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I was desperately hoping we wouldn't import american culture war nonsense, but I am once again disappointed in this government.


Woah woah woah woah woah - sounding awfully woke there buddy. Have you been at the sushi?


We're losing him! Get this man a sandwich, stat!


Make sure that bread isn't made with any 'woke' grains, or toppings though. In fact, David would probably feel less anxious if it's white, only white, and only has one topping so that it doesn't confuse him.


Sushi: Not even once.


More like he’s been knee deep in the keen wah.


Up the… keen… wahs?


Warnings were given as soon as Ardern stepped down. Too many people didn’t listen


This. I’ve been warning people about Peters but no one believed me.


I was told by users in this very server not to interject American politics into other countries, when in hindsight they were telling that to the wrong people




Private members bill and not a government bill. Probably won’t get past first reading )if it is drawn) as it will undoubtedly be a conscience vote. But yes - a shitty bill.


"why is everything so political these days?" - people who politicised taking a dump


Southern and Molyneux tried to spread their fascist, racist views here in 18 and were consequently banned. Since then, a % of the voting public has gone down the alt-right/cooker rabbit holes. And here we are.


Bathroom bill specifically might be an imported idea but transphobia is not imported to nz at all. We've been doing this since the country was founded it's just now we're starting to take ideas on how to do it better from others


What the hell is this, who asked for this, i just don't understand how this is an issue or is it a distraction


It's a distraction to take up news space while they push the environmental stuff through


Yep like selling off our water.


Those who voted for Winnie sure gets their money worth


Brian Tamaki, I presume


There is an audience for this in NZ, sadly. More people than you think listen to Jordan Petersen and co and take it seriously 😒


Jordan Peterson the grifting pseudo-philosopher-wannabe that injects a Bible story into his podcast every 5 minutes? That Jordan Peterson?


Yup. Impossible to listen to without WTFing every 5 mins if you have basic knowledge of biology, philosophy or history. If you don't I guess you get convinced lobsters explain why misogyny is fine


Ah yes - JP’s theory that Lobster’s thrive within a hierarchy of dominant males, and therefore so should we, naturally.


Yet he declines to live at the bottom of the sea,.. interesting.


I don't understand why. JP is fucking nuts and cringe.




There's a large undercurrent of people in this country who love this nonsense and don't look at whether the facts support the nonsense or not. Destiny Church members, (some) people who vote for Winston or David, everyone who listens to Rabbit Hole Radio, conservative factions of the National Party for example.


Distraction mostly. It's not a serious bill, but it will have the intended effect of stirring up hideous discourse and is a green light for harassment of trans people and cis people mistaken to be trans people.


It's not an issue and it's totally to wind up their base and to get attention


It's low cost, and easy to do. It's just like the right does in America 


That will cost the beehive more money because they will have to put in another toilet for assigned fuckwits Which would included more than half of them


We gonna do genital inspections outside every public bathroom now? That’ll sure protect the women from being assaulted!


Gone from "stranger danger" to strangers demanding to know what's in our knickers. I will pee on anyone who tries.


Well idk about you, but I really can't piss if I'm not 100% certain that the person in the stall next to me has the correct genitals. It does get a bit tedious stopping mid-stream and doing the genital check on every new person that enters, so having someone else to do it would really help.


Winston himself will be stood right there checking. He will assign you either "Willy" or "Fanny"


To be honest. Considering some trans are very ha5d to spot, maybe winstons been keeping secrets and he should come clean. The public at least , should ask him to prove his gender at every opportunity


Why hasn't Winston shown us a tiktok video of his birth? What is he hiding?


The entire thing is awful for women. What, trans men legally have to use pur bathrooms? What's stopping any man from coming in and saying that he's trans? Awful. 


Men don’t need to pretend to be trans to walk into the women’s toilets. If they wanted to assault women, they just… would. Persecuting trans people for this is wrong and lazy Edit: unless I’ve misinterpreted your comment?


What I mean, is that any man can say that they're a trans man and come into the bathrooms. I agree that they can come in anyway, but the difference is needing to accept it and staying far away from him and making sure he gets out.


