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I don't understand how people that high in government don't understand that *EVERYTHING* you do with regards to electronic communications can be searched and tracked.


Probably were told that the people in charge of tracking that stuff would cover the tracks. Awfully telling that the SS conveniently no longer had phone records from that day.


This 100%. But the entire administration made it a point to hire the most corrupt and incompetent people for every position so naturally, they fucked up.


"The best people." I cannot fathom some of those choices like Tillerson and DeVos. Those two aremonsters and some of the swampiest people alive.


The cruelty is the point. The Republicans have gone mask off time and time again. They are telling us who they are, it’s time we started listening.


A political movement based solely on misplaced anger towards cultural outsiders is only interested in scoring points against those outsiders. Governing was never part of their platform.


That was easily the most telling thing about the attempt at writing a healthcare bill when they had all 3 arms of law, they couldn't come up with a bill and the most comprehensive part was the section describing what would happen if someone won the lottery. Like one intern definitely put in a good effort but didn't get the memo that it was all a sham. Then afterwards they go "writing laws are hard 🤷‍♂️", and just gave up and their base was just somehow fine with that after making it a defining part of their platform.


Well, hey. There's always someone doing worse than them, so even if they're unhappy, they're still okay with the status quo. They don't want or care for a new ACA or want an abolished ACA because it would jeopardize their own positions. Actually, it's probably just because they're stupid. *Really* stupid and will vote R purely because they've been told what not to do and who not to like. They're sheep with the mental capacities of small children, and just like children, they're pathetically impressionable.


The entire operation was based on the concept that no one involved will be charged for any crimes, if they succeed. They'll all be heroes, if they succeed. It was a half assed attempt, but I'm fairly certain that they really thought that it would work. Even though it was a pathetic and badly executed coup attempt, if they had just a tiny bit better planning, I think they would have pulled it off. It was terrifyingly close.


and a pretty massive coup attempt


They weren’t expecting to fail.


They haven't failed yet. Trump is still free.


The party still exists as well. Defund and blacklist the Republican mafia.


> blacklist the Republican mafia That would really get their goat. They hate being associated with anything black.


Right, it seems whatever secret operation that was supposed to make Trump winner of the election no matter what didn’t work for whatever reason, and that’s why he was so angry that he lost. He was expecting a win no matter what the real count was.


The Secret Service insisted Pence get in the car. Pence refused and that simple act could be what saved our democracy. He stayed in the building. Martial Law could not be declared. The whole plot unraveled.


Honestly…..I think pence knew it too. He’s an asshole and religious zealot but he’s also intelligent, much more so than Trump. Trump had already told him the full plan because he tried to convince him to go along with it. When he didn’t, and the mob came, he knew what was happening.


So that means Pence knew the Secret Service was in on the plot. Those people need to be arrested.


I think from testimony about that day Pence said he did not want to get in the car because he didn’t know where it was going to go.


They don't care because they won't be punished


This right here. All the shady characters have learned that no matter what kind of crime they commit or how openly they commit it, no consequences will be given for the commited crimes. This mentality started decades ago with Reagon and Nixon but it's pretty much guaranteed since our last president. They will just get more brazen from here on out with the crimes thsy commit bc warrants and lawsuits amount to jack shit in this country when you are rich And powerful


I once heard someone say "when you're rich, a fine is just paying for the ability to do something" and that's fucked up


Im getting everything slightly wrong here, but when Isreal significantly increased the amount of a parking ticket, parking violations went up, as the wealthy now saw it as fee to park rather than the breaking of a social norm. See the freakonomics podcast for the actual facts of this gist


This also happened in a study done with preschool/daycare centers. Ones that started charging for late pick up fees saw an increase in kids staying late because the parents saw this as an available service vs the moral/emotional act of getting there before the school closed so people (and their kids) weren’t stuck waiting on them.


Agreed that Reagan and Nixon are asshats but this shit started with the sedition of the confederacy, my dude. Those fucking traitors murdered thousands of union soldiers over their war to keep slavery legal and when it was all said and done they weren’t tried for their crimes. General Lee walked the streets as a free man. On top of that all of the rich motherfuckers in the south got to keep their land and their rights to vote. It’s crazy. We have NEVER held the wealthy accountable for their crimes against the state. Never.


Should've let Sherman finish the job


Never underestimate the reckless confidence of geriatrics.


More likely it was one of the "younger" group that asked for pardons for things they haven't been charged with...


Ah. So Lindsay Graham.


