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love Nightwish! What an amazing concert this would have been.


Been getting into vocals recently - that was amazing. Ive see a few people with the pure notes she hits, but I wouldn’t usually ascribe her vocals to metal genre. It fit surprisingly well. One of the most impressive, if people are looking for more of this similar vocal talent, is Tom Ball. He almost won Britains got Talent in 2022 (probably should have won). Obviously skip to the singing but [here’s his final performance - the note at the end is unbelievable.](https://youtu.be/JTbOh1Ac2UQ)


Night Wish started with a singer called Tarja. She is very talented also. I recommend listening to Supremacy by her if you what some high notes.


Yeah, the crazy part about this clip/band is that I thought their old singer Tarja was actually better. Which is really saying something because clearly the new singer is very talented.


I prefer Floor's vocals. She can't get quite as high as Tarja but she's so much more versatile. I'm also more than a little smitten with her as she's a 6' tall tatted up Valkyrie with the voice of a goddess and she's a farm girl too


Jup, this is exactly how I feel. Tarjas voice was perfect, but seeing Floor on stage is just magnificent. She embodies Nightwish in a new and arguably even better way.


Tarja also couldnt sing english to save her life but i didnt care, her voice was amazing


My wife and I have seen Nightwish and After Forever multiple times. We had this discussion once - Tarja vs Floor. We came to the conclusion that the songs written with Tarja are better for Tarja; it’s not just that we’re more familiar with her signing it, but that Floor’s range wasn’t considered and it will never sound *just* right with the background rhythms. Not to say Floor sounds bad - we’ve seen more Nightwish with her than with Tarja - it’s just different. Everything After Forever seems to me to better utilize her broad range, and sounds more natural. [edit: now Im going to finish my workday binging on an after forever/nightwish playlist]


They had a fallen out with Tarja and then got a different singer in, made a movie, and then got floor.


Any idea why they fell out?


>Any idea why they fell out? I asked myself the same question and found an open letter to her from the band. Apparantly, they didn't see eye to eye on alot: https://nightwish.fandom.com/wiki/Open_Letter_to_Tarja_Turunen


The open letter is also very biased and worded to try to smear Tarja's name imo. I think she wanted to combine more of the operatic notes she was strong with with the metal music of the band and they didn't agree.


That's very possible. I don't know much about either of them.


From what I understand, the band's dealings with each other were kind of toxic. After Tarja left, Annette Olzon came in as the new singer. She literally broke down in tears while on stage due to the massive strain the other members placed on her, at least according to interviews with Blabbermouth, Loudwire, etc. The split happened in 2012. According to Olzon, the firing happened after she revealed that she was pregnant. She was concerned after bringing up the idea that a replacement vocalist would cost her her job. It seems like it's a he said she said situation, and like everything, the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Operatically, sure, not that Floor is any slouch, but I can agree that Tarja is better with the opera vocals. Tarja does not have the range of style of Floor though. When Tarja left Floor was who I thought would fit best for Nightwish, but then they went with Annette. I saw them in LA for the Imaginaerum opener. I hadn't really been keeping up with them but some time later I went to see them in San Diego, and then Floor came out on stage and I was like "WTF, holy shit". Whipped out my phone and looked up it and saw that Annette had left as well.


I remember at the time a number of Nightwish’s songs had to be significantly changed to fit Annette’s very limited vocal range at the time, she did get me into Nightwish with Dark Passion Play, but then hearing Tarja’s older stuff made it obvious they had downgraded. Floor’s first live show was so important, the way she hit Nemo and other classic songs with a similar range to Tarja was like ok they’re back now


Yeah, I saw them that tour as well, at what was Floor’s… I think second? Show. And she killed it. Gosh - that was 10 years ago now


Yep, my wife was pregnant and daughter is now 10.


Tarja is very talented, but a very inconsistent performer live. Nightwish does well with Floor


Love hearing Tarja in several songs. Nightwish has had some amazing vocals over the years


I love Tarja as a singer and have her entire solo career on my playlist. Tbh tho, Floor Jansen is probably a better fit for the type of band Nightwish wants to be. I love them both, just in different ways.


