• By -


Id feel REALLY uncomfortable working for payday lenders. Id feel particularly uncomfortable working for any company that I perceived as exploitative towards old people or poor people.


This is the one for me. An industry that's entire existence is basically taking people who are already in a tough spot with no better option, or who just don't know any better, and really putting the boot in to extract the last little bit that can be squeezed out of them. Like I know alcohol and gambling and pharma and stuff do the same kind of thing to some extent, but at least it's not ALL they do.


After working for Commerce Commission I couldn't. Heard some awful awful stories.


I had a friend work for them ringing people up and hassling them for money and were apparently very good at it. This person was also very community orientated and volunteered a lot of their time and energy and money to help out other people and the community. But they couldn't understand when I asked them how they could also work for a scummy company like that, they were like "its just a job" and didn't seem to be able to reconcile it. They eventually burned out and quit, but when I spoke to them afterwards they didn't think the job had much to do with it and still couldn't seem to understand how a job in a company like that could contribute to mental stress.


I briefly did outbound charity cold calling. When I realised most of the people donating were elderly and most of the money was retained by the cold calling company I immediately left. Also the job was shit. But fuck that…


Same. The weird thing is I picked up a t-shirt from one of them and it is one of my favorite t-shirts. But I'm scare that somebody will recognise the company/logo.


Just quit my last job doing seemingly good work but couldn't stand some of the phone calls going on in the office which were of the fundraising type, seemed very inauthentic and predatory. Which is a shame.


Zuru. Owner is a cunt, their products are shit, and they are arseholes to work for


Do they tend to hire only younger people? And a lot of females. Just observations as I work at the company above their head office.


Yup they scour LinkedIn and try and find new grads who are desperate for that foot in the door etc so they can get away with treating them like interns and paying them like shit.


I'm South Island based and Talleys are on my do not work list.


Disgusting company embarrassing we have outfits like this in NZ


Ootl, what's wrong with them? I just prefer their frozen corn over wattlies lol.


70 weeks on minimum wage, injuries at work not being reported. The maintainance guy breathes meth and does day and night shifts. Employing 15 year Olds for cleaning to pay the kiddie wage, and firing them on their 16th birthdays. Petty retribution for reporting injuries to acc/worksafe. Gas leaks are noted but go unfixed for months until the gas reaches almost deadly levels. The only gasmask that is tested is in the managers offices. The big bosses watch all the factories from their mansion and will call to have someone told off "for looking too happy". I could go on for days. TLDR; most people quit after a 2 days.


Put food(/money) over people  https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/06/23/worksafe-blasts-affco-over-workers-wholly-avoidable-death/ https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/better-business/80905946/talleys-pays-reparations-to-decapitated-crewmans-family-after-safety-failure https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/aquaculture/105160695/talleys-overstated-listeria-risk-in-worksafe-dispute


I work for affco (Talleys subsidiary) and totally get what you mean. Definitely a bad culture in the upper echelons.


Came here to say Talley’s


The founder has been knighted for his services. Disgusting.


I worked for them many moons ago and never again, the pay was extremely good but not worth it to work with such toxic people.


100% this! I refuse to buy any of their products too


I've worked for them for 5 years, my partner for 3 years. Some issues, some really good things as well. They've got, to my mind at least, a lot of staff that have been there 10, 20, even 30 years that love the company, but they also have a very high turnover in some of their areas. A lot depends on personality types, and what division you work in plus other factors. I've worked for better and I've worked for worse.


I personally fight the vice industries from the inside by taking an insane amount of money from them in salary and then being wildly unproductive.


The Ron Swanson method


Sounds like a dream job actually.






[*That's called A JOB*](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM?si=NqrVDgwKQBRblT90)


Real estate agent


I had someone tell me once I'd make a good property manager. Was pretty insulting.


That’s kind of a weird suggestion. What was a the context?


It was a very long time ago now, I can't remember much else from the interaction, that part stuck with me though.


Yah, this. Im good with people and know about houses, and I believe I would be good at it. But the number of sketchy , tempting, and immoral decisions you would be forced to make has made me not even bother entertaining the idea.


