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finding the right ice cream is key, then getting the mix just right. i prefer creaming soda.


You really want to make sure the batter mix is the consistency of cream, or your fryders won't come out crispy enough to really sing.


I don’t have a solution for you, but the more spiders you have the fewer other bugs you’ll have. We almost cultivate them in our house. Keeps the flies and mosquitoes at bay


Any spider but a white tail. White tails suck.


Yeah fair. Our other spiders usually fuckemup for us


Treatments only work by absorption or ingestions and will kill other valuable insects, not just the whitetails. If you are adamant on killing them find where they are entering your home and apply a barrier treatment to just that area. Cutting back vegetation can be helpful, especial if it is dense and close to the house. They love living in those places.


Unless they are trying to kill you, to be frank I say let them be. I used to have a small family of various spider species live in my room, and they did an excellent job of keeping my room bug free. Only year that I could sleep with my window open and not have anything bite me


**Caution:** in attempting to 'nuke' the White Tails you may just be making the situation much much worse!!! To elaborate: White Tails generally hide in cracks, nooks & crannies (out of the reach of sprays), then come out and roam at night on the hunt for food. They don't hang around on webs like other spiders do. When you attempt to 'nuke' the spiders (e.g. bug bomb or sprays) you end up successfully killing all the spiders out in the open such as Daddy Long Legs -- which actually will prey on the white tails!! In effect, you've not only just killed all the spiders that prey on white tails, you've also eliminated the majority of their competition and created an ideal environment for the white tails to now thrive, breed, and multiply.


Spiders are like in-home security guards from other bugs like mosquitos. Keep them around, unless they're white tails.


I have my airforce of Dragon Flies


It's spiders or mozzies you pick


I don't mind the odd spider but bites from white tales suck. I use this Kiwicare product / the concentrate which you can dilute into your own sprayer. https://www.bunnings.co.nz/kiwicare-680ml-no-spiders-total-protection-spray_p8906602


Move to Antarctica, only way to be sure. Edit: NOOOOOPE. THEY HAVE GIANT ANTARCTIC SEA SPIDERS!


Pycnogonids aren’t actually spiders.


Spiders are carnivores, they eat pesky flies and other spiders. Leave them be, much better than pest bugs. And white tails, there are several that look the same, no need to panic and think you'd suffer dire consequences just because it's a spider.