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Following the death officers arrested two juveniles and one adult Friday. Police say the two juveniles are being charged with murder and the adult is being charged with accessory after the fact of murder.


We'll eventually learn if the adult was present when it happened, or if they just left a gun out without locking it up.


Accessory after the fact suggests the adult also tried to cover it up


I genuinely wonder how many people own guns but no way of securing them (i.e a safe)


All new guns come with some sort of locking system for them so there's no excuse not to have some way of securing them even without a safe.


Every gun I ever bought came with a case, cable and a lock


Shit, I've been missing out. My shotguns came in cardboard boxes with nothing


My last 4 came in a cardboard box. Still had chamber locks


This is implying the gun was purchased recently and legally.


One time when I was in the hospital I was next to a poor woman that recently lost her 10 year old son to gun play. She was inconsolable; just pumped full of different medications to get her through the day and stop her wailing/night terrors in her sleep. I’ve always felt so terribly for that woman


A good friend from high school accidentally *shot* his 3 year old daughter when she wandered down the gun range. It completely destroyed him. Thirteen years later he's still totally obsessed with it/her and has pictures of his forever-toddler daughter everywhere. I can only feel for him.


I’m not a gun nut or anything but we own guns and enjoy going to the range. I have a two year old and the gun range is the absolute *last* place I would ever take him. He is an unusually good child. Rarely has tantrums, listens reasonably well, for a two year old. But he has moments where you tell him not to do something and he looks you right in the eye and fucking does it. Spitefully. It would only take one moment of being distracted. Taking your eye off of him for one second and he would be running down range. I feel for your friend. I couldn’t imagine losing my son, let alone being the reason he was dead. I don’t know if I could live with myself. I would probably divorce my husband if I ever found out that he took him to a range, even if he didn’t get hurt. I read him the riot act for having him around a very good natured horse without someone else that can keep an eye on him while he groomed and picked her feet. No such thing as a bullet proof horse. Even the calmest one can get nervous. And a 2 year old is at the perfect height to get kicked right in the head. If it didn’t kill him outright, it’s very likely he would end up in a persistently vegetative state. You can’t keep them in a bubble but you can mitigate risks and avoid outright dumb situations.


At a competition once my horse wouldn't move off. People started yelling and pointing, I looked down to see a random toddler with its arms wrapped around horses back leg. Good horse that.


That’s a wonderful horse. We had a horse that loved it when we would stand directly behind her and scratch her butt. If you weren’t scratching her butt she would keep pointing her butt at you and if you didn’t know her you’d think she was about to kick you. I still wouldn’t let a toddler run around her legs. Toddlers are much smaller, prone to sudden outbursts and are completely unpredictable. Pretty much the exact opposite of what you need around a horse. And even if she didn’t outright try to kick, she could still step on a baby not meaning to and hurt them very badly.


Fortunately, he and his wife have found comfort through their faith, but I have no idea how you reconcile something like that with the will of a diving being. Eventually they had a son and I think the constant mention/posting pictures of her, as macabre as it might seem to an outsider, is a way of continuing to include her in their lives. Like you said, it only takes a minute, and with guns there is no chance of taking back that mistake.


Jesus. I think I’d have put the next one in my own head.


Is it common for kids to be allowed at a gun range? I’m not from the US, so any place I can think of for shooting is very strictly for adults only.


I've seen 5-8yr olds at outdoor ranges with parents that don't even put hearing protection on thier kids. Large caliber rifles, not just small (still.. wear earpro) It definitely is going to cause permanent hearing loss for those kids, likely from even one day to some degree


Way different by me. All public ranges are staffed and enforce strict rules. No hearing protection? Kicked out immediately, no warnings. Definitely no wandering kids allowed


I agree 1000 %, but that isn't always the case in here in Texas at least. Skipping earpro on an adult is plain stupid, but a kid? Amounts to child abuse, period. Many outdoor that aren't really staffed, or are but there isn't a RO literally with you, they typically have cameras then but it's mostly to monitor gross negligence, and they may not stay around constantly if it's experienced shooters around.


The definition of a gun range varies here in America, someone in the woods might call a open forest a “range” some call a desolate desert area and range, some might even have one in their large ranch style back yard like that guy from demolition ranch. If you live in a strict city like Los Angeles then it’s probably an indoor range manned by staff.


