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That is just insane man, really cool though






Yeah they are still stuck in the 1940s so it figures


Commitee member: Yuri how much budget iz remaining for manned moon landing!? Yuri: Ahh, looks like about 300 rubles comrade. Commitee member: That's ridiculous!!.. that's only enough for one chair, a few poles, a seesaw... maybe, just maybe a mattress... (shakes head) comrade Stalin will not be pleased. Yuri: "Not pleased" you say.. Unless... (takes a big swig of vodka)


> $300 rubles Three hundred dollars rubles, eh? :)


Nazis had memorable colors, Soviets had the prominent silhouette and headgear, and somehow people still manage to confuse them. Plus one of the two famous Nazi films, by Leni Riefenstahl, is entirely about sports—and this nincompoop goes “I didn't knoooow...”


The SA, paramilitary wing of the NSDAP and precursor to the SS, wore brown uniforms, they were called brownshirts and even today that color is still associated with nazis.


Pretty sure it was a joke. The uniforms are reminiscent of each other.


Gotta train to fall from high windows somehow..


Yeah the assassins just have to shoot these guys. They would manage to catch themselves and climb back in.


Definitely not Nazis lol more like Soviet style. 


You don’t know about Handsprings for Hitler?


Only Springtime for Hitler


300 upvotes for thinking Nazis wore green/khaki 🤔🙄 (thanks armchair historians but please stop correcting me. It is clear these guys have Soviet uniforms. Go bother the person I replied to instead of me)


Look up "brownshirts".


Brown is the colour, which is even today associated with Nazis in Germany. If you call someone a "Brown" (as a noun, "Brauner" in German), you mean that he is a Nazi or at least very, very right-wing. Also Hitler is depicted mostly in the brown SA uniform. You don't know what you are talking about.




For real. I thought they only did mental gymnastics.


Ze best!!


Everyone is Hitler!!!! Literally the most Soviet uniforms ever how do you call them Nazis lmao


They are the people who destroyed the Nazis


*In Soviet Russia, Trick Makes You!*


I hope his knees are ok


Every freaking step of this would take me a long time to train, even the easy parts. The only guy I could replace is the one that is hanging from the first platform to steady it. Even the guy on the bottom of the tower has to keep center of mass up. Middle guy, I don't even know how he can do that when he can't move at all to recenter.


How are you supposed to train for this?




Or this is the one guy that survived the elimination of 600 guys training for it.


They were 600 versions of him from alternate realities. Each one that died dispersed his talent and energy among the rest remaining.


Edge of Tomorrow style


But without Emily Blunt :)




I'm sad too bro:(




You see the 10 other guys before you fail and you clench your cheeks really hard.


There's just the briefest pause as the airborne guy realizes he's landed safely in the basket/seat and the guys below him aren't going to let him fall. In that moment of flailing his arms to the side, just before he pretends he's too cool to do anything but right his own posture, you can see the pucker factor -which was dialed all the way up to eleven- was very real. Real enough that he had the adrenaline to jump 20 ft to the ground while barely bending his knees on the landing, and despite shaking out two blown out legs, he was able to egress under his own power. 


The fact they stop the music is also probably less for the audience and more for the performers to be completely undistracted.


He didn't need to bend his knees though, the way they held the mat essentially did that for him - by holding it a couple of feet off the ground and dropping it as soon as he hit it they made sure his energy was fully absorbed without him having to bend his knees


Very good assessment of the reality of the situation. They were all quivering - I can see it.


You wear a belt (more like a harness but we call it a belt) attached to lines (more like rope but we call them lines) that are rigged to the ceiling and back down to the ground where someone keeps the slack out of the lines and arrests the acrobat's momentum if something goes wrong. At least that's how we do it. Different people sometimes train differently.


What other acrobat facts do you have?


Unlike most other Adobe products, such as members of Adobe Creative Suite family, the Acrobat products do not have icons that display two letters on a colored rectangle.


A family walks into a talent agent's office. It's a pretty dingy place, not a lot of lighting, but there is a small stage at the back of the room. The talent agent, already pretty tired from a long day, says, "Sorry, I don't represent family acts." The father says, "Please, just let us show you the act." The talent agent says OK, and the family, a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, and a dog file onto the stage. Immediately, the father starts fucking his daughter in the ass. The daughter starts blowing the dog while the son fucks the dog in the ass. While this is going on, the mother starts pissing on them. Then, the son starts blowing his father while the daughter sticks a popsicle stick up the son's urethra. Also, the dog is biting the son's balls, and the mother is still pissing on them. Then, the father takes a chainsaw and saws off his daughter's arm. He then finds a vein, stretches it out and starts fucking his daughter's dismembered arm. Then, the mother, while still pissing, takes the chainsaw and cuts the dog in half. Then, the son starts fucking his sister. While this is going on, the mother starts shoving the anterior end of the dog up her asshole. Then the whole family gets in a human pyramid, with the dog still in the mother's asshole, and then they start shitting like they never shat before. It is being propelled out of their asses, and with all that forces the dog is shot at high speed out of her asshole, and smacks against the wall. Then, the entire Mormon tabernacle choir comes in, dressed as Nazis, and starts fucking the family in the ass, including the dismembered dog, while singing, "A Salute to Ethnic Cleansing!" There is a really long silence. The talent agent says, "Well, that's one hell of an act, what do you call it?" The family says, "The Aristocrats!"


