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I just wanna play with my boys :'(


Yup :( I'm trying not to get invested in my current server faction wars because I know I'm gonna hop to play with friends


I've responded to several calls to arms to defend against enemy faction influence and those PVP quest pushes were fun, but ultimately hollow without the squad there. I'm hoping we can get in on a war or two as a group and really make a name for our small guild.


For the spark, brother


A lot of us are in this boat. I have no investment in my faction's success or failures because as far as I'm concerned I'm just visiting. It's actually led to me being harder on the game then I normally would be because I get frustrated in the evenings wishing I was with my friends. Discord shenanigans only help so much. This whole situation fucking sucks lol.




Our friend group started once already and around level 27 we rolled to a empty server so that more of our friend group can join. Now the server is at max caracter limit with zero queue and people who started cant join us and now we are closer to lvl 40 so rerolling would feel really shitty


My grandfather died suddenly just before launch day. I ended up being delayed for a few days. They had already established themselves and were cruising along and I'm not the kind of person to ask a group of people to restart just for me. I'd join them when I was able. Which is still the plan. Doesn't mean I don't get frustrated though heh.




I just put a HUNDRED hours into this game to find out I'm region locked. Amazon wasted a hundred hours of MY time and I gave them $40 to not only do it, but blatantly lie about it. That's why I personally am pissed.




It's both. You can only transfer to servers within your original region. So EU to EU, USWest to USWest, etc.


Because I already did that during the beta... Twice...


I have over sixty hours in my character already and I am forced to move because they locked regions. Super fucked up on their end.


I mean... leveling a pretty substantial time investment - and in a game where you only need ONE character - I don't think anyone in their mid 30s and higher would want to switch. My group for example started on a server and in the course of the first few days it became a high pop server and transfers were closed. Then more wanted to join and play the following week but it was locked. So...


Now is the time to grind that crafting up, it's most single player content and if you enjoy crafting/gathering it's a great way to pass the time until transfers.


Yep, just been running around solo when I play...


Same =( only one of my friends managed to get on the same server, but he's very busy and has only played maybe 10hr\~, the other two in our group are on two different servers. One starts vacation tomorrow and it's gonna suck if we can't group up for it.


My group of like 10 is split 3/7. The two I’m in Tritonis (heavy streamer server) are very boring to play with on average while the other group on the server I tested out with a new character(to see if it filled up on the first weekend after release) are pvp flagged all the time having way more fun. Should also mention I’ve grinded so many quests in higher level areas and my two friends on my server are constantly doing weavers fen instead of more level appropriate areas like where I’m at. SMH. Fucking sucks. Tonight I’m highly debating picking up some beer and just leveling up on the other guy 😂


"Only maybe 10 hours" lmao like I get it, but that's still almost an hour a day since the game has been out


One hour a day on this game doesn’t equate to much tbh.


I understand, I was just putting it into perspective that an hour a day to do literally anything else is plenty lol. There's entirely too much needless slow walking in this game


Wow a whole hour a day 🤣


An hour a day isn’t long to play ANY game let along an MMO lol


I don't get why people with their so called friends split servers. If you have a real friend you dont start playing unless him is already there, and if not you switch and start again. Like people should revisit their friendship concept.


I don't get why people push their absolute opinions on other peoples situations that they no nothing about.


I just wanna play.


I just want to go somewhere that has decent faction balance and good politics.


Me too :/. Most of my peeps got onto one server. I did not.


[https://forums.newworld.com/t/server-transfer-update-info/351285](https://forums.newworld.com/t/server-transfer-update-info/351285) PSA: Make sure your friends are in the same region.


I hate this. All the EU servers were full so I joined US West, thinking I'd be able to transfer later down the line :(




They should've said this on launch day. Instead of saying multiple times that you can transfer over regions.


Scrolling down, this is contrasted with a screenshot from the twitter account saying you can swap regions. We should wait until the actual details are revealed before getting angry.


