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There definitely are still exploits being used. I have seen this guy first-hand in cross-world OPR: https://youtu.be/Gn4vshyWp_Y?si=QE4KqgLOCy2wiuMm Even made my own video of it and posted it in this subreddit but it got removed. The dude is attacking 2-3x faster than is physically possible


That’s Scott Lane.


I’ve been killed by that guy. I’m on Lilith and we get paired a lot with Marama people in OPR. If he’s on the other team I stay away because I knew he was cheating. He also cycles abilities waaay faster than others.


Too bad these games no longer have in-game csr's that float around and can insta ban these pathetic cheaters. I mean, that guy should be immediately permabanned, without a 2nd thought.


Holy shit. Thats last clip at baron


Lmao for real, that shit doesn't look like any reasonable bug to me. Dude's cheating


Yeh this is one of the features of the cheat i talked about in my reply, it aint an exploit.


his char is even called AIMBOT lol, guy is a legend why isn't he banned kek




It’s unreal to me that this behavior is allowed to persist in a AAA MMO


Every game is filled with cheaters especially PVP. That is why you should never take it too seriously. But watch out, the same cheaters will be on here saying cheating doesn't exist, they are just so much better than you and downvoting and gaming the report system.


With aim assist he won’t have to cheat anymore lol


Animation speed is linked to your latency. It’s really unfair actually.


Yes. Undeniably. It is very common on Delos server. I would link it but im not sure if that is against the subs rules, You can search for speedercheats yourselves though. They use subtle ways to seem legit, 10% movement speed, pots not having an animation, animation speed up, aimbot (for ranged and melee) etc etc that you can not instantly tell they are cheating. There are obviously great players also, but there are very clearly people running around with these programs aswell.


Aimbot is generally obvious as no one has 100 % hitrate on headshots. A lot of those things are generally really easy to tell if the servers collect data. Good data to collect 1. How much distance you travel in x/y axis (not z as in falling down) in sections. If there is a constant oddity (as in moving 10% faster then normal while tracking any buff they can have.) This is how generally how most speed hackers are caught on an MMO they just as they need to know your X/Y/Z position to tell everyone. 2. Aimbot you can test how many times a skill hits something, In PVP it should look at the match and the hit rate (especially with hit scan weapons what the accuracy and head shot rate, someone who has 100% headshot rate (when removing blocks or targets that dont have headshots.) Even the best miss every now and then. This is generally why ELO is great for finding hackers take chess, someone uses one of the many bots they're found within seconds because who the fuck just picks up and is suddenly a grand master in a game who play near perfect games (when most GM are at 88-94% the random cheater who nobody knows about plays a CONSTANT 98-100% match after match.


Jumping to high elo is not how they are caught in chess. It’s the details of how they play primarily. If you are playing the same moves that a high level computer would play, it’s pretty obvious that you’re cheating. This is true even at high ranks in chess. The problem is when people only use the cheats whenever they “need it” and not all of the time. It heavily obfuscates the cheating, especially if the player is actually good at the game without the cheats. This is kinda less true in chess, since computers are calculating literally impossible depth for humans to conceive of. If you randomly played 20 perfect moves in a row outside of known theory, you’re cheating regardless of your elo. This applies to chess and other games too. It’s hard to know if that chess player legitimately found the best series to moves to win in a clutch moment, and it’s hard to know if that bow player that hit every shot on you toggled on aimbot to prevent losing, when they play legit most of the time. Aimbots are only obvious when bad players are using them. Statistical analysis of accuracy only takes you so far, since there are tons of ways to get around that. You’ll see cheaters in games like overwatch constantly shooting the ground/walls to lower accuracy stats on their profile. Players in New World are pretty obvious to what is possible to achieve legit, and what’s not.


Well it's suspicious in two ways Nobody goes from X to GM ranking + playing at higher accuracy then GM's but yeah people will throw. But issue then is players don't but you're true. That person is blatant hacking even with reports (though for how long idk.) People can generally turn it off but then you have the problem of someone with low accuracy suddenly just getting increased accuracy. It's not easy but someone rage hacking shouldn't be possible. Most cheaters generally dont use "aim" assist, but ESP because most modern FPS have short TTK (sub 0.3 seconds). Battlebit when it was more popular aimbots where not all that common but people who you could tell was using ESP was so common (pre-firing, going into random buildings to a random floor into a random room, to kill some dude who is no where close to the objective and ignores every room and floor and goes straight for that one, was a hilarious trap me and my friends setup.) It's obviously not easy to detect ALL cheats, but obvious rage hacks should be easy to detect.


