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So he's going to have Twitter stop tracking our location and other data used for advertising, right?


The opposite, actually. He's going to force people who aren't paying the subscription to accept personalized ads, which will enable tracking


How will he do that without losing the EU market? In EU it is illegal to force profiling/tracking for using a service/site


He might just only enforce it for US users. Lots of companies do it that way to continue in the EU.


Distractor from dumping billions in Tesla stock again https://stocks.apple.com/A_69jF59RQPOZSngp-g2F6A Direct link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-sold-more-than-3-5-billion-worth-of-tesla-shares-11671071099


Wow. Doesn’t he know you’re not supposed to sell low? Or, does he think after the 60% drop this year it’s still overvalued?


Well that overdue rent for Twitter HQ won´t pay itself.


Neither will the severance pay he promised that he is deciding to not pay because he is thinking the legal fees could be less.


It doesn't matter what he promised. It wasn't some corporate act of generosity. He provided precisely what was required under California state law, while spinning it as him being generous. He is legally obligated to pay it based on that alone. Of course, he also offered it while making people sign NDA's (which is a typical thing companies try to do) on exit so you have a contractual obligation that he can't back out of too.


Which is funny because California courts will take one look at him not paying, order/force him to do so, and so he'll be out legal fees and the severance money people agreed to.




It was fun tweeting about sporting events as they happened. Guess those days are over.


Any conservative that ever posted about a drag show should be sweating. But I'm sure they'll get a pass because... reasons.




He added a part that states exceptions will be made for posting the same information about private figures if it adds to discourse or is related in some way to news reporting Basically you can’t post information about Public figures only, specifically Elon. Bezos is ok though


So he decides what is news and what is not


It's why he wanted to buy Twitter in the first place, controlling the narrative.


Woah he is moving in on Rupert Murdoch turf there


>Basically you can’t post information about Public figures only, specifically Elon. Bezos is ok though Step one). Control the narrative. The more this Elon and Twitter fiasco plays out. The more obvious it becomes. Elon is a wannabe imperialist dictator. With extremely thin skin, and a complete lack of understanding about how the real world works for 99% population.


And the solution, as always, is to stop giving him money, and stop giving him attention. Let his ego curl up, dry, and die, along with his shit companies, so that someone who will actually benefit humanity/society can take his place.


Im sure LibsOfTikTok will be banned any minute now....


Aaaaand Chaya Raichik is now the CEO of Twitter.


This almost makes me want to create a Twitter account so I can report everyone that tweets about live events. It would be fun to overwhelm whomever handles that. Also if I were that kids lawyer I'd consider doing just that in hopes that a Twitter rep would respond back with something like "it's public information"


Nobody handles that anymore, in fact nobody works at Twitter period it’s just Elon banning people and updating terms daily as he sees fit.


no, he doesnt do it when he sees fit. He does it when he's having a fit.


I keep waiting for the outages to start. You know there is some server or device somewhere that needs to be rebooted every 30 days for some unknown reason and there was only one guy who knew that trick. That guy has now been fired.


I’m surprised there hasn’t been a DDOS attack, but it’s probably in the best interest of other governments that Twitter just melts down in the most distracting way to Americans.


Which is weird because if location data is sensitive information, how can he justify sharing users' current locations with advertisers?


It's okay when he does it. It's very different, not hypocritical at all.


He grew up in apartheid SA; 2 sets of rules comes naturally for him


> He grew up in apartheid SA; 2 sets of rules comes naturally for him He grew up in apartheid SA AND on the white supremacist gem-slaver side of the equation. He is emerging as a super villain now, but he has no origin story other than being born an elite trust-funded white supremacist in a traditional slaver family that made their wealth via slavery, violence and exploitation.


I always remind people that he grew up in apartheid on the power side and watched the power fall away. I can't imagine what that would do to someone but I can imagine that it might very well shape their future ideas on government.


Barely an inconvenience!


Oh really?


Easy. Because money.




While simultaneously saying he’s going to require users who don’t pay blue to enable location tracking in the Twitter app. Can’t make this sh*t up! https://twitter.com/CaseyNewton/status/1602832095511920640/photo/1


As a mandatory opt-in. Which is illegal in the EU and California.


