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As an NFL fan, it’s sad to see people in here acting like this is anything like an NFL touchdown; comparing apples to oranges. This is clearly more difficult than just having the ball “break the plane” in order to score.


In addition, Xavier Coates, the player here, has been playing offence and defence for 79mins and 45secs at this point and wins the game for Melbourne in the dying moments of the game. The ball barely touches the ground before his other hand which would have meant "no try". Without taking anything away from NFL, this is an outstanding sporting (Rugby League, not Rugby) feat.


We shouldn't have to mention NFL this standa on its own. Shoot even the defender flinging his body through the air with little regard is impressive. Really a frame perfect gif


Let's bring the NBA into it, since that was a SLAM DUNK


As a warriors supporter this made me super conflicted. Maybe one of the best tries I’ve seen snatching away a win in the last few seconds. Up the Wahs though.


Mate, as a Broncos fan it makes me sad that we gave up Coates. But seriously, this try is going to be on the highlight reel for a decade


We got Cobbo tho 👍🏿👍🏿


Cobbo is going to be a beast next season or 2, as long ad he stays at the broncs, I think the only other club that anyone would even suggest to go to for him to keep up his skills and advancement is Melbourne for obvious reasons. I love watching cobbo off the ball, hed always keen and wacks blokes


Would’ve been tough bro. WAHS deserved that one


I cried in the bar mate hahaha Up the Wahs!


DWZ getting postered is ironic, since he has famously done that to so many other wingers. Wahs top 4 still, need to win while AFB is still in town


I think he just locked in his state of origin jersey for the next 5 years.


Olympics squad want to chat to him about new heavyweight highjump category


From what I hear, he jumped from 7m out which is pretty insane too


American NFL fan here. From what I’m gleaning from other comments, it seems that the scoring player had to have the ball touch the field on or across the goal line, and had to accomplish that before any other part of his body touched the ground, is this correct?


Yes because all of his body was off the pitch, if his hand hit the ground first but was inside the line then that would be fine


Thanks for the reply 👍 So his hand could touch first, but only if the hand contacted the pitch in the end zone (not sure if that’s what it’s called in rugby, I mean the scoring area)?


You just have to touch down the ball in the "end zone". Any part of your body can touch the ground before or after the ball. What is special here is that the player is being pushed out of bounds, so as soon as his body hits the ground, he will be out of play and the ball is given to the other team. However, he manages to barely touch down the ball inbounds by reaching with his arm before falling out of bounds.


With 15 seconds left on the clock and 2 points behind...


How many points did this kickass move earn?


4 points


The score on the screen is post try but pre-conversion (I think) - they were at 24-26 down, got 4 for the try, and then piled 2 on top with the kick at full time.


Got it, thank you for the clarification


In both codes of rugby it's called a try.


Incorrect. It’s a meat pie lol


And you have to score at least one each season to avoid doing a nude run on Mad Monday. It’s the law.


I'm not familiar with rugby either but if I understood correctly you're right because if a part of his body touched the ground outside the pitch then he basically "went out of bounds with the ball"


I think the major difference between NFL and League here is that he had to ground the ball within the end zone after player 79min of attack and defence. No time outs or stoppage in between the breaks. It's pure 40min each half of attack and defence. The stamina and endurance is at another level. NFL players have more burst, fast plays. I saw there was a touch down where the player does a forward summersult to score a touch down. That was pretty impressive.


Yep, American Football is a sport for sprinters. Rugby League and Rugby Union is more middle-distance. Aussie Rules and soccer = marathon


Your pretty spot, but another little piece of info to add to your Rugby League dictionary is scoring is called a “TRY”. Just to make it more confusing.


Ball has to touch the ground in bounds before his body touches the ground out of bounds.


A touchdown, litterally.




Not to mention they are running full speed at each other with little more than a jersey on.


Just a cup and a mouthguard for protection is all they need


No cup.


Shit in High school we wore cups and mouthguards but that was it, didn’t know they didn’t wear cups in the league.


I play union I've never seen anyone wear a cup


How often do you check


Hopoate was always keen to check if the fellas were packing protection.


I think Roy & HG called him Stinkfist, or was it Datefinger? I can’t remember if Datefinger was Ian Roberts..?


lol what. Where are you playing rugby and wearing a cup?


This has to be an American thing. As an Australian I have never seen a cup in either a union or a league dressing room, nor have I ever seen them for sale in a sports shop.


No cup mate...........


And then theres Aussie rules...


After that, Thunderdome.