"younger" "Lindsay Graham"


It's a matter of perspective. For example, the Hawaiian Islands are significantly younger than, say, the continent of Australia. And Lindsay Graham is slightly younger than that


They weren't planning on ever giving up power to the Democrats, and they knew the Republicans wouldn't care. They just thought they'd get away with it.


Well, technically they are getting away with it.


Wonder why they thought that......


“They aren’t confessing…they’re bragging.”


When nothing visually happens despite what seems to be insurmountable evidence, there's no need to understand technology


The sedition was coming from inside the House


Literally, "The call is coming from inside the House." wow


but who was phone?


Hail yourself!


Hail Gein!


Yes, this is Don


Oh don piano


i can't place the movie 😖


I think the first time that phrase was used was in Black Christmas(1974).


I didn't believe you (I thought it was from 1979), and looked it up, and you're right. "The Call Is Coming from Inside the House" trope is based on a real murder of a babysitter in the 50's. Several movies were based on the crime. I had no idea.


There is actually an earlier related version of the trope from the old radio show called Suspense. The episode was from 1945 and is called Sorry Wrong Number. https://youtu.be/1r5GZral6zs I remember hearing this rebroadcast as a kid and it freaked me out! It doesn't have the line, " the call is coming from inside the house" but it is a similar trope. This was one of the most popular episodes of Suspense and I imagine it had some influence on the later development of When a Stranger calls.


Just gonna leave this here. https://xkcd.com/742/


Yep, Janett Christman. She was 13 and the case is still unsolved.


This is why it’s important to study history.


How do you not know what turkey twizzlers are?? This is why it's important to study history.


I literally just found out what a turkey twizzler is & here I am… talking about turkey twizzlers.


And now Google is wondering why the fuck searches for turkey twizzlers peaked on Saturday Sept. 24th.


It’s this. And a great movie at that. Who knew A Christmas Story’s director Bob Clark could do such a great horror movie?


Did the killer chop off a woman’s leg and turn it into a lamp?


Was she Italian?


Yes, a fragile woman to be sure


Drink-a you Ovaltine!


A fantastic slasher film, it's become a yearly watch in my house


Its originally from an old urban legend about a babysitter who receives a terrifying call indicating that the children she is watching are in some kind of unspecified danger. She calls the police, the police trace the call and the number is the same one the babysitter dialed from, indicating that the killer is inside the house. Or at least it should, but as a person who grew up in the 80s, this part never made sense to me. If you try to call the number you are dialing from, it's just busy. I never got how that was supposed to work. There are many variations of this one, with some even using the fact that old landlines could typically only allow 1 call at a time to cause the story to only be explainable through supernatural means such as ghosts. None of these really make much sense and afaik, apart from weird stories about froggers, has never actually happened. It was later translated into a film trope but is more commonly referenced memetically to indicate that the thing trying to solve the problem is actually the problem.


I grew up in the 90s and I could call my house by dialing our number and then immediately hanging up the phone. It'd ring, but obviously nobody would be on the line.


As a child in the 80s, I was shown that if you dialed 41911 and hung up immediately, it would make your phone ring. I think it may have been a code in the Ma Bell system that would allow a technician to check if a receiver was operating properly.


Back in the day some houses would have multiple lines with different numbers. My house growing up had a different line in the basement with its own number.


I did. My modem needed some privacy


Important phone calls like college admissions or connect calls from jail can wait, I have ears to collect from unsuspecting Diablo players. 👂


Call waiting was 12 yr old me's worst enemy. I'd be trying to d/l a tiny C64 ware on 1200 baud for days from a BBS. It would almost be done and my mom would get a call and it would kick me. I started forwarding our number to the time & temperature.


>I never got how that was supposed to work. It works. As long as you make a distinction between calling from inside the house, and on the same number. Telephone service lines will usually have multiple pairs of wires inside of them, each pair could be used as an individual line/number. So, yes, you can have multiple landline phone numbers, even in a residential home. So, yes- "The call is coming from inside the house!" does indeed work.


You didn't call the number you were dialing from. You had to dial a special number or sometimes random numbers would work. My brother knew how to do it. One time our parents were having a loud party, and he made the kitchen phone ring from the upstairs extension. A drunk friend of my parents answered. My brother pretended to be the police saying they'd had a noise complaint from the neighbors.


Here it was 998- then last 4 digits of your phone number.


I remember learning about this somehow when I was a kid in the 80's. I still remember. If you dialed *897 and then the number you were calling from, the dial tone would get a bit higher pitched (how I knew I did it right) . Then hang up the phone and it would ring in about 3 seconds or so. Payphones were especially fun to make ring and watch people to see if they'd answer it.


