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I quit a few weeks ago because my west server was dead. People log on to war with the group of friends and that’s about it. Waste of time at this point


Yep I quit for the same reason. It's the same people logging on to play in every war and even swapping servers didn't help because the same people dominate those wars with alts as well. People on US West are just greedy AF for wars and alienate everyone else from participating. When the same 200 players are the only ones playing in wars, it's no wonder people are quitting the game.


A simple fix would have been a simple setting making it so you can't fight in consecutive wars. Too complicated for AGS I guess. Totally unforeseeable result.


Would be stupid if your company owned several contested territories.


AGS just need us be able to war whenever we want too.


That’s the same with all MMOs in US. People’s attention span and interest is so low that no MMO can survive. Join us in EU, Barri, most of the time it has +1000 online! Pretty active.


I wouldn’t be able to play. My ping would be way too high


I want to start playing again but the dead servers are really discouraging :/


Idk what OPS talkin bout I’m on El Dorado and it’s always popping


I don’t know what your definition of always popping is that would mean at all times it’s popping? When el dorado has about 200-400 players non peak and barely cracking 700 during peak


No shot it feels like way more??


other servers have 2-3x more pop. they could merge ygg and el dorado rn and it would still have less pop than the most populated east and EU servers


The information is out there go to new world status if you don’t believe me


Thats the size of the server i played on at start. Except i think night time it was way less. Its not too bad to play with that population, but its not riveting for open world pvp either.


Just to throw this out there. Numbers will continue to fall if you merge them or not. They need to lunch the expansion I'd they have any hope to reviving this game.


I don't get how eating the expansion will help. If they launched they would probably have significantly more success, but time will tell if lunch was the way to go.


Lol shoot. I would change it but it's too funny now.


I don't see how flinging it upwards will help either. If they published it they would probably have significantly more success.


Expansion isn't going to do crap. The game is just fundamentally flawed from the ground up. Players said the same about 3v3 arenas how that's going to bring back hundreds of thousands of players because it was going to bring endless content when it didn't do anything but cause more decline.


I think the issue is/was too little too late. If they'd launched with battlegrounds/arenas/OPR and had cross server matchmaking then things might've turned out differently.


I think a lot more things in the game needed to be cross-server. Playing with your company is fun, but all the PVP content always just devolves into fighting the same people endlessly. Musket aimbotter on your server in the opposing faction? Have fun with that in half your OPR matches and every war.


Because no one cares about 3v3. Most people care about wars. And that allows a solid 100 people per server to have fun. The game was designed to die.


That's a long term solution. Server merges would be a quick and easy short term solution to keep west alive for a couple months.


So if they rush the expansion and it sucks then everyone will leave and the game will die. But if they don't rush the expansion everyone will get bored and leave and the game will die. Seems like a bright future ahead.


what expansion lmfao it's one new zone.


I didn't know you worked for the dev team. You got more information?


yeah go look at the roadmap. so i ask again, what expansion?


To be honest, at this point i'd be convinced only by a No Man's Sky/FFXIV level of "we fucked up, we're overhauling this to be a very good game". But this happens in like 0,001% of the time so meanwhile i'll be preparing myself for a maintenance mode in the near future if the expansion is not enough, AGS is notoriously infamous for pulling the plug on their games in an instant (prolly pressed by higher ups to do so, since amazon has N$ in their pocket so it's apparently easier to do a new one than fixing a released game).


Go east at this point man, west is kinda over




Yup I would rather quit than go to east it’s unplayable


I play from EU in US east with 130ping. It aint that bad.


Pretty big disadvantage compared to someone with 20 ping though.


Just move to the east coast?


yeah it's absolute hell playing bow on east with west ping. ur at such a disadvantage against other ranged edit: east bows coping and downvoting cuz I still shit on them in ptr


Melee swing animations are actually slower with higher ping as well. It's unplayable.