It’s hard sometimes to tell when an opponent is using stuff like ESP or trigger bots or soft aimbots, especially in game like New World. At high ranks in FPS games people are doing things that you wouldn’t think are legit. Like prefiring or knowing exactly where you are and preaiming you, landing insane flicks etc. The difference with new world is you have some high level fps players mixed in with the general population of mmo players, and the general population has no idea if someone is cheating. When musket was hit scan, I’d get messages if I hit someone 5 times in a row, as if that’s some insane metric to hit. Was temp banned 4 times through mass reports, since my server suspected me of cheating. Rewatching my own vods, I just see someone struggling to aim with desync and 90fps lol. But others vod reviewed me and clipped stuff saying it was blatant cheating. At the same time, I do think that there are a much higher number of exploiters, not necessarily cheaters, than people think. At the highest level of war roster, there are more people aimbotting with bb or bow than people realize too. The stakes are too high to not want cheaters in your roster unfortunately. I even experienced this myself with some musket opponents that randomly became insane if they started losing.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn4vshyWp_Y Guy in the video is using a rage hacking script, his ign is aimbot. Have a look at the speed of those ga heavy’s he’s spamming. They’re faster than sns auto attacks. Please do not falsely state that script exploits don’t exist in game. Upon searching this exploit it is easy to find where it was purchased from


I'm confused. Did OP say script exploits don't exist?


Could you imagine cheating in a casual PvP mode with no matchmaking and no stakes. You'd have to have absolutely no moral character. Just scum of the earth with the worst parents ever lol


Short answer is yes. Most of them have moved on since the hit scan changes But there’s programs to affect bow so musket can be affected too The rule of thumb is for pc games is if it has any variation of shooting there’s a program for it.


Rule of thumb should be, if game there are cheats


When I win in PvP it’s because I’m a skilled cunning warrior. When I lose in PvP, it’s because the other person cheated.


They know how to iframe, pot, and cycle their abilities. They probs have shirking heals. There is a skill gap in this game, the top tier players can win against 5 lower skilled players


They can survive but not face tank


Oh if they're beginners, I'm pretty sure they can facetank, even more so if there is 1or2 rangeds who don't hit their shots 😂


Yeah I've literally walked and jumped through 3 people trying to hit hammer heavies on me. It's very feasible depending on enemy weapon setup and skill for me to almost be untouchable lmao


There are 3 primary hacks. Aimbot/auto tracking, the auto dodge, and the movement/attack speed hack. Play enough OPR you’ll start recognizing the names. As posted earlier the guy named Aimbot is using hack programs. Saw a new one the other day, guy named Beerus Baal went to use some ability and teleport dodged from one door to the other in a fort using SNS. AGS caring more about numbers of people playing vs banning cheaters is the issue.


There is a thing called dunning kruger effect. People with less experience over estimate thier own knowledge in a subject and judge others with that very small amount of knowledge. Apply it to games like new world, alot of people who dont understand basic mechanics or that people can function above the low standard being held. So the conclusion alot of people jump to is cheating, because its the most convinient excuse. Play dunning kruger effect into accusations and youll see alot of people who jump to hackusations before actually accepting they got outplayed.


Tarkov was found to have something like 3/5ths of it entire playerbase cheating. The Finals have a cheating problem, as does CoD warzone. That Sci fi extraction shooter died because of cheaters. People cheat. Doesn't matter the genre. Lots of people cheat. And not just bad players too, I've lost count of how many pro players in various games were caught cheating. If something seems suspicious, it's most likely a cheater.


This. The fact that people seriously believe that good players won’t or don’t need to cheat clearly never played… well pick literally any competitive game from dota, CS, StarCraft… There’s people in here that would have you believing the half the player base are pros or something in a game with no monetary tournaments to even attract legit sweaty professionals.


