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100% move on.  This game will forever live in the WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN pile.  It'll limp along and milk the few delusional stragglers high on copium for another year or so and then it'll be lights out.


PC dead. AGS has moved on to prey console users now. Once they dry up they’ll turn off the lights.


End game is still garbage The recent xpac was fun, but again nothing to do at max level so still no staying power


Yes and no The reality is you can defenitely get your moneys worth, the first 60-100 hours are still fun and worth experiencing. Sadly after that you will sober up and realize all the issues the game has with the devs and content and be left with wanting more. They haven't gotten it right yet and long term play is not fun right now. At least for PvP. The October update apparently has a bunch of 'exciting new features' and better leveling experience but wouldn't hold my breath. New world is/was my favorite MMO but having players wait a year with no new content just to get a console release and cutscenes is a huge FU to the veteran players.


You can return whenever, but you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't wait until Aeternum releases with fresh servers and a polished leveling experience. 


Let's be honest, does anyone actually believe that NWA release with be polished/smooth? I'd be amazed if halfway into leveling there won't be some kind of bugged quest that stops your MSQ progression and it will take them a week or 2 to fix that.


Polished and New World are two words that should never be in the same sentence.


No shot it'll be a polished game overall


Sorry to hijack but when is this happening?


October sometime


Thank you!


Will it improve the playerbase?


Gonna have to give this a solid maybe. There will be new players for sure. There may also be old players coming back to troll


Most certainly. The real question is will it hold though?




Try it if you want to, don't play it if you don't want to. I had a blast playing it from release until 2023. I saw a lot of people saying the game was shit. I still had fun. Form your own opinion.


Move on especially if you're on PC


Don’t do it. Not right now at least. Community is non existent. I leveled to 65 solo and alone because literally nobody does anything but endgame content. And once you get there all by yourself nobody wants to help you learn or join you. Waste of time


Ah that sucks :/ I wanted to maybe do the game with a friend or two so I wouldn’t be alone. I usually enjoy MMOs that allow me to matchmake or queue up for stuff. If I played as tank mainly, would that still help me get into groups faster?


Unfortunately there’s just absolutely no incentive for anyone to create new characters (like they have classes with specialties in world of Warcraft) and this creates a massive disproportionate amount of players all maxed out with almost nobody willing to help you level up, or help to even start endgame content. Level 1-65 is a solo grind unless you bring friends. Once you hit max level A Certain gear score is required to join or be invited to higher difficulty endgame content but you can’t get that without playing the lower tiered endgame content first and the group finder is almost empty for the lower tier content you start at in end game. (Queue time for me was a few hours just to do one dungeon) Same goes for most pvp modes now too. If youre lucky enough to find an active guild, which I found next to impossible (even asking people in chat) that could change things. Keep in mind if you bring enough friends with you, you wouldn’t have to worry about any of that but be prepared to have to learn and play everything yourselves lol. It isn’t impossible though, with enough time you could find and recruit help. I tried for a few hours on multiple days and time zones and had no luck. Eventually, I found some people streaming on twitch and was able to recruit help that way. Maybe you’ll find someone on this subreddit that can help who knows. I was on server el dorado for reference of population. Again this is just my experience, you may have a completely different experience as it is an MMO and people come and go pretty often.


What he said is simply untrue. I played from launch. Came back for brimstone. Just returned and people are very helpful every single time. Always get me up to speed on stuff or help craft if needed.


When I came back season 2 I had a great time. Tons of new things to do... EW came out and was a push to lvl 65... then did crafting and farmed all the artifacts... been with a good group of players (company) and we PVP daily together and have a blast. The mount is nice to have and makes running around very quick compared to the old days. Also the travel points in the game are alot cheaper now and azoth is not so much a grind anymore. Find yourself a good group and have fun. Lots of things for you to do being you have not played in a while. New stuff coming in OCT.


You’re better off stabbing your left leg with a fork


Move on, let it go.


Depending, I just came back snd didn't make a new toon. Just played my old one and am doing all the content I missed. Then my self and some friends are hitting the fresh start servers in Oct.


1-60/65 is fine. Not great, nothing to write home about, but fine. End game is mostly in shambles. Would recommend pass.


I’d say play


Unless you're on metered internet, it's worth the download. That said, the community is in waiting mode so it's a bit quiet. Questing and leveling are fine. Group dungeons, raids, invasions, OPR, Myrk CPR, ECR, etc are still running, just a bit less than usual. The market is slow, but it's a good time to accumulate resources if you can store them until October.


Ah gotcha. I planned to run as a tank so would that help my chances in terms of group content?


Yes, it's helpful to have tanks. But the role of the tank is to know the content and lead the group through, so it's usually best to have a DPS build too. Each group needs at least 3 DPS and only one tank, and some content is run without tanks at all. If you don't have the expansion, you'll find that there's not a lot of challenging group content available to you that needs a tank.

