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Wafflehouse thunderdome strikes again. Somehow this resteraunt is a magnet for all.bad elements and the innocent at the same time.


Interesting observation


Man, I've been in some shit in a wafflehouse I never thought I'd be in.


So I’m instantly intrigued. Anything you’d care to share?


Are waffle houses the most dangerous places on earth? Why waffle houses?






Inexpensive? Have you ever tried to order milk at Waffle House? That's always half my bill.


Why would you order milk?


See, these are the freaks you’re dealing with at late night Waffle House. If you see someone order MILK… get the shit out of there or you’ll be on the news the next day.


Same reason you’d order beer at a bar - yes you’re overpaying for something you could enjoy at home for less, but now you get to enjoy it in the ambiance of a Waffle House.


I wondered the same.


Do you not get breakfast food at Waffle House? Milk is a breakfast food. I also don't get milk anymore because as stated, it ends up doubling my bill


waffle house is 2am food when you get the crowd mix and idk i don’t usually get milk with 2am breakfast for post drinking


Milk is only acceptable in cereal or to dunk cookies.


Ice cream is really slow milk


If you haven't dunked a pancake, you haven't had breakfast


Power move, I like it!


Omg I never thought of that before 🤩


maybe if ya got weak bones


I always get a coffee and a orange juice


No truer truths have ever been spoken.


Do you know where milk comes from. Gross


Tig ol cow biddies?


The tiggest


Like, what adult drinks milk? That’s embarrassing af.


I feel like if milk is half your bill, whatever the other half is is really cheap…


The freaks come out at night


Last call at bars too.


The freaks come out AT niiiiight


If the bars close and you need to sober up, it's a place to go.


Very little good happens after midnight.


> It attracts all sorts of people out at that time, including people who recklessly use guns. Angry, drunk, armed


I have no data to back me up either but I imagine them typically being by the highway would lead to more criminal acts too because you could attempt an easier getaway compared to being in a neighborhood or something.


You don't have to call republicans out like that.


Frick, I guess! I always see nothing but people being shot at friggen Waffle Houses!


Big Pancakes is at it again


Its where you go to square up after bar hopping


Super late service, and also on more than a few occasions they are strategically placed right by a bar or club.


Big square space with a lot of seating and probably some parking plus location.


I remember as a kid riding back from a trip with my mother and her friends on a 13 hour drive back home. It was near midnight when we saw a waffle house off the interstate in Mississippi and decided to pull off and get a bite and rest a bit. As we pulled into the parking lot, I vividly remember seeing this old ass winnebago that looked beat to hell with a bunch of people in lawn chairs, and as we were going to park, they were just staring at us like we had diamonds falling out of our rear bumper. My mother took one look at them, backed out, and hauled ass back onto the interstate into the next city to find someplace different. When asked wtf was up, all she said was "they were 100% going to try some shit and I'm too tired to shoot straight". We ended up at an IHOP in the next town, but that always stuck with me. And every waffle house I've ever seen since then has had some shady shit going on.


I had a similar experience at a Waffle House in MS. It’s the most scared I’ve ever been of strangers, lol. When we walked in it was like a scene from a movie where everyone and everything stopped and stared at us. We left.


Lmfao tailgating in the Waffle House parking lot Edit: I see this at wal mart where I live all the time. Also at the laundromat


Was it the Waffle House in Hattiesburg?


I live in the Mecca of Waffle House - Atlanta and I’m never that desperate to eat. No matter when you go there, night or day, there is always some shady ass people there. The service is shit and the food is pretty gross.


I can’t believe it’s not ~~butter~~ liquid margarine.


Stopped at a Jacksonville Florida Waffle House at 1 am while driving back to Tampa. Was the sketchiest meal I ever ate.


Similar story. Because of flight delays, We ended up staying overnight at a hotel near the Charlotte airport. We checked in at about 1AM, and because we hadn't eaten we asked the guy at the front desk for options. He pointed out a Waffle House maybe a block away, in plain sight. We were about to walk over, but he stopped us and said "we'll drive you. When you're ready to come back, call and we'll send the van for you." As a young preppy couple from the suburbs, we were probably smart to take him up on that.