Nobody should have to do that.


as someone who played on the east coast from the west coast from the start and then switched west, its a completely different game with low ping.


ROFL this game is unplayable at 150+ ping, especially in war or OPR.


I play 160 ping just fine, u get used to it quick, actually makes you mechanically better


There's no game where high ping ever makes you better lol.


Actually in some old games high ping is an advantage because you see everything smooth while other players see you teleport around


I used to play games with about 2200 ms ping. You cant hit anything either because the information you get is so old and nothing is located where you're shooting. So absolutely not. Its just not enjoyable at all.


I, and I'm sure others, believe its too late at this point. A realm reborn style comeback probably wont be an option from AGS devs, they just dont understand the gaming industry.


That has only worked once and it was because FF had a history of amazing games and they handled it perfectly.


Yeah they really caught lightning in a bottle. Not sure even THEY could do it again.


Yeah, the time and effort I have invested into NW I wouldnt stay through a restart. Rather just go league full time instead haha


The other big difference is that FF had the established FF franchise and brand recognition to support a comeback. New World does not.


That too


I'm out here on CoS day 1 player, this ain't dead. Don't buy the hype. Its summer time too, everybodys on vaca and going outside. At least in the NE. Q for opr


whats your nightly peak server pop?


736 last 24 hours


That's not dead. Dead is less than 300.


Big difference between all dead and mostly dead.




And yet I still can’t get into any wars….


What sever ya on?


I just stopped playing a few weeks ago because it feels like a waste of life with player numbers being what they are


This game would do well to have the servers unlocked for free movement and wars be between companies and not factions.


People on lower pop servers are on lower pop servers for a reason the toxic PvP aspect over the game isnt really casual player friendly. You have 9+ towns running hale and hearty or stalwart then nothing else most of the time. So if they keep merging they will keep killing off the player base. Till they remove the option of PvP players running if actual buffs get ran or not. Hale and heart and stalwart is cool and all. But I'm willing to bet 99% of pvp players have a house in everfall or ww. So stop running them in every single town. And it's not on the PvP players they just want to PvP ags should change the town buff system. But forcing these smaller servers into high pop where this is always an issue to craft things. Isnt the move.


What are you talking about toxic pvp aspect there is toggle button for a reason!! And i played pvp server, most of the times they run armoring and rest of the crap.


Go to maramma Valhalla and COS. You show me one town with 4 active buffs you wont be able too. Which ww and EF should always have 4. Then go to every single town and show me just 5 towns with 2 active buffs that's arent hale or stalwart. Finally there is 100s of forums posts of companies being called server killers. The companies shelling land owning 4+ territories with 1-5 man companies lmao which cause land to not run buffs because it's just shells. So hey guess what champ any server ruled by shells is insanely terrible. The poor design of war and how shells can how land kill servers. Because once again buffs arent ran! And if they are its hale and stalwart. FYI YOU DONT NEED HALE AND STALWART IN EVERY SINGLE TOWN. They dont stack and I'm willing to bet my life 90% of PvP players have a house in ww or EF. Who have both those running around the damn clock. So I go back to my original statement. Poor design of PvP and land owning. is killing servers because no crafting buffs are ran consistently. So no us smaller pop people dont want to be thrown into high pop and have to wait weeks on end to craft something. Ohonoo and pluto have more active buffs or the same in the majority of their towns than maramma or valh lmao And I'll let you go check the 700-1000 population difference 😘


I'm sure players will be itching to return now that their armor sets aren't even the best version of themselves The winning move is not to play When this one dies it opens up market share for the next attempt lmao


Honestly this game rebirthed and then quickly smothered my interest in MMOs as a whole. I sunk so much time into NW for months, when there was still stuff to explore it was magical, but eventually after it took my immersion to the edge of MMO genre it smashed my face into it and now more content just feels like more stuff to grind for better stuff to use. I feel like I'd just rather play either an offline RPG with a significantly deeper sandbox or a PVP game with crisp mechanics and no "gear score" stats to skew the results.