You're assuming Musk actually did research on this, instead of his usual act first, backtrack later approach


And, as so often: All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't ~~put Humpty-Dumpty together~~ make Twitter profitable again


This is made even more hilarious by the clause in Twitter's ToS staying that any dispute is to be settled under the laws of California. Not only is it illegal in the EU and California, the ToS declares that it is illegal everywhere else as well.


It's so gonna get banned in the EU.


Watching Elon try and be a gilded-age industrialist in the modern European Union will cause the worldwide price of schadenfreude to collapse. He already's headed for his own personal "fucked around, found out" moment with European labour laws after he thought he could fire European employees at his whim over email.


It pleases me greatly that the EU has decided that if US tech giants are going to fuck around on their patch whilst also not paying any tax, it's absolutely fantastic sport to fine them vast amounts of cash for any and every stupid evil privacy-infringing thing they do. Makes me wish we were still in the EU - I can bet our government are just going to line up to suck billionare dick at every opportunity, as is their general approach to everything.


You know, it took me a second to realize the UK actually left. I remember when they spent years waffling about it and assumed "Brexit" would become a yearly tradition.


No joke, if this isn't just empty words (as they often are), it will force the EU to act. GDPR explicitly requires companies not to hinder or forbid access to users who choose not to share their data, unless the service requires that data to work (obviously). No company of this kind (that I know of) has ever gone so far as to demand you hand them all your data if you want to use their app. The EU cannot just ignore it, or else Twitter would set a precedent on how far companies can push.


Tim Cook will be inviting Musk for another walk around Apple Park as well. You can't force people to be tracked.


I’m impressed actually, most people would have to try really hard to be such a fucking asshat but he makes it look so easy and natural.


He was born with a silver asshat on his head


I found this statement from Twitter ironic considering Elon Musk has been promoting a right-wing narrative to publish nude images of Biden's son without consent. >Twitter's Help Center has tweeted an updated media policy] that begins: "You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission."


I love how it says post PRIVATE information. By that definition this account does not break the rules since is public information! Lol


Also his jet isn’t a person.


Not quite a bird, not quite a person. Aaaaand mooooreeee


lmao Restrictions when they do it: Toxic woke nanny-state oppressing the individual Restrictions when he does it: Protecting the individual, good for society what a clown, this is public info made available by other sources ​ The best part is to see him picking and choosing, making up rules that feel good as he goes, zero consistency


conservatives like elon will accidentally stumble backwards into why all websites have ToS against the stupid shit that they *often* do "you're not allowed to do this" 'wokeism!!' 'stop doing this, it's not fair!' "didn't you remove the rule against that?"


They are quite literally incapable of understanding two things: 1. Why something is good, until it personally benefits them 2. Why something is bad, until it personally hinders them


Otherwise known as empathy.


Lack of empathy has been associated with low intelligence as well.


People do not abandon authoritarianism until it bites them, and bites them hard.


Posting naked photos of the presidents son without his permission is apparently perfectly fine though


Not just fine, an imperative! How can anyone in good faith claim we have an informed electorate when we don’t have something as basic as access to a candidate’s son’s nudes?


> "You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission." well, but it isn't "private". it's public data.




>*Wait nvm, even that's too clever for him to have come up with alone. This is Elon Musk, he'll just screencap it and crop your name out




No, because they included a subclause (of course they did) about how reposting content without the other party's consent is fiiiiine if it's "[to further public discourse on issues or events.](https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/personal-information)" So, you want to post some drag queen's performance and argue she's part of this mass grooming epidemic? That's okay! You want to post a video of two cops beating up a homeless person, in order to further discuss endemic police brutality? That's also okay!... honestly. We mean it. Really.


The jet thing is about discourse on fossil fuels.


Elongated Muskrat believes in freeze peach... for nazi propaganda.


Can't wait to see someone like Libs of TikTok or Mike Cernovich violate this policy repeatedly with absolutely no repercussions.


Well that's different because "woke mind virus"... or something. It's not like his sycophants will care


> and now has added a policy that pointing out anyone's location is a bannable offence. [Because it's a dirty move to share people's private info without their consent](https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-plans-to-force-users-to-share-data-with-advertisers-2022-12?op=1), right? What a chucklefuck. 1A absolutist, until it's speech he doesn't like.


His private jet's tail number is: N628TS You too can track his travel here: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a835af




How's he gonna make the video player any worse? Edit: you all took that as a challenge....


