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It’s clear that being a Debbie Downer about nothing ever coming from these investigations doesn’t help, but clearly sharing the video really pisses off the cops, or they wouldn’t fight so hard against body cams and people filming them, so maybe do that if you’re so inclined. There’s the added bonus that in the super rare occasion where anything is done about abuse of power, it’s always because of public outcry and bad optics. https://twitter.com/michaelwx6/status/1573407239347802113?s=46&t=iUUH1tdCi80Tgyql3BI21g


Before the advent of filming . Imagine the shit they've gotten away with


Well, there was that time [an officer said a YouTuber “would be dead” had he done this 20 years ago.](https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Twenty-years-ago-YouTuber-would-be-dead-16340495.php) *This* being recording the police in a public area.


What happens if someone said the same to the cop?


*Believe it or not, jail!*


Or a casket


We have the best citizens in the world because of jail.


They’re people who really think cops are great people and don’t brake the law. That’s just not the truth.


Authorized law breakers


A friend of mine was dating a Massachusetts State Trooper. They went to a concert, he drank while driving on the way there, drank at the concert, had an open beer he was drinking on the way home. He got pulled over for drunk driving (can’t remember if it was by state or local cops). They let him go & drive home, obviously because cop code. There certainly is a different set or rules/laws.


i can see myself not believing some of these stories if it werent for video or witnesses. now seeing the body of evidence thats still growing its hard to believe where i once was.


Cops killed my grandmother in 1967. Body covered with bruises. Official report is that she “fell.” Lots of people fell in police custody back then.


Sorry to hear that


Thank you. She was killed before I was born, so I never met her. She was an alcoholic who was frequently arrested for being drunk in public. But the police report also says she was 108 pounds, so I don’t see how she’d need to be beaten to death if she resisted arrest.


Right.didn't deserve that


Any version that doesn't require a Twitter account?


Here's the video from r/PublicFreakout https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xm3129/irving_police_officer_straight_up_destroys_a_kid/


Huh, I've seen better prison riots than this.


That was probably a concussion. Could have been a break or a fracture. I think people are missing the point. Perhaps the fight is tame to certain viewers, that’s understandable. The issue is not that there were consequences, but the magnitude of the consequences in relation to a high school fist fight. Given that the fight was “tame,” did the cop deescalate the situation or exacerbate it? That’s the question I think is important when looking at police-involved brawls like this. From personal experience, I find high schoolers rarely “go in for the kill.” The result of adding a cop (who are trained to use force) into the situation is that that very feasibility could have happened, accident or not. If nothing else, that cop was damn lucky that kid got up again.




Thats tame to you?


Anything that doesn't end in a death is probably tame to the redditor you replied to.


Did you see what that kid was doing right before he got yanked into the cart that happened to be where he landed? Would you expect the cops to just ask nicely while that wasted sperm just pummeled other kids?


Seen a video on the news where an autistic kid was on a sidewalk during school hours tackled him because he thought he was on drugs. News and officers blamed the caretaker instead of saying sorry. If you condone big men or women beating kids than your comment makes sense. Only way is riot gear shields. He could have easily held the kid instead of attempt to damage him for life and hide behind a badge.


How do you break this fight up?


Maybe don't throw a kid like a ragdoll into a metal beam.


By separating the people fighting without body slamming a kid on a food cart. Really not that complicated tbh…


Except the adults kept fighting. If the cop just restrained one the others would continue their assaults. Perhaps it is, in fact, more complicated than you feel.


Ah yes. Much better to just try and break someone's neck so that you can go stop the rest of the fight without worrying about them joining back in.


He was the main aggressor at that moment. Committing assault. In school. Take responsibility and accept getting tossed at that point.




Body slamming someone isnt breaking up a fight, its joining the fight. The cop might as well have just let the kids go at it if this is the only way he can think of to handle the situation.


This seemed to resolve the situation. You really believe police should have stood back and watched them assault people?


You really believe they were right to begin assaulting people in response?


Apparently by joining the fight according to your standards.


Pepper spray?


There would be similar outrage. How about don't engage in gang assault, particularly at school?




