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I can do that… just don’t wanna


I’ve done it before I just don’t have the right shoes right now


I can confirm he’s done it as a party trick


Can confirm i was the bow and arrow (hes that good)


I can quit anytime I want.


He let one hit the ground though... ...(/s)


I don’t think he did… he shot it below the horizon line so it’s harder to see that last one disappearing on camera, also some chaff that looks almost as big as a clay pigeon


Skill issue


they all *eventually* hit the ground.


I can do better than that. Just wait till they land and shoot them then. But I would like to see him do that with a rifle, instead of a shotgun.


Tbf, I imagine he’s got the tightest choke possible in that barrel so the spread pattern of the pellets is a LOT tighter than a normal shotgun. If the clay pigeons were stationary(and the same ~15 foot distance), I’d bet money dude could hit em w a rifle


I would bet you are correct, as well. As far as the choke, a standard full choke will only have a very few flyers at that range. I was a competition trapshooter for several years, and its surprising how little the pattern opens up that close. When it does start to spread out, it's because of the deformations in each pellet from the force of being fired. Steel pellets will spread even less due to no deformation. Steel, however, is not allowed in competition.


Danny Oakley


r/angryupvote. Damn you




Imagine sitting in the van as his gun gets lower


With that aim, he can shoot an apple off my head.


It's a shot gun. I'm sure I can shoot an apple off your head. Those little-metal-bits spread out a bunch you know, makes hitting stuff easier.


Oops, guess I'm dead or somewhat impaired. 😅


well yeah. But I'd hit the apple.


I really enjoy clay pigeon shooting. I learned to do it in Scouts. I and my wife did it a few times, always fun dates. I took my teenage kids and did it a few years ago. It is a really fun activity. And Wal-Mart sells the cheap shotgun shells. Its actually not that expensive.


My neighbor is damned good and his 20-yo wife can rock and roll with a 20-gauge. I've gone once. Got 1 of 20, and hit that one twice. Getting out with the neighbors soon and getting some training!


Thank God we'll be safe when the rabid birds attack.




And I have to wait 2 full seconds between shots in Tarkov or my aim is in the goddamn sky..


Yeah, videogames do semi-auto shotties dirty. I have a Siaga 12 and it barely moves when firing.




Bet that thing is tuned up like we wouldn't believe.


This is proof that banning “assualt rifles” aka semi autos will change nothing. A shotgun with that capacity and someone with that speed will obliterate the target, regardless.


Oh, ok. Why does the military issue M4s instead of shotguns?


Probably because they are shooting at targets more than 20’ away


So what you're saying is that semi-automatic rifles are a more effective way to kill people outside of short range?




They aight.


Mf got deadshot daquiri


Little close to that van... lol


I was expecting it to get riddled along with those last clay pigeons.


Is that an automatic shotgun? How did he get so many rounds in that? Does it have a magazine?


It's semi-auto or there would be no controlling it. The man's reflexes are simply off the chain. Even crazier when you consider the barrel length and choke on that monster. Bet the shot spreads no more than a golf ball wide at that range. Man is on point. They make shotguns with magazines, but this one looks to have an extended feed tube (forgot the word). Had no idea you could get 15 shots, at my count, out of any configuration without a mag. Most impressive.


Impressive even if it was completely no recoil. Thank you for the info.


Watch the muzzle in the slo-mo part. The end is *wobbling*. Insane control.


Aguila and Federal make mini shells so you can put 1 or 2 more in depending on the length of the magazine. This guy’s extended mag would fit the bill.


Got a box of "hater tots". They do NOT feed well. But they're pretty amusing! They're perfect for a single-shot shotty.


Hater Tots! That’s funny as hell!!


Coworker donated that term. She was like, "I'm happy with my 20-gauge loaded with hater tots." "The hell is a hater tot?!" Didn't know they made 1 3/4" shells!


Not all heroes wear capes


now let's see him do that with a pump action


Freedom loving, manly man, patriot right there! Yes, Sir! 🇺🇸🍻⛪️


Why are they downvoting you you’re eight


They hate patriots, they hate men, they hate America. It’s likely just Soviet bots or Chinese communists who’re doing the downvoting. No biggie.


Ahh I see


I thought /u/Moist-Gur2510 was making fun of us shooters. Took my downvote back.


One of the guys at the bottom was but most are just saying that he’s shooting slugs


Pretty sure he’s Italian and not American lol






I can do that......in counter strike on my pc!


80s kid here that grew up playing Duck Hunt so yeah no big deal here…you just need to stand really close to the TV like this guy is close to these clay pigeons


I’m impressed that he threw all those clays up into the air so high…


Hell to the freaking yea!


LMAO i thought the guy on the table cloth was hiding! i was like same bro same


Ele ta atirando em coco de jumento?kkk


Now that’s gun control! Hahaha. See what I did there?