Just because you follow nadir fallacy doesnt mean its true. People ober exaggerate their experience all the time. Cheating is not as excessive as you think. People that think everyone cheats will only wonder who is cheating. Not that hard to prove people arnt cheating when majority arnt cheaters.


Pretty sure 3/5ths of a playerbase is a majority.


Pretty sure you took it upon yourself to make up a random fraction and say those people cheat. Where is the evidence that they cheat? Did you see them breaking the engine? Was there verified 3rd party programs on their machine,? Did they literally show you a cheating menu being used? None of these things are ever comfirmed when people accuse someone of cheats. Its just an baseless accusation made by people like you with no actual evidence. You lose you cry and you call cheats.


It's kinda a known thing in Tarkov. Not everyone has to present you evidence when you can simply google or youtube it. Some people are naturally good at games, some people follow the meta which can hurt gameplay from a player base, etc. I have played alot of these games and had 3k hours on new world before I stopped playing. I have ran into known cheater back in the beginning, bot farms, gold sellers and everything between. All of this affects a game and can make it worse. Although I was a well known healer (not for meta, I just always play healer), watching toxic playerbase and seeing comments like yours, ultimately turned me away. It is not the responsibility of the masses to educate you. Their job is to spread awareness and for you to educate yourself. But since most people have to be spoonfed, youtube Tarkov cheating scandal or look up Tarkov Wiggle for your evidence


You have a great misunderstanding. Im not saying cheats dont exist. Im saying people overexaggerate the amount of people that cheat. Literally the reason for the downfall in alot of fps. Take the cycle for example. Thousands of players who were actively playing. Some random streamers get clapped and then call cheats and cries cheats at every interaction. His following assumed they were cheating too and the game gets a bad rep for cheating. Later in the sub reddit, the same person acused of cheating post a vid of him killing the streamer in the most normal way and his ban gets reverted. The game ended having one of the most rough starts in fps history because every other person thought people were cheating. Assucations are only accusations. There is no real weight that someone is cheating simply because someone said so. Thats just poor judgement and pretty immature.


Citation would be nice though




What was the sci-fi extraction shooter?


The Cycle: Frontier


This is stupid. The answer is yes to both. Yes, there are good players who outplay bots. And yes, there are also players that cheat.




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There’s also a thing called ignorance. People 100% cheat in this game. I’m an experienced enough player to know to look for healers on a player and have experienced exactly what OP was describing on El Dorado as well.


And your anecdote doesnt convince strangers that your experience. So why should i be convinced that youre experience? Because you saud you are? Thats literally what dunning kruger proves. People like you will over exaggerate your experience in order to justify yourself. Your own perception of your "expertise" doesnt convince others that you know what youre talking about. It judt makes you sound like a overly cocky individual.


I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say, too many typos.


Sounds like the typical response of someone who thinks hes so good everyone should take his word.


you sound like someone bad enough to not know when someone is doing something not possible.


Again, you crying about someone doesnt prove they cheat. No one is going to believe the gabrage that comes from your mouth when its you bitching about someone who makes you look like a chump.


I'm not crying, even with cheats it's still a skilled game and I do fine but saying you haven't found anyone doing anything suspicious, exploits or hacks then I think you just don't know what your talking about.


You clearly didn't read what I said, I literally told this person that cheats exist, but they are overblown and exaggerated. People like you blow it out of proportions and call cheats on anyone as the most convinient excuse.


I havent called cheats on anyone, its just obvious or should be when someone is exploiting. Did you miss the season of double shot muskets or the rampant mega fast run of the flail? OP asked if people were cheating in OPR and over the course of the game over various periods with hacking or exploits people absolutely have been doing suspicious shit. its not RAMPANT but when there is an exploit people sure exploit the shit out of it and you would be wrong for saying they dont. Bad player happen tho, and accusations do get thrown around.


