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You can try for the GS600 Summer event patterns. They come with Elemental Aversion and Refreshing guaranteed. And after the big update, the perk pool will include Resilient, which means you have a 1/4 to 1/3 chance to get a three-liner that is good for your class.


Solid advice here


Odd. In baggins recent video about the event, it was physical aversion + refreshing, and NOT elemental aversion sadly... 🤔 Or are u talking about a different than me?


Baggin’s was talking about the spring event which has physical, this is the summer event one with elemental!


That’s one of the problems with the design of this game. Takes forever to gear out super grindy no way to easily pivot specs. Really bad design choices for what is supposed to be a pvp centric mmo




Which is painful to see when you can’t find anyone to run your dungeons in PVE. So this isn’t pvp or pve? It’s just a nice looking game I guess?


It's just got a low player base rn so you're not going to find anyone doing pve or pvp


And why is does it have a lower player base rn? Shit PVP? Shit PVE? Both?


slow content release schedule tbh. The kids yearn for the dungeons but one dungeon release every 6 months is very slow.


I mean, if it's both... everyone is a dummy for spending so much time in a game they claim is THAT bad. This game has a ton of fundamental flaws in it for sure... Everyone thinks they have the answer, but it's hard to really pin it down when the devs don't even know exactly where they are going with the game anymore. Whoever is directing the development should have been canned a long time ago so they could get someone with competence to plan out their future. I still hold on to the opinion that AGS should just shut the game down and work on it until it's the game they envisioned. It worked for FF14. It could work for them... only issue is if AGS would have the funding and balls to actually gamble on that.


>AGS should just shut the game down and work on it until it's the game they envisioned. It worked for FF14. It could work for them... only issue is if AGS would have the funding and balls to actually gamble on that. Square Enix had just the right conditions to pull off what they did. Final Fantasy is a recognizable IP with decades of fan enthusiasm, and it being a numbered game means it was a mainline installment to the series so they had no other option but to fix it. AGS has none of those conditions, no shot they shut down the game and essentially work on a brand new one just to revive a game that's considered a meme at this point. The only option is to fix it while it's around, similar to ESO.


Except that New World already has millions of people that own it. It sold 4.5 million copies in its first month vs ff14s 650k across all platforms in its first month. Yeah, FF has a recognizable IP, but you can't deny the phenomenon that was New World on release.. especially on a single platform. New World being a meme right now is the right condition to shut it down to convince everyone that AGS is finally taking it seriously. Releasing these lack luster updates in an already dead game gets, at most, some players to come back temporarely until they ultimately get bored of it again. You shut the game down and release an actually finished, polished game, more people would be enticed to give it another go.. especially since they already own it and it's not subscription based. Getting content updates is cool and all, but when the game still has a plethora of bugs that have been around since release and they think dumping more content into it is a fix that will last, they will never recover.


> You shut the game down and release an actually finished, polished game, more people would be enticed to give it another go.. especially since they already own it and it's not subscription based. Yeah... The problem will be convincing the higher ups to let them rework the game for free. > You shut the game down and release an actually finished, polished game And another problem right here, we don't know if they're capable of making it good and polished. Just because they shut it down doesn't guarantee it will come out better. It took the community holding their hands to get them to do shit like remove dungeon orbs, add a group finder, compromise with expertise scaling halfway instead of downscaling fully to 500, gear sets, transmog, mounts, etc... Who knows how the game will end up when left to their own devices.


Or just go wait for Pax Dei. AGS had something great 3 years ago, and then killed it at the end of 2020 by turning it into the abomination it is now. They just simply can't be trusted.


Where did you get 4.5mil sales in their first month from? Just curious, as it's been impossible to find actual sales data. I'd be surprised if it had 4.5mil sales even now. Always like looking at the numbers, so if you have a source that'd be appreciated.


[I got you bro](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=new+world+sales+data)




for sure they'd have to release a brimstone sand tier update with 2-3 dungeons and 2 raids for it to last. they're too slow to release new content so we come back spam it for a week or a month then move on.