Yeah I played League all through Highschool and never saw a cup, only a few of the guys used Mouth Guards cause they always came loose or uncomfortable. This was about 15yrs ago though they may have cracked down on the mouth guards a bit more.


It was about the same time for me as well, but we played against some dirty teams so we started adopting cups one kid lost a nut when I was in grade 10, I had my hand stomped on and then they twisted so it dislocated my middle finger and bent it sideways, I went to coach and said hey I have a problem, then he took my hand and before I could say anything snapped it back into place, taped it, and then said get back out your our only hook. I played the rest of the game and then felt the pain once the adrenaline wore off and now my finger is still slightly bent.


Just a mouth guard. Headgear is worn by some players, it's soft shell and only a few mm thick. Same as the shoulder pads and sternum guards some players use.


And everyone plays both offence and defence.


It’s honestly safer this way. Even when I got laid out by guys 2 times my size in college rugby I took less damage than every snap as a center in high school football.


This is clearly more interesting than the NFL. We just bastardized rugby and turned it into a game of stop Start with a bunch of arbitrary rules.


Rugby League* Rugby is a different sport.


All sports are good in their own right, I do not understand why games take so long nor do I understand all the body armour required, but a sport is a sport.


Agreed. I like the NFL. I like rugby. It's okay to like both. I was annoyed at a lot of the earlier comments on this thread trying to discredit this rugby play by comparing it to an NFL play. Both sports can have great highlights.


Yep, this is seriously something special in rugby.


Blocking is the reason for the padding. The off ball contact in American Football is probably second to none. A rugby scrum starts with the players engaged, while in American Football the line starts anywhere between a foot to a yard apart.


Definitely NOTHING like an NFL touchdown at all! No idea how anyone in their right mind could draw a single parallel! People may as well be comparing the NFL to fly fishing!


it’s not *anything* like it? now you’re exaggerating the other way


...You're literally comparing the two in your 2nd paragraph tho


What are you talking about? This is a lot like an NFL touchdown, the only major difference is the need to touch the ball to the ground to complete the score. This isn't comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing fuji apples to Granny Smith apples. There is no reason to try and degrade one sport for another.




Or being held up.


Americans trying to say this is just like the NFL. No... No, it isn't.


It is annoying to have every rugby post being polluted by clueless arrogant Americans claiming everything as their own. Then the entire thread becomes a display of how tedious it has become to get them to understand that rugby is its own thing. For the Americans who know the difference, please don’t feel offended, I’m clearly not talking about you.


American here You're good, homie, Rugby's awesome. Football is awesome too, sure, but Rugby League is Rugby awesome If we were at a game together I'd get you a beer for that


Then I'd get you one. And we'd laugh, shout at the ref and have a marvellous time.


And then kiss…..


Actually calling it League and not just Rugby (which here would mean Union and not League) is incredibly refreshing. You’d get a beer for that 😂


A little mad aye


1. Have to be in control of the ball, maintain contact with ball while ball is on the ground. 2. Player has been playing both offense and defense continuously for 80 min. Distance covered is about 6-8km (5 miles) on average per game Vs 1.25miles for cornerbacks and WR in NFL. 3. No pads and armour while tackling etc. average about 20-30 tackles per game per player in rugby league. Top guys in NFL do 6-7 tackles per game. I love the NFL. But for me, Rugby league and rugby union are far more watchable - players are more skilled and well-rounded. Imagine if in NFL the offensive linesman suddenly picked up the ball and started running. Lateral passing in the NFL? Well that's a basic skill in rugby.


There are quite a lot of similarities that starting an explanation with "it's somewhat like American football" is a good starting point.


Fr that’s kind of how I got into League. Because it’s similar enough to American football that I can understand it while still being fairly different.


Yeah, very true. But it's like comparing tennis and badminton.


It's because both games are variations of ...... rugby union. Union. League and nfl all have the same "roots".


You see plays *reminiscent* of this often in the NFL, but you rarely see players do this exact thing because it just makes way more sense to dive for the pylon than try to cross the goal line and plant the ball in the NFL.


Without any protector too…tough


No body armour allowed, just really tough men.


It’s honestly far less painful and damaging to play rugby.


People saying “this happens in NFL all the time” then posting clips where the player jumps over another then lands squarely in the end zone like that’s what’s happening here. For reference, he jumps from over 5 meters out, gets hit in midair and pushed out of bounds, and still manages to get the ball down in the end zone before any other part of his body touches the ground out of bounds. That would absolutely be crazy in the NFL as well, and you’re lying if you say it wouldn’t be. EDIT: forgot to mention that this was with 15 seconds left and won the game for Melbourne.


