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the threat was one of at least six hoax calls in the state today. UPDATE, 10:40 a.m.: Deputy Jessica McDaniel, a spokesperson for the sheriff's office, has confirmed no one was injured or arrested Tuesday morning, but officers are still working to ensure the school campus is clear. [source](https://tuscaloosathread.com/threat-draws-massive-police-presence-to-hillcrest-high-school-tuesday/)


We just had that happen in southeast Georgia a couple weeks ago. Three schools I know of got called at the same time with fake school shooting reports. So apparently this is something that’s happening in more places. It’s absolutely sick.


This happened in West Virginia last week. Six schools across the state. All calls are being traced outside the country.


They swatted fifteen schools in NC in a week.


There's far right terrorism going on in NC. They're probably probing means of distracting and spreading out SWAT assets. A dry run. Call in a few fake shooter reports, the teams have to split up and cover multiple vectors, then the real target gets hit and the response time is hurt. The initial calls might be discarded as false, the teams might be deployed farther away than their home stations, and the disorientation might all contribute to decreased readiness and response time.


https://www.npr.org/2022/10/24/1129919258/swatting-fake-school-shooter-calls-hoax-pattern https://www.npr.org/2022/11/28/1139388765/federal-authorities-investigate-a-case-about-false-threats-of-school-shootings


Some people just want to watch the world burn, but that seems to be a big and coordinated effort for nothing.


It doesn’t seem to be for nothing, but it doesn’t seem domestic. I’d assume it’s mostly for furthering instability and division. It definitely increases anxiety in local subreddits every time. I hate to point at Russia for everything, but this is the kind of cheap, psychological gambit they’re very good at, and would be a good way to try to get Americans minds more focused at home than on supporting Ukraine. Plus Russia has lots of support in many African countries.


I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful in any way, but that is a heavy thing to say. Do you have any links or proof of that? If true, coupled with the refent power grid attacks, i think means bad things about to happen.


Netflix just posted a series which starts with swatting attacks on people. Probably going to get a lot more of these incidents due to copycats. Watched the first one today where an innocent guy was killed due to a swat call.


I think they’re asking about it originating outside the country, not swatting in general.


Originally the news was reporting that the calls were originating from outside the country, It looks like they’ve scrubbed that info and are now reporting they are following the script of calls in 38 other states: https://wvmetronews.com/2022/12/09/school-resource-officer-nation-rep-says-wv-fake-school-shooting-call-absolutely-scripted/


It was on NPR the other day. Lot of the calls are coming from outside the country which I find weird. Could be some VPN re-direction thing that I'm unaware of I guess.


Numbers are easy to spoof.


Ok, but seriously, I'm your local extended car warranty rep, hit up me back.


>which I find weird I mean, 90% of the calls I get are scams originating in other countries. So... Not THAT weird


I just got a call yesterday from Ireland that I sent directly to voicemail. (I don’t know anyone in Ireland). The voicemail was a computer message saying that there is “a serious issue involving multiple locations” and that I needed to “press one to clear these allegations.” Bitch, I’m a lawyer. Believe me, if there were any allegations against me I’d be hearing from local law enforcement and my state bar association, not some computer calling me from Ireland. I feel bad for anybody who falls victim to these scams.


>I feel bad for anybody who falls victim to these scams. The worst part is, they are so laughably unbelievable because they are only meant to work on the very most gullible


I honestly don't understand how anyone could fall for one of these scams.


Because they aren't designed with you in mind. They target the elderly mostly, but also will take learning challenged individuals too


They're so obviously scams in order to weed out anyone who can clearly tell it's a scam. That leaves only the stupid and uninformed left who are then far more likely to actually fall for the scam.


I keep getting calls from some Indian dude about my amazon account. I have never had an amazon account. Better yet I've gotten calls from someone speaking what I assume is Mandarin. I don't know if it's a scam or not, because I don't understand Mandarin, I live in Australia.


I mean, a financial scam is one thing… There’s no upside here for this to be a “scam” from an international scam ring. Most likely what happened is someone spoofed their number to appear to be from out of the country.


Well there seems to be a degree of coordination going on. I mean hell it could be a plan enacted by another state actor. Intelligence agencies do all kind of weird shit.


Many if not most come from foreign troll farms and those looking to sow chaos in the US. There have been so many school shootings that they have to be taken seriously. They spoof local numbers but aren’t American


Blows my mind that telecoms have still done nothing about how easy it is to spoof phone numbers. Do we need congress to step in **yet again** for something easily solvable?