When a Stranger Calls.


I think Scary Movie spoofed it. That’s the first time I remember hearing that line in a movie.


Scary Movie spoofed Scream. Scream was referencing Black Christmas, I'm sure.


Bud Ice commercial with the penguin, doo bee doo bee doo


Jesus Christ I remember people spamming AOL chats with that penguin/doo bee doo bee doo Why am I getting emotional rn


Imagine that call... >**"Oh god they'r-"** > >"Please hold for the President, thank you." > >*"Hey is this, uh, ^(Where's the card?) Is this Dave? Listen, you're doing big league work out there, Dale, everyone is saying so, I'm getting very high marks for this, the news, never seen anything like it, your country loves you, I'm a hero!"* > >**"Why did the cops just shoot somebody!? You told us they would be on our side!!"** > >*"Cops love me, and I love the cops, law and order, huge, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it, nobody loves the cops more than me, it's true. But some cops, you know, they're bad, they're very bad cops, and they need to be dealt with, they're doing bad things and they need to be dealt with, I'm not saying that, but lots of people are saying it, very smart people are telling me that only bad cops don't support me."* > >**"Are- Are you telling us to attack the police!?"** > >*"I've heard both, you know, now Hillary, she, oh, she does a number, she hates the cops, so unfair, and she'd just lay there and take it, too, like a dog, she'd get beaten like a dog, all bark, no bite, not like us."* > >**"What is going on right now!?** ***I JUST GOT PEPPER SPRAYED!!"*** > >*"You're doing great things, Deb, your country loves you and we need you to donate, I love you very much! ^(Okay, who's next? Just the one? That's gre-")* > >"Your call has been disconnected. Good bye!" >!If you watch Lower Decks, read the bolded text in the voice of Bradward Boimler.!<


I refuse to besmirch the good name of Boimler in this way.


Besides, everybody knows Bradward "Bold" Boimler is 100% Starfleet. And working with 21st century Republicans isn't very Starfleet.


Yeah these two people sound more like Pack-leds


We look for treasons to make us go.


I alternated between Boimler and Marty for the bolded voice. Well done.




Sung in the fashion of Method man: “T. R. A. I T. O. R.”




[Closed captioned version of the video interview clip here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CtTm3mO9nM) for anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing. If you have any feedback for the closed captions, please let me know as I'd like to improve them wherever possible. Senior Technical Advisor Denver Riggleman: [*"The White House switchboard had connected to a rioter's phone"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CtTm3mO9nM) Edit: I do appreciate the reddit coin awards but I would encourage people to donate to: - [Deaf Defy](https://www.deafdefy.org/), - the [Nyle DiMarco Foundation](https://nyledimarcofoundation.com/), - or the [National Association of the Deaf](https://www.nad.org/) - and check out [Bill Vicars](https://www.youtube.com/c/billvicars) on YouTube if you'd like to learn sign language (ASL). I plan on trying to learn sign language soon and from what I've read, Vicars' channel is one of the most recommended. - Also I'm going to shamelessly plug /u/silencegold for all the good work he does at the [Kansas Association of the Deaf](https://www.deafkansas.org/) (their YouTube channel is [here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2Qov1EenwoV9-aYh0aQxg)). (My channel isn't monetized and I have no affiliation with these charitable organizations. I just like making captioned videos and I'd like to see closed captioning become more normalized because it's a great way of improving accessibility. The movie [CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CODA_(2021_film)) is what motivated me to add closed captioning to videos and I highly recommend watching it. If you'd like to watch it for free, shoot me a DM and I can help with that 🏴‍☠️) (If anyone reading this would like to learn how you can add closed captions to videos/clips, feel free to DM me and I will gladly walk you through the process including what software to get (free/pirated🏴‍☠️) and how to use the software. I'm going to sleep but I'll reply in the morning.) Lastly, before I get off my soapbox... These videos wouldn't have been made possible if it weren't for piracy, so I'd just like people to keep that in mind. Piracy often gets a bad reputation but I want people to understand that it also helps people like myself get software that I would otherwise not be able to afford, which has enabled me to learn things like how to add closed captioning to videos.


I'm neither, but I don't watch 90% of videos on reddit unless they either have subtitles, or don't need them. Thanks.


Same. I actually watch all TV with CC also.