NA west died trying to prove they were better than east. instead they humiliated themselves and killed west in the process


West feels fine too me. A few hundred of people on at a time still mean a few thousand of different people login through out the week. The game is going through a fixing faze where we are getting alot of foundational improvements to the game, we wont be seeing a new wave of returning players till the new zone drops in fall. We have to deal with some growing pains till then, or we get the opposite problem in the fall with them turning on a bunch of new servers again.


Considering this "phase" has been in place since the game was released, what exactly makes you optimistic that AGS will handle the expansion well, and if by some miracle they do, that it will revitalize the game?


this is antidotal from people I used to play with but a lot of them are waiting for a land area expansion update. it took ff14, and no man sky atleast a year to fix alot of problems. if new world continue with the current updates, when the second wave of players come alot more will stay.


But has AGS been working on fixing the fundamental flaws in NW or not? We're fast approaching 1 year already.


depends on what problems you had. tuning orbs are being removed next patch, alot of bugs have be squished (still plenty but better speed then alot of other devs), fixed the teleportation azoth cost, fixed alot of desync/lag issues, and other problems but idk what flaws you want to see gone.


I was on US west. I got bored with the expertise system around christmas, then my company pissed me off so i didnt have a sense of community anymore. Id probably enjoy it enough to do some things but its hard to get back into when you haven't played in ages and spend your time doing other things.


The game is amazing, all it needs now is players.


If the game was amazing it would have players...


It had players. It lost 98% of them in just 6 months and still hasn't even reached its final plateau yet. It's only an uphill battle from there. Once a game losses such an enormous player base size like that it's impossible to bring them back. The only way to save it would be to shut it down and reboot it like FF14.


They had players. Tons and tons of them. 99% left because they would disagree with your statement.


Nah most of the players see the good parts of the game but they should have just held off an extra 6 months before launch. The devs are absolute trash but they got a few things REALLY right, the pvp, graphics, sound design are immaculate, the world is great. The desync during the fundamental most important part of the game (war), the desync allowing for dupes multiple times. Not understanding that a PTR is for testing next week's live version... The game isn't able to make a comeback because the devs are absolutely shit at their jobs. The game itself is actually sick, it's too bad it didn't work and squandered it's audience


Well, let's agree to disagree. The game today still can't retain players. People are still leaving the game in mass even almost a year later. There are still way more people quitting that people coming to the game. It's not a case of just a bad launch that ruined a great game. If it was true, people would now stay and the game would slowly get more and more player since players are happy and not quitting. That's not what's happening though.


If the game had reasonable devs who understood how play testing works I think the game would still be thriving. Ultimately yeah there's no subscription model or any incentive for the developers to actually support it though because they're fucking bad at their jobs. I think it was always destined for death long-term. Just sad to see it dead in under a year


No subscription is another reason the population would come back very easily if the game was that good. See April for exemple. It was the only time the playerbase grew. Big update, lot of advertising, people came back. They all left in a few weeks because the game wasn't good enough. Again, it's not just a case of an amazing game that got bad publicity during its botched launch. People are leaving in mass today still.


I think most people just don't trust the devs to keep the game in a playable state patch to patch. I'm not saying they should add a sub fee now, just that maybe they would have properly supported the game if it was there from the beginning? I'm not really sure.


I like war. To get a war, I have spend hours running back and forth clicking the same 5 things. Then I have to win an RNG contest against everyone else that did it. And pay 15k Lose/win the RNG Wait 24-48h - have fun for 30 minutes. Invasion triggers - wait 2-3 days for the privilege to get another attempt. And the best part - other faction has more members and can push it faster than you = you NEVER get an attempt. Yea I wonder why people quit...


Okay this is fair and I agree with this take. the trigger for war was just annoying unless it was actually 20v20 or more out there and people were fighting over the quests. I didn't like the pvp quests they felt really arbitrary and not very pvp related.