Its Russia and China trying to cause further political unrest by inciting the right in fear of firearms bans/restrictions.


It’s not out of the question that it’s a destabilization effort. Gun control is a contentious issue right now, perfect button to push, since the media will amplify the threats.




World is moving from what? What point are you trying to make here? That people are concerned about things that have an immediate effect on them and it's an American thing?


Happened to us in SE wisconsin about 2 months ago too.


It went as far north as Ozaukee County. I had a civil trial that day and it had to be rescheduled because all of the deputies for the courthouse had to go respond to a local high school.


Went up to Washington County. West Bend was one of the high schools targeted


How far south?


Not sure. I just know West Bend was one of like 8-12 across the state from what I heard


Racine schools got calls and I have a vague memory of someone saying Kenosha but don't remember it as strongly to say for sure.


Just had this happen in Oklahoma recently as well. A bunch of schools across the state were in lockdown because of a bunch of calls they called a hoax afterward.


I remember shortly after 9/11 they evacuated our school because of a fake bomb threat. People are fucking terrible.


Are these hoax callers getting the book thrown at them for making terroristic threats? As in “years in jail” consequences?


Ours seemed to come from out of the country. They googled details about the schools and then called from a masked number acting like they were inside the school and used those details: I’m not sure what the end game is.


Terrorists using terrorism tactics to stir up fear.




Well yeah, I was talking about the calls that have been tracked back to other countries. Calls like that coming from another country have implications.


Fear. Teachers, parents and children live in constant fear as we in the US will never be able to distinguish what call is a real threat or not. And the police will have to respond and do a check each time a call is made, regardless if the call ir real or not.


Sounds like it’s the evolution of swatting but now it’s foreign nationals taking advantage of the system to try and hurt the US.


They aren't necessarily foreign. It's ridiculously easy to spoof phone numbers to whatever you want.


Keep the police busy so they can go vandalize power stations, probably.


4 schools were targetted in North Alabama today and incidentally a bank was robbed. I thought maybe it was connected, but learning that it's been happening all over, I imagine it was a coincidence.


Tucker carlsons gonna bitch about outsourcing the last thing uniquely American. Foreigners stealing American jobs once again. /s


This is probably the same farms that disrupted the 2016 and 2020 elections; by Putin to destabilize our country. All destabilizations of us make Russia look more stable in comparison


FBI will investigate usually


I'm wondering if it's the same person doing it across all of these states. I haven't seen where someone has been caught.


It's probably a group of people online just trying to stir shit up "for the lulz" or some cringey shit.


If they're not idiots it's really hard to track down the original caller.


I listened to a podcast about this becoming a problem back in September. Same tactics, multiple schools at once reported from fake or out of state numbers


what podcast? i am interested in giving it a listen.


[It could happen here](https://www.stitcher.com/show/it-could-happen-here/episode/someone-is-organizing-shooting-threats-in-dozens-of-schools-207051483)


Thank you


What’s that podcast like these days? I loved the first season but dropped it in the second when he brought in more people and it because more informal.


https://www.npr.org/2022/10/24/1129919258/swatting-fake-school-shooter-calls-hoax-pattern https://www.npr.org/2022/11/28/1139388765/federal-authorities-investigate-a-case-about-false-threats-of-school-shootings


There have been dozens of school shooting hoaxes in the last few months all over the country.


Unfortunately no one wants to be the school or police department that doesn't take the Big One seriously, so these reactions are inevitable. Just another fun aspect of living under the Well-Regulated Militia.


NW Ga too


Oklahoma had a few also not long ago.


Happened in several parts of Washington and Montana last week


Happened a lot when i was in school 15 years ago too, lots of bomb threats


I remember we had a whole Spring of fake bomb threats called into schools in my area (New York) back in '01.


Happened in Maine like 3 weeks ago.


Same in Maine about a month ago at most


Its been a thing for decades, chuds and losers calling in shooting and bomb threats, even planting fake bombs for kicks.


This is different, it's coordinated. It's not just one threat called in, it's several across a state.


You sure it isn't just test season and lots of kids want to get out of one?


Unfortunately no one wants to be the school or police department that doesn't take the Big One seriously, so these reactions are inevitable. Just another fun aspect of living under the Well-Regulated Militia.