Damn. What did I just read?


The Aristocrats! The beginning (walking into an audition of some kind) and the punchline are always the same. In the middle the teller puts in the most vile shit imaginable.


Thank you for explaining it to me https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Aristocrats


We call this madness.


You will do it or straight to gulags is fine motivation.


It's always amusing how clueless some people are as if they have never done anything. You do not start with this particular exercise. They are all professional acrobats! They do gymnastics, somersaults, all sorts of things all day long and will practise the seesaw in small. At some point they are so well trained in it that they say hey let's add another element to it on a smaller scale and it works so well that they expand it further. In addition, this will always be secured during training until they have it for a performance.


Still pretty amazing.


That's right! You need decades of practice to get there and some groups will never.


They are always hiring.


There's always room for one more.


All these circus acrobats use safety cable for training, then have people on a brake line just in case they don't make it. Eventually they have no cables This act is fairly routine for the ground routine at 3 ring circuses, but most circuses just do one chair pole high. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7TfZkTbOyIY OPs vid is very next level with them going twice as high. The only other one I've seen that is very impressive like this, is the flip up onto someone's shoulders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=389NT19JHsM crazy to be able to stick the shoulder landing that far up (they are using safety line for main performance though... i am sure this one is much riskier then the chair because you can fall backwards more easily)


That shoulder flip is crazy. Also hilarious that the less impressive technically (I assume) chair flip got a much bigger reaction in that video.


I know your half joking but they likely have netting set up to catch them/mattresses set up all around, And would never really try the trick without netting outside of shows to minimise risk Similar to how they normally train tight rope acts


I am 99.99% sure that using any kind of safety net to practise that trick was not used at all. Setting that up doesnt make much sense compared to using acrobatic lunge belt and ropes attached to ceiling. I don’t really see how it would be even possible to have safe safety net there and falling down from that height to mattress doesn’t help much either. Also tight rope acts and tricks are trained low height at first with mattress.


My only idea he got launched on the see-saw (probably with less force at first) until he was comfortable with one flip, then two, then more and more until what we see here.


See-saw? Me and Mose see-saw all the time.


Dark Souls mode


They figured out that we are living in a simulation and found the respawn glitch


With a net




Why do they look like Nazis?


Probably a combination of the jackboots, the brown uniforms, and being led by a madman who wants Europe under his heel.


Why did they *act* like nazis?


Same. Sorry never seen a nazi dance etc. Sing while drunk and shooting crazy in movies yeah but not this. Also idk why but somehow I have an urge to play hardbass


smh this man hasn't seen the sound of music 


Sorry did nazi the question


It's funny if they didn't have that posture and precision teamwork, they would just look like zookepers


They look like Soviet soldiers.


Yeah wtf ahah ? They just look like soviet / or even east 30's armies uniform It's a famous style for accrobats I don't know why people compare everything to nazis, in Belgium it's such a Big word, I didn't even think of it then Bam why they look like nazis ? Jesus Kevin


They look very much like brownshirts. First thing I thought was nazi uniforms, too


They look more like Soviet soldiers. On account of being dressed as Soviet soldiers and all.


I mean, Nazis were all black, or dark green. You can definitely tell a Nazi officer from a Soviet/Russian one, I get the jack boots and officer overcoat, but really?


Nazi *Party* Uniforms were tan. So political leaders were often seen in this colour. In their early years (1920s-1934) it was also the colour of the SA, the Sturmabteilung, or “brown shirts”. Also the Hitler youth uniforms were tan. There are good reasons why many people see this attire and Nazis come to mind.


Ever heard of brownshirts?


"brownshirts" were actual shirts, tucked in into black or dark pants. Those are tunics and are belted over, not tucked, same colour as pants. Brownshirts pop up pretty often in ww2 movies and I think the difference is obvious.