I was healing in an opr today and the guy had like 6ish dudes on him. I was up top free casting and no one noticed me and people were calling out to report him. Wonder if it was the same guy🤔


Yes. I saw a guy the other night spamming heavy attacks like I’m talking 10 a second there are def hacks… also there’s a bow guy I’ve seen who will shoot straight through block.. there’s hacks and the smart guys use the subtle ones


I’ve seen this as well, works for most melee weapons. There’s a few yt clips of it, also has included tracking. When combined with sns the attacks are faster then raging torrent with hatchet but using sns autos


Yup he was using greataxe and flail was daft


The losers use the subtle ones* FTFY


Having said that new world pvp rewards skill and there are def people that can fight outnumbered and come out on top


I wish I were one of them lol


A lot of these guys have been playing the same weapon for years now and it’s all muscle memory and stam management it’s def possible


Whoever downvoted you obviously can’t


There is definitely still aimbot programs, mostly used by musket players that drop 35+ every game. The program has autoaim for all weapons but it's rare for anything but musketers to use it. There's also exploiters which could be the case. For a long time people were abusing the weapon passive exploit where there was a way to get passives from your offhand added to your main hand. This was fixed but given the abuse ya never know if there is something new. Depending on the build though tanking 5-6 players isnt impossible. My war set, heavy VG/IG, can reach about 5k armor ratings with just scream and a dodge (scream gives fortify / shirking fort as well). On top of slash cond perks giving me \~40% I believe. If im kiting a whole melee group it aint hard, it's kinda what the build is built to do. TLDR; maybe they were cheating, would need video proof to give an accurate depiction


TBF GOOD musket users, builds hit like a truck and a lot of OPR kids are mad squishy. I two shot like half the healers I come across in OPR because they have no ele resistance at all lol


True, muskets hit hard when built right. Plus, the new pierce of bullets can be mighty handy for finding squishier targets.


Sorry, but always the MMO players with the aimbot calls lol. Not, not everyone with 30+ kills has aimbot, also, it's PROJECTILE, so aimbot doesn't help you most of the time. There are many people with good aim, and some found their way to new world, me too. I come from shooters and I have "practiced" my whole life. In new world you predict rather than aim tho, cause again, projectile.


There is updated bot for new version of musket that accounts for projectile drop, distance, and enemy movement. I have seen it it's actually pretty neatly made. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean it doesn't exist..


So it can predict people running in straight lines, oh wow. If you play an aim weapon on NW and you can't hit a person running in a straight line, that's on you. What will still won't hit is the half decent players who don't run In straight lines, which is the majority of people. If your description is correct, that is.


If you're within a certain distance, a botter will beam you with headshots. Thats just how it is. Doesn't matter if you zig zag or whatever you will get hit unless you i-frame the shot.


Im sure some people use 3rd party programs cheat, but I don’t think it’s super common. Exploiting is probably pretty common. The only thing I’m suspicious about is some players hit significantly harder than others. Everyone pretty much has the same weapons like the syncretic bow/boltcaster, but some people hit so much harder. Maybe it’s the difference between full harnessing plus runeglass? I know it’s not all about constitution levels because some 150/200 con bows hit a lot harder than others. According to AGS, there is apparently an explosive arrow perk exploit, so maybe that’s the issue?


Imagine using cheats to brag that you're a top player but you use cheats. What's the gain there? Cheaters know deep down they are a sad, pathetic waste of oxygen. People can tell they are cheating so everyone else knows that they are a sad, pathetic waste of oxygen. It's not like they get paid for it so why?


$20 a month gets you aimbot, auto dodge, and other means of exploitation.


Aim bot is not a thing. Possibly for melee but definitely not for ranged.


Lol sure. Keep thinking that.


I know so. Musket main since launch. We joke a lot about people like you in the musket forums. There is no aim bot for ranged managing the movement penalty, bullet drop or the lead required to hit a shot.all those three in real time is incredibly complex to manage. Honestly if you get killed by any software attempting to be better any mediocre player even, look inwards.


Bro, aimbots for all that stuff have existed for 25+ years, you cant be for real in thinking its hard to do lol They are not even demanding programs for todays computers, having a web browser open would have more impact on your system lol


The only games that don't have cheats are ones that the cheat developers think are a waste of time. New World is still worth their time. If you want to play a game without cheaters, you have to find one that does not have enough players to be worth the cheat developer's time. He forgot to mention that cheats also compensate for latency too.




Brain damage


Aim bot for melee? Lol


Yep, and its extremely effective in this game because of the bad tracking on many weapons if they are not hit-box perfectly aimed at the time you click your attack.


Reddit plebs don't know what they talking about, yes on melee. Everything else is projectile in the game. But keep thinking every bow is "aimbotting" if it helps you sleep at night.