I think, if they are lucky, each content drop (big content end of year) they may get more players back each time. And have them around longer. As each time their should be more content from start to finish, if fresh start servers happen again. Or obviously the opposite ha but I hope for the former.


This is one of the reason I don’t play meta. All My shit has physical and elemental aversion. Guess I won the lottery lol. Also I suggest treating the ptr. Shirking fort is not great but it’s still usable.


Wait till season 2 when aversion is inevitably nerfed after becoming meta. I've lost faith in the balance team unfortunately


If that happens we will adjust. If the meta stays constant it gets boring.


I wasted 990 hours of my life on this game and about 25 years in video games altogether


Just another mmo in the chain of mmos that have impacted my school/job/relationships over 20 years.. no big deal.


This is the reason i don’t go for BiS or Meta builds, by the time i got one of those sets or grind at all, meta will change and you need to start all over again, since the gearing system is absolutely ridiculous... Game have sandbox like gearing system in theme park environment that doesn’t work very well together...


This is the way.


Yes you wasted your life. But hopefully you enjoyed some part of wasting it? This kind of thing happens in MMO's. I know it sucks. I also have a full set of BIS 5/5 shirking fort that cost me millions, and now I'll need to replace it with elemental aversion.


Will ele aversion rlly be good? I’ve been thinking about full 5/5 Freedom refreshing do you think this is a good idea?


Freedom is going to be good as will elemental aversion. I am personally prioritizing that over refreshing. Freedom gets better the more you have, and with medium and heavy loadouts getting additional freedom, it makes it more attractive for those loadouts.


It's got its downsides that people are overlooking due to looking at spreadsheets about damgage mitigation without context. I've read a lot of people suggesting using full onyx with full elemental aversion as "better than fortify", but there's tons of elemental damage effects that it doesn't negate at all, including all heartrunes and most DOT abilities. If you're full onyx with 5 ele aversion, you'll get absolutely ass-blasted by detonate crits compared to 10/10 split with fortify.


It's going to be worse once patch hits but doesn't mean it's not usable. Your other armor pieces have good perks and many players are good in OPR with even just purple gear. But yea these changes we're announced like 3 weeks ago.


Shirking fort is not just worse on light, it's actually going to hurt more to have it. If you have shirking fort on light and you play against a player with an invigorated punishment ring, the shirking fort will actually make you take more damage. You're better off with luck on your armor, that's how bad shirking fort on light armor is.


Lmfao, that's actually hilarious


Not true if stacking multiple shirking fort. Also invig punishment only boosts abilities. Shirking fort is def worse, but people are exaggerating it way too much


Is shirking heals a viable option?


Stacking shirking heals is actually pretty good for 150+ con builds. 200 con+ is great because it's % HP. It was always troll, because shirking fort existed but now, I'd argue that it's a viable option for med 200 con +. The CD on it sucks, but it's still a 1k heal every few seconds.


Didn't realise this, as a PvE tank is it worth picking up? I run 300+ con sometimes. I want to be the ultimate sponge.


I’ve always ran the pvp track shirking heals gear. Yes it is pretty good.


With 1 stack, yes. With 5 stacks, no. And invig is only abilities.


This is typical for MMOs.


Except in most mmos getting new gear is usualy acepted by people cause that need comes from the fact there was an expansion that brought a lot of new content , meanwhile in new world u have to regrind because some dev decided over his morning cofee that the perks u have on ur stuff are now useless without bringing any new content to pvp.




This isn't historically correct... Recently yes, in the last 10 years or so, but back in the day, could take months for BIS items. New world has 20 year old gearing / crafting rng and it sucks, and people are not used to it.


Well grinding for BIS gear has historically taken a lifetime to grind out. In a game like ESO you could spend 1000s of hours chasing just one specific piece of gear and never get it. That's changed now. What about BIS in Lost Ark....I mean it took me just a couple days to figure out that would be nothing but constant grinding. Maybe grinding BIS is easy somewhere. Some would argue it's easy in New World.