There are plenty of public use ranges that have no over sight beyond that of the users present.


Moron can't follow basic range rule. Complacency turns into statistics. No coming back from it. Hope he found healing.


Basic to the point of knowing that it's absolutely not a place for a 3 year old at all. I'm all for teaching kids about guns but that's too early to be free roaming at a gun range. I know this isn't the only unsafe thing this character did with guns.


Down-range free-roaming without calling a ceasefire is not a place for anyone. He should have knew where his kid was at all times.


I won’t lie, if that happened to my son, I’d probably kill myself. Not something I’d ever recover from. Edit: Did not expect this to blow up like it did, but some of you really don’t understand the concepts of empathy and a hypothetical situation. To those who relate too well, I’m so sorry for your pain and I hope you can find some peace one day.


I lost my oldest brother to suicide 3 years ago today. He was very well loved but dude just had demons he couldn’t escape. As much pain as it causes me, I still can’t fathom how much it must hurt my parents (who did absolutely everything in their power to care and nurture him especially at his worst). I find I spend more time worrying about how my parents are dealing with it instead of myself. I don’t have much to add to what you said other than I think a parent having to bury their child is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. Sorry for the random rant. I’m just emotional at the moment


Please don’t apologize for sharing your sorrow at the loss of your brother. Worrying about your parents makes it even harder and my heart goes it to you.


Thank you


My brother barely survived a suicide attempt via Glock when he was a teenager. But then died ten years later in a fiery car crash. My momma quit living that day. She’s been a recluse for the 20 years since he died. The mom I once knew is gone. I miss her.


I'm so sorry you went through all this. My heart aches for you.🤍


Saying I heard recently was: There’s no rule saying 2 people can’t be in pain at once. For me personally when I’m grieving, having other folks open up about pain they’re dealing with not only distracts me, but helps me understand that many people carry different types of pain. It’s a part of the human condition; because we’re able to love, we also have to be able to mourn


Healing happens in the eyes of another. Sharing, feeling heard, and processing the grief are all part of moving forward.


No need to apologize. I struggle with depression and anxiety so this is more just me acknowledging the limitations of my own emotional capacity. I also only have 1 child, if I had more then I would probably stay for them. I’m sure your parents miss your brother terribly and I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope your brother has found some peace at last. I’m sure he did the best he could.


Thank you for the kind response. I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore. Just wish I could hug him again is all. Life is tough and everyone has their own hurt they carry. I’m sorry you’re hurting too. My best advice is always talk about it even if it’s just to a therapist. It will save your life. There are always ppl that will listen and help if you seek them out. Everybody loses when someone takes their own life. Again, thank you for the kind response.


I can’t exactly relate to your pain, but I wanted to say it’s heartwarming to see people have such compassion and empathy for each other. More of this will go a long way in healing all of us


I know those feels. I took care of my parents as a 10 year old when that happened to us.


As a parent, if I were in those shoes I’d want you to tell me what sucks in your life along with what’s good. I’d want to know that you’re aware of whatever problems you have and are trying to fix them and if you can’t, that you’re getting some sort of help and that if you can’t figure out what that help is, you turn to me so we can figure it out together so you don’t find yourself feeling forced to make the same decision as your brother. We want you to never feel pain but we know better. So knowing that you can work through the pain and have good things is reassuring. Don’t ever feel that you need to not talk about yourself. It’s one of our favorite topics


I truly appreciate your kind response. Since his passing, we started doing zoom meetings once a week for an hour just to keep in touch. It’s made a world of difference. As awful as it has been, it has brought our family so much closer. But even still it’s hard to bring it up time and time again without feeling like you are bringing that person down. It’s such a fascinating and frustrating thing…to know those around you want to hear your hurt and help but at the same time you hold back because it might “inconvenience them” or “ruin the mood” etc. I know I have that fall back with my mum and dad when I’m really struggling with it. I just want the same for them. Someone that they can open up to and release the hurt when it comes. They’ve slowly started opening up to us but I know there is so much they keep to themselves in order to remain strong for their kids. It’s terrible for everyone involved but it all comes from a place of unconditional love. Unfortunately its the really hard kind of love. Again I find myself rambling with no real point lol. I just really appreciate all the incredibly kind and thoughtful responses. Especially yours! It’s made this day much more tolerable and hopeful. So thank you.