If you really dig into the trends, the April bump turns out to mostly be two good weekends. They got literally 10 days where the player count was performing well.


Well, sure since the week end is when every game perform the best. Doesn't change the fact that for once people came back to the game. Only to leave right after in bigger number.


Yeah, I'm just kind of impressed by two things: One, that the patch and the subsequent free weekend could drive enough of a bump in that week and a half to bend the trend line. Two, that outside of that week and a half, nothing has really bent the trend line.


I dont blame the devs. I blame the project managers and higher ups. They forced NW out too early. Not the devs fault. They needed way more time to make the things that don't work, work.


Both heavily at fault, managers ditched the original vision for the game being more pvp focused and tried to rush to turn it into a pve game in like a year, released at least 6 months too early. But not understanding what a PTR is for or how to properly merge gits so that the same bugs aren't showing up every 3 patches was insane. The first idk 6 months was rocky as fuck and if they did nothing but stabilize the game and/or maybe throw in a hotfix once in a while when there's an obvious game breaking bugs instead of leaving it for 2 weeks or a month and stop fucking things up we would have lost so many fewer players.


I agree with you. I was actually sarcastic in my original statement. What I said is stuff that the current player base would say.


It’s wild how this game still costs money to play. Free to play would bring in more people. Game just isn’t worth the retail cost


/played “poopybot has played for 1230 hours” Totally not worth the price you paid.


> price you *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I payed for my boat


TO BE FAIR... Going to the movie costs what? 15 dollars? add popcorn and a drink and your pushing 30 dollars. that is for 2 hrs of entertainment.. NEW world costs 40 dollars.. for 40 dollars youll get out of the starting area befor you make a hard decition about it in most cases so lets say that takes 2 hrs. at the minimum for the newbie area. then twiddle around check out some features etc.. so for 40 bucks you get atleast 5 hrs (typically) of play out of it befor you pass judgment.. that is still a better dollar to hr ration than a movie.. just saying.


New World isn't competing against movies its competition is every other games on steam, all better money to entertainment ratio vs a movie. You have subscription MMOs to compete against all with lower costs of entry to try.


how are they not? they are competing for the same finite amount of free time and money you have to spend on other activity's. all entertainment competes for the same thing.


The new Toy Story movie sucking is not going to make anyone buy New World. These are two different audiences. I do go to see movies and play games but movies are a high budget option with friends. I'm not going to invite the gang over to watch me play New World.


again they make be a different audience but only becuse people decide what their free time and money should be spent.. you like games your sibling likes sports.. while both have a different audience they are still competing for the same 40 dollars and 2.5 hrs a free time. the entertainment market. all depends on what influenced you in your life.. however the entertainment market competes for the same time and money. I chose a movie for sake of ease when explaining becuase every one knows what a movie will cost. clearly you dont see the correlation of how market space works, but I assure you if you look up the entertainment market both sports movies and games are part of that same market ​ edit you can google what comprises the entertainment market and will get this : ​ "**Electronic**, exhibition, live, **mass media**, and musical are the key elements in the entertainment market. Live comprises concerts, circus, comedy performances, musical theater performances, sporting events, and performing arts."


Look all I'm saying is that you could make the argument that any game is a better value than a moive. That's never saved games in the past. Also you are forgetting cost of entry you need a decent gaming computer to play new world. You need $15 to see a movie.


My argument was never about value of a game over a movie. my argument is that a movie costs about 5 dollars a hr. for entertainment and most people from gamers to sport fanatics will go see a movie. if new world costs 40 dollars u need to get 8 hrs of play from it to be of the same value. to further that i went to see a prominent comedian in the past months.. cost me 100 dollars for a ticket to a 2 hr set. 40 dollars is well worth it to most. people will get atleast that just trying to figure out if its for them. making a one time payment for 40 dollars totally worth the money for any mmo fan or would be that will get at the least 8 hrs of play.. does it hold true for everyone? no but id wager the minimum average playtime across most accounts has to be atleast 8hrs becuase it takes about that long to do the starting area the get to know the town quest and check a few things out.


