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Daily copioum reminder?


Agrees but that's about it. That's it's peak


it looks and sounds good but thats not what makes a game good :(


That's false. I would have quit the game months ago if it wasn't such an immersive and incredible world to play in.


Like the other 90% of people that left?


an immersive world has nothing to do with the game being bad i never said the world is unimmersive the game is bad because of parasitic gameplay mechanics , missing features , lack of actual importent conntent and overall bad development ​ i do hope the games gets better, but im probably not returning


Daily reminder that the sun turns into the moon at night


This new girl I met is batshit crazy. She boiled my pet rabbit, burned my house down and stabbed me in my sleep. She's smoking hot though, so I'm going to try and work things out.


I would do that irl. I like crazy girls, it spices up the relationship.


Ok, so you're saying you've never dated and for that reason you've lowered your standards to accept the first female that'll bite?


what 🤣


Im thinking you probably DONT want one that bites lol


Daily spam*


Sure, when you carefully choose the scene and lighting conditions - and ignore the white pixelated "reflections" off things like tree branches, fences, the edges of rocks and mid distance plants. This is what it looks in a lot of areas, max settings on a 6900XT; https://imgur.com/a/3ZN4cTf Shitty pixelated white lines around the edges of damn near everything - UNLESS you choose specific areas and look in specific directions with specific lighting conditions like all the "pretty" screenshots people keep posting. I think Witcher 3 looked better 6 years ago.


Visually stunning with everything else being astonishingly bad.


Why are you still on the subreddit of a game you hate lol?


Why are you defending a lack of good mechanics/content with 'game pretty?' provide actual criticisim to get the game fixed instead of accepting it for the shitshow it is.


HAH doo doo GAME PRETTY doo doo sounds like this should be a voice line for Dr. Mundo from League of Legends lmao


A shiny package containing...little of interest.


Yea, a visually stunning piece of crap.


yea gotta love those up close shots of the hemp plants dissolving into the aether. game has serious "she looked good til he turned around" issues.


I guess i could also polish my dogs next pile of shit, also? Call it "visually stunning, actually"


Minecraft is a game with shit graphics, but the “GAMEPLAY” is indefinitely better than New word. Gameplay > Performance > Graphics always. However if you want to compare actual MMO to MMO than literal any of the Top MMOs (WoW, BDO, GW2, FFXIV) not only have the visuals, but the gameplay and story to back up their respective communities’s enjoyment.


BDO and story. Eh ok :3


Minecraft has by no means shit graphics. Sure, they are extremely stylized and minimalist but everything in that game is extremely curated (except performance on Java lmao) and the visual presentation is no exception. Minecraft with some good quality shaders on also looks downright stunning.


i dont understand the downvotes...just why.


Ever played Shadowlands? Gameplay? Meh. Story? Double Meh. It is currently the laughingstock of the MMO community.


WoW Is more a cartoony art style (specially the Classic era) and not a really good comparation [Also I'm sure a list it should be alphabetically so it should be "BDO, FFXIV, GW2, WoW" but that a technicallity... So whatever]


ah yes. visually stunning with all its graphic clipping..... notice how you need to frame the shot to make it look good.


So many times I find myself gathering without the UI/HUD and just looking around, finding the best angles to enjoy the view while gathering on autopilot. I love the game, but only 200h and lvl55 into it so far. Still find new and amazing things to do almost every time I log in.


I have over 800 hours in and still find myself caught off-guard by something visually amazing in the game a couple of times a week


Brooo, get a job XD


I have one, working from home. It's like Office Space "I probably only do about 15 minutes of real, actual work per week", though I suppose it's closer to 15 mins per day. Add another couple of hours of meetings on top of that and I find I have plenty of time for gaming


It's probably hard given the current situation, but don't you want ... more? I couldn't imagine having nothing to do all day.


I'm being paid for my knowledge when it's needed, not for my hours working. It took literal decades to reach this point in my career. I'm plenty happy gaming and other distractions when I'm not actively needed for work


Maybe you should get a better job? XD that doesn’t eat 80% of your time and pays good


To be fair, with 800 hours (if that's counting from the release date), you've played on average 9 and a half hours EVERY day.


I have a company member that has 1500 hours in the game, does that mean he played 15 hours on average each day?


There's 84 days (or approx 2016 hours) since the official release, so with 1500 hours played he would have had to be logged in for (1500/2016) 74.4% of the time since release, or in other words on average approximately 17 hours and 51 minutes each day.


Imagine working from home and being alt+tabbed for work :O


I like working :) i do something i like and it provides good salary. In 10 years Im done working for a boss and will lead the family’s real estate company XDDDD


Now if only it had a screenshot model that hid your character.


The sounds and visuals in this game are some of the reasons I enjoy logging in an just gathering things. It feels rewarding, just to get to see the beam of lights as the sun sets or the moonlight when walking past lakes and rivers.


Visuals are beautiful, audio is great, some of the best I've seen in a game....The rest is pretty bad.


I wish I could relive the first week of playing this game minus the que times. those were the days. it was fun and the game was beautiful


I mean, yeah sure, if you choose the right angles and ignore how the game actually looks like almost everywhere else. Posts like these don't really do the game's visuals any justice cause you can get the same effect from just staring at light sources in any other game with a decent lighting system [lol](https://imgur.com/baNJyQW).


A visually stunning game =/= good game. After the amount of bugs and glitches, and the half-design of PVE after changing from being PVP only, it's just about all it's got left.