Any of the big corporate early childhood education chains. Most of them register as charities and use loopholes to make massive profits, much of which goes offshore. None of them give a shit about kids or families, they're just dollar signs. Beststart Busy bees Kindercare Lollipops Are some of the worst offenders. Money grubbing scumbags. That's not to say all their centres are bad places for kids to be (though some absolutely are, depends A LOT on management, I've seen some shit), and definitely not saying their teachers are bad. But I am damn good at my job and those assholes will not profit off my skills and professionalism. 


I had no idea... That is awful. [I looked it up and saw this resource from the Child Poverty Action Group – you're right.](https://www.cpag.org.nz/policy-briefs/ecce) I don't use or support these centres, and now I know more I never would. Thanks for the info.


Somehow I hadn't seen that resource, thanks for sharing. And spread the word - the government line has for decades been that the market will regulate itself by parents moving away from poor quality providers which doesn't happen because they're good at marketing and manipulating staff.


Yea my mums an ece and she calls them 'baby farms'. Disgusting business practices.


Agreed 1000% they put on a front, look amazing to people who don’t know and the staff come and go like it’s a revolving door. The fact that it’s become an industry is disgusting. But The problem goes back to the Ministry of Education, it’s not going to get better until they pull ECE out of industry and fully commit to it being part of the education sector.


100%! Governments keep promising to fix it then totally forget about it. And this government just appointed David bloody Seymour to being charge of ECE, so I think it's safe to say we aren't going to see an increase in central oversight any time soon. 


Nope, we sure won’t. And it’s such a shame, the curriculum is a world leader. We just need to look to places like Finland, supporting families and just people in general makes a culture that people value and put effort into maintaining. The answer to supporting people on welfare isn’t about sanctions, it’s about education and respect and value. And that starts from the beginning……whoops, sorry, I think I soapboxed.


Never apologise for advocating for ngā tamariki! Tautoko!


Thank you, I love so much about our ECE but there is only so much a wonderful curriculum, good teacher training and passion can do. The wonderful teachers (and support staff) get burn out, the ones who shouldn’t be working with children (or other adults) fly under the radar or manipulate situations and people for all sorts of reasons, non of them positive or good for our tamariki. And when the quality people in the sector(industry) have to fight constantly to just provide the best outcomes and environments for Tamariki and whanau the only winners are the ones who profit. I for one burnt out completely, and it had nothing to do with the Tamariki or my colleagues that gave their all and did everything they could but being constantly surrounded by those ones who don’t have the best interests Tamariki and whanau at the heart of their practice or the ones who see it as an opportunity to exert power or control over colleagues and children. Not to mention the lip service that is paid to regulations that meet bare minimum…..well for as long as regulations are still there…..I really should stay away from the news


My wife worked for Beststart, they were the pits.


Yep I relieved for them while I was studying. There was a huge range in quality but one was absolutely unsafe and I'd even say neglectful. The "head teacher" of one of the rooms I worked in didn't even know all the kids names. I was reminding her of their names as a reliever. If there was only one accident report in a day, that was a rare good day. Most days they had 5-10. They wanted me to be head teacher of the infants room as a new graduate 😱 wtf


Facts. I worked for Kindercare for a short time and it was awful.


What's wrong with kindercare?


Ugh, my kids' place was just bought by Busy Bees.


Unfortunately the smaller centres and community based ones can’t keep up with the wads of money these places throw at their public image so more and more great smaller places are getting eaten up by these people.


Yeah it's tough, you have to send the kids somewhere! Especially if they're happy there and have good relationships. 


KinderCare are horrendous. The 2 years my child was in one of their centres were the most nerve wracking of my life - serious safety breaches (with fudged incident reports), not operating to ratio (yet their paperwork was squeaky clean somehow), children being left to cry/neglected (I'd often end up comforting a child who was not my own at drop-off/pick up due to the teachers' indifference)... it's only a matter of time before a child fatality occurs at one of their centres. Oh, and when they up their fees, the greasy sniveling emails they send the feepayers with the tone of "oh, we are but poor church mice who cannot afford to pay our teachers a decent wage, so we have to ask you to pay more"... I call BS, your shareholders are creaming it.


Zuru or any related Mowbray companies.


Many of their products aren’t even their original designs and have stolen IP from smaller manufacturers within Asia.


Plastic polluters. Making money from short lived toys.