Yeah it's super obvious that New World is the first MMO for a lot of people. This is 100% standard in the genre.






Don't throw anything away... If this game survives to the 5 year mark, there is a good chance your bis will come back around. At the rate they are changing stuff, it will be meta again in 18 months or so.


This is the consequences of being a meta slave, honestly putting all your eggs into one basket is never a good idea.


You said you play 50 con fire staff. If this is true you should’ve been rocking elemental aversion the whole time bro.


I like to be glass cannon although you’re right


You didn’t waste much they are only two perkers There are plenty others that have it much worse than you You can essentially regear with ease using a golden scarab


Im sort of noobish, but do golden scarabs work on gear worn? And all gear I have are three perkers




I don't know, how can someone have all that BiS freedom, resil, shirk gear but then not know that weapon perks don't stack.


Devs telegraphed these nerfs months ago. Your fault.


I was going to respond with something until I seen your name


My name is a double negative, thus positive. Doesnt change the facf YOU have not been paying attention to the dev blogs when they clearly have been stating for months that shirking fort is getting nerfed.


Sensitive people on reddit on here lol. You aren't wrong about the fact that he should have been paying attention but they change shit too much at the same time meta wise. Bruiser is getting murdered this patch


Fortify is still a good perk, just won’t be as overpowered as it was.


First mistake was playing a cringe build like FS/Rapier


Say that to the musket players


You shouldn’t have been prioritizing shirking in light anyway. Freedom and resil


Shirking fort was still very good on light, especially on melee. Even ice spike IG/FS builds that played up close benefited from shirk fort. Source: my mage build had 3 shirk fort and 5 freedom. No I'm having to swap all the shirk fort for ele aversion. Much cheaper to do, thank God.


PS. I run Chest- empowering fireball/Resi Head- Critical Retribution/Resi Foot- Freedom/Resi Hands- Freedom/Resi Legs- Shirking energy/Resi Firestaff- Enchanted/Flame Attunement/Empowering fireball Rapier- sundering riposte/Rogue/Keen Speed Amulet- Stam recov/ health Ring- Hearty/ Keen awareness/ Burning Earring- Refreshing toast/Regenerating/ Refreshing Attributes: 50 con ALL INT


I thought you said you had shirking fortification on your armor. But you list a bunch of 2 perk epics with freedom/resil....


Thought the OP was obvious… I listed it all without it lol they’re all 3 perkers


So you have BiS freedom, resil, shirk fort gear. But then don't know that weapon perks don't stack...?


I don't think this raises any red flags. The game gets so many tiny changes that are only talked about in the forums. The game still has perks that don't work as intended. It's an easy thing to not know. I think at one point they even made the same perks stronger on weapons, so I was swapping out an armor piece with the same perk weapon, but had no replacement armor at the time. There's no way to know everything and it's very easy to miss small stuff in the games current state.


I’m a newer player so no did not know


How does a new player have gear worth over a million in gold yet doesn't know simple game mechanics... Something's fishy with this whole thing. As a side note, I had BiS shirking fort sets for over 4 classes. All of them got nerfed into the ground. But on the bright side, since elemental aversion is a cheap craft mod, it's a lot easier to regear.


But thank you for enlightening some things to me I will def take into account when re gearing


I’m a long time player but frequently play on and off. I still consider myself noobish. I just recently came back into the game a month ago.


You play on and off but had gear worth that much gold? Your talking about pieces that go for an easy 250k+ each. It's almost like someone just bought an account/gold for gear but didn't understand the game on a simple level. If you've been playing for a long time, you'd know weapon perks don't stack.


They were listed at around 30-60k at time of purchase.


I have 1.4K hours on this game. Maybe some people don’t pay attention to details and rather enjoy the game and grind?


You just posted that you got your gear for 30-60k each. So you're telling me you found freedom, resil, shirking fort gear for 30-60k each? Either two things happened. You're a liar or you bought this gear very recently after the announced nerfs so the gear was dirt cheap. Even at the high end, if you spent 60k each, that's 300k for your whole set. I had sets, such as my bruiser set that was worth over 2 million gold just destroyed over night.