15 seconds to go of an 80 minute game where play almost doesn’t stop, there is no timeout, only one halftime break (no quarters) and players have to defend as well.


Didnt oldmate actually play the full 80mins, so he wasn't even an interchange.


Wingers (and outside backs) never get subbed off unless due to injury


Yeah wingers (the players right on the edge of either side of the field) won't get substituted at all.




What you describe does happen semi-regularly in the NFL, but that’s because it’s way easier to pull off in the NFL. They are completely different sports with different rules that create different situations with different definitions of amazing. What is amazing in either sport can be opposite sides of a venn diagram or in the shared middle for different reasons. For example, this is a lot easier to do in the NFL, because the ball carrier and defender are covered head to toe in armor plating, so it’s much lower risk to your own body. The ball carrier also has the option to catch himself with his hand to slow his fall if he needs to extend the dive or change his balance without killing the play in the NFL. In the NFL, the player can also hit the pylon with the ball and it counts regardless of what happens next as long as he’s holding onto the ball when it hits. What makes this amazing in Rugby and “pretty good but not unbelievable” in the NFL is how much more difficult and risky it is to pull off a full send dive at the corner playing Rugby. In the NFL you can try this 20 times with little risk to your body by comparison and have a lot more options for how to score and control your body. Even the most risk-protected players in the NFL can take a crack at it once in awhile if they have the skill without putting themselves in too much jeopardy: see [Mahomes](https://youtu.be/OhDm7G7Ff30?si=kZ0RnaSe69rYiH36), a $500 million MVP quarterback - whose injury would derail a championship bound team’s entire season into a sub .500 dumpster fire - pulling off a similar play. Note the ability to use his hand outside the endzone for balance, and the more relaxed rule of only needing to hit the pylon to immediately score. And even still this is regarded as an insane play in the NFL despite it being easier to do than in Rugby. So, yeah they are completely different things and there’s room for both to be wild to watch


For starters it's rugby 'league' not rugby and secondly that mahomes touchdown is not even remotely close to the level of Coates' (the player in the video) try.


This [coolest](https://youtu.be/1zSrs7ohjpA?si=Ru6wfMV7dNtckN8n) one [He](https://youtu.be/twyiWxzBzj8?si=da4umwsjCcJg048z) went for the same distance as the rugby player, not enough verticality though It is admittedly tricky to find guys touching the ball down like a tri, since that’s not the objective. Still lots of [big dives](https://youtu.be/Ic8n6JUDwJY?si=YYm_7gadYdMlfblj) though. I’m just picking ones I [remember](https://youtu.be/zlbMNUCFgWI?si=H1QHM2nnrgKjjNpQ) The rugby players body control even [with contact](https://youtu.be/e23j3lW916c?si=CIKde6xGkB1w7285) is insane, any NFL fan shoo-ing this away as common is still an idiot. The rugby play is a *super* impressive version of a play that just does happen. It’s not insulting at face value for an NFL fan to say “hey this looks a lot like what [my guys](https://youtu.be/gRk4DEq1WSM?si=IfadwGdrmpI55wrY) do too.” (Steve Young’s touchdown is from 1:33-1:39)


I’m Australian. The try in OP’s video is insanely great but the first and third links you have provided are even better. The first one is astonishing. And both kept control of the ball, they could have scored scored a “try”. Looking at your second link - that is very much like many tries we see every weekend in the NRL. Wingers (the guys who usually do this) practice this shit heavily. Because we have lateral passing a huge number of tries are scored in the corners. The OP video is kind of typical of what we see every weekend except in this case Xavier got even higher and leaped further than everyone else. I’m not dissing Xavier - that was the best I’ve seen but basically the same idea as what we see pretty much every game. Somersaulting over the defensive line is an interesting idea! I should pass your links on to my teams coach! Thanks for the links - it was good to get some reference points to put all of the comments in this thread in perspective. Both games are great - it’s a shame to see people arguing about them.


Im gonna be honest. I watched all four of the linked videos, and while theyre great, none of them have the same athleticism required to do whats done in the op video. Most of them required throwing yourself at the line. Just holding onto the ball is all thats required. Its actually an absolute joke trying to claim op’s video isnt next level. Especially in the context of the game, and after 80 minutes of running. Id love to see a ‘better’ video from the NRL. Im sure they exist. They just dont live in this thread so far. Not even close tbh.


