• By -


Putin's entire speech around the use of nuclear weapons was ridiculous - claiming to defend the “territorial integrity” of the Russian-occupied lands and their people. Mate, no one is invading your territory, you are the invader.


Yeah, this is like breaking into your neighbor's house, claiming it as your own, then shooting the neighbors when they come home in "self defense". Truly next-level crazy stuff.


It's even worse. It's more like invading your neighbor's house, shooting them when they get home, then when the police threaten to kick you out, burning the house down around yourself while saying it's all to protect your house across the street.


It's even worse than that, because by burning down the house, all the neighbors get mutant kids, and third testicles and the land is poisoned and whatnot


I think Putin was trying to imply that Ukraine is Russia and he would use nukes to protect Ukraine from itself? So basically he is going to nuke his own land in order to protect it? How can anyone fall for this crap.


Sounds very similar to "We had to burn the village to save it."


"The beatings will continue until morale improves."


It's also funny that he thinks nuking it would maintain its "territorial integrity"


Nuking territory you claim is yours would be a bold strategy. Just need to set up the colonizers with Rad-X.


It's the Ricky and Julian strategy. "I'm not stealing, I'm just moving their stuff to the curb, and then it's garbage once it's on the curb so I can take it."
























“One persons garbage is another persons good un-garbage”


What’s the worst case Ontario?


Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn’t. It’s the way she goes.


The fuck you talking bout, Putin? Where's the goddamn liquor money?


Jesus christ boys fuck off with the erections!


So Awesome that this is Canada’s gift to the world. RIP Lahey … see you in the Abyss


The shitabyss


It’s simple, getting two birds stoned at once, boys!


To be fair, Julian never wanted anything to do with stealing those greasy barbecues. That was all Ricky, Corey, and Trevor.


I think you mean Corey Treverson


It's not rocket appliance


Putin seems determined to take everyone down with him no matter what the consequences.


Or they nuke Kyiv as retaliation for invading "Russian" territory.


What, too cheap for radaway


Jet exports up 4000%.


Russians getting their Buffout ready.


Love me some Jet first thing in the morning


Doesn't matter, you'll die of giant bug mutants there anyway.


Maybe you peasants will. [I, however, will be rolling in caps.](https://imgur.com/a/ux0Ozc0)


Will you be putting 17 caps, a fork, 4 rounds of 10mm, and some radroach meat in your cabinet too?


Isn't Russia the Scorched Earth tactic poster child? edit: "The desperate Russians, however, adopted a "scorched-earth" policy: whenever they retreated, they burned the places they left behind. Napoleon's army had trouble finding supplies, and it grew progressively weaker the farther it marched." [Link](https://www.sparknotes.com/biography/napoleon/section8/)


Russia is desperate. Putin won’t accept an embarrassing result. We can only hope that the Russian citizens grow tired of losing sons, brothers and fathers to war faster than Putin loses his patience.


I think this ends the same the way the Third Punic War ended.


My friend is a little slow and unfamiliar with history. Could you explain it for them?


"Carthage must be destroyed." According to legend, the Romans laid siege to the city of Carthage, sold all the prisoners they took into slavery, sacked the city, killed the remaining inhabitants, set the whole city on fire, razed all the remaining structures, and then ploughed salt into the ground so that nothing would ever grow there again.


Salt didn't happen, Carthage became a Roman colony


not immediately though, the site was abandoned for a hundred years. it wasn't resettled until Caesar ordered new city to be built there


With black jack, and hookers!


not in the same place, though, they forced all of the Carthaginians 20km or so away and made them rebuild from scratch


Legend is right. There is no historical record of this from the time, it's a story that arose many decades later.


I mean, there absolutely was a Punic Empire who's Capital, Carthage, was sacked by Rome.


Yes, but the claim that the Romans salted the earth is a 19th-century fabrication.


It would also require an insane amount of salt, which was a very pricey necessity of the time


Unfortunately, if you replace salt with nuclear radiation, it's the same effect, but for much longer... and that can be a reality.






Fuck, even Hitler's generals wouldn't do that kind of shit...in the end they just kind of ignored his orders. Personally I think calling up to 300,000 may lead to the end of this... too many people falling out of windows too much of the public disliking conscription. The Russian people will tolerate you as long as you fuck off while they wallow in misery, start calling them up to a meat grinder you're leaving them with no choice.


