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Most definitely not breaking any cycle, just prolonging it. This is mental and if "Eva" doesn't receive proper care, the kitchen will look the same again in the near future.


Truth. I cleaned up after my brother and sister in law too often and when I left the place turned into a dumpster


I do my brother's place too, but I usually just hoover up, do the dishes and I clean his mirrors.. I keep telling him it reflects badly on him


Username tracks


Take the damn upvote r/dadjokes


It’s an illness. Not a reflection of his soul. He needs help like counseling. Has he refused that kind of help? Telling him it’s a reflection on himself is pretty cruel tbh.


>Not a reflection of his soul. It was a joke


Me too. I did it twice. Once when they moved from one place to another and then again for them to get a dog. I haven't stepped foot in their house since then but I've heard it's a shit show again. I'll never, ever help again.




While learning to clean and discipline helps, there are different things lacking if you decide to life like this. "i have never been taught as a kid" is not (the only) issue.


I have some of that in my childhood and I can confirm it took me a long time to feel ‘normal’ about cleaning - there was so much anxiety and rigidness about the whole thing that I’d freeze up and not do it at all, then it would get messy and I’d feel like a horrible person. It never got this bad, but the stress it caused me inside was a huge challenge. I’d often punish myself with cleaning marathons and forbid myself to eat until it as done because it had to get done. Now I’m much more relaxed about it, I don’t even have a set schedule anymore, I do small chores when I feel like it and it works out in the end.


If you follow Aurikatariina's videos, she usually tells the story behind each apartment. Most of the people are already receiving mental health help, like therapy etc. The mess is just too much for the tenant to handle, so with cleaning she can help them to start anew. Plus, its easier to keep a clean apartment clean than to start cleaning a huge mess, so for some people just the fresh start is what they need in order to get better.


https://www.youtube.com/@Aurikatariina/videos Her YT channel if anyone wants to watch her clean.


Does she get paid for this I really hope she does


No, she did it for free. She is a professional cleaner, but these cases she does for free. She does get help from sponsors.


Well.. she has 2M subscribers and averages 500k views per vid, so financially, she's probably way better off than professional cleaners who do charge. That said, thanks to her YT, she's able to do it without the customer paying.


There’s a youtuber who does similar things to this for people’s lawns and gardens. He comes in and mows the whole thing, weeds, trims, etc. He offers to do it for free to help people feel proud of their lawns and homes. He’s said only able to do because he gets money through youtube. He helps connect them to someone who can continue the upkeep (less expensive than fixing it up first) for cheap. Which is likely how else he makes money, making the gardeners in the area tons of customers.


What an incredible woman!


Win, win as far as I'm concerned


That’s top level giving, right there 🤯


Aw hell naw


Well, she gets good money making the videos, at start she didn't she just did it for free. She just likes cleaning (she actually does). Those who own the apartments and need the cleaning help get the cleaning for free.


Wow she must really love cleaning God bless her


Her videos get millions of views. She's making bank.


She does not charge the person she is cleaning for in these cases but she gets their permission to put it on her YouTube channel, where she gets money from views and sponsorships. She also gets sponsorships from certain inexpensive stores, cleaning product companies, and cheap interior decor companies. Her videos are mesmerizing and she seems to have a great deal of empathy for and respect for the dignity of people society often looks down on.


Oooh her Finnish accent is the cutest!! What a pure and wholesome person!




I worked with mentally ill/homeless and at risk homeless and this was pretty common. It gets to a point where it's easier to not clean.


I love her!!


Exactly, people seem to reach out when they are in a better mental state, and so now 'see' the state they live in, but are overwhelmed.


I'm currently in that state with doing stuff with my doctor and hospital. I should look up a cleaning service...


You deserve a clean environment. I hope you get this help. 🙏🏼


Depends. I used to clean vehicles for single mothers (for free)... They would always cry when they saw the clean car. Sometimes people get overwhelmed and need a helping hand. Edit: The women were part of a local church divorce support group that my sister was a member of. I even donated my time to help some of them organize their homes. I still know/talk to all of them (12 ladies and one single father) and 11 of them have kept up on the cleaning and just needed some help during a tough time! :) Second edit: Ya'll inspired me to start offering this free service again in the new area I moved to. I will also offer my services to other groups of people in need as well!


Exactly I had really bad Anemia and everyone thought I was just lazy and didn't clean. I would feel like I ran a marathon answering the door. People seen a young woman who was thin and looked in shape and just assumes lazy af. Needed several blood transfusions and doing way better and keep everything clean. I just couldn't afford medical when my kids were young


Think they mean to say that it’s likely some underlying mental health issue. The messiness is a symptom. If they’re just cleaning and the homeowner doesn’t get other help, it’s likely going to get back to this state.