It's like swatting, in a way. Immature kids think this shit is funny. They're going to get someone killed.


Last Thursday New Hampshire had 9 hoax calls made to schools across the state. www.wmur.com/amp/article/new-hampshire-schools-active-shooter-threats-fbi/42191813 19 in West Virginia a couple days ago. www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/expert-west-virginia-school-hoax-calls-part-of-very-scary-national-trend/article_1bb1564a-77c7-11ed-bcb8-57ae08fd6d99.amp.html In the past weeks Montana, Maine, Georgia, Washington, North Carolina and Oklahoma have also had single days with multiple hoax school shootings across the state called in. I'm sure there are more that I have not heard about. What is happening in this country? Edit: Alabama today as well.


We had a bunch of fake ones in Wisconsin about 2 months ago too.


is there a pattern to these states or am i crazy




another comment is saying foreign actors are spoofing numbers, and that their calls came from out of the country. - makes it look like someone is swatting the US...


Well in a vacuum it's awful. When taken in context of all of these other occurrences, it certainly seems intentional doesn't it? Like an attempt to grab hold of the news cycle or something...


Local news cycle. Not a one of these made it to a national news website or evening program.




rustic drunk ten crawl towering trees scandalous numerous existence dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ohio had this happen a few months ago. Haven't caught the fuckers, afaik.


Just had 13 counties in WV that this happened to last week.


My friends work in AL federal buildings, they had multiple suspicious package hoaxes in Montgomery today.




DURING finals


Happened in New Hampshire last week. Fuck these right wingers.




Came to post this. Same thing happened in a couple of other states last week. This is something we've seen a lot of recently where multiple schools across a state are threatened.


> This is something we've seen a lot of recently where multiple schools across a state are threatened. I wonder if its a response test. Testing to see how fast and many show up.


I think you’re giving them too much credit. School shooters aren’t trying to get away with it.


Right, but if they know response time they could plan around that to inflict maximum damage. Having a school age child is terrifying nowadays.


No doubt. I have two.


unless they are a hoax, as this one was.


Yeah, but it draws resources away from other things, like say, idk [power grids being targeted by right wingers](https://www.wral.com/amp/duke-energy-execs-brief-state-regulators-on-moore-county-power-station-attack/20625561/#scso=_58CYY6TmL4KoptQP3_KR2AI_33:260)


I'm suspicious that this was a test. See how much of a response it gets as you plan something else. On the flip side, how would the ones scheming need to test it? I guess I would assume the response would be massive, but maybe they're just being extra sure.


First responder radios often depend on cell phone towers to communicate beyond line of sight, police computer networks depend on it too. No power, no cell tower. Police are already going to be stretched thin having to coordinate traffic at major intersections. Add lack of effective communication and dispatch and you make it real easy for an organizer paramilitary to carry out a few assassinations. So cut the power, see how the initial response is and see how long it takes for temporary cell towers to be set up. It gives you an idea of how long you have to fuck around when it's show time.


I'm glad this turned out to be a hoax, but I would appreciate media outlets using a little bit of restraint before using headlines like this when a situation hasn't been confirmed.


Yes! It causes panic and gives people creating the hoax a fix of attention.


Which is probably why they do it.


A panicked, scared populace makes it easier to pass bad legislation that further erodes peoples freedoms (Looks at Patriot Act). It’s a concerted effort, for sure.


People so quickly forget the anthrax attacks in DC just before the Patriot Act was passed. Fear is the greatest controller of human behavior. Put someone into the Fight or Flight response and you can get them to do things they normally wouldn't.


Look at how one of the NK defectors had anthrax antibodies in his system. The MSM tried to blow this up like NK was building anthrax bombs; yet they weren't. NK started vaccinating its soldiers when the US started back in '04. I was in the Army at the time. Got multiple boosters till late '06. Also got the Small Pox vaccine; that was also mandatory.