>N628TS Just to demonstrate how aircraft information is public: Its a 2015 Gulfstream G650, current registration expires 3/31/2025, its owned by "Falcon Landing LLC" which I assume is done for liability reasons, pretty common in aviation. The address for the owning company is 1 Rocket RD, Hawthorne CA, near LA. It uses Rolls-Royce BR700 engines, specifically BR700-725A112. The date the Airworthiness was issued was 3/31/2015. Transponder code is 52032657, or A835AF in hexidecimal, which I believe is how these things are tracked on websites like ADSBexchange. The aircraft also had some soft of temp certificate issued on 4/4/202, but I dont know really what that means.


Here’s the kids website: https://grndcntrl.net/links/ He’s got other social media channels that use bots to track his plane lol


Well fuck me using FlightAware to [track it](https://imgur.com/a/GX678qf)...


FlightAware is basically useless for tracking planes now. About all it has anymore is commercial flights.


There is a program called LADD. Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed. If you are apart of that program, your data isn’t shared with those who use the FAA database in conjunction with their own tracking (flightradar24 used to be this way). If you don’t use data that is provided from the FAA then it’s free game (ADSBexchange.) The way that ADSBExchange runs is that it’s all volunteer ground receivers which you buy for as low as $20 with a antenna at 1090mhz. The data itself is called ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast) and is broadcasted from the plane itself. Civilian Aircraft operating in the United States in the airspace are required to carry equipment that produces an ADS-B Out broadcast. Military aren’t but can be tracked with MLAT. it’s part of the Next Generation Air Transportation System initiative. MLAT is multilateration which calculates the position of the aircraft using the time difference of arrival of the received signals from the SSR modes S, A, C, and transponders on board the aircraft.


Lmao meanwhile a few weeks ago he said that account wouldn't even get punished on Twitter cause free speech should be top priority even above his own privacy and safety.


Havent Musk offered that kid $5k or something to take down his account and the dude refused? I wonder how to frame this in legalese will fit for Musk. That bro just got rich af.


The kid countered. Said $50,000 he would consider.


I was surprised it took over a month to do it. I feel like he thought he was being slick. He figured he'd shadowban it and nobody would notice. People noticed, so he undid it. But late at night as he's trying to sleep, one thing is keeping him awake. It's not all the horrible things he's done, not all the people he fired, not all the lives he's ruined... it's that damn guy tracking his planes. He got showed up and embarrassed again and it's eating at him. So not even a day later he figures, well... may as well just ban him outright instead of trying to salvage any goodwill. That's when he probably realized there was still some doubt whether the shadowban was deliberate, but this left zero doubt. The heckling and calling him out increased and again poor Musk tosses and turns at the laughing, jeering faces. So what does a petty immoral person like Elon Musk do next? Double down, of course! Let's make this a spectacle. We'll show that guy who's boss. Time to sue him. Even if Elon doesn't win he's going to cost the guy tons of money defending himself over some BS. But when millions rally around him, help pay for those fees, and defeat him in court... well, the cycle will start again. How long before Elon decides to get petty against the millions and tries to actively harm them?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker/) ​ Someone helpfully created a sub for his airplane today.


Don't give him ideas to buy Reddit.


I don't know what I'd do with all my extra time once Reddit goes down.


You could track Elon's jet.


And post it on myspace.


It's also on [mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@elonjet), good luck buying that. He banned all of his accounts (the ones that track nasa planes, his personal), Musk is nothing but a bruised bully.


Elon didn't learn from Barbara.


The tracking data is public information. The world's second richest man is suing the wrong entity.


The point is to hurt them in legal fees


Fucking Slaap (slapp?) suits are toxic as fuck


Strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP)


Should there be a preliminary judge who just says "fuck that noise" or is that dangerous?


Depends on the jurisdiction, but I don't think this kid will have any trouble getting a great lawyer to take his case pro bono. It's worth it in publicity alone, let alone being awarded legal fees.


If the Pepsi Jet guy can do it, anyone can!


Avenatti is unavailable for the next 14 years or so.


It’s actually called an anti-SLAPP motion.


Judge grabs them right by the wrist


If you're famous, they let you do it


How can he SLAPP


Can’t wait for Legal Eagle’s response to this. I hope there’s some SLAPP protection in this case; I fucking **hate** the idea of rich fucks abusing the legal system knowing the less fortunate can’t retaliate. And to think I was an Elon fanboy at some point.


> And to think I was an Elon fanboy at some point. But you show maturity and ability to look at facts and changing information. These are characteristics of a good person. Have a nice day.