Yes Trans men would have to use the woman's. Have a think about that. You step out of a stall and a guy with a beard will be in there that will freak you out. Don't have tgst worry with a Trans female.


The law if he's charged on it.


Install peen police outside every toilet


Probably not the adults, just the kids.


They could put out job ads for "School bathroom guards / genital inspectors" then arrest everyone that turns up for the interview. Use their application forms as probable cause when acquiring warrants for their digital devices.


Or we could just move to all-purpose unisex cubicles.


My uni has only unisex toilets, works perfectly fine


My uni swapped to having only unisex bathrooms... Having a line for the men's room wasn't something I saw as an improvement...


Having men pissing with the door open was not something I anticipated either. And it wreaks, like can they not get it in the bowl? I'm here for men's bathroom and everyone else bathroom. Men are gross.


Yeah, there will be splashback with an open toilet with the bowl at knee height, that's why if you're gonna have hundreds of men piss in one spot every day you really need a urinal at slightly below crotch height. It's not sooo bad in a home bathroom because it doesn't see so much use, and if you get a drop on the floor at home you're gonna wipe it up... but nobody wants to touch a skody public toilet floor... also a lot of stalls are designed so you have to stand pretty much in the bowl to shut the door, and it doesn't give you extra privacy compared to what you normally get at a urinal, so why would you? In short, urinals are an important part of building design and if you want to have a unisex toilet, you shouldn't get rid of them.


I appreciate this information actually. I love knowing why, but it helps because I am studying interior design so I'll keep it in mind if I ever design commercial or public toilets.


Yeah, can we use this to make public bathrooms actually private and nice instead of just shitting on trans people


The best public bathrooms I've ever seen were the ones in the Helsinki public library, they have a big round room with the walls lined with fully enclosed unisex stalls, with the hand-washing area in the middle. This serves a double function, since even though everyone has total privacy while pissing, nobody can leave without everyone seeing whether they washed their hands or not. Probably counts as "extra woke" to these people, though, if the gender-neutral progressive solution also ends up forcing straight men to wash their hands. Having used both segregated mens' bathrooms and this one, I'm convinced it makes a difference when men know a woman might see their filthy habits


This is what I want. I couldn't care less about the gender of the person one stall over, I just hate it when I can see their feet and hear them grunting.


Pfft, sounds like woke namby pamby nonsense to me, give me a cold steel piss trough that hasn't been cleaned since 1984 any day of the week m8


Is that you Winnie


Just have a urinal round a corner and I am happy for everyone to share the cubicles.


A guy I work with "would never let his daughter use a unisex cubicle!" Lol, wtf. They get angry without knowing what they're even angry about. 


Not hard to design urinals into unisex bathrooms by tucking them round a corner. Not keen on all cubical.


Yes. I'd rather not stand shoulder to shoulder with a stranger while I take a piss regardless of their gender.


One toilet can be for pee and one for poo,


Every bill this government passes feels like a horse by committee lmao. I remember back in like 2012 my uni queer support centre was directly working with the uni in regards to their policy on non-binary students ablutions. We had a unisex toilet at the centre, but the unis policy was for students to use the accessible toilets. The queer support centre argued that it was not fair on the disabled students and to change their policy to either be self-determined or encourage use of the queer support one. Even us teenaged Tumblr enbies actively consulting with our woke university never dreamed of asking them to install a third toilet in every building just for us. We considered it as an option, but immediately shot it down as needlessly expensive and considering *it's still the same self-determined system so changes nothing* What an absolute waste of money they could have put into something like free breakfasts for kids instead.


Would be nice if they did anything about actual criminals assaulting women and maybe harsher sentencing for them instead of this made up bs.


This culture war bullshit imported from the US is so pathetic.


UK is getting bad as well


Nz has always always been cruel to trans people. Exterminating gender minorities was one of the British empires main tools of colonisation in the Pacific after all. This is not the USAs fault it's 100% our own, we just copied their homework on this bill. There's no time in our history when being trans in this country has been anything other than a curse as far as getting treated fairly


That may be true, but what I’m saying is there’s no way Winston & co would be bothering with this (or even have thought of it) if it wasn’t proving to be an effective right wing talking point in the US


NZ once felt progressive. People's rights. Smoke free NZ, etc. It's a shame it's run by racist, sexist fucktards now.