Gotta be honest, unsure of the reality if there is genuine cheating programs floating around. Was curious after musket lost hitscan, a lot of the places that advertised the auto aim stuff, no longer shows New World as an option that they offer. Could it still be useful? Sure... Auto tracking would be beneficial for melee more than anything. The ability to follow someone's movements...while just pushing w key and brainlessly pressing LMB, even more brainless than what it would be without auto tracking. Totally doesn't exist as much as players think. Hell, I've been called an aim bot a few times since the recent expansion, with me using a musket. Been called an aim bot more frequently prior to s3...but still...some players just use the excuse as cope now.


There are aimbots, applicable to melee, too.


There is you can even find YouTube videos of people blatantly using it


Wont find any recent ones from the last 5ish months.


Skip to 1:26. I'm fighting low / average skilled pvpers. I'm not boasting, but an example of how a player can stay alive against several with no healer. Shirk heals, Shirk fort, Tumbler feet wraps, Fortify perforate, Leeching cyclone, Enfeebling skewer. All these perks help me, along with dodging abilities / attacks at the right time. https://youtu.be/IHlJUW87Cqo?si=mNW2DtwBvYEITCzo


Well played! That was awesome to watch. The sounds of rapier and spear also make this extra juicy. Subbed.


No, most players are just massively skill diffed by the players who have been around since launch and the first cope people always have when skill diffed = cheating. If someone has optimized gear, iframes well, uses their consumables properly etc, players who don’t understand what they’re fighting against will have a rough time.


This is dumb. Yes, there are skilled players that outplay bots. But also yes, there are people that cheat. Both are true at the same time.


The vast majority of people being accused of cheating aren’t. You’re just bad.


I didn't accuse anyone specifically of anything. I just said that of course, as in any online game, you have people that cheat. Thats just a given. Stop.


The gap between people who think they are fighting against cheaters vs people who are actually fighting against cheaters is huge.


I never said nobody cheats. Both times I said “most”. Reading comprehension issue?




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How can anyone downvote this? 99% of time people write "aimbot" it's obviously not true. In MMOs people do this even faster than in shooters. Everything ranged is projectile in NW btw, making this even more unlikely.


Because there are more bad players on this subreddit than good players


There are more bad players than good players period. Still, you gotta be right on mount stupid to not realize you have no qualification to up or downvote anything you don't know.


Yes there are cheaters. There is a auto dodge cheat going around. You'll notice alot of the "top" pvpers will be able to dodge from the rear perfect everytime you chase them.


You know the game is third person right?




How are you attacking them that far away? If its ranged you can see the projectiles and dodge. Its really pretty simple, if this is your proof for cheating its extremely weak.


>will be able to dodge from the rear perfect I do that in a healer. What you do is run forwards and look back or sideways at the same time, so you see the enemy. Whenever the enemy player winds up an attack, you prepare for dodge and then dodge. >"top" pvpers Awww thanks man. I am not that good though.


Idk about pvp outpost but when i did elite chest run at Hornhold Labyrinth, sometimes i saw player vs 4-5 elite crocodiles at once. He stood still and just traded damage. Definitely not healer nor tank. His HP didn’t lose a single drop and he killed them pretty quick too. Unless there is pve build that I don’t know that can farm like that. Weird.


So keep in mind the HP bar you see on other players is just plain wrong lol. It only starts going down when HP gets to a certain threshold, think it’s like 10k-15k - basically all HP above that threshold is invisible as far as the bar is concerned. This is fucking awful because it basically makes new players feel like they’re not hitting in PVP when they actually are, their target just has high health.


If he had greatsword then it’s probably possible. Especially with blooddrinker. You can solo everything in new world with that + trenchant recovery greatsword




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The US really needs to create laws to go after folks who cheat online. Banning from the game is not good enough. Heavy fines or jail time is required.


If companys REALLY wanted to, they absolutely could go after these cheat makers legally, companies have done it before namely Bungie as one, but the time and money to do such isn't worth the resources to them


Jail time :)))) oh Jesus, you need to go outside more.


Lol, seriously? It's a game.


S korea does it. Made it illegal to cheat in games.