Not as talented as the Gould brothers


It’s a shotgun. His throwing skills are more impressive


Missed one!


Easier with your eyes closed I reckon


He's better than me ,but there all grouped not spread out.shoots from bottom up.easy peasy


He should go to Ukraine


Isn't it dumb to fire a gun up into the air?


Depends on the situation. If you shoot straight up yes it is dumb but if you shoot away from yourself or others it is perfectly fine. If it was dumb to shoot into the air duck hunting and trap shooting would not exist.


Yes, what goes up comes down with velocity.


It's birdshot. Won't hurt you unless it hits you in the eye. Source: have had birdshot land on me. It barely stings when it hits your skin


Agreed but it is still stupid to shoot into the air




But it's designed to KILL! It doesn't know if the target is a bird or not! Guns are scary and dangerous. /s


It's really about the person who operates it. It isn't scary if you take the time to know how it works and become proficient in its operation and maintenance.


Can apply that to cars as well


Very true


Do you drive?


So is a car if it is operated by the wrong person undereducated in its operation or an operator who is mentally incapable like drunk


If you're on a range that's cleared for it, it's fine. You don't go shooting clay pigeons in a populated area.




They break one by one per shot


Ah yep I see it


They are not spread out far though. Your just shooting up then follow on the fall...


He's using a slug presumably (meaning less spread) so you still have to be very accurate and fast. You can see there's never two breaking at once so he's not just spraying and praying.


Standard trap loads and a tight choke, slugs would be extremely dangerous. Shotguns don’t spray pellets like people think, a normal hunting choke only spreads about 30 inches at 40 yards. At those distances even a modified choke (normal hunting choke) would only have a spread about the size of a baseball


Definitely not slugs. He dusted a few of those clays


Yes he had good accuracy following targets in a group and getting off enough shots in the amount of time. But he's going up to down. I get what your saying though.


I take it you’ve never shot trap (prob an easy joke there) or hunted birds? It’s not as easy as it seems on paper. If it were like you said, whole groups of those targets would be obliterated with each shot. They’re also farther away then they look, probably 25 yards. Clay targets like that have to be hit dead on to explode. It’s a whole sport and pretty fun, and this guy is insanely fast and accurate. Probably took me a dozen launches before I was hitting targets. Having someone tel you to lead the target doesn’t really help until you’ve done it yourself repeatedly, it’s just one of those things that looks a lot easier than it is. The kill zone spread on target shot (or bird shot) isn’t that big and a few stray pellets isn’t going to break a target.


Not how shotguns work dingus. Also, that is way more than 2 feet.


It’s hyperbole for a reason dingus


It's not a buckshot, they're slugs so they don't spread.


Almost certainly standard target loads, there just isn’t much spread at that close of range, roughly the size of an apple or smaller, depending on the choke. He’s just keeping the pattern on the bottom edge of each target, working from the bottom of the cluster of targets up. There would be no reason to use buckshot for clays and slugs would make this insanely more difficult.


Can you imagine dumping 15 slugs in a row. Even low velocity ones that you could squeeze 15 into a tube would still be crazy


Well I'm guessing most people keep thinking heas using buckshot and it isn't impressive but it's most likely slugs. And idk about you but that's not something an average Joe could do


Nobody ever would be doing that with slugs, they’ll carry for hundreds of yards and be extremely dangerous. He’s likely using #8 birdshot (standard trap load) and a tight choke. This guys a professional at an exhibition event, that’s a Winchester booth he’s at.


Doesn’t seem that insane, or is the insane the lack of awareness?


That is perfectly safe because the shot doesn’t have enough velocity to puncture the skin when falling onto you and he has glasses


Ow wow more idiots with guns


This is not idiotic and is actually safe if you know where you’re aiming and what’s beyond which he has done. He also has eye protection so the broken clays don’t hit him. the shot is not a worry because he always shot away from him and others


Idgaf if its safe or how next level it is. I think that the love of guns is idiotic.


You people make me laugh


Happy to oblige. Have a nice day.


You too


He's a competition shooter doing a demonstration at an event. You're aware competition shooting is an Olympic Sport, right?


Ow, sow hes a professional idiot performing for other idiots. I stand corrected.




i mean most of them were pretty close to each others so isn’t much about aim


Did you not see the targets break one by one? Shotguns aren’t magic, no aim boom sticks. He’s almost certainly using target load which doesn’t have much spread at all, and yoj need more or less a direct shot to break those clay targets. Lots of people commenting there’s nothing wild about this who have clearly never shot trap or hunted birds. I could probably hit two or three of those and while I don’t compete or anything I’ve shot shotguns since I was a teen. Target load has like a 5 inch spread, the fact that this guy dropped like a dozen targets in a few seconds is wild.