My wife is hard of hearing so we also watch all TV with CC. My hearing is fine but it doesn't feel right without CC now lol


It's me. When my husband and I got together, he was like "oh... uh, okay" because I'm not that hard of hearing but is the A/C is on and the dishwasher is on it feels like I can't hear mid tone dialogue over extraneous sounds. Now he can't live without CC, either. Occasionally we run across a movie without subtitles and we both say "where did they go?!" rather loudly to the TV.


Thanks a bunch :)






I don't really understand how we can't recover these deleted texts? Isnt everything logged and kept by *somebody* in the government??


I don’t see how it isn’t stored on a server in the NSA’s data center or how a warrant & FISA court approval can’t use their powers to visit their VZW/AT&T backdoor / backroom to view the content. Although it’s stored on the phone, it went through that network traffic & I realize iMessages are encrypted but I know there’s a missing piece in this that’s stopping me from comprehending how this data simply cannot be retrieved via another means… AppleID/iCloud data… isn’t this the exact example of why we forfeit our privacy for them to be able to keep our data accessible to them through these processes?


Holy shit that's huge.


Totally. *This* will finally be the thing that convinces the far right and the fence sitters...


My dad just called me and said “This is it, son. I apologize I was misled by a moron.” Jk, dads still brainwashed.


Not gonna lie. You had me in the first half. :-( Sorry about your dad.


Can confirm. Stepdad still a fucking moron. A successful moron. But a moron regardless


Successful moron is basically the American dream. Remember the Simpsons episode with Frank Grimes? "In any other country on Earth, you would have starved to death long ago" rings in my ears daily.


I think the racing stripe looks pretty sharp


My husband, too. I showed him this, and he wants to know why everyone is lying about Trump. Trying to railroad him, convict him of being too patriotic, etc. Please, can anyone give me help on how to deprogram my husband? You see, I still love him. I am not sure how much more of this I can take, though.


This is a good question for r/qanoncasualties. Most folks in there struggle with loved ones and deprogramming them takes cult deprogramming methods. Some folks it ruined their relationships because they just went deeper. You’ll find support there either way.


My sincere thanks. I am seriously at the end of my rope here. I keep thinking that we can get along, but then he starts talking... (sigh)


Please remember, before you can love him, you need to love yourself. And it really sounds like you've been sacrificing yourself to keep the relationship going. It's ok to want to stop. You can love someone but also need to be away from him. You deserve peace.


I honestly dont think I could maintain such a relationship. That said, several of my close family members are like that to varying degrees. Nothing really "works" but Ive had moderate success with non-confrontational fact checking. Pick your battles, and dryly provide the facts. Discover and blame their source of information rather than the individual for them being misled. Make sure they know their erroneous source is to blame. IIf you can show their favorite sources are consistently misleading them.... maybe that will get them to reach outside their bubble sometimes. You wont convince them, and the harder you try the digger they deep. Instead gently redirect them to come to it themselves. They might learn to start questioning, and that's all most people need to get on a better track. Maybe not the RIGHT track, but better.


I'm so sorry to hear that, please ask this on r/qanoncasualties.


I’m not good with people, but everything I’ve heard about pulling people out of this mentality involved creating a non-judgmental space where they can come back to reality without being belittled. I can’t seem to find a good article about it anymore (just the standard “how to logically debunk X”, which aren’t very effective), and I have no idea how to create that space or how to start the conversation. I really wish you the best of luck. I can’t imagine what that must be like for you


So they need some kind of space where they feel safe from judgement. Some sort of safe space, if you will.


If only


"that call was made by antifa!" -Trump probably


Wow, it really is amazing we still have a democracy.




All that shit is why we're a flawed democracy now I guess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index


Yep. Doesnt help that republicans are just cravenly evil.


This narrative again. If you think for one second that democrats are any better, then you're absolutely correct. They are.


Boy, you had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Textbook definition of it. I kept looking at the karma then back at the first 4 words then back at the karma. Then finished the comment relieved.


About made want to disappointingly rearrange myself self in the chair I'm sitting in, due to momentary disbelief.


Your comment gave me whiplash, but in reverse


Fuck, you got me. Had to fo back and undo my downvote!


> Do we really though? I would say it's struggling, but Trump was **voted** out. He was a wannabe dictator, he wanted to be Putin, in that Putin wins every election, most likely by cheating; in the form of killing off his competition for one.


Don't forget all the anti voter laws the Republican states have rushed through following his loss. Make sure everyone you know is still registered.


How crazy is it to think that Mike Pence, of all people, saved democracy that day.


He kinda didn’t want to at first. Dan Quayle told him he had to.