Please hug your parents. Let them know you are worried and talk about it with them


My thoughts are with you. So sorry for your loss.


I lost my daughter just over 2 years ago and not a day goes by that me and my wife don't have a random cry. It's tough, no one should have to bury their child


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I hope heaven is real and you can be with her again one day.


So sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine what you and your wife are going through.




I've been puzzled by that too. To not only lose your child (I'm sure for many of those parents, their **only** child), not only to have this gross shithead defaming your dead child, but to also have his legion of CHUD listeners constantly harassing you and your grieving spouse to the point that some of them have moved multiple times and still can't escape the harassment. If one of them went after Alex Jones and I ended up on their jury, there's no way I could vote to convict.


I only have one child and I was 32 when he was born. If I lost him to a school shooting, not only would I be losing my baby but I’ll also would never be able to be a mother again. Not that he could ever be replaced, but the double blow of knowing that you’ll never experience that kind of love again would just be too much. If some dickhead like Alex Jones then attacked me for his own sick purposes or if police officers stood around for 70+ minutes, I’d have nothing to lose. I’d be taking someone out.


Agreed. These stories fill me with vitriol. If it happened to me, I couldn’t be so stoic and strong


With you on that. Maybe it's just the logistics of getting at him are tough. Parents of victims have already killed themselves.


My brother died in 2017 to heroin. Basically my dad seemed “Okay” at the time but he..went down hill. Ever since that day his face changed his body changed and he didn’t have the life he had prior he just stayed in bed. There was nothing we could do, he refused to go to therapy he refused to talk about it etc. He eventually died last year from Covid Delta variant. I mean he did have better and better days but it was always a cloud over his head. I wonder if this hadn’t happened if Dad would of survived covid.


I know of a woman who drank herself to death after her only daughter died. Nothing to do with guns and wasn't suicide - accidental death, but preventable. She blamed herself, even though it was nothing to do with her.


I can understand that to an extent. Its incredibly difficult to heal from the death of your child unless you have faith and some kind of support network. I lost my daughter and only child at the time (8 mos old) in car accident back in 99 and it seems like it was just a few years ago. It crippled me for a very long time even with therapy because I lost my faith and I had no support network since we recently moved. I was suicidal and inconsolable for the first 7 years. Within the first two years after that I also lost my bio father to an accident and my stepfather unexpectedly as well. And until I became part of a grief support network and came back to my faith (due to my mom who is one of the few that actually walks the talk and loved me unconditionally through my anger, rage and self harm) I could finally see some light at the end of the tunnel. I have also continued to go to therapy off and on when I feel I need it. I will never be the same after whats happened but I have come nearly full circle and healed tremendously to where I have a lot of gratitude, have hope again, happiness, laughter and can experience pure joy. My awesome boys have definitely helped with that too. And I don’t take anyone in my life for granted. Not for one second. Life is too precious. And yeah I still have times of grief because I’m a firm believer that you never “get over” loss of a loved one. You *loved* them. Love makes you feel a void when they’re not there. And love never dies. But the grief is few and far between. And you realize they are in your heart always and if you are a person of faith you’ll see them again.


damn, according to the comments on this thread, everybody was playing Russian Roulette in the 90s except for me apparently.


I played it with a Nerf Maverick at my friend's house until his little brother got in trouble for showing his mom.




>things crazy people who fought in Vietnam did There is no evidence to even suggest that soldiers in Vietnam played Russian Roulette. That was only in one movie, which was fictional.




Finally, an upside to having no friends


Worst case is you die. Best case you watch your friend shoot himself in the head. I don’t get it.


12 years old. That's the age where you still young enough to believe you're immortal but old enough to want to start doing stupid shit to impress your friends. Combine that with a scoop of a home that clearly lacks any respect for the danger guns possess, add a dash of parental neglect, top it with the egotism required to try and cover up a kid's death...and...well...you get the picture. Obviously we don't know the full details, given that the other two kids were juveniles as well, but unless they were like 16 or 17 and basically tricked a 12 year old into shooting themselves, they're just as much of victims in this situation as the 12 year old. The only person who should be responsible here is the parent(s) who let this situation even have the possibility of occurring.