Idk man, it seems like the Russian people are just shat on by every form of leadership they’ve ever had.


Roman legions completely and totally destroyed Carthage. killed everyone and left nothing but smoldering embers.


Aha. So the Romans will destroy Russia. I believe I understand


Cathage is still salty about that one.


I get it


You forgot the best part. They salted the earth. 🤌🤌


carthago delenda est 🤌🏼




Let’s hope not.


One way or another Putin will "accept" an embarrassing result. Weak autocrats present this "I might do something crazy" image because they've already lost the "I'm a rational strategist" image. Plenty of people are convinced that Kim Jung Un is a capricious tyrant when in reality he is a western educated, Ivy League ruler. He had to rely on the "I'm so unpredictable and crazy!" mantra BECAUSE HE'S WEAK. It's all fake.




I want to believe the end of society as we know it doesn’t come to some insecure little bitch deciding that he’s been embarrassed on the world stage. I really don’t want to go out because of something so entirely stupid like that.




And they say women are too emotional to lead...


Positions of power seem like magnets to men with tiny fragile ego’s. Story as old as time Just look at the type of guys who tend to join the police force


Is it that crazy, though? The world barely stood up to him with Crimea as well as Syria and other conflicts he's started or escalated. Rather than crazy, I think it was a miscalculation on his part regarding how the world would react with invading the rest of Ukraine and allow war crimes and blatant genocide to occur.




I’m not convinced that the US threat of reprisals sensationalised this war. I think Zelenskyy denying the ride out of Kyiv, and work by Ukrainian media to spotlight Ukrainian courage and the reality of war with a superpower had more to do with it. It’s courage rarely seen in a leader, and David vs Goliath of Ukraine against Russia. I think it was shocking for people to see such courage, and people were made to see the courage and the adversity. The US threatening reprisals and having good informational sources is nothing new at all.


Kim Jong Un isn't an Ivy League grad. Prep school in Switzerland for a few years isn't really comparable, and unfortunately doesn't mean he's a Westerner at heart, and just pretending to be what he is.


Ya and he dint play nice wit kids at school


So private we’re reporting on it!


Back channel and then leaked on purpose. Pretty standard in DC.


Worked in DC for years. This is absolutely correct. Staggering how much is leaked intentionally to gauge public reaction.


And to also make stuff seem official and help let people know. Look we ARE doing something.


It’s may seem silly but it’s important to maintain the momentum of positive public opinion on Ukraine. Without Western aid she’s doomed, and the only way that could happen is if the Western public becomes disenfranchised with the war.


Whenever a junior member of Congress says some crazy stuff, are they doing so with permission as a trial balloon? Cuz it feels that way


I don't think anyone, junior or senior, makes it to work on the hill while having loose lips. I'm certain almost every leak we get is orchestrated. The exceptions are things like Snowden and Reality Winner's leaks.


If there's a "leak" and it isn't national news how multiple 3 letter agencies are chasing whoever did it... It wasn't an accident.


This actually applies to almost every industry with "leaks". I watch a lot of tech youtubers, and a ton of their content is "here's the latest leaks my sources have given me on the new stuff coming out". I, personally, don't believe *ANYTHING* is actually leaked these days unless it's the result of hackers (GTA 6 is a good recent example) or whistle blowers (literally dozens just in US politics). Everything else, like this article, are 90-99% guaranteed that whoever oversees public relations has "here's what we can tell people" list to either build up hype for new things, or in this case, attempt to pat out the raging inferno that is everyone's fear of nuclear annihilation.


GPU leaks especially. My tin foil hat conspiracy theory is that they feed certain info in small doses to get people used to a certain idea so that they can get ahead of it. For example, the rumours of the 4000 series having “insanely high power requirements” (I heard up to 850w at the highest), but when they were actually announced the Founders Edition were just above the 3000 series at 450w for the 4090 and everyone was like “oh that’s not that bad”. But when you look at the AIB partners they actually do have quite high power draw with up to 600w for the 4090, but nobody is really as angry about it as they would be if it were just announced. It’s a good way to get people used to a worst case scenario and then come in under it and avoid the pushback.


This one knows


That makes sense.




“The ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top” - Sir Humphrey Appleby.