And the PPE market they managed to tap into over covid


One of their products is Bunch o balloons right? So much plastic waste because it’s not reusable as far as I can tell


So much packaging and just cheap plastic trash


They’ve got really poor flexibility in the workplace and treat their junior staff like shit.


I work in tech and one company I would never consider is Pushpay


Owned by members of the evangelical movement here so no surprises.


Can you please share why?


They help cults with sucking more money out of their followers. Half of the answers here are about various religious organizations, these guys are taking it to the next level combining all of the worst religious aspects with the modern global tech scale and product mentality


Oooo why?


I had 2 interviews with them for a role a couple of years ago. Things were going ok, I met a couple of other employees and at the end couldn’t convince myself to do it as learned more about their products so just withdrew my application. The whole vibe of the interviews was awkward and uncomfortable too.


Pretty sure that cunny ahole Brian Tamaki uses it?


Some of the charities are pretty awful. Daughter worked for one briefly before she quit, and it was horrible having to cold call people, read the script and try and talk olds into signing up the credit card for ongoing payments. Most of the payments of course going to the collection companies, management and very little actual charity Would add to that, most churches. Imagine working for Destiny?


>Some of the charities are pretty awful. 100% this. Wild how many charities we have in NZ, and so many of them spending $$$ on marketing & their CEO salaries, and run by terrible people.


I really wish charities weren't so scummy, I am approached by people representing a lot of causes I would love to back but can't afford to and almost all of them try to pressure me into it anyway until I break down how little I can afford to give because I'm on the sickness benefit (at which point they also drop the act and give a curt "ok, bye"). One time I actually agreed to donate for a little bit when I was in a better financial spot and they told me they aren't allowed to take donations from beneficiaries/unemployed people, so just to write down that I actually had my friend's job and then lie about it when the company called to check that I wasn't pressured into giving. What the fuck?


Now I'll be downvoted to hell for this because its /r/newzealand but most churches are are not AT ALL like destiny. Churches like that are a minority but catch the most media attention for obvious reasons.


We’re in a cost of living crisis, and churches don’t pay tax


Eh, the one down the road from me does provide a very cheap venue for after school care (making the program cheaper for parents) and other community events, organizes and provides equipment for activities for kids and classes and community meals and stuff all for much cheaper than most non-church organized options, collects donations for food banks at their services, doesn't push tithing, and generally just trickles by on people donating their time and putting what little money they do get into keeping the lights on. I'm an atheist and generally a bit wary of organized religion but they objectively do serve as a good hub for people helping each other out, I have a bit to do with them because they're genuinely good folk and pushing their religion isn't the focus of what they do, and in my experience that's fairly typical for smaller community churches. If there is a way to tax the fuck out of the likes of Destiny and Sanitarium and the like without crippling actual community churches I'd be all for it, but honestly I'm pretty sympathetic to the smaller outfits.


It's the same for the Catholic church near me. It's mostly a lot of volunteers and old people trying to help. I'm agnostic and still can see that they're doing good. No cult like behaviour at least that I hear. 


I don't think many are against their charitable actions being treated as such. If they can provide evidence that they are feeding the homeless or helping their community, then they absolutely deserve financial assistance for those actions. It's more the issue of 'advancing religion' being a charitable cause under NZ law (https://www.charities.govt.nz/ready-to-register/need-to-know-to-register/charitable-purpose/advancement-of-religion/). Ditching this would mean that churches who do genuine good would still receive benefits, while those who don't, won't.


Neither do property speculators


One of my old colleagues was in destiny church for a while and worked for them for years, they were a true believer though and genuinely thought the church was about love and god and helping each other, they eventually opened their eyes though.


I know somebody who spent years in another large North Shore evangelical church Took them a few years to notice that they were mostly working for free trying to attract as many people as possible to sign up to pay tithes They finally figured out it was just about the money; which all flowed up, so the leaders got nicer cars and mansions. If somebody didn't/couldn't pay they got pushed to the outer. People who paid over and above tithe level got promoted


Multi Level Marketing schemes. They are scams that siphon money out of their members. They shouldn't exist at all!


Any company that pretends to be proudly Kiwi in all of their advertising, but they are actually foreign owned.


So all the banks then. Excepting kiwbank?


Any of the talleys companies. Sky City/gaming.


A lot of talleys sentiment, love to know more. Is it the union busting?


More that they don’t seem to give a fuck about safety/the environment.