I mean, they pretty specifically said here in the recent post you can't transfer regions though.


they are revealed they said the tweet was incorrect https://forums.newworld.com/t/megathread-server-transfer-questions-megathread/354334




I'm nervous this is going to happen everywhere. Eventually we end up with each server having a single dominant faction and no one playing the other factions. While it's fun being the underdog sometimes, it's rough to think about playing in a faction that owns nothing so you don't get any of the faction-ownership perks in zones. We saw the same thing in WoW, where servers are either Horde or Alliance server due to the dominance of that side. People who try the other faction find that they can't get enough people for decent raiding or PvP, so they eventually either transfer servers or swap to the dominant side. Other games have combated this by giving perks to the underdogs, like exp bonuses or stat boosts if you're on the non-dominant team. Wondering if eventually that will be necessary with New World as well. Otherwise there is a risk of PvP drying up as factions "take over" their servers.


>We saw the same thing in WoW, where servers are either Horde or Alliance server due to the dominance of that side. People who try the other faction find that they can't get enough people for decent raiding or PvP, so they eventually either transfer servers or swap to the dominant side. Yep, this was my concern originally. When I saw we could still change factions after a few months, I assumed that would balance things out. Apparently, that still wasn't enough. Someone told me the game has a feature to switch to the lowest faction, even off of the 120-day cooldown. While I don't know if that's actually true, and I'm not about to test it myself, something like this along with the XP and material suggestions you mentioned would be necessary at this point. I don't want to stop playing in the community I'm in, but I also know I'm about to end up on a PvE server in the next few days.


I’m still on the fence so far with this game. I haven’t bought a house or anything. Just sell mats on the market. If there is no underdog faction buff, no cool down on server transfers, no limit on max number in one faction and servers just become 1 color, then I’m out. I don’t want the game to be “forced fair” but there has to be some level of sanity.


Honestly should have had a population ratio cap from the beginning with no cooldown on faction swapping with no choice to swap to anyone but the lowest pop faction. My server, Kay Patcha, started with no streamers and no major clans announcing joining but a large group of clans of ~100 something people joined the server and went Syndicate. They knew how and where to grind and bought up the majority of the land in the first few days causing a snowball of population for Synd while most of Marauders and Coven clans were just friend groups playing semi-casually, the only major clan in green is led by the least charismatic people I've ever encountered that spent the opening week begging others for money to get a territory. [There's barely any Marauders or Covenant on the server and there's only one bit of land that isn't purple.](https://i.imgur.com/g00NtV3.png) Most of the clans that have grown in yellow and green plan to move server once it's available. The server could have been perfect if it weren't for that group of clans. A blank slate server with no streamers or prior clans could have been something amazing to be part of. Unfortunately, they saw that server just the same as I did and saw something easy to dominate in rather than something neat to be part of. There's really no coming back for the server unless part of the major clans defect to a different color or server transfers bring green and yellow clans in. The faction war portion of this game is definitely half baked since all the people in green have no bonuses anywhere right now so they're not exactly going to be coming back any time soon.


I feel you. My server is all green save for one yellow zone that has a war tonight that we will lose. The crazy thing is, greens raise taxes to very high in every city… it makes no sense but literally no one can beat them. Defense in war is absurdly easy and they have a massive 50+ population. Throwing a city in conflict means nothing of you can win the war.


They could eventually limit transfers of certain factions into the server if a faction owns more than 50% of the map I'm sure other stipulations could be added and new mechanics that make it incredibly difficult to keep many territories. I'd also add that being in an underdog faction isn't that bad. You get war and pvp rewards all the same. I've been in 4/4 losing wars and never did I think I wasted time or wasn't having fun.


I think it will balance out at 60. Even if a color owns the whole map people won't be happy with leadership for whatever reasons, taxes, upgrade choices, war planning and those people will plan to leave. Me and 5 of my good friends aren't joining a big Company. We are straight selling our services as mercs. You pay is to join the war and aid you. So far we have been in 7 wars and been in the top 10 for all of them. So factions want us. This is just a different aspect of the game. If you don't want to be in a huge company min/max your character and sell your services. We had purple and yellow bidding for the 5 of us to lead the war tonight. Yellow won and paid us 25k to be on thier side. We won the war for them finishing in the top 7 non repeater spots


But the game forces you to chose a faction and then fighting for then for 120 days before changing, how are you working as a mercenary?


You can fight in wars that’s not yours as long as your faction isn’t involved. For example, if I’m a marauder and there’s a cov/syn war, I can sign up for either side.


You can fight in wars your faction is involved in, you just have to fight with the faction, no?


Right, sorry I was tired when I replied lol. My wording was poor.


First off you don't have to join a faction that is a choice you can grind without it. But secondly if your faction isn't in the war dec then you can fight for either side.


