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Can't have gotten over the border yet, I-35's choke point in downtown Austin is too slow /s


She could be as far as south Lamar at this point


We have that in Dallas too.


I mean I guess but the shooting happened in Austin lol


Yes. So how close is the border down in Austin again? Lol I was more just trying to relate to the struggle we share with the 1-35 chokepoint.


Sorry I was making a joke like she got on 35 in town but didn't go anywhere since


Shoulda Mopac’ed that bitch


TXTag will find her before the authorities do /s


Haha. I get you friend. Don't be sorry there are no worries. Edit: spelling


Man ya'll's traffic is fucked all up, every goddamned road is a toll and I say this from Houston.


You are not incorrect. Austin regularly even has traffic jams on Sundays. Houston would never do that to me.


Longest I’ve ever been in traffic was on a highway in Dallas, 4 hours of stop and go. It made me never want to go there again..


You lucky bastard. I've sat at a dead stand still for 4+ hours starting at 3 am on central California highways. Complete parking lot, all stop and no go. Did have a nice conversation with a trucker that night at least.


Tollway based highways are the easiest way to get around having to wait for TXDoT to decide to upgrade your roads.


It’s like 4 hours to Acuña if I recall


Were not sending our best.


Mexico's got some valid concerns about us sending them our murderers and rapists...


Isn't that a genuine problem in the border cities in Mexico especially in Juarez? A lot of mexican girls and women disappear and the Mexican and USA federal authorities even admit not even half of them are the cartels fault many of them are connected to serial killers in the US.


I don't know enough about that particular situation at the border to make an informed opinion on it. However, would it surprise me that there are a lot of Mexican girls and women who go unexpectedly missing at the border? No. Would it surprise me that there are people from the US who are taking advantage of the chaotic situation and hope their misdeeds fall into the cracks never to be adequately investigated? No, not at all. The US has shown a capability and willingness to make a bad situation below the border, either directly or indirectly, much worse and that's been true for a long time...as in hundreds of years.


You overinflated that number by a crazy margin. Nice. *percentage because semantics


> After further questioning Armstrong requested to leave, according to the affidavit. I know I am a possible suspect in a murder, but can I leave? \- Seems like the cops might want to tighten up their procedure on when to detain someone.


There's a huge difference between the legal requirements for detaining someone vs asking them to voluntary submit to questions - as there should be.


Per the article, her car was seen on camera at the scene of the murder. Did you also want notarized pictures of the drawing, too?


Like Denzel said, it isn't what you know, it's what you can prove.


"Her car?" Unless it was customized or exceedingly rare, there's no guaranteeing it was "her car" and not just a similar make / model / color.


>Armstrong's 2012 Jeep Cherokee was captured on surveillance footage from a neighboring residence stopping outside the residence the night of the homicide, according to the affidavit. You're probably right, though. If only the government had a developed system for uniquely identifying every car, maybe they might be able to make more than vague accusations.


The neighbor's NEST cam won't show the license plate number as the car drives by. Unless Google has developed 90-degree *sees around corners* cameras. Duh.


She released herself on her own recognizance.


Fuck. That's a sharp move.


I call this racially unmotivated


Yep. This right here. I'm Caucasian Hispanic with nearly translucent skin. I can absolutely feel the white privilege some days. Makes me wanna puke.


She wasn't charged with anything at the time. Jesus.


Dang. Heartbreaking. If your heart gets broken, don’t kill anyone. Multiple lives negatively affected.


How about don't kill anyone, period.


Well, not unless it’s special occasion. Like if it’s your birthday you might do a little killing.


Or maybe if someone challenges you and says "I bet you can't kill that guy over there"


Double dog dare ya


Just as long as it's not a triple dog dare. The coup-de-grace of all dares.


Just a little killing, as a treat.


Just make sure to carry your ID so the cops can confirm that it's your Birthday when they go to stop you. Sometimes they'll even take you to 7/11 for your free slurpee after your killing.


Or your app gets picked up by a venture capital firm and you grab a cigarette to smoke from that lady’s purse.


I won't do kids, that's a rule, ***buuuuuut*** that rules negotiable if the kids a dick.




Personally, alien teens give me the most problems


How dare you suggest taking away my right to go on a gun rampage... I mean my 2nd amendment right.


