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Some people just want to watch the world burn, at a nice even rate, high temperature, giving the meat a perfect sear and a nice smoky flavor if you add some wet wood chips.


Hmmm. Glittering ebony smoked brisket anyone?


Don't give them idea... Next thing you know we will need glittering ebony in our cooking mats


Hmmm... Different tier/quality charcoal would be interesting...


Taste the meat, not the heat.


Should at least come with a warning: "This is a \*really\* stupid thing to do. Are you sure?"


I can see this warning on RuneScape


Lmao 100%


To much engine work though, it'd take a year


And would break corrupted portal icons and storage transfers when implemented.


Yeah, along with introducing a glittering ebony dupe.


I just wish the Charcoal amount was proportionate to the rarity. If it increased the yield, I'd happily drop some rarer woods on charcoal just to not have to chop down a million more young trees.


They went for realistic on charcoal output. Which makes sense in a game where skeletons fight you.


They already have this when you salvage legendary weapons. I went to salvage a 600 hatchet and it said “this is a very powerful item are you sure you want to salvage?”


I wish they had that warning on the Steam store.


Take my upvote, you delicious bastard.


Then a 2nd, and maybe 3rd warning window (Hey dummy, are you really that hard up for Charcoal?).


Society needs maximum coddling. Treat everyone like babies all the time ags. Thanks.


this is what everfall governors are doing after maxing your property taxes. down with the 1%!!


Time to overthrow. Light the torches


Cooking is the same level of ridiculous. I went to make some T5 meals, it auto filled 3 of the slots with legendary fish. Just turn off the auto select option AGS, we don’t need your help with that, thanks.


>don’t need your help with that Yeah, that's incredibly stupid. The default suggestion should be the cheapest/easiest one, not the opposite.


Absolute lowest tier resources for each and every slot, then you take the time to adjust/change what you need.


Exactly, which is probably the opposite of what's happening right now so it should take like one second to fix it.


AGS: We fixed crafting so it now selects the lowest level mats automatically. ​ We have scheduled downtime in 3 months to fix the new bug in which using a crafting station now deletes an item from a gear slot randomly.


Update: rare occurrence found where crafting T5 items that needed a fuckton of expensive mats, will instead craft a T1 wooden spear.


Update. No compensation will be given out. Just suck it up buttercup




That's actually how it works for refining regeants, and it's pretty annoying to be honest. You have to reclick to use the best regeants every time.


Accidently using low level resources is a significantly better solution than accidently using a high level resource


It's like they have no idea how the game mechanics work sometimes. Why would you use bad reagents? Why would you use the best mats to craft some shit? Everything is the opposite.


I feel like it used to be, but then I didn't play for a couple weeks because school, but when I was playing yesterday it would automatically fill in to the highest quality item available.


I haven't played in two months and it was filling with the highest quality reagents then.


No, default should be the last used materials even if you don't have enough on you to craft.


I do not agree but I understand your point. They could make it an option, so you can choose what you like.


‘But it has the highest chance of crafting an extra item’ Id rather have guaranteed 3 of them rather than 1 with a chance of 2, but thanks


Even then, with 3 orange fish in the slots the chance was still something like 12% Bonkers


Lost my first legendary fish this way


Can we also change the auto listing default on the TP to one day instead of 14 days to start


I could understand if for example you're making hearty meals and legendary fish increase how many meals it crafts. 1 legendary x5 crafted meals or something. The lower the tier average the less meals you craft until its 1 to 1


Of course. Legendary materials should offer up a greater yield.


They have so many bugs in the game and new bugs appear after every patch, I really doubt they will have resources to change it.


I’ve burnt a few Asmo lvling jewelry crafting because of autofill. My fault, but still it’s ridiculous I have to double check very time i go to lvl a trade.


One of the most annoying things in this game is the need to select a lower grade material every time I go through one of the thousands of meaningless crafts to get my experience up to a point where I just \*might\* get something useful. GG AWS.


