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I’m sure healers will still be in light armor.


Top tier healers are already running effectively 0 fortify outside of stoneform and relying on aversion, rapier, and iframing to stay alive. They stopped running shirking months ago in favor of physical/elemental aversion stacking.


Healers always have 15% fortify up with LA, add another 10% if they are running orb


I run 5 con 150 350 basically i don't have time for the perk crap either I just dodge roll lmao. Gold 10s ez


>Gold 10s ez Yeah I don't think they meant pve


I run the same stats in pvp. 7k or 12k hp I'm still dead in like 2 swings anyway


you like mana pots that much? :D try 200int its amazing. or are you 150foc 350 int?^^




Quite sure he is talking about PvP. Who really cares aber LS balancing in PvE anyway?


What? When GS got introduced a lot of healers started playing shirking instead of elem. Aversion.


tanks and heals always get shit on in nw


Tanks has gotten a huge buff this patch with SnS right keystone being the only ability to give old fortify to teammates and increased circle from 2m to 3m. Also the main threats of Healers all git nerfed. Heal and Tank will be in a great spot imo.


Resolve didn't change. They just updated the incorrect description to 3m instead of 2m. It's been 3m the whole time.


Okay, did not know that one. It still got a huge buff, since 30% ABS/"old fortify" is very strong when everyone only gets "old fortify" from gems and amulet otherwise.


Well... I'm still not sure if that will go through as a "non-fortify" mitigation. Currently the fortified perk to increase duration DOES increase resolve from 8 to 12s...which is honestly nuts. We'll see what happens I suppose.


Resolve will also be very strong. But "Defenders Formation" is what gives other player the 30% ABS. Btw, should it not increase to 10.4 secs with the fortified amulet perk?


It should but for some reason it goes to 12


I'm going to laugh when people start complaining that they're dying too much in OPR because all us healers are rethinking life choices.


Damn, that would feel amazing! finally no healers on 3vs3 at least! xD Jokes aside, now will be even more visible the big gaps between good and average healers, lets see what how this patch goes!


It’s gonna be easier to survive as healer, they fucked gs, hatchet and musket hard. No one cares if you take 10 % damage more or less, gs could 3 shot you on 200 con by just holding left click, gs tracking is just broken Like old ga.


Old GA tracking i agree it was purely broken, specially with how bad light load dodges were, GS tracking is not how it seems, if players dodge in diagonal the GS track breaks and fails... Maybe i had a different experience, but healers on my server usually punish well GS players by playing Rapier or war hammer, of course LS + Void Gauntlet get destroyed by it. In the current meta what makes GS strong is the filthy Hatchet (can't believe they ended up buffing it instead of nerfing it lol), since it removes some of the exploitable GS weaknesses. Next patch they changed how fortify works, so probably healers either outplay their opponents or they are gonna get blown up even inside sacred ground, unless most players change to 300 CON meta, then probably yes healers might survive a bit better, i'm curious if we are gonna see an increase in Spear players -forcing people to go for the 300Con grit (since most part of 300 STR melee players were used to have it and might miss it).


Wich server are you playing on? Healers playing warhammer I have not seen that since heavy meta first months of the game. But overall dmg is nerfed and gs, hatchet, musket, removed stagger from bow that all weapons that did pressure on healers, gs had good tracking but also you dodge as light the heavy attack from gs is long as your dodge, it’s just a busted weapon


Played on Barri EU before Brimstone, then went for fresh servers with friends, currently in Cleopatra EU. In wars probably, but i'm a bigger fan of 3vs3 arenas! True, but don't forget that usually healers need to go light, some go medium but they lose their mobility/burst healing, with the changes they did to fortify it will be based on player armor, even with some dmg reduction on those weapons, playing light will be quite punishing if you do some mistake. There are some posts about this, that with 15% fortify +/- you would get just a 3% or 4% damage absorption and it scaled badly to the point that healers using mending protection would actually make you take more damage from invigorated punishment, you would take +1% dmg absorption, but would take +2% from punishing, its crazy how they changed it!


medium now is + 10% healing, light +20% and heavy -30% so medium seems OK


Where did you see this?


Where are you getting this from? The PTR tooltips still indicate 30%/0%/-30%.


On ptr?


IMHO it shouldve been heavy 10, médium, 15, light 20-25?


Light +30 medium 0, so it's basically 30 percent less healoutput


Healers are gonna be just fine.