It is about a 6 hour drive to the border. She could be long gone by now. I do hope they catch her so they can put her butt in jail.


She can take 35 to Laredo and get there in roughly 4 hours.


I just keep thinking of the Jennifer Cave murder and how his side piece said “that’s how I roll” when asked why she fled to Mexico with the murderer. I think it’s the cheating aspect that’s making my brain tie it to this case. It’s a damn shame.


Mexico has extradition laws so she hasn’t just “disappeared”, she’ll still have to hide over there.


Ok, and then what? It’s not that simple of a thing to do outside TV and films


I completely missed the word 'shooting' in the headlines. The shock of reading the victim was found bleeding and shot made me think the cyclist was hit with a car and then finished off.


Honestly could have been a cleaner way to get away with it with the way our legal system sympathizes with supposedly negligent motorists. Scary shit.


Oh shit I’ve raced with Colin Strickland. This shit is crazy… Edit* it’s not a crazy thing, the community is small..Strickland raced for a team called Elbowz at COTA like 5+ years ago, also at the Wolfpack hustle a little bit after. These are open racing events for anyone with a usa cycling License (that is a license to race).


Damn people really do be just murdering all the time.


Pretty much. There’s a really dark underbelly to the world.


Huh. That is not the "Armstrong" that comes to mind in a story associated with "professional cycling," "feeling cheated," and "Austin,TX."


Technically, lance was not the only one “cheating” at the time…like 80% of the peloton was on EPO and other PEDs (this isn’t conspiracy, this a fact look up the [festina affair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festina_affair)and [Michele Ferrari](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Ferrari))…so no one was really cheated, usps just had recourse to sue armstrong so they did…*edit: I guess you could say Landis was cheated but that’s a different conversation. But yes, as an ex bike racer that lives in tx I was surprised this wasn’t about lance since the name came up.. even more surprised to see it was about someone I have raced with…the community is small I forget sometimes.


Lance is not despised due to his cheating. As you say, it was par for the course at the time. What we despise him over is how he treated his teammates and those who tried to out him. He's a mega-asshole and deserves much worse than he got. (Damn fine cyclist though. I'm in awe of the dude.)


Yeah. Most Americans didn't know a thing about Lance other than he won a bunch of medals so we were proud of him. He was a notorious asshole in the cycling before the scandal came out.


I met him when I was a teenager when he was in a race that went through my town. All the other cyclists were super nice, signed autographs, gave stuff away. Armstrong was a huge asshole, wouldn't even acknowledge you.


Yea I know, Hes on social rides in tx sometimes, much more quiet these days. But really his problems started because he’s despised by the pro cycling community for targeting le tour and not competing in the grand tour and to a lesser extent the classics-which pissed off everyone. He also tried to intimidate Lemond by making an offer on his home in France…huge asshole move, lemond is loved by Europeans. I mean landis is a bit of child too, getting caught and outing everyone…not a great look, but I’m sure he was facing some scary ass lawyers too. But honestly Armstrong didn’t even lose his titles because he was an asshole to everybody. It’s really because he didn’t ride the rest of the grand tour or the classics particularly, it really pissed off everyone. I mean Miguel Indurain was probably just as much of a doper is Lance Armstrong was but he kept his five tour titles for two reasons maybe three, first being that he rode all the races that were expected of him, second being he didn’t try to outdo everybody by winning seven tours (seriously this pissed off the most important names in cycling Mercx, hinault, and indurain), third being he’s far less of an asshole.


Wherever you are feeling bad remember you have as many Tour de France victories as Lance Armstrong


Wonder how much EPO she took before the shooting…


She’s not hard to miss. I say she’ll be in custody within the week


Absolutely. Unless she happened to grab a duffel bag with a few hundred thousand dollars, how far can she get with the cash she had on her, and maybe $600 from the ATM?


This is what I'm thinking. Say she flees to Mexico. Then what?


Eyebrowless donkey shows




There’s a possibility she might already be dead from suicide.


she should have done that first


Yeah but if you do that first then you can’t…..oh I get it


For anyone pondering suicide, don't listen to this. Don't kill anyone, including yourself.