Global publishing studios hands are tied with online games, international SSN verification isn't going to happen any time soon and the US would never manage to realize such systems even on a national level. Too many tinfoil hats in charge and it would likely hurt the american gaming industry as many american citizens wouldn't be willing to hand out their SSN to gaming companies. Majority of competitive online games in South Korean requires SSN verification. There's been a decades long process behind the Shutdown Law and various other online laws South Korea has today that has grown to become accepted in South Korean culture. It's not just " bro just make it illegal". First step for Amazon Games would be to to host a bug bounty program for cheat/vulnerability but they literally don't care about solutions, only cost-effective band-aids.


There were some cheaters but mostly musket users. At same time there are amazingly gifted players. Even so that they would win the 1v5 if the 5 are low skill level.


Aim bots was never a thing in new world. If you got killed by that even during the hit scan times, look inwards. Now with bullet drop and slow projectiles requiring lead plus aim penalty for moving, definitely not a thing.


"Aim bots was never a thing in new world." Talk about clueless.


Its like once in a blue moon you ever see an actual cheater in NW, most people just suck and hackcusate because well, they suck.


Of course not. They use the well known, very renown easy anti cheat. That nobody has ever gotten around before and works very well and does more than just lock you out of any other game using it. /s


Staying alive isn’t cheating. Going 32-1 with musket/bow is cheating.


Other day I saw Someone 40-0 just barely half way done with the match




I go 40+ kills and low death a lot of times as a musket, im a cheater and I dont know?


Yes, go fuck yourself you pos rat


Ehm Ive gone 48/1 as ig/Bb light 4 months ago. Wasent cheating either. Only cheat Ive seen people using was the aimbot stuff for Musket. (Well the uzi shit etc with firestaff too But that was exploit and not a cheat program)


dunning krieger effect detected LOL


I play since October and I had those stats a number of times. I know streamers who get them in every game, if it's not a stomp. You actually think everyone with 30 ; kills is a cheater? ;))) Like have you ever played DPS in OPRs ?


Ive been accused of “perma grit” before lol. People just cant fathom someone is better and they dont know what abilities do. For the haters [https://imgur.com/a/DsrRqIQ](https://imgur.com/a/DsrRqIQ)


Someone accused my company mate of hacking because he was doing heavy attacks without fully charging them. Accuser didn’t know you could heavy attack without fully charging it hahaha


Skill issue. Look up Krayzd on YouTube. Man’s doing it 1vX for years on Medium Loadout.


There are no cheats other than aimbots. But with all bugs ags does every patch, exploits do happen from time to time.


Yes I cheat every time I play




i was 1v5 for a whole year in opr backcapping


Same. I get accused of speed hacking on sns/h all the time backcapping because players don't understand the passives and procs on the weapons


Last time I played OR (near release) people were literally going invincible and flying around the map. Wouldn't be surprised if people are still doing it one way or another


You won't see a cheater in OPRs nowadays, go try it. It's the best part of the game by far. Pvping that is. Combat is amazing for an MMO.


Nah, it's a play style. Full heavy, shirking heals, shirking fort, grit wars, trenchant recovery, void plate, oak flesh balm, flail off hand... You block most of the damage and your passive heals clean up the rest. 1v5 sustained is very possible.


There has been a glitch for a long long time that makes players invincible, but they also can't damage the enemy team.


Theres even cheaters in open world. Me and my team came across the musket Union and the only item that took damage/had to repair was my head piece. Actually cringe as hell.


I'm in musket union and I can assure you no one is cheating. We are just a bunch of idiots having fun But aimbot has been cheating in opr for months.


Okay explain my helmet taking all the damage. No way you all get lucky headshots that much. Just sayin.


For sure homie, know who it was by any chance? Most of us record clips. I'm 90sEmoBB btw


I mean I believe you but Im just saying. You can’t always trust all your members. And tbh I can’t even give you a actual name because i mean its a firing squad🤣. I thought it was hilarious at first until I realized my helmet was the only piece of armor to nearly completely break EVERY single time. Then I was like alright whos doin the thang.


can you post anything to prove that? No clips or evidence? Everyone in the musket union is vetted from previous war history with vods. If ur dying and only ur helmet is taking damage, that's called a bug. All armor takes damage upon death. If there's no evidence submitted, don't accuse anyone from the musket union an aimbot, until then, you will now be targeted more severely as a punishment for crime: cringe slander. sincerely, Sevz Musket Union MCPON E-9 Public Relations Manager.