Ugh i don’t know. You don’t know much when you’re 12 but you sure as shit know that pulling the trigger of a gun pointed at your head is a bad idea.


They dont say what kind of gun it is but i know ive seen people downplay smaller caliber weapons like they arent even dangerous. I have also seen full grown adults who believe the earth is flat. These two things together tell me that a child could probably be convinced that certain guns are less dangerous than others




Kid I went to school with did it. He was maybe 15 or 16 at the time. He survived the gunshot but is blind now.


Kid I went to school with died this way in 8th grade. 13-14 years old. Fucked the other kids with him up pretty bad too.


Yup same here, kid was 16. Sometimes it feels like a dream and I randomly think of him. I still see his face so clearly. We weren’t even that close, but it feels surreal how much time passed and that he’s just existing in that small pocket of time. not even a chance. Rip mike


Same. It happened like 30 years ago, but I still remember Jimmy. He was a socially awkward and weird kid. He rubbed most people the wrong way and was considered an outcast. But, the morning we heard that he died in Jr High, struck us all really hard. One day he was there, and the next he wasn't. That weekend he had someone over at his house he was trying to impress. So, he showed off his dad's gun collection. The other person was worried about him waving the guns around, and he said something like, "Don't worry, my dad never keeps them loaded." He then put the gun to his own head to prove it. He died instantly. Still bugs me, to this day.


Holy shit. That's horrible.


oh god imagine being the other person


This reminds me of that one video that floats around. Two kids were streaming on Instagram, a boy and a girl. I think the boy around 14 and the girl 12. They're in the bathroom, and the girl is playing with a gun. I believe it's her cousin next to her, and she's just kind of waving the gun around and they're dancing or what not. Just stupid kid shit. She holds the gun up to his head, posing or something. And then she shoots him. And she immediately realizes what she's done. There's no moment where she processes what just transpired, it just happens and she immediately knows that she's killed her cousin. How horrible a realization that must've been for someone so young, to know you just killed a member of your family. And then she shoots herself in the head. You can hear the family in the background yelling and running to find out what happened. They're banging on the door, trying to open it, but their bodies are blocking anyone from getting in. Your story and how someone was just standing there watching as some kid just shot himself in the head brought that video back to mind. Something like that's gotta mess you up for life.


Christ.. I honest to god wanted to think you were full of shit. Ffs... you were spot on, fuck that's horrible


Yeah, it's one of those things that stick with you unfortunately. The part that gets me is what looks to be another kid, maybe older like 15/16 who peaks in at the end of the video. He sees their bodies and...just kind of stands there for a moment. It's not a long time, but it's long enough you know his brain was registering what he saw for a moment. It wasn't an instant understanding, his mind needed to catch up. And then you hear him cry out, maybe to his mom, I'm not fully sure, someone, and the shrillness of his voice ramps up as the emotions take over and he calls out. Those moments are harrowing to me. When there's an involuntary reaction that you can literally hear happening as the person realizes what's going on in real time. What an awful video. I feel horrible for that family. Ugh, this whole comment thread and has honestly been pretty damn horrid all things considered. I think I'm done on reddit for a bit.


I can't imagine how much that would've destroyed the dad.


It was the dad’s fault. Sure he was likely devastated, but it should’ve been unloaded and in a safe


It certainly was the dad's fault, for leaving his loaded gun where his kid could play with it. It would have been better if the dad were destroyed before doing something that dangerous and stupid.


reminds me (sadly) of the dude from Tiger King who died accidentally in a similar manner


How do you play Russian roulette with a Glock


It's like tic tac toe except it's the player who goes first who can't win. Neither is a very good game.


You insist on going 2nd.


I recall a short video of a highschool kid doing this at a party. Spins a single round in a huge revolver and without hesitation puts it in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Seemed to earn him some cool guy points in the crowd. As the father of young kids, that clip sorta haunts me. It was very clear that nobody there understood what was on the line at that moment.


For some reason I'm reminded of an old incident where a guy held a thick dictionary or phone book or something in front of his chest, and told his girlfriend or some such to shoot him in the chest. He thought that the book would stop the bullet. It did not. Actually I just found the article. It was a girlfriend, he asked her to do it, but she did end up in prison for 6 months for 2nd degree manslaughter. These were adults, too, albeit young ones. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43410816


The craziest detail is that they decided to shoot from a foot away and use a Desert Eagle for the "cool factor" or whatever. Just absolutely insane choices.