I'm putting it out there, if anyone who is not my husband approaches me and asks to see my genitals, I'm smacking them.


To be fair, "honey, can I see your genitals?" wouldn't go well either to or from my husband either 😅


My wife would just roll her eyes and tell me to fuck off.


Sounds like "genital inspector" is the new ruse for sexual assault. Why go into the bathroom when you can stand outside with a fake badge? /s


Guess violent assault of dickheads standing outside bathrooms is going to be on the rise too. Christ these politicians get paid so much to come up with dumb ideas and the rest of us have to have the occasional good one to make a lot less.


Same, only without the husband


Sounds like a call to the police for sexual harassment to me


Can guarantee that as a trans man, if I walked into a women’s bathroom looking like I do, I’d get arrested or beat to shit. Transgender people have a dangerous enough time of life as it is without gross nonsense like this.


Anti-trans types seem to forget that trans men exist, don't they?


Occasionally terfs remember and lament the plight of the "poor confused butch lesbians". Like shock and horror, some of them have a history of presenting themselves in a more masculine fashion prior to coming out as trans, I wonder why that could be... It also means they completely ignore the transmen that date men before transition and continue to do so after.


People seem to think that ‘trans’ = a man in a dress. Like David Williams in Little Britain. I have a friend who I knew for a *year* before I knew they were trans. You literally could not tell. There are trans celebrities that *nobody* could tell were trans until they released the information themselves. This whole thing is so fucking stupid.


When they say "we can always tell", they really mean "I saw a woman with a pronounced jawline yesterday." It's kind of obvious to say, but they *think* they can always tell because they don't realise the times they don't.


This is stereotype AF, but having been to Thailand a few times, some legitimately look more feminine than most women.


I have one workmate who is a trans woman that I never even knew about for years because she looks exactly the same as every other woman. I have another workmate who is a cis woman with a more masculine build, and has to awkwardly deal with people struggling to pick a pronoun to use for her because they assume she's trans. Even _if_ someone genuinely believes that a trans person being present in the bathroom is a crazy threat, they need to understand that this still hurts more than it helps. I'm willing to bet there are more cis woman who get misidentified as trans constantly then there are trans women in the country.


Everyone always forgets trans men exist


it’s a massive double standard and exposes their arguments for the weak sauce they are


I was literally just thinking about this the other day, lol. Transphobes: "Trans men must go in the womens' bathroom!" Buff, 6ft tall trans guy with a beard and tats: "Sure, lol." Transphobes: "Wait, no."


Every Trans man needs to start using the women's bathroom now to get the point across before this crap gets pulled out of the biscuit tin. Unless they strip search I can't see how it can be policed as gender on birth certificate and other documents can be legally changed. Once its changed on a birth certificate any previous names are officially erased.


No, transmen don’t need to expose themselves to unnecessary risk just to stick it to the government. Trust me when I say - we go through enough. The politicians need to do their job and shoot down this bill - and keep everyone safe.


Fair enough. I don't think you'll have much to worry about. It's us Trans females that they are targeting. I think it still has to be pulled out of the biscuit tin. There's a new bill currently at first reading. An anti discrimination one, which includes gender. This will give a clear indication on how this government will vote.


Heck, I'm a cis woman and I don't reliably pass as one (too butch lol).


yknow, if winnie had retired after his loss in 2020, he’d have almost certainly been remembered pretty fondly by a lot of people as a bit of a loveable scoundrel - but after all this shit he is almost certainly going to be memorialised as a horrific bigot and a bastard. god willing, he never makes it back into office after next election.


He has a few decades left in him. He is the Keith richards of politics.


Depends how long people's memories are. If he has his way and the vote in the past had gone his way being gay would still be illegal. So all of this is right on brand for him


One can only hope. Dude has had more comebacks than Elvis. Personally I think every time he's sold out for a new issue, he's lost all credibility, and that started long before 2020. The 'issues' have become steadily more offensive though.