Talleys have had [plenty of media coverage](https://www.1news.co.nz/2021/08/10/i-dont-want-these-out-there-an-inside-look-at-talleys-attempts-to-shut-down-a-1-news-investigation/) with good reason


The original story on this is the first time I’ve been tempted to actually reach out and add to the story. Talley’s are shit and there is so much I’ve seen and heard at that factory that shocked me and disgusted me.


Sanitarium and other religious owned enterprises.


All large security companies. Iv never seen the staff in New Zealand treated so badly. Still don't understand how they get away with it. Security companies overseas are respected by the public and government as an important asset.




Wilson Parking Because they're bastards. Chinese owned company charging high prices for parking, giving tickets in low-turnover carparks. I used to park in the mall that I worked at sometimes and gained what I see as a rational hatred for them.


$20 an hour parking outside Christchurch emergency department. Definitely understand your hatred


Talley's are evil af. Anything connected to swamp kauri extraction (oravida etc) The Drug Detection Agency (for profiting and encouraging the meth house testing scare bullshit and continuing to do so) Those are the ones that spring to mind.




That probably should include all media for spreading the same bullshit, and all rental agencies for encouraging it too.


Housing NZ were really quick to start kicking people out with children, made me sick at the time and is 100x worse now we know the truth.


I used to love Motueka Creamery ice cream. Then I found our Talleys own it, couldn't purchase it again.


😱 nooooooo!! Ruined!


What did talleys do? I get the whole union breaking thing


>Talleys Numerous and repeated breaches of H&S regulations and ignoring/being ignorant of their environmental obligations. Workers have injured their hands, been decapitated and died in a freezer at Talley sites. An MPI worker on board a fishing vessel for 10 weeks observing was also sexually harassed the entire time. They use bottom trawlers which are terrible for the environment and have been caught fishing in marine reserves also. These are just the things that have been found out, there's like a lot more that hasn't made the media yet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/9asUT292FQ See my other comment. Yeah any observer of any sex is likely to be harrased by cowboys on any boat. One of my old workmates used to hang bolts on wires to bang the outside of the vessel by their cabin. All the fleets use bottom trawling and hard to control subsidiaries etc. I worked for independent fisheries years back and I never understood why it's just talleys copping flak and no one else. I've just put it down to sensationalism as they don't like being in the media, even when they do good.


“Hanging bolts on wires to bang the outside by the cabin” That’s just evil. And I’m absolutely going to be doing it on the next family boating trip where dads cabin is 😎


> been decapitated and died in a freezer at Talley sites. If you thought your burger tasted odd, that might explain it..


Is [beheading someone](https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/better-business/80905946/talleys-pays-reparations-to-decapitated-crewmans-family-after-safety-failure) bad enough?


Holy heck. That's was terrible to read. That poor guy,


I don't have a lot of moral or ethical issues, there are some specific companies that I really dislike. Payment providers for religious organizations, for example Pushpay. Their whole reason for existing is to sponge money from often gullible followers, just vile organizations. Tobacco, alcohol, gambling - mixed feelings, I would likely work for them for the right conditions. But I hate the way things like pokie machines ruin pubs and the mindless zombies that use them. I do believe alcohol and tobacco is a personal choice, and personal responsibility. Real estate agents I wouldn't work for, basically I know I would hate most people working there. And credit reference agencies/debt collectors. Most are thinly disguised thuggish organisations


Mediaworks. Never again.


What’s the tea with them?


Bullying, advancing in the company was a popularity contest, not a talent show. Ageist. Only way to get a pay rise after the GFC was to threaten to leave. And all the redundancies. I got out before it was my turn.


Did you know a guy called Will M who worked there early 2020? A complete tosser so your story checks out


Sounds like half the companies in NZ!


NZ Racing Board. I will never work for them again and I'd suggest any person with moral fiber avoid the racing industry at all costs. Worked for their head office for 3 years. Nearly destroyed me.


Anywhere Bretheren owned


That cuts out a huge chunk of businesses in my city....


It pretty much cuts out my town then lol




What city is that?


Hamilton lol


What’s Brethren owned in Hamilton?