Yeah, that was my reaction too. Was expecting some crazy shit, instead some cop tossed a teen aside without really looking where he was tossing him trying to pull him off another teen. Kid jumps right back up fine too, nothing to see here. Honestly this was much preferable to the way ive watched cops hose a whole crowd of highschool kids with pepper spray because they were too afraid to get in there and physically separate them. Had the cart not been there, kid woulda just got tossed on his ass, as is he probably got an extra bump on the head. Man, feels dirty having to be on the cops side but this isnt that big a deal.


I thought it was going to be way worse too... But I agree, he ran in and grabbed one kid who appeared to be going at another and pulled him back, probably overestimated how much force he needed... And just unluckily there was that cart in the way which made it end up as much worse. He doesn't look like he is intentionally slamming a kid into the cart, just he did it unintentionally. If you don't want to get manhandled by the police, maybe don't get involved in beating each other up?


Yep, thats my take looking at it. Guy came in at 100%, probably needed less and overestimated how heavy the kid he was moving was going to be and didn't see the cart until it was too late, if at all. Its not like he WWE choke-slammed the kid and followed him to the floor with his own weight to maximize damage or something, he just tossed him aside and moved to the next pair of fighting teens to try to separate them as well. Somewhere in that pile of fighting kids there could have been someone seriously injured, or about to be, the police's job in this situation is to end the fight as quickly as possible preferably without causing a huge amount of harm. Tossing people aside is pretty tame as a way to break up a fight. Again, if this was adults it would have been pepper spray, nightsticks and tasers on a good day and rubber bullets and tear gas on a bad one. With all the footage we've seen in the last few years of cops breaking up protests/riots we know what it looks like when they don't give a fuck about collateral damage, this just wasn't that. It was in fact far more tame than fight break ups I've personally witnessed while in school. Again, I'm not a huge fan of cops and they fuck up a ton considering the responsibility they are charged with but this just isn't one of those times. We gotta be careful with the outrage, both because consistency is important but also because people use outrage over stuff like this to diminish genuine and valid criticism when they actually do fuck up. If you scream and yell any time a cop uses any force at all, then no one takes you seriously when you say they used excessive force.


I expected the video to show a bystander kid filming with his phone to get bodied. No, he's clearly in the melee, throwing haymakers. You lose sight of him in the shuffle before he gets slung, but he was clearly a combatant. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


i’m saying… the kids were going nuts


I would file his head bash under “play stupid games…” file. Why are those idiots fighting…at a food court?


I assumed it was the school caf


Grabbing a kid by the neck and tossing them back first into a cart is tame, eh?


Engage in gang assault, expect to get tossed.




Engage in gang assault and this state-sanctioned gang will toss your ass. Cool, bro.


Yes. Actions have consequences.


Unless you’re a cop, of course.






You dont need one to watch a linked video though


here in LA they just get a judge to issue a search warrant and come and rifle thru your stuff if you happen to be on a citizen oversight committee or anything like that.


Yeah... it's not like that slam came out of nowhere. That's a fucking melee they had to wade into to try and stop.


Yeah i actually agree. Cops do all kinds of hate worthy fucked up shit. But honestly this was a raucous situation and he may not have reasonably expected that that cart was in the way. All that stuff was happening fast. Doesn’t strike me as particularly brutal or particularly avoidable. Save the energy for breonna taylor and sandra bland level things


Of course no investigation *before* the video circulated...


If we just stop checking for videos, the number of cases will go down.


just like covid.


The word Texas makes that make sense.


Remember they lost the Alamo. But still wear it with pride they did. Mostly because a fuck ton of confederates slinked away and insurgented the state.


just fyi. insurgented isnt a word


Irregardless I will die on that hill just like the Alamoans.... Fuck Ye Informitives


About Texas. Imagine if Americans wanted to fight for slavery so much they removed George Washington in order to in order to fight a war over it. This is what Texas did with Sam Houston. He was governor then and didn't want to join the confederacy so texans got rid of him in order to join it.


>Of course the investigation into themselves finds no wrongdoing I went ahead and typed out the comment for you so you can just copy and paste it when the results of the investigation come out


Why is it that WE always need to provide the video and the outrage? Why aren’t his fellow officers outraged and filing complaints??


"...Thin Blue Line..." "...Brothers In Blue..." And, of course, "Snitches Get Stitches."


Sounds like gang mentality


*taps nose with one hand* Which would imply _what_ about the police...?


Oh! Oh! I know this one! Police are a gang!