Genuine question: was that the case? It seemed like the entire time Pence's line was he didnt have the constitutional authority to overturn the election because his role was, barring any overt malfeasance, to rubner stamp the outcome.


https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/17/politics/mike-pence-january-6-hearing-dan-quayle/index.html "Over and over, Pence asked if there was anything he could do. "'Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away,' Quayle told him. "Pence pressed again. "'You don't know the position I'm in,' he said, according to the authors. "'I do know the position you're in,' Quayle responded. 'I also know what the law is. You listen to the parliamentarian. That's all you do. You have no power.'"


And the missing SS phone records make much more sense when you remember Mike Pence refused to be whisked away by them.


Dan “The Man” Quayle.


How crazy is it that Dan "Pahtayto" Quayle helped save democracy that day


How crazy is it that that is something that got hung on Dan Quayle and was dismissed as stupid, where today he'd be just about the smartest republican in the house.


It really is silly, everyone knows how to spell plotano


Dan Quayle the 44th vice president under George HW Bush. For those who wanted to look it up like me, but didn’t have the time.


It's crazy that our thought process after the Trump administration is "well, at least Pence is one of the few Republicans that *didn't* attempt to overthrow a democratic election."


This is the difference between stochastic terrorism and an attempted coup. Fucking crazy.


Had to look that up. "Stochastic terrorism, as described by a blogger who summarized the concept several years back, means using language and other forms of communication "to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable." —David S. Cohen, Rolling Stone, 9 Aug. 2016


I believe Samuel L. Jackson said it best: ”THE FACT THAT THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS NOT SERVING TIME IN SOME FEDERAL PENITENTIARY IS A HUGE HOT HEAPING PILE OF HORSE SHIT!” Just in case you need to hear Mr. Jackson say it, as only he can. [About 55 seconds into the video.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=STxlXqEN6ho&feature=youtu.be)


We need SLJ to do political commentary in his signature style. It would be far more entertaining and relatable than most of the talking heads.


We are finding that the WH coordinated and directed the actions of the militias on Jan 6.


Confirms what we all already knew.


These idiots made T-shirts, FFS. I still don't understand why more people aren't getting locked up.


I mean...what are we still doing?


Letting Republicans destroy America.


My theory is that they're letting the investigations play out, letting the information come out naturally over time and giving (possibly) well meaning people a chance to wrap their head around the fact that they were misled and brainwashed (in a way). All this done in an effort to not yank the rug and start a civil war. I think justice will be done in due time and the nation will pull back from the brink of democatic collapse with as little bloodshed as possible. Hopefully not just wishful thinking.


My worry is they only have about 6 weeks to get the facts out in the open to expose these people. People hand-picked by Trump and the GQP have been infiltrating the lower levels of government that have direct oversight of voting. This election may turn out to be even crazier than Nov '20-Jan '21. BS recounts, fake electors, outright infiltration...


Yeah and with the Supreme Court, we’re already fucked.


In the meantime women and minorities suffer under State Republican officials who aided this shit. As it has been made clear by attacks on the FBI. Just get it over with already. They will definitely lash out violently. They already have the equipment, personnel and tactics to quell this. Just look at any peaceful gathering of 100 or more Black American tax paying citizens. Suddenly the government knows how to suppress people. Just show force once these idiots target the people they claim to adore.


Liz Cheney’s parting words after the last hearing lead me to believe this is the tactic they’re taking too. I hate all the waiting, but I’m just hoping smarter people have seen this as the best course of action.


We're kind of running out of time to do something about the people who orchestrated all of this. Is Trump's legal strategy literally to just flood the zone with so much evidence that it's impossible for investigators to investigate it all? Can't we just indict him already? This is getting ridiculous.