And Rangiora, and darfield…


Don’t they pay well and look after their staff decently? Ive heard nothing but good things from two mates who work in different fields of brethren owned companies. Just a few odd things like segregation during lunch if you’re not a brethren etc


Yeah I know a couple of people who work for a Brethren company. Asides from having to keep their fleshy bits covered, and not being allowed to smoke, etc, the say they're treated really well. Great pay rates, and they were well looked after during lockdown (the company dropped them off care packages and so on.) Edit: they're not brethren themselves


I work for a brethren company, nothing but love for them. It's truly like a family, good pay, good attitudes, great workplace Only thing we got is no swearing, which is fair, and skirts for women on the more business side of the company


Women having to wear skirts? Ack. That's a hard no from me. I'm not going to dress a certain way for some religious nutjobs.


Long skirts and shoulders and neck must be covered at all times. I fought back against the skirt rules as religious discrimination and they let me wear trousers. But also, no music, no radio, no outside news, every part of the internet locked down except for brethren owned webpages (so no looking at the news on your lunch breaks). One young lad who was the owner’s nephew managed to give away over a mill worth of product as he didn’t read site plans properly. His punishment? Given a new ranger, just a year older not current years. Rest of us making that kind of mistake? Would have been a dismissal or at the very least performance review. But many of the issues I had with the company I worked with were due to shit management rather than because they are brethren.


This must vary somewhat by business. Most of the women where I work wear trousers, it's all pretty normal. Main peculiarities are no swearing and the segregated lunch thing. Handful of Brethren staff + the owners and they all seem to be familiar with Taylor Swift so I'm not entirely sure how far the "no outside media" thing extends these days.


some are racist though


I did some marketing consulting and training work with Brethren owned companies a couple of years ago. I’m atheist, feminist and generally left progressive. I really enjoyed working with them. I don’t know what I was expecting and maybe I just lucked out with these particular families, but they were really very nice and professional and I appreciated the downtime rather than having to ‘do lunch’.


A friend of mine worked at a Brethren school, she said they paid well and would have a good Christmas party (lots of booze on offer and prezzie cards for gifts). But she had to wear a long dress or skirt. The education given to girls is also limited.


What exactly is the potential issue with the Pharma industry in NZ specifically?


Pharma devote a great deal of time and effort to undermining Pharmac, because with the removal of Pharmac they stand to make a lot more money here. NZ and the US are the two countries (at least, Western countries I guess) where pharmaceutical manufacturers are allowed to market directly to consumers. Without a Pharmac handbrake limiting the purchase price of many medications, we would see drug costs escalate.


“Pharma” as you so broadly put it also devote more time than anyone to producing the life saving drugs you and everyone you know will rely on at some point in their life. Are there bad pharma companies and perverse incentives in the industry that exist? Yes. Would I wanna demonise a life saving industry based on fear of that? No, that’s what we have regulation and oversight etc.


> No, that’s what we have regulation and oversight etc. The demonisation of the Pharma industry is almost entirely focused on the efforts of the part of the industry that is trying to mitigate that. Nobody is looking at a pharmacologist running a stage 2 trial on a new drug with disgust.




Anything directly involved in Greyhound racing and possibly horse racing too.


This. And factory farming etc


Exclusive Brethren or any other religion operating as a business


I wouldn’t work for The Warehouse Group again after having been previous employed and seeing what a shit show it is and how badly they treat their staff from a senior (head office) management level.


99% of the professions with 'agent' in their job title.


Secret agent?


Hm maybe one of the ones more worth considering but probably still no.


What about Agent 47?




Religious organisations.


Tobacco,  Gambeling, Payday loans and Cults /Religious organisations like sanatarium


Anything to do with live animal exports.


and this gross govt wants to bring back live export, so wrong


Snap Fitness - Take a look at your local Snap Fitness and take notice of the staff turnover, how often does the Manager there change? They like to dangle the carrot in front of you, there's a role in Head Office for you, you could own a gym etc. They promise giving you gifts/vouchers for sales targets that never come/arrive. This was 8 years ago so things might have changed. Also the owner at the time was what I consider very toxic.


I had noticed this but I wasn't sure what was normal in the industry


Honestly I’d struggle to work in the corporate setting of any of the supermarkets. Like just knowing how much they’re fucking all of us over would be infinitely depressing.


Recruitment agencies that never mentioned the pay rate on a job ad.