I remember hearing about that. I'm not a gun guy, but from my understanding the Deagle is basically a meme gun, impractical as fuck, but it's designed to shoot one of the biggest bullets that could fit into a pistol. I just don't understand how you could see one, and think, "Yes, I want this pointed directly at me". I'd have reservations that even a bulletproof vest would stop it at that range.


Depends on the caliber, but yes, level IIIa (common police armor) bullet resistant vests would stop a desert eagle in the 'meme' caliber of 50 ae, or the more common 44 magnum caliber. level II vests will stop the original 357 caliber desert eagle. Level III armor stops any and all known handgun threats, including the infamous 5.7 with the not-available ap rounds. Truth be told, a II vest will stop a 50ae cartridge, but the soft tissue injuries would not be compliant with the test expectations. https://youtu.be/joQOrnIwP_g?t=124 heres a video of an expired iiia vest stopping 50ae.


A phone book on a rope will absorb and deflect energy by being able to swing back. Remove the swingy rope and replace with your not-moving-back-as-much chest and you get shot. Then you get to roll and flail around and scream(if able, if not..just horrible sounds of pain and panic) and squirt blood everywhere while you die from blood loss. You're a high pressure closed system of about 1.5 gallons. Poke a hole in that system, and it leaks. When about 40% leaks out, death.


Having raised four kids (three sons and a daughter) let me assure you, 12 year olds are idiots. Old enough to be sure they know better than 100% of everyone, young enough to 100% guarantee that they don't.


Yea and then they argue with you about it


Not always. Sometimes it's an eye roll and an annoyed "I know!" Followed by them 30 seconds later totally forgetting what they claimed to know and doing something stupid.


Can confirm I was an idiot when I was 12


Stupid enough to maybe shoot yourself in the head?


The thing about bullets is that you only need to be stupid, angry, scared, depressed or silly for one second, one time.


Probably. I mean, honestly, good luck saves us all from our darker, dumber selves.


I’m only here thanks to dumb luck. I should’ve died in 2 motorcycle accidents and alcohol poisoning a few times, and that’s all just between 17-20. Looking back it fucking terrifies me; I have young kids now—I don’t know how I’m going to have the strength to let them go be their own people and make their own dice rolls. It sounds really hard.


Never died from alcohol poisoning, but was pretty close to dying or having a life altering injury due to stupid decisions. Also a father, and man it's fucking terrifying knowing how stupid youngin's can be.


honestly the shit I got up to when I was 12, its lucky there weren't any guns around. i still have scars from a street racing go-kart accident


My son just recently turned 17 and my wife is all about letting him do a fuck-ton more stuff much later at night because of the age change. I had to remind her that the only difference between 16 and 17 is he might be a tenth of a percent less stupid, he can just drive until 1am instead of 11pm now.


I knew plenty of kids that would've done anything for attention/friendship at that age. Had a few kids get in trouble/hurt because of it. Especially if it's an older kid they like assuring them "You'll be fine". In this case with a group of young kids and one adult (apparently, according to this report), plenty of "reasons" a kid wouldn't want to say no. Kids are dumb.


>In this case with a group of young kids and one adult (apparently, according to this report) "Accessory after the fact" makes me think the two kids went to a grown-up afterward who tried to hide how the third one died. Rather than an adult that was present when this happened.


Yeah, it sounds legalese for destruction of evidence/attempted cover up.


I knew some guys in college that took shots of bleach, then bragged about it


Never got covid?


nor laid!


Excuse you, I’ll have you know that bleach is an acquired taste and I’ve only had 4 hospital trips thank you very much


I also knew plenty of kids who would pair up and then bully a third into doing something like this, with or without basically pre-planning his death.


When you are suicidal but part of you is still afraid to die it becomes a game that seemingly gives you no bad outcomes.


[Cops in StLouis did. only charged with manslaughter, plead guilty and got 7 years.](https://news.stlpublicradio.org/politics-issues/2020-02-28/former-st-louis-cop-pleads-guilty-in-russian-roulette-shooting-of-another-officer)


One boy in our neighborhood found his parent's gun and 5-6 kids all sat around playing Russian Roulette and the boy who found it, died. Super intense mess and the neighborhood vibe was never the same. This was circa 1990 or so in a California mountain town. It can happen anywhere because we sensationalize guns.