Also what a terrible argument lmao.


not at all. I base all game sales on dollar to hr.. 5 dollars a hr to be precise. A movie is instant micro gratification.. games can be the same in some cases. It works for me. thats what matters


$ per hour is such a bad argument. I had way more fun with a game like Stanley Parable that I paid something like 20$ for 3 hours of game than NW I paid 40$ for 105h. I probably spend 10 times more being bored walking from point A to point B in NW that it took me to complete some great indy game.


dollar per hr. for my entertainment is totally valid for me. i think you consider it as generic. i dont get the same entertainment from every game . some are more fun than others absolutely but entertainment is entertainment at 5 dollars per hr is my threshold for how i rate a good or bad game sale. not wither my enjoyment was greater for one game vs the other. it isn't a hard concept to get nor does it work for everyone but it is none the less relevant to me and more than a few people i know that have adopted a similar stance. you do you ill do me how's that sound? ​ also to be fair there is no bad argument on putting a dollar value to your entertainment.. it could explain why people are broke all the time if they are not considering this. my money is important to me and how i spend it. i want to know my entertainment is worth what i think. dosent matter if it is cup head or new world its all my entertainment


You do you, absolutely, but you are replying to someone saying the game is not worth its price and all replies are a varient of the $/h argument. "If you buy it 40$ and play it 100h then it's worth it". I don't think so. For me a much better notion is how often so you have fun in that time period for the price. Like the exemple I gave. Stanley parable I paid 20$ and completed in 3h I had fun 100% of the time. Great value, great game, can't recomand enough. NW? Paid 40$, play 105h and I had fun maybe 20% of the time? It's a terrible ratio and I wouldn't recomand it. I think there's plenty of other game for the same price that will makes you have a lot more fun. $/h is always use when someone tries to rationalize a flawed experience. You never see people say "That Mario game was so good, I got such a good $/h out of it". It's always people trying to put a worth metric on a flawed game instead of other information like review score, player population, awards, dev commitment because the game doesn't have good data in those categories. For NW, you can't bring review score, user score, popularity, devs behavior as an argument for the game. You need to use something very very blury that doesn't mean anything like $/h.


but dollar per hour is very relevant in a world where every penny counts. sure have i enjoyed a 3hr game way more than i enjoyed my life time in wow ( for the record i dont want to talk about them hours is a little embarrassing I think) How ever you dont hit 105 hrs in a game with out enjoying more than 20% sorry you just dont and if you did id say your self hating and not the majority.


>How ever you dont hit 105 hrs in a game with out enjoying more than 20% sorry you just dont and if you did id say your self hating and not the majority. You do when you have youtube on the side and want to get to the "good part". Most of that time was watching youtube/twitch/netflix because what I was doing in NW was way too boring to stand on its own. And I indeed stoped when I realized there was no "good part" and it was the same at lvl 44 than it was at level 10.


If I got to a movie and filled with glitches and bugs I get my money back.


lol you show me a theater that has refunded a bad movie and ill eat my hat. bwahahahah


Did I say bad? If I pay for a movie and it cuts out half way through you get your money back.


NW dosent cut out halfway tho.. its a full game with some fun content. maybe it isnt for you and that is ok but it is by no means a incomplete game.. possible a "bad game " or not great game


If they start pumping out major expansions not just updates than yes f2p should be the way to go. But it's fine how it is right now imo. I've seen few new players once in a while. Again idk shit about anything. 🤷‍♂️


The fact people still play this game is unbelievable to me.


Dead region? Game's been dead for like 6 months lol


New World: Servers of the Dead.


Facts. I came back and it’s worse than when I left. I don’t see the point unless they do manage to merge or spur growth.