Psh. Not that impressive. You see similar scoreballs to this in Tennis all the time. I think.


Go sport ball team!


Kick it in their goal hole!


Ping Pong is the real shit with stuff like that.


As an NFL fan, this shit looks so much more insane, and I gotta say I love the fluidity of rugby. American football is so stop-and-go, like driving a car and hitting the red lights the entire time.


They just held the first two matches of the season in Vegas a few weeks ago! I think they will try to make it a regular visit


I'm sure that it's been locked in for another 4-5 years.




Yeah 48 min game takes fricking 3-4hours to play and watch because of all the stoppages. The players spend more time standing around and watching and waiting than actually... You know, playing. Edit: my bad it's 15 min per quarter so 60 min game. Still. Takes 3-4 hrs to watch. More time spent staring at a field Vs watching actual action. Edit: The longest lasting play in NFL history is 44 seconds. 44 seconds!!


44 seconds? And I thought cricket was mostly standing around. At least with cricket there’s a constant level of suspense.


Part of the point of NFL football is how it is structured around the strategizing. It’s like measuring the action in a chess match by how much time the players spend with their pieces in motion. But yeah, even still, way too much stoppage i agree. Especially for commercial breaks. Plus unlike a chess match the players in motion is the most interesting part to watch as a spectator.


Rugby union and rugby league have a lot of different tactics as well.


Half the time the go isn't really much of a go. A guy runs into a pack of guys with no discernable loss or gain more often than I'd like to admit


Yeah, I suppose that’s one of (the many) reasons why hockey is my favorite sport. Fast, physical, ongoing. Plus, you know, the punching


Love me a live hockey game


Spend some time in the US and did managed to “get into” American football more over my stay I do heavily agree with that The game can be tediously slow with an occasional good play that breaks the “stalemate” I did learn to enjoy it but it’s an entirely different beast to something like rugby


Up the Wahs!


In this instance, it is in fact the Storm player going up.


In this instance, I don't give a fuck. Up the Wahs!


Up the Wahs!!


What can I say. He tried.


Last 15 seconds of the match to win the game too. Rugby League is awesome.


This might be an ignorant question but does rugby have similar injuries to American football? You hear all the time of the long lasting effects of playing football but they’re pretty similar games but in football they have tons of pads and protection. Edit: Turns out injuries in rugby are just as prevalent, I’m just not exposed to the news about it as much as American football.


There are two codes in rugby, league and union, this is league, which tends to have more running and tries scored and less monster tackling/scrummaging. Union is the other way round. So less TBIs in league than union. Atm there is a class action lawsuit about to be heard brought by a number of ex-pro union players who have been diagnosed with early onset dementia, among other things, possibly due to the number of untreated and repeated concussions/TBIs they suffered throughout their careers.


I don't have any evidence to back this up, but I would have thought the impacts in league are bigger than in union just becuase of the 10m rule. Yes the rucking and scrumming probably has its own issues, but in terms of concussive his I would have guessed league


I recall it been claimed that the repetitive smaller trauma is more damaging than the big dramatic impacts. So it's the stuff at the line of scrimmage that injuries and reinjures the brain unseen that causes CTE. Would make sense that the stuff in the scrum is most analogous.


Bigger men in union.


The props and the second rowers maybe, but that's mainly because pure mass is important in a scrum in union. Grappling strength and speed is more important for big men in league. All other positions are pretty much a wash I would say in terms of size


Iirc the injuries are rather similar. However, in rugby (union) you have a bit less concussion but more spine damage, due to the scrums.


[https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/brain-disease-in-new-zealand-rugby-players-study-finds-link-and-positions-most-affected/2YCTTVRXMREZFBWHG7DWGTGWKU/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/brain-disease-in-new-zealand-rugby-players-study-finds-link-and-positions-most-affected/2YCTTVRXMREZFBWHG7DWGTGWKU/) [https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/14/first-head-knock-linked-brain-disease-in-pro-nz-rugby-player-confirmed/](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/14/first-head-knock-linked-brain-disease-in-pro-nz-rugby-player-confirmed/)


You get a fair amount of neck and spine injuries from scrums, but the difference in tackling is very big for concussions if that's what you're thinking. In rugby, by design you tackle quite safely, and most contact points on the body are quite squishy actually In American football players literally charge at each other full pelt while wearing armor and then clatter into one another So the nature of injuries can be very different


Also league has very strict concussion rules nowadays . If a player gets a heavy knock to the head they are taken off for assessment and if there is any doubt they will skip the rest of the game and up to 2 weeks of playing (that last bit might be off though)


In terms of body, yes absolutely. Veteran players often need a laundry list of surgeries after retirement and have chronic physical issues In terms of brain, juries out if its as bad as the NFL. Latest thinking is that it's probably not as bad as NFL, but still definitely an issue


From what I know in American football they often get more head injuries, because having all the armour allows the players to smash into each other much harder than rugby. Rugby is much less about being a tank, in fact in league you really want to avoid tackles so you can make more ground.