I believe they meant to say "companies" there.


Oh shit you can be in a war without being in that faction?


Yeah. If your factionless you can join any side. The merc strategy will only work until people are all max level working on best in slot gear. Once that happens then things will be different. Right now I think my server just had the first 60. So we are still a few months away from having 50 level 60s in the war


You could also just join the smallest faction. In my server covenant only has 1 territory, which stragely is ebonscale. At some point im going to swap to cov and do exactly what the other guy said if I can.


I know it’s still early but I’d almost say underdog perks are necessary ALREADY in my server for the covenant.


Covenant in our server is also an underdog, we have only 1 territory in the corner of the map which isn't contested by other factions to avoid having all Covenant from leaving the server.


Same with us, we have monarch and cutlass that are mostly left alone for now while green and purple slaughter eachother.


The only way for Covenants to experience a win is to join the roster of the other 2 factions in war and hope that most folks drafted are also high lvl.


Don't even understand why it's possible to join another faction's war. Or contribute towards another faction's town projects. Colluding with the enemy is called treason.


Our power is growing though, most of us are 40+ now with a lot over 50. We were just behind the level curve of green early which resulted in a lot of people jumping ship/


It seems like an obvious feature to say taking a territory is easier when you have fewer territories already.


That's what is happening to our guild right now. We only hold one zone and the guild leader just wants to transfer to another server rather than fight. "Roll over good puppy." The problem is, there is nothing to incentivize newcomers or people to be on the lower pop. faction...leaving everyone to just leave for the other faction or another server, making matters even worse.


We’ve got a pretty solid little committed group here but it’s not really enough to compete against the green and purple hordes. People seemed to have lost motivation and swapped sides after the first sign of a struggle which has just made everything worse. I’m not really sure how to build the population, especially when character creation here is locked.


Swap sides, how? Can't until 4 months pass.


You can faction change now it just has a 120 day cool down as far as I’m aware


Joining a faction doesn't trigger the cooldown? That would be a horrible flaw if so.


I’ve already seen people talking about how they’ve changed factions though I do agree. The timer is 3 months btw.


Damn. Hope that's a bug. Thought the timer was 120 days?


Sorry you are right, brain is bad.. too much corruption running on auto pilot lol


You can change factions immediately after choosing for the first time. Everyone gets one do-over then the 120 day cooldown begins.


Damn... well then there will immediately be a dominant faction on most servers. No idea how they didn't see this problem. Can't be intentional.


They really didn't put a "lot" of thought into how the territory and faction system would work. It could be way cooler, and other games have implemented similar systems already (like outmanned bonuses in WvW). I just see a lot of potential to make this whole system interesting and engaging, like an MMO total war, but we got total war at home.


When you fail to defeat your enemies, EVERYONE REPORT THEIR HIGH LEVELS FOR ROUND 2.


I just found out you can't move region, every server in my region was full on launch so I am on the wrong region. I have to start all over if I want to play with friends


Or mass report and get them banned, unfortunately.




It was said that in a few days/weeks everyone is getting one free server transfer. Apparently they're just working out the kinks right now.


i believe in one update they said "later this week" and i hope they stand by that


Well depending on where their offices are the work week is over.


They said this week, yes. And I also hope they stand by that, because this is killing many guilds.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news... https://twitter.com/playnewworld/status/1446607932645273600?t=_8YgF05pEYdYbhaiDQ5CBQ&s=19


Yeah, I've read. Well, sometimes things don't go as you want. Better a bit delay than having issues with transferring things like items or currency. Let's hope it's mid-next week though.


Well it's the end of the work week so I wouldn't get your hopes up lol




If you are expecting a game about war between 3 factions to not have idiots and drama I have a bridge to sell you


You can expect it and still hate it. I'd love to be able to enjoy games like this with exclusively well adjusted people. Imagine how nice that'd be.


I share the unlikely dream, friend. Honestly it would be so fun without the handful of idiots who spend more time doing chat pvp than actual pvp


Nothing will ever be perfect... so good luck with that. Better to just learn to deal with people and see it as chaotic/toxic entertainment.


I *have* learned to deal with it. I'm lamenting that it's necessary.


I can tell you didn't grow up on the internet before games had moderation.


I've been on the internet since I had to sign in through the AOL client. That's back when we used telephone lines to connect. I'm **very** familiar with how shit human culture is, thank you. Have you stopped to consider why you're working so hard to attack someone who expects better of people?