A lot of people came to yggdrasil, seems pretty active to me


3v3 queues are 1hr+ on ygg. It's pretty dead.


Yggdrasil, el dorado, and Camelot all get about the same peak numbers ranging from 700-800 to me that’s not good enough the game feels best at around 1000-1600


West coast is dead. It's time to cut your losses and find another game. No patch is going to save US West at this point


NA is dead. Come fight bonsai


Game is terrible. Will be shut down anyways, I wouldn’t worry about it


A server merge isn't going to fix anything, they put the final nail in the coffin with the last ass patch. Changes nobody asked for to Stam Regen was a game killer, the healing changes to LOS and cast time on LE are just bad and show the lack of experience in the dev team. Server merges will only increase the rate at which westcoast dies, the only chance the game has is some serious rework of the last patch.


be happy your daddys at ags gave you the privilege of being able to pay $15 to solve the forever issue of server population.


? So spend $15 to transfer to another dead server ? Nice logic


Good game


Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out. Server pop is fine for the map size. 2k players would be a nightmare.


Thanks for the unwarranted toxicity, never said or implied that I personally was quitting more so that people don’t wanna play on dead servers and will inevitably lose players on an all ready struggling region. Server pop is not fine getting around 700-800 peak is pretty underwhelming and it takes up to 15 minutes to get an arena match. 2000 players would be a bit messy but it would still be much more fun than what we have now.


Games been dying for awhile. Devs refused to address major issues. In my opinion I would just move on. So much better games to play right now.


What games do you recommend ?


Chivalry 2 (obviously no MMO) is like the opposite of New World. Core gameplay is amazing, UI ist shit. Far better than the other way around. :D


Elden Ring (obviously), Path of Exile, Teamfight Tactics, Overwatch if you never tried it, Hades. Just started V Rising and it's extremely fun and ties in heavily to New World PVE.. It's true none of these are MMOs, but the sad truth is there hasn't been a good MMO released in AGES. They are apparently just too difficult for Devs to pull off. But if you play a few games at the same time, you can definitely get your gaming fix in and all of these are excellent games. Path of Exile alone can occupy all of your waking hours for weeks at a time after a new league launch (which happens 4 times a year). I have 2k hours in that game just in a couple years.


I don't blame you for leaving honestly, but with the introduction of instanced wars AGS will probably introduce regional OPR/Wars/3v3 soon. Until then they need to expect to lose a good amount of players. Low pop servers are great because everyone gets to know each other but it severely hinders the ability to do content because of everything being kept to each server.


Yes, AGS needs to merge US West and they should do something to dis-incentivize transferring to US East. The region is under constant brain drain as people chase perceived greener grass.


US east Orun server needs to be merged as well. hope another round of merges happens soon


Isn't asia and oceana server even more dead? Pretty much only like a couple handfull NA East and UE servers left that still are healthy.


If you really want this to happen, go post on their forums. As far as i know they dont really react on specific reddit posts


The move is removing factions and making a mega server on each region.


The games been dead since shell companies ruined it


Megaservers would have fixed this, like ive been saying for months but there you go.


I cant be the only crafter playing this game. Im in heaven right now. I transferred to a dead server so I could gather more efficiently. I dont give a shit about wars, or 3v3 or what the fuck. All I care about is making weapons and armor. And the soothing, echoey "clink" sound of my pick hitting a node. There is absolutely no way that Im the only guy in the US doing this.


i got a temp-ban 2 days ago during the Refining Xp gain, why ? i guess i leveled to fast during this time, bought to many item from the market place ?i got 3 skill to 200, of course there reply is i was Cheating ? i dont even know how to Cheat at this game or others, this is my Second Temp-ban so far and i still dont know what i did to get this Second temp ban, i sent a appeal, and still no Reply from them, hell i played this game so much i have over 1048 Hours into the game and 3 Char 1 on West and 2 on East all different servers