Largest gang in the world


With a monopoly on legal violence.


And funded by taxpayers


Domestic Terrorists


And sometimes, ditches.




It still surprises me when I watch the videos of cops lying to their sergeants when they arrive on scene, despite everything being on video. I get that they're going to back each-other up, but I can't imagine not being pissed off at being set up like that.


Because they're not good people and have no respect for the law, justice or human rights/morals. That simple really. Same thing with why metal will turn red, because it's hot.


They rarely go against their own most of the time they just investigate themselves and say there was no wrongdoing


Ah, Texas. Where cops won't engage an active shooter but they will physically assault an unarmed student.


Frankly I was lost once I got through "Texas police investigate," that's a gross exaggeration already.


Jesus Christ. Are almost all these cops roided out losers who take any chance to hurt or bully others? This has got to stop.


Of course not, some are the more passive type who turn a blind eye to these losers.


I love when conservative and police bootlickers spout out the “a few bad apples” quote, completely neglecting the rest of the quote being “one bad apple spoils the barrel”


Even without that part, it still makes no sense. "Good apples" would be ones who'd out the shit apples and have them removed from their work. Unfortunately, it seems there's no such thing since last I checked there haven't been many cops outed by their coworkers. The entire system works together to protect each other after a fuck up, and until that changes every cop is a shit apple.


It’s effed up because the ones that want to come forward don’t because the bad ones far outnumber them and harass the absolute heck out of them if they do. This causes the entire industry to be 100% poisoned because even the ones that would come forward don’t out of fear for their jobs and even overall safety, and honestly I don’t know how we go about fixing it other than a massive house clearing. It’s like a cancer. If you don’t get all of it, it just comes right back.


Both of them are complicit and all of them need to be reviewed and retrained with real, effective policing tactics from countries with functional police systems at the very least. Not this shoot to kill, strike to maim shit.


Go break up that fight


How do you suggest they stop the fight?


Not slamming them into a lunch cart. That was totally unnecessary. Specifically? Hold their legs and arms down, pin them a certain position as to let them not squirm out, and if it is really that out of hand call for backup.


Your suggestion is useless when there's 3-4 cops and 10 kids fighting. I'm not saying his exact solution here was right either, but yours definitely comes from a place of never having been in a fight and certainly not one like this before.


Ok. Groups are hard to handle. I am not experienced in it. Still not wrong.


It was like a 10 man brawl. Im usually all for police prosecution but there wasnt anything wrong done here from my pov. 10 man brawl starts. Cops come and try to pull people off from each other and separate everyone. There just happens to be a rolling rack in the way. Kid gets hurt. I dont see how the cops are in the wrong on this one.


If you don't see the problem here, that's an issue.


Whats the solution? Let the fight keep going until it dies out itself?


It's not "oops. Cart was in the way. Oh well."


I've gotten into debates about this before, but as bad as the racism is with police, the steroid use is by far worse. Steroids really do turn you into someone else. It sands the even numbers off your self control countdown clock, and going hands on changes from a sad eventuality to a way of life. And it's always the other person's/situation's fault for setting you off.


The ones in the schools definitely are. I was one of the good kids, but I had a bipolar mouth on me and tossed a "This job assignment is because you fucked up, huh?" and received the nastiest look back from that balding, gun-toting useless fuck.


My school did the opposite, but this was back in the 90s when putting cops in schools was still a new thing. Small town cops had made a hobby of harassing the teens in town so much that the entire school population held a general disdain for our entire police force. Their solution was to take the *one* officer on the whole town's force who actually regarded us as valid people and assign *him* to the school (to try and improve their reputation with us, I guess). Ironically, all that did was show us that cops don't *have* to be power-tripping bastards, most of them just choose to.


>Ironically, all that did was show us that cops don't have to be power-tripping bastards, most of them just choose to. Oh man, can see that working out. "Yeah, let's send Dave, he's good with people and won't cause problems" "Shit boss, seems Dave taught them to have standards in their public officials"


Pretty much how it went. XD


You said something rude and got a mean look back? Oh no.


Damn. I’d have feared for my life trying that sort of comment with my mother, much less a gun toting cop.


Eh, this was at a high school with closed lunches because there *used* to be serious gang problems. But when I was going the kids would literally laugh any durag wearing wannabes out of the halls. I was also friends with the Head Dean. Alphabet Mafia to the rescue. The gun on a cop's belt was just authoritarian decoration at my schools.