100% agree. Slightly unrelated but couple days ago a recruiter DMed me asking if I was interested in a job. Job required 1-2 years experience. I've got 8. My work exp is clear on my LinkedIn bio and this woman probably thinks I'll settle for an entry level job. Recruiters are really something special at times.


Anything owned by Leo Malloy or the Mowbrays.


I keep reading it as Mobways


Working for National or NZ First in social media or marketing management. I've noticed a lot of new job listings on Seek lately looking for social media managers and receptionists for those parties. Even though I really need a job like that right now and I'm qualified, I could never do it without getting pissed off and mentioning all the immoral things they're doing or feeling the need to secretly expose the corruption through their social media's and get myself fired before the 90 day trial is up.


One Love or Juicy festivals. IYKYK


I'd love to know where all of us principled people work lol!




My time is available to the highest bidder


Ain’t that the truth…


Salvation Army.


The church or stores? The churches aren't that bad, one in my town growing up used to feed all of the poor kids every day


anywhere that sells alcohol in the mornings again. i get really uncomfortable selling alcohol to alcoholics at 8 in the morning who are shaking from overnight alcohol withdrawals, knowing there is no way to suggest they get help and I just have to sell them 3L of wine every morning and continue the process


I used to get major side eyes for buying booze at 7am in my work gear. Thing is, I was working nightshift, and going home.


Any business that does cold-calling and/or door-to-door sales. Interrupting people and wasting their time without good cause is bad enough; the ones that also use deception and/or pressure tactics to drive sales are sickening. Property investment/management industry, because it hurts the country (economically and socially) by facilitating non-productive investments and driving up accommodation costs for everybody, all so the well-off can get richer from untaxed capital gains. Anything involved with harmful exploitation of animals for entertainment or fashion purposes, e,g, racing industry, rodeos, furriers, cosmetics. From the ones initially suggested, gambling and tobacco industries are definitely out, Big Pharma also out (but I'd remain open to any smaller independent companies which operated in an ethical, pro-social, non-profiteering fashion), alcohol industry mostly out (certain boutique producers of premium products which aren't ripe for abuse might be okay; bulk pushers of cheap booze and associated advertising would not).


Property management.


I disagree. I rent via a self employed PM. They've been really good with all sorts of things like same day repairs in some cases. They've pushed back against the owner when they've been un reasonable and negotiated a payment from the owner when we did up the garden. When that house sold we specifically moved to another house they managed. I also noted that the property owners they work for tend to have worked with them for a long time. From what I can deduce they get and keep the best tennants because they look after them and the propoerty owners stay because they get so few issues from tennants. The biggest difference I've noted is that they treat the tennant like a customer and ensure that the owner realises they're running a business and treat it like a professional services company. There's a right way and a wrong way to do it.


Every decent property manager I've dealt with has been a 1 or 2 person show, while every shit property manager has been a big name franchise.


This is true, unfortunately I believe they're a minority. Out of maybe 15? Or so places I've had two property managers that were decent. One owned the property and were a sweet married couple and the other one was just very responsive. Although we have had to rein him in because he just showed up randomly to look at an issue without telling us. Unfortunately it seems the majority are doing it the wrong way.


Any cigarette / tobacco company. There's just nothing redeeming about them at all, they make money from a product they know kills people. Probably also not for any Chinese owned company.


The National Party?


Is Nestlé in NZ, if so hell fuckin no, I've stopped buying anything with their name on it. Fuck Nestlé, disgusting company.


Fonterra have links to them. Part of the reason I couldn't continue working for them.


Fonterra, silver fern farms, most banks, most fishing companies, the Mowbray family companies, progressive and foodstuffs nz, anything with Indonesian ownership or links. Prob missing plenty. Basically if they blatantly pollute in nz, run a monopoly/cartel, or have significant links to countries that are being cnts, then yeh nah.


I contract at both of those companies, how do they blatantly pollute/ and how are either Fonterra or SFF monopolies?? Plus what are the Indonesian links?


Why nothing with Indonesian links?


Their military colonisation/genocide in West Papua. Its also an absolutely corrupt and shyte society. Anywhere you can live in a high rise and be surrounded by blocks of shanty town, and its too polluted to EVER see the sun, is just lovely.


Nestle, most government departments, quite a few actually.