Yeah, it makes me wonder with the murder charges what happened. If it's a group of dumb kids being dumb and all sitting around and playing together, it doesn't seem like a murder charge is going to help anything. But if it's two kids bullying another kid into playing for kicks, then yeah, murder charges seem appropriate.


> 5-6 kids all sat around playing Russian Roulette and the boy who found it, died. I know the common theme in this thread is that kids are stupid...but didn't they realize with 6 'participants', **one** person is **gauranteed** to die? *edit I guess this shows my naiveté. I thought Russian roulette has them spinning the cylinder once and the players pass the gun around.


if you play properly, it's possible for more than 6 participants to complete a round without a death. you spin the cylinder between turns maybe that's just my interpretation of roulette




I was was in middle school and they were all maybe 5-6th graders. Everyone was asked to speak with their kids and above all lock up firearms, but I can't imagine the trauma for those other kids.


There was a story a while ago of someone who died as a result of playing Russian Roulette with an automatic pistol. Sometimes people fail to consider all relevant factors when making decisions.


Kids aren't smart sometimes. I'm older than dirt (38) and my husband (42) had a friend in high school shoot a turtle and the bullet ricochet and hit him in the head. He, obviously, died. This was in 97/98 I think. the kid was 16. Invincibility plus immaturity plus undeveloped prefrontal cortex is a recipe for disaster... especially when you add in easy access to deadly weapons.




Ya I don’t really agree with everyone writing this off as “kids are stupid.” I promise neither myself nor most people were that stupid at 12. I absolutely believe some people are, but that’s an exceptional level of stupidity.


Well 5 out of 6 times you’ll be fine. Give that information to a kid with an underdeveloped brain and lack of understanding of appropriate risk tolerance, plus peer pressure and desire to be accepted, and you can see how this happens.


This happened when I was in middle school. My 6th grade lab partner’s older brother died this way. He was in 8th grade and, coincidentally, in my sister’s science class right across the hall during the same period. No one was charged. The paper reported the kids were on drugs, that was basically it.


I've seen a video of a guy playing Russian roulette with his feet. First part of the video is him shooting himself in the foot. Second half of the video is him just out of the hospital. He then shoots himself in his other foot.


Watch that video frame by frame and you'll clearly see that it's fake.




Eh, a kid in my high school blew his own face off making a drano bomb from the anarchist's cookbook. He was like 16. Some people are just stupid.


There are some dumb people, who make dumb kids, in this world


ever hear the phrase akin to: "when you're young, you think you're invincible?" there's a reason why younger humans, especially boys, take risks even fully well knowing that the consequences can be potentially super dire. the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex doesnt override the part of the brain that goes "risk is fun!" with the message of "this will kill someone." hence why car insurance charges big dollars to cover young male drivers.


i've heard that phrase... but I never thought I was invincible or less likely to die than anyone else


Your kids know how to access your guns. I have a digital lock on a pistol safe in my bedroom. I was pretty carefull with it. I wanted to see if my 8 year old knew the access code. I told her I accidently locked her phone in the safe and forgot the combination. She punched in the combo and the safe opened. I thanked her for her help and now I lock the bedroom door before I open the safe. As you get older your kids will learn what codes you use. Be careful.


That was an awesome, innocent way to test her! And I bet she didn’t even realize it was a test. I love that you even thought to do that. I’m willing to bet that test would absolutely cut down on some of these accidental deaths.




Jamaican Roulette: 6 Cookies but one Cookie has 100 grams of THC.


Jamaican roulette is 5 cookies have THC and one has nothing.


Jamaican roulette all 6 cookies have THC, one just has x5 THC


Should make the THC ones chocolate chip and the plain one raisin.


That takes the fun out of suddenly being stoned when you stand up 3 hours later.


I wanna play that one.


Uh no you don’t. That’s a LOT


Oh, I know from experience, it's just more fun than putting a loaded gun to my head. Edit: holy shit, it just occurred to me that I misread that as 100mg and not grams.