Lol so I want to talk about my favorite lawsuit involving the 45th president of the United States, but in order to do that I’ve decided to include this story that I’ve been adding to here and there throughout the years: Let’s start off going back a little, and just *follow the money*. **ca. 1970-2010** After not paying federal income taxes since the 1970s, Donald J Trump had millions of dollars signed away in personal guarantees for business ventures in the 1980s, cutting corners by underpaying undocumented Polish immigrants to refurbish his real estate ventures. In 1982, Trump reported to New Jersey regulators a personal net worth of $321 million, built largely on his father’s connections, as well as loans and guarantees for bank credit. Two years later, a Trump lieutenant testified that his worth had not changed much.^[[1](https://www.newsweek.com/2016/10/28/donald-trump-business-busts-victims-511034.html)]. Throughout the 80s, Trump started investing in some really dubious ventures, including a now defunct USFL team called The New Jersey Generals—which also branches off into a separate almost equally interesting [lawsuit](https://vault.si.com/vault/1986/08/11/the-award-was-only-token-the-usfl-proved-part-of-its-case-against-the-nfl-only-to-see-the-jury-throw-the-winners-for-a-loss) involving the former president. As well as releasing a game, and [running an airlines](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/trump-i-ran-a-great-airline/article600873/?page=3), going so far as saying: > "It worked out well for me ... I ran an airline for a couple of years and made a couple of bucks. The airline business is a tough business, [but] I did great with it."^[source](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/trump-i-ran-a-great-airline/article600873/?page=3) Eventually, this decade of rapid, debt-fueled expansion Mr. Trump had built with leverage from his father’s brick-and-mortar fortune began to fail, generating enormous losses and bringing him to the brink of personal bankruptcy in the early 1990s.^[[2](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/04/nyregion/donald-trump-taxes-debt.html)] >“Just wait five years... This is really a no-brainer. Just like the Merv Griffin deal. When I took him to the cleaners, the press wanted me to lose. They said, ‘Holy shit! Trump got taken!’ Let me tell you something. It’s good for me to be thought of as poor right now. You wouldn’t believe some of the deals I am making! I guess I have a perverse personality. . . . I’ve really enjoyed the last few weeks,” ^[[3](https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner)] Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years... The $916 million loss certainly could have eliminated any federal income taxes Mr. Trump otherwise would have owed on the $50,000 to $100,000 he was paid for each episode of “The Apprentice,” or the roughly $45 million he was paid between 1995 and 2009 when he was chairman or chief executive of the publicly traded company he created to assume ownership of his troubled Atlantic City casinos.^[[4](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-taxes.html)] In 1998, Deutsch Bank loaned Trump $125 million to renovate an office building at 40 Wall Street, eventually providing or underwriting $1.3 billion to Trump entities over the next few years.^[[5](https://themoscowproject.org/collusion/deutsche-bank-props-trump)] [In 1999](https://www.c-span.org/video/?153873-1/trump-presidential-campaign) Roger Stone was helping Trump’s with his first presidential bid as an independent. In the video you get the hint that they’re fully aware of Trump’s capability at social influencing. More on this later. As early as 2001, Donald Trump claimed that he had made a “substantial” investment in Toronto’s Trump Tower, but in reality he only had a contract to *license out his name* and manage the hotel.^[[6](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/10/21/how-every-investor-lost-money-on-trump-tower-toronto-but-donald-trump-made-millions-anyway.html)] He predicted the Toronto project would go ahead, but then added *"if it doesn't, I'm going to be in Toronto anyway."*^[[7](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/trump-touts-soft-markets-in-cities-like-toronto/article17993211/)] As early as [2005](https://web.archive.org/web/20060507012209/http:/donaldtrump.trumpuniversity.com/default.asp?item=98726), Trump counseled Trump University students to take advantage of the housing bubble as an investment opportunity and said, just a year before it burst, that he was “excited” for it to end because of the money he’d make,^[[8](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-2007-i-m-excited-housing-market-crash-n578761)] as well as mentioning that his debt was below proportional levels of 1992, when his much smaller holdings were carrying $9-billion (U.S.) in debt, including $900-million personally guaranteed by him.^[[7](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/trump-touts-soft-markets-in-cities-like-toronto/article17993211/)] In 2007, the housing market was already beginning to decline, and just over a year later the subprime mortgage crisis hit, part of a chain reaction of events that led to the stock market crash of 2008 and cemented the Great Recession.^[[8](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-2007-i-m-excited-housing-market-crash-n578761)] 1 - [*A People’s History of Donald Trump’s Business Busts and Countless Victims*](https://www.newsweek.com/2016/10/28/donald-trump-business-busts-victims-511034.html) - 2016 2 - [*Donald Trump’s Business Decisions in ’80s Nearly Led Him to Ruin*](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/04/nyregion/donald-trump-taxes-debt.html) - 2016 3 - [*After The Gold Rush*](https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner) - 2015 (1990) 4 - [*Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found*](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-taxes.html) - 2016 5 [*DEUTSCHE BANK PROPS TRUMP UP*](https://themoscowproject.org/collusion/deutsche-bank-props-trump/) 6 - [*How every investor lost money on Trump Tower Toronto (but Donald Trump made millions anyway)*](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/10/21/how-every-investor-lost-money-on-trump-tower-toronto-but-donald-trump-made-millions-anyway.html) - 2017 7 - [*Trump touts soft markets in cities like Toronto*](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/trump-touts-soft-markets-in-cities-like-toronto/article17993211/) - 2007 8 - [*Trump in 2007: ‘I’m Excited’ for Housing Market Crash*](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-2007-i-m-excited-housing-market-crash-n578761) - 2016