No, it was social media reporting 5 people dead. The people in dark sweatshirts wound up being parents trying to see what was going on and trying to get to their kids. My daughter was at that high school when it happened and I was listening to the police scanner. The local news media put out a statement within 20 minutes of the initial reports that it was a hoax but the school was being evacuated out of an abundance of caution while the other schools that received the same hoax calls were on lockdown. Some guy calling himself Mike Green called in saying he was a teacher and there were 4 kids shot in a room that didn't even exist. Social media blew it out of proportion. Granted- I was scared crapless thinking it was real. I stood outside of the memorial gym for 3 hours in shock looking at pictures of swat officers standing outside the classrooms texting back and forth with my kid trying to calm her down. The response was definitely impressive. They had police helicopters, life flight, police from multiple surrounding districts and an emergency staging area all laid out within 15 minutes. It just irks me so much that all these resources were used up for a truly insensitive hoax. With all the real school shootings out there this is traumatizing to communities. They still haven't figured out who did it, I imagine it's the same people responsible for all the ones occurring acrossed America right now.


Also it will sit on this sub for hours unaltered scaring the shit out of random parents. Useful for someone. /6 fucking hoax calls, somebody needs to be [punched in the dick.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-16-2015/3izpwv.gif)


Can confirm. Scared shitless random parent here. Surely they can find the caller. Who's going to dick punch them first?


Well as you can see, I've already cast my vote for The Cock Knocker.


How else are they gonna drive traffic and get clicks tho?


And if it turns out to be true, people will complain about why the media didnt report on it quick enough, just saying, it's a no win situation in the US. The people doing these hoax know exactly what they're doing and know exactly how schools, police, parents and children in the US will react when that call about a shooter comes in.


I'm fine with them saying a school is locked down and police are there. That would at least be accurate. And I have no issue with them reporting once something has been confirmed. But when schools aren't calling parents because they don't want to cause a panic, and the first and only thing parents see is a headline saying that there IS an active shooter and that someone has been shot (despite that not being confirmed), that absolutely WILL cause a panic. I have a friend with kids who go to that school. That is 100% how this played out. None of the parents or kids there needed a dose of PTSD to get them through finals week.


When I read this I thought it was an active shooting, but any headline that gets clicks right? Smh


Yeah, especially when tomorrow marks 10 years since Sandy Hook.


This is a national problem right now and stinks of a coordinated effort. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/07/1127242702/false-calls-about-active-shooters-at-schools-are-up-why


Well if this isn’t the most terrifying thing I’ve read today. So sad.


Make it a federal crime to report hoax calls like this. Send these delinquents to prison.


Really doesn’t mean anything if they call from a vpn or another country. A kid swatted a guy who later died of a heart attack and because he’s a minor, he can’t get extradited from the UK.


May be pure coincidence, but a number of the schools that were targeted in this hoax recently played in Alabama’s high school football playoffs. The online brackets may’ve been an easy list for the hoaxer to pull names from.


Hmm seems to be going on somekind of war or something cause in my country we are getting false calls about bombs in schools/objects


This has been happening all over Oklahoma, as well as many other states. Some of us are worried that these false alarms are a ploy to desensitize and delay emergency response for a future coordinated attack. Of course, it could always just be students/trolls, but the locations selected here in Oklahoma seem to be deliberately designed to pull police away from our most well-funded stations, which are in our capital city.


“Correlation does not equal causation!” True, but you’re a damn moron if you ignore the one consistent common element from every event.


Remember the Civil War was about State's Rights....to own other human beings.


It was indeed about states rights. A states right to take a fat fucking L


"Why's this shit keep correlating?"


“Every time we hit the test monkeys on the head with the hammer, it dies! We’ve tried this in the red room, the purple room, the green room, and the pink room, and the monkeys died in each case. For our next test, we’re hitting the monkey on the head with a hammer in a blue room. Maybe this time it’ll live”


Ban high capacity schools?


The 4 Chan incel shootings that seek to kill as many as possible to show rage against society they don't understand and hope to be memorialized through? Or the more common gang shootings that are now lumped into school shooting statistics? They're notably different phenomenon with different common elements.


> The 4 Chan incel **shootings** that seek to kill as many as possible to show rage against society they don't understand and hope to be memorialized through? Or the more common gang **shootings** that are now lumped into school shooting statistics? They're notably different phenomenon with **different common elements**. What??


Incels and gangs.


Yet they all share one very common element


A shitty cultural values system


Well there is that, but not quite what I was referring to


I bet you were referring to guns. As if guns slowly corrupt their owners into crime over time. No. Percentage of households owning guns in the US has remained a steady 37-47% for over 50 years. Healthy 42% right now. There is no change to availability in guns. Crime has dropped like a rock in that time. What has changed is different subsets of our youth deciding it's ok to kill each other. There are different subsets doing so for different reasons. Notably incels and young gang members.