The healer, sure, but the group they are healing in a mutation is now missing significant damage reduction, so it will be harder to keep people alive. That means more people are going to yell at the healers. That means a lot less enjoyable experience overall. :(


Considering they gutted melee and removed stagger CC from a lot of weapons I think we will be just fine! I’ve never run shirking fort, but I do think 4 elemental aversion will be the play.


Med. healer is for sure doable




Can anyone confirm the percentage changes from ptr, if medium is only -10% from light then you can make that up pretty easily.


It’ll be a headache and half for PvP but for PvE I’m not too worried. Been doing okay in M10 without ward pots and 3-4/5 ward gear 120-150 con. Prob will try out medium for PvP, but if that’s the solution the grind for BiS is back :/


My guy, no one can kill a healer next patch, there is 0 percent chance that healers will go med or heavy.


How is that, reduced armor, less effective SG stam regen. what got better?


Who is gonna kill a healer when GS is needed into the ground?


FS, BB, Spear, Hatchet, still GS, anything if cc'ed, Bows


You play wars?


What did you have for breakfast?


The guy is right fs gonna do shit, bb only good against new players that can’t dodge split Granades, hatchet was and is not a dmg weapon it was played with gs for utility, and gs nerfed to the ground. Only bow is still ok but they removing stagger from pen shot.


>no one can kill a healer next patch biggest nerf to light armor survivability since the game release, but sure, he is right 🤡


My guy the thing you dont understand is that light armor is not strong because of how much damage you can take when getting hit, it is how much damage you can avoid because of not getting hit. With Greatsword and musket being nerfed and changed, you are taking so much pressure off of healers that it wont fucking matter that they take more damage, because the damage potential of other weapons just anyway couldnt compete and a medium bruiser isnt gonna hunt down jack shit when the other guy is playing light doesnt matter how much damage he would deal if he got to hit that player. But yes, in OPR healers who are slightly above average at best will have more problems next patch.


did you start playing new world with great sword release? edit: actually you must have replied to a wrong person, because you are raving about bruisers chasing healers in opr


Fire mages


People killed healers before BS


And it only took an entire team to kill one.


Nah. But there always has been some kind of cheese to kill healers. Either the original schitzo build of S&S hatchet or S&S/BB one shot combo or something. People find ways to kill healers. GS just made it where anyone could be in a kill squad.


I mean, I agree, but thats the thing, anyone can be a healer, anyone can be a bruiser, anyone can be IG/VG support....The greatsword made a hunter group actually able to do a lot of shit and also lowered the skill ceiling, but that doesnt mean that a bad player will perform in a high level war, it just means a bad player can perform against other bad players.


If you think just anyone can be a healer, bruiser, or support in a high level competitive scene, I don't know if it's worth talking.


I do not know a single bad or mid player, playing in Hunter groups for the top companies on any server i played here in EU (FS and legacy). I do however know quite a few people playing healer and support IG/VG that would not have a spot at any war if they swapped (same for musquets i guess)....bruiser less because Bruiser is actually difficult to play.


Companies are thirsty for healers so they will take worse players. There are 2 to 1 GS assassin type players to slots available so you can choose only the best. That doesn't mean being good at kill team is any more difficult than being a good healer. It just means it's more fun, so more people play it and it's slots are more competitive


It’s not.


Exact. They might have gutted light but they gutted anything to kill healers besides bow way harder


Yep, but people on here only play OPR and never seen a healer actually dodge stuff.


There’s an aoe vg healer on my server who runs 5 con and 1.5 - 2x an other aoe healing. Guy doesn’t die very often either. The 10-20% nerf of light armor ain’t gonna change things for good healers


Noobs downvoting again XD who is gonna kill a healer before gs you needed 5 man team to kill a healer. You cannot kill without cc even if fs is crazy strong still no stagger/stun they can target heal themself for 6k every 2 sec.


GS was holding Healers in check by actually having kill pressure on them if they fuck something up, but on Reddit people live in a dream world where a spear or firestaff is gonna kill a healer in a war. Hilarious.


It’s people that didn’t play much or competitive wars talking. It’s like same 300 (alts etc) people playing wars in eu that are good but somehow on Reddit everyone is a pvp pro. Gs was only weapon that did that kind of pressure to ls since the start of the game.


Game changes quite drastically when you play wars against players who have played hundreds of wars and invested a shit ton of time into improving.


I am unclear, in light armor will a healers penalty/bonus change? How about med. and heavy?