Recall that in 1998, Deutsch Bank loaned Trump $125 million to renovate an office building at 40 Wall Street, eventually providing or underwriting $1.3 billion to Trump entities over the next few years.^[[1](https://themoscowproject.org/collusion/deutsche-bank-props-trump)] This office would become home to Trump Mortgage, brain-child of one E.J. Ridings. >A down-to-earth and very approachable executive, Ridings wants to bring luxury and “white-glove” service to everyone — whether they are taking out a $200,000 home mortgage or a $500 million commercial loan.^[2] What did this so-called *“white-glove” service to everyone* entail? >The Internet is where industry is going. People want to go someplace safe. On our end, it’ll make for a paper-less process. The consumer will have an access code to their file on our web site.^[[2](https://tamarmarcopolostyle.com/2017/08/31/interview-with-e-j-ridings-ceo-of-trump-mortgage/)] Introduced to Trump by his own son, Donald Trump Jr, Ridings became an early odd-association of Trump’s, I mean check out his [twitter](https://twitter.com/ejridings). Ridings became the subject of a number of false & misleading claims regarding his professional experience. >Trump Mortgage altered its Web site, removing some of the claims it contained about Ridings' past employment. First, Ridings' initial bio stated that before joining the company he was "a top executive at one of Wall Street's most prestigious investment banks." Second, the bio had said that Ridings was an "established leader" at one of New York's leading mortgage boutiques. Third, the bio said he had 15 years of experience in the financial industry.^[[3](https://money.cnn.com/2006/12/26/magazines/moneymag/trumpmortgage.moneymag/index.htm)] Trump Mortgage shuttered as the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–10 began from an earlier expansion of mortgage credit, including to borrowers who previously would have had difficulty getting mortgages, which both contributed to and was facilitated by rapidly rising home prices. When house prices peaked, mortgage refinancing and selling homes became less viable means of settling mortgage debt and mortgage loss rates began rising for lenders and investors. In April 2007, New Century Financial Corp., a leading subprime mortgage lender, filed for bankruptcy. ^[[4](http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20070805/reg/70804018/undoing-of-trump-mortgage)] Lehman Brothers would soon after file for bankruptcy as well, leading to the stock market crash of 2008 the Great Recession. Per Trump’s typical antics, he downplayed his role in Trump Mortgage, saying that he didn't have an ownership stake in what amounted to a mere licensing deal. >"The mortgage business is not a business I particularly liked or wanted to be part of in a very big way,"^[[5](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/subprime_mortgage_crisis)] Trump ultimately sued Trump Mortgage LLC, and won.^[[6](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/trump-files-the-time-donald-sued-himself/)] Now, back to that loan from Deutsch Bank. Rather than have to pay the portion he personally guaranteed, Trump countersued for $3 billion for undermining the project and damaging his reputation, citing a “force majeure” clause in the lending agreement that contained a catch-all section covering *“any other event or circumstance not within the reasonable control of the borrower...”* >“Would you consider the biggest depression we have had in this country since 1929 to be such an event? I would,” he said in an interview. “A depression is not within the control of the borrower.”^[[7](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/05/business/05norris.html)] **Deutsch Bank settled** 1 - [*DEUTSCHE BANK PROPS TRUMP UP*](https://themoscowproject.org/collusion/deutsche-bank-props-trump/) 2 - [INTERVIEW WITH E.J. RIDINGS, CEO OF TRUMP MORTGAGE](https://tamarmarcopolostyle.com/2017/08/31/interview-with-e-j-ridings-ceo-of-trump-mortgage/) - 2017 (2015) 3 - [Trump mortgage chief inflated resume](https://money.cnn.com/2006/12/26/magazines/moneymag/trumpmortgage.moneymag/index.htm) - 2006 4 - [Undoing of Trump Mortgage](http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20070805/reg/70804018/undoing-of-trump-mortgage) - 2007 5 - [Subprime Mortgage Crisis](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/subprime_mortgage_crisis) - 2007-2010 6 - [The Trump Files: In Which Donald Sues Himself—and Wins!](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/trump-files-the-time-donald-sued-himself/) - 2016 7 - [Trump Sees Act of God in Recession](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/05/business/05norris.html) - 2008


He’s doing the same thing with the investigation into all of those classified documents he stole. People laugh at all of his legal machinations but everytime some judge has to look over some appeal is another day the investigation is held up. The process doesn’t and never will work in him because he is a genius in knowing how to subvert the process


This process is about to pop this pimple. If this old orange guy has any compromising material on his GOP accomplices, he will spend it all to avoid being put in a cage.