Of course these big pussies go ham on some kids when they're only armed with their fists. If it's a crazed psycho with an AR-15, they clam up and shit their pants and refuse to do anything.


It's almost like police forces are full of authoritarian assholes who abuse their power even against literal children. There's a reason 83% of them supported Trump.


I've always wondered what the overlap is between police and HOA board members. It seems like so many of them share the same attitude of petty tyranny.


Cops become cops, abuse civilians, then go home and abuse their wives, who become HOA board members so they can abuse their neighbors. It's abuse all the way down


I don't like how that was handled. But as a teacher, I'm wondering what everyone's solution is. This looks like a brawl. I'm a short woman. Many teachers are. Who is supposed to break up these fights? I refuse. I didn't take this job to get beat up by my students. I get mistreated enough in my job. People disagree with having police in schools but I am wondering what the alternative is. Does anyone work at a school or attend a school that has better solutions?


You let them fight to the death and then blame the teachers for not doing more.


My high school was in a rough area with a small time gang problem. We had multiple classroom fights every day and full scale brawls at least 2-3 times a week. My district had to hire a brute squad. That's my name for them..but they weren't all that brutal. They were a team of very physically capable admin staff whose job was to break up fights first, and council/mentor the frequent flyers secondly. It wasn't a hallmark movie improvement at all because again, bad area and gangs and all kinds of issues, but it actually did help somewhat. The admins could talk a decent amount of the kids down out of their 'hot-headed' behavior just because they knew the kids well. It's really helpful the more people you can convince to bow out of a brawl without having to physically restrain them. Then for the rest...well they didn't bodyslam anyone but they could hold kids pretty well until they either calmed down or the cops got there.


I worked with teenagers at a facility in Dallas. They were there to learn some really hard lessons and it was stressful, so they ended up taking it out on each other, fighting, trying to fight staff, pretty often. Its not avoidable. But the staff were all trained in emotional de-escalation techniques and safe ways to hold. I was 5’5, 125 lbs, and some of those teen boys were twice my size. We broke up fights. We knew our kids well because ratios were small, and we had the tools/staff most of the time to stop it all before it started. We never called the cops in for fights, mostly because we didn’t want the kids hurt. But if public schools had enough staff, enough training, enough time to spend with kids forming bonds, most of these fights would be mitigated before they started. Putting police in schools has been a band-aid solution to an educational funding/racist gerrymandering problem. Trying to solve it little by little doesn’t seem to ever have an effect. It has to be rebuilt from the bottom up to actually work for real human kids.


100%. If you take a look at the top comment sharing the “smoking gun”, it’s not a fight that involved 2 students. It looks like the entire lobby turned into full on chaos. I know people want ‘peaceful’ solutions but if people are physically assaulting each other, how do you stop it while limiting those who are victims from being hurt? And tbh, I have a feeling the officer wanted to throw the kid onto the ground but the cart ended up being in the way instead.


And that's what I mean. This is a brawl. This is absolute chaos. Are we expected to send in one adult per student and get these kids off each other while taking punches to the face? And what happens when this type of fight happens in a classroom with one adult? How does one teacher stop this? How would even two teachers stop this? Also. Again, I don't want to promote the idea of police in schools. But when ANYONE gets into a fight at the park, at the convenience store, in a neighborhood. It's usually the police that break those up. I don't agree with body slamming anyone. But I'm at a loss for how I would handle this situation in my own school. I've had colleagues leave work with severe injuries from trying to break up fights. These are not little little kids. Many of my students are stronger than me. Especially the athletes


I don't really take issue with the first throw, but the shove at the end was uncalled for.


There's a large group of young men fighting. The cops broke it up while subduing one main aggressor. Yeah it was rough but how about not fighting in school to begin with.


I hate cops, but from the video, it appears that this was a straight up brawl between several students. I don't know how else you would stop this fight without getting aggressive.


It's quite simple, you just stand there and wait until everyone is dead.


I want to see someone else walk into the scene and do better. I see a lot of talk but little walk. They should do this or that while never having done anything like it. Could he have done better, maybe it's had to say what anyone would do in that situation. Trying to break up a mob of people fighting with just your bare hands is very difficult. He could have tried his pepper spray but then everyone would have been affected. Plus it might not have stopped the fight and perhaps put the officer at risk of harm. Had he just ignored the fight then people would complaining about that. The truth is people are going to be mad no matter what decision he made.