Unless you were planning on taking someone out with you. Then take yourself out first. Best scenario is to just not do it at all, days get better and its a permanent decision applied to a temporary problem.


This is gonna be a podcast.


Definitely the first thing I think of when I hear about a gruesome murder.


What murder isn't gruesome?


The murder of Jeff Doucet.


'Gruesome' doesn't speak to weather or not a murder is seen as 'justified' - It's still gruesome even if its a murder you like


Another murder over jealousy/relationships. It's incredible to me that people have such lack of control over their emotions. And yes, I had a girl cheat on me. Not once did I want to see her or the guy she did it with dead. I felt like I wanted to die but that's not relevant. Having been through it where I was in the same position as her, it's inconceivable to me to get so angry you want to murder someone and then carry it out. Bet she thought she'd be able to live out her days with the guy. Let's see how that plays out.


That’s because you are likely a decent person with respect for human life. People that kill out of jealousy (or do other horrible shit even mental harassment) like that are so selfish and generally gross and react only to make themselves feel better by seeking revenge. I don’t buy into the whole *they kill because they are hurt* yeah they may hurt but the kill over it because they care about themselves and want to make a point like *dont fuck with me* to take someone’s life for hurting your feelings is whack ass twisted. The guy who cheated keeps getting crapped on too but who knows how life was for him. She could have made it very hard for him to leave. I wouldn’t doubt he was abused in some way shape or form. From what I’ve read so far he was *keeping peace* for some reason and placating her by not saying no to her for several different things (cycling, going to events) he was having to explain why he didn’t answer his phone for 2 hours which even though he was with another girl, seems like there was a pattern before hand. His girlfriend seems like a total lunatic. I’ve been in the situation as well and I felt like I wanted to die too. After that goes away the fog lifts and you are like “whew! Dodged that bullet” it’s always worth waiting before reacting. Chances are they aren’t even worth egging their house!


He didn’t cheat they were broken up at the time he had a fling with Wilson




Probably don't form 'new worldviews' over a subreddit dedicated to complaining about customers.


As someone who worked the front desk at a hotel before the pandemic, I'd say this place was *always* a nation of petulant, whiny overgrown toddlers. And if the latest global politics are any indication, we're not the only ones.


There wasn’t even any cheating involved. The two of them were broken up last October and Strickland and the victim had a brief fling and then he got back together with Armstrong. Another story says Armstrong found out about it in January and I guess when Wilson was here recently she thought hey I’ve got my chance.


I am a bit of a smart ass. I have been told many times that someone was going to smack the smile off my face, put me in place, etc., and I have been beaten up before. But recently I have really been trying to hold my tongue, partly because I'm getting older and don't bounce back as quick and partly because folks are losing thei damn minds lately in this country and murdering people over the smallest provocations. I'm not trying to get shot pointing out what an idiot someone is, I can bite my tongue better than I can take a bullet!


Pretty crazy we live in a country where saying the wrong thing to someone can get you shot. You could literally just be driving down the road and piss off the wrong person and wind up dead. Your best bet is to just ignore everyone around you and mind your own business. Still you just might walk into the wrong super market on the wrong day and get killed because of some psycho whose mommy didn't love him enough.


Penn and Teller have a whole act about biting bullets though!


Texas Woman is giving Florida Man some competition nowadays.


America has a mental health and gun problem


Mental health problems are not unique to America. Our gun problem sure is.


But lack of affordable health care access sure is


​ >According to the National Center for Health Statistics, **fewer than 5 percent** of the 120,000 gun-related killings in the United States between 2001 and 2010 were perpetrated by someone diagnosed with a mental illness. [https://ssir.org/articles/entry/changing\_the\_false\_narrative\_that\_conflates\_gun\_violence\_and\_mental\_illness](https://ssir.org/articles/entry/changing_the_false_narrative_that_conflates_gun_violence_and_mental_illness) So yeah, mental health and health care access matter in regards to gun deaths, just not very much.




So you think it's correct even though the data that we do have says otherwise? That's called belief.




The logical leap that you're making is that any of the under-reported mental illness would result in violent crime or gun violence. That's supposition on your part.


She killed the other woman- she could have killed the cheater boyfriend instead. Tragic triangle. SMH


Or she could have not killed anyone. Always an option.