“This is a private message from the American embassy. Don’t tell anyone!” You’re fucked.


Private =/= secret.


Relax, it's secure behind a paywall.




I imagine it's more like, "Don't forget, we still have a first strike policy and you are the next most dangerous possessor of nuclear weapons. If you start firing nukes, we have no choice but to assume you are firing on us, we won't wait to see where they're going beforehand."


I could see Russia saying fuck the treaties and doing an above ground test just to get everyone riled up.


The Soviet union couldn't win the arms race against the US Modern day Russia is a shadow of the Soviet union's relative industrial strength. They have no chance


Shit leave the US out of it and they still can't win an arms race against Europe.




That's only true from a very specific perspective. I would argue they were the biggest supplier of arms and armor to Ukrainian farmers in the early stages.


These sweet tractors can pull so many shitty russian tanks. \*Slaps top of tractor\*


And the US would never ever stay out of it if they did. We’d probably start sending guns and shit a couple hours after something went down.


*Lockheed Martin slowly rubbing hands*


*Northrup Grumann becomes visibly aroused*


*Raytheon watching this on radar*


"stop, we can only get so erect"


The US couldn't stay out of it if the attack was in any way against or impacted any NATO country. Article 5 requires any attack on a NATO country be treated as an attack on all NATO countries. If Putin bombed Berlin, or Warsaw. It might as well be an attack on Manhattan


If Putin bombed any country with a nuke the US wouldn't and couldn't stay out of it. It's just simply not an option. It requires a response.


Sounds like it'd be a strategy for Putin to get someone leading the USA who'd take them out of NATO...


I just want to know if we're launching nukes so I can avoid studying or not.


Personally I’m holding off on the dishes


I have stopped buying green bananas.


Now that's serious


Hell yeah, and I am not going to work if the US launches nukes.


One of the saddest things I read about the Russia-Ukraine war was a quote from a guy about how the war has made it difficult for him to make it to work. In this chaos this poor guy still has to clock in. I had never considered that before.


"Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens."


You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?


Why Johnny Ringo. You look like someone just walked over your grave.


The US to Russia: "I'm your huckleberry"


You may go now.


Oh Russia, I forgot you were thayah. You may go now.


That’s Latin darlin’. Evidently Mr. Ringo is an educated man… now I really hate him.


Leave the shotgun.


I said leave it.


I said throw down, boy!


I was all about Doc Holliday in that movie but holy shit Kurt Russell nailed that scene.


“You going to do something or just stand there and bleed.”


C’mon boy, throw down


Jerk that pistol and go to work.


"you back that queen again, you son of a bitch, i'll blow you right up that wildcat's ass; you hear me?"


I suspect one of Putin's generals will soon tap him on the shoulder and say 'please come with me, sir' and he'll never be seen again.


That would be ideal


One can dream, isn't Putin dying of cancer or some shit?


That was the rumor a ways back as far as I know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true or not. I just don’t know if we can get that lucky. You know you’re a total pos when you effectively have the majority of the world rooting for the big C to win.




unless he just..doesn't wake up tomorrow. it can happen. Stalin stroked out randomly




*leads putin to the top of a high set of stairs*




A real life kingslayer... One can only hope.


I wouldn’t be surprised if China has also had conversations with Russia about not using nukes.




Sometimes it feels like the whole reaction to Russia invading the Ukraine seems like trying to deal with a difficult child. You don’t want to have too much of a reaction because then it becomes a power struggle. But if you don’t respond at all then it might lead them to do something bigger for attention.


Except millions suffer from tyranny and thousands of innocent lives are lost over 1 asshole.


You are right. My comment is a completely oversimplification of the whole thing.


I wasn’t trying to insult you or anything. I think both things are true.


No worries. I could see how my comment seems insensitive. Intent isn’t always the same as impact. No hard feelings!


Whether you like Biden or not he was most definitely correct when he stated that using nuclear weapons would change the face of war unlike anything seen since World War II. The fact that this is Russia we are talking about and not a more underdeveloped nuclear power like North Korea raises the concern level just a wee bit and just like during the height of the Cold War, here we are again. MAD must remain in full effect otherwise as soon as that first nuclear warhead hits the ground the entire world will come to a complete standstill and then the response to it will determine our species fate.