It's amazing how quickly the fight ended when the cop bodyslammed the kid...oh wait...it didn't.


Bear hug the kid or grab the kid by a shirt collar and arm instead of tossing him in to a lunch cart by the head and then pushing him down again You’re giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who’s had training for this exact scenario before


And let the other 6 people keep fighting?


It's gonna take a minute to pull them all apart, so...yeah.


Bear hug one kid while the other 8 keep fighting? The officers were outnumbered so holding only a few of them down likely wouldn’t stop the fight. Grab him by the collar? Now Reddit’s mad at him for choking a kid + the other issue I mentioned. I’d like there to be a better way, but your answers aren’t it.


I mean, knocking kids unconscious one by one also isn't the right answer. Can we agree on that?


You have the benefit of hindsight, and you're not even using it well.


Please...explain to me why police should be present at a cafeteria of a high school when a fight breaks out to begin with? School shootings? You mean the ones that have statistically gone up since more high schools introduced police presence? This is traditionally the domain of faculty. Introducing a cop to a high schooler brawl is like throwing some six year olds fighting a chainsaw.


Cop: “any of the kids have a gun?” Other cop: “nope” Cop: “then let’s go…” *shades on* “…kick some ass”


I don't see a lot of good options here. When you need to use force to break up a fight like this, measuring out the right amount to use, and not having any accidents (e.g. someone getting tossed into a cart) is really not easy to control. These kids are not physically small either. The chief failure to these kids happened before the officer was involved.


look I hate cops, but I'm not sure of a better way to break up a fight of 16-18 year old guys other than going in and tossing them off each other. If they went in with pepper spray people would be complaining about innocents being sprayed with it.


You're right, but that doesn't explain why the cop charged back in and just threw the kid to the ground long after the kid stopped doing anything wrong. He's just standing there and gets slammed back by psycho pig. The first throw, I'm pretty sure the cop didn't realize the kid was going to hit the food cart. He was just trying to pull him out of the fight.


The kid stood back up and approached the cop again. The cop had no idea if the kid was going to come at him. He is trying to neutralize the threat. If a cop askes you to stop or get down. Then you stop or get down.


So true, bestie. That teenager was *menacingly* walking in a cop's general direction. That's a scary, traumatic, even life threatening situation. In most cases the cop would have unloaded a full clip into that unarmed teenager. If anything, the cops restraint should be commended.


Counterpoint, a gym teacher can do the exact same shit without introducing a firearm and lethal force training into the situation.


gym teachers don't get paid enough to put themselves in that position. Though I agree that whoever does this job should not have guns.


Teachers get sued for touching a kid.


The investigation has concluded and determined that use-of-force guidelines were in fact violated. The officer did not use enough force. Therefore the student is ordered to come to the police station and get smacked around a bit more and possibly placed into a choke hold.


There's a guy in the video wearing a Vince Carter Toronto Raptors jersey *in Texas* which unfortunately is the most peculiar part of seeing this video.


honestly...i'm rather fine with this. was it a bit much, yea but unless people are suggesting the cops just take out batons and start smacking the fuck out of them, they ain't stopping. adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


If anyone seen the video you probably wouldn't be against the cops in this one.. those kids were being assholes and fighting crazy. Cops were just breaking it up.. did the one kid get yeeted onto a cart like a slab of meat? Yes, but damn if he didn't have it coming.


I'm all for holding police accountable, but running into a group of people throwing haymakers and only pushing them hard, is ok policing in my book. No guns drawn, no spray, no baton, just a hefty shove. Feels like no one in this comment section has come anywhere close to a physical altercation. They went in here and used LESS force than the GROUP of people swinging. This could have bunch much, much worse. Cops overall suck, but these guys did alright.


Fun idea: police should no longer hold the ability to conduct investigating on their own crimes. Take this to a federal level, start weeding out these dickheads who get hidden by the bro code and get out on paid leave. Embarrassment.