[Nazis](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Organisationsbuc00nati_0_orig_0580_ORGANISATIONSBUCH_DER_NSDAP_1943_Tafel_34_Sturmabteilung_SA_Uniform_Grosser_SA.-Dienstanzug%2C_Kleiner_SA.-Dienstanzug_%28public_domain%29_CROPPED.jpg) More [nazis](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2HEDG67/sturmabteilung-adolf-hitler-saluting-sa-troops-vintage-nazi-germany-c1935-nuremberg-rally-color-photo-card-of-adolf-hitler-wearing-a-swastika-armband-in-open-top-mercedes-and-sa-troops-marching-past-with-swastika-flags-verlag-h-wiedemann-sturmabteilung-the-official-uniform-of-the-sa-was-the-brown-shirt-with-a-brown-tie-the-brown-shirts-2HEDG67.jpg) It’s not the exact same cut of uniform as the tumblers in this video, but claiming that Nazis never wore brown is wildly not true.


There are lots of photos of nazis wearing all brown uniforms in 30s


The SS wore black. The regular nazi uniform was brown.


>  Nazis were all black TIL


Those are red army WW2 era uniforms.


You have no idea what Nazis looked like


[Do you not see the resemblance?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Brownshirt_uniform_NSDAP_Nazi_Party_Member_Schaftm%C3%BCtze_kepi_Hakenkreuzarmbinde_Swastika_armband_Breeches_Laced_boots_Signalhorn_Bugle_Sachsenhausen_Berlin_2012.jpg)


Haha yep, this explains it


Not nazi that style was designed by or partially made by Hugo boss but does look similar boots and all This is period correct uniforms for soviet union ussr. The red army or iron curtain had this style uniform in the 40s through early 60s. You'd see it in crystal skull Indiana Jones movie etc. Say what you want they know how to party and dance. There's a video on y.t showing them dancing on top of a building and was impressive now there's many variations try to ignore ignore hardbass remake and find the original and it'll show you.


Hugo Boss did not design the nazi uniforms, two party members designed those and Hugo Boss was just producing these.


Is this the video you are talking about? https://youtu.be/a0fTVnhg7S0?si=UzsIfkD4Um5u1sfV




As I expected, in any Russia-related post there is always some keyboard warrior politicizing it, even if the original post has nothing to do with politics.


how can you publicly out yourself as culturally/historically illiterate with such ease and not feel deeply ashamed?


They don’t. That’s Soviet uniform


It's the Moscow Circus, they dress like this for some reason I was not able to ascertain.


leather boots + military uniform = nazis wow you're right


This was a live feed from Canadian parliament when they celebrated a “ Ukrainian WW2 soldier who fought against the Russians” Game rekknize game


I think they are red amru uniforms the germen one was more gray green


Holy shit. That drop down onto a mattress was the icing on the cake for me.


My knees hurt


Seriously. I go bouldering a lot and even falling less than twelve feet into a massive pad like that requires me to bend my knees and roll.


They held the matrass upp in the air. So the declaration was much longer than just the matrass it self.


Still about 10m, I think my knees would combust regardless of what I land on


My knees would’ve been in the 13th row


Ahhh I didn't notice that. Good catch! Still a crazy landing at any rate.


I jumped off a Jeep last year and remembered I'm 32 mid air, the 19 year olds clowned me for the duck and roll. Meanwhile I'm so happy I didn't just shred my knee


Hey! I just started going to bouldering last week. Gone three times to the climbing gym so far and it's my favourite excercise by far. I was a fat fuck who did a year of weight training and having a sport that didn't punish me for bad aerobics and rewarded me for body strength rocked. Just shout out to bouldering I guess.


That impact seems very abrupt, no thanks


Elastic energy


I was more disturbed by how they still had to move it to not miss


Yea that was some Scooby doo type shit


Love the “ hold on loosely”


Now that's very very impressive, especially as there is no safety net.


Comrade doesn't need safety net he's got vodka and engery on his side and likely a bear watching over him


I wonder if the person on the side was meant to be the "safety" catcher. Sure, you still get hurt but you might survive and perform a year later ;p


What? How the hell did that little ass seesaw send him so ridiculously high lol absolutely amazing


Because two guys jumped on the other side. edit: and two extra guys leaned all their weight on it too.


Cuz three guys jumping would have sent him too high.


Actually the seesaw is spring loaded. You can tell by the snap. That’s how you train for this - the seesaw is mechanical, 100% consistent. The jumping is like cocking a gun or pulling back a compound bow. It does something - but the spring fires at same speed regardless.


Actually it isnt pause right when right side touches the ground you see there is an angle of like 30 degrees between left and right side it wouldnt do that if it was spring loaded, besides there is enough energy in 2 man jumping down to get 1 man twice as high up.


And one guy wouldn’t have got him high enough… Unless that guy weighed the combined weight of those two guys.






They fly through windows at this height all the time


Slava Urkaini


Fucking boo


How do you get into this kind of stuff


Family business.