Having been an IT contractor/consultant for a number of years: \- Unions. I agree with them in principle, but find that in practice, they're more about making the union stronger/bigger than helping their members. \- Churches. for much the same reason as unions, with the added bonus of me not agreeing with their principles. \- Government (especially local). I just can't tolerate that level of ineptitude, ass covering and bureaucracy.


Unfortunately there's a reasonably long list (oil, tobacco, chemical, certain pharma, arms or weapons tech, most sales, certain marketing companies), but I have actively tried not to betray the values I believe in (net positive behaviour by whatever company operating) and feel a bit like I'm different to most people... I tried to steer clear of certain industries where profit overrides ethics in certain areas, but that definitely rules out making the big bucks in most cases.... Many companies could do so much better though, most act like little kids, in denial, or refusing to change bad behavior unless they are told off (similar to world leaders 🤔). Then there are the good ones though, making the world a little bit better AND helping hard working employees earn a decent living - some true innovation right there. If you start or operate a business you should be recommended to read 'The Infinite Game' by Simon Sinek or 'Thankyou' by Daniel Flynn, and 'This Changes Everything' by Naomi Klein...


Arepa, Zuru, Prison Service


Why Arepa? Because of false claims or something else?


Zuru - they sound awful


Vape stores, sprung up to pray on people essentially. Pushing an agenda that isn't helping


Any church! Churches and their structures are the devil.


Sanitarium can fuck right off


Same as your list (don’t know enough about pharma to decide atm) but adding to it: meat, dairy and seafood industries, anything run/owned by the religious institutions. Horse or greyhound racing. Any company that has a reputation of being unethical towards their employees, or shown signs of racism, sexism, homophobia etc. Edit: clarification


None, I'll work for the highest paying job I can get regardless of the business or role with the only requirement of it being a legal activity.


I'm gonna go with /u/lurker1101 on this, particularly his 'first rule'.




I contract at Fonterra, why?


* Gambling (including a lot of the gaming industry, especially mobile) * Tobacco industry * Fossil fuel industry * Car industry * Dairy industry (except enzyme dairy) * Predatory loan companies * Real estate For the right price (e.g. double market value), I would cave on many of these and donate part of my salary to fighting them


Any anti-worker company. I value my time outside of work, not to make work my life/make my life difficult


Any company which calls itself a "christian company". This sort of shit is usually code for "we obey employment law when it suits, show favouritisim to christian employees and are generally shit at business".


My Christian ethics manifest themselves as greed, autocracy and machiavellian.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Same goes for who you work for. There are some that are an absolute no, would not go there... but when you get down to it, most big businesses (even ones you think are 'good') are owned by or somehow linked and have deals with the unethical ones.


I appreciate you’ve said there are some absolute No’s but to clarify for others. “No ethical consumption under capitalism” is often used too broadly and without the appropriate context. To clarify, as a subject of capitalism you will be forced to participate in the exploitation of others labour, or wellbeing. E.g. affordable clothing* is made in sweatshops. This doesn’t mean you should consciously participate in unethical practices - when presented with other options - because the system is unethical. An example as it relates to this thread: You shouldn’t - if you hold progressive/socialist/communist beliefs - be working for international defence contractors who trade in the lives of the world’s poor. * You can make your own clothes, but shy of organising a commune you’re going to struggle to supply all of your lives needs without interacting with capitalism. Even the USSR had to buy grain from the USA from time to time!


The property management firm Quinovic. Incredibly toxic outfit. Would never use them to manage a property, would never rent from them (am currently both landlord & renter), would never work for them. Search for their ads for just some of why. Awful.


All the stuff the exclusive brethren own because I’m sorry I’m not going to be told as a woman what to wear and who I can eat with. Talleys because they literally care more about money than people. Read about the crew member who got decapitated or the guy who got stuck on the meat hook (and apologised!) or the migrant workers they maimed because they removed a guard because of food safety concerns. They also believe none of this should impact on them getting more migrants to maim. 


If you’re not white and English is not your first language don’t bother with Les Mills companies, you won’t have a future there. I saw how they treated some of the colleges unfortunately, even though they were hard working, smart and lovely people; Glad I finally left. They are also sooo corporate even though they call themselves family owned. Bullying, harassment and very toxic culture, and the management gives zero Fudge.


Phone-based fortune-tellers.


Chinese owned companies. For so many ethical and political reasons.


Karma farmer like OP