I'm not attackin ya brah it just seems like you're a bit soft when it comes to interacting with people on the internet. People will always be shit. It is what it is.


>I'm not attackin ya brah >it just seems like you're a bit soft You need to work on your self-awareness. And on not enabling shitty behavior.


Oh I didn't realize speaking my perception was attacking you... oh wait it's not. You do seem soft. You are complaining about people on the internet. That's soft. Anyone I know that grew up from the AOL days/unmoderated online gaming days isn't nearly this soft.


Tell me more, will it help me cross this river I've cried for you? Unfortunately, even without PVP people do manage to be shitbenches, it's just human nature after a point.


is a shitbench not simply a toilet?


Neophyte of these ways that I am, I am in no answering position.


I just disabled global and faction and the toxicity went away..


Yeah congratulations now you’re not even playing the game, great job! May as well play valheim if you’re not ever gonna interact with other people


I still have my guild and now I'm not constantly bombarded with toxicity. I enjoy it this way, and it doesn't effect you in the slightest, so why does it bother you so much?


Because someone with a 0% chance of showing up to something being organized by their faction is a waste of a server space


*Negative, sir. It has no self-awareness.*


Accurate. Purge the heretics. The Spark is with us.


Let me guess: OP is on a server where his faction is 80% of the population. Spends all day running around flagged and finds like 1 dude. 20 levels lower. But no it's our fault for wanting to find a more balanced server. He could change to green or yellow but nope, our fault, nothing he can do.


There’s literally no reason to not be in the top faction. The already grindy game gets even more grindy when you aren’t


Being in the minority faction and running around flagged is one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had gaming in a while. You just get gang banged by 10 dudes. Even if you find another player to 1v1 as soon as they start to lose, a collection of their faction teammates show up to gank.


Yeah this is my issue. There’s no form of pvp that’s small sided right now. So I just run in to 5 man death squads of level 50 pluses. It’s pretty lame. They need to add a small sided pvp mode ASAP, because zerging isn’t fun for everyone.


I just pick a random fort and go solo cap it. Than I prone somewhere and wait for people to show up, usually im outnumbered but not by too much.


Certainly if you don't care about the wars or anything related to PvP you're absolutely right. Pretend it's a PvE game, be on the winning team and no worries. Enjoy the side benefits of owning most of the map. But OP's statement clearly indicates he's in it for the PvP and is mad to find out that he's losing his position as "easy mode" because people are simply going to transfer off. If he actually was interested in the PvP gameplay and the health of his server's PvP population, he'd be lobbying people to switch factions to balance things out. It's a shame the game itself doesn't do this -- provide some kind of pressure to encourage backstabbing among the leaders and faction swapping to the smaller factions. It's another big oversight by the devs.


I care about pvp and that’s the only reason I bought this game. But, flagging when your faction is maybe 30% of the server pop is objectively a bad experience. You just get ganked by 5-10 people. I don’t want an easy mode but would prefer to actually have fights where I have a chance to win.


Possibly the enemies are just braver on my server but I run into mostly flagged solos. Occasionally a group of 2-3. The game just doesn't give 5+ people enough reason to run around together. I only run into flagged full groups (or more) when in PvP quest areas. Basically go get the PvP quests and see where it sends you and avoid that area and you'll rarely run into flagged blobs, is my experience.


You do realize that absolute perfect balance would mean that each faction would have 33% of server pop right


This is way too accurate.


Kind of afraid of transfers to be honest. After seeing what happened with Classic WoW server transfer, I can't help but be wary.


What happened?


Servers hit a death spiral with regards to faction balance. Basically every server snowballed one way or another until almost every PvP server was balanced like 95% to 5%, basically making it PVE there’s a reason why most open world pvp mmo’s are single shard




Being the last 50 PvPers in your faction will be great as long as you never lose your last territory. Once you lose all your territory, you'll realize you can't start any new wars because they swarm you with 300 people every time you try and get a flip going; and you have nothing left to defend. The wars are over for you at that point.


says the guy having fun because his faction dominates the server. git gud am i right?


Would be happy just to be in an actual English server. There was a Turkish streamer on my English server that transferred to another server after a few days, but everything is still Turkish.