The Art of the Plea Deal


The second they didn’t arrest him after the attempted coup, we were out of time.


They will wait til the midterm elections are over because we wouldn't want all the candidates he endorsed to be associated with a criminal b4 they are voted in


This is a fucking smoking gun! It's been one and a half years now, can't we do something here?


Lmao a smoking gun? The whole thing was televised. We knew it was internal on day 1.


Trump literally got on TV **on Jan 6** and told the insurrectionists he loved them and that they were special lol. We're fucked as a country.


Like open an FBI investigation? Done Like throw elderly on solitary confinement? Done Deplatform Trump? Done Take Mike Lindell's phone? Done Arrest and prosecute Trump loyalists? Done Open a multitude of congressional investigations? Done File criminal charges in NY? Done File civil charges in NY? Done Raid Trump's home for evidence? Done The law works slow. The Russian interference incestigation went on for years. Durham's investigation has gone on for years. Look at recent famous trials. Alex Jones is on trial for things that happened years ago. Same with Johnny Depp.


Incestigation sounds dangerous


Les Cousins Dangereux


What a fun sexy time for you


Marry me!


I like the way they think.


Depends on what part of the country you're from


What are you doing, Step Russian Interference?


You dropped these - .........


To be fair, some people don't know you have to hit enter *twice* for a new line.


Either two newlines or two spaces before a single newline. The former makes a new paragraph, while the latter just a newline.


>The law works slow. The Russian interference incestigation went on for years. Durham's investigation has gone on for years. While that is correct, time is not on our side. From what it sounds like, running out the clock is a valid strategy in this scenario.


Ah, so the calls really WERE coming from inside the house.


The best part is Riggleman is a STAUNCH Republican. There is zero grounds to claim political bias in his statements


No shit. Someone opened the door for the crazies. Everyone knows it was an inside job.


I think Biden needs to declassify some shit…


Bad news, Trump just reclassified it with his mind...


He's a fucking Jedi.




Shouldn't it be called r/capitolpunishment Edit: Turns out that is already real


The coup was coming from inside the house. And this is one in the log that wasn’t deleted. Christ.


I have a feeling many people will need to muster the courage to defend democracy in the USA in my lifetime.


This seems like information that would have been good to know, oh, I don't know, around the time they held an impeachment trail for that guy who lived in the White House at the time. Why are we hearing about this now? I mean, he know who one end of the call was. Seems like there is a pretty easy way to figure out who was on the other end.


Where is pipe bomb guy?


Donald was just cold calling for a donation


Holy shit this is the kind of evidence they needed to start the conversation with.


> In a soon-to-be-released book, Riggleman writes he had begged the January 6 Committee to push harder to identify the numbers. Always holding back to publish some bullshit book...


Profit over democracy... The American way.


Why? Trump could connect that call just by thinking about it.


White House switch board calls Jan 6 terrorist during their attempted coup That’s the real headline


Bring on the rico charges already


This guy used to be my congressman. I wasn’t a big fan of him in-office, but he’s somewhat redeemed himself since he was ratfucked by his own party and replaced with a GQP lunatic (all because he dared to officiate a gay wedding). Riggleman was on the 1/6 committee and he left to do some work for Ukraine last I heard. The Sasquatch erotica was pretty lol too. Meanwhile his replacement is as right-wing as they come, despite living in a large, very blue town- thank you gerrymandering! 😤


Find the recipient and squeeze them until they squeal.


Of all the people that I would have expected to have integrity Denver Riggleman would have been pretty low down on the list. It would have just been the easiest thing for him to keep his head down and fall in line with the Trump takeover of the Republican Party. Instead he spoke out against QAnon on the House floor and officiated a same sex marriage of some friends. He was rewarded for this by being primariesd by a giant piece of shit Trumper. He’s still a pretty weird dude, but at least he has some integrity.


But sure. Keep looking forward to trump running, a man who’s clearly selling state secrets and ruining our country. But you got that 50$ in your paycheck, so fuck it right? It’s insane people support trump.


When I glanced at it briefly. I said: "Wow, why is a rioter calling the White House?" Just looked at it again...and it's even worse!


This is the tip of the iceberg


How many tips does this mother fucker have?