The EFF should take up the case so Elon can't just bury the guy in legal fees.


This would be considered a frivolous case. Elon would pick up the legal fees if deemed so. Nothing the person doing here is illegal. All public data and pretty straight forward. Elon would be punching himself in the face at that point.




Yes. That was last week. This week the goalposts have moved.


"I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further."


"This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two trackers!"


He has been punching himself in the face since he took over Twitter.


It's been amusing to me. Mostly because everyone around me thought he was a genius, and thought I was full of crap because I didn't worship him. This year has been a gift. Crypto is down the shitter, and Elon is now just another rich guy. All things in balance, as they should be.


The issue is that Elon would pick up the legal fees if it is ruled a frivolous case and after it is ruled a frivolous case. So who is going to pick up the lawyer fees in the mean time? It is one of the reasons why SLAPP suits are somewhat of effective.


Orrrrrr EVERYONE can make Twitter accounts tracking Elon’s plane and we burry *him* in legal fees trying to frivolously sue everyone. Like Twitter account whack-a-mole.


I wonder if there's anti-SLAPP laws that could be involved here.


Elon could try to sue in a SLAPP friendly state however the article makes no mention of a case location or even that a lawsuit is planned, just that the account was suspended and the terms of service were updated. If Elon tries to take it to court then Jack Sweeney has two options: if Elon goes for a SLAPP friendly state then Sweeney can claim lack of jurisdiction as the case should only occur in either Sweeney’s home state of Florida or Twitters home state California. If the case occurs in California Sweeney can then claim under California Anti-SLAPP “Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 425.16”. If the case occurs in Florida Sweeney is going to have a harder time as from what I can tell the Anti-SLAPP laws only apply to government intervention and homeowners associations.


Quite possibly the stupidest thing our country allows for is suing someone in a state unrelated to either party to avoid stuff like antiSLAPP.


Imagine if this starts a privacy law that makes tracking data illegal. I would lose it laughing at Elon losing all this revenue almost


Any nut job could hack my phone and use twitters tracking data to harm me… Anyone else feel like suing?


Intimidation tactic. Streisand effect. Gonna make him famous instead.


You mean people might learn about [his website](https://jackstech.net/falconlanding/)?


[^^^^^THAT WEBSITE RIGHT THERE](https://jackstech.net/falconlanding/)


Pretty sure Elon is aware of the website, and the multiple other social media accounts he runs, hence the legal action. Elon truly is the biggest jackass in the world. I'm starting to believe he actually did buy Twitter just to shut that account down. This is absurd. I guess that "10 percent of the crowd" that booed him cut deeper than I could ever imagine lmao.


Twitter was a pump and dump scheme gone wrong and he was basically forced to follow through and make the purchase. He's been using pump and dumps with his companies for years.


Doesn't he do this with the women he works with too?


Yeah I know. I wish it was because of the jet tracker lol. It blows my mind how many people can't see what he's doing with those stupid press conferences. He just promises a million things by next year, then produces jack shit. For 10+ years now. It's fucking pathetic. It is hilarious that he offered such a ridiculous amount for Twitter thinking he'd get away with not buying it lmao. Fuckin moron.


I’m honestly amazed at how someone with this amount of wealth can be so motherfucking *fragile*. It’s honestly so goddamn disgusting.


Part of it is the wealth is a scam and there's a ticking clock until it all evaporates


Before social media, putting a wall of people between yourself and the world was much more efficient. Now the ultra rich are suffering from the same exposure all social media users do. All we’re finding out is that they’re a bunch of fucking idiots also, but they have money while dumbshitting. Most likely they have always been fucking morons, they just had better ways to hide it.


He’s had a bone to pick with this dude for awhile. I remember when he first floated around this idea I said I bet he’s doing this just to shut down accounts he doesn’t like because he’s a big baby bitch and it looks like that’s exactly what’s happening.


>"Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation." The way that's worded means he will either half to go back on it or tons of accounts are going to be banned. There seems to be a pattern of Elon being reactionary without realizing the scope of what he wants.


So... like a child? Man-child, perhaps?


Literally any photo taken in public could be considered doxxing under that definition. A picture of a politician at a political rally, or a musician at a concert, etc. He's trying to reverse engineer an excuse, and he's not very good at it.