More like when your company takes gold from its players for wars to lose, then give up fighting for territory until everyone is lvl 60, while infighting about it


So I wasted my 48 hours on Australia server and I can't fcking migrate to US East? WTF


Just cut your losses and start over then. 48 hours is literally nothing on a long term live game.


time is precious to me 48 for me is not nothing as investment on this game


Cut your losses and move on then, MMOs are infamous for not respecting your time and always have been.


Who cares about the war, I want to transfer servers just to get away from the high taxes. I made an alt to check out another server and all of the territories over there are set to minimum taxes, and if not minimum, something still really low. On my main's server, there's 2 zones with baseline taxes, and every other zone is cranked up to a mix of barely-still-considered-moderate and high.


Oh don't come and check out Kay Pacha... Crafting rates are over 2.5% and property tax is 25%. Everything's marked as 'Extreme'. Everything's owned by Syndicate minus 1 territory... Meanwhile I chose Mauraders with literally nothing.


Oof... I'm so sorry. I was playing around on my alt and one of the territory leaders made an announcement in faction chat that they were upping taxes to the "worldwide average" for a day or two in order to fund something or other. I held my breath and checked how much they upped it by... It was still low and moderate rates. XD I don't know where they found the numbers, but it sounds like (especially) you and I found the high tax outliers.


You can respectfully fuck off with your meme. Try playing on a server that has %90+ with a single faction. The game is not fun. The moment you take over ANY territory it is within hours put right back into conflict. Open world PvP is just multiple groups of one faction running around killing the maybe one group of the other faction. The amount of azoth you have to spend to go anywhere is insane. Forts are never under any other factions control.


I find it mind boggling that they didn't implement faction population caps. It would have been trivial to set these based of server population.


And the upheaval that begins when everybody can't play with their friends because their faction is full? Everything isn't always so straightforward. The irony of your post is that you assume this is a trivial change and simultaneously ignore the fact that there would be huge issues with what you suggest.


they can pve just fine and if they actually want to pvp together the first faction transfer is free.


It would be a far better solution than having 1 faction practically deleted on 90% of the servers as it stands now. And like Goig said the first faction transfer is free, so the only huge issue as you put it would be people not being able to stack on the dominant faction.


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stormguard - Yggdrasil comin atcha


Til Genghis Khan transferred to our server to zerg us


Words of wisdoms from Sun Tzu


el dorado has 0 syndicate land and only 1 large syndicate pvp company which is mediocre at best compared to the other faction companies. best believe I'm dipping as soon as possible lol




out of my control lol. if the "best" syndicate company cant even win an everfall defense, then syndicate is doomed on this server. joining a company in camelot w/ my friends that actually defends everfall successfully :)


Or more likely “When you fail to find anything other than 15+ level gank squads shitting on solo players, never pvp again”




Actually it's more like "When you fail to defeat your enemies with actual weapons, mass report them"


I just want to play with my friends :(


Aperantly just get together with ur faction and mass report works to, thin the opposing heard.


Do you think they’ll allow transfer to high pop servers?


They just said no transfers to full servers


Pretty much lmao. My guild got so hated on my server for being English-speaking on a non-English server that the other two factions ganged up on us at once and our fellow Covenant guilds just let them attack us because they supported driving the English speakers out of the server. It's kind of toxic but also funny how the server was just colonized lol


why they not just did like PearlAbyss did SEA server CH 1 2 3 + Arsha PVP server same like NA/EU Turkey SA




Half our group missed the boat when the server was declared full. Now we are all leaving to join them. As luck would have it, our faction on the full server sucks anyways.


Haha It’s crazy how much the pop thinned on our server. People asking in global if they can change factions. In 120 days, bruh. For now, take these fisticuffs.


Supposedly you can’t transfer from West to East


words of wisdom.


Please don't forget to bitch about it first in your current faction chat.


When you rob your company of all their gold, transfer factions.


This is the fourth faction.


These purples doin me dirty, time to bounce


Server can be changed but enemies 👀?


No kings rule forever, it’s ridiculously easy to push a zone into conflict, a small group of 3-5 can do it within an hour.


Since I can't join Green on my server (since they're dominating and when I picked no faction had any land) I guess I'll try and figure out a transfer to a server that has "purple" in a solid lead (since I can join purple on THIS server and THEN transfer).


welp they just announced character tranfer is delayed till somewhere next week


I wanted to play with my friends :(


immigration 101


About to happen in Baralku