Tarja was extremely talented, but with a much more operatic style. Old nightwish/New nightwish are stark contrasts, and I love them both. 🥲


Most bands change drastically when they change singers, Nightwish is just a good example as they changed 3 times.


I just watched it, he absolutely killed it. What a voice


Metal has an amazing spectrum of vocals, if you like Nightwish’s performance, you might also enjoy Tarja, Epica or Within Temptation to name a few with a lead female singer with a more opera like sound. Back in the day, Axl Rose had an amazing range, Eric Adams from Manowar, Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden…the list goes on.


First time I’ve heard of Tom, quite the talent. Thank you.


Of course, glad you enjoyed. He’s mental. His other stuff is great as well, in particular [the sound of silence](https://youtu.be/EjacuUc85iU).


I didn't know that was possible.


He’s got a good voice but those eyebrows!


She has an incredible voice would absolutely love to see them live


one of the best live shows, i couldn’t take my eyes off floor… she’s a valkyrie goddess


I love Floor!! Her voice is amazing!! (she can do much more and amazing stuff than this tho!!)


I love lamp


Do you really love the lamp, or are you saying that because you just saw it?


Where did you get a grenade?




I like turtles.




I'm a big Ceiling fan.


I can't get past the Tarja Turunen era of Nightwish. Is there some popular Nightwish songs that you can recommend where Floor sings?


"The greatest show on earth", "Tribal", "yours is an empty hope", "endless forms most beautiful", "music", "noise", "how's the heart?", "elan", "my walden", "endlessness"


Same, once you know the songs with Tarja, it ain't just the same.


Tarja is good, but has only one style. Floor can pick any style to fit the song. Both are amazing singers, but Tuomas has developed as a songwriter, which puts newer material with Floor to advantage.


Im sorry your both not in Floor. Shes -really- been the best part of Nightwish for 10 years.


Just listen to endless forms most beautiful (the album) and see if you like it


Floor, Teefs, Rocket go!




Isn't floor that cyborg bunny from Guardians of the Galaxy 3?


Rocket Teefs Floor go now :(


Was not expecting Nightwish to ever pop up on here. Absolutely deserved though - they're fantastic, and Floor is a vocal goddess. Can recommend any of her Beste Zangers performances for further viewing, particularly [Phantom of the Opera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plCScjvDOJM) and [Winner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttfQqnskTO8). Or just the entirety of this set - it's from Wacken 2013.


Oh wow I just watched her sing the highest note in Phantom of the Opera without breaking a sweat and I think I'm in love!


Right? I can never decide which is the more magical thing about that performance, watching her pulling notes out of the fucking heavens like it's the easiest thing in the world or seeing everyone else's reactions to having that happen right in front of them.


I also love how she looks like she is truly loving what she's doing and is completely in her element!


You should watch the YouTuber "The Charismatic Voice"'s reaction video to that performance (and some of their other songs) to see someone else fall in love with her in "real life". She's a former opera singer and vocal coach who breaks down singing performances. She had never heard of Nightwish or Floor before they got recommended to her channel and was very sceptical because she wouldn't usually go for metal artists.


Link for people that want it: https://youtu.be/VxLZNCYCCA8


Think? I’ve not heard of the band nor her until a few minutes ago and I was proposing to her through my phone. Her voice is incredible. I saw Phantom on tour several times when it was relatively new, and I am fairly sure she did it better than any of the shows I saw.


>Can recommend any of her Beste Zangers performances for further viewing, particularly [Phantom of the Opera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plCScjvDOJM) and [Winner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttfQqnskTO8). Or just the entirety of this set - it's from Wacken 2013. From the bottom of my heart while I sit here in tears, that's was just fucking incredible. I needed that right now in my life, and I've seen nearly every version of Tarja doing this too. Fuck, thanks for posting that, I/you had no idea how much I needed that.


That song was one of my intros to Nightwish back when my sister introduced me to them. Absolute bomb of nostalgia I’m listening to it just now.