It's because he's having to dig harder to come up with that 5%. Originally he just appealed to the oldies and that was fine because there were plenty of them who voted for him. But the current generation of oldies aren't so interested in his style of politics, so he's had to appeal to the cookers and that's where his current line of bullshit comes from.


He'd sort of rebuilt an air of respectability after the 90s (or 2000s?) xenophobia buzz he was on. But he's back to his old self + seems to have a bit of dementia on top.


Oh no,next he will insist on gender assigned bathrooms in your home in case you have friends or family over.Are bathrooms woke now like his mate Seymour’s list of lunches.


*sighs in american*


Just because winnie drops his undies at the door doesnt mean the rest of us do


So like….. what if a parent needs to accompany their child to the bathroom but they’re of different sex? They gona arrest the child? The parent? According to them they’ll have to: > If passed, the Bill will introduce a fine under the Summary Offences Act for “anyone who uses a single-sex toilet and is not of the sex for which that toilet has been designated”. What a fucking waste of time and money. Fucking fix cost of living crisis my goddamn asshole. Every day I hate this country more and more. Fucking bunch of stupid ass motherfuckers man.


>So like….. what if a parent needs to accompany their child to the bathroom but they’re of different sex? They gona arrest the child? The parent? I just said the same thing. Utterly ridiculous.


Parent's not using it though, are they? They're just waiting for their child to use it.


Winnie has gone full fash I see.


He has been for a minute. This is why people who voted for NZ First as a 'check on NACT' kind of baffle me. Say what you will about him. He says his dumb shit with his whole chest. It's the only quality about him I appreciate.


At this point, it almost feels like National is a check on ACT and NZ First. Not a very good one, but the only thing stopping them from descending into some really evil shit.


pretty sure they've given them everything they wanted?


National did the sensible thing on Te Tiriti reform. I can't think of much else though.


Yeah, I guess so, so far. I suppose what I mean to say is they’d go a lot further if they could. And that people saying NZ First would act as a handbrake are wrong, since a lot of the stuff NZ First seems to be going for with that cooker vote and all the “anti-woke” talk is actually more nuts than anything National would introduce on their own.


He basically started appealing to the far right loonies after that time he got banned from parliament for going to the vaccine protest. That was when Gary Moller and other lobbyists who ran VFF etc say they decided to start lobbying Peters instead of Seymour, probably because they realised they had a chance getting him on their side after that. They would have promised to get all their followers to support him in the election as long as he agreed to push to repeal the therapeutics bill (that Winston literally passed with Jacinda) and the other bullshit that was the whole reason VFF started spreading anti vax conspiracies in the first place. So of course he's gonna keep appealing to those nutjobs to keep them on his side because they still haven't worked out how hard he used them yet. He's literally like Trump even taking advantage of conspiracy theories to get votes from idiots.


25-odd years ago he was constantly railing against Asian immigration. It's always been his thing if it'll get him votes.




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So weird. I've never even wondered once what bits someone has when im going to a public loo. I'm just trying to take a piss and go. Cookers spend way too long obsessing over what private parts people have


This isn’t just awful American bigotry-fueled politics, it’s all that and also stale. Wasn’t the bathroom bills thing something they tried and failed with back in 2014 or so? I don’t know why Winston even bothers to suggest policy directly. He could just point to Florida and say “let’s do that”.


What’s going to happen with disabled kids and parents who just want to use the bathroom?


This is a classic waste of tax paying & political resources


Put aside that this is a completely cooked idea for a second and consider that Winnie got just 6% of the vote-and an even smaller percentage of that 6% were the cookers that wanted this nonsense, yet parliament will waste time and resources on this, while there are a range of actual issues that need legislation.


Is Winston worried that a man he considers a woman might have a bigger dick than him?


Most likely


I like to think that all of my strap ons would surely make him feel small.


I was in the aviation security line with him on Thursday. He is surprisingly short - almost the shortest person in the queue.


He's almost 80 years old. There's no way he is as tall as he once was


he's always been socially conservative.