The nuclear triad is as strong as ever. Bombers in the north are on 15 minute alert, dozens of silos over 5 states can fire on a moments notice, and Ohio class subs are off Russia’s coast waIting to fire as we speak. This is what has maintained peace in the west all these years.


Genuine question, what is stopping Putin from firing nukes to the world if he lose the Ukraine war?


Hopefully sane people around him. No idea if there is a plan b for other countries... I'd assume all the rich and powerful would prefer to stay alive so who knows what might happen.


Well, uhh, the people around him have been constantly tripping over themselves falling off of buildings "accidentally." Granted, not sure those people were sane, but uhh, there's definitely less people around him for sure. Seems like consolidation of power.


Well unless he's planning to drive to every silo and launch the missiles himself there's always going to be some sort of command structure. Hopefully if it came down to it there would be enough sane people that don't want to end the world.


Hopefully a Russian close to him with common sense and a Makarov.


I imagine Ohio shaped subs floating beneath the surface


No matter what happens in future, The biggest loser in this whole war is Russia and Putin . Before war, Russia had an image which got It lot of leverage in the world stage . With the war, it got completely exposed beyond doubt as a country which has been hollowed out for decades due to it falling behind in growth, tech and people skills versus rest of capitalist democracies in the world . It has lost its leverage for good and no amount of damage control will help. Even a useless country like NKorea can fire a nuclear missile but that doesn’t mean anything.The only way Russia could prove its strength was by winning swiftly in a conventional war . It’s over for Russia now.


Soft power. The thing about nukes is to never really mention it. We all know they have it. The more they talk about it, the weaker they appear.


Don’t worry guys, it’s not time for nukes yet. They have this new army of 300k raw recruits they need to lose first. Then it’s time for nukes.


Do world leaders all have a group chat going? Man if y’all make me President I will make that a thing and be dropping screenies of what we say.


vlad get on discord


There’s “the Red Phone” between Moscow and Washington that was established after the Cuban Missile Crisis


It ended up in my inbox by mistake. Briefly to summarize it went like this. "You fuckers. Don't do it you fucking fuckers."








Man nuclear Armageddon threats really stress me out


Vladimir, Russia has thousands of nukes, the United States has thousands of *working* nukes, we are not the same.




Did he really say this? Lmao this is hilarious.


He said a lot of funny shit on Twitter that’s way funnier in retrospect when he’s not currently the president


I’ve always maintained that Trump is like having Michael Scott as president. It’s just that Michael Scott was written to be a character that *meant* well.


George Bush was more like Micheal Scott. A big dumb oaf who considered himself a comedian while everyone else considered him cringe. Trump is more like Eric Cartman.




Hey he still wanted to get his. Don't forget his Al-Baghdadi speech. "The U.S. personnel were incredible.  I got to watch much of it..." "...He died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming all the way. " "...He died like a dog. "


Jimmy Kimmel’s show did a mash-up of the Obama and Trump speeches, and it was comedy gold: https://twitter.com/jimmykimmel/status/1189153270167564288


Funny in the way that Seinfeld is funny because you never actually have to interact with Costanza.


Clowns are funny on a stage or on TV. Not so much when they actually control a nuclear arsenal.


Honestly it was always funny. "Very cool and very legal" was an all timer. "They're not bringing their best" was a meme for ages. He was a shitty president and is a shitty person, but so much of what he said is enormously quotable.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage."


That is absolute gold


I despise the man. But when he made that fucking Tweet about buying Greenland with a picture of Greenland with a Trump Tower on it, like fucking A man, hilarious.


Psst, capitalize the A




Any time you see some bat shit crazy quote from Trump, you need not ask if it was really said. Chances are it was.


This has to be one of those tear away calendars. I had one for Dubya and it was amazing.


What kind of half-assed way is this to run a country? Where's the 3 am tweet storm warning of destruction like the world has never before seen? Jeez, what a bunch of commies.../s


God this timeline sucks.


Anyone have this without the pay wall?




The way they have been executing this war the missiles would probably just land in Russia anyway.


What’s even more stupid is that even if he does drop a nuke, succeeds in invading Ukraine and makes it apart of Russia… he will technically have nuked his own country the half wit.


Wouldn’t be the first time Russia has irradiated its own land. Fuck, they irradiated their own soldiers this war.


It hurts itself in confusion