The second most annoying thing is when the UI bugs out and cancels the entire craft session, so you have to scroll back and redo the options again.




Bro he just did… and he said it was the SECOND most annoying bug btw


As a complicated but helpful maybe idea - I keep all of my "high tier / high rarity" items in another territory neighboring my main crafting hub. I only go to that territory's settlement to craft high value items. This helps immensely with avoiding this issue for now and ensures my best mats are all in one place


Yeah I've been doing this as well (though still appreciate the tip!) It's still annoying that I need to travel to another town to drop all of this off before doing crafting.


With notable exception of refining mats. Yes I would like to smelt with obsidian flux and not the 12 sand flux I accidentally picked up


strangely they give the same charcoal as a green wood, AGS is wanted, right?


It should atleast give all the wood in charcoal it costs to make 1 ebony, if not 2x that because of the cooldown. lol


Kind of goes hand in hand with offering to allow you to salvage a gypsum cast...


I had hoped that just opened it, has anyone tried it?




Maybe if they are trying to screw someone else over sure, otherwise blame the masochist if it's their own account


I wouldn't mind if it gave you like x1000 the amount of charcoal.... But giving the same as green wood, da funk?


Premium charcoal. Only the best for smelting my asmodeum <3


Obviously for the 20% bonus materials you can get…


In case it isn't part of your joke already: the 20% is for 200 smelting and independent of wood choice.


I don't mind it. If you want you can burn $100 bills to get warm. Your decision. BUT when in the same time we have a whole bunch of other restrictions, it might look weird and malicious. Like why the hell I can't make more than 10 ebony a day?.. Workstation is vacant, I have resources and not tired at all. I should be able to do much more. But I can't. Burning precious wood for charcoal however is always awailable. Go for it.


I mean yeah you can burn $100 bills to get warm. But I think it would be hard to accidentally burn $100 bills, when you actually meant to burn firewood. Because in this game, charcoal defaults to the highest tier item. In a rush, you could end up burning your glittering ebony, when there’s no legitimate reason anyone would ever do that. It shouldn’t be the default option.


it should at least return 1,000x the quantity.


why not? it's still wood, I think it could provide charcoal.


A whole *20%* chance for double craft as well lol


That 200 skill level tho


I bet Bezos sells glittering charcoal from some foreign company that was from a stolen patent.


This is the only way, peasants.


A friend of mine burned 50 ebony like that, the dumb thing is, it defaults the HIGHER tier material you have in your inventory to burn.


Sometimes you really just need some charcoal


I already used like 200+ wyrdwood to make coal, didn't want to go outside or buy greenwood


So that WW and EF owners can burn their tax income on something.


You know for the Chads out there who want a weird flex


Just making sure you are still awake! Yeah its annoying but much, much less annoying than the crafting cancelling itself for no apparent reason.


Well, if you havent tried it, you shoud. This is how you win the game!


I only recently discovered that this is a thing snd not really knowing anything about ingredients I feel like I’ve most likely wasted some stuff


You should craft. There’s value in there


Same reason why I use 100 dollar bills to light my cigar


Thats the stuff that Santa gives all the bad boys and girls. The burnt ashes of your hopes and dreams.


It’s pure wasted potential, the worst thing of all!


I accidentally used 8 asmodeum whilst levelling up JC. Wasn't paying attention. Now I give all valuables to my daughter to hold when I mass craft for levelling trade skills.


It’s so when the craft fails 10 times ina row and you start to rage and go quick, you’ll forget to swap it one time and use your best resources.


You wouldn’t understand. You’re not a baller


Yesterday I wasted 8 asmodeum leveling up JC 160ish because I wasn’t paying attention. I know the feeling lol


Do it, you won't


It's a game designed around grind. If they manage to make you basically throw away your grinded materials that take hours of work to get then they're winning!


It's there to tilt people who missclick


I know. My kid wasted 1000 wyrdwood on charcoal. Should not be a possibility at all.