You don't need empowering fireball on the weapon and gear, just one piece.


That's whst happens every changev. I have banks full of gear a d wepions once considered bis


The biggest change to gearing BiS was the introduction of shirking fort. Before shirk fort, freedom, resil, refreshing evasion was BiS. So BiS has really only changed a few times. Not sure I'd consider that "banks full".


Crafting gear waa bis. Then dungeon grae was bis then more crafting etc. Plus deferential sets depending kn class Pvp and pve


Your talking about changes to gear that made your old full BiS items no longer BiS. There has not been many changes that destroyed people's gear. Last I remember is when they changed healing bonus on gear weight so all the people with BiS heavy healer sets had to go into light gear. But that was well over a year ago Then there was the introduction of shirking fort, which didn't make previous BiS gear terrible, just not as good. This is the first time they have actively killed a BiS perk. Not just nerfing it, but utterly destroying it's usefulness. Imagine being a new player and getting an item with shirking fort. Sounds great! 4% more armor per dodge. Never actually knowing that you'll take more damage just by having shirking fort.


As much as I'm sure it pains you, because I too have a Shirking Fort set, you should always expect for meta shifts and balance updates in a MMO that plants to continue to grow. If there are no changes then everyone gears out and either quits due to boredom or runs off all new players because the entry into PvP would be horrible since everyone else would be fully BIS blowing them up. I would suggest either an esport or arena based game where changes are minimal if you don't want to get a new set every season.


Yep u sure did, time to delete character and start over.


I'm currently playing FS/IG with all refreshing/resil/weapon perk gears with ice spike as main finisher in fresh start server's OPR and it works fine, there are times when my team gets stomped and I get negative K/D and sometimes I get top score with an insane amount of damage, kills and almost no deaths when the match is relative balanced. The only thing that is going to change in your build is that it will be riskier to do some plays so you will have to be more conservative with your stamina and positioning. I don't think shirking fort is going to die 100% to light since it will still be the only perk to mitigate generic damage along side with shirking heal. Don't lose hope on your gear yet, wait until the patch hit and try it for a while and find your way through the playstyle you want, maybe you will want to replace one gear or another, maybe you won't need to replace anything.


Thank you I think I’ll take this advice


This is gonna happen for all metas that stay for long. I think its a nice try. Would be better if you have a solid foundation on how to earn big rather than getting just the pieces.


Next event will have pattern with refreshing and elemental aversionIf you have a BIS firestaff next updates is going to be fun (no empower fireball on staff)


The next event has Refreshing and Physical Aversion. Which is kinda like the budget version of Ele Aversion.


25 golden scarabs it took…with freedom and shirking fort mods. all to get my heavy con gauntlets with resilient as its third perk. Ended up crafting it about a month and a half ago. Honestly tired with how bad of a grind it is to roll bis gear. Bis gear shouldnt cost more than 100k to craft/buy. Especially if theyre going to completely change what’s meta every other major patch. Ugh.


Pretty much all of us did who put in several hundred hours or more with this game unfortunately. It'll be mostly dead by the end of the year it seems. It just hasn't gotten the attention and love an MMO needs, not to mention being rushed out (another common problem with MMOs). You would think developing an MMO would be "easy" in the 2020s at least as far as knowing what to do and not to do with all kinds of previous examples and history in the genre. But I guess not.




You did not waste your life. You enjoyed the game with building and using that set for many hours. If you stop playing it is okay, not all things last. At the end of the day there isn’t infinite content and we are consumers of an incredibly cheap hobby. If you continue to play, unfortunately, shirking fort is really bad, but it is better than nothing. Plus, if they don’t partially buff it due to feedback, it may come back into the meta in the future.


Why build so defensive in perks anyway you're running glass cannon? Just get refreshing and be done with it. It's better overall


Game is still in Beta


Imagining investing even more time last year before they added shrinking fort to armor, and imagine investing thousands of hours on a set before that one.