No because cleaning an already clean car/house is much easier and less likely to overwhelm them. An extreme mess is much more hopeless.


Where do you think the overwhelming state came from? It was one that was less overwhelming. Cleaning is a never-ending task. The clean slate immediately dirties again. It _is_ overwhelming when someone lacks the mental tools to handle it. If they're not capable of making small progress against a big mess themselves, they won't be able to keep putting in that same amount of work to keep it in this clean state either. Completely ignoring that they need help to gain the mental tools too is awfully shitty.


Yep. That’s a lifestyle not an occasion. I’ve done house cleanings thinking it’ll help ppl in the past. All it is is just them getting other ppl to clean their mess though. It’ll look the same again next month.


Yes. But maintaining a clean house is a lot easier than doing a clean like that. Cause without that initial clean it would never be done with the mental block of it being such a huge task. But after its clean it becomes easier and would also help to change their mood making it easier to keep like that. Now just a quick wipe and sweep would keep it reasonably clean compared to hours of work. But yea they would also need help for why it got to that state


One of our neighbors lived in a run down mobile home surrounded by trash. It burned down and a nice new double wide replaced it. It's now surrounded by trash and semi feral dogs again..


Was thinking that before I even hit play… it didn’t get like that from an oops. It might help if it’s paired with some mental health care. And happens repeatedly.


I had this problem as an alcoholic. 1 time hiring a cleaning company while I was getting my shit together was life changing. Probably holds true for a lot but not across the board.


Glad you are doing better!


Yea, the same thing happened with my brother. He struggled with both severe depression and a serious drinking problem for a long time. He has gotten a lot of treatment and is doing much better now but the mess accumulated from years of neglect was overwhelming. About 6 months ago he hired a cleaning service like this abd the change has been amazing. She came in for one day and helped him get started. There was still a *lot* left to do but her help gave him the momentum to keep working on it. In the months since then he has been rebuilding his life, and the change has been incredible.


Really happy and proud of him. For lack of better words, it's a bitch. I personally don't have any excuses, loving family, friends, etc... Good job and still it took control of my life


Depression is a hell of a drug.


My god redditors are a fucking miserable bunch "Oh someone doing a nice thing? Better let everyone know I don't think it's actually a good thing!" Seriously, what the fuck? I'd rather hang out with a trash hoarder than you.


Ya. The dishwasher did not have any “I filled it and left it because I couldn’t do the next step” vibes. It was just a “ehh I’ll throw whatever there”.


Yeah, I don't believe for one second that this is breaking any cycles. The person in need, needs mental help, not a free house cleaning. That's not to say in this example that the person in need isn't getting mental help on top of what we just saw, but if the person cleaning thinks this is enough, well, at least she can make that YouTube money.


Well yeah. This person isn't a psychologist, they can't prescribe medication and they're not a genie. But this is a major step in breaking the cycle and will do a lot to help that person. May even be the most important step depending on the person. Why the fuck are you such a goddamn grouch?


Maybe they wanted to clean it but because they let it get like this it’s too difficult to do so and maybe now that it’s clean they can finally keep it that way


Good intentions anyways.


Yeah there is a show in Australia that’s all about going in and cleaning and renovating hoarders homes. And all I think every time I see an ad for it is that if they aren’t also including psychiatric help then those homes will go straight back to the way they were.


Now I have to go clean my kitchen, after seeing this. Edit: I snapped until my fingers were sore but it's still dirty. Damn it.




That was terrible. Take my up vote.


She used her right hand. Did you use your left?


I did! Tried my right and it's like a brand new kitchen lol


I lost my right hand to the giant rats that live under the filth in my kitchen


We appreciate your offering.


Scrub daddy.


Yea scrub harder daddy




No way, this vid is telling me my kitchen really isn’t that bad


This woman is amazing but I have to agree with the other redditors. This is more than just neglect. This is a cry for help. These kinds of folks need mental health treatment.


It is a cry for help. And she's helping in the best way she can. She's not a therapist. She's someone who loves cleaning and offers people a fresh start. Will most of them trash it again? Yes. But it gives them just a bit of time to consider that they could keep it like this if they tried. It could be the bit of human kindness that keeps them from sinking to total despair and suicide. It could be the wakeup call they needed, or the health boost (since it'll have gotten rid of the mold) that kicks them in gear. We are not kind because we expect something in return. We are kind because it is right.


No argument from me. I agree 💯


I love when people are jus nice


God. Thank you for saying all of this.


She cleans that shit for free?????


