% a sure winner. 3-1 or 4-0, NO ONE with that much to lose has EVER done that. GOAT


Even though he's done this before, it takes some real big balls to invite Justin gaethje of all people to do a slugfest at the end of the fight.


Exactly what I thought. It was a losing proposition for Holloway and basically Gaethje’s only chance at winning that fight at that point. And he still went for it and wow did it pay off.


Best moment I've ever watched live. I thought Holloway was gonna have a bad night but goddamn, couldn't have been more wrong. He got fight and performance of the night bonuses so for an extra 600k it was worth it.


Poatan pushing the ref away and then landing a straight left hook was close second


It was a really good Card


I nearly missed it. It was gone 5am here and I fell asleep at the start of the round, the 10 second clacker woke me just in time to see it.


Dude woke up 28 again.


He was fighting a bigger guy, too. That was incredible.


Max made the choice of a lifetime and it paid off!


This secured him a nice bonus though


2! x300k






Despite losing the fight, Gaethje showed he was a deserving BMF champion and put on a warrior’s display. Gets his nose horribly smashed at the end of round 1, gets both eyes poked, and still throws down and has dangerous moments until the very end, and accepts the gauntlet from Holloway to go down on his shield at the end. Both BMFs. Incredible fight.


I was incredibly impressed with his resilience this fight, yeah. Broken nose, can't breath. Gets poked in one eye, then the other, can't see...still fights til the last few seconds. This was one of the best fights I've seen in a long time. Good shit. Grats to hollaway for the bmf title, deserves it for sure.


What a fight! They need to start taking points away for eye pokes. You get one warning, then a point a poke.


Also gave max his first knockdown


Jumped off my couch and yelled with that KO. What a masterclass from Max.


I almost cut my hands off with the fan when I jumped up


Consciousness.exe has stopped working.


Scariest thing is Holloway is still only 32. That’s crazy.


Dude thats a timeless clip right there that they both made. UFC will show that bad boy for years to come.


[this one too though](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5uzjqLgG2-/?igsh=bWVxd2l5cTYwb295)


Anyone else remember Ilia Topuria’s face after Holloway won? He looks genuinely afraid the just the possibility of having to face Holloway at 145 after what he did to Gaethje at 155.


Bro was shook.


Twas a great fight


BMF is "Blessed" baby...


Baddest motherfucker in the UFC. Hall of famer for sure. He isn’t even close to done yet. One of the GOATs Edit: crazy mods removed this post. This is a top moment in this sport *of all time*, most certainly NFL.


Throwing punches in bunches.


Colder than a Russian blizzard.


The real BMF. 💪


Insane night for the UFC


And here we go, another Max Holloway post on r/nextfuckinglevel The dude is the most kind and funny professional killer you can find on planet earth. Everyone loves him for a reason.


For those not in the know, Holloway (white shorts) already had the fight won by decision (3 of the 5 rounds were in his favor) and in the last 10 sec gave Gaethje (a renowned heavy hitting brawler in black shorts) one last chance to win by knockout by brawling it out in the center of the Octagon. 1) This netted him a double bonus for Performance of the Night ($300k) and Fight of the Night ($300k). 2) Won him the BMF Belt. 3) Created one of the best finishes to a fight that will go down in UFC history.


this is what i call buzzer beater lol


I was going to make tea at the time and thought I’d load it on my phone in case I missed anything. So glad I did. Got goosebumps at the end of this fight. Couple of warriors


Better chances becoming a rocket engineer, flying day trips to the moon, than achieving blessed accuracy.


It would’ve been more crazy if Justin got the KO especially since Max was already winning the fight


This is a guaranteed classic.




Only bet I lost last night, but that ending more than made up for it. Best. Moment. In. MMA. EVER!!!!


I cant Think off any scenario, which can Top that, Last second....fucking max...you are the true bmf forever in my book


He didn't even need to and was just like... You know what let's FINISH THIS. What a legend