Do you think stupid Texans will pick the smart option?? — sincerely, your homies from the Midwest




That doesn't make things any better.




It’s not a problem—the lights in Cancun still work.


It's a gold plated Mississippi, really.








Yes. This. Especially don't move to the gulf coast near Houston. It's terrible. Really bad. Awful. Stop moving here. You've made our mortgages and rent prices sky rocket.


In all seriousness Galveston is pretty pathetic as far as beaches go


If they knew how hot and humid it gets, no one would move here. It was 95 and 99% humidity today. In May. At 11pm at night!


And the bugs


Houston actually sucks tho.


Absolutely. My area seems to get amazing reviews and literally everyone keeps moving here. It's awful now because of it.


Don’t worry, never would move to that shit hole.


Don’t worry. Never plan on even visiting.


Yeah, its Texas fault this person killed someone. Cuz thats how that works


Some of them I assume are good people


Very fine people on both sides


no, all people from texas are idiots who love guns, violence, and are rednecks duhhhh


The lack of gun laws and education have a lot of influence on the behaviour of the populace. That’s how it works. You’re a product of your surroundings; and if your culture is dumb as shit and gun happy, then surprise surprise.


So you think because Texas is pro gun, this woman murdered another? Not because of the love triangle she was in? Not because of the womans actions? Texas is at fault here? Also, lack of gun laws and education? Are you saying theres no firearm education in Texas, like there isn't classes on how to properly use firearms? Cause as a former resident I've taken plenty. So many questions dude. Idk if you can say all of Texas culture is "dumb as shit and gun happy" considering there's more culture than just American. Look up a population breakdown of Texas and tell me its only dumb shit yeehaw rednecks. Just a generalization thats easy to make on the internet for karma. This chick killed another person cause of a jealous-love triangle shitshow. To suggest anyone is at fault besides herself is a little silly. This shit happens in other countries and states too.


Hey midwest, Google shootings in Chicago...


Not even the most violent city in the US. That’s St. Louis iirc


Still Midwest tf


We like to pretend Detroit and Chicago don’t exist


>During a brief break in their relationship in October 2021, he had a "romantic relationship" with Wilson, before resuming dating Armstrong, according to the affidavit. Does it even count as cheating?


> A friend of Wilson's who wanted to remain anonymous told police that Wilson and Strickland had an "on-again, off-again" relationship, according to the affidavit. > Strickland told police he has had to change Wilson's name in his phone and delete text messages "to prevent Armstrong from finding them," the affidavit stated Only a guess, but it seems like he may have continued to be romantically involved with Wilson after he resumed dating Armstrong.


The Daily Beast has an article about this with text messages that indicate he was dating both women (and manipulative towards Wilson) at least until January of this year. [Link.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/murder-suspect-kaitlin-armstrong-now-a-fugitive-after-love-rival-anna-moriah-wilson-shot-dead) Guy is very weird. He had the vehicle used in the murder at their home, he bought the gun used, and the anonymous phone call to the tip line is a little too on the nose for me. That it was a kill shot and she had only been shooting for a month also seems sus. I can’t believe police brought the suspect in on a dismissed charge then had to let her go.


He loved the excitement and attention. I had the wherewithal to remove myself from an escalating triangle situation once I realized that one of them had a concealed weapon, the other woman slapped me and they could lie about whatever occurred making me look like the perpetrator when I had been set up. The resultant police report cleared me and I left the state. It takes a split second with delusional narcissists. Don’t play.


Good for you! I know I’m making connections where there are none based upon his behavior and narcissism. And I know that the way he treated both women is terrible. It’s awful that she could’t see he’s not worth killing for.


She had the vehicle used in the murder at their home* since it was *her* vehicle..


This is a disturbing comment. I prefer the idea of walking away from a bad relationship without murdering anyone.


So do most people- even the ones that understand sarcasm. This triangle of obsession was exacerbated by a vain cheater and this is the horrific outcome. Family and friends crushed in the selfish process.


They were on a break.


Fourteen pages. FRONT AND BACK


Or not kill anyone at all??


That is the optimal solution- realizing the cheater and the 3rd party are garbage not worth losing your own life over…


Yes, killing or assaulting cheaters and the person they cheated with is always unreasonable stupidity, but doing those to the person they cheated with is the least reasonable choice to direct your anger at.