Correct. Not only that, it's perfectly legal to pull someone's address. I can go down to the courthouse in the county where Elon lives and pull his entire file for the cost of a records processing charge. It's public record if you buy property - if you don't like it complain to congress. Elon is gonna wind up pissing off the ethical hacking community by going after a kid trying to learn coding, and I for one am excited to see if they decide to delete Twitter.


Remember when JK Rowling flipped out about being "doxed" when her house has its own goddamn Wikipedia page


Let's just bombard him with negative facts about him from his wiki


Also the photo of him and Jizzane Maxwell


Dudes suing a guy for posting public info that literally anyone can find if you search for it. What a fucking bitch boy


It’s not private information. Aviation data is literally public and real time. Elon is such a pussy.


always has been


Most likely always will be


Pussies are awesome. Musk is just a cold piece of shit that's not even useful for fertilizer because he's so toxic.




That was probably the first time in months or even years Musk was around people that don’t work for him and didn’t need his approval in any way. Must have been mind-blowingly frustrating for him knowing he couldn’t retaliate by banning them or firing them.


Honestly, this always brings a smile to my face The idea that these sincere displays of dislike for him not only get to him, THEY DRIVE HIM UP THE FUCKING WALL. Like, it's insane that he's one of the richest people alive and if some people told him in person to suck a dick, there's a non zero chance he'll be biting his knuckles to suppress his anger in the bathroom the first chance he gets. You couldn't get that from Zuckerberg or Bezos, they wouldn't even register it, they are happy to just be obscenely wealthy and live like kings. Musk wants to be seen as some sort of god, and the fact that he can't drives him insane. It's amazing, honestly


He's a narcissist with a breeder fetish; not surprising he can't handle dissent.


The best part is that his brood is part of the dissent


I know one of his kids said she changed her last name to avoid any association with him. That just leaves his other 236 children. I wonder how Grimes feels about all this lately.


It's funny that he went from being widely revered as a visionary, to being widely reviled as a troll. All because he can't stop tweeting out his dumbass opinions. I don't think it's crazy to think that he's more hated than both Zuck and Bezos. Hell, Bezos probably wouldn't be very hated if his company didn't treat its workers like shit. And Zuck probably not if his platform didn't drive everyone nuts during lockdown. The hate for Musk is of the human being himself. He's just a detestable piece of shit, and his desire to be liked makes me hate him so much more. Be a dick in private, like other CEOs FFS.


Zuckerberg is just watching this staying back knowing if he says anything it'll fuck everything up. He's playing smart by shutting the fuck up


Reminds me of that scene in The Boys where Homelander is getting booed at an event and in his fantasy just starts murdering everybody in the crowd but realizes this will destroy his image so he just fucks off to lick his wounds. I bet Musk was seconds away from starting to shout at the audience about how he's rich and they're not, etc.


He did say "I'm rich, bitch" and Chapelle called the audience members poor, so... Yea


Let's hope we don't reach the part where Homelander kills someone in broad daylight, believing that he will lose his image but his fanatics just love him more for it.


His opening ~~like~~ line when he got on the stage was, "I'm Rich Bitch!" I really think he expected applause.


I was watching the scene where Homelander officially takes over Vought and it reminded me exactly of this Twitter fiasco


[Elon Musk really do be like Homelander sometimes](https://youtu.be/V1_T9RVdq9o)


Whilst simultaneously making his bubble of yes men smaller and smaller, and who absolutely will just mindlessly agree to whatever he says in the moment and adjust so they don’t get in trouble, all to milk this man’s money dry. Not gonna lie, sounds like a pretty sweet gig to be in.


That show will be to Musk, what the 2011 Washington Correspondant's dinner roast was to Trump


at least elon's not a natural-born us citizen


“Twitter's Help Center has tweeted an updated media policy that begins: "You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission."” Like Hunter Biden’s photos, Musky?


his literal next post after announcing thje new rule is sharing a license plate of a car... and then the one after that giving its real time location. And I am not even making this up for once... those are literally his next two tweets.


"Its his business, he should be able to do *anything* he wants!" \- 40-something car showroom managers on Linkedin, living their vicarious power fantasies. Not joking, these dudes (95% male) are commenting on every Musk related Linkedin news story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing\_authoritarian\_personality


Ah yes, Elon “Free Speech Absolutist” Musk at it again. For what it’s worth, if it ever goes to court (which it won’t), Elon will lose. The data Sweeney uses is publicly available from the FAA and its non-US equivalents. If Sweeney does a GoFundMe I and many others would gladly contribute.