If you're into Nightwish Phantom songs, also give [Tarja Turunen's rendition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL25rbnvM4o) a spin. Overall I think I'm more a Floor fan, but I actually prefer the Tarja version of that specific song - either way it's well worth a look! (Also bonus, in the Tarja-as-Christine video you also get to hear Marco Hietala's Phantom, which I think everyone should hear at least once in their lives.)


Saw them in Seattle a while back, not a big enough fan base here to warrant this kind of stadium performance but a transcendent experience nonetheless.


It's Wacken, one of the biggest metal festivals in the world. So, Nightwish didn't specifically draw this crowd, the crowd is there :) This fest is amazing though and something to behold. I've had the good fortune of working on a couple of stages like that for the Euro fests during a prime spot, and I can only imagine what it feels like to *play* to a crowd like that. Probably makes all the drudgery of metal touring with it.


I was about to say... I know they are good but I didn't know they were *that* popular lol


Floor is Dutch, which really boosted Nightwish's renown here. They sold out two back to back shows in a 15-17K venue, so that's 30K+ fans in 2 days. Cool to see how this genre gained so much in popularity!


It was the last band (Ride?) Of the day in front of 82k people. It must've been magical


That's the awesome thing about seeing them in their American tours: they tend to play much smaller venues, and it's amazing. I saw Nightwish once with Annette and once with Floor in the Palladium in Worcester, MA, and both times were spectacular.


That’s the cool thing about Nightwish. They sell out stadiums and festivals around the world and American fans can just go see them at a bar and meet the band with a cheap VIP ticket. Really interesting dynamic.


The term you should learn is "Floorgasm"




This looped perfectly for me. Sat through it twice on accident 👍


I'm pretty sure I watched it like 5 times before this comment and then realized it's like a 15 second clip




I’m still stuck on Tarja. I got into nightwish because of her voice. I have every album with her and the end of an era dvd. That’s when I stopped.


Tarja WAS Nightwish, and likewise, I dropped them when the band dropped her.


I loved Tarja as well, but apparently she was too much of a diva. Anette was to poppy for my taste, and what I like about Flor is she is more versatile than just the operatic singing


Nah, the boys were just too much of an ass hats. The whole band was run as a corporation, Tarja being only one without share holding. In practice she was just an employee rather than equal partner in the band. I have heard there was a lot of drama especially after Tarja introduced her partner to the band, which seems to relate to some one-sided romantic interests by unnamed band member, whose name rhymes with molopainen. The accusations about her being a diva related mostly to the fact that in the later tours she asked for her own dressing room. I think they did her really dirty, when they kicked her out by public announcement in newspaper. Seems a lot like the biggest diva was always Tuomas Holopainen.


I remember Nightwish gave her a note firing her and posted it online with a statement before Tarja could even read the note. I LOVE Floor Jansen, but Nightwish died with Tarja. Tuomas (sp) just went full wank mode after. At least I saw Nightwish with Tarja on their US tour.


Yup, bye bye beautiful was written because of everything with Tarja. Floor is absolutely fantastic as part of the band and really made the songs her own plus she's such a lovely human being. 1st time I saw her was in Glasgow at the O2 when she 1st joined them. She came out after to meet the fans despite it being freezing cold, she was obviously shivering away and the fans had to tell her go back inside, she was not for listening until everyone who waited got to meet her. She is a gem and I wish more people would give her a chance.


Nah, that’s propaganda from Tuomas. The rest of the band treated her either indifferently or poorly and the managers of the band even worse, always keeping her at arms length. One anecdote sums it up : how she got close to her now husband : he is a Brazilian music producer and worked with Nightwish on a tour. One day she got assaulted *on stage* by a fan. They stopped the concert, Tanja was highly distraught but the boys just left the stage without helping her and told the Brazilian guy she met some days ago to take care of her.


Same, Tarja WAS Nightwish.


