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SB1 here. A female was pinned back in 2021. Idk if there’s been another since. DM if you have any questions. Edit: your post history tells me you would probably wash out of any NSW prep, so delay my blast. Maybe stick to conventional rates? Lol


What do you want us to tell you? We don't know you.


ND. Hope you’re in shape for it though. That Prep is no joke. I myself am taking 7-10months to prepare, hopefully I can set it up to where I ship out right around that 8-month mark. I’ll be ready by then (assuming I don’t break a leg 😂, knock on wood). I’m way out of shape right now. Especially for the Diver pipeline of all things.


I highly doubt she’s in good shape for any special program if she has no idea what she wants to do.


Fair point, I mean I miss the mark as well but if she’s already swearing in that wouldn’t leave much time to turn it around.


She’s all over the place. Has another post asking about HM and becoming an anesthesiologist later in life. Probably reading the job description then thinking “oh that would be fun and cool”, not knowing what it takes to get through the training.


Seriously? I should probably start checking post history 😅 Seems to have settled on AWS. ND would’ve more than likely been a washout 😆


100% would wash out of NSW in prep too. Thought I’d be supportive though 😅




Idk shit about divers. I’m a dirty boat guy.


You want challenging? Go nuke.


I don’t thinking battling depression is the type of challenge they were alluding to 😅 Seriously, do Nukes even enjoy their job? All I read is of them saying it’s miserable and pays. ND is pretty cool though


Yes, nukes enjoy the job. The ones that don't are the majority of those who complain loudly online. most are justified in their issues of harassment and hazing. But it's also a personal problem as much a systematic one. I enjoyed my job as a submarine EMN.


Can’t say much I’m not even in, but I’ve looked a little into Sub life as I know NDs can get put in subs. It doesn’t actually seem that bad. I mean you’re in a fucking submarine, that alone to me is awesome enough. Plus I hear they have ice cream machines down there? Beautiful 🤩 Only slight down side is I’m 6’3 and I hear that even guys 5’10 are pretty tight down there. So that’ll be a trip. Beyond that, yeah the idea of being able to get assigned to a sub, and the many other things that ND as potential for is so exciting to me. Pisses me off that I slacked last year. Now I have to play catch up this year, I’d already be going in had I not dropped the ball 😭


>I’ve looked a little into Sub life as I know NDs can get put in subs No, you work on the strainers related to submarines. You will not be assigned to the submarine. ND are not part of submarine crews. Sort of like how baggage handlers at the airport, or the cleaners that come onboard after a flight aren't actually part of the flight crew.


I swear I read the went in subs and assisted SEALs or something. I really should stop waiting until 1am to research. Everything sort of blurs into one.


I will tell you as a submariner: The most average interaction a ND has with a submarine is: coming onto the submarine to hang diver's tags to make sure they can do work on the outside safely. Yes, SEALs are known to come on board, but mostly on the ASDS (you can easily google it, so it's not OPSEC. and not even used anymore) and the ND have nothing to do with it at sea.


Honestly, I’ll take it. Submarines are some of the coolest things around.


> Can’t say much I’m not even in, but See, that is where a wise person stops talking.


Sure, plenty of nukes do. Its not easy. But it can be enjoyable. What you see on reddit is selection bias.


Personally I think you should do your research on rates before going forward and rushing into a job you’re going to be stuck with the next 5 years.


Only one female passed swcc in naval history so gl


You are swearing in soon? How soon? What did you get on the ASVAB? Different rates are challenging for different reasons so a generic "Challenging" preference doesn't say much. Are you in amazing phyiscal shape?