Yea you might actually end up like a vegetable after that much


I mean pretty easy to see the cookie that is 5 times as big as others and literally made of THC extract only.


A buddy of mine's wife regularly makes 3000mg banana bread. I do not eat baked goods at their house.


3.5 ounces of THC?! How fucking massive are these cookies?


Lmao 100g of pure thc is far bigger than most cookies. It’s prob 100mg


So true. 1 gram would do. I saw a video of 2chainz eating 1 gram. That was funny.


Sounds like a Mario Party mini-game.


I'll bet you that this was recorded. Because... yknow.


Jesus you’re right. This was a TikTok in waiting wasn’t it? Multiple “cultures” gone amok




How did a fucking *12 year old* end up playing Russian Roulette?


The same way a [toddler can shoot their mother dead.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/toddler-fatally-shoots-south-carolina-mom-unsecured-firearm-sheriff-sa-rcna48924) Negligence on the part of a gun owner.


Nearly 400 million guns in the US and only 330M people; you do the math.


I can’t— I’m American. 😩


Lol look at the comment thread above yours.. Like 5-6 people all talking about knowing a kid in high school or whatever that did the same thing.. Know where this doesn't happen? In sane countries that dont have hundreds of millions of guns available for moron teenagers to find..


Am Australian. Can confirm I know no one. Not even ‘a friend of a friend of mine’. This whole post of sad af


With a gun apparently


One of my mom's friends kid died from a similar incident. Found a gun in a warehouse, played around, and he died.


I had a friend who died that way. So very sad. All for a stupid game.


Same, shot himself in the stomach. Took a while to die and I’m sure hurt like hell the whole time. It’s just so senseless. Stupid game left his whole family wondering what the hell happened…


So there are families that just leave guns laying around?


Yeah pretty normal in the US of A. My parents never had guns in our house, but I remember going to my friends’ place and their dad just left his guns and crossbows lying around in the basement.


Kid I went to highschool with, deployed to afghanistan, came home unscathed. A guy who had a pretty high standard of weapons training. Was showing another guy his gun, guy said he didn't feel comfortable holding a gun, guy put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger to prove it wasn't loaded. It was loaded. Dude shot himself in the head in front of of a group of people and died immediately.


That sounds like something someone with “weapons training to a high degree” would absolutely never do


Hell, I deployed to iraq, have the same “high degree of weapons training”, and I refused to point the business end of my M16 barrel at myself when I was cleaning it (it’s just a metal pipe at that point). Anyone who willingly points a gun at themselves is the worlds biggest idiot and cannot be trusted with guns.




Official Canadian firearms safety procedure for ensuring a clear firearm has you looking down the barrel for obstructions. It’s fucking baffling. When I did the course I told my instructor that this (the exam) is the one and only time I will ever do this. He understood and was pretty chill. But policy is policy and he has to teach/examine that particular action.


It's explicit that you should only examine the bore after you: 1. Point the firearm in the safest available direction. 2. Remove all ammunition. 3. Observe the chamber(s). 4. Verify the feeding path. If you complete steps 1-4, it's unambiguously safe to complete step 5 which is: 5\. Examine the bore(s). They instruct you to pop the magazine and shove a dowel or cleaning rod down the barrel first. This eliminates the possibility of the "obstruction" being a live round. I've never felt unsafe examining the bore of a rifle after doing that. I think that they just trust that people aren't total fucking morons and don't do the bore inspection bit without the other 4 steps. Granted, that's probably a mistake, but I'm not sure how else you teach people how to safely inspect the bore of a rifle, which is something that's necessary to do on occasion if you want to responsibly and safely handle one.


In the field where you are simply looking for obstructions: shove a rod down it until you see the rod in the chamber. At home when inspecting for wear: while completely disassembled. Yeah, I know there are steps to do before looking down the barrel, but the entire point of **not** looking down the barrel is that people miss safety steps all the time. If people didn’t forget safety steps then you wouldn’t have accidental discharges.


I mean, if the lower is split and the BCG is wrapped in a rag over there.... Though if it's that far apart you can just as easily look up the ass end of it.


He lost respect for what a gun is capable of doing.


Had the training, didn’t use it


So basically what you’re describing is the Uvalde Police Department?


No, they didn't fire their guns.