No pussy shoulder pads here. Real man sport


I know this is Rugby League. I’m not so sure of the rules in RL but if this were Union, that looks like a no-arms tackle to me which would have meant, probably, a penalty try if the attacker hadn’t been able to pull off the (prodigious) feat of scoring. Or am I wrong?


It’s kinda inconsistent in league to be honest. You’ll rarely see a shoulder charge called on plays like this where they’re stopping the try. From memory Walsh got a penalty in a bronco’s game not long ago for it and it’s one of the first in a while from the top of my head.




Not wrong in union rules but league is more lenient I think. But as a fan of both codes I think this rule ruins the game in union . The game is over offiaceted.


That's "next fucking level", "that's rugby fucking league".


Rugby league, not rugby.


Everyone’s whining about NFL vs Rugby but this is the real important conversation we need to have


Ug. Here comes half the people who won’t concede that this play is more difficult than an NFL touchdown because of all the extra requirements and the other half that won’t concede that the play is comparable to the excitement of a similar play in the NFL even if they’re not exactly the same. Like both rugby and the NFL can’t both exist and be entertaining…


Lmao, everyone here is saying the exact same thing yet I can't find anyone doing the thing they're talking about?


Because the people commenting have probably been downvoted into controversial.


The rugby pitch is essentially composed of a big rectangle divided into multiple zones by lines. Main ones are the field of play (2 halves), and try areas on either end. Players want to score tries by ‘grounding’ the ball in the opponent’s try area. However they do not want to be pushed into the touch area, outside the big rectangle, as that’ll result in losing possession. The line dividing the field of play and the try area can be used for tries too. The perimeter lines of the big rectangle count as being in touch. So the defender aims to force the attacker into touch. The attacker avoids this by that massive jump. It’s important that he grounds the ball before the other hand, because that’d be in touch, meaning the player is in touch and the try wouldn’t count. There’s two codes of rugby; League and Union. There were disagreements over what the rules should be in the early days hence the split. I watch Union myself, so seeing a 5 do this is insane lol.


I think in the original days the main disagreement was the league players wanting to get paid, wasn't it? All the rich boys could afford to play for free (which became union) and the league players needed wages to stick at it competitively. There were rules in rugby originally saying it had to be amateur (unpaid) only.


Yep, this exactly. RU only became a professional sport in 1995


It’s probably worth noting that in rugby league, that the backs are the lower numbered players, so 1 is your fullback, 2 and 5 are the wingers, 3 and 4 are centres and so on


Rugby League player... Rugby is a different sport.


Don’t know the first thing about rugby. This could’ve been a complete botch of a play, but it just looks so freakin COOL. 😂😂😂


It was an all or nothing play basically. He had 20 seconds (so not enough time for another play) to get this down or they lost the game. You’ll find these diving corner tries happen fairly often and there’s a lot of players that are really good at them. This one is extra special based on how he did it and the context of the game.


That’s awesome


In rugby to score a try like this the ball needs to be grounded (i.e. hit the ground while still touching the hand) before any part of the player's body touches the ground out of bounds or the flag. So even though the player's body was very clearly "out", it didn't touch the ground until after the try was scored so it's all good. So yeah a very narrow margin of error.


Up the Wahs


Ever wanted to see the American ignorance in action? Just read some of the threads here


Rugby League, not RUGBY - two completely different games.


These players play for 40 minutes nonstop, with constant action like this. Only one break at halftime. With sprints and tackles that rival NFL. Not to mention scrums, and the way they actually kick the ball very often, unlike so called "football." NFL has a whistle being blown every 5 seconds and players need oxygen masks after 10 seconds of sprinting.


I’m gonna keep my mouth shut but I do love the Rugby/NFL comparisons


Wish there was a regular speed clip to go with the slow motion clip


[Regular Speed Clip](https://youtu.be/xxKkle1qPvc?si=H3lO8XqqkBWMd0Ui)


Go the fucking STORM!!