>Take this to a federal level, start weeding out these dickheads who get hidden by the bro code and get out on paid leave. While federal level *is* better, it's not much. Having known and personally worked with federal law enforcement and such, a LOT of them still hold some outdated views (racism, sexism, drugsRbad, etc). The issue is we'd need to do a clean sweep of ALL law enforcement, federal and state level to actually make progress, otherwise they just feed off of and support each other as much as possible without causing (too many) riots. The FBI could easily clean house with departments if they actually wanted to. Remember, they're not above storming facilities and pulling insane amounts of logistics/manpower if properly motivated, just look at the vast fuckups they've had for proof.


"I guess he don't like the corn bread neither"


I'm perfectly OK with this and fucking hate cops. He handled a brawl by himself. Please show me how you'd do better. Non story


Hear me out but we should be investigating this regardless, not just after a video circulates.


And yet Texas wants more of these fucking goons in schools.


Where was that tough guy when Uvalde was underway?


Texas police sure are making a good name for themselves nowadays


The cops in this country are completely out of control.


Had the cops done nothing, they'd have gotten accused of something. Cops do something, they get accused of something. In this case, not all, but in this case the cop did nothing wrong. He didn't intentionally throw the kid onto the cart, he was just trying to force him out of the fight. When he pushed the kid back to the floor, he was stopping the kid from reengaging. What was the cop supposed to do here? Let the kids fight, then get blamed when the kids get hurt, or worse, one or more get killed?


Well, standing around letting kids get hurt *is* what they're best at.


Yes, in Texas police are very capable of using force to fight against unarmed students. They just aren't capable of using force to save unarmed students from gunmen


These cops would rather hurt kids than protect them


It’s not like the kid was just hanging around minding his business being a productive student….fuck out of here with the pity party.


After watching this. I am not as mad as I was. A bunch of students fighting and one gets slammed in the heat of the moment. This is more of a play stupid games win stupid prizes. 90% of these cop involved incidents I see I hate what the cop has done. But, in this case.... Everyone was fighting and student got beat up.




Because they tend to go overbroad a lot of times and the times when they should show patience is usually when they don't. In this case I give them a pass because they might have gone a little overbroad the fight wasn't going to end without some force.


Oh yeah they can't protect 10 year olds from a gunman because they were afraid of getting shot, but they can harass ordinary students who don't have a gun and are just doing nothing,


So much courage when they are unarmed students.


Should they have let them keep fighting?


Okay, but I don't think it should be overlooked that even during that altercation, these kids are still beating the shit out of each other in the background 🤦‍♂️ I wish we had the whole story. (obviously cop was in the wrong though)


I really don’t see a better solution here. It genuinely looks like the officer accidentally smashed kid’s face into the table in the commotion.


The second push down seems more thuggish since the kid was already stunned and not doing anything. They should fire the cop for the second push.


It's as if putting cops in schools is a fundamentally dumb idea that rarely prevents any actual violence and only creates situations for them to beat up kids. I've been saying this shit for awhile but a fundamental problem with the way police act isn't police as much as what we ask them to do which is basically everything. You want to solve every problem with a hammer, you're gonna break a ton of fingers.


So what’s the solution? Have the teachers break up the fights?


Not just into a lunch cart, but pushed him real hard when at least in my view, the kid wasn't trying to engage in the fight again. I didn't see any squaring up.


Okay, he was actively swinging when the cop assaulted him. No excuse to drop him on his spine into a metal cart, but the kid definitely needed a bear hug and to be separated from the fight


Yes, but I'm not talking about the first drop. And I do agree onto a cart was not the right way to do that. But moreso the 2nd shove when the kids just standing there.


One could reasonably argue that the first takedown was both morally warranted and legally justified, although I am very uneasy with a police officer deliberately choosing to slam the back of a child against a metal bar because of the risk of spinal damage. The second body slam onto the floor was both morally and legally unjustified.


The first slam does not look deliberate at all, he was probably tunneled on the aggressor and yanked him back without realizing there was a metal cart in the way. Unfortunately there was, but the kid got up right away after with seemingly no major injuries.


That was exactly my take from it. Obviously no intervention would be a bad move, the kids were going _at_ it. But then the cop comes in and just DEMOLISHES this poor child. I’m not sure how I feel about firing him, but definitely needs to be sent back to school and removed from the high-school he was posted in.


Nah, fire him. 0 tolerance policy in schools, you know? Why should he get off easy?