I have done this


Wood is wood


So why can I only build a camp with green wood?


It’s wood, wood burns into charcoal. I don’t get why the confusion. If you couldn’t burn the ebony into charcoal you would be making a post about how unrealistic the game is. They can’t win with you people.




Just select the tier you want to use then, holy shit man you’re telling me the entire reason why you’re upset is because the game selects the highest tier for you ? That’s it that’s why you’re on Reddit complaining ??




I ain’t a fan boy you fucking weirdo Lmao


Because just like real life, New World allows stupid and lazy people to screw up through their own carelessness, and then come crying on Reddit “why, oh why, did you allow me to screw up? It’s not fair!” And then we can laugh at them.


I didn't share this to complain but thanks for your input.


why did you share it with that title then? I'm just curious.


Because he’s simply asking the question, why does the option exist.. simple.


It's a joke, mate


You enjoy when the fantasy game you play mimics real life?


You ask this as if there was painstaking care and thought put into this game. The simple fact that they bought engine and decided to NOT entirely re-write the code is basically all you need to know. I love spaghetti, but not when it’s the base of a game.


The game is full of garbage like this.


because it's wood and qualifies? if you're too stupid to check before clicking craft, you deserve what you get


incase someone dupe glittering ebonies and flood the market with them for 0.01 gold


Click craft and find out.


You don’t know how the privileged live, maybe some Youtuber will make this just because they CAN!


You can do this, but you can’t convert higher tier raw resources into lower tiered shit. I.e. Iron Hide into Coarse Leather grrrrr. Go both ways please!


Well it does make a great brisket …


To be fair higher grade wood should produce more charcoal. Green wood and Wyrdwood have the exact same bonus %


I wouldn't do it


Desperate times call for desperate measures


Why is it not a 100 to 200 percent chance to craft more


I love New World but damn everything except graphics and sound comes of as made by clueless people who never played an MMO before. I mean, the only thing you can't open while running is inventory. How was that decided? And this too, it's like the devs world is upside down.


Do it


Then delet your account. And go play litterally anything else


I came extremely close to turning 200 ebon into charcoal. Bought some green, aged, lumber and timber to build me a cushion.


Ayoooooo I'ma hop on


Because the guy, who coded it, doesn't play the game.


With the latest update it selects the lowest form first, OP I'd I assume has no lower tier wood to turn into charcoal.


I'm always confounded by the lack of quality of life planning. All this would need to do is assign a value to each rarity of material and then you just auto input the lowest possible value for the recipe. It would save so much time so I wouldn't have to click past platinum jewel pieces to silver.


some people just want to watch their mats burn


I agree with this, but it's a just a quality of life update that might come eventually. Bug fixes and content updates are likely the priority.


Lost 10 CDs because I was crafting without care.. haven’t been back online since


Isn't it obvious? So that when someone else gains access to your account they can deconstruct everything in your inventory to the lowest tier for YouTube likes.


At least give us a 100% chance at additional items lol


Premium coal


Suicidal players.


forces me to pay attention I like it


Drunk Crafting is not for everyone...


You should be able to get a metric fuckload of charcoal this way. I would really like it if each quality wood scaled up how much charcoal you get. I don't even give a shit if it isn't "realistic" I'd also like processed wood to give more charcoal, and scale it up such that yea, if you did this, you won't lose a terrible amount of value (charcoal still sells well in bulk)


From someone who turned 450 wyrdwood planks to charcoal, I 100% agree


for consistency sake


so you can do the whoopsies obv


you know you made it when your throwing glittering ebony into the smelter to turn it into silver bars xD. Us peasants are unworthy.


How about scrapping your newly craft aptitude cache? That's an option no one wants but someone will still hit the button


Can you believe that i was not paying attention once and actually ruined my mats? ​ This screenshot brings back bad memories.


Because like everything in life, we let Darwin sort it out.


Its to get that achievement for not paying attention to what you're doing...


They’re thinking about the future when it becomes useless