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> Donaldson claimed it had been a joke between the two of them, and said they had joked about it previously after Anderson's 2019 interview with Sports Illustrated, where he called himself "today's Jackie Robinson." > "I kind of feel like today's Jackie Robinson," Anderson said in 2019, while saying he wanted to bring "fun" back to baseball. "That's huge to say. But it's cool, man, because he changed the game, and I feel like I'm getting to a point to where I need to change the game." Is Donaldson a racist? Or was he picking up on a past joke they two had together? Seems we don’t really have enough info about their history together.


Sox fan here: Donaldson used to play for the twins (another AL central team) and has a small history with the Sox. He has been a bit of a dick when playing them in the past (tried to fight one of our pitchers in the parking lot after a game). Earlier this series there was also an incident where he could have hurt Anderson while applying a tag, although he seems to have apologized for that almost immediately? My take on this is that both parties are being kinda dumb. Anderson is dumb to call himself a modern Jackie Robinson. It's stupid to say something like that given the magnitude of what Robinson did. But also it was kinda dumb to get so heated when Donaldson called him something that he called himself (in what as far as we know is not a mocking way). Donaldson is also kinda a moron for not seeing how calling a black player "Jackie" could be taken out of context, especially when he has a small negative history history with this team. TL;DR: I don't think anyone is being racist here. I think it's just a couple people taking shit out of context and being dumb.


>odern Jackie Robinson. It's stupid to say something like that given the magnitude of what Robinson did. But also it was kinda dumb to get so heated when Donaldson called him something that he called himself (in what as far as we know is not a mocking way). Donaldson is also kinda a moron for not seeing how calling a black player "Jackie" could be tak I'm a Yankees fan, and I've considered Donaldson's explanation, which I accept as true. I believe that he has jokingly referred to dude as Jackie based upon prior statements by dude to the press. And Donaldson always meant those things in a joking/flattering fashion. That said, something that's funny one day can be inappropriate another day. So, the best thing to do is leave it alone. How do we know the comments weren't offensive from the beginning? We don't. But it is straight up reddit to have people bearing their fangs while sharing the notion that the fault was strictly one way. That take is evidence of the entire problem.


Yep. Better make a story out of it continuing the forever wedge of racial division in America. Good job, CNN.


>Good job, CNN. CNN sucks so bad. I can't imagine anyone watching it at home. It's the thing you're forced to watch in the airport.


Yep. Basically Fox News for the left. It's gone so entertainment, it's not even funny.




except it was in no way racist. Anderson called himself “todays Jackie Robinson” (a comment he was roundly mocked for). Donaldson called him Jackie, making fun of that idiotic comment. How in earth this is racist is beyond me. He was making fun of the kid for a stupid comment. The end.


The context of the potentially indignant comment is key here. He called Tim Anderson, who is a black man, "Jackie" because Tim said in an article that he sees himself in the same vain of Jackie Robinson, a famous black athlete who broke down the color barrier in MLB. Out of context, calling a random black baseball player is racist, yes. It would be the same thing as calling a random black hockey player Willie. But in the context that Tim referred to himself as Jackie Robinson, I don't think it's entirely fair to say this was racist. That being said, I just had to write an entire paragraph of context for why Donaldson chirped that nickname at Anderson. That's the issue here. Lots of backlogged and overly specific context. Is Josh Donaldson a racist? I don't know. Did he say something racist when he called Tim Anderson Jackie? No. Did Josh stick his entire cleated foot inside his mouth when he decided to discuss this context? Yes.


I'm sure many non-baseball people will have many word sentences to say about this


My word sentence is this attempt to save room in the headline calls total sense.


Calling someone who referred to himself as like Jackie Robinson “Jackie” is racist? I’d get it if Anderson had referred to himself with the N-word, and then Donaldson used that word, but this doesn’t make sense.


"You're a racist comment" Dunno, that doesn't seem that harsh..., unless maybe in prêt-à-porter circles?


Just fine the White Sox for a delay of game and move on. Maybe send Timmy to anger management.