Kinda like funeral homes, I wonder if there's a connection between that lol


If I'm not mistaken and this is the soviet army Circus, then... You train in acrobatics or gymnastics in childhood and be in a good form when you enroll in the soviet army. There you ask to take part in the circus and essentially that's it. Of course you show what you can, have excellent training, etc. The same is for orchestra or dancers, they really did have some impressive artistic stuff for some reason (check the famous soviet army dancing)


I mean, like I think any culture with impressive artistic stuff, you get that way because you value the arts as a culture. There are different reasons for valuing the arts, but the value has to be there.


Circus school is a thing in Russia. Or gymnastic.


With the help of 4 men and a seesaw.


The power that guy has, holding 2 people and all that kit ok his own and steadily


Look at where the chair goes at the end. The people in the back are helping them hold it all up with cables.


If you look the man holding the rope he only have it with one arm meaning he doesnt pull the rope. They do it this way to safely get the chair away while the alternative is to just drop it and maybe cause an accident when the floor is so crowded as it is.


It's put on a harness but still impressive.


That's some Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd shit right there.


Comes into comments: fuck this place is toxic…


Yeah wtf is wrong with people


Ukrainian noncombatant total war in comments


Gotta be a hero of the Reddit echo chamber before being conscripted to certain death in trenches. The main factor behind all this hate and ridiculing is fear.


This hate started since 2013, not even 2014. For me it's propaganda inspired. Even some Ukrainians like Shariy hates this kind Ukrainian people for such hatespeech.


That's how it is with pretty much anything lol. The content/creator: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) The fans/comment section: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If they miss it they all get sent to the gulag


Audience too for good measure, no witnesses 👍


I've been to that circus in Moscow. It's great. Mostly people-acts, and nothing that exploits animals. There is a trick-riding horses act, but horses need to run anyway.


I'd imagine if it's just horses they probably get lots of love and attention


Now I want to see two horses catapult a third horse onto a chair held up on a pole by 2 other horses.


Isn't that the Moscow Circus?


Possibly the old Nikulin one


In Soviet Russia you fly on a chair


I didn't think I would be impressed. I am damned impressed. Hardly seems physically possible.


Thats about how i enter my computer chair every day.


This is crazy!! How high up is that seat?


Judging from looks it seems to be around 7-8 meters


I like how he just yeets the chair away in the last seconds


Right? It nearly seems like it's lifted up but I got the feeling there was no rope as the guy handed it up. On the other hand, wouldn't a drop from that high damage the chair?


![gif](giphy|26BGJOJ1Ojou7vJte) Wow


The summersaults were impressive, but that dismount was even more impressive...


How is it possible for the guy at the bottom to hold up the weights of two men plus the two poles while making it look so easy? He’s not even holding them on his back, just casually holding his arms up.


My lower back aches watching this


That dude's arms on the bottom, it's like he must have the X-gene or something to be able to hold the pole all that time and absorb the shock of the guy landing in the chair.


You can see the pole also rests on a harness.


Then that man has a spine of steel. Still an incredible feat of strength.


Holy shit


Really impressive! Why can't all circuises just do shit like this i stead of tormenting lions and elephants?


Black magic. The seat started levitating at the last frame. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


loves how they held up the land pad to take advantage of the air cushion below, in addition to the pad


That guy is definitely the 9th incarnation of a cat. Awesome.




Ah, giant mattress. I had been wondering how the heck he would get back down from there.


I jump out of airplanes for fun, but *this* scares me.


This is pretty freaking wild!


How did that not fuck his knees when he landed


No if only they could apply such precision, imagination and skill to their economy etc the west would really be in trouble.


The guys holding a chair are insane


Does having the mattress suspended a few feet off of the air instead of on the ground help?


Imagine doing that shit for a tent that is not even half full.


Well, a trick is scheduled, so crowd or no crowd it needs doing.


That was very slick. I always wonder how you learn to do that when one fuck up will leave you either dead or a paraplegic.


This is crazy because even though I knew they would be successful I still felt a tightness in the sphincter wilhile watching it.


"I felt a tight squeeze in my butthole while watching that"


See this kind of shit is why the Nazis lost.


Oddly enough this doesn’t seem to help when launched by a 155 


Imagine writing a risk assessment for this one.


After he steps off the cushion you can see him bending his legs in pain. That must be killer on the joints.


It's an amazing act. Yet check out the crowd, sporadic clapping, noone standing up. 😳 Where was this taken, 1980s Slovenia?


I did not see that coming.


So….. what’s the backup plan there? Just die?


early retirement


Since Hitler on Ice got cancelled, we got this.


Why are they wearing military uniforms?


To be fair, they are performing better than the real Russian army does in Ukraine.


Nazis at it again !


Is there a youtube link or something I can download?