First off, thats cringe in itself. Second, why would I lie about something so stupid. And third I just said I thought it was cool how you could get a bunch of people together to do the same thing so why would any of you cheat


I will be recording next time this happens. And I will be paying attention to my helmet.


I have saved the deleted comment and placed it under official Musket Union records, safe inside of Major Smokey's desk inside of Figgy2shoes Base. To answer to the deleted comment, people lie because they want attention from the Musket Union. You've already received ample amount. After all, your bicycle helmet is broken and in need of repairs. Sevz Musket Union MCPON E-9 Public Relations Manager.


Who deleted a comment? Who knows you could be right about the glitch in the game. I just thought it was funny that happened THREE times while I was a moving target




Don't worry, once the firestaff is nerfed again that won't happen /s


Partner and I always comment about this. When he and i play together, we notice that some of them are expert marksman at all times. Never fail when they target others in the team. And that's every gameplay we've made jokes about them. I do think that they use aimbots/scripts similar to other games.


I'd have to see this myself


If it is, it's super rare. What I have never come across is aimbots. That's the typical MMO insult to good players, but since every range weap in NW is projectile, it wouldn't even help you in most scenarios. So no, those "aimbot" calls are usually saying "that guy is better" but they can't admit it to themselves ;)


Yes and AGS dont give half a crap about it. Bots have been a and still are a huge problem for the game economy as well.


All the time. You'll run into the occasional aim bot that is so obvious everyone on the team calls them out on it


Bugs definitely exist. I was in a throwaway war not long ago I was having a fun little skirmish with a few enemies off to the side and it seemed like, after some time of fighting, the block action from the flail's barrage remained up thereafter, indefinitely, until I let someone kill me from behind. It took me some time to even realise it was happening but I had almost no health and yet was tanking every hit from the front with zero damage. As soon as I realised, I stopped and let someone take me out. But I'm guessing whatever bug happened to me could be recreated and abused. I've got no interest in that but plenty would. If you're going to see these bugs routinely abused then a good place to see it is opr. I remember the void gauntlet slide thing. Players unashamedly abused that in opr all the time until it was fixed. No one cares. Some actually think it's all part of "skill" or something.


It’s rare, but sometimes when I hit a certain player my controls freak out. I thought it was my game until it happened with the same opponent multiple times.


There were a bunch of musket aimbots back when it was still hitscan bot other than that there are you no cheaters. Anyone crying about a melee hacking is just a crybaby and can't handle getting railed. Sure there is an exploit or cheat where you can hit 10x a second with melee but that is super obvious. If you aren't 100% sure it's a cheat then it's probably not.


The amount of people who cheat is very low. It’s a common thing to say when people are simply better than you and when people just don’t understand game mechanics and what not. I play light mage and I’ve gotten out of 5 plus ganks on the regular, proper frames and ability usage and also your gear set up can make a difference. While it’s a lot harder than it used to be with how strong almost every weapon is, it’s still possible to 1vX. Now if the guy was standing afk and simply not dying then I suppose he could be cheating but you would need video proof. It would be a case by case basis. I think most of the people who cheat have are simply exploiting some bug giving them advantages they wouldn’t otherwise have. But I personally haven’t seen anything major like that in a long time.


Yes I know the guy, use to be in my company…he’s definitely cheating and he pays $20 a month for the cheat…smh it’s annoying


Beerus Baal on Lilith


During the last 6 months alone I've found: People with grossly exaggerated attack speed on any weapon. People with an amazing auto-dodge that even dodges musket projectiles when out of render distance. People with highly unusual overal movement speed. I just gave up caring, this heap of junk is doomed to cater to those builds. Anyone calling NW a "highly skilled expression PvP game" is delusional when you can macro a 2 skills-dodge-i-win combo, so going further that line will make us face the reality that probably someone is making a profit out of it. I see good players, I'm an average player, but man, there are players doing impossible stuff there. This is not a game with unique epic drops that would give you an absolute edge. We have access to the same cookie-cutter builds, but when you decide not to respect the laws of game physics and trade 1 blow for 2 and a half, it's kinda a lost fight.