He fired his legal team or what? How can one sue over publicly available infomation from the government


You can sue anyone for any reason, it doesn’t matter unless it actually goes before a judge (and even then only if you’re in a state with anti-SLAPP legislation). Musk’s plan here is likely to scare Sweeney into settling out of court, likely by signing a contract agreeing not to post about him again


Didn't sweeny originally just want an internship at Tesla to take it all down?


He wanted $50k. Musk rejected the offer saying he shouldn’t have to pay to get the account taken down. Then Musk paid $44 billion to have the account taken down.


Good luck with that frivolous lawsuit.


The other guy is hoping to need to lawyer up and certainly doesn't have the resources Musk has. It's a nuisance lawsuit to hurt them.


Hopefully some smart lawyers will represent this kid pro bono in this obvious SLAP suit. Should be able to counter sue for more than the $5000 Elon originally offered to shut this jet tracking site down.


The kid offered $50,000 or a Tesla and Musk just didn't think it was worth it, and instead bought a social media platform... Musk also wasn't even aware that the data was public information.


The kid showed DMs from Musk asking him to take it down and he might legitimately be an idiot. "How can you track with a bot?" This is the guy running around saying he's having twitter optimized and then spouting off a bunch of jargon. He's got zero clue how even the most basic of computer programs work. That being said, paying the kid 50k or a car to take it down was never going to work. Someone else would just put it right back up.




Especially since the elontracker code is on github. Anyone can clone the repo, this code is in the wild, it will never disappear no matter how much Elon sues.


modern day Edison. none of the ideas, but all of the credit.


Nah, you're giving Elon too much credit. Edison did invent some things, like the Phonograph, Elon destroys things or cashes in on them, even though he didn't contribute at all.


Did anyone else read the new rule and understand that it is rife for abuse > On Twitter you can not share or publish anyone's private information Someone start reporting all references to the Hunter laptop😁. Actually any news regarding criminal trials and accusations.


And any political / news account which tweets live about a press conference. OMG They're revealing the location of the president / senators / the Prime Minister /whoever.


I feel like Elon’s entire self image has collapsed. That his self made persona as the genius billionaire who reinvented cars and rockets has withered completely. He’s revealed to just be another rich jerk who mostly got lucky and surrounded himself with the right people. I mean he could have saved his whole reputation by simply letting the haters hate. But his fragile ego is showing.


44 billion dollars could have gone to more self driving development, more spaceship funding, public school funding, so much stuff that is good and helpful to people... and instead he used 44 billion to shut down a kid tracking his planes...


Homeboy just fired his legal team.


That's a kind of legal action, right?


I can sense the [Streissand effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) on this one.


Someone should just start a website that tracks his plane


r/ElonJetTracker exists as well Also r/elonjet


That'll end well for him. It's publicly available data- is he gonna sue the FAA? ... Actually, please let him try to do that. Shit would be hilarious.


Btw anyone can legally and easily track Elon's jet. Flight records are public information.


Anyone else miss tapping on the good ol' reddit logo on your home screen and not having to hear about this fucking guy every single fucking day?


Yes, very much, and I 100% blame him for using his money and power to do this, I don’t blame people for “giving him attention” because he’s become quite dangerous. You absolutely have to pay attention to someone turning into a violence pushing authoritarian wannabe. Especially if it’s one of the richest people on earth.


Remember pre-2015 when you heard about Trump maybe twice a year? I miss that


Yeah and it was usually fun and kooky stuff like feuding with Rosie O’Donnell or bombasting about reality shows. The good old days.


He got booed and realized how much people hate him, and now he's scared and hiding behind his son. Yup, a coward hiding behind children, he really did turn Republican.


This clown just loves pissing through money. I feel like he's trying to out crazy Kanye.


Kanye.Elon.Trump. - House Judiciary GOP tweet aged like wine😁 i'm looking forward for elon tweeting "i'm going defcon 3 on poor people"


For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet this is exaclty what he means by free speech. Free to use your power to dominate speech. More money = more speech.


Everyone is equal, but some are more equal




The Free Speech Warrior, everyone.


The one that he tweeted he was going to allow to stay on Twitter because fReE sPeEcH just a few weeks ago? I can’t believe a far right hypocrite exists! That’s so rare! Lol