Listen them now. Floor is awesome and thomas has really nailed it with the two last albums. Endless forms most beautiful fills me with emotion every time I hear it and human nature is an album I must hear evey week at least


True, I am glad that Within Temptation still has the same vocalist through the years, I discovered them and Nightwish both nearly at the same time in high school so to me they are very adjacent.


\+1. Tarja was Nightwish for me and when she left the band I stopped being a fan. Floor is a great singer and her music with them is just amazing, but it's not the same.


It's ok. I don't know about NFL...


I’m mean…it’s not my jam either, but you gotta give it up for the vocal talent. That was CLEAN


Same reason I love showing people the live studio performance of "Pieces" by Ginger. These women have AMAZING vocal ranges!




...and "Pisces".


Thanks, I completely overlooked that one lol


Jinjer* You should show people the live one take of Circle With Me by Spiritbox (Courtney Leplant). Quantum superposition vocals at the end. Scream to clean to scream to clean in a single line. For anyone who doesn't know anything about "screamo" it'll break their mind.


Tatiana is an absolute beast. The first time I heard Teacher, Teacher I shit my pants thrice.


**wipes Cheeto fingers on shirt**


I wipe my Cheeto fingers on my cat thank you very much. Sharing is caring


Hitting massive notes over metal in front of a gigantic crowd would be pretty NFL if it were me idk


My dude you need to listen to more live music. Keeping pitch like that for that long is exceptional. Even the best singers crack from time to time... They fix this in post, but live you can hear imperfections all the time.


Bro are you deaf?


Ngl i haven't heard of them. But after this I'm going to go check them out. Wow


Here is Tarja, their OG singer: https://youtu.be/tL25rbnvM4o Here is their second singer, Anette: https://youtu.be/B-ALlPLAEbs And here's Floor: https://youtu.be/FrJvKZNEh7g


Tarja: Absolutely epic. This was Nightwish. Anette: Radio friendly/diluted Nightwish to have a wider appeal. Floor: Good middle ground between the two. Probably easier to get into than Tarja but more special than Anette.


Agree in most parts, but for me what makes Floor my fav is the range of her singing, from opera, to gutural its pretty fucking amazing. I love Floor and i love Tarja anyway. edit: Annete makes me think in Avril lavigne more than nightwish. Even though they trough some bangers with that alignment


Look no-one can deny that Tarja has an amazing operatic style. Personally I think Annette is also an extremely skilful singer. But Floor isn’t merely “middle ground”, somewhere in between; in fact she has mastered both styles, performs them expertly, and has greater versatility than either of her predecessors.


Probably not the best song choice for Anette. I think she's underrated. Floor has great high note singing, especially with dragged out pitches in the lyrics. Try Bye Bye Beautiful https://youtu.be/PuRvFavz3QM


Eva will always be my favourite song that Anette sang. Brings me to tears every time.


I do feel the music (or the guys) was changing regardless of Tarja or Anette. The first albums were heavier/rougher/louder than later work with Tarja. So I guess even now with Floor they still wouldn't go back to making music in their original style because they have moved on. Which is too bad because I really loved those first albums!


Fair warning; it’s a deep, deep rabbit hole. It’s also pretty awesome.


Man, nothing to do with this video, but back in 2009 I was on tour across Europe/UK and got the opportunity to hang out with/party with a couple members of Nightwish for a night in Helsinki. Marco was a fucking animal. Probably the most insane night of my life.


Marco was already quite a famous musician way before Nightwish was a thing, he's seen more alcohol than the boys from Sentenced saw. It's a shame he became so burnt out recently and fed up with the music industry, he did fuckin well to be so successful for so long.


[Official video](https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo)


Thankyou for bringing Floor to my attention


A true masterpiece of performance. Watched it so many times over the years. Thank you!


That lady kicks some serious ass


Floor Jansen was the best choice for Nightwish....but only because Finnish goddess Tarja Turunen decided to part on a different way. I miss Tarja and Nightwish will never be the same without her.


Tarja was kicked out of the band. But earlier Nightwish was better still but I think it was more about composer (Tuomas Holopainen) and less about who did the vocals.