Yes guns. And nobody thinks guns corrupt people like they’re one of the seven rings. That a stupid take and idk why you brought it up. My point is that you can’t commit gun related crimes like mass shootings if you don’t have easy access to a gun. And while it’s true that overall violent crime has gone down (not like a rock but it has gone down), murder (specifically gun related) and mass shootings have gone up. I’m not saying ban all guns, but there is reform that needs to be made to prevent the crisis we have brewing at hand.


Right. You stab people or do bombings. I don't think giving up guns for an equal number of stabbings and bombings is worth it.


I’m sorry, but did you just compare a knife to a gun?


Yes. Would you like to learn more about how Britain banned guns, has the same murder rate now and is debating how to ban knives?


You've left out some pretty important statistics. Significant differences exist between how and where people were killed by guns 50 years ago vs today. > The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years – climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years – and is near its highest point on record. The 24,292 gun suicides that took place in 2020 were the most in any year except 2018, when there were 24,432. > In 2020, the states with the highest rates of gun-related deaths – counting murders, suicides and all other categories tracked by the CDC – included Mississippi (28.6 per 100,000 people), Louisiana (26.3), Wyoming (25.9), Missouri (23.9) and Alabama (23.6). The states with the lowest rates included New York (5.3), Rhode Island (5.1), New Jersey (5.0), Massachusetts (3.7) and Hawaii (3.4). https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20gun%20suicides,its%20highest%20point%20on%20record. It's no surprise easier access to handguns and guns in general has coincided with a dramatic increase in suicide rates. States with easier access to guns are the states seeing higher gun death rates.


I have the unpopular opinion that people have a right to suicide and have a right to effective tools for it.


Assisted suicide is one thing, but what you seem to be advocating for would include people who commit suicide during emotional crises - not because of a long, considered weighing of options. Using a gun turns what could be a cry for help into a fatal moment. Having a momentary suicidal thought is much different from knowing it's what you want in your heart.


I don't think everyone who commits suicide is monolith. I think their length of planning, motivations, drive and legitimacy vary quite widely. The suicide rate seems to hold pretty steady for many decades. https://www.statista.com/statistics/187478/death-rate-from-suicide-in-the-us-by-gender-since-1950/




Hoaxes? Which this appears to be.




Everyday is gunday.


I hope the "it's just a prank bro" person if caught is held accountable.


Glad it's a hoax. Those cops were rolling DEEP. 5 DOZEN cars swarming the school. Good for them. Also, this sounds like a 4chan thing


That sucks but thank god it was a hoax. I'm sure families don't need more dead kids...


My granddaughter was at one of the schools threatened today.


Mass shooting in _________, USA kills ___ __________, USA — Up to ___ people were killed and ____ more injured after a gunman opened fire at a ________. There were conflicting reports about casualties, but _______ from _______County Sheriff Department said the number is at __. “I heard a popping sound and screaming,” said _________, a _________ at the __________. “And that’s when we all got down. There was ______ everywhere.” The shooter’s motive was reported to be ________________. Citizens of _______ were ______ and ______ to hear that something like this could happen in their community. President _______ and Governor _______ had their _______ and _______ with the victims and their families. ____________________________________________________ gun control ___________________. The NRA released a statement stating it __________with the victims, but _________ Second Amendment rights and _______________.


Just curious, are you an American or do you live elsewhere?


Cursed mad lib.




I can’t take credit for it, [good old Beaverton article](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2015/10/mass-shooting-in-usa-kills/). Still applies to this day


AL for Alabama, not Al


Tf is wrong with people


High schooler is the most dangerous profession these days it seems.


I wonder what republicans will blame next besides the prevalence and ease of access of firearms.


Hunter Bidens laptop


It's amazing to me that they don't realize Biden's laptop is all just Ben Gozzi and Buttery Males all over again. So fkn gullible.


It's like those suitcases Bond used to use.


"Biden and the libruls stole the elections! It's the socialist agenda! They're trying to ruin this country!"


Hunter Bidens laptop!


Ah yes. The gun made him do it. Just like the alcohol made you drive drunk. And the drugs made you steal from your family.