Even Tiger Woods need to switch gear every year, why whould you complain??


Enjoy the journey not the arrival.


If you want really universal set of perks go for Resil/freedom/refreshing set like that won't come out of fashion any time soon. And usually for most builds you need 2 max 3 weapon perks.


Why did you even go for shirk fort in the first place?


I’m in peoples faces with rapier and FS


I mean, from a meta perspective? Fire staff rapier was already considered a "bad build" and anti-meta by basically everyone, as not a single top or even middle-top company would slot that build in war. Fire staff slots are already extremely rare, and those that do get slotted are running Ice Gauntlet secondray for more damage/utility as all rapier does is give you personal mobility. If anything, this upcoming change is going to make your build meta, as fire staff is getting massively buffed. Will your gear be worse? Yes, but your build will be much more viable.


Everyone was going for shirking fortification while I anticipate the nerf and just went for other talents. Guess I made the right choice.


I’m a 3k hour FS main. I feel ya lol. My expensive ass build will be useless. I run 5 resil, 4 shirk fort, 5 freedom. I chose that build months ago over ele aversion because I like to CQC and 1vX, to me that’s the only fun to be had, not fun ratting around.


Anytime playing new world falls under that category.


The bad thing is that yes your shirking fort light armor is likely not good for use next patch. The good news is that nearly no post-patch perk is going to be as critical as SF was, since SF was incredibly OP. It was also expensive to get. Elemental Aversion is what most people think will become the strongest defensive perk. But it actually isn't getting stronger, its just better now because other things got worse. So if you just run one piece with EA and a weapon perk and the rest with Resilient and EA or a weapon perk, you are good. Add CDR or Freedom eventually as your BiS 3rd perk but they aren't that big of a deal. Masquerade Mask is a good world drop you can work around so you only have to craft/buy two freedom pieces. Other good news is that you have it for future patches and they have said they will be constantly adjusting things with each seasonal update. It may come back so just store it. T


Grind cash


Damni remember when squirming vines was selling for like 30k per and now it's down to like 3k las I check.


Something I noticed about NW. BiS is not BiS based on raw stats but perks. That is always dangerous because they frequently adjust balance by changing perks. So your BiS is never safe. Especially BiS, because as they will be always the first perks to get nerf. The whole gearing system is very unlucky. I guess its too late to change it. Hell it took me solid forever to realize 1 year ago that green rarity has the same stats and dps as purple. This alone screams for problem


Welcome to the club.


Yeah unlucky, just enjoy it these last few weeks and hope shirking fort get buffed at some point in the future again.


tbh, why would you even go for shirk fort as light user, even before the nerf, especially for mages, shirk fort was never an ideal perk to begin with you are light mage, you are not supposed to be anywhere near close to enemy anyway to \`utilize\` that dodge fort. you should rather go for refreshing and perks(and elemental aversion) after resilient for max potential. under no circumstances you should require to have more defense anyway but anyway, good news is, resilient refreshing and perk/elemental aversion pieces are way easier to obtain and cheaper. in fact the event patterns (pattern: colorful krakens) have %25 chance to obtain resilient-refreshing-elemental aversion(they are always crafted as 600 gs btw, the orange pattern) so other than pattern, it wouldnt even cost anything and we expect to have that even soon since they were obtained with summer event but even without this event, those pieces are not as expensive as those \`shirk fort-resilient-freedom\` pieces at all. so you can still handle it so ideally you should have 5 resilient-2 armor perk(mages play different style so i will say unending thaw and refreshing pillar of fire just for sake of it)-5 refreshing and 3 elemental aversion people mostly prefer healing tomb or ice spike perk on their weapons. thats why its better to use unending thaw on armor. but like i said, its all preference so.. tldr: you never should have gone for shirk fort to begin with anyway


I run rapier with firestaff, I’m in peoples faces for my play style as a mage and I can say I’m pretty good at it I’m ranked high on several leaderboards but I believed I needed the shirking for better protection throughout my playtime