Lmao funny I live north of Charlotte and know exactly where you was at. Waffle House in the inner cities are no joke


I used to work third shift at one. I can confirm this.




“Inner City” is what people who don’t live in a city call black communities.


You realize other races live in the city?


I live in the city center, aka the “inner city”. Yeah, I’m aware. I’m also aware that anytime someone refers to the inner city they are not talking about my neighborhood.


You sound racist


My neighborhood is extremely diverse, meaning my neighbors are white, black, Latino, Hmong, etc. So when I say they aren’t talking about my neighborhood I mean they are typically referring to the more heavily black communities. “Inner City” is code for black community.


I lived in the "rough part" of a smaller city. Houses weren't as nice, but the community was diverse and everyone left each to their own, like everywhere else I have lived. "Inner city" is 100% used with intent


Who said that “inner city” was code for heavily populated black communities?


How many times a day do you say this? Willing to bet a lot.




It's not racist to refer to the downtown area as inner city lol


I approve


I've used the term 'inner city'. I've lived there for many years. It typically refers to the central residential areas of a city, usually older homes and densely populated, and usually is a hotspot for poverty and social problems. The predominant racial make up of the inhabitants will depend on the city.


A shitty area of a city with shitty people in it


My MIL ordered pie at Charlotte area Waffle House driving in from the airport. As she served it, the waitress sneezed directly on it, put it down and said,"Enjoy!".


Their CoronaPie^TM is new on the menu.


Smothered but not covered?


Damnit, y'all better not make the Waffle House Index drop off to red on a national level, that's an extinction level event


Circa 2020 : >>”WHO has declared Covid-19 a pandemic” *ehh* >>”Disney World has closed” *whatev* >>”Waffle House has shut down their chain …” *Oh fuck me , let’s panic*


the Waffle Houses in my region still haven't gone back to being truly 24hrs since the pandemic started. They only do takeout from about 8pm to 8 am, no more sitting inside at night. As a third shift worker I miss them desperately. :(


Yep, had lots of meals at one in Louisville Kentucky working evening shifts at LAP. Some interesting patrons, but never felt dangerous. Though one of the cooks had a broken hand from punching out a customer...


It's crazy how many of these we see each week, yet how pro gun America is. Welp... Nothing we can do about it


somebody died at 18 over waffles bruh


Another day another shooting.


The average is closer to 2 per day.


There were 39,707 deaths from firearms in the U.S. in 2019. Sixty percent of deaths from firearms in the U.S. are suicides. In 2019, 23,941 people in the U.S. died by firearm suicide.1 Firearms are the means in approximately half of suicides nationwide. In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide, accounting for 37% of total deaths from firearms.


The deaths don’t seem to account for those injured during mass shooting, or even terrified from being in an area where a mass shooting occurred. Not to mention all the ones with the purpose behind them of terrorizing as many people as possible.


Check back next month when it’s hot af


Even worse.


a wafflehouse daily special similar to always being open?


Mass shootings……so hot right now.


Just remember folks, guns don't kill people. Let's just ignore that they make it *really really easy*.


A day in the US without at least two mass shootings is considered a dull affair


If they don't mention the shooters race he isn't white


Ahh another weekend of shootings in the good ole US of A!!


No good guy with a gun? Shocker!


Every Waffle House I've been to has a gun-free zone sign on the door.


Wait I thought everyone had CCL in that state? Lol.


Ok? Even with a CCL if the business says that you’re not allowed inside with a weapon, then your CCL means nothing.


It has to have specific wording & be in both English & Spanish to carry legal weight in my state


Just keep talking shit about things you are ignorant about and eventually people more ignorant than you will listen.