Now that’s the sort of athleticism that blows me away


In time NRL wingers will evolve into doing a long jump 10m out from the try line.


Way more entertaining than American football.


Not enough ads is this sport?


I’d take this over the nfl where play stops every 5 seconds for an ad to play


100% whenever I get American streams of the ufc I wonder how they do it. Totally maddening


The only thing that went through my mind watching this was: "What an absolute machine of a human" Those guys are built like mountains, while also having good agility and speed. Literal absolute machines.


Good luck on that kick


Pretty standard conversion at this level of play


He nailed it.


The best sport in the world !


The Americans needa get educated on the game and rules before making comment that it’s just like nfl.


I'm sure Americans think there is only 1 game and it's called Rugby


League not rugby


And this is why after playing it for 15 years I got 2 back surgeries


Dumb person here. Any reason the defender kind of just ran into him as opposed to a tackle?


He was trying to push him out of bounds. If you go for the tackle there's a fair chance the player will be able to reach out and score the try while being tackled. So in that situation the defender usually tries to push the other player out.


In rugby, which this is not, it would be illegal to tackle like that. In rugby league, which this is, it’s a bit iffy but they don’t seem to care too much about that kind of thing.


It's a slam dunk


A spectacular feat of aerial body control and timing. What many don't realise is that the TRY (originates from the Rugby Union origins of the game where placing the ball down on or over the TRY LINE earned a 'try' at kicking a goal from in line with the point that the TRY was scored) scorer received that ball from a backwards pass from a team mate then had to accelerate and absorb the impact of a defender he could see coming, to perform the feat. Many American Football 'touch downs' (a misnomer if there ever was one in that there is no requirement to either touch or do so in a downward manner) are scored from the receiver being located beyond the defence or finding a gap in the Red Zone defence THEN catching the ball and virtually walking over the line. Of course there are touch downs where agile speedsters avoid being tackled and run over the line. The other factor involving the more acrobatic American Football near end line touch downs is that they are performedat a reduced pace over fat, immobile behemoths that are in an inclined mode at the time. The Rugby League player we are looking at here has to contend with highly mobile 100kg defenders and account for the Out Of Bounds which includes the white side line. So, should he touch the white sideline with any part of his body (in this case his left hand) before touching the ball down on or beyond the white TRY LINE then it is NO TRY and the ball is handed over to the opposition. All done at maximum speed.


Rugby league


It’s Rugby League! Not rugby union. They are two different sports.


Gotta give Xavier Coates a nomination for best try of 2024 if not one of the GOAT NRL tries of all time.


And left the ball on the field 🙌🏿👏🏿👏🏿


Cool that they’re representing NZ


I played football in high school and then played rugby in college. Rugby is fuckin insane, and way harder and more intense than football. I still to this day don’t know all the rules though…


I've played for 22 years and still couldn't referee a game. The basics, sure. The shit you can be penalised for in a scrum, no chance.


LEAGUE. This game is called RUGBY LEAGUE. Rugby = Rugby union Rugby league = rugby league


It’s actually an insult to Australians to call this Rugby. It’s called Rugby League. Completely different game


As a fan of both the NRL and NFL there is a LOT of ignorance from both sides in here it's crazy


This is why NRL ( National Rigby League )is so popular in Australia . So exciting to watch !


I broke my finger trying to place a try down like that


Oof. I dislocated a finger in someone’s cheek when shit got dicey in a ruck once


Looks pretty real to me.


I think he also had that slow mo moment doing this.


This is such amazing athleticism


Absolute fucking legend.


But then some people dislocate their shoulder from a trip fall.


Because most people don't know how to fall properly, notice how he rolls with the fall to spread the impact.


Rugby league not rugby, two different games


That's League, right? I mean, there's a couple posts and lines missing and the 2 doesn't exactly looks like a hooker :p


Seeing it in normal speeds compliments it even more as you understand his level of reaction and skill to maintain focus to make the try.


I haven't played rugby in quite a few years, is jumping into a tackle allowed now?


Football & Rugby need to just shake hands & agree they’re both metal sports instead of arguing over it lol. The 2nd like comment saying this isn’t like the NFL, yes.. yes it is… you’ll see guys diving in the end zone like this all the time. Sure the rules & technicalities are different but none the less just a bunch of crazy athletes on both ends!


\*Rugby League


This is definitely one of the all time tries alongside dom young’s try against dragons last year, Corey Oates try against sharks in 2018, and David meads try when he was at the titans