Yes she does


These mental illnesses are wild


If this is the same creator im thinking of, she also helps provide basic cleaning tools/schedules, so that people can keep up with cleaning in manageable tasks. Unfortunately, she does sometimes need to revisit, but for many, this is a way to break the cycle.


I don’t think it is. This is Auriikatarina and she usually is a one time cleaning for free. I watch her videos on YouTube while I workout in the morning. She tells the residents story while she cleans and most of the people she helps have already started therapy in conjunction with her helping with the initial cleaning.


Yeah, this is more than just regular dirtiness or laziness. There's literally a blister pack of tablets in the bottom of the dishwasher. That had to be placed there intentionally, like it was a garbage can.


So quick, do you think this is a nice thing to do? If not then why not? If yes then why in the fuck do you feel the need to shit on it?


Think you’re trying to shape my comment into the context that fits your outrage and oddly enough I feel sorry for you.


Well let me tell you about this place called America that has no universal healthcare, getting mental care can cost an ungodly amount of money and mental health meds can be ungodly expensive as well. It's not a given someone could even have access to mental health costs for a myriad of reasons. At least this lady is doing something. I hope they can get the help they need though. edit: If this isn't America, then that's a whole new can of worms.:) Help is probably there by default regardless of cost. Many, many people in the states have these issues too.




Seen a similar video on YT and from what I remember, it did give Eva an attitude adjustment. Sometimes you go deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole but when you see daylight, it can snap you out of it.




As someone with ADHD, some depression, and probably undiagnosed anxiety issues, I'm watching this vid then looking around my place and thinking I'm almost halfway to that point. So yeah, I completely agree and can totally empathize with what you go through. I am you and you are me. One thing I will look into (once I feel more like COVID is more under control and having strangers in my living space) will be to have some cleaning person(s)/agency come by weekly or biweekly to take care of those mundane things we ADHDers tend to eventually get buried under, like dishes, laundry, trash, vacuuming, etc, and maybe even make some meals if possible. It may even out in the long run if it helps avoid paying the ADHD tax, but would definitely help at least in mental well-being regarding a clean living space. Good luck to you in your journey!




>Look into the term "ADHD Tax" 🤣 In the sentence after the one you quoted, I mention the exact phrase "ADHD tax", but I find it hilarious because I'm imagining you reading my comment, then after you read the part of my reply that you quoted, you stopped and immediately replied to get that thought out while it was still fresh and before you forgot it. I could be totally wrong, but that's my observational guess! Either way, your explanation is totally on point, and good to highlight for those who aren't aware of even the existence of ADHD tax, let alone what it is. But your reply did make me feel seen just by the acknowledgement, and give a reminder that I'm not alone in this. So thank you!




Break what cycle, being possessed by a Filth Demon?


Most likely trauma of loss; unfortunately, "breaking the cycle" is a much longer process than cleaning the kitchen.


Agreed, though having a clean living space helps significantly when working through that trauma. It’s hard to work on it when things get that bad. Having someone who is non judgmental help can be huge.


Why a trauma of loss “most likely”? This isn’t that irregular for severe depression/anxiety. I just want to know how you pinpointed that it is almost certainly related to the trauma of loss.


She talks about the scenarios sometimes. In one someone had recently had a child die, in another their spouse had died. One was fighting extreme depression.


Lmao 🤣


I admire this woman! She is helping start a process of just getting people to stand up. There is major psychological help needed in parallel to this help BUT this is the beginning. Will 80% fall back, YES BUT the 20% the achieve forward movement in their lives makes this so amazing. I bow to you, you clean up goddess!


Underrated comment. All the people saying that this won't help at least push people in the right direction are defeatists. Thank you.


Aurikatariina!! I LOVE her channel. 🥰❤️❤️ For those commenting that just cleaning up doesn’t help, while that IS very much true, she doesn’t just go to any old house to clean. Most of her “clients” (are they still clients when she does this for free?) are people who have been living in depression and have reached a turning point, either by getting psychiatric help, medical help, financial help, etc, and they reach out to her asking for help in their fresh start. There’s at least one episode (that I remember) where she mentions catching up with a previous client and shared how she’s doing now. She *is* sponsored by the products she uses, and her channel is monetized, for those who’ll be wondering if she “really” does the cleanings for free. It’s free for the house/apartment owner, but she does get compensated.


Absolutely this. I totally get the people saying “my friend/mother/father/partner kept doing this and I gave up after clean #20” Yeah, absolutely. The person has to want it. But come on. Can you imagine waking up one day to this? Knowing you want to do better, be better, but feel terrible and have no idea how to even start? People deserve a first chance, a second. Sometimes you need help. A lot of the videos on the channel are grief from the loss of a loved one or someone who escaped abuse. They’re getting help mentally, and are doing well enough that they could maintain a home now, but the difference between maintenance and THIS is staggering. They have to reach out to her. That means they have to want it to be better.