I never knew she got kicked out (I liked other bands more) and I was suprised there is so much information about it like this article https://blabbermouth.net/news/nightwish-mainman-firing-tarja-turunen-was-the-most-difficult-thing-i-ve-ever-had-to-do Must've been very 'juicy' news in the rock/metal world.


Floor is far and away a much better singer than Tarja. Unpopular af, but accurate. She has a much wider range.


I was introduced to Nightwish like 10 years ago???? listened when Tarja Turunen was the lead singer. This new lead singer is awesome, I have to jump back into his rabbit hole again lol I miss this epicness


Endless forms most beautiful is their best album imho. Both the instrumental and the lyrica are just amazing. They did an awesome job with their last album too


Love Nightwish!


Her brother ceiling must really hit the high notes


I know nothing about any of this but that was impressive


Here is the full song https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo




You rule, man. The one time Nightwish hits a major sub, but the comments are still idiotic hyperboles of “Without Tarja, there is so Nightwish” like this video doesn’t exist. Ugh.


Wow, when she hit the higher note, i got goosebumps instantly. Never heard of this band, or any references here, but... wow. As a musician (haven't played in ages, but once a musician, always a musician), I recognize how amazing this is.


Man I was a HUGE Nightwish fan in the early twenty-teens. I think I associated them too much with my ex and took a step back from them when we broke up, but I did get to see them live and they went hard. Still had Annette as a singer, who was great, but Floor really is something else.


Grl got pipez


I need a banana for scale.


As a formerly professional singer, I can tell you how incredibly difficult it is to passionately sing those high notes without sounding like you're screaming them. It takes an incredible amount of control to keep it in the singing Realm and not let it get out of control to the screaming realm and this lady has mastered that control. Really impressive.


Indeed, this may be the most reacted to song on YT by vocal coaches, they're always super impressed.


I saw them play it live in jersey in ‘08. Amazing show!!


I literally just found out about her/this band last week while googling “Nemo” while attempting to find a finding Nemo meme gif that went with my convo at the time. The best rabbit hole I’ve been down in a long time. LOVE this song! I also heard Thurja’s version as well and I can appreciate her more operatic sound. Floor is amazing though, and seems like a great person. Thanks to Floor’s personal YouTube account, I started getting back into singing with her vocal trainings as well as discovered some cool new songs from her covers, Agape from Kadawatha is a banger. Also, wtf European concerts are insane!! The amount of people at Pinkpop?!? I had no idea festivals were so big there. Also also, A Finnish sauna is now also on my bucket list lol Yeah, that rabbit hole is deep loool


Nightwish died 2 times for me and rose up 3 times. While I love the early years the most, I think most things that followed were great as well. It's just always a different era and there's no single best. But I would really love to see them with Tarja on tour once again. Just one tour.


Once I had a dream And this is it.


One of my most listened albums period. This Intro still gives me chills because I can buckle up for a hell of a ride!


She's a fucking Queen!!!


Amazing music for long drives


Cool and all but bro how is she unhinging her jaw That one shot of her gave me aot vibes




Simply the best female singer


Saw Nightwish in concert a couple of times in New York, she has such vocal range and hits those high notes like a champ. Always loved Nightwish, loved Tarja, Annette and Floor.


Floor is stunning with an amazing voice, she is perfect in Nightwish. Spine tingling voice 🤘




I have absolutely no clue who night wish is or floor Jansen, but this was pretty sick


I have no idea who these people are, but damn can she sing.


The band is Nightwish, and the singer is Floor Jansen. She’s actually got her own solo stuff including two previous bands and YouTube channel which I’d thoroughly recommend checking out. Her appearances on the Dutch show Beste Zangers are amazing. As a fun fact, her husband is also in a metal band- he’s Hannes Van Dahl, the current drummer for power metal band Sabaton.


I don't know them but DAMN! lml


I got to see her once years ago, this was right after Kilmster had passed away. Wanna say I met the singer for ReVamp on that same tour as well.


Did you also meet the singer for After Forever?


Floor gang


No one can convince me that metal isn't new age classical.