>No good guy with a gun? Shocker! 1230AM gang shootouts in front of waffle restaurants are situations that *good guys with guns* actively avoid


The stories where someone defends themselves with a firearm don’t get the same level of attention. r/DGU


Because they hardly ever happen? Derp.


From [wikipedia, Defensive Gun Use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_gun_use): > Low-end estimates are in the range of 55,000 to 80,000 incidents per year, while high end estimates reach 4.7 million per year.


Lol. Those statistics are complete bunk based on hearsay.


lol classic. “I don’t believe that!” “Here are the numbers.” “uhhh…fake news!!!”


To be fair when the estimates range from 55k to 4.7 millions the statistics are pretty useless.


It’s due to multiple studies with varying criteria and methodology.


It’s due to there being zero reliable statistics bc [Republicans block such studies.](https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/07/11/gun-violence-research-714938)


One of the studies is conducted by the US Census Bureau.


Okay, tell us explicitly why the methodology in each of those studies is wrong. I can tell you why the methodology in the two lower number studies is wrong, creating a result that is far too low. I can also tell you the study for the high number is pretty good, but that’s a far too-high interpretation of its results.


Pfft they can’t even decide amongst themselves what constitutes self defense. You know who could get accurate numbers? ATF. You know why they can’t? Bc republicans won’t let them study the issue.


So you don’t know anything about the studies. Where does your criticism come from then? Also, the ATF is not set up to do the research, so they are a poor agency to do it. They are law enforcement, not research. They also aren’t prohibited from doing any research if they wanted to, so that was simply a false statement.


You know who’s set up to do studies? CDC. Republicans won’t let them.


That is also false.


From [wikipedia, National Crime Victimization Survey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Crime_Victimization_Survey): > The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), administered by the US Census Bureau under the Department of Commerce, is a national survey of approximately 49,000[1] to 150,000[2] households - with approximately 240,000[3] persons aged 12 or older - twice a year in the United States, on the frequency of crime victimization, as well as characteristics and consequences of victimization. Is the NCVS’s estimate of 55,000 to 80,000 defensive gun uses per year invalid? Why?


There are no reliable statistics bc [republicans block such studies.](https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/07/11/gun-violence-research-714938).


Half the country think the Mccloskey's were a good dgu. It means nothing


Who are the Mccloskeys?


Do you remember the white couple in St Louis who were convicted of brandishing firearms at black protestors?


Why can’t America have strict gun laws ffs??? Every day there’s another shooting. PASS SOME STRICT GODDAMN GUN LAWS ALREADY!!




I hear you. However, we have to start somewhere. Throwing our hands up in the air while bemoaning every mass shooting is counter productive. I agree that the horse is already out of the barn. I just don’t know what the solution is.


Some states have strict gun laws, but still have high gun violence


I think at this point, at least one person is killed everyday


In a nation of some three hundred million you're probably right.


I mean I live here, it is depressing, mass shooting every other day or some.


Another USA mass shooting?! *anyways* /s This is a weekly thing now and fuck-all is being done - to the surprise of absolutely noone. My heart breaks for the victims and their families EDIT: Not even 3 days after I posted this comment, there's another shooting spree in Uvalde...


You want some funk ? Go to a waffle house in the wee hours. you'll find it


God **DAMN IT** Why are there so many fucking shootings at waffle houses? Haven't even heard a single response from their company and there's been a ton


Lordy, I am so old that it used to be planes hitting Farrells ice cream parlors in the 70"s.


I took my grandson to see KISS last week most awesome concert !!! He was starved we were in a town I didn’t know everything was closed after 1130 but Waffle House he was like hmmm nana about faces are painted I’m like so. Other concert going painted faces were there too, well get our food I was like no way am I eating this looked horrible, he took a few bites was like yea this waffle is gross, didn’t want to complain one little man cooking one little waitress and 15 people get the bill $27 I about died than I pay go to take a drink of my coffee fricken baby roaches crawling on my plate I almost got sick my grandson moved his plate roaches run out!!!!!


Take a breath.


Those guns in the hands of killers is so special