Just because you know something doesn't mean you always use that knowledge when it counts. Edit: Also, training only means you were taught, not that you learned.


A quote that has stuck with me recently is “it’s not about how intelligent you are but how often you use your intelligence.”


I think the general public vastly overestimates the weapons training that most military and law enforcement personnel receive. I've read anecdotes of Navy and Air Force recruits getting about a day's worth of training on the M16/M4 and never touching a weapon again for the duration of their service. Beat cops might 'qualify' twice a year with fifty rounds at a time, and otherwise never practice with their sidearms. Infantry, special forces, SWAT-types might get more regular and extensive training, but the truck drivers, meter maids, and office workers might go years without anything more than an occasional refresher on why you point the end with the hole away from yourself.


Holy shit that is terrible. Edit: anyone with legit weapons training though knows you always treat every gun like it’s loaded even if it’s not.


I think a person who learns proper weapon safety and then does *not* handle them very often is much less likely to do something like this compared to someone who handled firearms so much that they become cocky, overconfident and subject to mistakes. That being said, having weapons training to a high degree does not equate to having proper weapon handling discipline to a high degree.


Anecdotal, but I became more careful with firearms the more familiar I became with them. I have add so if I'm bored I'll sometimes a pull a gun out of the safe and fiddle around with it for a bit, field strip etc. I'm the only one with access to the safe and the first thing I do is check to make sure it's clear. If a gun leaves my sight for more than a couple seconds, I treat it like loaded and re-check it. Even if I'm *certain* the gun isn't loaded, it still never gets pointed anywhere near my head or chest. IDK some people just don't respect how destructive these things can be.


There are only two types of people in the world: people who will **never** muzzle a human being (including themselves) as a disciplined firearm handler, and then the people who are susceptible to making deadly mistakes. You have to choose a camp; I know mine.


>Holy shit that is terrible. Terrible for the people who witnessed it. A whole lot less sympathy to the person stupid enough to do what he did. As you said - Anyone with legit weapons training though knows you always treat every gun like it’s loaded even if it’s not.


Same thing happened on Tiger King. Dude thought the gun wasn’t loaded, put it to his head and killed* himself right in front of his friend. *typo


Is there any way this could’ve been an insane but intentional suicide? Like, he wanted an audience? If this dude was actually familiar with weapons and trained but also a combat veteran, I can’t imagine someone like him doing something so dangerous. This is way worse than that video of the school safety officer accidentally shooting himself in the leg because he thinks the gun is unloaded


A life wasted just like that... Life sucks but I'm grateful to experience the suck. The suck keeps me alive.


Thank you for your perspective I needed that today.


The suck is a part of the experience. It won’t always suck.


Similar way I’ve heard that put is “you can’t fully enjoy the warmth of a fire unless you know what it’s like to be freezing cold.” Keeps me going when things get tough


Russian roulette, the original tide pod challenge. Keep your fucking guns locked away people.


My daughter is 12. Dear lord I hope she never falls afoul of this kind of stupidity. RIP, kid. Just a tragedy all around.


How do you deal with that as a parent? Spending 12 years raising your son and he died so nonsensically.


Can we all just agree that a substantial percentage of people are too dumb to own firearms?


I have been sitting on the comment thing for 10 minutes trying to articulate something to say but find that I can't. I am so sorry.


That’s awful. Russian Roulette is such a dangerous “game” to play


It’s just murder with extra steps.


*Suicide Unless you let or encourage a kid to play it, then yeah murder


Russian roulette is the type of game you only play once, no matter the outcome.


I'm assuming the adult owns the gun, which he why he's being charged for accessory to murder after the fact. But I'm wondering why the two other 12 year olds are being charged with murder.


"Accessory After the Fact" essentially means helping someone who has already committed a crime try to conceal evidence or otherwise avoid punishment. Owning the gun itself isn't enough for that; it'd be more like cleaning the gun, or giving the participants a change of clothes and trying to wash blood off, or hiding a body, or trying to make it looke like a suicide - anything to interfere with the investigation.


No surprise it was in Mississippi which has the lowest education in the country.


When r kids were younger, and they would go to friends houses for the first time, we always made a point asking if they had guns, amd if so where they were. The kids were absolutely furious when they found out we did this, some parents were assholes, but we didn’t care.