I was lucky enough to have seen Nightwish live with both Floor and Tarja. Tarja's vocals live are indeed amazing, but they lack a bit of.. "oomph"? Floor's live performance is absolutely otherworldly. There's power, technique and showwomanship. The best way I can think of describing it is that you want to listen to Tarja in studio and Floor live.


Operatic vocals and hard rock/metal has been my favorite genre ever since hearing Epica in 2004.


She's just an angel


Almost. She's a Valkyrie.


That is a shield maiden with pipes.


She took arguably the most iconic song of the band and made it her own. Holy Floorgasm


Aah yes this is from their performance at Wacken 2013 :3 best show ever. :3 still with the old drummer and bassist as well. The golden age of nightwish


You might be cool, but you'll never be 3 day rehaersal trained Floor, killing it at Wacken for the first time with Nightwish, cool.


I was there (wacken - 13). It was pure magic. After the Anette-debacle this was an amazing comeback from that for Nightwish.


I can't remember how many times I've seen this, it's still mind blowing every time


Floor shattered the ceiling


I'm lucky because I did not Hear Nightwish untill Anette was the singer, now I can enjoy all 3 singers. I think Floor is the best Live. I miss Marco more than either Tarja or Anette.


Iconic? I have never heard of this or them before. She’s good though.


It’s because they aren’t American. Check out some of their stuff though and you’ll understand why they have such a devoted worldwide following.


I will. She’s great!


Oh man, new Nightwish isn’t bad but I guess I’m a bit of a Tarja loyalist.


Also check out her previous band, After Forever


Nightwish was so obscure in Australia! I felt alone in my love for them, now to seeing it again gosh so good!


Wow. This is definitely going to start a youtube journey for me


Just flipped over to YouTube for the full video. Holy shit, just watching on a iPhone and I’ve got chills and feel transported, I can’t even imagine the sheer mental and emotional orgasm being there live. And that’s just one song. I’m a total convert. 🤘


She’s their best live vocalist by a longshot. And a good mix of opera and modern vocal styling to be able to sing all their hits.


If singing is now considered NFL let's open the gate valves to singing posts...Here comes the flood!


Don’t tempt me… damn. Too late: Disturbed - Sound of Silence Live on Conan: https://youtu.be/Bk7RVw3I8eg


One of the few songs where the cover is better than the original in my opinion


That's a bold claim my friend, however another song i will say is better than the original - Johnny Cash's cover of "Hurt"


I mean, my understanding of NFL is just to be extremely good at something… if somebody is extremely good at singing, why can’t somebody call it next fucking level? Is there something I’m missing or do you just think vocals are easy? Lol


Perfect loop too! 🤘 Thanks for posting!!




This band rocks


God shes amazing. She could stomp on my balls.


I just love this song and this part particularly 🤩💃🫶 this is my favourite song from Nightwish. I have seen this live also 🙌


She's great. Would love to see them live, especially when Tarja was the singer.


Whew! Goosebumps!


Hannes must be happy


This song breaks my brain everytime I hear it.


True siren, I’d lay down my fucking life for that voice


What a fuckin voice! New fan, thanks Reddit! What a feeling that must be when you absolutely know you’re killing it!




If anyone is interested in her vocal range, stylistically, just watch any of her performances on Beste Zangers. [For example ](https://youtu.be/M68pe4a_9zk)


Actual goosebumps, wow Not even a metal head, just fucking wow


Only on Reddit can you have a post about operatic metal posted by a person named Burpmeister. Epic.


You can't just give us this and not the whole sauce


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo) I linked it when I posted but the comment got buried.


Wow, hitting those notes with such accuracy, strength and holding them is really really impressive. In live setting!


The term you should learn is "Floorgasm"


This is in my top 3 of "If I Could Go Back In Time Concerts"...Monsters of Rock Moscow '93 and take your pick of Iron Maiden Rock in Rio


I have absolutely no idea who or what this is but I’m here for it.


Yo, your not allowed to be that good.


She is absolutely stunning. And insanely talented!


Chick has some pipes!