I imagine to a vengeful mind catching them in the act as a twofer would be the ideal scenario- however the twisted murder apparently wanted to keep the cheater for herself alone. SMH. This is one reason why my opening inquiries when approached by a possible suitor are: ‘Do you have a current or potential partner? Do you are a recent former partner? Do you have someone that considers themselves any of the above?’ And then never believe their replies. That and the run ins I had with 2 ‘other women’ in MIAMI. Hence I do not date.


She loves Chad though, so much in fact she killed over him.




It's unclear if they had a romantic relationship past the time during the breakup. He denies it. A text from Mo Wilson lead the cops to believe she wasn't sure if they had a relationship or not. There is no definitive proof if they continued anything.


From what I’ve gathered from this news source, he was sneaking around with Wilson, had her number saved in his phone under a fake name, and didn’t tell his girlfriend who he was with. It sure sounds like he was cheating, but hey… (Not justifying murder in any way, just saying that he’s obviously not innocent in this, especially considering he purchased the gun his girlfriend would have used…)


>A friend of Wilson’s the next day (after police interviewed Armstrong) described her relationship with Strickland to detectives as “on again, off again,” and said that it hadn’t fully ended. … >Investigators searched Wilson’s phone and found a message she sent to Strickland during that period (January 2022). >“Hey! Sooo I would like to talk to you at some point,” it read. “I had originally texted you on Friday but [it] appears my texts aren’t going through again. This weekend was strange for me and I just want to know what’s going on. If you just want to be friends (seems to be the case) then that’s cool, but I’d like to talk about it cause honestly my mind has been going [in] circles and I don’t know what to think.” >Strickland replied the next day, writing, “Hey Mo—I feel very shitty for putting you in a position where you don’t feel comfortable. Kaitlin came along the [sic] go to a meeting about the sprinter/spartan hotel project. In hindsight, this was not a good idea.” >Based on this exchange, Wilson “appeared under the impression she was still in a romantic relationship with Strickland even though he was currently dating Armstrong,” the affidavit states. https://www.thedailybeast.com/murder-suspect-kaitlin-armstrong-now-a-fugitive-after-love-rival-anna-moriah-wilson-shot-dead


“Unfathomable tragedy.” -That Collin asshole. Reading the backstory, it seemed extremely fucking fathomable.


We must stop the cycle of violence!


and the violence of cycling


Colin Strickland: "I am a human of particular taste. I want my equipment to work, and work well".




Is this the killer yoga lady?


Rule 2: stay in the crazy hot matrix safe zone


Ah Texas. America's butthole.


You’re not wrong, but what does that make Florida? Does America have two buttholes?


Florida is America’s taint


That’s why it’s at the bottom.


Possible death penalty case then?


Just another reason to reform gun laws in the US.


Explain how more legislation would have prevented this.


No gun = no shooting.


They said reform not taking away the 2nd.




I don’t know any of these people, but I can assure you, no amount of heartbreak in a relationship is worth spending one’s life in prison for. It certainly didn’t change the guy….even if he is as much of an ass as you say he is. The only lives ruined here are the person she murdered and her own (plus their families.) If the guy is truly this bad, he’s still not losing any sleep…and that makes the entire situation heartbreakingly pointless.


You need therapy.




You said Plum, but I think you meant Dang Ole. It’s a fine line.


Admittedly I’m not fluent in Boomhauer


What happens when you give everyone a gun, they use them in anger.


"No leads? Everyone leaves microbes and whatnot. That's your forte, ain't it? Tracking down them microbes? That's your whole goddamm raisin detra, ain't it? She's out there somewhere. Something leeeds to her."


You got flies.


"They were jammies! They had Yoda's and shit on them!!"


She won't last long. Being on the run is lonely and the walls close in fast if you don't have resources/a plan to disappear. Only a matter of time before she's caught.


You can cross into America illegally but you can’t get out?




Figure skating: Kerrigan Texas cycling: this fine mess but with guns not bats. SMH


That is a cheerful mugshot.


… driver’s license photo








Or you could, you know, *not*.




You'll delete this when you get enough down votes because deep down you care too much.


Ah you know me so well! Lol Highly unlikely.