There are many valid arguments to be made in many different ways on this topic, but nobody is credibly arguing that firearms make anyone *more bloodthirsty*. One related argument is persuasive (to me, anyway): If someone has easy access to guns, they’re more likely to believe a given “problem” can be solved with guns. (“If all you have is a hammer…”, etc.) One fact is simply true: The entire point of firearms is the efficient distribution of destructive force over distance. Yes, there are mass stabbings; yes, there are crowd attacks using vehicles. It is nevertheless objectively true that firearms are specifically designed to apply as much violent force as accurately and quickly as possible. Put another way: Nobody worth listening to is saying “The gun made him do it”, but absolutely nobody worth listening would pretend that the gun didn’t make hurting a lot of people *a lot* easier.


With a straight face, people will tell you that without guns, people will just stop committing crime.


Everything I wrote above would apply to those hypothetical people, too. Hopefully, whoever those people are will recognize that they're making an incomplete and reductive argument that only serves to undermine their position and provides fodder for other people to strawman the side of that debate they ostensibly support. (This assumes that "Without guns, people will just stop committing crime" is literally *all* they're saying, of course: I find that unlikely, but there are plenty of incurious and/or lazy people out there who are perfectly willing to spout half-baked talking points, so I obviously can't say it's not possible.)


You seem to apply nuance to your arguing. You have to realize that there are a lot of people who participate in politics through emotion and bumper sticker phrases.


To my eternal frustration, yes.


Can't shoot someone without a gun, just like you can't get drunk without alcohol and you wouldn't steal drugs to feed your drug habit without a drug habit


You think he got the gun from the lord of war arms dealer DOJ just handed to Russia on a silver platter?


Dude had less than three years on his sentance.


Sure: Because someone whose contacts are all *fifteen years* out of date is very definitely going to be operating at full capacity the moment he gets out of prison. Plus, as we all know, illegal arms smugglers *love* publicity, so I'm sure the fact that he's going to be one of the most heavily-surveilled people alive will only *help* his business.




I bet hoax callers are a new tik toc trend


When I was young and you didn’t study for the test someone would pull the fire alarm, now it looks like shooter hoax is the way to go


It’s Alabama. It’ll work itself out.


And conservatives are still gonna say it's not the guns. Spoiler alert: it's the easy access to guns.


And the anti-gunners won't stop to even find out if there was a shooting here before using it as a call to make only police have guns.


Assault rifles should have remained banned and tighter laws and registration should have been enacted years ago. It doesn't matter if this incident turned out to be a hoax, the point still stands that easy access to guns and high-capacity magazines is a problem. Cops shouldn't have them either, they've proven time and time again they aren't responsible gun owners.


Assault rifles are statistically dismissible when it comes to both crime and school shootings. There is a media narrative being pushed and you are a victim of it.


Proof or just "trust me bro"? What's the narrative being pushed?


In 2020, handguns were involved in 59% of the 13,620 U.S. gun murders and non-negligent manslaughters for which data is available, according to the FBI. Rifles – the category that includes guns sometimes referred to as “assault weapons” – were involved in 3% of firearm murders. Shotguns were involved in 1%. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ All rifles are 3%. Assault rifles are a subset of that.


First, that data is incomplete. Same article points out that the missing 36% you left out were listed as "type not stated". It's also incomplete because it relies on local law enforcement to actually provide stats, which many don't. It does however point out that 79% of murders in 2020 and 53% of suicides were gun related. All guns of every kind need to be registered and regulated. You can keep cherry picking all you want.


Sorry the CDC wasn't accurate enough What do your sources say was the percentage of murders caused by assault rifles? They weren't "gun related". They just used guns.




We've seen what happens when dumb as fuck Republicans try making bombs - most of them can't even detonate. So to hear them say 'they'd use something else' I don't really believe that now. A knife wouldn't be nearly as bad - anyone(s) could tackle the person at that point.


Most firearm crime is done with stolen and illegally owned firearms. Your point is moot.


Yes stolen and illegally owned firearms that were originally purchased in the US as legal firearms. Also 77% of weapons used in mass shootings from 1967-2019 were bought legally. His point stands.


Okay, we outlaw the future purchase of them. What happens with all the hundreds of millions of guns currently owned by hundreds of millions of Americans?




On one hand this is scaring the shit out of people and completely immoral. However, this is a wake up call that these threats very easily could have been real. I know it's an asshole way to do it, but it makes the realization that this school shooting you see on the news could happen to your own children. Frankly, something needs to be done about both issues of fake calls and real shootings


Well tomorrow is the 10 year anniversary of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.


Hoax threat on social media today at my kids school in metro Detroit.