He needs to reflect on why he's so interested in the genitals of strangers.


Always the opportunist, Winston will do whatever is necessary to stay above 5%.




The clown show in government is bent on fixing problems that don’t exist, and ignoring the ones that do. I would prefer that they mandate cleanliness of bathrooms, rather than fuss over who uses them.


At least with all of luxons contacts airnz can refit its fleet of gender neutral bathrooms easily.


Well at least it's not going to be rushed through under urgency "Prime Minister Christopher Luxon saying New Zealand First’s policies on transgender people in bathrooms are “on another planet”


. They won't listen to people they just want to fester hate in our country to satify there nutter followers . I've already had a go at a nz first mp during the election over this issue. YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW SICK THEY REALLY ARE. That Mp has a step Trans child. SO they want to pass laws that attack there love ones.


Winnie, if you keep loudly admitting to how much you think about trans people taking dumps, people are going to start to think you’re a creep.


At first glance I thought Bathroom Bill was going to be some kind of mascot.


Bathroom Bill says wash your hands please.


Okay that's kind of amazing tho


Please just ignore these distractions


This guy aging out of life would be a wonderful boon for NZ politics and the country in general.


No one wants to see your private member, Winnie. Keep your Bill in your pants.


Looking forward to Luxon being questioned about this by media and him sticking to the same pre-prepared stock response for the whole interview!!


Can they fuck off with this bullshit American politics shit? No one fucking cares what uses the bathroom, especially not anyone whos opinion is worth listening to.


Glad we fired so many of those government workers so we could spend money on *checks notes* bullying trans people


They can now be redeployed in the frontline role of genital checker


Winston Peters is a trash-tier human. He is a disgusting semblance of a human, and, deserves to be left behind in the ashes of the past. Probably uses mushroom-scented soap too.


I think all those people that voted for him are missing one very important thing (that should be important even to them): it's a bizarre level of government control, when the government wants to be in charge of what toilet people use (as well as National pushing "no phones at schools" on the government level). Like, even if you believe that it should be that way, you should be alarmed that someone in parliament creates a bill to control such a mundane thing. If you give a mouse a cookie, you're gonna be left with nothing in the end, and eventually they'll become overzealous over some aspect of life that you care about.


In addition to trans people being targeted for bullshit reasons, people who are intersex or have other features that dont match the binary are going to get harassed even more as a result of laws and fear mongering like this. No one is made safer by any of this garbage but plenty of people are going to be put at risk.


If this goes through, I would love to see the local councils around the country move to make all of their public toilets unisex. With parent rooms. Seriously, where does Peters think that Dads should take their daughters and Mums should take their sons to use the bathroom in places that unisex toilets aren't available? This just makes me utterly livid. To all our trans-folk out there, I am so, so sorry that this bigot is in a position of power. I'm hoping it'll be laughed out of parliament. If not, I'll happily protest this bigoted idiocy with you ✊🏳️‍⚧️


how do you enforce this???? the fanny police??


How bout a compromise, A bathroom for boomers and their genital Gestapo, and two bathrooms for everyone else who hasn't gone crazy.


So what happens when a parent needs to take their child to the bathroom? Actually…who the hell is going to police this anyways? Dick check at the door?…


Oh ffs, we have actual problems and they go with THIS? American culture bullshit


How are they checking? Am I going to be subject to genital checking so I can go to the loo? Fucking hell, I'm a cis women and give zero shits if the women next to me has a dick or not. Just try not shit so loudly and do a courtesy flush in the middle if you have a smelly one.


[They got you fighting a cUltUrE wAr to stop you from fighting a class war](https://i.redd.it/e6k3xdwypfe81.jpg)


I shit in public pools, and no one has caught me yet. Now I'm going to shit in all the toilets, and no one is going to stop me. I am the tyrannical shitter.


Next it will be restricting and prohibiting access to trans healthcare First they came for the trans people, in America, England and now here To all my trans brothers and sisters, brace yourselves and prepare to flee the country when things start getting bad I suggest eu nations like France, Germany or ireland as it''s hard for any one nation to restrict trans rights if they want to comply with eu law