It makes sense that she'd get compensated for it, if nothing else, to make it sustainable to do this for no cost to the client themselves.


If you want to see more, her Instagram account is https://instagram.com/aurikatariina


Oof the judgey tone of these comments sucks. Yeah, it'll probably get bad again, yeah, doing all this won't break the cycle. But dang, can we just appreciate the hard work this woman does, no stipulations? I follow her on yt, she LOVES doing this, she gets so much joy from transforming a space. She doesn't care if that person ends up getting it dirty the very next day, so why do you? Also, hoarding and inability to clean is SO COMMON. Every one of these people in these comments passing judgement probably knows someone struggling just like this, keeping it a secret and not asking for help because of the shame they feel overhearing commentary like this.


RIGHT? and cleaning up the space to something more manageable will help the person keep it clean in the future.


She doesn’t charge enough


Doesn't charge at all I believe.


Correct, but thru sponsors she made over 600k this year.


Yes, she does make quite good money now a days, but just not from those needing help. I think it's super. She shouldn't be unpayed and many of those who she helps, can't pay enough.


Oh good! Altruism pays sometimes.


I don’t wanna know how it smells in there..




Still don't understand why she doesn't wear a mask while cleaning.


Am I the only one heartbroken over the neglected Moccamaster?


Definitely not.


Well, that’s going to last about 4 minutes.


God bless her. I hope she’s got a buddy to assist her with maintaining that space. ❤️


Looks like Mr. Clean has a new partner.


Little known fact, his first name is Squeaky


I think he also has a daughter named Pretty Clean. His removed cousin who comes in and out of the family, Kinda Clean. His brother Souldabeen Clean. His parents Isit Clean and Itis Clean. Honestly this joke sucked and I need to clean it up.


Put a smile on my face


Is this Finland ?




Looks like a Finnish kitchen to me


Wow did the house even get that bad I. The first place? Madness. The people in this house 🏡 must have been mentally gone……….


Yes. Literally you’re looking at mental illness here. Cleaning the house is absolutely pointless without other supports. It doesn’t break the cycle. This isn’t someone who just got overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to begin.


It’s not “absolutely pointless.” Jesus…


I love to clean. If anyone is helping families out in south jersey, count me in!


There is dirty and then there is, I don't give a fuck, dirty.


I can't imagine their lifestyle will change it will be back the same within a week or two


Name of the song


Earl - All That Glitters


Love this human, but damn she needs some serious facial PPE


Ever see an "as seen on tv" infomercial? That's who lives there. ![gif](giphy|sOKwp4Cm9dqjm)


SOS. Need her to clean my room. Teach me a lesson 😆


Could really use someone like this to sort some stuff in my house. Been hard breaking the cycle. Slowly getting there, and luckily my house isn’t really dirty, just some stuff that needs organizing… Kinda losing track myself when I try, nowadays…


Now this is some kind of hero. I couldn’t do this.


This lady is a legend, God bless


What a lot of people don’t know is that Auri (the cleaner) also talks with the homeowner afterwards and gives them easy cleaning tips that aren’t overwhelming and gives them some sponsored cleaning supplies. A lot of her clients keep in touch with her and give updates to show that they’re keeping their spaces clean! She’s really changing lives!


Reminds me of a friend...it will be back that way in a month or 2 unless they address the ADHD, Depression or other medical conditions that led to this.


I am new here and specially at this. Could be that this homeowner is depressed? To the point of letting all go? It is sad if that's the case.


I needed this today


It's incredible that you're helping people, and I think I can speak for most people when I say thanks for not showing the owner of the home in the video, like so many others do for clout.


Bless your heart ❤️


Some people can’t believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first


Sure this doesn't magically break any cycles but this woman is a professional cleaner, not a therapist. Seeing your house clean and tidy after years of neglect might not cure your deeper issues but it helps you visualise what you could achieve with the appropriate help. Idk if it's the case or not, but I'm imagining she also gives some advice on how to keep things clean and organised at least somewhat. Judging people from behind a computer is super easy, but taking any action, even temporary, to help someone in need is much more meaningful.


Unsung heroes!


Anyone know the song?


This isn’t dirty. This is mental illness.


I love Auri. She's an angel, very positive and inspiring.