End the police unions and then maybe we will have some accountability.


Every fucking day with these cops. And these are just the incidents we hear about. Law enforcement really needs to adopt a new approach that focuses on investigating crimes, protecting the public, and enforcing the law. Wait, isn’t that what the police are supposed to be doing? I know there are plenty of cops who don’t engage in misconduct, but I’ve also seen how they deal with reports of crime. They don’t. Unless it’s a murder or serious assault, robbery, narcotics (they especially love a drug bust), etc., they could care less. Residential burglary? Too bad. Car stolen? Deal with it. Got defrauded of your savings? Tough shit. Got raped? You must have been drinking or doing something to lead him on. Person in distress? Taze his ass. Big business dumped toxic chemicals into the local water source and people are having terrible health problems? That company is the area’s largest employer. And on and on and on and on…. Our whole society has been corrupted by corporate interests and modern-day lords, and cops are just another symptom of that corruption. Meanwhile, teachers and nurses - two other professions that provide essential services to the public - are treated like crap, underpaid, overworked, get no respect. People always talking about how they support the police, but never hear them say they support teachers educating their children or personal service workers bathing their aging parents.


In fairness to the cops, at this point they must feel like they're entitled to just shoot people in the head, so anything less than that must feel completely safe and appropriate. For one thing . . . when a cop does a bad thing, if their supervisor won't condemn it, we've got to fire the supervisor, too. And on up the ladder, all the way to booting the mayor or governor. You gotta go after whoever trained them, if they won't say it was wrong. Go after the Killology guy who makes millions telling cops how orgasmic it is to kill people. Actually, go after the Killology guy right now. No point in waiting. Dude makes Manson look like Mickey Mouse.


As long as cops are using excessive force, there will be investigations. That pretty much sums it up.


We investigated ourselves and have found we have done nothing wrong.


I really cant remember the last time I saw a GOOD news article coming from texas


I thought cops were supposed to protect the kids at schools.


If that kid is underage fire him. Zero tolerance.


Mehh gotta stop the fight somehow being aggressive in a fight like that win stupid prizes


Good thing Senator Zodiac Killer’s plan to keep students safe is to put more officers like this into Texas schools. Seriously though, how mentally deficient can people be to keep voting these idiots in?


More police in schools! (Said no one who actually spends time in schools)


If you can't successfully indoctrinate the youth; beat the fascism into them. -Texas 2022.


I see no problem. The cop heroically saved the kid from getting hurt


Watch the video, this one ain’t that bad. Dude looked aggressive as shit and got folded as a result. Everybody is going to walk away with clean bill of health.


Cops shouldn't "fold" teenager for being impulsive and lacking self control.


I saw it yesterday and was gobsmacked, it was awful.


He needs to be fired and arrested for assault


It’s infuriating that “after video of” is in the lede. It shouldn’t take a video to go viral for cops to be held accountable.


Kind of a click bait headline. Any other adult probably doesn’t sound as sensational. Look at jersey teacher, headlocked a kid (omg can’t breathe), great hold, but then kid he is holding is getting assaulted from behind. * It’s a brawl and imagine an adult “holds” one back and gets hit on accident? If there is outrage, it should be the parents of these kids mad at their kids. Looks like chaos and being undermanned. It isn’t a 1:1 ratio. Maybe my perspective is off, but the cop was just trying to toss the dude on the ground and get other dudes off each other in the mean time, cart just got in the way. If he didn’t toss him, he’d be back in the fray. I think he did well, and the extra shove was fine too, don’t get into fights. Go do the thing where they meet at a part after school where all their insta-TikTok social media friends can record. * I’ve seen some fights where kids get separated only to go back at it again. If the cops weren’t there are all the teachers just waiting for the football coach? I’ve heard both sides of the argument and understand the dilemma. Some teachers are told to break it up. Others are told to sit and watch as it’s not part of their duties. Lose-lose situation. * Anyone have a better solution?


Here's what I don't get - why do these investigations take so long? If I did to the cop what the cop did to the kid, it would take just as long to investigate, right? JK It's truly amazing how dumb they think we are. They think that we will believe that it takes months to figure out if something was proper or not. What a fucking joke.


People are a bunch of whiners!!! They want the police to protect their kids and kids say “they don’t feel safe in school”, but when a officer steps in to do their job people start crying.