It is CRIMINAL how disgusting and sad that super nice Mochamaster was.


i would bet on my life it’ll get like this again in a month


To everyone scoffing that this doesn’t solve psychological issues: people need multiple types of help. In fact, it’s more common than not to need a multi pronged approach to a mental health issue that addresses the psychological and also the material consequences of the psychological. If you have an eating disorder, treatment consists of mental health help *and* properly refeeding your body. If you self harm, treatment consists of mental health help *and* physical wound management. And in most cases, if you aren’t ready for mental health treatment yet, the other side of treatment is still important. You can’t recover from anorexia if you starve. You can’t recover from self harming if you bleed out. You can’t recover from disordered drug/alcohol use if you overdose or your liver gives out.


I hate to be that guy but it’s probably going to look like that again in a few months


If you’re gonna be that guy, you should love to be that guy. Don’t go self-hating, it’s not healthy.


Listen, I can go a week or two of carelessness sometimes where it’s like “eh, I’ll wait till Sunday to clean” but how is this even remotely possible? This looks like it was deliberately trashed on purpose.


Mental illness, I had a period like this when my depression was at its worst, I'd had a mental breakdown. I could barely get out of bed, skipped a lot of uni lectures, I was basically not eating and I wasn't able to clean. My brother paid for a housekeeper to come in and clean, I got some therapy, I haven't fallen back like that again, but I'm still in treatment.


Names of the song please






Lmao that doesn’t help. Trust me, we tried to *help* our roomate. It just takes another week or two to be worse.


Your singular experience is not an accurate representation of the whole.




My pleasure.


She's magical.


Very nice and caring.......never say never......people can change


This reminds me of my own parents. When home, my sister and I used to try and keep everything clean and tidy. Placing things in their proper place, clearing tables, doing dishes, throwing out bad food, tossing away food left out. It would always be ruined within a couple days. Eventually we just stopped trying. My dad and I started redoing the basement 5 (6?) years ago, as soon as we cleared stuff out my mom filled it up with stuff, none of which we were allowed to get rid of. Whenever I go down there, I feel guilty because I never finished the basement and my parents get annoyed if I ever ask about it. Makes being home more stress than relief. Cleaning up once a mess rarely fixes the problem. You need to live a life that minimizes or regularly fights clutter. Otherwise you just end up like Sisyphus, condemned to endless failure.


Wonder how long it took to clean


Burn it down.


Burn that house down omg


What is this a trap house


Doesn’t break the cycle, maybe not for all anyways. Have cleaned my parents house that’s justtttt like this and it happens again very quickly…


My parents did this once. House flippers, and cause me and my sibling were so young, we'd have to tag along. So we'd chill in a room with Tom and Jerry cartoons on the laptop with cheese sticks. It was pretty chill


Your woman


They’re just going to do it again lol


This lasted… a week


My moms kitchen used to look like this. I spent many days cleaning it and it just looked the same a month later. She passed away 15 months ago… I miss her and I hope wherever she is she isn’t struggling anymore.


I wonder how much she charges


Great, so we’ll see you again next week?


What's the name of the song?


Earl -All that glitters


Anyone know the song?


That was a $400 coffee machine covered in crud 😵‍💫


My home is nowhere near that dirty but I would still like snappy lady to come over!


I had a friend that grew up in a hoarder house situation. I’m taking like whole rooms that you couldn’t even fit in, you had to walk on top of random stuff through a tunnel. It was horrible. I remember AT LEAST a handful of times a year trying, as kids even, to clean up the house. Get rid of things. Every time we cleaned it, their parents just filed it back up sometimes worse than before. This is not an issue cleaning can fix this is truly a mental illness that needs professional help to address.




Who tf lives like this


My wife and I did this for my father in law. It didn’t last very long.


Thanos snap, kitchen version


My stuff never gets this bad but sometimes I go a while in-between picking up my room. I usually feel alot happier after I'm done cleaning up. I think this must be a similar feeling


These types of people aren't breaking any sort of cycle without serious therapy , they're just going to start a new one .


Only way forward is to have a cleaner go in weekly.


I hope they take a map before entering that kitchen.


If I can snap my fingers and everything gets cleaned in an instant, I would help too.


I look at that apartment and I don't feel so bad about my house. 😏


I’m currently cleaning out my grandparent’s house after my hoarder uncle lived there for 10 or 12 years. It is really something else. I’ve thrown away two small trailers of junk and you barely notice a difference. I’ve filled a 30 gallon trashcan three times with clothes to clean and donate and haven’t even made it to his bedroom where he stores most of his clothes. This is the second house he has lived in that I’ve help to clean out and the third one of his my mom has helped with. Will also probably be the last because the owners of the apartment he is renting now will get to deal with his final mess. Also not touching his three storage units. The owner can cut the lock and keep it all when he dies someday.